Annotation Interface ResponseFilter

Method annotation for a response filter. A response filter is called after a request has been sent and the response received. Possible parameter types are:
  • HttpRequest or MutableHttpRequest, to access the request
  • HttpResponse or MutableHttpResponse, to access the response
  • A Throwable type, to handle an error. If there is an error in the downstream filters, it is processed by the upstream response filters. Any response filter that does not declare a Throwable parameter of a matching type is skipped. If instead there is no downstream error, those response filters with a Throwable parameter are skipped, unless the parameter is Nullable. Note that for server filter execution, exceptions are transformed into non-exceptional responses with an error status code, between each filter.
  • A @Header, @QueryValue or @CookieValue parameter
  • A MutablePropagatedContext to modify the propagated context
  • A RouteMatch or RouteInfo of the route that handled this request. Note: Unless the parameter is marked as Nullable, the filter method will not match for requests that do not match a route (e.g. static resources). This parameter is only supported on the server.
The return value may be:
  • void or null to immediately continue execution, without changing the response
  • An updated HttpResponse
  • A Publisher (or other reactive type) that produces any of these return types, to delay further execution
Jonas Konrad
  • Field Details

  • Element Details

    • value

      String[] value
      The patterns this filter should match
    • patternStyle

      FilterPatternStyle patternStyle
      The style of pattern this filter uses
    • patterns

      @AliasFor(member="value") String[] patterns
      Same as value().
      The patterns
    • methods

      HttpMethod[] methods
      The methods to match. Defaults to all