Interface BeanContext

All Superinterfaces:
AnnotationMetadataResolver, ApplicationEventPublisher<Object>, AttributeHolder, AutoCloseable, BeanDefinitionRegistry, BeanLocator, Closeable, ConversionServiceProvider, ExecutionHandleLocator, LifeCycle<BeanContext>, MutableAttributeHolder
All Known Subinterfaces:
ApplicationContext, ConfigurableApplicationContext, ConfigurableBeanContext, InitializableBeanContext
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultApplicationContext, DefaultBeanContext

The core BeanContext abstraction which allows for dependency injection of classes annotated with Inject.

Apart of the standard jakarta.inject annotations for dependency injection, additional annotations within the io.micronaut.context.annotation package allow control over configuration of the bean context.

Graeme Rocher
  • Method Details

    • getContextConfiguration

      @NonNull @NonNull BeanContextConfiguration getContextConfiguration()
      Obtains the configuration for this context.
      The BeanContextConfiguration
    • getEventPublisher

      @NonNull default <E> @NonNull ApplicationEventPublisher<E> getEventPublisher(@NonNull @NonNull Class<E> eventType)
      Obtain an ApplicationEventPublisher for the given even type.
      Type Parameters:
      E - The event generic type
      eventType - The event type
      The event publisher, never null
    • inject

      @NonNull <T> T inject(@NonNull T instance)
      Inject an existing instance.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The bean generic type
      instance - The instance to inject
      The instance to inject
    • createBean

      @NonNull default <T> T createBean(@NonNull @NonNull Class<T> beanType)
      Creates a new instance of the given bean performing dependency injection and returning a new instance.

      Note that the instance returned is not saved as a singleton in the context.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The bean generic type
      beanType - The bean type
      The instance
    • createBean

      @NonNull <T> T createBean(@NonNull @NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier)
      Creates a new instance of the given bean performing dependency injection and returning a new instance.

      Note that the instance returned is not saved as a singleton in the context.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The bean generic type
      beanType - The bean type
      qualifier - The qualifier
      The instance
    • createBean

      @NonNull <T> T createBean(@NonNull @NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier, @Nullable @Nullable Map<String,Object> argumentValues)

      Creates a new instance of the given bean performing dependency injection and returning a new instance.

      If the bean defines any Parameter values then the values passed in the argumentValues parameter will be used

      Note that the instance returned is not saved as a singleton in the context.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The bean generic type
      beanType - The bean type
      qualifier - The qualifier
      argumentValues - The argument values
      The instance
    • createBean

      @NonNull <T> T createBean(@NonNull @NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier, @Nullable @Nullable Object... args)

      Creates a new instance of the given bean performing dependency injection and returning a new instance.

      If the bean defines any Parameter values then the values passed in the argumentValues parameter will be used

      Note that the instance returned is not saved as a singleton in the context.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The bean generic type
      beanType - The bean type
      qualifier - The qualifier
      args - The argument values
      The instance
    • createBean

      @NonNull default <T> T createBean(@NonNull @NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable @Nullable Object... args)

      Creates a new instance of the given bean performing dependency injection and returning a new instance.

      If the bean defines any Parameter values then the values passed in the argumentValues parameter will be used

      Note that the instance returned is not saved as a singleton in the context.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The bean generic type
      beanType - The bean type
      args - The argument values
      The instance
    • createBean

      @NonNull default <T> T createBean(@NonNull @NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable @Nullable Map<String,Object> argumentValues)

      Creates a new instance of the given bean performing dependency injection and returning a new instance.

      If the bean defines any Parameter values then the values passed in the argumentValues parameter will be used

      Note that the instance returned is not saved as a singleton in the context.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The bean generic type
      beanType - The bean type
      argumentValues - The argument values
      The instance
    • destroyBean

      @Nullable <T> T destroyBean(@NonNull @NonNull Class<T> beanType)
      Destroys the bean for the given type causing it to be re-created. If a singleton has been loaded it will be destroyed and removed from the context, otherwise null will be returned.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The concrete class
      beanType - The bean type
      The destroy instance or null if no such bean exists
    • destroyBean

      @Nullable default <T> T destroyBean(@NonNull @NonNull Argument<T> beanType)
      Destroys the bean for the given type causing it to be re-created. If a singleton has been loaded it will be destroyed and removed from the context, otherwise null will be returned.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The concrete class
      beanType - The bean type
      The destroy instance or null if no such bean exists
    • destroyBean

      @Nullable <T> T destroyBean(@NonNull @NonNull Argument<T> beanType, @Nullable @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier)
      Destroys the bean for the given type causing it to be re-created. If a singleton has been loaded it will be destroyed and removed from the context, otherwise null will be returned.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The concrete class
      beanType - The bean type
      qualifier - The qualifier
      The destroy instance or null if no such bean exists
    • destroyBean

      @NonNull <T> T destroyBean(@NonNull T bean)
      Destroys the given bean.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The concrete class
      bean - The bean
      The destroy instance
    • destroyBean

      @NonNull <T> void destroyBean(@NonNull @NonNull BeanRegistration<T> beanRegistration)
      Destroys the given bean.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The bean type
      beanRegistration - The bean registration
    • refreshBean

      @NonNull <T> @NonNull Optional<T> refreshBean(@Nullable @Nullable BeanIdentifier identifier)

      Refresh the state of the given registered bean applying dependency injection and configuration wiring again.

      Note that if the bean was produced by a Factory then this method will refresh the factory too

      Type Parameters:
      T - The concrete class
      identifier - The BeanIdentifier
      An Optional of the instance if it exists for the given registration
    • refreshBean

      @NonNull <T> void refreshBean(@NonNull @NonNull BeanRegistration<T> beanRegistration)

      Refresh the state of the given registered bean applying dependency injection and configuration wiring again.

      Note that if the bean was produced by a Factory then this method will refresh the factory too

      This methods skips an additional resolution of the BeanRegistration.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The concrete class
      beanRegistration - The BeanRegistration
    • getClassLoader

      @NonNull @NonNull ClassLoader getClassLoader()
      The class loader used by this context
    • getBeanValidator

      Get the configured bean validator, if any.
    • registerSingleton

      @NonNull <T> @NonNull BeanContext registerSingleton(@NonNull @NonNull Class<T> type, @NonNull T singleton, @Nullable @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier, boolean inject)
      Description copied from interface: BeanDefinitionRegistry

      Registers a new singleton bean at runtime. This method expects that the bean definition data will have been compiled ahead of time.

      If bean definition data is found the method will perform dependency injection on the instance followed by invoking any PostConstruct hooks.

      If no bean definition data is found the bean is registered as is.

      Specified by:
      registerSingleton in interface BeanDefinitionRegistry
      Type Parameters:
      T - The concrete type
      type - The bean type
      singleton - The singleton bean
      qualifier - The bean qualifier
      inject - Whether the singleton should be injected (defaults to true)
      This bean context
    • registerSingleton

      default BeanContext registerSingleton(@NonNull @NonNull Object singleton)
      Description copied from interface: BeanDefinitionRegistry

      Registers a new singleton bean at runtime. This method expects that the bean definition data will have been compiled ahead of time.

      If bean definition data is found the method will perform dependency injection on the instance followed by invoking any PostConstruct hooks.

      If no bean definition data is found the bean is registered as is.

      Specified by:
      registerSingleton in interface BeanDefinitionRegistry
      singleton - The singleton bean
      This bean context
    • registerSingleton

      default <T> BeanContext registerSingleton(Class<T> type, T singleton, Qualifier<T> qualifier)
      Description copied from interface: BeanDefinitionRegistry

      Registers a new singleton bean at runtime. This method expects that the bean definition data will have been compiled ahead of time.

      If bean definition data is found the method will perform dependency injection on the instance followed by invoking any PostConstruct hooks.

      If no bean definition data is found the bean is registered as is.

      Specified by:
      registerSingleton in interface BeanDefinitionRegistry
      Type Parameters:
      T - The concrete type
      type - The bean type
      singleton - The singleton bean
      qualifier - The bean qualifier
      This bean context
    • registerSingleton

      default <T> BeanContext registerSingleton(Class<T> type, T singleton)
      Description copied from interface: BeanDefinitionRegistry

      Registers a new singleton bean at runtime. This method expects that the bean definition data will have been compiled ahead of time.

      If bean definition data is found the method will perform dependency injection on the instance followed by invoking any PostConstruct hooks.

      If no bean definition data is found the bean is registered as is.

      Specified by:
      registerSingleton in interface BeanDefinitionRegistry
      Type Parameters:
      T - The concrete type
      type - the bean type
      singleton - The singleton bean
      This bean context
    • registerSingleton

      @NonNull default @NonNull BeanContext registerSingleton(@NonNull @NonNull Object singleton, boolean inject)
      Description copied from interface: BeanDefinitionRegistry

      Registers a new singleton bean at runtime. This method expects that the bean definition data will have been compiled ahead of time.

      If bean definition data is found the method will perform dependency injection on the instance followed by invoking any PostConstruct hooks.

      If no bean definition data is found the bean is registered as is.

      Specified by:
      registerSingleton in interface BeanDefinitionRegistry
      singleton - The singleton bean
      inject - Whether the singleton should be injected (defaults to true)
      This bean context
    • run

      Run the BeanContext. This method will instantiate a new BeanContext and call LifeCycle.start().
      The running BeanContext
    • build

      @NonNull static @NonNull BeanContext build()
      Build a BeanContext.
      The built, but not yet running BeanContext
    • run

      @NonNull static @NonNull BeanContext run(ClassLoader classLoader)
      Run the BeanContext. This method will instantiate a new BeanContext and call LifeCycle.start().
      classLoader - The classloader to use
      The running BeanContext
    • build

      @NonNull static @NonNull BeanContext build(ClassLoader classLoader)
      Build a BeanContext.
      classLoader - The classloader to use
      The built, but not yet running BeanContext