Micronaut Documentation
Micronaut versionCore Documentation
Step by step tutorials to get you productive as quickly as possibleDev & Test
Micronaut Test
Testing framework (Junit5/Spock) extensions for Micronaut -
Micronaut Test Resources
Test resources integration (like Testcontainers) for the Micronaut Framework -
Micronaut Control Panel
The Micronaut Control Panel module provides a web UI that allows you to view and manage the state of your Micronaut application, typically in a development environment
Most Popular
Micronaut Data
Data Repository Support for Micronaut -
Micronaut Security
Built-in security features. Authentication providers and strategies, Token Propagation... -
Micronaut GraphQL
Extensions to integrate Micronaut and GraphQL -
Micronaut Spring
Extensions to integrate Micronaut and Spring -
Micronaut Kafka
Integration between Micronaut and Kafka Messaging -
Micronaut Open API
Configuration to integrate Micronaut and OpenAPI/Swagger
Micronaut AOT
Implements ahead-of-time (AOT) optimizations for Micronaut applications -
Micronaut Gradle Plugin
Gradle Plugin for Micronaut that configures the Micronaut BOM and sets up annotation processing -
Micronaut Maven Plugin
Maven plugin to execute and package Micronaut applications -
Micronaut Platform BOM
Bill-of-materials (BOM) and Gradle version catalogs for Micronaut -
Micronaut Launch Documentation
Generates Micronaut applications. -
Micronaut SourceGen
Cross Language Source Generation APIs. -
Micronaut Build Plugin SourceGen
A sourcegen-based project for generating Maven and Gradle plugin source
Data Access
Micronaut Data
Data Repository Support for Micronaut -
Micronaut for Cassandra
Integration between Micronaut and Cassandra -
Micronaut Coherence
Integration with Oracle Coherence. -
Micronaut EclipseStore
Native Java object graph storage engine. -
Micronaut Microstream
Native Java object graph storage engine. -
Micronaut MongoDB
Integration between Micronaut and MongoDB -
Micronaut Neo4j
Integration between Micronaut and Neo4j -
Micronaut R2DBC
Integration with Micronaut and R2DBC -
Micronaut Redis
Integration between Micronaut and Redis -
Micronaut SQL / JDBC
Projects (JDBC Hibernate Reactive Postgres ...) to support SQL Database access in Micronaut
Database Migration
Micronaut Flyway
Configuration to integrate Micronaut and Flyway -
Micronaut Liquibase
Configuration to integrate Micronaut and Liquibase
Micronaut Problem+JSON
Produce application/problem+json responses from a Micronaut application.
Micronaut JMS
Integration between Micronaut and Java Messaging Service (JMS) -
Micronaut Kafka
Integration between Micronaut and Kafka Messaging -
Micronaut MQTT
Integration between Micronaut and MQTT through Eclipse Paho -
Micronaut Nats
Integration between Micronaut and nats.io -
Micronaut Pulsar
Integration between Micronaut and Apache Pulsar -
Micronaut RabbitMQ
Configuration to integrate Micronaut and RabbitMQ
Micronaut Elasticsearch
Configuration to integrate Micronaut framework and Elasticsearch -
Micronaut JMX
Provides JMX support for Micronaut services -
Micronaut Micrometer
Provides integration between Micronaut framework and Micrometer -
Micronaut OpenSearch
Configuration to integrate Micronaut framework and OpenSearch
Micronaut GraphQL
Extensions to integrate Micronaut and GraphQL -
Micronaut GRPC
Integration between Micronaut and GRPC -
Micronaut Guice
Allows Importing Guice Modules into Micronaut -
Micronaut Jackson XML
Create the beans necessary to allow for the serialization and deserialization of XML -
Micronaut JAX-RS
Support for using JAX-RS annotations and types in a Micronaut application -
Micronaut JSON Schema
Configuration to integrate Micronaut and JSON Schema -
Micronaut Open API
Configuration to integrate Micronaut and OpenAPI/Swagger -
Micronaut Serialization
Enables serialization/deserialization in Micronaut applications using build time information -
Micronaut Servlet
Integration between micronaut and Servlet containers -
Micronaut Spring
Extensions to integrate Micronaut and Spring
Micronaut AWS
Configuration to integrate Micronaut and Amazon Web Services (AWS) -
Micronaut Azure
Integration between Micronaut and Microsoft Azure -
Micronaut Object Storage
Provides a uniform API to create, read and delete objects in the major cloud providers. Supports Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Object Storage) -
Micronaut Discovery Client
Integration with Service Discovery systems such as Eureka and Consul. -
Micronaut GCP
Integration between Micronaut and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) -
Micronaut Kubernetes
Integration between Micronaut and Kubernetes -
Micronaut Oracle Cloud
Configuration to integrate Micronaut and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure -
Integration between Apache Pulsar and Micronaut. -
Integration with both Zipkin and Jaeger (via the Open Tracing API).
Micronaut TOML
Micronaut TOML is the TOML configuration adapter for the Micronaut Framework. -
Micronaut Logging
Micronaut Logging publishes a BOM (Bill of materials) for logging dependencies (e.g., Logback).
Micronaut Groovy
GORM integration and projects that enhance the Micronaut and Groovy language experience -
Micronaut Kotlin
Integrations between Micronaut and Kotlin and Ktor. -
Micronaut Graal Languages
Integrate Graal based dynamic languages with Micronaut Framework
Micronaut ACME
Ordering, renewing and automatically installing certificates via Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME). -
Micronaut Cache
Additional cache implementations (Redis, Hazelcast...). -
Micronaut Chatbots
Create Telegram, Slack, Google Chat Bots with the Micronaut Framework. -
Micronaut Crac
Adds support for CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint) to the Micronaut Framework. -
Micronaut Email
Integration with email providers such as Amazon Simple Email Service, Postmark, Mailjet or SendGrid. -
Micronaut Picocli
Provides integration between Micronaut and Picocli -
Micronaut Security
Built-in security features. Authentication providers and strategies, Token Propagation... -
Micronaut Session
Integration for HTTP sessions with the Micronaut Framework. -
Micronaut Upgrade
Instructions to upgrade your applications between Micronaut framework versions
Micronaut Reactor
Project Reactor compatible HTTP Client. Converters and Instrumentation for Project Reactor types. -
Micronaut RxJava 2
Converters and Instrumentation for RxJava 2 types. RxJava 2 compatible HTTP Client. -
Micronaut RxJava 3
Converters and Instrumentation for RxJava 3 types. RxJava 3 compatible HTTP Client.
Micronaut Multitenancy
Support for Multi-tenancy aware applications -
Micronaut RSS
Ease creation of RSS 2.0 feeds in a Micronaut app -
Micronaut Views
Integrates Micronaut and Server Side Views Rendering
Micronaut Validation
Validation support for Micronaut. -
Micronaut Hibernate Validator
Support for validating Micronaut beans with Hibernate Validator.