Annotation Interface EachProperty

This annotation allows driving the production of Bean definitions from either configuration or the presence of another bean definition

For example:

   public class ExampleConfiguration {

In the above example a new ExampleConfiguration bean will be created for each item under the key in application configuration

A reference to the configuration entry name can be obtained with the Parameter annotation applied to a constructor argument:

   public class ExampleConfiguration {
      ExampleConfiguration(@Parameter String name) {

In the above example for a configuration property of, the value of the name argument will be "test"

The bean is created as a singleton with a Named qualifier matching the configuration entry name, thus allowing retrieval with:

  ExampleConfiguration exampleConfiguration = applicationContext.getBean(ExampleConfiguration.class, Qualifiers.byName("test"));

Or alternatively dependency injection via the Named qualifier.

This annotation is typically used in conjunction with EachBean. For example, one can drive the configuration of other beans with the EachBean annotation:

   public class ExampleBean {
      ExampleBean(ExampleConfiguration config) {
Graeme Rocher
See Also: