All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- $withBeanQualifier(Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualified
Override the bean qualifier.
- ABNORMAL_CLOSURE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- ABOUT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link
About link.
- ABSTRACT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementModifier
- AbstractAnnotatedArgumentBinder<A extends Annotation,
T, S> - Class in io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation -
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
- AbstractAnnotatedArgumentBinder(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation.AbstractAnnotatedArgumentBinder
- AbstractAnnotationElement - Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation
An abstract element.
- AbstractAnnotationElement(ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractAnnotationElement
- AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder<T,
A> - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation -
An abstract implementation that builds
. - AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Default constructor.
- AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder.CachedAnnotationMetadata - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
The caching entry.
- AbstractAnnotationMetadataWriter - Class in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Base class for types that also write
. - AbstractAnnotationMetadataWriter(String, Element, AnnotationMetadata, boolean, VisitorContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractAnnotationMetadataWriter
- AbstractAnnotationMetadataWriter(String, OriginatingElements, AnnotationMetadata, boolean, VisitorContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractAnnotationMetadataWriter
- AbstractArgumentBinder<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation
An abstract
implementation. - AbstractArgumentBinder(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation.AbstractArgumentBinder
- AbstractBeanConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.context
An abstract implementation of the
method. - AbstractBeanConfiguration(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanConfiguration
- AbstractBeanConstructor<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.beans
Abstract implementation of the
interface. - AbstractBeanConstructor(Class<T>, AnnotationMetadata, Argument<?>...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanConstructor
Default constructor.
- AbstractBeanDefinitionBeanConstructor<T> - Class in io.micronaut.context
Abstract constructor implementation for bean definitions to implement to create constructors at build time.
- AbstractBeanDefinitionBeanConstructor(BeanDefinition<T>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanDefinitionBeanConstructor
Default constructor.
- AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Abstract implementation of the
interface that should be implemented by downstream language specific implementations. - AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder(Element, ClassElement, ConfigurationMetadataBuilder, VisitorContext, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
Default constructor.
- AbstractBeanIntrospectionReference<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.beans
Abstract bean introspection reference used by
to soft load introspections. - AbstractBeanIntrospectionReference() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanIntrospectionReference
Default constructor.
- AbstractBeanMethod<B,
T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.beans -
Abstract implementation of the
interface. - AbstractBeanMethod(BeanIntrospection<B>, Argument<T>, String, AnnotationMetadata, Argument<?>...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanMethod
Default constructor.
- AbstractBeanProperty<B,
P> - Class in io.micronaut.core.beans -
Abstract implementation of
. - AbstractBeanProperty(BeanIntrospection<B>, Class<P>, String, AnnotationMetadata, Argument[]) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanProperty
Default constructor.
- AbstractBeanResolutionContext - Class in io.micronaut.context
Default implementation of the
interface. - AbstractBeanResolutionContext(DefaultBeanContext, BeanDefinition<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- AbstractBeanResolutionContext.AnnotationSegment<B> - Class in io.micronaut.context
A segment that represents annotation.
- AbstractBeanResolutionContext.ConstructorArgumentSegment - Class in io.micronaut.context
A segment that represents a method argument.
- AbstractBeanResolutionContext.ConstructorSegment - Class in io.micronaut.context
A segment that represents a constructor.
- AbstractBeanResolutionContext.FieldSegment<B,
T> - Class in io.micronaut.context -
A segment that represents a field.
- AbstractBeanResolutionContext.MethodArgumentSegment - Class in io.micronaut.context
A segment that represents a method argument.
- AbstractBeanResolutionContext.MethodSegment<B,
T> - Class in io.micronaut.context -
A segment that represents a method.
- AbstractClassFileWriter - Class in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Abstract class that writes generated classes to disk and provides convenience methods for building classes.
- AbstractClassFileWriter(Element...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- AbstractClassFileWriter(OriginatingElements) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- AbstractClassWriterOutputVisitor - Class in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Abstract implementation of the
interface that deals with service descriptors in a common way across Java and Groovy. - AbstractClassWriterOutputVisitor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassWriterOutputVisitor
Compatibility constructor.
- AbstractClassWriterOutputVisitor(boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassWriterOutputVisitor
Default constructor.
- AbstractClientSslConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
Base class for
extensions for SSL clients. - AbstractClientSslConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.AbstractClientSslConfiguration
- AbstractCompositeCustomizer<C,
R> - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty -
Base class for the composite customizers for the client and server.
- AbstractCompositeCustomizer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractCompositeCustomizer
- AbstractCompositeCustomizer(List<C>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractCompositeCustomizer
- AbstractComputeInstanceMetadata - Class in
Abstract class representing a cloud computing instance metadata.
- AbstractComputeInstanceMetadata() - Constructor for class
- AbstractConcurrentCustomScope<A extends Annotation> - Class in io.micronaut.context.scope
Abstract implementation of the custom scope interface that simplifies defining new scopes using the Map interface.
- AbstractConcurrentCustomScope(Class<A>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.scope.AbstractConcurrentCustomScope
A custom scope annotation.
- AbstractConverterToMultiValues(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.AbstractConverterToMultiValues
- AbstractElementAnnotationMetadata - Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation
Mutable annotation metadata provider.
- AbstractElementAnnotationMetadata() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadata
- AbstractElementAnnotationMetadata() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadata
- AbstractElementAnnotationMetadata(boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadata
- AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory<K,
A> - Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation -
Abstract element annotation metadata factory.
- AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory(boolean, AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder<K, A>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadata - Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation
Abstract implementation of
. - AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory.MutableElementAnnotationMetadata - Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation
Abstract mutable implementation of
. - AbstractEmbeddedApplicationEvent - Class in io.micronaut.runtime.event
An abstract event for events specific to server applications.
- AbstractEmbeddedApplicationEvent(EmbeddedApplication<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.runtime.event.AbstractEmbeddedApplicationEvent
Constructs a prototypical Event.
- AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
Variation of
that is environment specific. - AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
Construct a new environment aware annotation metadata.
- AbstractEvaluatedExpression - Class in io.micronaut.context.expressions
Default implementation for evaluated expressions.
- AbstractEvaluatedExpression(Object) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.expressions.AbstractEvaluatedExpression
- AbstractExecutableBeanMethod<B,
T> - Class in io.micronaut.inject.beans -
Subclass of
that also implementsExecutableMethod
. - AbstractExecutableBeanMethod(BeanIntrospection<B>, Argument<T>, String, AnnotationMetadata, Argument<?>...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractExecutableBeanMethod
Default constructor.
- AbstractExecutableMethod - Class in io.micronaut.context
Abstract base class for generated
classes to implement. - AbstractExecutableMethod(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- AbstractExecutableMethod(Class<?>, String, Argument) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- AbstractExecutableMethod(Class<?>, String, Argument, Argument...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition<T> - Class in io.micronaut.context
Abstract base class for
. - AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition(AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition.MethodReference[]) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition
- AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition.MethodReference - Record Class in io.micronaut.context
Internal class representing method's metadata.
- AbstractExecutor<C> - Class in io.micronaut.function.executor
An abstract executor implementation.
- AbstractExecutor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.function.executor.AbstractExecutor
- AbstractFunctionExecutor<I,
O, C> - Class in io.micronaut.function.executor -
A class that executes the configured
for the given inputs and outputs. - AbstractFunctionExecutor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.function.executor.AbstractFunctionExecutor
- AbstractGroovyElement - Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
Abstract Groovy element.
- AbstractGroovyElement(GroovyVisitorContext, GroovyNativeElement, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
Default constructor.
- AbstractHealthIndicator<T> - Class in
A base health indicator class to extend from that catches exceptions thrown from the
method and updates theHealthResult
with the exception information. - AbstractHealthIndicator() - Constructor for class
- AbstractHttpClientFactory<T extends HttpClient> - Class in io.micronaut.http.client
Abstract class implementation of
. - AbstractHttpClientFactory(MediaTypeCodecRegistry, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.AbstractHttpClientFactory
- AbstractHttpContentProcessor - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Abstract implementation of the
interface that deals with limiting file upload sizes. - AbstractHttpContentProcessor(NettyHttpRequest<?>, HttpServerConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.AbstractHttpContentProcessor
- AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition<T> - Class in io.micronaut.context
Default implementation of the
interface. - AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition(Class<T>, AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.MethodOrFieldReference, AnnotationMetadata, AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.MethodReference[], AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.FieldReference[], AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.AnnotationReference[], ExecutableMethodsDefinition<T>, Map<String, Argument<?>[]>, AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.PrecalculatedInfo) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.AnnotationReference - Class in io.micronaut.context
The data class containing annotation injection information.
- AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.FieldReference - Class in io.micronaut.context
The data class containing all filed reference information.
- AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.MethodOrFieldReference - Class in io.micronaut.context
The shared data class between method and field reference.
- AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.MethodReference - Class in io.micronaut.context
The data class containing all method reference information.
- AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.PrecalculatedInfo - Record Class in io.micronaut.context
- AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference<T> - Class in io.micronaut.context
An uninitialized and unloaded component definition with basic information available regarding its requirements.
- AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference(String, String, AnnotationMetadata, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference(String, String, AnnotationMetadata, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection<B> - Class in io.micronaut.inject.beans
Abstract implementation of the
interface. - AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection(Class<B>, AnnotationMetadata, AnnotationMetadata, Argument<?>[], AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection.BeanPropertyRef<Object>[], AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection.BeanMethodRef<Object>[]) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
- AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection.BeanMethodRef<P> - Class in io.micronaut.inject.beans
Bean method compile-time data container.
- AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection.BeanPropertyRef<P> - Class in io.micronaut.inject.beans
Bean property compile-time data container.
- AbstractJavaElement - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor
An abstract class for other elements to extend from.
- AbstractLocaleResolver<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.util.locale
Provides an abstract class which implements
and handles default locale resolution. - AbstractLocaleResolver(Locale) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.util.locale.AbstractLocaleResolver
- AbstractLocalizedMessageSource<T> - Class in io.micronaut.context
Abstract class which implements
and leveragesLocaleResolver
API. - AbstractLocalizedMessageSource(LocaleResolver<T>, MessageSource) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractLocalizedMessageSource
- AbstractMessageSource - Class in io.micronaut.context
implementation that provides basic message interpolation. - AbstractMessageSource() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractMessageSource
- AbstractMessageSource.MessageKey - Class in io.micronaut.context
Internal key storage.
- AbstractMethodCall - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access
Abstract expression AST node for method calls.
- AbstractMethodCall(String, List<ExpressionNode>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.AbstractMethodCall
- AbstractMutableAnnotationMetadata<R> - Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation
Mutable annotation metadata provider.
- AbstractMutableAnnotationMetadata() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractMutableAnnotationMetadata
- AbstractNettyHttpRequest<B> - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty
Abstract implementation of
for Netty. - AbstractNettyHttpRequest(HttpRequest, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket
Abstract implementation that handles WebSocket frames.
- AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler(ChannelHandlerContext, RequestBinderRegistry, MediaTypeCodecRegistry, WebSocketBean<?>, HttpRequest<?>, Map<String, Object>, WebSocketVersion, String, WebSocketSessionRepository, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
Default constructor.
- AbstractPropertySourceLoader - Class in io.micronaut.context.env
An abstract implementation of the
interface. - AbstractPropertySourceLoader() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.AbstractPropertySourceLoader
- AbstractPropertySourceLoader(boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.AbstractPropertySourceLoader
- AbstractProviderDefinition<T> - Class in io.micronaut.inject.provider
Abstract bean definition for other providers to extend from.
- AbstractProviderDefinition() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
- AbstractResource<Impl extends AbstractResource> - Class in io.micronaut.http.hateoas
An abstract implementation of
. - AbstractResource() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.AbstractResource
- AbstractRoundRobinLoadBalancer - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance
- AbstractRoundRobinLoadBalancer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.AbstractRoundRobinLoadBalancer
- AbstractServerSslBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl
Base class for
implementations. - AbstractServerSslBuilder(ResourceResolver, HttpServerConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.AbstractServerSslBuilder
Create a new server SSL builder.
- AbstractServiceInstanceEvent - Class in io.micronaut.discovery.event
- AbstractServiceInstanceEvent(ServiceInstance) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.discovery.event.AbstractServiceInstanceEvent
Constructs a prototypical Event.
- accept() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
A list of accepted
instances. - accept() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
A list of accepted
instances sorted by their quality rating. - accept() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- accept() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- accept() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- accept(MediaType...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpRequest
Sets the acceptable
instances via theHttpHeaders.ACCEPT
header. - accept(ClassWriterOutputVisitor) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
Write the class to output via a visitor that manages output destination.
- accept(ClassWriterOutputVisitor) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.EvaluatedExpressionWriter
- accept(ClassWriterOutputVisitor) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataWriter
Accept an
to write all generated classes. - accept(ClassWriterOutputVisitor) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanConfigurationWriter
- accept(ClassWriterOutputVisitor) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionReferenceWriter
Accept an
to write all generated classes. - accept(ClassWriterOutputVisitor) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Write the class to output via a visitor that manages output destination.
- accept(ClassWriterOutputVisitor) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- accept(ClassWriterOutputVisitor) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.ClassOutputWriter
Accept a ClassWriterOutputVisitor to write this writer to disk.
- accept(ClassWriterOutputVisitor) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter
- accept(ClassWriterOutputVisitor) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.ExecutableMethodsDefinitionWriter
- accept(ChannelHandlerContext, HttpRequest, PipeliningServerHandler.OutboundAccess) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.RequestHandler
Handle a request.
- accept(ChannelHandlerContext, HttpRequest, PipeliningServerHandler.OutboundAccess) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.RoutingInBoundHandler
- accept(ChannelHandlerContext, HttpRequest, PipeliningServerHandler.OutboundAccess) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketUpgradeHandler
- accept(CharSequence...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpRequest
Sets the acceptable
instances via theHttpHeaders.ACCEPT
header. - accept(DeclaredType, Element, P) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.SuperclassAwareTypeVisitor
- accept(T, E) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.exceptions.BeanExceptionHandler
Handles the exception.
- ACCEPT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - ACCEPT_CH - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - ACCEPT_CH_LIFETIME - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - ACCEPT_CHARSET - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - ACCEPT_ENCODING - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - ACCEPT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - ACCEPT_PATCH - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - ACCEPT_RANGES - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - acceptCharset() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
header, ornull
if unset. - acceptCharset() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- accepted() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with an empty body. - accepted(URI) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with an empty body and aHttpHeaders.LOCATION
header. - ACCEPTED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- acceptInboundMessage(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerPublisher
if the given message should be handled. - acceptInboundMessage(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketHandler
- acceptLanguage() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
header, ornull
if unset. - acceptLanguage() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - accessKind() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties
The default access type is
which treats only public JavaBean getters or Java record components as properties. - accessKind() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected
The default access type is
which treats only public JavaBean getters or Java record components as properties. - accessKinds(Set<BeanProperties.AccessKind>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
Sets the access kinds.
- AccessLog - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
An Access log instance.
- AccessLogFormatParser - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
The access log format parser.
- AccessLogFormatParser(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.AccessLogFormatParser
Creates an AccessLogFormatParser.
- AccessLogger() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.AccessLogger
- AccessorsStyle - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
Annotate a class (typically a Java Bean) to make it explicit the style of its accessors when not using the standard getter and setters:
- accessType() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.ReflectionConfig
- accessType() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.TypeHint
Describes the access.
- ack() - Method in interface io.micronaut.messaging.Acknowledgement
Acknowledges the message.
- Acknowledgement - Interface in io.micronaut.messaging
A contract that allows for responding to messages.
- ActiveEnvironment - Interface in io.micronaut.context.env
An environment that is active for the current execution of the application.
- actual() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.Async
Returns the value of the
record component. - ADAPTED_ARGUMENT_TYPES - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.Adapter.InternalAttributes
- ADAPTED_BEAN - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.Adapter.InternalAttributes
- ADAPTED_METHOD - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.Adapter.InternalAttributes
- ADAPTED_QUALIFIER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.Adapter.InternalAttributes
- Adapter - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.aop
is advice applicable to a method that will create an entirely new bean definition that delegates to the annotated method. - Adapter.InternalAttributes - Class in io.micronaut.aop
Internal attributes for the adapter annotation.
- add(PropagatedContextElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.MutablePropagatedContext
Modifies the context by adding an element.
- add(MediaType, MessageBodyHandler<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.ContextlessMessageBodyHandlerRegistry
Add a
for the given media type. - add(C) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractCompositeCustomizer
Add customizer.
- add(ByteBufHolder, Collection<Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.AbstractHttpContentProcessor
- add(ByteBufHolder, Collection<Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultHttpContentProcessor
- add(ByteBufHolder, Collection<Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.FormDataHttpContentProcessor
- add(ByteBufHolder, Collection<Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.HttpContentProcessor
Deprecated.Process more data.
- add(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.MutableHeaders
Add a header for the given name and value.
- add(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders
- add(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
Add a header for the given name and value.
- add(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpParameters
Adds a new http parameter.
- add(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- add(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpHeaders
- add(CharSequence, Integer) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
Add a header for the given name and value.
- add(CharSequence, ZonedDateTime) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
Add a header for the given name and value.
- add(CharSequence, List<CharSequence>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpParameters
Adds a new http parameter.
- add(CharSequence, List<CharSequence>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpParameters
- add(CharSequence, List<CharSequence>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpParameters
- add(CharSequence, V) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleMultiValues
Adds a value for the given key.
- add(CharSequence, V) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- addAnnotation(String, Map<CharSequence, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Adds an annotation and its member values, if the annotation already exists the data will be merged with existing values replaced.
- addAnnotation(String, Map<CharSequence, Object>, RetentionPolicy) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Adds an annotation and its member values, if the annotation already exists the data will be merged with existing values replaced.
- addAnnotationMetadata(DefaultAnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Include the annotation metadata from the other instance of
. - addAnnotationMetadata(MutableAnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Include the annotation metadata from the other instance of
. - addArgumentBinder(ArgumentBinder<T, HttpRequest<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.DefaultRequestBinderRegistry
- addArgumentBinder(ArgumentBinder<T, HttpRequest<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.binders.NettyServerRequestBinderRegistry
- addArgumentBinder(ArgumentBinder<T, S>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.ArgumentBinderRegistry
Adds a request argument binder to the registry.
- addAssociatedBean(ClassElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
This method adds an associated bean using this class element as the originating element.
- addAssociatedBean(ClassElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
This method adds an associated bean using this method element as the originating element.
- addAssociatedBean(ClassElement, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElement
This method adds an associated bean using this class element as the originating element.
- addAssociatedBean(ClassElement, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- addAssociatedBean(Element, ClassElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- addAssociatedBean(Element, ClassElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.BeanElementVisitorContext
- addBinder(ClientRequestBinder) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.DefaultHttpClientBinderRegistry
Adds a binder to the registry.
- addChannel(Channel) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.WebSocketSessionRepository
Adds a channel to the repository.
- addChannel(Channel) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- addClass(String, byte[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.InMemoryByteCodeGroovyClassLoader
- addConfigurationExcludes(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- addConfigurationExcludes(String...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Exclude configurations by name.
- addConfigurationIncludes(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- addConfigurationIncludes(String...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Exclude configurations by name.
- addContent(ByteBuf, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- addContextElement(Context, PropagatedContextElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.propagation.ReactorPropagation
Adds a context element to the Reactor's context.
- addConverter(Class<S>, Class<T>, TypeConverter<S, T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.MutableConversionService
Adds a type converter.
- addConverter(Class<S>, Class<T>, Function<S, T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.MutableConversionService
Adds a type converter.
- addConverter(Class<S>, Class<T>, TypeConverter<S, T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- addConverter(Class<S>, Class<T>, TypeConverter<S, T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.DefaultMutableConversionService
- addConverter(Class<S>, Class<T>, Function<S, T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- addConverter(Class<S>, Class<T>, Function<S, T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.DefaultMutableConversionService
- addDeclaredAnnotation(String, Map<CharSequence, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Adds an annotation directly declared on the element and its member values, if the annotation already exists the data will be merged with existing values replaced.
- addDeclaredAnnotation(String, Map<CharSequence, Object>, RetentionPolicy) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Adds an annotation directly declared on the element and its member values, if the annotation already exists the data will be merged with existing values replaced.
- addDeclaredRepeatable(String, AnnotationValue<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Adds a repeatable annotation value.
- addDeclaredRepeatable(String, AnnotationValue<?>, RetentionPolicy) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Adds a repeatable annotation value.
- addDeclaredRepeatableStereotype(List<String>, String, AnnotationValue<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Adds a repeatable declared stereotype value.
- addDeclaredStereotype(List<String>, String, Map<CharSequence, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Adds a stereotype and its member values, if the annotation already exists the data will be merged with existing values replaced.
- addDeclaredStereotype(List<String>, String, Map<CharSequence, Object>, RetentionPolicy) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Adds a stereotype and its member values, if the annotation already exists the data will be merged with existing values replaced.
- addDeepObjectValues(ArgumentConversionContext<Object>, String, Iterable, MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.IterableToMultiValuesConverter
- addDeepObjectValues(ArgumentConversionContext<Object>, String, Object, MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.ObjectToMultiValuesConverter
- addDeepObjectValues(ArgumentConversionContext<Object>, String, Map, MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MapToMultiValuesConverter
- addDeepObjectValues(ArgumentConversionContext<Object>, String, T, MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.AbstractConverterToMultiValues
Method that adds given value to the parameters in A DEEP_OBJECT format.
- addDefaultAnnotationValues(String, Map<CharSequence, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Adds an annotation directly declared on the element and its member values, if the annotation already exists the data will be merged with existing values replaced.
- addDefaultAnnotationValues(String, Map<CharSequence, Object>, RetentionPolicy) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Adds an annotation directly declared on the element and its member values, if the annotation already exists the data will be merged with existing values replaced.
- addDefaultPropertySources(List<PropertySource>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
Adds default property sources.
- addDependentBean(BeanRegistration<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- addDependentBean(BeanRegistration<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Adds a dependent bean to the resolution context.
- addDispatchTarget(DispatchWriter.DispatchTarget) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter
Adds new custom dispatch target.
- addError(Element, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- addError(AnnotatedNode, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- addError(T, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Adds an error.
- addFeature(DeserializationFeature, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JacksonFeatures
Add a deserialization feature.
- addFeature(SerializationFeature, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JacksonFeatures
Add a serialization feature.
- addFilter(String, BeanLocator, BeanDefinition<? extends HttpFilter>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- addFilter(String, BeanLocator, BeanDefinition<? extends HttpFilter>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Add a filter.
- addFilter(Supplier<GenericHttpFilter>, AnnotationMetadata, BaseFilterProcessor.FilterMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.filter.DefaultHttpClientFilterResolver
- addFilter(Supplier<GenericHttpFilter>, AnnotationMetadata, BaseFilterProcessor.FilterMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.filter.BaseFilterProcessor
Add a filter.
- addGeneratedResource(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- addGeneratedResource(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- addGeneratedResource(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
Some TypeElementVisitors generate classpath resources that other visitors might be interested in.
- addGetField(FieldElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter
Adds new get field dispatch target.
- addInFlightBean(BeanIdentifier, BeanRegistration<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Adds a bean that is created as part of the resolution.
- addInFlightBean(BeanIdentifier, BeanRegistration<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanResolutionContext
- addInterceptedMethod(TypedElement, MethodElement, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter
Adds new interceptable method dispatch target.
- additionalModules() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.jackson.annotation.JacksonFeatures
- additionalTypes - Variable in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- addMessage(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.StaticMessageSource
Adds a message to the default locale.
- addMessage(Locale, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.StaticMessageSource
Adds a message to the default locale.
- addMethod(TypedElement, MethodElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter
Adds new method dispatch target.
- addMethod(TypedElement, MethodElement, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter
Adds new method dispatch target.
- addModule(Class<? extends Module>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JacksonFeatures
Add a jackson module feature.
- addMutliValues(ArgumentConversionContext<Object>, String, Iterable, MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.IterableToMultiValuesConverter
- addMutliValues(ArgumentConversionContext<Object>, String, Object, MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.ObjectToMultiValuesConverter
- addMutliValues(ArgumentConversionContext<Object>, String, Map, MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MapToMultiValuesConverter
- addMutliValues(ArgumentConversionContext<Object>, String, T, MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.AbstractConverterToMultiValues
Method that adds given value to the parameters in a MULTI format.
- AddOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Expression node for binary '+' operator.
- AddOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.AddOperator
- addOption(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.cli.CommandLine.Builder
Add an option.
- addOriginatingElement(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- addOriginatingElement(Element) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.OriginatingElements
Add another element that should be included in the originating elements.
- addOriginatingElement(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.StaticOriginatingElements
- addPackage(Package) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Add an application package.
- addPackage(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- addPackage(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Add an application package.
- addPart(String, File) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.multipart.MultipartBody.Builder
Add a file object to MultipartBody.
- addPart(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.multipart.MultipartBody.Builder
Add a file object to MultipartBody.
- addPart(String, String, byte[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.multipart.MultipartBody.Builder
Add bytes data to MultipartBody.
- addPart(String, String, MediaType, byte[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.multipart.MultipartBody.Builder
Add bytes data to MultipartBody.
- addPart(String, String, MediaType, File) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.multipart.MultipartBody.Builder
Add a file object to MultipartBody.
- addPart(String, String, MediaType, InputStream, long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.multipart.MultipartBody.Builder
Add a InputStream data to MultipartBody.
- addPart(String, String, File) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.multipart.MultipartBody.Builder
Add a file object to MultipartBody.
- addPart(String, String, InputStream, long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.multipart.MultipartBody.Builder
Add a InputStream data to MultipartBody.
- addPropagatedContext(Context, PropagatedContext) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.propagation.ReactorPropagation
Adds propagated context to the Reactors' context.
- addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.GenericResource
Add a property to this resource (internal, for deserialization use only).
- addPropertySource(PropertySource) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
Add a
to this resolver. - addPropertySource(PropertySource) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- addPropertySource(PropertySource) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Adds a property source to this environment.
- addPropertySource(String, Map<String, ? super Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Add a property source for the given map.
- addPropertySource(String, Map<String, ? super Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
Add a property source for the given map.
- addPropertySource(String, Map<String, ? super Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- addProxyClass(Feature.BeforeAnalysisAccess, String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
Deprecated.Registers the given interfaces for dynamic proxy generation.
- addQueryParameter(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.ClientRequestUriContext
Add a new query parameter given its name.
- addRawContentSegment(List<UriTemplate.PathSegment>, String, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate.UriMatchTemplateParser
- addRawContentSegment(List<UriTemplate.PathSegment>, String, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate.UriTemplateParser
Adds a raw content segment.
- addRepeatable(String, AnnotationValue<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Adds a repeatable annotation value.
- addRepeatable(String, AnnotationValue<?>, RetentionPolicy) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Adds a repeatable annotation value.
- addRepeatableStereotype(List<String>, String, AnnotationValue<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Adds a repeatable stereotype value.
- addRequestArgumentBinder(ArgumentBinder<T, ST>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.ArgumentBinderRegistry
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.replaced with
- addResourceBundles(String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
Deprecated.Adds resource bundles.
- addResourcePatterns(String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
Deprecated.Adds resource patterns.
- addRouteWaitsFor(ExecutionFlow<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- addSeparatedValues(ArgumentConversionContext<Object>, String, Iterable, MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap<String>, Character) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.IterableToMultiValuesConverter
- addSeparatedValues(ArgumentConversionContext<Object>, String, Object, MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap<String>, Character) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.ObjectToMultiValuesConverter
- addSeparatedValues(ArgumentConversionContext<Object>, String, Map, MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap<String>, Character) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MapToMultiValuesConverter
- addSeparatedValues(ArgumentConversionContext<Object>, String, T, MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap<String>, Character) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.AbstractConverterToMultiValues
Method that adds given value to the parameters in a format separated by a delimiter.
- addService(String, Set<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.InMemoryByteCodeGroovyClassLoader
Adds one or many services that can be loaded via
. - addSetField(FieldElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter
Adds new set field dispatch target.
- addStereotype(List<String>, String, Map<CharSequence, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Adds a stereotype and its member values, if the annotation already exists the data will be merged with existing values replaced.
- addStereotype(List<String>, String, Map<CharSequence, Object>, RetentionPolicy) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Adds a stereotype and its member values, if the annotation already exists the data will be merged with existing values replaced.
- addUnmatchedRequestArgumentBinder(RequestArgumentBinder<Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.DefaultRequestBinderRegistry
- addUnmatchedRequestArgumentBinder(RequestArgumentBinder<Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.bind.RequestBinderRegistry
Adds a request argument binder that will be used to match the argument that wasn't matched by a type or an annotation.
- addVariableSegment(List<UriTemplate.PathSegment>, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, String, char, char, String, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate.UriMatchTemplateParser
- addVariableSegment(List<UriTemplate.PathSegment>, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, String, char, char, String, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate.UriTemplateParser
Adds a new variable segment.
- addWarning(Element, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- addWarning(AnnotatedNode, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- addWarning(T, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Adds an warning.
- advertisedLength - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.AbstractHttpContentProcessor
- advertisedLength - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultHttpContentProcessor
- AdvisedBeanType<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
A marker interface for all
instances to implement that provides access to the target bean type for an AOP advice bean. - after() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.filter.ServerFilterPhase
- AGE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - aggregate(InfoSource[]) - Method in class
- aggregate(InfoSource[]) - Method in interface
Aggregate an array of
and return a publisher. - aggregate(HealthIndicator[], HealthLevelOfDetail) - Method in class
- aggregate(HealthIndicator[], HealthLevelOfDetail) - Method in interface
- aggregate(String, Publisher<HealthResult>) - Method in class
- aggregate(String, Publisher<HealthResult>) - Method in interface
- aggregateDetails(List<HealthResult>) - Method in class
- aggregateResults(InfoSource[]) - Method in class
- aggregateResults(HealthIndicator[]) - Method in class
- AGGREGATING - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.inject.visitor.TypeElementVisitor.VisitorKind
A visitor that generates a one or more files in the
method computed from visiting multipleElement
instances. - AggregatingTypeElementVisitorProcessor - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing
The annotation processed used to execute type element visitors.
- AggregatingTypeElementVisitorProcessor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.AggregatingTypeElementVisitorProcessor
- Aliases - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
A repeatable annotation that allows defining multiple
definitions. - AliasFor - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Allows specifying an annotation member alias.
- ALL - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.logging.LogLevel
- ALL - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
A wildcard media type representing all types.
- ALL - Static variable in annotation interface
The ID used to refer to all.
- ALL_DECLARED_CONSTRUCTORS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.annotation.TypeHint.AccessType
All declared constructors require access.
- ALL_DECLARED_FIELDS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.annotation.TypeHint.AccessType
All declared fields require access.
- ALL_DECLARED_METHODS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.annotation.TypeHint.AccessType
All declared methods require access.
- ALL_FIELD_AND_METHODS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Constant to retrieve all methods and fields.
- ALL_FIELDS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Constant to retrieve all fields.
- ALL_INNER_CLASSES - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Constant to retrieve inner classes.
- ALL_METHODS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Constant to retrieve all methods.
- ALL_PACKAGES - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationRemapper
Return this value in
to trigger remap on all annotations. - ALL_PUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.annotation.TypeHint.AccessType
All public members.
- ALL_PUBLIC_CONSTRUCTORS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.annotation.TypeHint.AccessType
All public constructors require access.
- ALL_PUBLIC_FIELDS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.annotation.TypeHint.AccessType
All public fields require access.
- ALL_PUBLIC_METHODS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.annotation.TypeHint.AccessType
All public methods require access.
- ALL_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
A wildcard media type representing all types.
- alloc() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ConnectionManager
Allocator for this connection manager.
- alloc() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyWriteContext
- alloc() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- alloc() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.PipeliningServerHandler.OutboundAccess
- allow(HttpMethod...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
Set the allowed HTTP methods.
- allow(Collection<HttpMethod>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
Set the allowed HTTP methods.
- ALLOW - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.aop.Around.ProxyTargetConstructorMode
Allow types to be proxied and don't print any warnings.
- ALLOW - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - allowCredentials() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CrossOrigin
- allowCredentials() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.CorsAssertion.Builder
Set expectation of value for the HTTP Header "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" to "true".
- allowCredentials(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.CorsAssertion.Builder
Set expectation of value for the HTTP Header "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" to "true".
- allowCredentials(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.CorsAssertion.Builder
- allowedHeaders() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CrossOrigin
- allowedMethods() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CrossOrigin
- allowedOrigins() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CrossOrigin
- allowedOriginsRegex() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CrossOrigin
- allowEmptyProviders(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Whether to error on an empty bean provider.
- allowEmptyProviders(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- allowGeneric(Collection<? extends CharSequence>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
Set the allowed HTTP methods.
- allowGeneric(Collection<? extends CharSequence>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- allowMethods(HttpMethod) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.CorsAssertion.Builder
- allowOrigin(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.CorsAssertion.Builder
- allowSetterWithMultipleArgs(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
Sets whether to allow setters with multiple arguments.
- allowSetterWithZeroArgs(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
Sets whether to allow zero argument setters for boolean properties etc.
- allowStaticProperties(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
Sets whether to allow static properties.
- allowWriteWithMultipleArgs() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties
Some APIs allow multiple argument setters to convert the value
withDuration(long, TimeUnit)
. - allowWriteWithZeroArgs() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties
Some APIs allow zero argument setters to set boolean flags such as
. - allowZeroArgs() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationBuilder
Some APIs allow zero argument setters to set boolean flags such as
. - ALPN_HTTP_1 - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpVersionSelection
ALPN protocol ID for HTTP/1.1.
- ALPN_HTTP_2 - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpVersionSelection
ALPN protocol ID for HTTP/2.
- ALPN_HTTP_3 - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpVersionSelection
ALPN protocol ID for HTTP/3.
- alpnModes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.client.annotation.Client
The protocols to support for TLS ALPN.
- ALREADY_IMPORTED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- AMAZON_EC2 - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.ComputePlatform
Amazon EC2.
- AMAZON_EC2 - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Cloud provider amazon ec2.
- AND - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- AndOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Expression AST node for binary && operator.
- AndOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.AndOperator
- ANDROID - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
The android environment.
- AndroidxNullableTransformer - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
A transformer that remaps androidx.annotation.Nullable to
. - AndroidxNullableTransformer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.AndroidxNullableTransformer
- andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.util.functional.ThrowingFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies this function to its input, and then applies the
function to the result. - ANN_AROUND - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
The around annotation type.
- ANN_AROUND_CONSTRUCT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
The around annotation type.
- ANN_INHERITED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
The inherited annotation.
- ANN_INTERCEPTOR_BINDING - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Name of the interceptor binding type.
- ANN_INTERCEPTOR_BINDING_QUALIFIER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Name of the interceptor binding qualifier type.
- ANN_INTERCEPTOR_BINDINGS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Name of the repeatable interceptor bindings type.
- ANN_INTRODUCTION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
The around annotation type.
- ANN_OVERRIDE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- annotate(AnnotationMetadata, AnnotationValue<A2>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Annotate an existing annotation metadata object.
- annotate(AnnotationMetadata, AnnotationValue<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
Add an annotation to the given metadata.
- annotate(AnnotationValue<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractMutableAnnotationMetadata
- annotate(AnnotationValue<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.ElementMutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- annotate(AnnotationValue<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
Annotate this element with the given annotation type.
- annotate(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractMutableAnnotationMetadata
- annotate(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.ElementMutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- annotate(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
Annotate this element with the given annotation type.
- annotate(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
- annotate(Class<T>, Consumer<AnnotationValueBuilder<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractMutableAnnotationMetadata
- annotate(Class<T>, Consumer<AnnotationValueBuilder<T>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.ElementMutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- annotate(Class<T>, Consumer<AnnotationValueBuilder<T>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
Annotate this element with the given annotation type.
- annotate(Class<T>, Consumer<AnnotationValueBuilder<T>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
- annotate(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractMutableAnnotationMetadata
- annotate(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.ElementMutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- annotate(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
Annotate this element with the given annotation type.
- annotate(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
- annotate(String, Consumer<AnnotationValueBuilder<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory.MutableElementAnnotationMetadata
- annotate(String, Consumer<AnnotationValueBuilder<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractMutableAnnotationMetadata
- annotate(String, Consumer<AnnotationValueBuilder<T>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.ElementMutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- annotate(String, Consumer<AnnotationValueBuilder<T>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
Annotate this element with the given annotation type.
- annotate(String, Consumer<AnnotationValueBuilder<T>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
- annotate(String, Consumer<AnnotationValueBuilder<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- annotate(AnnotationMetadata, String, Consumer<AnnotationValueBuilder<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
Add an annotation to the given metadata.
- annotate(AnnotationValue<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractAnnotationElement
- annotate(AnnotationValue<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory.MutableElementAnnotationMetadata
- annotate(AnnotationValue<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.PropertyElementAnnotationMetadata
- annotate(AnnotationValue<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- annotate(AnnotationValue<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- annotate(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractAnnotationElement
- annotate(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.PropertyElementAnnotationMetadata
- annotate(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- annotate(Class<T>, Consumer<AnnotationValueBuilder<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractAnnotationElement
- annotate(Class<T>, Consumer<AnnotationValueBuilder<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.PropertyElementAnnotationMetadata
- annotate(Class<T>, Consumer<AnnotationValueBuilder<T>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- annotate(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractAnnotationElement
- annotate(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.PropertyElementAnnotationMetadata
- annotate(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- annotate(String, Consumer<AnnotationValueBuilder<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractAnnotationElement
- annotate(String, Consumer<AnnotationValueBuilder<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.PropertyElementAnnotationMetadata
- annotate(String, Consumer<AnnotationValueBuilder<T>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- annotate(String, Consumer<AnnotationValueBuilder<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- annotated() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Import
The annotation types to include in a search when specifying the
attribute (this attribute has no effect when combined withImport.classes()
. - annotated(Predicate<AnnotationMetadata>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Allows filtering elements by annotation.
- AnnotatedArgumentBinder<A extends Annotation,
T, S> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation -
whose lookup is driven by an annotation definition. - AnnotatedClientArgumentRequestBinder<A extends Annotation> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client.bind
An interface for classes that bind an
to anMutableHttpRequest
driven by an annotation. - AnnotatedClientRequestBinder<A extends Annotation> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client.bind
A binder that binds to a
. - AnnotatedElement - Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
An annotated element is some point in the code, whether it be a constructor, field, method etc.
- AnnotatedElementValidator - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
Abstract validator for
that may represent source code level validation routes executed at compilation time. - AnnotatedFilterRouteBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.web.router
for theFilter
annotation. - AnnotatedFilterRouteBuilder(ExecutionHandleLocator, RouteBuilder.UriNamingStrategy, ConversionService, ServerContextPathProvider) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.AnnotatedFilterRouteBuilder
- AnnotatedFunctionRouteBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.function.web
Process methods for
instances. - AnnotatedFunctionRouteBuilder(ExecutionHandleLocator, RouteBuilder.UriNamingStrategy, ConversionService, MediaTypeCodecRegistry, String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.function.web.AnnotatedFunctionRouteBuilder
- AnnotatedMethodRouteBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.web.router
Responsible for building
instances for the annotations found in theio.micronaut.http.annotation
package. - AnnotatedMethodRouteBuilder(ExecutionHandleLocator, RouteBuilder.UriNamingStrategy, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.AnnotatedMethodRouteBuilder
- annotatedNode() - Method in interface io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement
- annotatedNode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Class
Returns the value of the
record component. - annotatedNode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.ClassWithOwner
Returns the value of the
record component. - annotatedNode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Field
Returns the value of the
record component. - annotatedNode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Method
Returns the value of the
record component. - annotatedNode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Package
Returns the value of the
record component. - annotatedNode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Parameter
Returns the value of the
record component. - annotatedNode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Placeholder
Returns the value of the
record component. - AnnotatedRequestArgumentBinder<A extends Annotation,
T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.bind.binders -
An interface for classes that bind an
from anHttpRequest
driven by an annotation. - AnnotatedTypeInfo - Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
An interface that provides an abstraction for checking for the existence of annotations.
- annotation() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.AliasFor
- annotation() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected.IndexedAnnotation
- ANNOTATION_METADATA - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.internal.InterceptorRegistryBean
- annotationClassValue(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- annotationClassValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
instance for the given member. - AnnotationClassValue<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.annotation
An annotation class value is a reference to a class in annotation metadata.
- AnnotationClassValue(String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationClassValue
Constructs a class value for a type that is present.
- AnnotationClassValue(Class<T>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationClassValue
Constructs a class value for a type that is present.
- AnnotationClassValue(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationClassValue
Constructs a class value for the type that is not present.
- AnnotationClassValue(T) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationClassValue
Constructs a class value for a type that is present.
- annotationClassValues(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- annotationClassValues(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
instances for the given member. - AnnotationConvertersRegistrar - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
Registers annotation converters.
- AnnotationConvertersRegistrar() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationConvertersRegistrar
- AnnotationElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
Represents an annotation in the AST.
- AnnotationExpressionContext - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
A meta annotation used to extend
context with specified type. - annotationMap - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- AnnotationMapper<T extends Annotation> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
is a type that is capable of mapping a given annotation to one or many annotations at compile time. - annotationMember() - Method in record class io.micronaut.core.expressions.EvaluatedExpressionReference
Returns the value of the
record component. - annotationMetadata - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.MethodReference
- annotationMetadata - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractAnnotationMetadataWriter
- annotationMetadata - Variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- annotationMetadata() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition.MethodReference
Returns the value of the
record component. - annotationMetadata() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected
Whether annotation metadata should be included in the inspection results.
- annotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition.Builder
The annotation metadata for the bean.
- AnnotationMetadata - Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
An interface implemented at compile time by Micronaut that allows the inspection of annotation metadata and stereotypes (meta-annotations)
- AnnotationMetadataDelegate - Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
An interface that can be implemented by other classes that delegate the resolution of the
to theAnnotationMetadataProvider.getAnnotationMetadata()
method. - AnnotationMetadataException - Exception in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
An exception that occurs constructing
. - AnnotationMetadataException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataException
- AnnotationMetadataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataException
- AnnotationMetadataHierarchy - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
Used to represent an annotation metadata hierarchy.
- AnnotationMetadataHierarchy(boolean, AnnotationMetadata...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
Default constructor.
- AnnotationMetadataHierarchy(AnnotationMetadata...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
Default constructor.
- AnnotationMetadataProvider - Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
An interface for a type that provides
. - AnnotationMetadataReference - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
A reference to
. - AnnotationMetadataReference(String, AnnotationMetadata) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataReference
- AnnotationMetadataResolver - Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
An interface for types capable of resolving
. - AnnotationMetadataSupport - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
Support method for
. - AnnotationMetadataSupport() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataSupport
- AnnotationMetadataWriter - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
Responsible for writing class files that are instances of
. - AnnotationMetadataWriter(String, ClassElement, AnnotationMetadata) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataWriter
Deprecated.No longer needs to be instantiated directly, just use the static methods
- AnnotationMetadataWriter(String, ClassElement, AnnotationMetadata, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataWriter
Deprecated.No longer needs to be instantiated directly, just use the static methods
- annotationName() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.AliasFor
- annotationName() - Method in record class io.micronaut.core.expressions.EvaluatedExpressionReference
Returns the value of the
record component. - AnnotationProcessingOutputVisitor - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing
An implementation of
for annotation processing. - AnnotationProcessingOutputVisitor(Filer) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.AnnotationProcessingOutputVisitor
- AnnotationProcessor<A extends Annotation,
T> - Interface in io.micronaut.context.processor -
An annotation processor is an object that processes the presence if a given annotation.
- AnnotationReference(Argument) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.AnnotationReference
- AnnotationRemapper - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
Allows remapping of annotations from one annotation set to another at compilation time.
- AnnotationScanner - Interface in
Interface for classes that scan for classes with a given annotation.
- AnnotationSource - Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
A source of annotations.
- AnnotationTransformer<T extends Annotation> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
transforms an annotation definition into one or many other annotation definitions discarding the original annotation. - annotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.mapper.InterceptorBeanMapper
- annotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.scope.AbstractConcurrentCustomScope
- annotationType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.scope.CustomScope
- annotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MultiValuesToObjectConverter
- annotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.AbstractConverterToMultiValues
- annotationType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.format.FormattingTypeConverter
- annotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.format.ReadableBytesTypeConverter
- annotationType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.annotation.TypedAnnotationMapper
The annotation type to be mapped.
- annotationType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.annotation.TypedAnnotationTransformer
The annotation type to be mapped.
- annotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.IntrospectedToBeanPropertiesTransformer
- annotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshScope
- AnnotationUtil - Class in io.micronaut.core.annotation
Internal utility methods for annotations.
- AnnotationUtil() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
- annotationUtils - Variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- AnnotationUtils - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing
Utility methods for annotations.
- AnnotationUtils(ProcessingEnvironment, Elements, Messager, Types, ModelUtils, GenericUtils, Filer) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.AnnotationUtils
Default constructor.
- AnnotationUtils(ProcessingEnvironment, Elements, Messager, Types, ModelUtils, GenericUtils, Filer, MutableConvertibleValues<Object>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.AnnotationUtils
Default constructor.
- annotationValue() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueProvider
- annotationValue() - Method in record class io.micronaut.core.expressions.EvaluatedExpressionReference
Returns the value of the
record component. - annotationValue() - Method in record class io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExpressionWithContext
Provides initial annotation value treated as evaluated expression.
- AnnotationValue<A extends Annotation> - Class in io.micronaut.core.annotation
A runtime representation of the annotation and its values.
- AnnotationValue(AnnotationValue<A>, Map<CharSequence, Object>, ConvertibleValues<Object>, Function<Object, Object>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- AnnotationValue(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- AnnotationValue(String, ConvertibleValues<Object>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- AnnotationValue(String, Map<CharSequence, Object>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- AnnotationValue(String, Map<CharSequence, Object>, RetentionPolicy) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- AnnotationValue(String, Map<CharSequence, Object>, RetentionPolicy, List<AnnotationValue<?>>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- AnnotationValue(String, Map<CharSequence, Object>, Map<CharSequence, Object>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- AnnotationValue(String, Map<CharSequence, Object>, Map<CharSequence, Object>, RetentionPolicy) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- AnnotationValue(String, Map<CharSequence, Object>, Map<CharSequence, Object>, RetentionPolicy, List<AnnotationValue<?>>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- AnnotationValueBuilder<T extends Annotation> - Class in io.micronaut.core.annotation
A build for annotation values.
- AnnotationValueProvider<A extends Annotation> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
An interface that allows obtaining an underlying annotation value.
- AnnotationValueResolver - Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
Interface for types that resolve annotation values.
- ANONYMOUS - Enum constant in enum class
Show health details to all users.
- ANT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterPatternStyle
Ant-style pattern matching.
- ANT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.util.PathMatcher
The default Ant style path matcher.
- AntPathMatcher - Class in io.micronaut.core.util
PathMatcher implementation for Ant-style path patterns.
- AntPathMatcher() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.util.AntPathMatcher
- any() - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Allows looking up the first matching instance.
- Any - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Qualifier that can be used on a bean to indicate it should match any qualifier or on an injection point to indicate it should match any bean.
- ANY - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties.Visibility
All methods and/or fields are included.
- ANY - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected.Visibility
All methods and/or fields are included.
- ANY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConfiguration
Constant to represent any value.
- ANY_METHOD - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConfiguration
Constant to represent any method.
- AnyQualifier<T> - Class in io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers
A qualifier to lookup any type.
- AopProxyWriter - Class in io.micronaut.aop.writer
A class that generates AOP proxy classes at compile time.
- AopProxyWriter(BeanDefinitionWriter, OptionalValues<Boolean>, VisitorContext, AnnotationValue<?>...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
Constructs a new
for the given parentBeanDefinitionWriter
and starting interceptors types. - AopProxyWriter(String, String, boolean, boolean, Element, AnnotationMetadata, ClassElement[], VisitorContext, AnnotationValue<?>...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
Constructs a new
for the purposes of writingIntroduction
advise. - AopProxyWriter(String, String, boolean, Element, AnnotationMetadata, ClassElement[], VisitorContext, AnnotationValue<?>...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
Constructs a new
for the purposes of writingIntroduction
advise. - api() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.Recoverable
Used to specify the API to lookup fallbacks for.
- APPLICATION_ATOM_XML - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Atom: application/atom+xml.
- APPLICATION_ATOM_XML_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Atom: application/atom+xml.
- APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Form encoded data: application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
- APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Form encoded data: application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
- APPLICATION_GRAPHQL - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
GraphQL: application/graphql.
- APPLICATION_GRAPHQL_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
GraphQL: application/graphql.
- APPLICATION_HAL_JSON - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
HAL JSON: application/hal+json.
- APPLICATION_HAL_JSON_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
HAL JSON: application/hal+json.
- APPLICATION_HAL_XML - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
HAL XML: application/hal+xml.
- APPLICATION_HAL_XML_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
HAL XML: application/hal+xml.
- APPLICATION_JSON - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
JSON: application/json.
- APPLICATION_JSON_FEED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
JSON Feed: application/feed+json.
- APPLICATION_JSON_FEED_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
JSON Feed: application/feed+json.
- APPLICATION_JSON_GITHUB - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
JSON GitHub: application/vnd.github+json.
- APPLICATION_JSON_GITHUB_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
JSON GitHub: application/vnd.github+json.
- APPLICATION_JSON_PROBLEM - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
JSON Feed: application/problem+json.
- APPLICATION_JSON_PROBLEM_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
JSON Feed: application/problem+json.
- APPLICATION_JSON_STREAM - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
JSON Stream: application/x-json-stream.
- APPLICATION_JSON_STREAM_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
JSON Stream: application/x-json-stream.
- APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
JSON: application/json.
- APPLICATION_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration
Property name for Micronaut application name.
- APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
BINARY: application/octet-stream.
- APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
BINARY: application/octet-stream.
- APPLICATION_PDF - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
PDF: application/pdf.
- APPLICATION_PDF_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
PDF: application/pdf.
- APPLICATION_VND_ERROR - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
VND Error: application/vnd.error+json.
- APPLICATION_VND_ERROR_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
VND Error: application/vnd.error+json.
- APPLICATION_XHTML - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
XHTML: application/xhtml+xml.
- APPLICATION_XHTML_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
XHTML: application/xhtml+xml.
- APPLICATION_XML - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
XML: application/xml.
- APPLICATION_XML_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
XML: application/xml.
- APPLICATION_YAML - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
YAML: application/x-yaml.
- APPLICATION_YAML_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
YAML: application/x-yaml.
- applicationConfiguration - Variable in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- ApplicationConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.runtime
Common application configuration.
- ApplicationConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration
- ApplicationConfiguration.InstanceConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.runtime
Configuration for instance settings.
- applicationContext - Variable in class io.micronaut.function.executor.AbstractExecutor
The current
. - ApplicationContext - Interface in io.micronaut.context
An application context extends a
and adds the concepts of configuration, environments and runtimes. - ApplicationContextBuilder - Interface in io.micronaut.context
An interface for building an application context.
- ApplicationContextConfiguration - Interface in io.micronaut.context
An interface for configuring an application context.
- ApplicationContextConfigurer - Interface in io.micronaut.context
An application context configurer is responsible for configuring an application context before the application/function is started.
- ApplicationContextLifeCycle<T extends ApplicationContextLifeCycle> - Interface in io.micronaut.context
An interface for classes that manage the
life cycle and shut it down when the class is shutdown. - ApplicationContextProvider - Interface in io.micronaut.context
An interface for classes that provide an
. - ApplicationEvent - Class in io.micronaut.context.event
is a user specified event object. - ApplicationEvent(Object) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEvent
Constructs a prototypical Event.
- ApplicationEventListener<E> - Interface in io.micronaut.context.event
An interface for receivers of application events.
- ApplicationEventPublisher<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.context.event
Interface for classes that publish events received by
instances. - ApplicationEventPublisherFactory<T> - Class in io.micronaut.context.event
Constructs instances of
. - ApplicationEventPublisherFactory() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory
- ApplicationShutdownEvent - Class in io.micronaut.runtime.event
Event fired when an
shuts down. - ApplicationShutdownEvent(EmbeddedApplication<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.runtime.event.ApplicationShutdownEvent
Constructs a prototypical Event.
- ApplicationStartupEvent - Class in io.micronaut.runtime.event
Event fired when an
starts up. - ApplicationStartupEvent(EmbeddedApplication<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.runtime.event.ApplicationStartupEvent
Constructs a prototypical Event.
- ApplicationStartupException - Exception in io.micronaut.runtime.exceptions
Thrown when the application fails to start.
- ApplicationStartupException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.runtime.exceptions.ApplicationStartupException
Create exception with detailed message and cause.
- ApplicationStartupException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.runtime.exceptions.ApplicationStartupException
Create exception with detailed message and cause.
- apply(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.util.functional.ThrowingFunction
Applies this function to the given argument.
- apply(T, U) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.util.IOExceptionBiFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
- applyDefaultPorts(List<Integer>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- applyDefaultPorts(List<Integer>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- applyDefaultPorts(List<Integer>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Sets the ports the application will listen to by default.
- areEqual(Object, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Computes whether 2 annotation values are equal.
- areTypesCompatible(Class<?>[], List<Class<?>>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.TypeArgumentQualifier
Are the given types compatible.
- areTypesCompatible(List<Class<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.TypeArgumentQualifier
- args(String...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Set the command line arguments.
- args(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- args(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
- argTypes - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- argument - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.AnnotationReference
- argument - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.FieldReference
- Argument<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.type
Represents an argument to a method or constructor or type.
- ARGUMENT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.aop.Interceptor
- ARGUMENT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorRegistry
Constant for bean lookup.
- ArgumentBeanType<T> - Class in io.micronaut.inject
- ArgumentBeanType(Argument<T>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.ArgumentBeanType
Default constructor.
- ArgumentBinder<T,
S> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.bind -
An interface capable of binding the value of an
from a source - ArgumentBinder.BindingResult<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.bind
The result of binding.
- ArgumentBinderRegistry<S> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.bind
A registry of
instances. - ArgumentCheck(ArgumentUtils.Check) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.util.ArgumentUtils.ArgumentCheck
- ArgumentCheck(String, T) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.util.ArgumentUtils.ArgumentCheck
- ArgumentCoercible<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.type
An interface for types that can be represented as an
. - ArgumentConversionContext<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert
Extended version of the
specifically for conversionArgument
instances. - ArgumentInjectionPoint<B,
T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject -
An injection point for a method or constructor argument.
- argumentOf(Class<T1>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanProvider
Create an argument for the given type to aid with bean provider lookup.
- arguments - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.MethodReference
- arguments - Variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.AbstractMethodCall
- arguments() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition.MethodReference
Returns the value of the
record component. - argumentType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.TypeArgumentBinder
- argumentType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.bind.TypedClientArgumentRequestBinder
- argumentType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.binding.BasicAuthArgumentBinder
- argumentType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.binding.LocaleArgumentBinder
- argumentType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.MultipartBodyArgumentBinder
- ArgumentUtils - Class in io.micronaut.core.util
Utility methods for checking method argument values.
- ArgumentUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.util.ArgumentUtils
- ArgumentUtils.ArgumentCheck<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.util
Allows producing error messages.
- ArgumentUtils.Check - Interface in io.micronaut.core.util
Functional interface the check a condition.
- ArgumentValue<V> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.type
with a value. - Around - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.aop
Annotation stereotype to applied to other annotations to indicate the annotation provides Around advice.
- AROUND - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorKind
Around advice interception.
- AROUND_CONSTRUCT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorKind
Around advice interception.
- Around.ProxyTargetConstructorMode - Enum Class in io.micronaut.aop
When using
on aFactory
method if the returned bean features constructor arguments this can lead to undefined behaviour since it is expected with factory methods that the developer is responsible for constructing the object. - AroundConstruct - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.aop
Allows intercepting the bean constructor.
- AroundLegacy(HttpFilter, FilterOrder) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.AroundLegacy
Creates an instance of a
record class. - array() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- ARRAY_PATTERN - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- ArrayableClassElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
Interface for class elements that can be converted to/from an array type.
- arrayDimensions - Variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- arrayNodeToIterableConverter() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.convert.JacksonConverterRegistrar
- arrayNodeToObjectConverter() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.convert.JacksonConverterRegistrar
- arrayOffset() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- arrayTypeForPrimitive(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils
Returns the array type for the given primitive type name.
- ArrayUtils - Class in io.micronaut.core.util
Utility methods for working with arrays.
- asArgument() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.FieldSegment
- asArgument() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.DisabledBean
- asArgument() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanProperty
- asArgument() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanInfo
- asArgument() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanProperty
Represent the type as an argument, including any generic type information.
- asArgument() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.ArgumentCoercible
- asArgument() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- asArgument() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.ReturnType
- asArgument() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ArgumentInjectionPoint
- asArgument() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
- asBuilder(HttpRequest<?>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpRequestBuilder
Transform the given request to an equivalent
, so that it can be transformed to a netty request. - ascendingKeySet() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
Returns a unmodifiable snapshot
view of the keys contained in this map. - ascendingKeySetWithLimit(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
Returns an unmodifiable snapshot
view of the keys contained in this map. - ascendingMap() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
Returns an unmodifiable snapshot
view of the mappings contained in this map. - ascendingMapWithLimit(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
Returns an unmodifiable snapshot
view of the mappings contained in this map. - asEntryWeigher(Weigher<? super V>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.Weighers
An entry weigher backed by the specified weigher.
- asHyphenatedName(Class) - Method in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.TypeConvention
Returns the hyphenated equivalent for this convention for the given class.
- asInputStream() - Method in interface
Represent this Readable as an input stream.
- asMap() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.MapPropertySource
The backing map (unmodifiable).
- asMap() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
Return this
as a map for the given key type and value type. - asMap() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.EnvironmentProperties
Returns an immutable view of the environment variable names to Micronaut property names cache.
- asMap(Class<KT>, Class<VT>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
Return this
as a map for the given key type and value type. - asMap(Charset) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.FormRouteCompleter
- asNativeBuffer() - Method in interface
- asNativeBuffer() - Method in class
- asNioBuffer() - Method in interface
Exposes this buffer's readable bytes as an NIO
. - asNioBuffer() - Method in class
- asNioBuffer(int, int) - Method in interface
Exposes this buffer's sub-region as an NIO
. - asNioBuffer(int, int) - Method in class
- asParameterizedType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
Represent this argument as a
. - asProperties() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
Return this
as aProperties
object returning only keys and values that can be represented as a string. - asPropertyName(Class) - Method in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.TypeConvention
Returns the property name equivalent for this convention for the given class.
- asPublisher() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateMultiObjectBody
- asPublisher() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateSingleObjectBody
- asPublisher() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.MultiObjectBody
Get this value as a publisher.
- asPublisher() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.StreamingMultiObjectBody
- asPublisher(HttpContentProcessor, Publisher<HttpContent>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.HttpContentProcessorAsReactiveProcessor
Subscribe to the
in the given request, and return aPublisher
that will produce the processed items.
This exists mostly for compatibility with the oldHttpContentProcessor
, which was aProcessor
. - asReader() - Method in interface
Obtain a
for this readable usingStandardCharsets.UTF_8
. - asReader(Charset) - Method in interface
Obtain a
for this readable. - asReadOnly() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- assertCorsHeaders(HttpResponse<?>, String, HttpMethod) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.CorsUtils
- assertCorsHeaders(HttpResponse<?>, String, HttpMethod, boolean) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.CorsUtils
- assertCorsHeaders(HttpResponse<?>, String, HttpMethod, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.CorsUtils
- assertCorsHeadersNotPresent(HttpResponse<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.CorsUtils
- assertDoesNotThrow(ServerUnderTest, HttpRequest<T>, HttpStatus, String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.AssertionUtils
- assertDoesNotThrow(ServerUnderTest, HttpRequest<T>, HttpResponseAssertion) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.AssertionUtils
- assertion(BiConsumer<ServerUnderTest, HttpRequest<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.TestScenario.Builder
- AssertionUtils - Class in io.micronaut.http.tck
Utility class used to perform assertions.
- assertNoConstructorForContextAnnotation(ClassElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.ContextConfigurerVisitor
Checks that a class annotated with
doesn't have any constructor with parameters, which is unsupported. - assertResponse(Consumer<HttpResponse<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.HttpResponseAssertion.Builder
- asserts(String, HttpRequest<?>, BiConsumer<ServerUnderTest, HttpRequest<?>>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.TestScenario
- asserts(String, Map<String, Object>, HttpRequest<?>, BiConsumer<ServerUnderTest, HttpRequest<?>>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.TestScenario
- asserts(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestSupplier, BiConsumer<ServerUnderTest, HttpRequest<?>>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.TestScenario
- assertThrows(ServerUnderTest, HttpRequest<?>, HttpStatus, String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.AssertionUtils
- assertThrows(ServerUnderTest, HttpRequest<?>, HttpResponseAssertion) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.AssertionUtils
- assertThrowsStatus(HttpStatus) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.AssertionUtils
- AstBeanPropertiesUtils - Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils
The AST bean properties utils.
- AstBeanPropertiesUtils.BeanPropertyData - Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils
Internal holder class for getters and setters.
- asType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
Represent this argument as a
. - async(Executor, Supplier<? extends ExecutionFlow<T>>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.ExecutionFlow
Create a flow by invoking a supplier asynchronously.
- async(Executor, Supplier<ExecutionFlow<K>>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.reactive.execution.ReactiveExecutionFlow
Create a new reactive flow by invoking a supplier asynchronously.
- Async - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation
An annotation that can be applied to any method that returns void or an instance of
to indicate the actual execution should occur on the given thread pool. - Async(GenericHttpFilter, Executor) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.Async
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ASYNC - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptPhase
Async phase of execution.
- AsyncInterceptor - Class in io.micronaut.scheduling.async
Interceptor implementation for the
annotation. - AsyncSingleResultPublisher<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.async.publisher
that uses anExecutorService
to emit a single result. - AsyncSingleResultPublisher(ExecutorService, Supplier<T>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.AsyncSingleResultPublisher
- AsyncSingleResultPublisher(Supplier<T>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.AsyncSingleResultPublisher
- AsyncTypeElementVisitor - Class in io.micronaut.validation.visitor.async
that validates methods annotated with@ËšAsync
return void or futures. - AsyncTypeElementVisitor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.validation.visitor.async.AsyncTypeElementVisitor
- attach() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.SystemFile
Sets the file to be downloaded as an attachment.
- attach(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.StreamedFile
Sets the file to be downloaded as an attachment.
- attach(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.SystemFile
Sets the file to be downloaded as an attachment.
- attachment(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.PipeliningServerHandler.OutboundAccess
Set an attachment that is passed to
. - ATTACHMENT_HEADER - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.FileCustomizableResponseType
Deprecated.Unused now, please follow RFC 6266
- attempts() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.CircuitBreaker
- attempts() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.Retryable
- attribute(CharSequence, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
Sets an attribute on the response.
- AttributeClientRequestBinder - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.bind.binders
implementation forRequestAttribute
. - AttributeClientRequestBinder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.binders.AttributeClientRequestBinder
- AttributeHolder - Interface in io.micronaut.core.attr
An interface for objects that have attributes.
- attributes - Variable in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
- auth(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
Used to configure BASIC authentication.
- auth(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- auth(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
Used to configure BASIC authentication.
- AUTHENTICATED - Enum constant in enum class
Only show health details to authenticated users.
- AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - AUTHORIZATION_INFO - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - AUTHORIZATION_PREFIX_BASIC - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaderValues
. - AUTHORIZATION_PREFIX_BEARER - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaderValues
. - AUTO - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ThreadSelection
Automatically select the thread to run operations on based on the return type and/or
annotations. - AutomaticFeatureUtils - Class in io.micronaut.core.graal
Deprecated.Use GraalVM's own public API under
or conditional metadata in JSON format instead - AutomaticFeatureUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
- AutoRegistration - Class in io.micronaut.discovery.registration
A base class for classes that automatically register the server with discovery services.
- AutoRegistration(RegistrationConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.AutoRegistration
Initialize given configurations.
- availabilityZone - Variable in class
- AVAILABLE_HTTP_METHODS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
Attribute used to store Available HTTP methods on the OPTIONS request.
- AVAILABLE_PROCESSORS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
Number of available processors.
- awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedExecutorService
- AZURE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.ComputePlatform
Microsoft Azure.
- AZURE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Cloud provider Microsoft Azure.
- BAD_GATEWAY - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- BAD_GATEWAY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- BAD_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- badRequest() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with an empty body. - badRequest(T) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with a body. - BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- banner(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Whether the banner is enabled or not.
- banner(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- banner(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
- Banner - Interface in io.micronaut.context.banner
Print a banner programmatically.
- BARE_METAL - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.ComputePlatform
Cloud or non cloud provider on bare metal (unknown).
- BARE_METAL - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Cloud or non cloud provider on bare metal (unknown).
- BASE_PREFIX - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationReader
The base prefix name.
- BaseFilterProcessor<A extends Annotation> - Class in io.micronaut.http.filter
Base class for processing
beans. - BaseFilterProcessor(BeanContext, Class<A>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.filter.BaseFilterProcessor
- BaseFilterProcessor.FilterMetadata - Record Class in io.micronaut.http.filter
- BaseFilterProcessor.RequiresRequestBodyBinder<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.filter
Interface that signals to
that we should wait for the request body to arrive before running this binder. - basePrefix() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationReader
The base prefix to prepend to the original prefix.
- BASIC_TYPE_MAP - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils
- basicAuth(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpMessage
Set an
header, with value: "Basic Base64(username:password)". - basicAuth(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpRequest
- BasicAuth - Class in io.micronaut.http
A class representing basic auth authorization header.
- BasicAuth(String, String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.BasicAuth
- BasicAuthArgumentBinder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.binding
Responsible for binding to a
argument from the authorization header in the request. - BasicAuthArgumentBinder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.binding.BasicAuthArgumentBinder
- bean - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.event.BeanEvent
- bean() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Replaces
- bean() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Expresses that the bean the given class should be available for the bean or configuration to load.
- bean() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.BeanRegistration
- bean() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.scope.CreatedBean
- bean() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.AroundLegacy
Returns the value of the
record component. - bean() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.runtime.context.env.ConfigurationAdvice
- Bean - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Annotation used to configure a bean.
- BEAN_CONTEXT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- beanAdded(BeanElementBuilder, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.visitor.BeanImportHandler
Callback method invoked when a bean is added.
- BeanClassWriter - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Extended version of
for types that write beans. - BeanConfiguration - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
A BeanConfiguration is a grouping of several
instances. - BeanConfigurationWriter - Class in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Writes configuration classes for configuration packages using ASM.
- BeanConfigurationWriter(String, Element, AnnotationMetadata, VisitorContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanConfigurationWriter
- BeanConstructor<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.beans
Models a bean constructor.
- BeanConstructorElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans
Represents the current bean constructor when used through the
API. - BeanContext - Interface in io.micronaut.context
The core BeanContext abstraction which allows for dependency injection of classes annotated with
. - BeanContextAccess - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access
Expression AST node used for to retrieve beans from bean context.
- BeanContextAccess(TypeIdentifier) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.BeanContextAccess
- BeanContextConditional - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
Interface for other types that are conditional within a context.
- BeanContextConfigurable - Interface in io.micronaut.context
Interface for components configurable by the bean context.
- BeanContextConfiguration - Interface in io.micronaut.context
Configuration for the
. - BeanContextEvent - Class in io.micronaut.context.event
A BeanContextEvent is an event fired from the
instance. - BeanContextEvent(BeanContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.event.BeanContextEvent
Constructs a prototypical Event.
- BeanContextException - Exception in io.micronaut.context.exceptions
An exception that occurs loading the context.
- BeanContextException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanContextException
- BeanContextException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanContextException
- BeanCreatedEvent<T> - Class in io.micronaut.context.event
An event fired when a bean is created and fully initialized.
- BeanCreatedEvent(BeanContext, BeanDefinition<T>, BeanIdentifier, T) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.event.BeanCreatedEvent
- BeanCreatedEventListener<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.context.event
An event listener that is triggered each time a bean is created.
- BeanCreationContext<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.context.scope
Context object passed to
instances for creating new beans. - BeanCreationException - Exception in io.micronaut.context.exceptions
A base class for exceptions that occurred during bean creation.
- BeanCreationException(BeanResolutionContext, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanCreationException
- BeanCreationException(BeanResolutionContext, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanCreationException
- BeanCreationException(BeanType<T>, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanCreationException
- BeanCreationException(BeanType<T>, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanCreationException
- BeanCreationException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanCreationException
- BeanCreationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanCreationException
- beanDefinition - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.event.BeanEvent
- BeanDefinition<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
Defines a bean definition and its requirements.
- BeanDefinitionAware - Interface in io.micronaut.context
Interface for components aware of bean definition associated with them.
- BeanDefinitionCreator - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.processing
Builder that produces multiple Bean definitions represented by
. - BeanDefinitionCreatorFactory - Class in io.micronaut.inject.processing
Bean definition builder factory.
- BeanDefinitionCreatorFactory() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.processing.BeanDefinitionCreatorFactory
- BeanDefinitionData<T> - Interface in
Returns data for a given bean definition to be used for the
. - BeanDefinitionDataCollector<T> - Interface in
Used to respond with bean information used for the
. - BeanDefinitionInjectProcessor - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing
The core annotation processor used to generate bean definitions and power AOP for Micronaut.
- BeanDefinitionInjectProcessor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.BeanDefinitionInjectProcessor
- BeanDefinitionMethodReference<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject -
An interface for a
that is associated with aBeanDefinitionReference
. - BeanDefinitionProcessor<A extends Annotation> - Interface in io.micronaut.context.processor
A bean definition processor is a processor that is called once for each bean annotated with the given annotation type.
- BeanDefinitionReference<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
A bean definition reference provides a reference to a
thus allowing for soft loading of bean definitions without loading the actual types. - BeanDefinitionReferenceWriter - Class in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Writes the bean definition class file to disk.
- BeanDefinitionReferenceWriter(BeanDefinitionVisitor, VisitorContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionReferenceWriter
Default constructor.
- BeanDefinitionRegistry - Interface in io.micronaut.context
Core bean definition registry interface containing methods to find
instances. - BeanDefinitionValidator - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.validation
Interface to integrate bean validation into the construction of beans within the
. - BeanDefinitionVisitor - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Interface for
implementations such asBeanDefinitionWriter
. - BeanDefinitionWriter - Class in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Responsible for building
instances at compile time. - BeanDefinitionWriter(ClassElement, VisitorContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
Creates a bean definition writer.
- BeanDefinitionWriter(ClassElement, OriginatingElements, VisitorContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
Creates a bean definition writer.
- BeanDefinitionWriter(Element, OriginatingElements, VisitorContext, Integer) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
Creates a bean definition writer.
- BeanDefinitionWriter.MethodVisitData - Class in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Data used when visiting method.
- beanDeserializerModifiers - Variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.ObjectMapperFactory
- BeanDestroyedEvent<T> - Class in io.micronaut.context.event
An event fired when a bean has been destroyed and all
methods have been invoked. - BeanDestroyedEvent(BeanContext, BeanDefinition<T>, T) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.event.BeanDestroyedEvent
- BeanDestroyedEventListener<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.context.event
An event listener that is triggered after a bean is destroyed.
- BeanDestructionException - Exception in io.micronaut.context.exceptions
Exception type for exceptions that happen during bean destruction.
- BeanDestructionException(BeanType<?>, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanDestructionException
- BeanElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans
Models a bean that will be produced by Micronaut.
- BeanElementBuilder - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans
Interface for defining beans at compilation time from an originating element.
- BeanElementVisitor<A extends Annotation> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.visitor
Allows visiting a bean to perform any validation prior to when bean definitions are written out.
- BeanElementVisitorContext - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.visitor
Internal interface for adding associated beans.
- BeanEvent<T> - Class in io.micronaut.context.event
An abstract bean event.
- BeanEvent(BeanContext, BeanDefinition<T>, T) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.event.BeanEvent
- BeanExceptionHandler<T,
E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.exceptions -
An exception handler capable of receiving a bean that originated the exception and an exception type.
- BeanFieldElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans
Represents a configurable bean field.
- BeanIdentifier - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
An identifier for a
that can be used as a key to uniquely identify an instance. - BeanImportHandler - Interface in io.micronaut.context.visitor
Interface that allows extension of Bean import handling in other to support other injection systems beyond JSR-330 in downstream modules.
- BeanImportVisitor - Class in io.micronaut.context.visitor
Implementation of
. - BeanImportVisitor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.visitor.BeanImportVisitor
- BeanInfo<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.beans
Top level interface for obtaining bean information.
- BeanInitializedEventListener<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.context.event
Allows hooking into bean instantiation at the point prior to when
initialization hooks have been called and in the case of beanBeanProvider
instances theBeanProvider.get()
method has not yet been invoked. - BeanInitializingEvent<T> - Class in io.micronaut.context.event
An event fired when a bean's properties have been populated but initialization hooks (such as
methods) have not yet been triggered. - BeanInitializingEvent(BeanContext, BeanDefinition<T>, T) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.event.BeanInitializingEvent
- BeanInstantiationException - Exception in io.micronaut.context.exceptions
Thrown when no such beans exists.
- BeanInstantiationException(BeanResolutionContext, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanInstantiationException
- BeanInstantiationException(BeanResolutionContext, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanInstantiationException
- BeanInstantiationException(BeanType<T>, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanInstantiationException
- BeanInstantiationException(BeanType<T>, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanInstantiationException
- BeanInstantiationException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanInstantiationException
- BeanInstantiationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanInstantiationException
- BeanIntrospection<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.beans
is the result of compile time computation of a beans properties and annotation metadata. - BeanIntrospectionModule - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.modules
A Jackson module that adds reflection-free bean serialization and deserialization for Micronaut.
- BeanIntrospectionModule() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.modules.BeanIntrospectionModule
Default constructor.
- BeanIntrospectionModule(JacksonDeserializationPreInstantiateCallback) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.modules.BeanIntrospectionModule
The constructor.
- BeanIntrospectionReference<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.beans
A reference to a
that may or may not be present on the classpath. - BeanIntrospectionScanner - Class in
An implementation of
that scans availableBeanIntrospection
instances through theBeanIntrospector
API. - BeanIntrospectionScanner() - Constructor for class
- BeanIntrospector - Interface in io.micronaut.core.beans
Primary interface for obtaining
instances that are computed at compilation time. - BeanLocator - Interface in io.micronaut.context
Core interface for locating and discovering
instances. - BeanMap<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.beans
Simple class that provides a map interface over a bean.
- BeanMethod<B,
T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.beans -
Represents a method on a
. - BeanMethodElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans
Represents a configurable bean method.
- BeanMethodRef(Argument<P>, String, AnnotationMetadata, Argument<?>[], int) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection.BeanMethodRef
- BeanParameterElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans
Represents a configurable bean parameter.
- BeanPreDestroyEvent<T> - Class in io.micronaut.context.event
An event fired when a bean is about to be destroyed but before any
methods are invoked.. - BeanPreDestroyEvent(BeanContext, BeanDefinition<T>, T) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.event.BeanPreDestroyEvent
- BeanPreDestroyEventListener<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.context.event
An event listener that is triggered before a bean is destroyed.
- BeanProperties - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Bean properties configuration annotation.
- BeanProperties.AccessKind - Enum Class in io.micronaut.context.annotation
The access type for bean properties.
- BeanProperties.Visibility - Enum Class in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Visibility policy for bean properties and fields.
- beanProperty() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Used in combination with
to express that the given bean property should be set for the bean to load. - BeanProperty<B,
T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.beans -
Represents a bean property and associated annotation metadata.
- BeanPropertyBinder - Interface in io.micronaut.core.bind
An interface that provides the ability to bind Maps and Java bean properties
- BeanPropertyData(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.AstBeanPropertiesUtils.BeanPropertyData
- BeanPropertyRef(Argument<P>, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection.BeanPropertyRef
- BeanProvider<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.context
A BeanProvider is a richer replacement for the
interface that provides additional Micronaut specific methods to assist in programmatic bean creation and discovery. - BeanProviderDefinition - Class in io.micronaut.inject.provider
Implementation for
bean lookups. - BeanProviderDefinition() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.provider.BeanProviderDefinition
- beanQualifier() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
- BeanRegistration<T> - Class in io.micronaut.context
A bean registration is an association between a
and a created bean, typically aSingleton
. - BeanRegistration(BeanIdentifier, BeanDefinition<T>, T) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.BeanRegistration
- BeanResolutionContext - Interface in io.micronaut.context
Represents the resolution context for a current resolve of a given bean.
- BeanResolutionContext.Path - Interface in io.micronaut.context
Represents a path taken to resolve a bean definitions dependencies.
- BeanResolutionContext.Segment<B,
T> - Interface in io.micronaut.context -
A segment in a path.
- beans() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Expresses that beans of the given types should be available for the bean or configuration to load.
- BeansEndpoint - Class in
Exposes an
to provide information about the beans of the application. - BeansEndpoint(BeanDefinitionDataCollector<Object>) - Constructor for class
- beanSerializerModifiers - Variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.ObjectMapperFactory
- BeanType<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
A reference to a bean.
- BeanWrapper<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.beans
Wraps a bean allowing to read and write its properties via an underlying
. - bearerAuth(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpMessage
Set an
header, with value: "Bearer token". - bearerAuth(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpRequest
- before() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.filter.ServerFilterPhase
- beginAnnotationMetadataMethod(ClassWriter) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractAnnotationMetadataWriter
Returns the generator adaptor for the method that resolves the annotation metadata.
- beginEncode(HttpResponse, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.SmartHttpContentCompressor
- BinaryOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Abstract expression AST node for binary operators.
- BinaryOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.BinaryOperator
- bind(MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object>, ClientRequestUriContext, MutableHttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.bind.AnnotatedClientRequestBinder
Modify the request with the annotation that this binder is applied to.
- bind(MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object>, ClientRequestUriContext, MutableHttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.binders.AttributeClientRequestBinder
- bind(MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object>, ClientRequestUriContext, MutableHttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.binders.HeaderClientRequestBinder
- bind(MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object>, ClientRequestUriContext, MutableHttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.binders.VersionClientRequestBinder
- bind(ArgumentConversionContext<Object>, ClientRequestUriContext, Object, MutableHttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.binders.QueryValueClientArgumentRequestBinder
If value can be converted to ConvertibleMultiValues, then use it and add it to the uriContext.queryParameters.
- bind(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, ClientRequestUriContext, T, MutableHttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.bind.ClientArgumentRequestBinder
Bind the given argument to the request.
- bind(ArgumentConversionContext<BasicAuth>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.binding.BasicAuthArgumentBinder
- bind(ArgumentConversionContext<MultipartBody>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.MultipartBodyArgumentBinder
- bind(ArgumentConversionContext<Locale>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.binding.LocaleArgumentBinder
- bind(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.CookieAnnotationBinder
- bind(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.DefaultBodyAnnotationBinder
- bind(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.DefaultUnmatchedRequestArgumentBinder
- bind(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.HeaderAnnotationBinder
- bind(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.PartAnnotationBinder
- bind(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.PathVariableAnnotationBinder
- bind(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.QueryValueArgumentBinder
Binds the argument with
annotation to the request (Also binds without annotation if request body is not permitted). - bind(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.RequestAttributeAnnotationBinder
- bind(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.RequestBeanAnnotationBinder
- bind(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.binders.NettyRequestArgumentBinder
- bind(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.binders.StreamedNettyRequestArgumentBinder
- bind(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, S) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.ArgumentBinder
Bind the given argument from the given source.
- bind(Executable<T, R>, BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.bind.DefaultExecutableBeanContextBinder
- bind(Executable<T, R>, BeanContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.bind.ExecutableBeanContextBinder
Binds a given
using the given registry and source object. - bind(Executable<T, R>, ArgumentBinderRegistry<BeanContext>, BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.bind.DefaultExecutableBeanContextBinder
- bind(Executable<T, R>, ArgumentBinderRegistry<S>, S) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.bind.DefaultExecutableBinder
- bind(Executable<T, R>, ArgumentBinderRegistry<S>, S) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.ExecutableBinder
Binds a given
using the given registry and source object. - bind(Class<T2>, Map<? extends CharSequence, Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.BeanPropertyBinder
Bind a new instance of the given type from the given source.
- bind(Class<T2>, Set<? extends Map.Entry<? extends CharSequence, Object>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.BeanPropertyBinder
Bind a new instance of the given type from the given source.
- bind(T2, ArgumentConversionContext<T2>, Map<? extends CharSequence, Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.BeanPropertyBinder
Bind an existing instance of the given type from the given source.
- bind(T2, ArgumentConversionContext<T2>, Set<? extends Map.Entry<? extends CharSequence, Object>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.BeanPropertyBinder
Bind an existing instance of the given type from the given source.
- bind(T2, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.BeanPropertyBinder
Bind an existing instance of the given type from the given source.
- bind(T2, Map<? extends CharSequence, Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.BeanPropertyBinder
Bind an existing instance of the given type from the given source.
- bind(T2, Set<? extends Map.Entry<? extends CharSequence, Object>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.BeanPropertyBinder
Bind an existing instance of the given type from the given source.
- Bindable - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation
An annotation stereotype for other annotations that indicates a method
is bindable. - bindBodyPart(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, HttpRequest<?>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.DefaultBodyAnnotationBinder
Bind a part of the body, for argument spreading.
- bindForNettyRequest(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, NettyHttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.binders.NettyRequestArgumentBinder
Bind the given argument from the given source.
- bindForStreamedNettyRequest(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, StreamedHttpRequest, NettyHttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.binders.StreamedNettyRequestArgumentBinder
Bind the given argument from the given source.
- bindFullBody(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.DefaultBodyAnnotationBinder
Try to bind from the full body of the request, i.e.
- bindFullBodyConvertibleValues(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.DefaultBodyAnnotationBinder
Try to bind from the full body of the request to a
for argument spreading. - bindMembers() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorBinding
By default, annotation members are not used when resolving interceptors.
- bindPostponed(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.DefaultUnmatchedRequestArgumentBinder
- bindPostponed(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.PostponedRequestArgumentBinder
Bind postponed the given argument from the given source.
- BLOCKED_BY_WINDOWS_PARENTAL_CONTROLS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- Blocking - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
A marker annotation for methods that are blocking.
- BLOCKING - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ThreadSelection
I/O selection will run all operations regardless of return type and annotations on the
blocking executor
and will never schedule an operation on the server event loop thread. - BLOCKING - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.TaskExecutors
The name of the
used to schedule blocking tasks. - BLOCKING_CLIENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.tck.ServerUnderTest
The property name used to signify we want to use a non-blocking client.
- BlockingHttpClient - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client
A blocking HTTP client interface that features a subset of the operations provided by
and is designed primarily for testing purposes. - body() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
- body(byte[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.BodyAssertion.Builder
- body(Argument<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Route
The name of the argument to the route that is the request body.
- body(BodyAssertion<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.HttpResponseAssertion.Builder
- body(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.BodyAssertion.Builder
- body(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.HttpResponseAssertion.Builder
- body(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Route
The name of the argument to the route that is the request body.
- body(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRoute
- body(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- body(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpMessage
Sets the body.
- body(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpRequest
- body(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
Sets the body.
- body(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- body(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequest
- Body - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
An annotation that can be applied to method argument to indicate that the method argument is bound from the HTTP body.
- BodyArgumentBinder<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.bind.binders
A binder that binds from a parsed request body.
- BodyArgumentTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- BodyArgumentTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.BodyArgumentTest
- BodyAssertion<T,
E> - Class in io.micronaut.http.tck -
HTTP Response's body assertions.
- BodyAssertion.AssertionBuilder<T,
E> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.tck -
The interface for typed BodyAssertion Builders.
- BodyAssertion.Builder - Class in io.micronaut.http.tck
BodyAssertion Builder.
- BodyAssertion.ByteArrayBodyAssertionBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.tck
Byte Array BodyAssertion Builder.
- BodyAssertion.StringBodyAssertionBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.tck
String BodyAssertion Builder.
- bodyRequested(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class
Invoked every time a read of the incoming body is requested by the subscriber.
- BodyTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- BodyTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.BodyTest
- bodyWriter(MessageBodyWriter<B>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpMessage
Sets the message body writer to use.
- bodyWriter(MessageBodyWriter<B>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- BOOL - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionContext
Constant for Boolean argument.
- BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Constant for boolean argument.
- BOOLEAN - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- BOOLEAN - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- BOOLEAN_WRAPPER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- booleanValue() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The Boolean value of the given member.
- booleanValue(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value as an optional boolean for the given annotation and member.
- booleanValue(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- booleanValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value as an optional boolean for the given annotation and member.
- booleanValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- booleanValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- booleanValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- booleanValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- booleanValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Retrieve the boolean value and optionally map its value.
- booleanValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value as an optional boolean for the given annotation and member.
- booleanValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- booleanValue(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- booleanValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The boolean value of the given member.
- booleanValue(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value as an optional boolean for the given annotation and member.
- booleanValue(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- booleanValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- booleanValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- booleanValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- booleanValue(String, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- booleanValue(String, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Retrieve the boolean value and optionally map its value.
- booleanValue(String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The boolean value of the given member.
- booleanValue(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- booleanValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- booleanValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- booleanValue(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- booleanValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- booleanValues() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The boolean[] value for the given member.
- booleanValues(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The boolean[] value for the given member.
- booleanValues(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- BoolLiteral - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal
Expression AST node for boolean literal.
- BoolLiteral(boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.BoolLiteral
- BOOTSTRAP_CONTEXT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Whether the bootstrap context is enabled.
- BOOTSTRAP_NAME - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
The default bootstrap config name.
- BOOTSTRAP_NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
System property to override the default bootstrap name.
- BootstrapContextCompatible - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
An annotation indicating that a bean can be loaded into the Bootstrap Context.
- bootstrapEnvironment(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Sets whether the bootstrap environment should be initialized.
- bootstrapEnvironment(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- BootstrapPropertySourceLocator - Interface in io.micronaut.context.env
Allows blocking resolving of
from remote distributed configuration servers. - BoundExecutable<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.bind -
A bound
is an executable who argument values have been pre-bound to values using aArgumentBinderRegistry
. - broadcast(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketBroadcaster
When used on the server this method will broadcast a message to all open WebSocket connections.
- broadcast(T, MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketBroadcaster
When used on the server this method will broadcast a message to all open WebSocket connections.
- broadcast(T, MediaType, Predicate<WebSocketSession>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketBroadcaster
- broadcast(T, MediaType, Predicate<WebSocketSession>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketBroadcaster
When used on the server this method will broadcast a message to all open WebSocket connections that match the given filter.
- broadcast(T, Predicate<WebSocketSession>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketBroadcaster
When used on the server this method will broadcast a message to all open WebSocket connections that match the given filter.
- broadcastAsync(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketBroadcaster
When used on the server this method will broadcast a message to all open WebSocket connections.
- broadcastAsync(T, MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketBroadcaster
When used on the server this method will broadcast a message to all open WebSocket connections.
- broadcastAsync(T, MediaType, Predicate<WebSocketSession>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketBroadcaster
When used on the server this method will broadcast a message to all open WebSocket connections.
- broadcastAsync(T, Predicate<WebSocketSession>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketBroadcaster
When used on the server this method will broadcast a message to all open WebSocket connections that match the given filter.
- broadcastSync(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketBroadcaster
When used on the server this method will broadcast a message to all open WebSocket connections.
- broadcastSync(T, MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketBroadcaster
When used on the server this method will broadcast a message to all open WebSocket connections.
- broadcastSync(T, MediaType, Predicate<WebSocketSession>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketBroadcaster
- broadcastSync(T, MediaType, Predicate<WebSocketSession>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketBroadcaster
When used on the server this method will broadcast a message to all open WebSocket connections.
- broadcastSync(T, Predicate<WebSocketSession>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketBroadcaster
When used on the server this method will broadcast a message to all open WebSocket connections that match the given filter.
- buffer() - Method in class io.micronaut.buffer.netty.NettyByteBufferFactory
- buffer() - Method in interface
Allocate a
. - buffer(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.buffer.netty.NettyByteBufferFactory
- buffer(int) - Method in interface
Allocate a
with the given initial capacity. - buffer(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.buffer.netty.NettyByteBufferFactory
- buffer(int, int) - Method in interface
Allocate a
with the given initial capacity and the given maximal capacity. - buffer(ByteBufAllocator) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ByteBody
Fully buffer this body.
- buffer(ByteBufAllocator) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateByteBody
- buffer(ByteBufAllocator) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.StreamingByteBody
- bufferContents() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.FullHttpRequest
Get the contents of this request as a buffer.
- bufferContents() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- BUFFERING - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber.BackPressureState
Buffering has stared, but not demand present.
- BufferRegion(long, long) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.JsonCounter.BufferRegion
Creates an instance of a
record class. - bufferStart() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.JsonCounter
If we are
, the startJsonCounter.position()
of the region that is being buffered. - build() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Builds the
, but does not start it. - build() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Build a
. - build() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- build() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition.Builder
Builds the runtime bean.
- build() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Build the actual
. - build() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.cli.CommandLine
Build and parse a new command line.
- build() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder
Creates a new
instance. - build() - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance.Builder
- build() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.multipart.MultipartBody.Builder
from the provided parts. - build() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ProxyRequestOptions.Builder
Build an immutable
with the options configured in this builder. - build() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- build() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link.Builder
Build the link.
- build() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response.ErrorContext.Builder
Builds the context.
- build() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.ChannelOutboundHandlerFactory
Constructs a new
. - build() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.AbstractServerSslBuilder
- build() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.ServerSslBuilder
- build() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.CorsAssertion.Builder
- build() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.HttpResponseAssertion.Builder
- build() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriBuilder
The constructed URI.
- build() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.processing.BeanDefinitionCreator
- build() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
Build the bean definition writer.
- build() - Method in class
Builds the result.
- build() - Method in interface io.micronaut.retry.RetryStateBuilder
- build(NettyHttpServerConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- build(NettyHttpServerConfiguration) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServerFactory
Builds a
for the given configuration. - build(NettyHttpServerConfiguration, ServerSslConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- build(NettyHttpServerConfiguration, ServerSslConfiguration) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServerFactory
Builds a
for the given configuration. - build(Element) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
Build new element annotation metadata from the element.
- build(NettyHttpRequest) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.HttpContentSubscriberFactory
Build a
for the given request. - build(NettyHttpRequest) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.jackson.JsonHttpContentSubscriberFactory
- build(SslConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkClientSslBuilder
- build(SslConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ssl.NettyClientSslBuilder
- build(SslConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.AbstractServerSslBuilder
- build(SslConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslBuilder
- build(SslConfiguration, HttpVersionSelection) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkClientSslBuilder
- build(SslConfiguration, HttpVersionSelection) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ssl.ClientSslBuilder
Build the ssl context.
- build(SslConfiguration, HttpVersionSelection) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ssl.NettyClientSslBuilder
- build(SslConfiguration, HttpVersion) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkClientSslBuilder
- build(SslConfiguration, HttpVersion) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ssl.NettyClientSslBuilder
- build(SslConfiguration, HttpVersion) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.AbstractServerSslBuilder
- build(SslConfiguration, HttpVersion) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslBuilder
- build(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- build(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- build(ClassLoader) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Build a
. - build(String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link
Create a link from the given URI.
- build(String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
Run the application for the given arguments.
- build(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.BytesSentElementBuilder
- build(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.CookieElementBuilder
- build(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.DateTimeElementBuilder
- build(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.ElapseTimeElementBuilder
- build(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.HeaderElementBuilder
- build(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LocalHostElementBuilder
- build(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LocalIpElementBuilder
- build(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LocalPortElementBuilder
- build(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LogElementBuilder
Builds the log element for the specified token.
- build(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.NotImplementedElementBuilder
- build(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.RemoteHostElementBuilder
- build(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.RemoteIpElementBuilder
- build(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.RequestLineElementBuilder
- build(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.RequestMethodElementBuilder
- build(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.RequestProtocolElementBuilder
- build(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.RequestUriElementBuilder
- build(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.ResponseCodeElementBuilder
- build(URI) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link
Create a link from the given URI.
- build(List<StaticResourceConfiguration>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.resource.StaticResourceResolverFactory
Builds the
instance. - buildAnnotation(Class<T>, AnnotationValue<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataSupport
Builds the annotation based on the annotation value.
- buildApplicationContext(C) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.AbstractExecutor
- buildArgument(GeneratorAdapter, String, ClassElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Builds an argument instance.
- buildArgument(GeneratorAdapter, String, Type) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Builds an argument instance.
- buildArgumentWithGenerics(AnnotationMetadata, Type, ClassWriter, GeneratorAdapter, String, Type, ClassElement, Map<String, ClassElement>, Set<Object>, Map<String, Integer>, Map<String, GeneratorAdapter>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Builds generic type arguments recursively.
- buildArgumentWithGenerics(GeneratorAdapter, Type, AnnotationMetadataReference, ClassElement[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Builds generic type arguments recursively.
- buildBeanDefinition(String, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.KotlinCompiler
- buildBeanDefinition(String, String, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.KotlinCompiler
- buildBeanDefinitionReference(String, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.KotlinCompiler
- buildBeanIntrospection(String, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.KotlinCompiler
- buildBeanRoute(String, HttpMethod, String, BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
A special case that is required for non-standard http methods.
- buildBundleCache() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.i18n.ResourceBundleMessageSource
Build the cache used to store resolved bundles.
- buildClassLoader(String, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.KotlinCompiler
- buildContext(EvaluatedExpressionReference, ClassElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExpressionCompilationContextFactory
Builds expression evaluation context for expression reference.
- buildContext(EvaluatedExpressionReference, ClassElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.context.DefaultExpressionCompilationContextFactory
- buildContext(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.KotlinCompiler
- buildContext(String, boolean) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.KotlinCompiler
- buildContext(String, boolean, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.KotlinCompiler
- buildContextForMethod(EvaluatedExpressionReference, MethodElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.context.DefaultExpressionCompilationContextFactory
- buildContextForMethod(EvaluatedExpressionReference, MethodElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExpressionCompilationContextFactory
Builds expression evaluation context for method.
- buildDeclared(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Build only metadata for declared annotations.
- buildDefaultServer(NettyHttpServerConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
Builds the default server configuration.
- buildDispatchMethod(ClassWriter) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter
Build dispatch method if needed.
- buildDispatchOneMethod(ClassWriter) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter
Build dispatch one method if needed.
- buildEmbeddedChannel(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
Builds Embedded Channel.
- buildEmbeddedChannel(EmbeddedChannel, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
Builds Embedded Channel.
- builder() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
Build a
. - builder() - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.client.multipart.MultipartBody
- builder() - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ProxyRequestOptions
- builder() - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.CorsAssertion
- builder() - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.BodyAssertion
- builder() - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.HttpResponseAssertion
- builder() - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.TestScenario
- builder(AnnotationValue<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Start building a new annotation existing value.
- builder(AnnotationValue<T>, RetentionPolicy) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Start building a new annotation existing value and retention policy.
- builder(Argument<B>, Supplier<B>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition
A new builder for constructing and configuring runtime created beans.
- builder(HttpRequest<?>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response.ErrorContext
Create a new context builder.
- builder(Class<?>, String...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
Build a
. - builder(Class<B>, Supplier<B>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition
A new builder for constructing and configuring runtime created beans.
- builder(ClassLoader, String...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
Build a
. - builder(String...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
Build a
. - builder(URI, HttpRequest<I>, HttpClientConfiguration, Argument<?>, MediaTypeCodecRegistry) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.HttpRequestFactory
- builder(Map<String, Object>, String...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
Build a
. - builder(B) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition
A new builder for constructing and configuring runtime created beans.
- builder(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Start building a new annotation for the given name.
- builder(ClassLoader) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
- builder(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Start building a new annotation for the given name.
- builder(String) - Static method in interface
Creates a builder to build a
. - builder(String, HealthStatus) - Static method in interface
Creates a builder to build a
. - builder(String, RetentionPolicy) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Start building a new annotation for the given name.
- builder(String, URI) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
A builder to builder a
. - Builder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder
Default constructor.
- Builder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.CorsAssertion.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.tck.BodyAssertion.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.tck.HttpResponseAssertion.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.tck.TestScenario.Builder
- buildEvaluatedExpressionReference(T, String, String, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Wraps original annotation value to make it processable at later stages.
- buildGenericTypeAnnotations(GenericElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
Build new generic element type annotation metadata from the class element.
- buildGenericTypeAnnotations(GenericElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- buildGetTargetMethodByIndex(ClassWriter) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter
Build get target method by index method if needed.
- buildHierarchy(Element, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- buildHierarchy(AnnotatedNode, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- buildHierarchy(T, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Build the type hierarchy for the given element.
- buildHttp3(SslConfiguration) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ssl.ClientSslBuilder
Build the ssl context for QUIC.
- buildHttp3(SslConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ssl.NettyClientSslBuilder
- BuildInfoSource - Class in
that retrieves info from build properties. - BuildInfoSource(ResourceResolver, String) - Constructor for class
- buildInterceptedBeanDefinition(String, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.KotlinCompiler
- buildInterceptedBeanDefinitionReference(String, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.KotlinCompiler
- buildMessageCache() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.i18n.ResourceBundleMessageSource
Build the cache used to store resolved messages.
- buildMutable(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
Build new mutable element annotation metadata.
- buildMutable(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- buildNestedSegments(CharSequence, int, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
- buildNettyRequest(MutableHttpRequest, URI, MediaType, boolean, Argument<?>, Consumer<? super Throwable>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- buildPropertyPath(ClassElement, ClassElement, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationUtils
- buildProvider(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, Argument<Object>, Qualifier<Object>, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
Builds a provider implementation.
- buildProvider(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, Argument<Object>, Qualifier<Object>, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.BeanProviderDefinition
- buildProvider(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, Argument<Object>, Qualifier<Object>, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.JakartaProviderBeanDefinition
- buildProvider(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, Argument<Object>, Qualifier<Object>, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.JavaxProviderBeanDefinition
- buildQuic() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.AbstractServerSslBuilder
- buildQuic() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.ServerSslBuilder
- buildResult(HealthStatus, Object, HealthLevelOfDetail) - Method in class
- buildRoute(HttpMethod, String, MethodExecutionHandle<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
Build a route.
- buildRoute(HttpMethod, String, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
Build a route.
- buildSegments(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver
Split a placeholder value into logic segments.
- buildSelfSigned - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
- buildSelfSigned() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
- buildTypeAnnotations(ClassElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
Build new class element type annotation metadata from the class element.
- buildTypeAnnotations(ClassElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- buildUriTemplate(ExecutableMethod<?, ?>, String) - Method in class
- byAnnotation(AnnotationMetadata, AnnotationValue<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Build a qualifier for the given annotation value.
- byAnnotation(AnnotationMetadata, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Build a qualifier for the given annotation.
- byAnnotation(AnnotationMetadata, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Build a qualifier for the given annotation.
- byAnnotation(Annotation) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Build a qualifier for the given annotation.
- byAnnotationSimple(AnnotationMetadata, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Build a qualifier for the given annotation.
- byExactTypeArgumentName(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Build a qualifier for the given generic type argument name.
- byInterceptorBinding(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Reduces bean definitions by the given interceptor binding.
- byInterceptorBindingValues(Collection<AnnotationValue<?>>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Reduces bean definitions by the given interceptor binding.
- byName(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Build a qualifier for the given name.
- byNamePrefix(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Qualify by a prefix.
- byQualifiers(Qualifier<T>...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Build a qualifier from other qualifiers.
- byRepeatableAnnotation(AnnotationMetadata, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Builds a qualifier that uses the given repeatable annotation.
- byStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Build a qualifier for the given annotation.
- byStereotype(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Build a qualifier for the given annotation.
- BYTE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Constant for byte argument.
- BYTE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- BYTE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- BYTE_WRAPPER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- byteArray() - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.Weighers
A weigher where the value is a byte array and its weight is the number of bytes.
- ByteArrayBodyAssertionBuilder(byte[]) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.tck.BodyAssertion.ByteArrayBodyAssertionBuilder
- byteBody() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
Get the last byte body of this request, be it claimed or unclaimed.
- ByteBody - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body
Base class for a raw
with just bytes. - ByteBufAllocatorConfiguration - Interface in io.micronaut.buffer.netty
Interface for the Netty bytebuf allocator configuration.
- ByteBufDelegate - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Delegates all functionality to the provided buffer.
- ByteBufDelegate(ByteBuf) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- ByteBuffer<T> - Interface in
Interface to allow interfacing with different byte buffer implementations, primarily as an abstraction over Netty.
- byteBufferFactory - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- ByteBufferFactory<T,
B> - Interface in -
An allocator for
instances. - ByteBufRawMessageBodyHandler - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty.body
Handler for netty
. - ByteBufRawMessageBodyHandler() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.ByteBufRawMessageBodyHandler
- byteBufToObjectConverter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.converters.NettyConverters
- bytesBefore(byte) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- bytesBefore(int, byte) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- bytesBefore(int, int, byte) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- BytesSentElementBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
Builder for BytesSentElement.
- BytesSentElementBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.BytesSentElementBuilder
- byteValue() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The byte value of the given member.
- byteValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The byte value of the given member.
- byteValue(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- byteValues() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The byte[] value for the given member.
- byteValues(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The byte[] value for the given member.
- byteValues(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- byType(Class<?>...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Build a qualifier for the given generic type arguments.
- byTypeArguments(Class<?>...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Build a qualifier for the given generic type arguments.
- byTypeArgumentsClosest(Class<?>...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Build a qualifier for the given generic type arguments.
- CACHE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptPhase
Caching phase of execution.
- CACHE_CONTROL - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - CACHE_MAX_AGE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaderValues
- CACHE_MAX_STALE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaderValues
- CACHE_MIN_FRESH - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaderValues
- CACHE_MUST_REVALIDATE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaderValues
- CACHE_NO_CACHE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaderValues
- CACHE_NO_STORE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaderValues
- CACHE_NO_TRANSFORM - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaderValues
- CACHE_ONLY_IF_CACHED - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaderValues
- CACHE_PRIVATE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaderValues
- CACHE_PROXY_REVALIDATE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaderValues
- CACHE_PUBLIC - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaderValues
- CACHE_S_MAXAGE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaderValues
- CACHE_STALE_IF_ERROR - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaderValues
- CACHE_STALE_WHILE_REVALIDATE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaderValues
- CACHEABLE_LAZY_TARGET - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.aop.Interceptor
setting. - cacheableLazyTarget() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.aop.Around
If true the proxy cache and reuse the target.
- CacheControlConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.FileTypeHandlerConfiguration.CacheControlConfiguration
- CACHED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorType
- CachedEnvironment - Class in io.micronaut.context.env
A "cached environment" is a performance optimization aimed at minimizing the cost of calling
. - CachedEnvironment() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.CachedEnvironment
- cacheEnvironment() - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.optim.StaticOptimizations
Enables environment caching.
- calculateHashCode(Map<? extends CharSequence, Object>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Calculates the hash code of annotation values.
- calculateOverallStatus(List<HealthResult>) - Method in class
- call() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteMatch
Same as
. - CallableInjectionPoint<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
A callable injection point is an injection point that accepts
instances. - callee - Variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.ElementMethodCall
- callOpenMethod(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
Calls the open method of the websocket bean.
- CAMEL_CASE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.StringConvention
Camel case, lower case first letter.
- CAMEL_CASE_CAPITALIZED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.StringConvention
Camel case capitalized like class names.
- CAMEL_CASE_NAMING_STRATEGY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
whereby camel case conventions are used. - camelCase(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
The camel case version of the string with the first letter in lower case.
- camelCase(String, boolean) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
The camel case version of the string with the first letter in lower case.
- cancel() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber.DownstreamSubscription
- cancel() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.FormDataHttpContentProcessor
- cancel() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.HttpContentProcessor
Deprecated.Cancel processing, clean up any data.
- cancelled() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerPublisher
Override to handle when a subscriber cancels the subscription.
- CancelledSubscriber<T> - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive
A cancelled subscriber.
- CancelledSubscriber() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.CancelledSubscriber
- canConvert(Class<S>, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- canConvert(Class<S>, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionService
Return whether the given source type is convertible to the given target type.
- canConvert(Class<S>, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.DefaultMutableConversionService
- canHaveBody(HttpResponseStatus) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.PipeliningServerHandler
- canRetry(Throwable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.retry.RetryState
Should a retry attempt to occur.
- canReturn() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ConnectionManager.PoolHandle
Whether this connection may be returned to a connection pool (i.e.
- capacity() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
Retrieves the maximum weighted capacity of the map.
- capacity() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- capacity(int) - Method in interface
Adjusts the capacity of this buffer.
- capacity(int) - Method in class
- capacity(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- capitalize(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Converts a property name to class name according to the JavaBean convention.
- capitalize(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Capitalizes the first character of the provided string.
- capturedException() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.Retryable
- CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders - Class in io.micronaut.http
implementation that is case-insensitive. - CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders(boolean, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders
Create an empty CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders.
- CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders(boolean, Map<String, List<String>>, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders
Create a CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders populated by the entries in the provided Map<String,String>.
- CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders
Create an empty CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders.
- CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders(Map<String, List<String>>, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders
Create a CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders populated by the entries in the provided Map<String,String>.
- catalog - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
- cause(Throwable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response.ErrorContext.Builder
Sets the root cause of the error(s).
- CertificateProvidedSslBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl
The Netty implementation of
that generates anSslContext
to create a server handle with SSL support via user configuration. - CertificateProvidedSslBuilder(HttpServerConfiguration, ServerSslConfiguration, ResourceResolver) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.CertificateProvidedSslBuilder
- channel() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ConnectionManager.PoolHandle
- channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketClientHandler
- channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerPublisher
- channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerSubscriber
- channelClass(NettyChannelType) - Method in class
- channelClass(NettyChannelType) - Method in class
- channelClass(NettyChannelType) - Method in interface
Returns the domain socket server channel class.
- channelClass(NettyChannelType) - Method in class
- channelClass(NettyChannelType) - Method in class
- channelClass(NettyChannelType) - Method in class
- channelClass(NettyChannelType, EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- channelClass(NettyChannelType, EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- channelClass(NettyChannelType, EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in interface
Returns the domain socket server channel class.
- channelClass(NettyChannelType, EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- channelClass(NettyChannelType, EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- channelClass(NettyChannelType, EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerPublisher
- channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerSubscriber
- channelInstance(NettyChannelType, EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- channelInstance(NettyChannelType, EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- channelInstance(NettyChannelType, EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in interface
Returns the domain socket server channel class.
- channelInstance(NettyChannelType, EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- channelInstance(NettyChannelType, EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- channelInstance(NettyChannelType, EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- channelOption(String) - Method in interface
Creates a channel options.
- channelOption(String) - Method in class
- channelOption(String) - Method in class
- ChannelOptionFactory - Interface in
Creates channel options.
- ChannelOutboundHandlerFactory - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler
Factory interface for building
instances. - ChannelPipelineCustomizer - Interface in
Interface that allows customizations to the
. - ChannelPipelineListener - Interface in
Deprecated.Use NettyClientCustomizer or NettyServerCustomizer instead.
- channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.PipeliningServerHandler
- channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerPublisher
- channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class
- channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.HttpAccessLogHandler
- channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketClientHandler
- channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class
- channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.PipeliningServerHandler
- channelRegistered(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerPublisher
- channelRegistered(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerSubscriber
- channelWritabilityChanged(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerSubscriber
- channelWritabilityChanged(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class
- channelWritabilityChanged(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.PipeliningServerHandler
- CHAR - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Constant char argument.
- CHAR - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- CHAR - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- CHAR_WRAPPER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- characterEncoding(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
Sets the response encoding.
- characterEncoding(Charset) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
Sets the response encoding.
- charAt(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationClassValue
- charAt(int) - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
- charAt(int) - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
- charAt(int) - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- charAt(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- CharSequenceBodyWriter - Class in io.micronaut.http.body
Body writer for
s. - CharSequenceBodyWriter() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.body.CharSequenceBodyWriter
- CHARSET_PARAMETER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
. - charValue() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The char value of the given member.
- charValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The char value of the given member.
- charValue(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- charValues() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The char[] value for the given member.
- charValues(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The char[] value for the given member.
- charValues(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- check(ArgumentUtils.Check) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArgumentUtils
Perform a check on an argument.
- check(String, T) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArgumentUtils
Perform a check on an argument.
- checkIfShouldLoad(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Checks whether the bean should be loaded.
- checkInjectedBeanPropertyValue(String, Object, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Check the value of the injected bean property to decide whether the bean should be loaded.
- checkSize(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- checkSupported() - Static method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.LoomSupport
- children() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationBuilder
- choose(FunctionDefinition) - Method in interface io.micronaut.function.client.FunctionInvokerChooser
Chooses a
. - choose(FunctionDefinition) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.client.http.HttpFunctionExecutor
- ChunkedMessageBodyReader<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.body
Variant of
that allows piecewise reading of the input, e.g. - CIDR - Enum constant in enum class
- CircuitBreaker - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.retry.annotation
Variation of
that implements the Circuit Breaker pattern. - CircuitClosedEvent - Class in io.micronaut.retry.event
An event fired when a Circuit is
and has resumed accepting requests. - CircuitClosedEvent(ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.retry.event.CircuitClosedEvent
Constructs an Event.
- CircuitOpenEvent - Class in io.micronaut.retry.event
An event fired when the Circuit is
and requests are no longer being accepted. - CircuitOpenEvent(ExecutableMethod<?, ?>, RetryState, Throwable) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.retry.event.CircuitOpenEvent
- CircuitOpenException - Exception in io.micronaut.retry.exception
Runtime exception that wraps a non-runtime exception in the case of an error.
- CircuitOpenException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.retry.exception.CircuitOpenException
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified detail message.
- CircuitOpenException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.retry.exception.CircuitOpenException
Constructs a new CircuitOpen runtime exception with the specified detail message and cause.
- CircuitState - Enum Class in io.micronaut.retry
State for Circuit breaker phases.
- CircularDependencyException - Exception in io.micronaut.context.exceptions
Represents a circular dependency failure.
- CircularDependencyException(BeanResolutionContext, Argument, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.CircularDependencyException
- CircularDependencyException(BeanResolutionContext, BeanDefinition, String, Argument, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.CircularDependencyException
- CircularDependencyException(BeanResolutionContext, BeanDefinition, String, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.CircularDependencyException
- CircularDependencyException(BeanResolutionContext, FieldInjectionPoint, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.CircularDependencyException
- CircularDependencyException(BeanResolutionContext, MethodInjectionPoint, Argument, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.CircularDependencyException
- claim() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData.Chunk
Get the contents of this chunk as a
. - claimFields(String, BiFunction<? super MicronautHttpData<?>, ? super Flux<PartData>, R>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.FormRouteCompleter
Claim all fields of the given name.
- claimFieldsComplete(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.FormRouteCompleter
Claim all fields of the given name.
- claimFieldsRaw(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.FormRouteCompleter
Claim all fields of the given name.
- claimForExternal() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateSingleObjectBody
Get the value and transfer ownership to the caller.
- claimForReuse(HttpRequest) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ByteBody
Claim this body and convert it back to a
. - claimForReuse(HttpRequest) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateByteBody
- claimForReuse(HttpRequest) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.StreamingByteBody
- Class(TypeElement, TypeMirror, JavaNativeElement) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - Class(ClassNode) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - CLASS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- CLASS_EXTENSION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils
Default extension for class files.
- CLASS_NAME_SUFFIX - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The suffix used when saving compiled metadata to classes.
- CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.graal.GraalReflectionConfigurer
The suffix used for generated classes.
- CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanConfigurationWriter
Suffix for generated configuration classes.
- CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.ExecutableMethodsDefinitionWriter
- classElement - Variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- classElement - Variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.ExpressionNode
- ClassElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
Stores data about an element that references a class.
- classElementFor(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.ModelUtils
Obtains the
for a given element. - classes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Import
- classes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Expresses the given classes that should be present on the classpath for the bean or configuration to load.
- classes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected
By default
applies to the class it is applied on. - classes(Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
Add classes to be included in the initialization of the application.
- ClassGenerationException - Exception in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Thrown when an exception occurs during compilation due to a class generation error.
- ClassGenerationException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.inject.writer.ClassGenerationException
- ClassGenerationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.inject.writer.ClassGenerationException
- classLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
The class loader to be used.
- classLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- classLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
- className() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.AnnotationExpressionContext
- classNames() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected
Alternative way to specify the value for `classes` when the class cannot be referenced.
- classNode - Variable in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- ClassOutputWriter - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.writer
A component that accepts a
and writes classes to it. - ClassPathAnnotationScanner - Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.scan
An optimized classpath scanner that includes the ability to optionally scan JAR files.
- ClassPathAnnotationScanner() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.scan.ClassPathAnnotationScanner
Default constructor.
- ClassPathAnnotationScanner(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.scan.ClassPathAnnotationScanner
- ClassPathResourceLoader - Interface in
Abstraction to load resources from the classpath.
- ClassUtils - Class in io.micronaut.core.reflect
Utility methods for loading classes.
- ClassUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils
- ClassUtils.Optimizations - Class in io.micronaut.core.reflect
Optimizations for computing missing types.
- classValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The value of the annotation as a Class.
- classValue() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The value of the annotation as a Class.
- classValue(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value of the annotation as a Class.
- classValue(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- classValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value of the annotation as a Class.
- classValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- classValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- classValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- classValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- classValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Retrieve the class value and optionally map its value.
- classValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value of the annotation as a Class.
- classValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- classValue(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The value of the given annotation member as a Class.
- classValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The value of the given annotation member as a Class.
- classValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The value of the given annotation member as a Class.
- classValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The value of the given annotation member as a Class.
- classValue(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value of the annotation as a Class.
- classValue(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- classValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- classValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- classValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- classValue(String, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- classValue(String, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Retrieve the class value and optionally map its value.
- classValue(String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The value of the given annotation member as a Class.
- classValue(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- classValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- classValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- classValue(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- classValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- classValues() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The value of the annotation as a Class.
- classValues(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value of the annotation as a Class.
- classValues(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- classValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value of the annotation as a Class.
- classValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- classValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- classValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- classValues(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value of the annotation as a Class.
- classValues(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- classValues(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- classValues(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The value of the given annotation member as a Class.
- classValues(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value of the annotation as a Class.
- classValues(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- classValues(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- classValues(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- classValues(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- classValues(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- classValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- classValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- classValues(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- classValues(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- ClassWithOwner(ClassNode, GroovyNativeElement) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.ClassWithOwner
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ClassWithReferencingExternalClass - Class in io.micronaut.inject.test
This class has a method parameter with unresolved class.
- ClassWithReferencingExternalClass() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.test.ClassWithReferencingExternalClass
- classWriterOutputVisitor - Variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- ClassWriterOutputVisitor - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Interface to be consumed by class writers allowing visiting file names and returning appropriate streams.
- cleanAllHttpData() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData.Factory
- cleanAllHttpDatas() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData.Factory
- cleanRequestHttpData(HttpRequest) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData.Factory
- cleanRequestHttpDatas(HttpRequest) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData.Factory
- clear() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- clear() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- clear() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleMultiValues
Clear all values.
- clear() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- clear() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleValues
Clear all values.
- clear() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleValuesMap
- clear() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
- clear() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- clear() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- clear() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- clear() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.StaticOriginatingElements
- clearCaches() - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Clears any caches from the last compilation round.
- clearCaches() - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Used to clear caches at the end of a compilation cycle.
- clearMutated() - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Used to clear mutated metadata at the end of a compilation cycle.
- CLI - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
The cli environment.
- client - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- Client - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.client.annotation
Allows defining declarative HTTP clients and customizing injection for injecting
implementations. - CLIENT_SOCKET - Enum constant in enum class
- ClientArgumentRequestBinder<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client.bind
A binder that binds to a
. - ClientAuthentication - Enum Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
An enum describing the type of client authentication.
- ClientContextPathProvider - Interface in io.micronaut.http.context
A contract for providing a context path to a client.
- ClientFilter - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Mark a bean as a filter for the HTTP client.
- ClientFilterChain - Interface in io.micronaut.http.filter
- ClientFilterResolutionContext - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.filter
The client filter resolution context.
- ClientFilterResolutionContext(List<String>, AnnotationMetadata) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.filter.ClientFilterResolutionContext
Default constructor.
- clientId - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- ClientRequestBinder - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client.bind
A binder that binds to a
. - ClientRequestFilterTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter
- ClientRequestFilterTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter
- ClientRequestFilterTest.MyController - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter
- ClientRequestUriContext - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.bind
A class that exposes information about the URI to
instances. - ClientRequestUriContext(UriMatchTemplate, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, List<String>>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.ClientRequestUriContext
- ClientResponseFilterTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter
- ClientResponseFilterTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest
- ClientResponseFilterTest.MyClientFilter - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter
- ClientResponseFilterTest.MyController - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter
- ClientServerContextFilter - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.filters
A client filter that propagates the request context.
- ClientServerContextFilter(HttpRequest<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.filters.ClientServerContextFilter
Default constructor.
- clientSocketChannelClass(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- clientSocketChannelClass(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- clientSocketChannelClass(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in interface
Returns the client channel class.
- clientSocketChannelClass(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- clientSocketChannelClass(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- clientSocketChannelClass(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- clientSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- clientSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in interface
Returns the client channel class instance.
- clientSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- clientSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- clientSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- clientSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- ClientSslBuilder - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ssl
Interface used by the netty HTTP client to construct the SSL context.
- ClientSslConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
The default
used for HTTP clients. - ClientSslConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.ClientSslConfiguration
The default client configuration.
- ClientSslConfiguration(DefaultSslConfiguration, DefaultSslConfiguration.DefaultKeyConfiguration, DefaultSslConfiguration.DefaultKeyStoreConfiguration, SslConfiguration.TrustStoreConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.ClientSslConfiguration
Overrides the default constructor and sets
to true. - ClientSslConfiguration.DefaultKeyConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
The default
. - ClientSslConfiguration.DefaultKeyStoreConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
The default
. - ClientSslConfiguration.DefaultTrustStoreConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
The default
. - ClientTypesRule - Class in io.micronaut.validation.routes.rules
Validates that disallowed types are not used in declarative client methods.
- ClientTypesRule() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.validation.routes.rules.ClientTypesRule
- ClientVersioningConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor.configuration
A base configuration class for configuring
versioning. - ClientWebSocket - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.websocket.annotation
Annotation declared on the client to indicate the class handles web socket frames.
- ClientWebSocketInterceptor - Class in io.micronaut.websocket.interceptor
Intercepts unimplemented
methods. - ClientWebSocketInterceptor(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.websocket.interceptor.ClientWebSocketInterceptor
- cliPrefix() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationProperties
If the properties of this configuration can also be resolved from the CLI a prefix can be specified.
- clone() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- clone() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
- cloneMap(Map<K, V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- cloneMapOfListValue(Map<K, List<V>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- cloneMapOfMapValue(Map<K, Map<X, Y>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- cloneWithFeatures(JsonFeatures) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- cloneWithFeatures(JsonFeatures) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Create a copy of this mapper with the given json features as returned by
. - cloneWithFeatures(JacksonFeatures) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JacksonMediaTypeCodec
Create a new codec with the provided features.
- cloneWithFeatures(JacksonFeatures) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JsonMediaTypeCodec
- cloneWithFeatures(JsonFeatures) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JacksonMediaTypeCodec
- cloneWithFeatures(JsonFeatures) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
Create a copy of this codec with the given features.
- cloneWithMapper(JsonMapper) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JacksonMediaTypeCodec
- cloneWithMapper(JsonMapper) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.JsonMediaTypeCodec
- cloneWithMapper(JsonMapper) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.JsonStreamMediaTypeCodec
- cloneWithMapper(JsonMapper) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- cloneWithViewClass(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- cloneWithViewClass(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Create a copy of this mapper with the given view class.
- cloneWithViewClass(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.JavaParser
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.BeanRegistration
- close() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
- close() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext.Path
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanResolutionContext
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.expressions.DefaultExpressionEvaluationContext
- close() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.LifeCycle
Delegates to
. - close() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.scope.AbstractConcurrentCustomScope
Implement the close logic for the scope.
- close() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.scope.CreatedBean
Destroy the bean entry, performing any shutdown and releasing any dependent objects.
- close() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext.Scope
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.CompositeDiscoveryClient
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.function.client.http.HttpFunctionExecutor
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.AbstractExecutor
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.FunctionInitializer
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.DefaultJdkHttpClientRegistry
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.EmbeddedServerUnderTest
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- close() - Method in class
- close() - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.processor.ScheduledMethodProcessor
- close() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClient
- close() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
- close(Throwable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.retry.RetryState
Closes the
. - close(CloseReason) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- close(CloseReason) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
Close the session with the given event.
- close(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelPromise) - Method in class
- CLOSE_BRACKET - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.content.HttpContentUtil
- closeAfterWrite() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.PipeliningServerHandler.OutboundAccess
Mark this channel to be closed after this response has been written.
- closeBracket() - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.content.HttpContentUtil
- closeContext - Variable in class io.micronaut.function.executor.FunctionInitializer
- CLOSED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.retry.CircuitState
The circuit is closed and downstream logic should proceed as normal.
- closeIfNoSubscriber() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerPublisher
- closeIfNoSubscriber() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HotObservable
Releases buffered data if there is no subscriber.
- closeIfNoSubscriber() - Method in class
- closeIfNoSubscriber() - Method in class
- closeIfNoSubscriber() - Method in interface
Releases the stream if there is no subscriber.
- closeMethod() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.context.WebSocketBean
Returns the method annotated with
. - CloseReason - Class in io.micronaut.websocket
Enumeration of close events.
- CloseReason(int, String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
Default constructor.
- ClosestTypeArgumentQualifier<T> - Class in io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers
that qualifies beans by generic type arguments and only returns the candidates that most closely match. - closeWatchService() - Method in class
Closes the watch service.
- closeWatchService() - Method in class
- CLOUD - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
The cloud environment.
- CLOUD_FOUNDRY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Running on Cloud Foundry.
- CLOUD_PLATFORM_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
The default bootstrap name.
- CloudFoundryVcapApplicationPropertySourceLoader - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.core.env
that reads from the environment variable VCAP_APPLICATION which is used by CloudFoundry. - CloudFoundryVcapApplicationPropertySourceLoader() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.CloudFoundryVcapApplicationPropertySourceLoader
- CloudFoundryVcapApplicationPropertySourceLoader(boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.CloudFoundryVcapApplicationPropertySourceLoader
- CloudFoundryVcapServicesPropertySourceLoader - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.core.env
that reads from the environment variable VCAP_SERVICES which is used by CloudFoundry. - CloudFoundryVcapServicesPropertySourceLoader() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.CloudFoundryVcapServicesPropertySourceLoader
- CloudFoundryVcapServicesPropertySourceLoader(boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.CloudFoundryVcapServicesPropertySourceLoader
- code() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.HttpResponseAdapter
- code() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.FullNettyClientHttpResponse
- code() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
- code() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpResponseWrapper
- code() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- codecConfiguration - Variable in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- CodecConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.codec
Configuration for
instances. - CodecConfiguration(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.codec.CodecConfiguration
- CodecException - Exception in io.micronaut.http.codec
An exception thrown when an object cannot be decoded.
- CodecException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.codec.CodecException
- CodecException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.codec.CodecException
- coerceStringValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
Attempt to coerce this node to a string.
- coerceToBoolean(Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ObjectUtils
Coerce the given object to boolean.
- coerceToInputStream(ByteBufAllocator) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateMultiObjectBody
- coerceToInputStream(ByteBufAllocator) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateSingleObjectBody
- coerceToInputStream(ByteBufAllocator) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.MultiObjectBody
Coerce this value to an
. - coerceToInputStream(ByteBufAllocator) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.StreamingMultiObjectBody
- collect(Collection<S>) - Method in interface
- collect(Collection<S>, boolean) - Method in interface
- collect(Consumer<? super S>) - Method in interface
- collectAll() - Method in class
Collects all initialized instances.
- collectAll(Collection<S>) - Method in class
Collects all initialized instances.
- collectAll(Collection<S>, Predicate<S>) - Method in class
Collects all initialized instances.
- collectAll(Predicate<S>) - Method in class
Collects all initialized instances.
- collectInjectableElements(ClassElement, VisitorContext) - Static method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.BeanImportVisitor
- collection() - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.Weighers
A weigher where the value is a
and its weight is the number of elements. - CollectionUtils - Class in io.micronaut.core.util
Utility methods for working with
types - CollectionUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
- collectIterableBeans(BeanResolutionContext, BeanDefinition<T>, Set<BeanDefinition<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Collects iterable beans from a given iterable.
- collectIterableBeans(BeanResolutionContext, BeanDefinition<T>, Set<BeanDefinition<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- COLON - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- COMBINED_LOG_FORMAT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.AccessLogFormatParser
The combined log format.
- COMMA - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- COMMA - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.content.HttpContentUtil
- CommandLine - Interface in io.micronaut.core.cli
Represents the parsed command line options.
- CommandLine.Builder<T extends CommandLine.Builder> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.cli
A build for constructing a command line parser.
- CommandLinePropertySource - Class in io.micronaut.context.env
for properties parsed from the command line. - CommandLinePropertySource(CommandLine) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.CommandLinePropertySource
Construct the CommandLinePropertySource from properties passed from command line.
- comment(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.sse.Event
Sets the event comment.
- COMMON_CLASS_MAP - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils
- COMMON_LOG_FORMAT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.AccessLogFormatParser
The common log format.
- ComparablesComparisonOperation - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Expression AST node for relational operations (>, <, >=, <=) on types that implement
interface. - ComparablesComparisonOperation(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode, int) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.ComparablesComparisonOperation
- COMPARATOR - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.order.OrderUtil
Provide a comparator for collections.
- compare(List<Class<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.ClosestTypeArgumentQualifier
- compareTo(InterfaceHttpData) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- compareTo(SemanticVersion) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.version.SemanticVersion
- compareTo(HealthStatus) - Method in class
Sorts statuses in order of "functioning level".
- compareTo(Cookie) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- compareTo(Cookie) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- compareTo(UriTemplate) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
- compareTo(UriRouteInfo) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultUrlRouteInfo
- compareTo(ByteBuf) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- compilationContext() - Method in record class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.compilation.ExpressionVisitorContext
Returns the value of the
record component. - compilationUnit - Variable in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
- compile(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.ExpressionNode
Compiles this expression AST node against passes compilation context.
- compile(String, String, Consumer<ClassElement>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.KotlinCompiler
- compileArguments(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.AbstractMethodCall
Compiles method arguments.
- Completable - Interface in io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber
Interface that exposes a callback to indicate when an operation has been completed.
- CompletableFutureExecutionFlow<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.execution
The completable future execution flow.
- CompletableFuturePublisher<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.async.publisher
Adapts a
to aPublisher
. - complete() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerSubscriber
Override for custom completion handling.
- complete(Collection<Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.FormDataHttpContentProcessor
- complete(Collection<Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.HttpContentProcessor
Deprecated.Finish processing data.
- complete(Collection<Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.jackson.JsonContentProcessor
- complete(GeneratorAdapter) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.DispatchTargetState
Complete writing this state.
- complete(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.DelayedExecutionFlow
Complete this flow normally.
- CompletedFileUpload - Interface in io.micronaut.http.multipart
Represents a completed part of a multipart request.
- CompletedPart - Interface in io.micronaut.http.multipart
Represents a completed part of a multipart request.
- completeExceptionally(Throwable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.DelayedExecutionFlow
Complete this flow with an exception.
- COMPLETION_STAGE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod.ResultType
- CompletionAwareSubscriber<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber
that tracks completion state using aAtomicBoolean
. - CompletionAwareSubscriber() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.CompletionAwareSubscriber
- compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.util.functional.ThrowingFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies the
function to its input, and then applies this function to the result. - CompositeCookieDecoder - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.cookie
Iterate the cookieDecoders and return the first one that returns cookies.
- CompositeCookieDecoder(List<CookieDecoder>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.cookie.CompositeCookieDecoder
- CompositeDiscoveryClient - Class in io.micronaut.discovery
A composite implementation combining all registered
instances. - CompositeDiscoveryClient(DiscoveryClient[]) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.discovery.CompositeDiscoveryClient
Construct the CompositeDiscoveryClient from all discovery clients.
- CompositeHttpLocaleResolver - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale
- CompositeHttpLocaleResolver(HttpLocaleResolver[], HttpLocaleResolutionConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.CompositeHttpLocaleResolver
- CompositeMessageSource - Class in io.micronaut.runtime.context
Composite message source that is the primary message source.
- CompositeMessageSource(Collection<MessageSource>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.runtime.context.CompositeMessageSource
The other messages sources.
- CompoundEvaluatedEvaluatedExpressionParser - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser
This parser is used to split complex expression into multiple single expressions if necessary and delegate each atomic expression parsing to separate instance of
, then combining single expressions parsing results. - CompoundEvaluatedEvaluatedExpressionParser(Object) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.CompoundEvaluatedEvaluatedExpressionParser
Instantiates compound expression parser.
- COMPRESSION_HANDLER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketUpgradeHandler
- compute(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- computeIfAbsent(K, Function<? super K, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- computeIfAbsent(K, Function<? super K, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
If the specified key is not already associated with a value, attempts to compute its value using the given mapping function and enters it into this map unless
. - computeIfPresent(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- ComputeInstanceMetadata - Interface in
An interface modelling common Cloud platform compute instance metadata.
- ComputeInstanceMetadataResolver - Interface in
Interface for resoling compute instance metadata.
- ComputeInstanceMetadataResolverUtils - Class in
Utility class for
's. - ComputeInstanceMetadataResolverUtils() - Constructor for class
- computeNumericOperationTargetType(Type, Type) - Static method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
For two passed types computes result numeric operation type.
- ComputePlatform - Enum Class in io.micronaut.context.env
- concat(byte[], byte...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
Concatenate two byte arrays.
- concat(List<E>, E) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
The method will merge the list and element into a new list.
- concat(List<E>, Collection<E>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
The method will merge two list into a new list.
- concat(Set<E>, E) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
The method will merge the set and element into a new set.
- concat(Set<E>, Collection<E>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
The method will merge two sets into a new set.
- concat(T[], T...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
Concatenate two arrays.
- concurrencyLevel(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder
Specifies the estimated number of concurrently updating threads.
- ConcurrentLinkedHashMap<K,
V> - Class in io.micronaut.core.util.clhm -
A hash table supporting full concurrency of retrievals, adjustable expected concurrency for updates, and a maximum capacity to bound the map by.
- ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder<K,
V> - Class in io.micronaut.core.util.clhm -
A builder that creates
instances. - condition() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
One ore more custom condition classes.
- condition() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.util.ArgumentUtils.Check
- condition() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled
A custom expression that can be used to indicate whether the job should run.
- Condition - Interface in io.micronaut.context.condition
A condition allows conditional loading of a
. - ConditionContext<T extends AnnotationMetadataProvider> - Interface in io.micronaut.context.condition
The ConditionContext passed to a
. - ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.discovery.config
Abstract class for common configuration discovery settings.
- ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration
- ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration.Format - Enum Class in io.micronaut.discovery.config
The format the configuration is stored in.
- ConfigurableElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans
Element that supports adding qualifiers.
- ConfigurableExpressionEvaluationContext - Interface in io.micronaut.context.expressions
Expression evaluation context that can be configured before evaluation.
- ConfigurableUriNamingStrategy - Class in io.micronaut.web.router.naming
The configurable
if property "micronaut.server.context-path" has been set. - ConfigurableUriNamingStrategy(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.naming.ConfigurableUriNamingStrategy
Constructs a new uri naming strategy for the given property.
- configuration - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- configuration - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.AbstractHttpContentProcessor
- configuration - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.SystemFileBodyWriter
- configuration - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultHttpContentProcessor
- configuration() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Expresses the configurations that should be present for the bean or configuration to load.
- configuration() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.client.annotation.Client
- configuration(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.TestScenario.Builder
- Configuration - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
A configuration is a grouping of bean definitions under a package.
- CONFIGURATION_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigurationClient
The prefix used to configure the config client.
- CONFIGURATION_QUALIFIER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.codec.TextStreamCodec
- CONFIGURATION_QUALIFIER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JsonMediaTypeCodec
- CONFIGURATION_QUALIFIER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JsonStreamMediaTypeCodec
- CONFIGURATION_QUALIFIER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.json.codec.JsonMediaTypeCodec
- CONFIGURATION_QUALIFIER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.json.codec.JsonStreamMediaTypeCodec
- CONFIGURATION_QUALIFIER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.runtime.http.codec.TextPlainCodec
- ConfigurationAdvice - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.runtime.context.env
Internal annotation that allows the definition on
on interfaces. - ConfigurationBuilder - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
An annotation applicable to a field or method of a
instance that allows to customize the behaviour of properties that are builders themselves. - ConfigurationClient - Interface in io.micronaut.discovery.config
A Configuration client is responsible for reading configuration for configuration servers.
- ConfigurationDefaultVersionProvider - Class in io.micronaut.web.router.version
Implementation of
which uses configuration. - ConfigurationDefaultVersionProvider(RoutesVersioningConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.version.ConfigurationDefaultVersionProvider
- ConfigurationException - Exception in io.micronaut.context.exceptions
An exception that occurs during configuration setup.
- ConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.ConfigurationException
- ConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.ConfigurationException
- ConfigurationInfoSource - Class in
that retrieves values under the info key from configuration sources. - ConfigurationInfoSource(Environment) - Constructor for class
- ConfigurationInject - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Allows injecting configuration values into a constructor or method based on the parameter names.
- ConfigurationIntroductionAdvice - Class in io.micronaut.runtime.context.env
Internal introduction advice used to allow
on interfaces. - ConfigurationMetadata - Class in io.micronaut.inject.configuration
Metadata about a configuration group.
- ConfigurationMetadata() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadata
- ConfigurationMetadataBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.inject.configuration
A builder for producing metadata for the available
. - ConfigurationMetadataBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadataBuilder
- ConfigurationMetadataProcessor - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing
Handles Configuration metadata generation.
- ConfigurationMetadataProcessor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.ConfigurationMetadataProcessor
- ConfigurationMetadataWriter - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.configuration
An interface for classes that write
metadata. - ConfigurationPath - Interface in io.micronaut.context.env
Models a configuration path such as those declared within
declarations. - ConfigurationPath.ConfigurationSegment - Interface in io.micronaut.context.env
A segment of configuration.
- ConfigurationPath.ConfigurationSegment.ConfigurationKind - Enum Class in io.micronaut.context.env
- configurationPrefix() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationBuilder
When this annotation is used, by default the name of the field or method is not taken into account when retrieving configuration properties.
- ConfigurationProperties - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Defines a singleton bean whose property values are resolved from a
. - ConfigurationReader - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
A meta annotation for use with other annotations to indicate that the annotation reads configuration.
- ConfigurationReaderVisitor - Class in io.micronaut.context.visitor
The visitor adds Validated annotation if one of the parameters is a constraint or @Valid.
- ConfigurationReaderVisitor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.visitor.ConfigurationReaderVisitor
- configurationType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
- ConfigurationUtils - Class in io.micronaut.inject.configuration
An util class to calculate configuration paths.
- configure(ApplicationContextBuilder) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextConfigurer
Configures the application context builder.
- configure(CookieConfiguration) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
Configure the Cookie with the given configuration.
- configure(CookieConfiguration, boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
Configure the Cookie with the given configuration.
- configure(ClassLoader, LoggerContext, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.logging.impl.LogbackUtils
Configures a Logger Context.
- configure(BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition
- configure(BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- configure(BeanContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContextConfigurable
Configure the component for the given bean context.
- configure(BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.EvaluatedAnnotationMetadata
- configure(Environment) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- configure(Environment) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition
- configure(Environment) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Configures the bean for the given
. - configure(Environment) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.EnvironmentConfigurable
Configure the component for the given environment.
- configure(GraalReflectionConfigurer.ReflectionConfigurationContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.graal.GraalReflectionConfigurer
Configure reflection for this type.
- configureBeanVisitor(BeanDefinitionVisitor) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
Configure the bean visitor for this builder.
- configuredLevel() - Method in class
- CONFLICT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- connect(DefaultHttpClient.RequestKey, BlockHint) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ConnectionManager
Get a connection for non-websocket http client methods.
- connect(Class<T>, MutableHttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- connect(Class<T>, MutableHttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClient
Connect the given client endpoint type to the URI over WebSocket.
- connect(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClient
Connect the given client endpoint type to the URI over WebSocket.
- connect(Class<T>, URI) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClient
Connect the given client endpoint type to the URI over WebSocket.
- connect(Class<T>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- connect(Class<T>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClient
Connect the given client endpoint type.
- CONNECT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
- CONNECTION - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientCustomizer.ChannelRole
The channel is a connection channel, e.g.
- CONNECTION - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyServerCustomizer.ChannelRole
The channel is a connection channel, e.g.
- CONNECTION - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaderValues
. - CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- ConnectionClosedException - Exception in io.micronaut.http.exceptions
Exception thrown when the client or server unexpectedly closes the connection.
- ConnectionClosedException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.exceptions.ConnectionClosedException
- ConnectionClosedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.exceptions.ConnectionClosedException
- connectionManager() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
Access to the connection manager, for micronaut-oracle-cloud.
- ConnectionManager - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.netty
Connection manager for
. - ConnectionManager.PoolHandle - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.netty
Handle for a pooled connection.
- ConnectionPoolConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration
- ConstantElement - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
ConstantElement LogElement.
- ConstantPropertySources - Class in io.micronaut.context.env
An optimization class which is used to register property sources statically.
- ConstantPropertySources(List<PropertySource>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.ConstantPropertySources
- CONSTRUCTOR_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- ConstructorArgumentSegment(BeanDefinition, String, Argument, Argument[]) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.ConstructorArgumentSegment
- ConstructorElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
Element for constructors.
- ConstructorInjectionPoint<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
A constructor injection point.
- ConstructorInterceptor<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.aop
extends the defaultInterceptor
interface and allows intercepting constructors. - ConstructorInterceptorChain<T> - Class in io.micronaut.aop.chain
Implementation of
for constructor interception. - ConstructorInvocationContext<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.aop
for construction invocation. - CONSTRUCTORS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Constant to retrieve instance constructors, not including those of the parent class.
- constructType(Argument<T>, TypeFactory) - Static method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Constructors a JavaType for the given argument and type factory.
- consumedInMessage(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class
- consumes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Controller
- consumes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.CustomHttpMethod
The default consumes.
- consumes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Delete
- consumes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get
The default consumes.
- consumes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Options
- consumes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Patch
- consumes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Post
- consumes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Put
- consumes() - Element in annotation interface
- consumes(MediaType...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.ErrorRoute
- consumes(MediaType...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.ResourceRoute
Accept the given media type.
- consumes(MediaType...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Route
Applies the given accepted media type the route.
- consumes(MediaType...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.StatusRoute
- consumes(MediaType...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRoute
- Consumes - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
An annotation to indicate the
s consumed by a particular component. - consumesAll() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Route
Accept all
references. - consumesAll() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRoute
- ConsumesMediaTypeQualifier<T> - Class in io.micronaut.web.router.qualifier
- ConsumesMediaTypeQualifier(MediaType) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.qualifier.ConsumesMediaTypeQualifier
- consumesMediaTypes - Variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- consumesMediaTypesContainsAll - Variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- ConsumesTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- ConsumesTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.ConsumesTest
- CONTAINER_TYPES - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- contains() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.tck.BodyAssertion.AssertionBuilder
- contains() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.BodyAssertion.ByteArrayBodyAssertionBuilder
- contains() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.BodyAssertion.StringBodyAssertionBuilder
- contains(Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.Qualifier
Whether this qualifier contains the given qualifier.
- contains(Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.AnyQualifier
- contains(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Whether a particular member is present.
- contains(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
Whether the given key is contained within these values.
- contains(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValuesMap
- contains(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- containsBean(Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Return whether the bean of the given type is contained within this context.
- containsBean(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Return whether the bean of the given type is contained within this context.
- containsBean(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Return whether the bean of the given type is contained within this context.
- containsBean(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Return whether the bean of the given type is contained within this context.
- containsBean(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- containsBean(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- containsKey(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
- containsKey(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- containsProperties(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.PropertyResolver
Whether the given property or any nested properties exist for the key given key within this resolver.
- containsProperties(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
- containsProperties(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
If this bean is a
bean return whether any properties for it are configured within the context. - containsProperties(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
If this bean is a
bean return whether any properties for it are configured within the context. - containsProperties(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- containsProperties(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.value.MapPropertyResolver
- containsPropertiesValue(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- containsProperty(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.PropertyResolver
Whether the given property is contained within this resolver.
- containsProperty(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
- containsProperty(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- containsProperty(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.value.MapPropertyResolver
- containsPropertyValue(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- containsValue(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
- containsValue(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- containsValueForField(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- containsValueForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, int, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- content() - Method in class
- content() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- CONTENT_BASE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - CONTENT_DISPOSITION - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - CONTENT_DPR - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - CONTENT_ENCODING - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - CONTENT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - CONTENT_LENGTH - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - CONTENT_LOCATION - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - CONTENT_MD5 - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - CONTENT_RANGE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - contentEncoding(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpMessage
Sets the content encoding.
- contentEncoding(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpRequest
- contentEncoding(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
- contentLength() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
The request or response content type.
- contentLength() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- contentLength(long) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpMessage
Sets the content length.
- contentLength(long) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpRequest
- contentLength(long) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
- ContentLengthExceededException - Exception in io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions
- ContentLengthExceededException - Exception in io.micronaut.http.exceptions
Exception thrown when the content length exceeds the allowed amount.
- ContentLengthExceededException(long) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.ContentLengthExceededException
- ContentLengthExceededException(long, long) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.ContentLengthExceededException
- ContentLengthExceededException(long, long) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.exceptions.ContentLengthExceededException
- ContentLengthExceededException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.exceptions.ContentLengthExceededException
- ContentLengthExceededException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.exceptions.ContentLengthExceededException
- ContentLengthExceededHandler - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions
Default handle for
errors. - ContentLengthExceededHandler(ErrorResponseProcessor<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.ContentLengthExceededHandler
- contents() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.FullHttpRequest
Get the raw body of this request.
- contents() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- contentType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
The request or response content type.
- contentType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- contentType(MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
Sets the
header to the given media type. - contentType(MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpMessage
Set the response content type.
- contentType(MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpRequest
- contentType(MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
- contentType(MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- contentType(MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- contentType(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpMessage
Set the response content type.
- contentType(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpRequest
- contentType(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
- contentUnclaimed() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateByteBody
- context - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- Context - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Context scope indicates that the classes life cycle is bound to that of the
and it should be initialized and shutdown during startup and shutdown of the underlyingBeanContext
. - CONTEXT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySource
The name of the property source with values supplied directly from the context.
- ContextCompletionAwareSubscriber<T> - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.async
A subscriber that subscribes to a single result with special handling for the
. - ContextCompletionAwareSubscriber(ChannelHandlerContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.async.ContextCompletionAwareSubscriber
- ContextConfigurer - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Annotation used to indicate the annotated class participates in the application context building phase.
- ContextConfigurerVisitor - Class in io.micronaut.context.visitor
This visitor is responsible for generating service files for classes annotated with
. - ContextConfigurerVisitor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.visitor.ContextConfigurerVisitor
- ContextConverterRegistrar - Class in io.micronaut.context.converters
A converter registry for converters required by the context.
- ContextElementAccess - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access
Expression AST node used for context element access.
- ContextElementAccess(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.ContextElementAccess
- ContextlessMessageBodyHandlerRegistry - Class in io.micronaut.http.body
implementation that does not need an application context. - ContextlessMessageBodyHandlerRegistry(ApplicationConfiguration, ByteBufferFactory<?, ?>, RawMessageBodyHandler<?>...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.body.ContextlessMessageBodyHandlerRegistry
- ContextMethodCall - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access
Expression node used for invocation of method from expression evaluation context.
- ContextMethodCall(String, List<ExpressionNode>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.ContextMethodCall
- contextPath - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- ContextPathUtils - Class in io.micronaut.http.context
Utility class to work with context paths and URIs.
- ContextRegistrar - Class in
- ContextRegistrar() - Constructor for class
- CONTINUE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- contribute(ServiceInstance, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.metadata.ServiceInstanceMetadataContributor
Contribute metadata to the given
prior to registration. - contributeDefaults(AnnotationMetadata, AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Contributes defaults to the given target.
- contributeDefaults(AnnotationMetadata, AnnotationMetadataHierarchy) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Contributes defaults to the given target.
- contributeRepeatable(AnnotationMetadata, AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Contributes repeatable annotation metadata to the given target.
- Controller - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Indicates that the role of a class is a controller within an application.
- CONTROLLER - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.TypeConvention
- ControllerConstraintHandlerTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.constraintshandler
- ControllerConstraintHandlerTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.constraintshandler.ControllerConstraintHandlerTest
- ConversionContext - Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert
A conversion context is a context object supplied to a
that allows more accurate conversion. - ConversionError - Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert
An interface for reporting conversion errors.
- ConversionErrorException - Exception in io.micronaut.core.convert.exceptions
An exception thrown in the case of a
. - ConversionErrorException(Argument, ConversionError) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.core.convert.exceptions.ConversionErrorException
- ConversionErrorException(Argument, Exception) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.core.convert.exceptions.ConversionErrorException
- ConversionErrorHandler - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions
Handles exception of type
. - ConversionErrorHandler(ErrorResponseProcessor<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.ConversionErrorHandler
- conversionService - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
- conversionService - Variable in class io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation.AbstractArgumentBinder
- conversionService - Variable in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MultiValuesToObjectConverter
- conversionService - Variable in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.AbstractConverterToMultiValues
- conversionService - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.DefaultBodyAnnotationBinder
- conversionService - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.AbstractHttpClientFactory
- conversionService - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- conversionService - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- conversionService - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- conversionService - Variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.ObjectMapperFactory
- conversionService - Variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- ConversionService - Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert
A service for allowing conversion from one type to another.
- ConversionServiceAware - Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert
Interface used when the component requires to set up bean context's
. - ConversionServiceProvider - Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert
Interface for a component to provide the access to its
. - convert(ConversionService, ArgumentConversionContext<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateSingleObjectBody
- convert(ConvertibleMultiValues, Class<Object>, ConversionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MultiValuesToObjectConverter
Implemented convert function that checks which Format is specified inside the
annotation If one is specified, it calls one of the corresponding abstract methods. - convert(CharSequence, Class<SameSite>, ConversionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.cookie.SameSiteConverter
- convert(CharSequence, Class<Number>, ConversionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.format.ReadableBytesTypeConverter
- convert(Object, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionService
Attempts to convert the given object to the given target type.
- convert(Object, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionService
Attempts to convert the given object to the given target type.
- convert(Object, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionService
Attempts to convert the given object to the given target type.
- convert(Object, Class<T>, ConversionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- convert(Object, Class<T>, ConversionContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionService
Attempts to convert the given object to the given target type.
- convert(Object, Class<T>, ConversionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.DefaultMutableConversionService
- convert(Map<String, Object>, Class<CorsOriginConfiguration>, ConversionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConverter
- convert(S, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.TypeConverter
Converts from the given source object type to the target type.
- convert(S, Class<T>, ConversionContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.TypeConverter
Converts from the given source object type to the target type.
- convert(T, Class<ConvertibleMultiValues>, ConversionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.AbstractConverterToMultiValues
- convertAndSet(B, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanProperty
Convert the value and set if on the bean using the default conversion service.
- convertCollection(Class<? extends Iterable<T>>, Collection<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
Attempts to convert a collection to the given iterabable type
- convertDotToUnderscore(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Replace the dots in the property with underscore and transform to uppercase.
- convertDotToUnderscore(String, boolean) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Replace the dots in the property with underscore and transform to uppercase based on given flag.
- ConvertibleMultiValues<V> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert.value
Specialization of
where each name has multiple possible values. - ConvertibleMultiValuesMap<V> - Class in io.micronaut.core.convert.value
An implementation of
that uses a backingLinkedHashMap
. - ConvertibleMultiValuesMap() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValuesMap
Construct an empty
. - ConvertibleMultiValuesMap(Map<CharSequence, List<V>>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValuesMap
Construct a
from the given map. - ConvertibleMultiValuesMap(Map<CharSequence, List<V>>, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValuesMap
Construct a
from the given map and conversion service. - ConvertibleMultiValuesSerializer - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.serialize
Serializer for
. - ConvertibleMultiValuesSerializer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.ConvertibleMultiValuesSerializer
- ConvertibleValues<V> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert.value
An interface for classes that represent a map-like structure of values that can be converted.
- ConvertibleValuesMap<V> - Class in io.micronaut.core.convert.value
An implementation of
backed by a map. - ConvertibleValuesMap() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValuesMap
- ConvertibleValuesMap(Map<? extends CharSequence, V>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValuesMap
- ConvertibleValuesMap(Map<? extends CharSequence, V>, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValuesMap
- ConvertibleValuesSerializer - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.serialize
Serializer for
. - ConvertibleValuesSerializer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.ConvertibleValuesSerializer
- convertPublisher(ConversionService, Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
Attempts to convert the publisher to the given type.
- convertPublisher(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
- convertRequired(Object, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionService
Convert the value to the given type.
- convertRequired(Object, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionService
Convert the value to the given type.
- convertValue(ChannelOption<?>, Object, Environment) - Method in interface
Converts the specified value given the channel option type.
- convertValue(ChannelOption<?>, Object, Environment) - Method in class
- convertValue(ChannelOption<?>, Object, Environment) - Method in class
- cookie(Cookie) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- cookie(Cookie) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpRequest
Sets the specified cookie on the request.
- cookie(Cookie) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
Adds the specified cookie to the response.
- cookie(Cookie) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- cookie(Cookie) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequest
- Cookie - Interface in io.micronaut.http.cookie
An interface representing a Cookie.
- COOKIE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - CookieAnnotationBinder<T> - Class in io.micronaut.http.bind.binders
implementation that uses theCookieValue
annotation to trigger binding from an HTTPCookie
. - CookieAnnotationBinder(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.CookieAnnotationBinder
- CookieConfiguration - Interface in io.micronaut.http.cookie
An interface representing the configuration of a Cookie.
- cookieDecoder - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- CookieDecoder - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.cookie
Interface to allow cookie decoding.
- CookieElementBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
Builder for CookieElement and CookiesElement.
- CookieElementBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.CookieElementBuilder
- CookieFactory - Interface in io.micronaut.http.cookie
A CookieFactory creates
instances and should be implemented by a concrete server. - CookieLocaleResolver - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale
Resolves the Locale from a Cookie within an HTTP Request.
- CookieLocaleResolver(HttpLocaleResolutionConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.CookieLocaleResolver
- cookieManager - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- cookies(Set<Cookie>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- cookies(Set<Cookie>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpRequest
Sets the specified cookies on the request.
- cookies(Set<Cookie>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
Adds the specified cookies to the response.
- cookies(Set<Cookie>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- cookies(Set<Cookie>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequest
- Cookies - Interface in io.micronaut.http.cookie
Models the defined
instances in an application. - CookiesTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- CookiesTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.CookiesTest
- CookieValue - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
An annotation that can be applied to method argument to indicate that the method argument is bound from an HTTP cookie.
- copiedBuffer(byte[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.buffer.netty.NettyByteBufferFactory
- copiedBuffer(byte[]) - Method in interface
Creates a new big-endian buffer whose content is a copy of the specified
's sub-region. - copiedBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.micronaut.buffer.netty.NettyByteBufferFactory
- copiedBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface
Creates a new big-endian buffer whose content is a copy of the specified NIO buffer.
- copy() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
Makes a copy of this element.
- copy() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Copy current context to be used later.
- copy() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanResolutionContext
- copy() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
Copy the state the of the path detaching it from any downstream mutations.
- copy() - Method in class
- copy() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- copy() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.ConstantElement
- copy() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LogElement
Copy this log element when it is not stateless.
- copy() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- copy(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- copyAnnotationMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Makes a copy of the annotation or returns this.
- copyAnnotationMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- copyAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- copyAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- copyAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- copyConstructor() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
Constructs this element by invoking the constructor.
- copyConstructor() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- copyConstructor() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyConstructorElement
- copyConstructor() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyEnumConstantElement
- copyConstructor() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- copyConstructor() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- copyConstructor() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyPackageElement
- copyConstructor() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyParameterElement
- CopyOnWriteMap<K,
V> - Class in io.micronaut.core.util -
Thread-safe map that is optimized for reads.
- CopyOnWriteMap(int) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- copyStateFrom(AbstractBeanResolutionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
Copy the state from a previous resolution context.
- copyThis() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- copyThis() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- copyThis() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- copyThis() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaPackageElement
- copyToRuntime() - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
This is used for testing scenarios only where annotation metadata is created without bean creation.
- copyValues(AbstractGroovyElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
Copies additional values after the element was constructed by
. - copyValues(AbstractJavaElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- copyValues(AbstractJavaElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- copyValues(AbstractGroovyElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- CoreNonNullTransformer - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
A transformer that remaps
. - CoreNonNullTransformer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.CoreNonNullTransformer
- CoreNullableTransformer - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
A transformer that remaps
. - CoreNullableTransformer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.CoreNullableTransformer
- COROUTINE_SUSPENDED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.KotlinUtils
- CoroutineHelper - Class in io.micronaut.http.server
Coroutines helper.
- CorsAssertion - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck
CORS assertion.
- CorsAssertion.Builder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck
CORS Assertion Builder.
- corsConfiguration - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsFilter
- CorsConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.CorsConfiguration
- CorsDisabledByDefaultTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.cors
- CorsDisabledByDefaultTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.cors.CorsDisabledByDefaultTest
- CorsFilter - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.cors
Responsible for handling CORS requests and responses.
- CorsFilter(HttpServerConfiguration.CorsConfiguration, HttpHostResolver) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsFilter
- CorsOriginConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.cors
Stores configuration for CORS.
- CorsOriginConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConfiguration
- CorsOriginConverter - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.cors
Responsible for converting a map of configuration to an instance of
. - CorsOriginConverter() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConverter
- CorsSimpleRequestTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.cors
- CorsSimpleRequestTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.cors.CorsSimpleRequestTest
- CorsUtils - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck
Utility class to do CORS related assertions.
- create() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.scope.BeanCreationContext
Create a new instance.
- create() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.MutableConversionService
Creates a new mutable conversion service that extends the shared conversion service.
- create() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.DelayedExecutionFlow
- create(URI) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClient
Create a new
. - create(URI, HttpClientConfiguration) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClient
Create a new
with the specified configuration. - create(URL) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient
Create a new
. - create(URL) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.ProxyHttpClient
Create a new
. - create(URL) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.sse.SseClient
Create a new
. - create(URL) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.StreamingHttpClient
Create a new
. - create(URL) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClient
instead - create(URL, HttpClientConfiguration) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient
Create a new
with the specified configuration. - create(URL, HttpClientConfiguration) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.ProxyHttpClient
Create a new
with the specified configuration. - create(URL, HttpClientConfiguration) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.sse.SseClient
Create a new
with the specified configuration. - create(URL, HttpClientConfiguration) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.StreamingHttpClient
Create a new
with the specified configuration. - create(URL, HttpClientConfiguration) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClient
- create(Argument<?>) - Static method in exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.UnsatisfiedRouteException
Creates a specialized UnsatisfiedRouteException given the provided argument.
- create(Argument<T>, T) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.ArgumentValue
Create a new
for the givenArgument
and value. - create(Argument<T>, T) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.MutableArgumentValue
Create a new
for the givenArgument
and value. - create(ServiceInstanceList) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.ServiceInstanceListLoadBalancerFactory
Creates a
from the givenServiceInstanceList
. - create(HttpMethod, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequestFactory
- create(HttpMethod, String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Create a new
for the given method and URI. - create(HttpMethod, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestFactory
Create a new
for the given method and URI. - create(HttpMethod, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequestFactory
- create(HttpMethod, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequestFactory
- create(HttpMethod, String, String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Create a new
for the given method and URI. - create(HttpMethod, String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestFactory
Allows to create request including non-standard http methods.
- create(NettyEmbeddedServer, NettyEmbeddedServices) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.WebSocketUpgradeHandlerFactory
Creates the websocket upgrade inbound handler.
- create(FileUpload, Flux<PartData>) - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload.Factory
- create(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.DiscoveryClientLoadBalancerFactory
Creates a
for the given service ID. - create(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.cron.CronExpression
Create object from the String expression.
- create(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.CookieFactory
Create a new cookie.
- create(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookieFactory
- create(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookieFactory
- CREATE - Enum constant in enum class
A file / directory was created.
- createAnnotationScanner(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
Creates the default annotation scanner.
- createAopWriter(BeanDefinitionWriter, AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
Creates the AOP writer.
- createAroundMethodVisitor(BeanDefinitionVisitor) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
Creates the around method visitor.
- createArrayNode(List<JsonNode>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- createAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.multipart.MultipartDataFactory
Creates an attribute.
- createAttribute(HttpRequest, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData.Factory
- createAttribute(HttpRequest, String, long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData.Factory
- createAttribute(HttpRequest, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData.Factory
- createAttribute(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData.Factory
- createBean(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Creates a new instance of the given bean performing dependency injection and returning a new instance.
- createBean(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Creates a new instance of the given bean performing dependency injection and returning a new instance.
- createBean(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- createBean(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>, Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Creates a new instance of the given bean performing dependency injection and returning a new instance.
- createBean(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- createBean(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Creates a new instance of the given bean performing dependency injection and returning a new instance.
- createBean(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- createBean(Class<T>, Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Creates a new instance of the given bean performing dependency injection and returning a new instance.
- createBean(Class<T>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Creates a new instance of the given bean performing dependency injection and returning a new instance.
- createBean(BeanResolutionContext, Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Creates a bean.
- createBeanDefinitionWriter() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- createBooleanNode(boolean) - Static method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- createChildBean(FieldElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
Creates a child bean for the given producer field.
- createChildBean(MethodElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
Creates a child bean for the given producer method.
- createClient(URL) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientFactory
Create a new
. - createClient(URL, HttpClientConfiguration) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientFactory
Create a new
with the specified configuration. - createClient(URL) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.AbstractHttpClientFactory
- createClient(URL) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyHttpClientFactory
- createClient(URL, HttpClientConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.AbstractHttpClientFactory
- createClient(URL, HttpClientConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyHttpClientFactory
- createCustomScopeRegistry() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Allows customizing the custom scope registry.
- created(URI) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with the location of the new resource. - created(T) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with a body. - created(T, URI) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with a body and the location of the new resource. - CREATED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- CreatedBean<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.context.scope
Represents a bean that has been created from a
. - createDecoder(URI) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- createDecoder(URI) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- createDefault() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Resolves the default
. - createDefaultErrorResponse(HttpRequest<?>, Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.RouteExecutor
Creates a default error response.
- createEmptyMessage(HttpResponse) - Method in class
- createEnvironment(ApplicationContextConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
Creates the default environment for the given environment name.
- createEventLoopGroup(int, ExecutorService, Integer) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
Creates the event loop group configuration.
- createEventLoopGroup(int, ExecutorService, Integer) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- createEventLoopGroup(int, Integer) - Method in interface
Creates an EventLoopGroup.
- createEventLoopGroup(int, ThreadFactory, Integer) - Method in class
- createEventLoopGroup(int, ThreadFactory, Integer) - Method in interface
Creates an EventLoopGroup.
- createEventLoopGroup(int, Executor, Integer) - Method in class
- createEventLoopGroup(int, Executor, Integer) - Method in class
Creates an EpollEventLoopGroup.
- createEventLoopGroup(int, Executor, Integer) - Method in interface
Creates an EventLoopGroup.
- createEventLoopGroup(int, Executor, Integer) - Method in class
Creates an IOUringEventLoopGroup.
- createEventLoopGroup(int, Executor, Integer) - Method in class
Creates a KQueueEventLoopGroup.
- createEventLoopGroup(int, Executor, Integer) - Method in class
Creates a NioEventLoopGroup.
- createEventLoopGroup(int, ThreadFactory, Integer) - Method in class
Creates an EpollEventLoopGroup.
- createEventLoopGroup(int, ThreadFactory, Integer) - Method in class
Creates an IOUringEventLoopGroup.
- createEventLoopGroup(int, ThreadFactory, Integer) - Method in class
Creates a KQueueEventLoopGroup.
- createEventLoopGroup(int, ThreadFactory, Integer) - Method in class
Creates a NioEventLoopGroup.
- createEventLoopGroup(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
Creates the event loop group configuration.
- createEventLoopGroup(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- createEventLoopGroup(EventLoopGroupConfiguration, ThreadFactory) - Method in class
- createEventLoopGroup(EventLoopGroupConfiguration, ThreadFactory) - Method in interface
Create an event loop group for the given configuration and thread factory.
- createExecutionHandle(BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<Object, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- createExecutionHandle(BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<Object, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ExecutionHandleLocator
Create an execution handle for the given bean definition and method.
- createFileUpload(String, String, MediaType, String, Charset, long) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.multipart.MultipartDataFactory
Creates a file upload.
- createFileUpload(HttpRequest, String, String, String, String, Charset, long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData.Factory
- createHttpClient(URI) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.AbstractHttpClientFactory
Creates a new
instance for a given URI. - createHttpClient(URI, HttpClientConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.AbstractHttpClientFactory
Creates a new
instance for a given URI and configuration. - createHttpClient(URI) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkHttpClientFactory
- createHttpClient(URI, HttpClientConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkHttpClientFactory
- createJsonParser(JsonFactory, ByteBuffer<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.parser.JacksonCoreParserFactory
Create a jackson
for the given input bytes. - createNumberNode(double) - Static method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- createNumberNode(float) - Static method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- createNumberNode(int) - Static method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- createNumberNode(long) - Static method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- createNumberNode(BigDecimal) - Static method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- createNumberNode(BigInteger) - Static method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- createNumberNodeImpl(Number) - Static method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
Hidden, so that we don't have to check that the number type is supported.
- createObjectInput(InputStream, Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.serialize.JdkSerializer
- createObjectNode(Map<String, JsonNode>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- createObjectOutput(OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.serialize.JdkSerializer
- createParentEventLoopGroup() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- createParser(String, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate
- createParser(String, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
Creates a parser.
- createParser(String, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTypeMatchTemplate
- createPropertySource(String, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.AbstractPropertySourceLoader
- createPropertySource(String, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.CloudFoundryVcapApplicationPropertySourceLoader
- createPropertySource(String, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.CloudFoundryVcapServicesPropertySourceLoader
- createProxyClient(URL) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.ProxyHttpClientFactory
Create a new
. - createProxyClient(URL, HttpClientConfiguration) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.ProxyHttpClientFactory
Create a new
with the specified configuration. - createProxyClient(URL) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyHttpClientFactory
- createProxyClient(URL, HttpClientConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyHttpClientFactory
- createReactiveParser(Consumer<Processor<byte[], JsonNode>>, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- createReactiveParser(Consumer<Processor<byte[], JsonNode>>, boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
- createSafe(HttpRequest, ChannelHandlerContext, ConversionService, NettyHttpServerConfiguration) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- createServerBootstrap() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- createSibling(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
Create a new hierarchy instance from this metadata using this metadata's parents.
- createSpecific(Argument<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Specialize this mapper for the given type.
- createSpecific(Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.body.MessageBodyWriter
Prepare a
that will write the given type. - createSpecific(Argument<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- createSpecific(Argument<Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.DynamicMessageBodyWriter
- createSpecific(Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonHandler
- createSpecific(Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.body.JsonMessageHandler
- createSseClient(URL) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyHttpClientFactory
- createSseClient(URL) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.sse.SseClientFactory
Create a new
. - createSseClient(URL, HttpClientConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyHttpClientFactory
- createSseClient(URL, HttpClientConfiguration) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.sse.SseClientFactory
Create a new
with the specified configuration. - createStreamedMessage(HttpResponse, Publisher<? extends HttpContent>) - Method in class
- createStreamingClient(URL) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.StreamingHttpClientFactory
Create a new
. - createStreamingClient(URL, HttpClientConfiguration) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.StreamingHttpClientFactory
Create a new
with the specified configuration. - createStreamingClient(URL) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyHttpClientFactory
- createStreamingClient(URL, HttpClientConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyHttpClientFactory
- createStringNode(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- createTcp(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration
Create a TCP listener configuration.
- createTemp(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload
- createTreeGenerator() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.JsonNodeTreeCodec
Create a
that will return aJsonNode
when completed. - createVisitorContext() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- createVisitorContext() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- createVisitorContext() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Creates the visitor context for this implementation.
- createWebSocketClient(URI) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClientFactory
Create a new
. - createWebSocketClient(URI, HttpClientConfiguration) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClientFactory
Create a new
with the specified configuration. - createWebSocketClient(URL) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClientFactory
- createWebSocketClient(URL, HttpClientConfiguration) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClientFactory
- createWebSocketClient(URI) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyHttpClientFactory
- createWebSocketClient(URI, HttpClientConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyHttpClientFactory
- createWebSocketSession(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketClientHandler
- createWebSocketSession(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
Subclasses should implement to create the actual
. - createWebSocketSession(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketHandler
- createWith(MethodElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
Specifies the bean will be created with the given method element.
- createWith(MethodElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- createWorkerEventLoopGroup(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- Creator - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
An annotation applicable to a constructor that provides a hint as to which constructor is the primary constructor.
- cron() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled
- CronExpression - Class in io.micronaut.scheduling.cron
This provides cron support for Java 8 using java-time.
- CROSS_ORIGIN_RESOURCE_POLICY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - CrossOrigin - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.cors
Support CORs configuration via annotation.
- CrossOriginTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.cors
- CrossOriginTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.cors.CrossOriginTest
- CrossOriginUtil - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.cors
Utility classes to work with
. - ctx - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultHttpContentProcessor
- current() - Method in interface
- currentAttempt() - Method in interface io.micronaut.retry.RetryState
- currentContext() - Method in class
- currentDownstreamSubscriber() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleThreadedBufferingProcessor
Resolve the current
. - CurrentHealthStatus - Interface in
Strategy interface for retrieving and updating the current
of the application. - currentRequest() - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.context.ServerRequestContext
Retrieve the current server request context.
- currentSegment() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext.Path
- currentSubscriber() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleSubscriberProcessor
Get the current
. - currentSubscriber() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.SingleSubscriberPublisher
- CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
A custom non-standard HTTP method.
- CUSTOM_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.codec.JsonCodecAdditionalTypeTest
- CustomEvaluationContext - Class in
- CustomEvaluationContext() - Constructor for class
- CustomHttpMethod - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
This annotation is designed for non-standard http methods, that you can provide by specifying the required
property. - CustomizableNettyJsonHandler - Interface in io.micronaut.http.netty.body
that is customizable withJsonFeatures
. - CustomizableResponseType - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.types
A type that needs special handling that may include modification of the response.
- customize(JsonFeatures) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.body.CustomizableNettyJsonHandler
- customize(JsonFeatures) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonHandler
- customize(JsonFeatures) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonStreamHandler
- CustomScope<A extends Annotation> - Interface in io.micronaut.context.scope
Represents a custom scope within the
. - CustomScopeRegistry - Interface in io.micronaut.context.scope
An interface for a registry of
- DATA - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.sse.Event
The data parameter.
- DATA_OPTION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.function.executor.FunctionApplication
The data option.
- DATAGRAM_SOCKET - Enum constant in enum class
- dataStream(HttpRequest<I>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.StreamingHttpClient
Request a stream of data where each emitted item is a
instance. - dataStream(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.StreamingHttpClient
Request a stream of data where each emitted item is a
instance. - dataStream(HttpRequest<I>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- dataStream(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- date(long) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
Adds the DATE header for the given
. - date(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- date(LocalDateTime) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
Adds the date header for the given
. - date(LocalDateTime) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- DATE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - DateTimeElementBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
Builder for DateTimeElement.
- DateTimeElementBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.DateTimeElementBuilder
- deallocate() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData.Chunk
- deallocate() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.logging.LogLevel
- DEBUG_OPTIONS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.function.executor.FunctionApplication
The debug option.
- decapitalize(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Decapitalizes a given string according to the rule: If the first or only character is Upper Case, it is made Lower Case UNLESS the second character is also Upper Case, when the String is returned unchanged.
- decapitalizeWithoutSuffix(String, String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Converts class name to property name using JavaBean decapitalization.
- declaredAnnotationMap - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- declaringType - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- declaringType - Variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- declaringType() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition.MethodReference
Returns the value of the
record component. - decode(Argument<T>, byte[]) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodec
Decode the given type from the given bytes.
- decode(Argument<T>, byte[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- decode(Argument<T>, byte[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.http.codec.TextPlainCodec
- decode(Argument<T>, JsonNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JacksonMediaTypeCodec
Decodes the given JSON node.
- decode(Argument<T>, ByteBuffer<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodec
Decode the given type from the given buffer.
- decode(Argument<T>, ByteBuffer<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- decode(Argument<T>, ByteBuffer<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.http.codec.TextPlainCodec
- decode(Argument<T>, JsonNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
Decodes the given JSON node.
- decode(Argument<T>, InputStream) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodec
Decode the given type from the given
. - decode(Argument<T>, InputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.codec.TextStreamCodec
- decode(Argument<T>, InputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- decode(Argument<T>, InputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.http.codec.TextPlainCodec
- decode(Argument<T>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodec
Decode the given type from the given bytes.
- decode(Argument<T>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- decode(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.cookie.CompositeCookieDecoder
- decode(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.cookie.CookieDecoder
Decode the cookies from the request.
- decode(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.cookie.DefaultCookieDecoder
- decode(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.cookie.NettyCookieDecoder
- decode(Class<T>, byte[]) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodec
Decode the given type from the given bytes.
- decode(Class<T>, ByteBuffer<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodec
Decode the given type from the given buffer.
- decode(Class<T>, InputStream) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodec
Decode the given type from the given
. - decode(Class<T>, InputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.codec.TextStreamCodec
- decode(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodec
Decode the given type from the given bytes.
- decoderResult() - Method in class
- decoderResult() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DelegateStreamedHttpResponse
- DECREMENT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- DEDUCE_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT_ENV - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Environment key for whether to deduce cloud environments.
- DEDUCE_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Property for whether to deduce cloud environments.
- DEDUCE_ENVIRONMENT_ENV - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Environment key for whether to deduce environments.
- DEDUCE_ENVIRONMENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Property for whether to deduce environments.
- deduceCloudEnvironment(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
If set to
(the default value isfalse
) Micronaut will attempt to automatically deduce the Cloud environment it is running within. - deduceCloudEnvironment(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- deduceEnvironment(Boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
If set to
(the default istrue
) Micronaut will attempt to automatically deduce the environment it is running in using environment variables and/or stack trace inspection. - deduceEnvironment(Boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties.Visibility
The default behaviour which in addition to public getters and setters will also include package protected fields if an
is specified. - DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected.Visibility
The default behaviour which in addition to public getters and setters will also include package protected fields if an
is specified. - DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementModifier
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.buffer.netty.NettyByteBufferFactory
Default Netty ByteBuffer Factory.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource.MessageContext
The default message context.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataResolver
The default resolver.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionContext
The default conversion context.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientErrorDecoder
The default implementation.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor.configuration.ClientVersioningConfiguration
The default configuration property name.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface
The name of the default event loop group configuration.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.validation.BeanDefinitionValidator
A default no-op validator.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorConfiguration
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.json.JsonStreamConfig
The default stream configuration.
- DEFAULT_ACCESS_KIND - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected
The default values for the access kind attribute.
- DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.buffer.netty.ByteBufAllocatorConfiguration
- DEFAULT_ARRAYSIZETHRESHOLD - Static variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
The default array size threshold value.
- DEFAULT_BUILDSELFSIGNED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
The default build self signed value.
- DEFAULT_CACHESECONDS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.FileTypeHandlerConfiguration
The default cache seconds.
- DEFAULT_CHARSET - Static variable in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration
Property name for Micronaut default charset.
- DEFAULT_CHUNKSUPPORTED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The default chunk supported value.
- DEFAULT_COMPRESSIONLEVEL - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The default compression level.
- DEFAULT_COMPRESSIONTHRESHOLD - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The default compression threshold.
- DEFAULT_CONNECTION_POOL_IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
The default pool idle timeout in seconds.
- DEFAULT_DATEHEADER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
The default date header.
- DEFAULT_DEREGISTER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
The default deregister value.
- DEFAULT_DISK - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
The default disk value.
- DEFAULT_DUAL_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
The default value for enabling dual protocol (http/https).
- DEFAULT_EAGER_PARSING - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The default value for eager parsing.
- DEFAULT_ENABLED - Static variable in class
The default enable value.
- DEFAULT_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration
The default enable value.
- DEFAULT_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.discovery.DiscoveryConfiguration
The default enable value.
- DEFAULT_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
The default enable value.
- DEFAULT_ENABLED - Static variable in class
The default enable value.
- DEFAULT_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration
The default enable value.
- DEFAULT_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.CorsConfiguration
- DEFAULT_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
The default enable value.
- DEFAULT_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
The default enable value.
- DEFAULT_ENABLED - Static variable in class
Endpoint default enabled.
- DEFAULT_ENABLED - Static variable in class
The default enable value.
- DEFAULT_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.resource.StaticResourceConfiguration
The default enable value.
- DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_BASE_PATH - Static variable in class
The default base path.
- DEFAULT_ERROR_TYPE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient
The default error type.
- DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_THREADS - Static variable in class
Constant with the default threads in the event loop.
- DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_ON_ERROR_STATUS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
The default value.
- DEFAULT_FAILFAST - Static variable in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
The default fail fast value.
- DEFAULT_FOLLOW_REDIRECTS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
The default follow redirects value.
- DEFAULT_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor.configuration.DefaultClientVersioningConfiguration
- DEFAULT_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.HeaderVersionResolverConfiguration
- DEFAULT_HEALTHCHECK - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
The default health check value.
- DEFAULT_HEALTHCHECKINTERVAL_SECONDS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
The default health check interval in seconds.
- DEFAULT_HEALTHCHECKURI - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
The default health check uri.
- DEFAULT_HTTP_TO_HTTPS_REDIRECT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
The default value for redirect HTTP to HTTPS when using dual protocal.
- DEFAULT_HTTP3_INITIAL_MAX_DATA - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Default value for
. - DEFAULT_HTTP3_INITIAL_MAX_STREAM_DATA_BIDIRECTIONAL_LOCAL - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
- DEFAULT_HTTP3_INITIAL_MAX_STREAM_DATA_BIDIRECTIONAL_REMOTE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
- DEFAULT_HTTP3_INITIAL_MAX_STREAMS_BIDIRECTIONAL - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
- DEFAULT_IDLE_TIME_MINUTES - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
The default idle time.
- DEFAULT_INITIALBUFFERSIZE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The default initial buffer size value.
- DEFAULT_INTERVAL_SECONDS - Static variable in class
The default interval seconds.
- DEFAULT_JSON_BUFFER_MAX_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The default value for eager parsing.
- DEFAULT_KEEP_ALIVE_ON_SERVER_ERROR - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The default configuration for boolean flag indicating whether to add connection header `keep-alive` to responses with HttpStatus > 499.
- DEFAULT_LOCALHOST_PASS_THROUGH - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.CorsConfiguration
- DEFAULT_LOG_HANDLED_EXCEPTIONS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
The default value for log handled exceptions.
- DEFAULT_LOOP - Static variable in interface
The default.
- DEFAULT_MAPPING - Static variable in class
Configurable default mapping for filter.
- DEFAULT_MAPPING - Static variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.resource.StaticResourceConfiguration
The default mapping value.
- DEFAULT_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
The default max content length in bytes.
- DEFAULT_MAX_FILE_SIZE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
The default max file size.
- DEFAULT_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
The default max request size.
- DEFAULT_MAX_STACK - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- DEFAULT_MAXCHUNKSIZE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The default max chunk size.
- DEFAULT_MAXHEADERSIZE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The default max header size.
- DEFAULT_MAXINITIALLINELENGTH - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The default max initial line length.
- DEFAULT_MIXED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
The default mixed value.
- DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
The default application name.
- DEFAULT_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.PackageElement
The default package.
- DEFAULT_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor.configuration.DefaultClientVersioningConfiguration
- DEFAULT_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.ParameterVersionResolverConfiguration
- DEFAULT_PATH - Static variable in class io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration
The default path.
- DEFAULT_PATH - Static variable in class
The default path value.
- DEFAULT_PATH_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.AntPathMatcher
Default path separator: "/".
- DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
The default port value.
- DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
The default port value.
- DEFAULT_POSITION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.AbstractPropertySourceLoader
Default position for the property source loader.
- DEFAULT_POSITION - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshEventListener
The default position as defined by
. - DEFAULT_PREFIX - Static variable in annotation interface
The default prefix.
- DEFAULT_PRODUCES - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Route
The default media type produced by routes.
- DEFAULT_PRODUCES - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
The default media type produced by routes.
- DEFAULT_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
The default protocol.
- DEFAULT_RANDOM_PORT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
The default value random port.
- DEFAULT_READ_IDLE_TIME_MINUTES - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
The default read idle time in minutes.
- DEFAULT_READ_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MINUTES - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
The default read idle timeout in minutes.
- DEFAULT_READ_PREFIX - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AccessorsStyle
The default read prefix.
- DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_SECONDS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
The default read timeout in seconds.
- DEFAULT_RETRY_COUNT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
The default retry count value.
- DEFAULT_RETRYDELAY_SECONDS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
The default retry delay in seconds.
- DEFAULT_SENSITIVE - Static variable in class
If the endpoint is sensitive if no configuration is provided.
- DEFAULT_SENSITIVE - Static variable in class
Endpoint default sensitivity.
- DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_QUIET_PERIOD - Static variable in interface
The default shutdown quiet period in seconds.
- DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_QUIET_PERIOD_MILLISECONDS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
The default shutdown timeout in millis.
- DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface
The default shutdown quiet period.
- DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
The default shutdown timeout in millis.
- DEFAULT_SINGLE_HEADER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.CorsConfiguration
- DEFAULT_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
The default threshold value.
- DEFAULT_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
The default threshold value.
- DEFAULT_URI - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.UriMapping
- DEFAULT_URI - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.websocket.annotation.WebSocketComponent
The default WebSocket URI.
- DEFAULT_URL - Static variable in class
The default url value.
- DEFAULT_USE_NATIVE_TRANSPORT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The default use netty's native transport flag.
- DEFAULT_VALIDATEHEADERS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The default validate headers value.
- DEFAULT_VISIBILITY - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected
The default values for the visibility attribute.
- DEFAULT_WRITE_IDLE_TIME_MINUTES - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
The default write idle time in minutes.
- DEFAULT_WRITE_PREFIX - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AccessorsStyle
The default write prefix.
- DefaultAnnotationMetadata - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
Default implementation of
. - DefaultAnnotationMetadata() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Constructs empty annotation metadata.
- DefaultAnnotationMetadata(Map<String, Map<CharSequence, Object>>, Map<String, Map<CharSequence, Object>>, Map<String, Map<CharSequence, Object>>, Map<String, Map<CharSequence, Object>>, Map<String, List<String>>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
This constructor is designed to be used by compile time produced subclasses.
- DefaultAnnotationMetadata(Map<String, Map<CharSequence, Object>>, Map<String, Map<CharSequence, Object>>, Map<String, Map<CharSequence, Object>>, Map<String, Map<CharSequence, Object>>, Map<String, List<String>>, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
This constructor is designed to be used by compile time produced subclasses.
- DefaultAnnotationMetadata(Map<String, Map<CharSequence, Object>>, Map<String, Map<CharSequence, Object>>, Map<String, Map<CharSequence, Object>>, Map<String, Map<CharSequence, Object>>, Map<String, List<String>>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
This constructor is designed to be used by compile time produced subclasses.
- DefaultApplicationContext - Class in io.micronaut.context
Creates a default implementation of the
interface. - DefaultApplicationContext(ApplicationContextConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
Construct a new ApplicationContext for the given environment name and classloader.
- DefaultApplicationContext(ClassPathResourceLoader, String...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
Construct a new ApplicationContext for the given environment name and classloader.
- DefaultApplicationContext(String...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
Construct a new ApplicationContext for the given environment name.
- DefaultApplicationContextBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.context
Implementation of
. - DefaultApplicationContextBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
Default constructor.
- DefaultArgument<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.type
Represents an argument to a constructor or method.
- DefaultArgument(Class<T>, AnnotationMetadata, Argument<?>...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- DefaultArgument(Class<T>, String, AnnotationMetadata, boolean, Argument<?>...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- DefaultArgument(Class<T>, String, AnnotationMetadata, Argument<?>...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- DefaultArgument(Class<T>, String, AnnotationMetadata, Map<String, Argument<?>>, Argument<?>[]) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- DefaultArgument(Class<T>, String, AnnotationMetadata, Map<String, Argument<?>>, Argument<?>[], boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- DefaultArgument(Type, String, AnnotationMetadata) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- DefaultBeanContext - Class in io.micronaut.context
The default context implementations.
- DefaultBeanContext() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Construct a new bean context using the same classloader that loaded this DefaultBeanContext class.
- DefaultBeanContext(BeanContextConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Creates a new bean context with the given configuration.
- DefaultBeanContext(ClassPathResourceLoader) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Construct a new bean context with the given class loader.
- DefaultBeanContext(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Construct a new bean context with the given class loader.
- DefaultBeanDefinitionData - Class in
The default
implementation. - DefaultBeanDefinitionDataCollector - Class in
The default
implementation. - DefaultBeanResolutionContext - Class in io.micronaut.context
Default implementation of
. - DefaultBeanResolutionContext(BeanContext, BeanDefinition<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanResolutionContext
- DefaultBodyAnnotationBinder<T> - Class in io.micronaut.http.bind.binders
Binds a String body argument.
- DefaultBodyAnnotationBinder(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.DefaultBodyAnnotationBinder
- DefaultChannelOptionFactory - Class in
Creates channel options.
- DefaultChannelOptionFactory() - Constructor for class
- defaultCharset - Variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- DefaultClassPathResourceLoader - Class in
Loads resources from the classpath.
- DefaultClassPathResourceLoader(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
- DefaultClassPathResourceLoader(ClassLoader, String) - Constructor for class
Use when resources should have a standard base path.
- DefaultClassPathResourceLoader(ClassLoader, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
Use when resources should have a standard base path.
- DefaultClassPathResourceLoader(ClassLoader, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
Use when resources should have a standard base path.
- DefaultClientVersioningConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor.configuration
Default configuration when no other is present.
- DefaultCompositeConfigurationClient - Class in io.micronaut.discovery.config
The default
implementation. - DefaultCompositeConfigurationClient(ConfigurationClient[]) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.discovery.config.DefaultCompositeConfigurationClient
Create a default composite configuration client from given configuration clients.
- DefaultCompositeDiscoveryClient - Class in io.micronaut.discovery
The default
that is activated when caching is disabled. - DefaultCompositeDiscoveryClient(DiscoveryClient...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.discovery.DefaultCompositeDiscoveryClient
Create a default composite discovery for the discovery clients.
- DefaultCompositeDiscoveryClient(List<DiscoveryClient>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.discovery.DefaultCompositeDiscoveryClient
Create a default composite discovery for the discovery clients.
- defaultConfigurationId() - Element in annotation interface
- DefaultConnectionPoolConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.DefaultHttpClientConfiguration.DefaultConnectionPoolConfiguration
- DefaultCookieDecoder - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.cookie
Default implementation of
that returns the cookies from the request. - DefaultCookieDecoder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.cookie.DefaultCookieDecoder
- DefaultCustomScopeRegistry - Class in io.micronaut.context
Default implementation of the
interface. - DefaultCustomScopeRegistry(BeanLocator) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.DefaultCustomScopeRegistry
- defaultEnabled() - Element in annotation interface
- DefaultEnvironment - Class in io.micronaut.context.env
The default implementation of the
interface. - DefaultEnvironment(ApplicationContextConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
Construct a new environment for the given configuration.
- DefaultEnvironment(ApplicationContextConfiguration, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
Construct a new environment for the given configuration.
- defaultEnvironments(String...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
The environments to use if no other environments are specified.
- defaultEnvironments(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- defaultEnvironments(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
- DefaultErrorRouteInfo<T,
R> - Class in io.micronaut.web.router -
The default error route info implementation.
- DefaultErrorRouteInfo(Class<?>, Class<? extends Throwable>, MethodExecutionHandle<T, R>, String, Argument<?>, List<MediaType>, List<MediaType>, List<Predicate<HttpRequest<?>>>, ConversionService, MessageBodyHandlerRegistry) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultErrorRouteInfo
- defaultEventLoopGroup(ThreadFactory) - Method in class
Constructs an event loop group with default Configuration.
- DefaultEventLoopGroupConfiguration - Class in
Configuration interface for event loop configuration.
- DefaultEventLoopGroupConfiguration() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
- DefaultEventLoopGroupConfiguration(String, int, Integer, boolean, String, Duration, Duration) - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
- DefaultEventLoopGroupFactory - Class in
The default factory for
instances. - DefaultEventLoopGroupFactory(NioEventLoopGroupFactory, EventLoopGroupFactory) - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
- DefaultEventLoopGroupFactory(NioEventLoopGroupFactory, EventLoopGroupFactory, NettyGlobalConfiguration) - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
- DefaultEventLoopGroupRegistry - Class in
Factory for creating named event loop groups.
- DefaultEventLoopGroupRegistry(EventLoopGroupFactory, BeanLocator) - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
- DefaultExecutableBeanContextBinder - Class in io.micronaut.context.bind
Implementation of
. - DefaultExecutableBeanContextBinder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.bind.DefaultExecutableBeanContextBinder
- DefaultExecutableBinder<S> - Class in io.micronaut.core.bind
Default implementation of the
interface. - DefaultExecutableBinder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.bind.DefaultExecutableBinder
Default constructor.
- DefaultExecutableBinder(Map<Argument<?>, Object>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.bind.DefaultExecutableBinder
A map of pre-bound values for any arguments that don't need to be dynamically bound.
- DefaultExecutorSelector - Class in io.micronaut.scheduling.executor
Default implementation of the
interface that regards methods that return reactive types as non-blocking. - DefaultExecutorSelector(BeanLocator, BeanProvider<ExecutorService>, BeanProvider<ExecutorService>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.DefaultExecutorSelector
Default constructor.
- DefaultExpressionCompilationContext - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.context
Default implementation of
. - DefaultExpressionCompilationContextFactory - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.context
Factory for producing expression evaluation context.
- DefaultExpressionCompilationContextFactory(VisitorContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.context.DefaultExpressionCompilationContextFactory
- DefaultExpressionEvaluationContext - Class in io.micronaut.context.expressions
Default implementation of
. - DefaultExpressionEvaluationContext() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.expressions.DefaultExpressionEvaluationContext
- DefaultExpressionEvaluationContext(Object, Object[], BeanContext, BeanDefinition<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.expressions.DefaultExpressionEvaluationContext
- DefaultFileSystemResourceLoader - Class in
Loads resources from the file system.
- DefaultFileSystemResourceLoader() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
- DefaultFileSystemResourceLoader(File) - Constructor for class
- DefaultFileSystemResourceLoader(String) - Constructor for class
- DefaultFileSystemResourceLoader(Path) - Constructor for class
- DefaultFunctionDiscoveryClient - Class in io.micronaut.function.client
Default implementation of the
interface. - DefaultFunctionDiscoveryClient(DiscoveryClient, FunctionDefinitionProvider[], FunctionDefinition...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.function.client.DefaultFunctionDiscoveryClient
- DefaultFunctionExitHandler - Class in io.micronaut.function.executor
Default implementation that will exit using
. - DefaultFunctionExitHandler() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.function.executor.DefaultFunctionExitHandler
- DefaultHealthAggregator - Class in
Default implementation of
that creates a {status: , description: (optional) , details: } response. - DefaultHealthAggregator(ApplicationConfiguration) - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
- DefaultHttp2Content - Class in
- DefaultHttp2Content(ByteBuf, Http2Stream) - Constructor for class
Deprecated.Creates a new instance with the specified chunk content.
- DefaultHttpClient - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.netty
Default implementation of the
interface based on Netty. - DefaultHttpClient() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- DefaultHttpClient(LoadBalancer, HttpClientConfiguration, String, ThreadFactory, ClientSslBuilder, MediaTypeCodecRegistry, MessageBodyHandlerRegistry, AnnotationMetadataResolver, ConversionService, HttpClientFilter...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
Construct a client for the given arguments.
- DefaultHttpClient(LoadBalancer, HttpVersionSelection, HttpClientConfiguration, String, HttpClientFilterResolver<ClientFilterResolutionContext>, List<HttpFilterResolver.FilterEntry>, ThreadFactory, ClientSslBuilder, MediaTypeCodecRegistry, MessageBodyHandlerRegistry, WebSocketBeanRegistry, RequestBinderRegistry, EventLoopGroup, ChannelFactory<? extends SocketChannel>, ChannelFactory<? extends DatagramChannel>, NettyClientCustomizer, String, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
Construct a client for the given arguments.
- DefaultHttpClient(LoadBalancer, HttpClientConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- DefaultHttpClient(URI) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- DefaultHttpClient(URI, HttpClientConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- DefaultHttpClient.RequestKey - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.netty
Key used for connection pooling and determining host/port.
- DefaultHttpClientAddressResolver - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.util
Default implementation of
. - DefaultHttpClientAddressResolver(HttpServerConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.util.DefaultHttpClientAddressResolver
- DefaultHttpClientBinderRegistry - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.bind
Default implementation of
that searches by annotation then by type. - DefaultHttpClientBinderRegistry(ConversionService, List<ClientRequestBinder>, BeanContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.DefaultHttpClientBinderRegistry
- DefaultHttpClientConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.client
The default configuration if no explicit configuration is specified for an HTTP client.
- DefaultHttpClientConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.DefaultHttpClientConfiguration
Default constructor.
- DefaultHttpClientConfiguration(DefaultHttpClientConfiguration.DefaultConnectionPoolConfiguration, ApplicationConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.DefaultHttpClientConfiguration
- DefaultHttpClientConfiguration.DefaultConnectionPoolConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.client
The default connection pool configuration.
- DefaultHttpClientFilterResolver - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.filter
Resolves filters for http clients.
- DefaultHttpClientFilterResolver(BeanContext, AnnotationMetadataResolver, List<HttpClientFilter>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.filter.DefaultHttpClientFilterResolver
Default constructor.
- DefaultHttpContentProcessor - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
This class will handle subscribing to a stream of
. - DefaultHttpContentProcessor(NettyHttpRequest<?>, HttpServerConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultHttpContentProcessor
- DefaultHttpContentProcessorResolver - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Default implementation that determines if the body argument (if present) does not expect decoding of the request body, that the
should be used, regardless of the content type of the request. - DefaultHttpHostResolver - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.util
Default implementation of
. - DefaultHttpHostResolver(HttpServerConfiguration, BeanProvider<EmbeddedServer>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.util.DefaultHttpHostResolver
- DefaultImplementation - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
An annotation to apply to an interface to indicate which implementation is the default implementation.
- DefaultInterceptorRegistry - Class in io.micronaut.aop.chain
Default implementation of the interceptor registry interface.
- DefaultInterceptorRegistry(BeanContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.aop.chain.DefaultInterceptorRegistry
- DefaultJdkHttpClient - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.jdk
implementation for* HTTP Client. - DefaultJdkHttpClient(LoadBalancer, HttpVersionSelection, HttpClientConfiguration, String, MediaTypeCodecRegistry, RequestBinderRegistry, String, ConversionService, JdkClientSslBuilder, CookieDecoder) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.DefaultJdkHttpClient
- DefaultJdkHttpClient(URI, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.DefaultJdkHttpClient
- DefaultJdkHttpClient(URI, HttpClientConfiguration, MediaTypeCodecRegistry, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.DefaultJdkHttpClient
- DefaultJdkHttpClientRegistry - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.jdk
Factory to create* HTTP Clients.
- DefaultJdkHttpClientRegistry(BeanContext, LoadBalancerResolver, HttpClientConfiguration, JsonMapper, MediaTypeCodecRegistry, BeanProvider<RequestBinderRegistry>, BeanProvider<JdkClientSslBuilder>, BeanProvider<CookieDecoder>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.DefaultJdkHttpClientRegistry
- DefaultKeyConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration.ServiceSslClientConfiguration.DefaultKeyConfiguration
- DefaultKeyConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.ClientSslConfiguration.DefaultKeyConfiguration
- DefaultKeyConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.DefaultSslConfiguration.DefaultKeyConfiguration
- DefaultKeyConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.ServerSslConfiguration.DefaultKeyConfiguration
- DefaultKeyStoreConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration.ServiceSslClientConfiguration.DefaultKeyStoreConfiguration
- DefaultKeyStoreConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.ClientSslConfiguration.DefaultKeyStoreConfiguration
- DefaultKeyStoreConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.DefaultSslConfiguration.DefaultKeyStoreConfiguration
- DefaultKeyStoreConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.ServerSslConfiguration.DefaultKeyStoreConfiguration
- DefaultLink - Class in io.micronaut.http.hateoas
Default implementation of
. - DefaultLink(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- DefaultLoadBalancerResolver - Class in io.micronaut.http.client
Abstraction over
lookup. - DefaultLoadBalancerResolver(BeanContext, ServiceInstanceList...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.DefaultLoadBalancerResolver
The default server loadbalance resolver.
- DefaultLoadBalancerResolver(BeanContext, List<ServiceInstanceList>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.DefaultLoadBalancerResolver
The default server loadbalance resolver.
- defaultLoader() - Static method in interface
Creation method.
- defaultLoader(ClassLoader) - Static method in interface
Return the default
for the given class loader. - defaultLocale - Variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.locale.AbstractLocaleResolver
- DefaultLocalFunctionRegistry - Class in io.micronaut.function
Default implementation of the
interface - DefaultLocalFunctionRegistry(MediaTypeCodec...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.function.DefaultLocalFunctionRegistry
- DefaultLocalFunctionRegistry(MediaTypeCodecRegistry) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.function.DefaultLocalFunctionRegistry
- DefaultLocalFunctionRegistry(List<MediaTypeCodec>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.function.DefaultLocalFunctionRegistry
- DefaultLoggersManager - Class in
Default implementation of
. - DefaultLoggersManager() - Constructor for class
- DefaultMediaTypeCodecRegistry - Class in io.micronaut.http.codec
Registry of
instances. - DefaultMessageBodyHandlerRegistry - Class in io.micronaut.http.body
Stores message body readers and writers.
- DefaultMutableConversionService - Class in io.micronaut.core.convert
The default conversion service.
- DefaultMutableConversionService() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.DefaultMutableConversionService
- DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Default implementation of
. - DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory(ApplicationContext, RouteExecutor, MediaTypeCodecRegistry, MessageBodyHandlerRegistry, StaticResourceResolver, ThreadFactory, HttpCompressionStrategy, EventLoopGroupFactory, EventLoopGroupRegistry, WebSocketUpgradeHandlerFactory) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
Default constructor.
- DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.netty
Factory for the default implementation of the
interface based on Netty. - DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry(HttpClientConfiguration, HttpClientFilterResolver, LoadBalancerResolver, ClientSslBuilder, ThreadFactory, MediaTypeCodecRegistry, MessageBodyHandlerRegistry, EventLoopGroupRegistry, EventLoopGroupFactory, BeanContext, JsonMapper) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
Default constructor.
- DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver - Class in io.micronaut.context.env
The default
. - DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver(PropertyResolver, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver
- DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver.PlaceholderSegment - Class in io.micronaut.context.env
A segment that represents one or more expressions that should be searched for in the environment.
- DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver.RawSegment - Class in io.micronaut.context.env
A segment that represents static text.
- DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver.Segment - Interface in io.micronaut.context.env
A segment of placeholder resolution.
- DefaultRequestBinderRegistry - Class in io.micronaut.http.bind
Default implementation of the
interface. - DefaultRequestBinderRegistry(ConversionService, RequestArgumentBinder...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.bind.DefaultRequestBinderRegistry
- DefaultRequestBinderRegistry(ConversionService, List<RequestArgumentBinder>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.bind.DefaultRequestBinderRegistry
- DefaultRequestBinderRegistry(ConversionService, List<RequestArgumentBinder>, DefaultBodyAnnotationBinder) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.bind.DefaultRequestBinderRegistry
- DefaultRequestMatcher<T,
R> - Class in io.micronaut.web.router -
The default
implementation. - DefaultRequestMatcher(MethodExecutionHandle<T, R>, Argument<?>, String, List<MediaType>, List<MediaType>, boolean, boolean, List<Predicate<HttpRequest<?>>>, MessageBodyHandlerRegistry) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRequestMatcher
- DefaultRetryInterceptor - Class in io.micronaut.retry.intercept
that retries an operation according to the specifiedRetryable
annotation. - DefaultRetryInterceptor(ConversionService, ApplicationEventPublisher, ExecutorService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.retry.intercept.DefaultRetryInterceptor
Construct a default retry method interceptor with the event publisher.
- DefaultRetryPredicate - Class in io.micronaut.retry.annotation
Default retry predicate.
- DefaultRetryPredicate() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.retry.annotation.DefaultRetryPredicate
Default constructor.
- DefaultRetryPredicate(List<Class<? extends Throwable>>, List<Class<? extends Throwable>>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.retry.annotation.DefaultRetryPredicate
- DefaultRouteBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.web.router
A DefaultRouteBuilder implementation for building roots.
- DefaultRouteBuilder(ExecutionHandleLocator) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- DefaultRouteBuilder(ExecutionHandleLocator, RouteBuilder.UriNamingStrategy) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- DefaultRouteBuilder(ExecutionHandleLocator, RouteBuilder.UriNamingStrategy, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- DefaultRouteData - Class in
Default route data implementation.
- DefaultRouteData() - Constructor for class
- DefaultRouteDataCollector - Class in
A Reactive route data collector.
- DefaultRouteDataCollector(RouteData<Object>) - Constructor for class
- DefaultRouteInfo<R> - Class in io.micronaut.web.router
The default route info implementation.
- DefaultRouteInfo(AnnotationMetadata, ReturnType<? extends R>, List<MediaType>, List<MediaType>, Class<?>, boolean, boolean, MessageBodyHandlerRegistry) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- DefaultRouteInfo(ReturnType<? extends R>, Class<?>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- DefaultRouter - Class in io.micronaut.web.router
The default
implementation. - DefaultRouter(RouteBuilder...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
Construct a new router for the given route builders.
- DefaultRouter(Collection<RouteBuilder>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
Construct a new router for the given route builders.
- defaults - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractAnnotationMetadataWriter
- DefaultScope - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
A meta annotation that can be applied to another annotation to specify a fallback scope of no scope is specified by the user for a bean.
- defaultSensitive() - Element in annotation interface
- DefaultServiceInstanceIdGenerator - Class in io.micronaut.discovery
The default implementation to generate Instance IDs.
- DefaultServiceInstanceIdGenerator() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.discovery.DefaultServiceInstanceIdGenerator
Default constructor.
- DefaultSslConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
The default
configuration used if no other configuration is specified. - DefaultSslConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.DefaultSslConfiguration
- DefaultSslConfiguration.DefaultKeyConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
The default
. - DefaultSslConfiguration.DefaultKeyStoreConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
The default
. - DefaultSslConfiguration.DefaultTrustStoreConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
The default
. - DefaultStatusRouteInfo<T,
R> - Class in io.micronaut.web.router -
The default
implementation. - DefaultStatusRouteInfo(Class<?>, HttpStatus, MethodExecutionHandle<T, R>, String, Argument<?>, List<MediaType>, List<MediaType>, List<Predicate<HttpRequest<?>>>, ConversionService, MessageBodyHandlerRegistry) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultStatusRouteInfo
- DefaultStreamedHttpRequest - Class in
A default streamed HTTP request.
- DefaultStreamedHttpRequest(HttpVersion, HttpMethod, String, boolean, Publisher<HttpContent>) - Constructor for class
- DefaultStreamedHttpRequest(HttpVersion, HttpMethod, String, Publisher<HttpContent>) - Constructor for class
- DefaultStreamedHttpResponse - Class in
A default streamed HTTP response.
- DefaultStreamedHttpResponse(HttpVersion, HttpResponseStatus, boolean, Publisher<HttpContent>) - Constructor for class
- DefaultStreamedHttpResponse(HttpVersion, HttpResponseStatus, HttpHeaders, Publisher<HttpContent>) - Constructor for class
- DefaultStreamedHttpResponse(HttpVersion, HttpResponseStatus, Publisher<HttpContent>) - Constructor for class
- defaultStyle() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterPatternStyle
- DefaultTaskExceptionHandler - Class in io.micronaut.scheduling
The default exception handler used if non-other is found.
- DefaultTaskExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.scheduling.DefaultTaskExceptionHandler
- DefaultThreadFactory - Class in io.micronaut.scheduling.executor
The default thread factory used for creating threads in Micronaut.
- DefaultThreadFactory() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.DefaultThreadFactory
- DefaultThreadInfoMapper - Class in
Default implementation of
that returns theThreadInfo
objects as is. - DefaultThreadInfoMapper() - Constructor for class
- DefaultTrustStoreConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration.ServiceSslClientConfiguration.DefaultTrustStoreConfiguration
- DefaultTrustStoreConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.ClientSslConfiguration.DefaultTrustStoreConfiguration
- DefaultTrustStoreConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.DefaultSslConfiguration.DefaultTrustStoreConfiguration
- DefaultTrustStoreConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.ServerSslConfiguration.DefaultTrustStoreConfiguration
- DefaultUnmatchedRequestArgumentBinder<T> - Class in io.micronaut.http.bind.binders
The binder will try to bind the argument value which wasn't matched by an annotation or a type.
- DefaultUnmatchedRequestArgumentBinder(List<RequestArgumentBinder<Object>>, List<RequestArgumentBinder<Object>>, List<RequestArgumentBinder<Object>>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.DefaultUnmatchedRequestArgumentBinder
- DefaultUriMatchInfo(String, Map<String, Object>, List<UriMatchVariable>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate.DefaultUriMatchInfo
- DefaultUrlRouteInfo<T,
R> - Class in io.micronaut.web.router -
The default
implementation. - DefaultUrlRouteInfo(HttpMethod, UriMatchTemplate, Charset, MethodExecutionHandle<T, R>, String, Argument<?>, List<MediaType>, List<MediaType>, List<Predicate<HttpRequest<?>>>, Integer, ConversionService, ExecutorSelector, MessageBodyHandlerRegistry) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultUrlRouteInfo
- defaultValue() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Property
- defaultValue() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
- defaultValue() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation.Bindable
The default value to use if no bindable value is present.
- defaultValue() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.CookieValue
- defaultValue() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Header
- defaultValue() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.PathVariable
- defaultValue() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.QueryValue
- defaultValue() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.RequestAttribute
- defaultValue() - Element in annotation interface
Only to be used in conjunction with
. - defaultValues(Map<? extends CharSequence, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the default values of the annotation.
- DefaultVersionProvider - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router.version
Defines a provider of a default Version.
- DefaultWatchThread - Class in
Simple watch service that simply stops the server if any changes occur.
- DefaultWatchThread(ApplicationEventPublisher, FileWatchConfiguration, WatchService) - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
- DefaultWebSocketHttpResponse - Class in
A default WebSocket HTTP response.
- DefaultWebSocketHttpResponse(HttpVersion, HttpResponseStatus, boolean, Processor<WebSocketFrame, WebSocketFrame>, WebSocketServerHandshakerFactory) - Constructor for class
- DefaultWebSocketHttpResponse(HttpVersion, HttpResponseStatus, Processor<WebSocketFrame, WebSocketFrame>, WebSocketServerHandshakerFactory) - Constructor for class
- definedLength() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- definedStatus - Variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- definition() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.BeanRegistration
- definition() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.scope.BeanCreationContext
- definition() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.scope.CreatedBean
- dehyphenate(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Converts hyphenated, lower-case form to camel-case form.
- delay() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.CircuitBreaker
- delay() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.Retryable
- DelayedExecutionFlow<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.execution
that can be completed similar to aCompletableFuture
. - DelegateByteBuffer<T> - Class in
Delegate class for
. - DelegateByteBuffer(ByteBuffer<T>) - Constructor for class
- DelegateStreamedHttpRequest - Class in
Delegate for Streamed HTTP Request.
- DelegateStreamedHttpRequest(HttpRequest, Publisher<? extends HttpContent>) - Constructor for class
- DelegateStreamedHttpResponse - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Delegate for Streamed HTTP Response.
- DelegateStreamedHttpResponse(HttpResponse, Publisher<HttpContent>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DelegateStreamedHttpResponse
- DelegatingBeanDefinition<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
An interface for wrapping a
with another that delegates and potentially decorates theBeanDefinition
instance. - DelegatingExecutableMethod<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject -
An interface for
instances that delegate to an underlyingExecutableMethod
. - delete() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.multipart.StreamingFileUpload
Deletes the underlying storage for a file item, including deleting any associated temporary disk file.
- delete() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- delete() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload
- delete(String, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequestFactory
- delete(String, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestFactory
Return a
that executes anHttpMethod.DELETE
request for the given URI. - delete(String, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequestFactory
- Delete - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a
. - Delete - Annotation Interface in
A method designed to annotate an
delete operation. - DELETE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.MethodConvention
The default delete method of controllers.
- DELETE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
- DELETE - Enum constant in enum class
A file / directory was deleted.
- DELETE(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- DELETE(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Find the first
route for anHttpMethod.DELETE
method and the given URI. - DELETE(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified class.
- DELETE(Class<?>, PropertyConvention) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified class and ID.
- DELETE(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified object.
- DELETE(Object, PropertyConvention) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified object and ID.
- DELETE(String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Return a
that executes anHttpMethod.DELETE
request for the given URI. - DELETE(String, BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- DELETE(String, BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- DELETE(String, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- DELETE(String, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- DELETE(String, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- DELETE(String, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI to the specified target for an HTTP DELETE.
- DELETE(String, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- DELETE(String, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- DELETE(String, T) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Return a
that executes anHttpMethod.DELETE
request for the given URI. - DELETE(URI) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Return a
that executes anHttpMethod.DELETE
request for the given URI. - DELETE(URI, T) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Return a
that executes anHttpMethod.DELETE
request for the given URI. - DeleteEndpointRouteBuilder - Class in
- DeleteEndpointRouteBuilder(ApplicationContext, RouteBuilder.UriNamingStrategy, ConversionService, EndpointDefaultConfiguration) - Constructor for class
- DeleteWithoutBodyTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- DeleteWithoutBodyTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.DeleteWithoutBodyTest
- DEMANDING - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber.BackPressureState
The buffer is empty but there demand.
- DependencyInjectionException - Exception in io.micronaut.context.exceptions
Represents a runtime failure to perform dependency injection.
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, ArgumentConversionContext, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
Builds an error message for attempted argument conversion on an argument.
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, Argument, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, Argument, String, boolean) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, Argument, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, BeanDefinition, String, ArgumentConversionContext, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
Builds an error message for attempted argument conversion on a method.
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, BeanDefinition, String, Argument, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, BeanDefinition, String, Argument, String, boolean) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, BeanDefinition, String, Argument, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, BeanDefinition, String, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, BeanDefinition, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, BeanDefinition, String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, BeanDefinition, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, FieldInjectionPoint, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, FieldInjectionPoint, String, boolean) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, FieldInjectionPoint, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, FieldInjectionPoint, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, MethodInjectionPoint, ArgumentConversionContext, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
Builds an error message for attempted argument conversion on a method.
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, MethodInjectionPoint, Argument, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, MethodInjectionPoint, Argument, String, boolean) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, MethodInjectionPoint, Argument, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- DependencyInjectionException(BeanResolutionContext, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
- deprecation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- deprecation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link.Builder
- deprecation(URI) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link.Builder
- deprecation(URI) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- deregister(ServiceInstance) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.AutoRegistration
Deregister the
from service discovery services. - descendingKeySet() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
Returns an unmodifiable snapshot
view of the keys contained in this map. - descendingKeySetWithLimit(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
Returns an unmodifiable snapshot
view of the keys contained in this map. - descendingMap() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
Returns an unmodifiable snapshot
view of the mappings contained in this map. - descendingMapWithLimit(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
Returns an unmodifiable snapshot
view of the mappings contained in this map. - describe(String) - Method in class
Describe an existing
. - Described - Interface in io.micronaut.core.naming
An interface for types that are described by a description.
- description() - Element in annotation interface
- description() - Element in annotation interface
- description() - Element in annotation interface
- DESCRIPTOR_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- deserialize(byte[]) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.serialize.ObjectSerializer
Deserialize the given object to bytes.
- deserialize(byte[], Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.serialize.ObjectSerializer
Deserialize the given object to bytes.
- deserialize(byte[], Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.serialize.ObjectSerializer
Deserialize the given object to bytes.
- deserialize(byte[], Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.JacksonObjectSerializer
- deserialize(byte[], Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.JsonObjectSerializer
- deserialize(byte[], Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.JacksonObjectSerializer
- deserialize(byte[], Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.JsonObjectSerializer
- deserialize(InputStream, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.serialize.ObjectSerializer
Deserialize the given object to bytes.
- deserialize(InputStream, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.serialize.ObjectSerializer
Deserialize the given object to bytes.
- deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.JsonNodeDeserializer
- deserialize(GenericResource) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Resource
Factory method for deserialization.
- deserialize(InputStream, Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.serialize.JdkSerializer
- deserialize(InputStream, Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.JacksonObjectSerializer
- deserialize(InputStream, Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.JsonObjectSerializer
- deserialize(InputStream, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.serialize.JdkSerializer
- deserialize(InputStream, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.JacksonObjectSerializer
- deserialize(InputStream, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.JsonObjectSerializer
- deserializers - Variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.ObjectMapperFactory
- destroyBean(BeanRegistration<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Destroys the given bean.
- destroyBean(BeanRegistration<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- destroyBean(Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Destroys the bean for the given type causing it to be re-created.
- destroyBean(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Destroys the bean for the given type causing it to be re-created.
- destroyBean(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- destroyBean(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Destroys the bean for the given type causing it to be re-created.
- destroyBean(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- destroyBean(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Destroys the given bean.
- destroyBean(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- destroyInjectScopedBeans() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- destroyInjectScopedBeans() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Call back to destroy any
beans. - destroyScope(Map<BeanIdentifier, CreatedBean<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.scope.AbstractConcurrentCustomScope
Destroys the scope.
- details(Object) - Method in class
Sets the details of the result.
- DetailsVisibility - Enum Class in
Options for controlling the visibility of health details.
- detectFeatures(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- detectFeatures(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
from the given annotation data. - DEVELOPMENT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
The development environment.
- DEVICE_MEMORY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - DIGITAL_OCEAN - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.ComputePlatform
Digital Ocean.
- DIGITAL_OCEAN - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Cloud provider Digital Ocean.
- DigitalOceanInstanceMetadata - Class in
for Digital Ocean. - DigitalOceanInstanceMetadata() - Constructor for class
- DigitalOceanMetadataConfiguration - Class in
Default configuration for retrieving Digital Ocean metadata for
. - DigitalOceanMetadataConfiguration() - Constructor for class
- DigitalOceanMetadataKeys - Enum Class in
A enum of Digital Ocean metadata.
- DigitalOceanMetadataResolver - Class in
for Digital Ocean. - DigitalOceanMetadataResolver() - Constructor for class
Construct with default settings.
- DigitalOceanMetadataResolver(ObjectMapper, DigitalOceanMetadataConfiguration) - Constructor for class
- DigitalOceanMetadataResolver(DigitalOceanMetadataConfiguration, JsonFactory, JsonMapper) - Constructor for class
- DigitalOceanNetworkInterface - Class in
implementation for Digital Ocean. - DigitalOceanNetworkInterface() - Constructor for class
- DirectoryClassWriterOutputVisitor - Class in io.micronaut.inject.writer
that writes to a target directory. - DirectoryClassWriterOutputVisitor(File) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DirectoryClassWriterOutputVisitor
- disable(JsonGenerator.Feature) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- DisabledBean<T> - Record Class in io.micronaut.context
Data about a disabled bean.
- DisabledBean(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>, List<String>) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.context.DisabledBean
Creates an instance of a
record class. - DisabledBeanException - Exception in io.micronaut.context.exceptions
An exception that can be thrown to disable a bean programmatically from within a factory bean.
- DisabledBeanException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DisabledBeanException
- disabledDeserializationFeatures() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.jackson.annotation.JacksonFeatures
- disabledSerializationFeatures() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.jackson.annotation.JacksonFeatures
- disableFork() - Method in class
- discard() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.multipart.FileUpload
Discards the contents of the file.
- discard() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyCompletedFileUpload
- discard() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload
- discardReadBytes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- discardSomeReadBytes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- DiscoveryClient - Interface in io.micronaut.discovery
Main client abstraction used for service discovery.
- DiscoveryClientHealthIndicator - Class in
A health indicator for the discovery client.
- DiscoveryClientHealthIndicator(DiscoveryClient) - Constructor for class
- DiscoveryClientHealthIndicatorConfiguration - Class in
Enables the user to enable or disable the health indicator.
- DiscoveryClientHealthIndicatorConfiguration() - Constructor for class
- DiscoveryClientLoadBalancerFactory - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance
A factory class that can be replaced at runtime for creating
instances that load balance between available clients provided by theDiscoveryClient
. - DiscoveryClientLoadBalancerFactory(DiscoveryClient) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.DiscoveryClientLoadBalancerFactory
- DiscoveryClientRoundRobinLoadBalancer - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance
that uses theDiscoveryClient
and aServiceInstance
ID to automatically load balance between discovered clients in a non-blocking manner. - DiscoveryClientRoundRobinLoadBalancer(String, DiscoveryClient) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.DiscoveryClientRoundRobinLoadBalancer
- DiscoveryConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.discovery
Base class for common discovery configuration options.
- DiscoveryConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.discovery.DiscoveryConfiguration
- DiscoveryException - Exception in io.micronaut.discovery.exceptions
Base exception for exceptions thrown by the discovery system.
- DiscoveryException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.discovery.exceptions.DiscoveryException
Constructs a new Discovery exception with the specified detail message.
- DiscoveryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.discovery.exceptions.DiscoveryException
Constructs a new Discovery exception with the specified detail message and cause.
- DiskSpaceIndicator - Class in
used to display information about the disk space of the server. - DiskSpaceIndicatorConfiguration - Class in
Specific configuration properties for the disk space health indicator.
- DiskSpaceIndicatorConfiguration() - Constructor for class
- dispatch(int, B, Object[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
Triggers the invocation of the method at index.
- dispatch(int, T, Object[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition
Triggers the invocation of the method at index.
- dispatchOne(int, Object, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
Triggers the invocation of the method at index for a single argument call.
- DispatchWriter - Class in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Switch based dispatch writer.
- DispatchWriter(Type) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter
- DispatchWriter(Type, Type) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter
- DispatchWriter.DispatchTarget - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Dispatch target implementation writer.
- DispatchWriter.DispatchTargetState - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.writer
State carried between different
s. - DispatchWriter.FieldGetDispatchTarget - Class in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Field get dispatch target.
- DispatchWriter.FieldSetDispatchTarget - Class in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Field set dispatch target.
- DispatchWriter.InterceptableMethodDispatchTarget - Class in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Interceptable method invocation dispatch target.
- DispatchWriter.MethodDispatchTarget - Class in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Method invocation dispatch target.
- DisposableBeanDefinition<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
A bean definition that provides disposing hooks normally in the form of
annotated methods. - dispose(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, BeanDefinition<T1>, ExecutableMethod<T1, T1>, T1) - Static method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.MethodInterceptorChain
Internal method that handles the logic for executing
interception. - dispose(BeanContext, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DisposableBeanDefinition
Disposes of the bean definition by executing all
hooks. - dispose(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DisposableBeanDefinition
Disposes of the bean definition by executing all
hooks. - disposeClient(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientRegistry
Dispose of the client defined by the given metadata.
- disposeClient(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.DefaultJdkHttpClientRegistry
- disposeClient(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
- disposeClient(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.ProxyHttpClientRegistry
Dispose of the client defined by the given metadata.
- disposeClient(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.sse.SseClientRegistry
Dispose of the client defined by the given metadata.
- disposeClient(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.StreamingHttpClientRegistry
Dispose of the client defined by the given metadata.
- disposeClient(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClientRegistry
Dispose of the client defined by the given metadata.
- DIV - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- DivOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Expression node for binary '/' operator.
- DivOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.DivOperator
- DNS - Enum constant in enum class
- doAfterComplete() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleSubscriberProcessor
Called after
completes. - doAfterOnError(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleSubscriberProcessor
Called after
completes. - doAfterOnSubscribe(Subscription) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleSubscriberProcessor
Called after
completes. - doBind(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, ConvertibleValues<?>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation.AbstractArgumentBinder
Do binding.
- doBind(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, ConvertibleValues<?>, String, ArgumentBinder.BindingResult<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation.AbstractArgumentBinder
Do binding.
- doConvert(Object, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation.AbstractArgumentBinder
Convert the value and return a binding result.
- doConvert(Object, ArgumentConversionContext<T>, ArgumentBinder.BindingResult<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation.AbstractArgumentBinder
Convert the value and return a binding result.
- doCreate(BeanCreationContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.scope.AbstractConcurrentCustomScope
Perform creation.
- doesConsume(MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
Whether the specified content type is an accepted type.
- doesConsume(MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- doesProduce(MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- doesProduce(MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
Whether the route does produce any of the given types.
- doesProduce(Collection<MediaType>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- doesProduce(Collection<MediaType>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
Whether the route does produce any of the given types.
- doEvaluate(ExpressionEvaluationContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.expressions.AbstractEvaluatedExpression
This method is overridden by expression classes generated at compilation time and contains concrete expression evaluation logic.
- doFilter(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class
Returns 401 if the route is a match for an endpoint with sensitive true.
- doFilter(HttpRequest<?>, FilterChain) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.HttpClientFilter
- doFilter(HttpRequest<?>, FilterChain) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.HttpFilter
Intercepts a
. - doFilter(HttpRequest<?>, FilterChain) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.HttpServerFilter
- doFilter(HttpRequest<?>, ServerFilterChain) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.HttpServerFilter
Variation of the
HttpServerFilter.doFilter(HttpRequest, FilterChain)
method that accepts aServerFilterChain
which allows to mutate the outgoing HTTP response. - doFilter(HttpRequest<?>, MutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.jackson.JsonViewServerFilter
- doFilter(MutableHttpRequest<?>, ClientFilterChain) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.filters.ClientServerContextFilter
- doFilter(MutableHttpRequest<?>, ClientFilterChain) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.HttpClientFilter
A variation of
HttpFilter.doFilter(HttpRequest, FilterChain)
that receives aMutableHttpRequest
allowing the request to be modified. - doFilter(MutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in class
- doInstantiate(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Method to be implemented by the generated code if the bean definition is implementing
. - domain(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
Sets the domain of the cookie.
- domain(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- domain(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- DOMAIN_SERVER_SOCKET - Enum constant in enum class
- domainServerSocketChannelClass() - Method in class
- domainServerSocketChannelClass() - Method in class
- domainServerSocketChannelClass() - Method in interface
Returns the domain socket server channel class.
- domainServerSocketChannelClass() - Method in class
- domainServerSocketChannelClass() - Method in class
- domainServerSocketChannelClass(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in interface
Returns the domain socket server channel class.
- domainServerSocketChannelClass(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- domainServerSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- domainServerSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- domainServerSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in interface
Returns the domain socket server channel class.
- domainServerSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- doMatch(String, String, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.AntPathMatcher
Actually match the given
against the givenpattern
. - DONE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber.BackPressureState
- doOnComplete() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleSubscriberProcessor
- doOnComplete() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleThreadedBufferingProcessor
- doOnComplete() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.CompletionAwareSubscriber
. - doOnComplete() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber
. - doOnComplete() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.async.ContextCompletionAwareSubscriber
- doOnComplete() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.parser.JacksonCoreProcessor
- doOnComplete() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.parser.JacksonProcessor
- doOnConnect(ChannelPipelineListener) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
- doOnConnect(ChannelPipelineListener) - Method in interface
Deprecated.Use NettyClientCustomizer or NettyServerCustomizer instead.
- doOnConnect(ChannelPipelineListener) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- doOnError(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleSubscriberProcessor
- doOnError(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleThreadedBufferingProcessor
- doOnError(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.CompletionAwareSubscriber
. - doOnError(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber
. - doOnError(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.async.ContextCompletionAwareSubscriber
- doOnNext(R) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleThreadedBufferingProcessor
- doOnNext(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.CompletionAwareSubscriber
. - doOnNext(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber
. - doOnNext(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.async.ContextCompletionAwareSubscriber
- doOnSubscribe(Subscription) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleSubscriberProcessor
- doOnSubscribe(Subscription) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleThreadedBufferingProcessor
- doOnSubscribe(Subscription) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.CompletionAwareSubscriber
. - doOnSubscribe(Subscription) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber
. - doOnSubscribe(Subscription) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.async.ContextCompletionAwareSubscriber
- doOnSubscribe(Subscription, Subscriber<? super R>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleSubscriberProcessor
Perform the actual subscription to the subscriber.
- doResolve(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, ConvertibleValues<?>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation.AbstractArgumentBinder
Do resolve.
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.AbstractMethodCall
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.BeanContextAccess
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.ContextElementAccess
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.EnvironmentAccess
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.SubscriptOperator
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.ThisAccess
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.collection.OneDimensionalArray
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.conditional.TernaryExpression
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.ExpressionNode
Resolves the class element for this node.
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.BoolLiteral
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.DoubleLiteral
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.FloatLiteral
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.IntLiteral
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.LongLiteral
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.NullLiteral
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.StringLiteral
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.InstanceofOperator
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.MatchesOperator
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary.EmptyOperator
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary.UnaryOperator
- doResolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.types.TypeIdentifier
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.ExpressionNode
Resolves expression AST node type.
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.AbstractMethodCall
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.BeanContextAccess
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.ContextElementAccess
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.EnvironmentAccess
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.SubscriptOperator
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.ThisAccess
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.collection.OneDimensionalArray
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.conditional.TernaryExpression
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.BoolLiteral
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.DoubleLiteral
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.FloatLiteral
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.IntLiteral
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.LongLiteral
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.NullLiteral
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.StringLiteral
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.BinaryOperator
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.ComparablesComparisonOperation
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.InstanceofOperator
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.MatchesOperator
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.NumericComparisonOperation
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.RelationalOperator
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary.EmptyOperator
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary.NegOperator
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary.NotOperator
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary.PosOperator
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary.UnaryOperator
- doResolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.types.TypeIdentifier
- doScan(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.scan.ClassPathAnnotationScanner
- doSubscribe(Subscriber<? super R>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleSubscriberProcessor
Override to implement
. - doSubscribe(Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.SingleSubscriberPublisher
Override to implement
. - DOT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- DOUBLE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Constant for double argument.
- DOUBLE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- DOUBLE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- DOUBLE_WRAPPER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- DoubleLiteral - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal
Expression AST node for double literal.
- DoubleLiteral(double) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.DoubleLiteral
- doubleValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The double value of the given member.
- doubleValue() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The double value of the given member.
- doubleValue(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value as an
for the given annotation and member. - doubleValue(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- doubleValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value as an
for the given annotation and member. - doubleValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- doubleValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- doubleValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- doubleValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- doubleValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- doubleValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Retrieve the double value and optionally map its value.
- doubleValue(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The double value of the given member.
- doubleValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The double value of the given member.
- doubleValue(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value as an
for the given annotation and member. - doubleValue(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- doubleValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- doubleValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- doubleValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- doubleValue(String, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- doubleValue(String, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Retrieve the double value and optionally map its value.
- doubleValue(String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The double value of the given member.
- doubleValue(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- doubleValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- doubleValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- doubleValues() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The double[] value for the given member.
- doubleValues(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The double[] value for the given member.
- doubleValues(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- DOWN - Static variable in class
Indicates the service is down and unavailable.
- DOWNLINK - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - DownstreamSubscription() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber.DownstreamSubscription
- DPR - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - DROPLET_ID - Enum constant in enum class
- duplicate() - Method in class
- duplicate() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- duplicate() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- DuplicateRouteException - Exception in io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions
An exception thrown when multiple routes match a given URI.
- DuplicateRouteException(String, List<UriRouteMatch<Object, Object>>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.DuplicateRouteException
- DuplicateRouteHandler - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions
Handles exceptions of type
. - DuplicateRouteHandler(ErrorResponseProcessor<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.DuplicateRouteHandler
- Dynamic(int) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterOrder.Dynamic
Creates an instance of a
record class. - DynamicMessageBodyWriter - Class in io.micronaut.http.body
implementation that decides which writer to use based on the dynamic (runtime) type of the body. - DynamicMessageBodyWriter(MessageBodyHandlerRegistry, List<MediaType>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.body.DynamicMessageBodyWriter
- EachBean - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
This annotation allows driving the production of
definitions from presence of other bean definitions. - eachFile(URI, String, Consumer<Path>) - Static method in class
Iterates over each directory in a JAR or file system.
- eachFile(URL, String, Consumer<Path>) - Static method in class
Iterates over each directory in a JAR or file system.
- EachProperty - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
This annotation allows driving the production of
definitions from either configuration or the presence of another bean definition - eagerInitAnnotated(Class<? extends Annotation>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Specifies to eager init the given annotated types.
- eagerInitAnnotated(Class<? extends Annotation>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- eagerInitConfiguration(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Whether to eager initialize
beans. - eagerInitSingletons(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Whether to eager initialize singleton beans.
- EARLY_HINTS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- ECT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - effectiveLevel() - Method in class
- ElapseTimeElementBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
Builder for ElapseTimeElement.
- ElapseTimeElementBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.ElapseTimeElementBuilder
- element() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Class
Returns the value of the
record component. - element() - Method in interface io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement
- element() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Method
Returns the value of the
record component. - element() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Package
Returns the value of the
record component. - element() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Placeholder
Returns the value of the
record component. - element() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Variable
Returns the value of the
record component. - Element - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
Stores data about a compile time element.
- ElementAnnotationMetadata - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation
Element's annotation metadata.
- elementAnnotationMetadataFactory - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractAnnotationElement
- elementAnnotationMetadataFactory - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation
Element's annotation metadata factory.
- ElementFactory<E,
C extends E, M extends E, F extends E> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast -
A factory for creating elements.
- ElementMethodCall - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access
Expression AST node used for method invocation.
- ElementMethodCall(ExpressionNode, String, List<ExpressionNode>, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.ElementMethodCall
- ElementModifier - Enum Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast
An enum of modifier names now tied to the reflection API.
- ElementMutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate<R> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation
Mutable annotation metadata provider.
- ElementQuery<T extends Element> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
An interface for querying the AST for elements.
- ElementQuery.Result<T extends Element> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
Result interface when building a query.
- elements() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.EnumElement
The enum constant elements that make up this enum.
- elementUtils - Variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- ELVIS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- ElvisOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.conditional
Support for the elvis operator.
- ElvisOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.conditional.ElvisOperator
- embedded(CharSequence, Resource) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.AbstractResource
Add an embedded resource with the given reference.
- embedded(CharSequence, Resource) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.VndError
- embedded(CharSequence, Resource...) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.AbstractResource
Add an embedded resource with the given reference.
- embedded(CharSequence, Resource...) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.VndError
- embedded(CharSequence, List<Resource>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.AbstractResource
Add an embedded resource with the given reference.
- embedded(CharSequence, List<Resource>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.VndError
- EMBEDDED - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Resource
The embedded attribute.
- EmbeddedApplication<T extends EmbeddedApplication> - Interface in io.micronaut.runtime
is a runnable application that starts and manages theApplicationContext
. - EmbeddedServer - Interface in io.micronaut.runtime.server
An EmbeddedServer is a general abstraction to manage the lifecycle of any server implementation within a running Micronaut application.
- EmbeddedServerInstance - Interface in io.micronaut.discovery
Extended version of the
interface for theEmbeddedServer
. - EmbeddedServerUnderTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.tck
implementation forEmbeddedServer
. - EmbeddedServerUnderTest(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.tck.EmbeddedServerUnderTest
- EmbeddedServerUnderTestProvider - Class in io.micronaut.http.tck
implemntation which returns an instance ofEmbeddedServerUnderTest
. - EmbeddedServerUnderTestProvider() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.tck.EmbeddedServerUnderTestProvider
- Emitter<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber
Base interface for classes that emit data.
- empty() - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
that completes without emitting any items. - empty() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.ArgumentBinder.BindingResult
- empty() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValues
An empty
. - empty() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
An empty
. - empty() - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValuesMap
An empty
. - empty() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.ExecutionFlow
Create a simple flow representing an empty state.
- empty() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Returns an empty context.
- empty() - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.EnvironmentProperties
Creates a new empty cache of environment variable names to Micronaut properties cache.
- empty() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalMultiValues
An empty
. - empty() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalValues
An empty
. - empty() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.LoadBalancer
- empty() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateByteBody
- EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- EMPTY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.ExecutionHandleLocator
A empty no-op locator.
- EMPTY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource
An empty message source.
- EMPTY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
An empty annotation source.
- EMPTY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.ArgumentBinder.BindingResult
An empty but satisfied result.
- EMPTY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- EMPTY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
- EMPTY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.body.MessageBodyHandlerRegistry
An empty registry.
- EMPTY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
The empty metadata.
- EMPTY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.resource.StaticResourceResolver
An empty resolver to use as a constant.
- EMPTY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.websocket.context.WebSocketBeanRegistry
An empty registry.
- EMPTY_ANNOTATED_ELEMENT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
An empty re-usable element.
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationClassValue
An empty array of class values.
- EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Default empty media type array.
- EMPTY_BOOLEAN_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
An empty boolean array.
- EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
An empty byte array.
- EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
An empty char array.
- EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Constant for empty class array.
- EMPTY_DOUBLE_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
An empty double array.
- EMPTY_ELEMENT_ARRAY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
An empty array of elements.
- EMPTY_FLOAT_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
An empty float array.
- EMPTY_HIERARCHY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
Constant to represent an empty hierarchy.
- EMPTY_INT_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
An empty int array.
- EMPTY_LOCATOR - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.BootstrapPropertySourceLocator
An empty version that does nothing.
- EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
An empty long array.
- EMPTY_METADATA - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
A constant for representing empty metadata.
- EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
An empty object array.
- EMPTY_SHORT_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
An empty short array.
- EMPTY_STRING - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Constant for an empty String.
- EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Constant for an empty String array.
- EMPTY_SUBSCRIPTION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleSubscriberProcessor
- EMPTY_SUBSCRIPTION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.SingleSubscriberPublisher
- EMPTY_VALUES - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalMultiValues
Constant for empty values.
- EMPTY_VALUES - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalValues
Constant for empty values.
- EmptyHttpRequest - Class in
Delegate for Empty HTTP Response.
- EmptyHttpRequest(HttpRequest) - Constructor for class
- EmptyOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary
The empty operator.
- EmptyOperator(ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary.EmptyOperator
- EmptyPropertySource - Class in io.micronaut.context.env
that is empty when instantiated. - EmptyPropertySource() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.EmptyPropertySource
Default constructor.
- EmptyPropertySource(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.EmptyPropertySource
Creates a property source with a name.
- EmptyResponseException - Exception in io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions
An exception thrown when the server returned and empty, unreadable response.
- EmptyResponseException() - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.EmptyResponseException
Default constructor.
- enable(JsonGenerator.Feature) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- ENABLED - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigurationClient
Whether the configuration client, responsible for reading configuration for configuration servers, is enabled.
- ENABLED - Static variable in class
Whether the heartbeat is enabled.
- ENABLED - Static variable in annotation interface
Whether endpoints are enabled by default.
- ENABLED - Static variable in class
- ENABLED - Static variable in class
Setting to enable and disable server watch.
- enabledDeserializationFeatures() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.jackson.annotation.JacksonFeatures
- enableDefaultPropertySources(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Specify whether the default set of property sources should be enabled (default is
). - enableDefaultPropertySources(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- enabledSerializationFeatures() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.jackson.annotation.JacksonFeatures
- EnclosedElementsQuery<C,
N> - Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils -
The elements query helper.
- EnclosedElementsQuery() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.EnclosedElementsQuery
- encode(Argument<T>, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodec
Encode the given type returning the object as a byte[].
- encode(Argument<T>, T, ByteBufferFactory<?, B>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodec
Encode the given type returning the object as a
. - encode(Argument<T>, T, OutputStream) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodec
Encode the given type to the given
. - encode(Argument<T>, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- encode(Argument<T>, T, ByteBufferFactory<?, B>) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- encode(Argument<T>, T, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- encode(ChannelHandlerContext, HttpObject, List<Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.SmartHttpContentCompressor
- encode(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodec
Encode the given type returning the object as a byte[].
- encode(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.codec.TextStreamCodec
- encode(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- encode(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.http.codec.TextPlainCodec
- encode(T, ByteBufferFactory<?, B>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodec
Encode the given type returning the object as a
. - encode(T, ByteBufferFactory<?, B>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.codec.TextStreamCodec
- encode(T, ByteBufferFactory<?, B>) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- encode(T, ByteBufferFactory<?, B>) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.http.codec.TextPlainCodec
- encode(T, OutputStream) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodec
Encode the given type to the given
. - encode(T, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.codec.TextStreamCodec
- encode(T, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- encode(T, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.http.codec.TextPlainCodec
- encodeMessage(Object, MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.WebSocketMessageEncoder
Encode the given message with the given media type.
- end() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.JsonCounter.BufferRegion
Returns the value of the
record component. - Endpoint - Annotation Interface in
Defines a management endpoint for a given ID.
- EndpointConfiguration - Class in
configuration. - EndpointConfiguration(String, EndpointDefaultConfiguration) - Constructor for class
- EndpointDefaultConfiguration - Class in
The default
configuration. - EndpointDefaultConfiguration() - Constructor for class
- EndpointEnabledCondition - Class in
A condition that checks whether an
is enabled. - EndpointEnabledCondition() - Constructor for class
- EndpointSensitivityHandler - Interface in
If a bean of type
is present theEndpointsFilter
is not loaded. - EndpointSensitivityProcessor - Class in
Finds any sensitive endpoints.
- EndpointSensitivityProcessor(List<EndpointConfiguration>, EndpointDefaultConfiguration, PropertyResolver) - Constructor for class
Constructs with the existing and default endpoint configurations used to determine if a given endpoint is sensitive.
- EndpointsFilter - Class in
Returns 401 for
requests which have sensitive true. - EndpointsFilter(EndpointSensitivityProcessor) - Constructor for class
- ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- ensureWritable(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- ensureWritable(int, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- entities() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Expresses that the configuration requires entities annotated with the given annotations to be available to the application via package scanning.
- EntityIntrospectedAnnotationMapper - Class in io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor
An annotation mapper that improves introspection for JPA entities.
- EntityIntrospectedAnnotationMapper() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.EntityIntrospectedAnnotationMapper
- EntityReflectiveAccessAnnotationMapper - Class in io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor
An annotation mapper that improves reflective access for JPA entities.
- EntityReflectiveAccessAnnotationMapper() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.EntityReflectiveAccessAnnotationMapper
- entries() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonArray
- entries() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- entries() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonObject
- EntryPoint - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
EntryPoint is a meta-annotation used on other annotations to indicate that the annotated element is an entry point into the framework from the outside.
- entrySet() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
- entrySet() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- entrySingleton() - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.Weighers
A weigher where an entry has a weight of
. - EntryWeigher<K,
V> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.util.clhm -
A class that can determine the weight of an entry.
- ENUM_CONSTANT_MODIFIERS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.EnumConstantElement
- EnumConstantElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
Stores data about an element that references a enum constant.
- EnumElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
Models an enum type.
- enumerationToIterable(Enumeration<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
Convert an
to aIterable
. - enumerationToSet(Enumeration<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
Convert an
to aSet
. - enumValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value of the annotation as a Class.
- enumValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- enumValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- enumValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- enumValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- enumValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<E>, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- enumValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<E>, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Retrieve the class value and optionally map its value.
- enumValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value of the annotation as a Class.
- enumValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- enumValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- enumValue(Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
Return the enum value of the given member of the given enum type.
- enumValue(String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Return the enum value of the given member of the given enum type.
- enumValue(String, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
Return the enum value of the given member of the given enum type.
- enumValue(String, Class<E>, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Return the enum value of the given member of the given enum type.
- enumValue(String, String, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value of the annotation as a Class.
- enumValue(String, String, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- enumValue(String, String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- enumValue(String, String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- enumValue(String, String, Class<E>, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- enumValue(String, String, Class<E>, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Retrieve the class value and optionally map its value.
- enumValue(String, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value of the given enum.
- enumValue(String, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- enumValue(String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- enumValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- enumValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- enumValue(String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- enumValue(String, String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- enumValue(String, String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- enumValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The enum values for the given annotation.
- enumValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- enumValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- enumValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<E>, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- enumValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<E>, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- enumValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The enum values for the given annotation.
- enumValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- enumValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- enumValues(Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
Return the enum value of the given member of the given enum type.
- enumValues(String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Return the enum values of the given member of the given enum type.
- enumValues(String, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
Return the enum value of the given member of the given enum type.
- enumValues(String, String, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The enum values for the given annotation.
- enumValues(String, String, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- enumValues(String, String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- enumValues(String, String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- enumValues(String, String, Class<E>, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- enumValues(String, String, Class<E>, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- enumValues(String, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The enum values for the given annotation.
- enumValues(String, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- enumValues(String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- enumValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- enumValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- enumValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- enumValues(String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- enumValues(String, String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- enumValues(String, String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- enumValuesSet(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The enum values for the given annotation.
- enumValuesSet(String, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
Return the enum value of the given member of the given enum type.
- enumValuesSet(String, String, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The enum values for the given annotation.
- env() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Expresses that the configuration will only load within the given environments.
- environment(Consumer<Environment>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
Allow configuration the
. - Environment - Interface in io.micronaut.context.env
The current application environment.
- ENVIRONMENT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySource.PropertyConvention
Upper case separated by underscores (environment variable style).
- EnvironmentAccess - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access
Expression AST node used for retrieving properties from environment at runtime.
- EnvironmentAccess(ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.EnvironmentAccess
- EnvironmentConfigurable - Interface in io.micronaut.context
Interface for components configurable by the environment.
- EnvironmentEndpoint - Class in
that displays information about the environment and its property sources. - EnvironmentEndpoint(Environment) - Constructor for class
- EnvironmentEndpoint(Environment, EnvironmentEndpointFilter) - Constructor for class
- EnvironmentEndpointFilter - Interface in
A bean interface that allows hiding or masking of parts of the environment and its property sources when they are displayed in the
. - EnvironmentFilterSpecification - Class in
This class is passed to an instance of
(if one is defined) each time theEnvironmentEndpoint
is invoked. - environmentName(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Returns the underscore separated version of the given camel case string.
- EnvironmentProperties - Class in io.micronaut.core.util
A mapping from environment variable names to Micronaut property names.
- environmentPropertySource(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Set whether environment variables should contribute to configuration.
- environmentPropertySource(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- environmentPropertySource(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
- EnvironmentPropertySource - Class in io.micronaut.context.env
Loads properties from environment variables via
. - EnvironmentPropertySource() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.EnvironmentPropertySource
Default constructor.
- EnvironmentPropertySource(List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.EnvironmentPropertySource
Allows for control over which environment variables are included.
- environments(String...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
The environments to use.
- environments(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- environments(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
- ENVIRONMENTS_ENV - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
The environment key that stores additional environments.
- ENVIRONMENTS_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
The property that stores additional environments.
- environmentVariableExcludes(String...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Which environment variables should not contribute to configuration.
- environmentVariableExcludes(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- environmentVariableExcludes(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
- environmentVariableIncludes(String...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Which environment variables should contribute to configuration.
- environmentVariableIncludes(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- environmentVariableIncludes(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
- EnvJsonPropertySourceLoader - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.core.env
Reads properties from JSON stored in the environment variables
. - EnvJsonPropertySourceLoader() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.EnvJsonPropertySourceLoader
- EnvJsonPropertySourceLoader(boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.EnvJsonPropertySourceLoader
- EpollAvailabilityCondition - Class in
Checks if epoll is available.
- EpollAvailabilityCondition() - Constructor for class
- EpollChannelOptionFactory - Class in
Creates channel options.
- EpollChannelOptionFactory() - Constructor for class
- EpollEventLoopGroupFactory - Class in
Factory for EpollEventLoopGroup.
- EpollEventLoopGroupFactory() - Constructor for class
- EQ - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- EqOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Expression AST node for binary '==' operator.
- EqOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.EqOperator
- equals() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.tck.BodyAssertion.AssertionBuilder
- equals() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.BodyAssertion.ByteArrayBodyAssertionBuilder
- equals() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.BodyAssertion.StringBodyAssertionBuilder
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Method
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Package
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Placeholder
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Variable
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.ExtendedParameter
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.ClassWithOwner
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Field
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Method
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Package
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Parameter
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Placeholder
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.AnnotationSegment
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition.MethodReference
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.PrecalculatedInfo
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractMessageSource.MessageKey
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.BeanRegistration
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.DisabledBean
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.propagation.slf4j.MdcPropagationContext
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationClassValue
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanProperty
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.cli.Option
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValuesMap
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.core.expressions.EvaluatedExpressionReference
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalValuesMap
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExpressionWithContext
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.compilation.ExpressionVisitorContext
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.Token
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient.RequestKey
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ProxyRequestOptions
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.context.ServerHttpRequestContext
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.BaseFilterProcessor.FilterMetadata
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterOrder.Dynamic
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterOrder.Fixed
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.AroundLegacy
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.Async
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.GenericResource
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.JsonCounter.BufferRegion
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload.Factory
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate.DefaultUriMatchInfo
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchVariable
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.InterceptorBindingQualifier
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.TypeAnnotationQualifier
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.TypeArgumentQualifier
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JacksonFeatures
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonArray
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonObject
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultErrorRouteInfo
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultStatusRouteInfo
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.qualifier.ConsumesMediaTypeQualifier
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.qualifier.ProducesMediaTypeQualifier
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- equalsType(Argument<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Whether the types are equivalent.
- equalsType(Argument<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- equalsType(Argument<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ArgumentBeanType
- error(Error) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response.ErrorContext.Builder
Adds an error to the context.
- error(Throwable) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.ExecutionFlow
Create a simple flow representing an error.
- error(Class<?>, Class<? extends Throwable>, Class<?>, String, Class<?>[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- error(Class<?>, Class<? extends Throwable>, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Register a route to handle the error.
- error(Class<? extends Throwable>, Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Register a route to handle the error.
- error(Class<? extends Throwable>, Class<?>, String, Class<?>[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- error(Class<? extends Throwable>, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Register a route to handle the error.
- error(Class<? extends Throwable>, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Register a route to handle the error.
- error(Class<? extends Throwable>, Object, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Register a route to handle the error.
- error(Class<? extends Throwable>, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Register a route to handle the error.
- error(String, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
Produce a compile error for the given message.
- error(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerSubscriber
Override for custom error handling.
- error(Element, String, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
Produce a compile error for the given element and message.
- Error - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response
Contains information about an error that occurred.
- Error - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Annotation that can be applied to method to map it to an error route.
- ERROR - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.aop.Around.ProxyTargetConstructorMode
Do not allow types with constructor arguments to be proxied.
- ERROR - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
Attribute used to store any exception that may have occurred during request processing.
- ERROR - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.logging.LogLevel
- ErrorContext - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response
- ErrorContext.Builder - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response
A builder for a
. - ErrorHandlerStringTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- ErrorHandlerStringTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.ErrorHandlerStringTest
- ErrorHandlerTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- ErrorHandlerTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.ErrorHandlerTest
- errorMessage(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response.ErrorContext.Builder
Adds an error to the context for the given message.
- errorMessages(List<String>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response.ErrorContext.Builder
Adds errors to the context for the given messages.
- errorMethod() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.context.WebSocketBean
Returns the method annotated with
. - ErrorResponseProcessor<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response
Creates Http responses that represent errors.
- ErrorRoute - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router
Represents a
that matches an exception. - ErrorRouteInfo<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router -
Represents a
that matches an exception. - errors(List<Error>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response.ErrorContext.Builder
Adds the errors to the context.
- ErrorsContext - Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert
Interface for reporting conversion errors.
- errorType() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.client.annotation.Client
- ETAG - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - evaluate(ExpressionEvaluationContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.expressions.AbstractEvaluatedExpression
- evaluate(ExpressionEvaluationContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.expressions.EvaluatedExpression
Evaluate expression to obtain evaluation result.
- evaluate(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.BodyAssertion
Evaluates the HTTP Response Body.
- EvaluatedAnnotationMetadata - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
Variation of
that is used when evaluated expression in annotation values need to be resolved at runtime. - EvaluatedAnnotationValue<A extends Annotation> - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
An EvaluatedAnnotationValue is a
that contains one or more expressions. - EvaluatedExpression - Interface in io.micronaut.core.expressions
Expression included in annotation metadata which can be evaluated at runtime.
- EvaluatedExpressionCompilationUtils - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util
Unility methods for used when compiling evaluated expressions.
- EvaluatedExpressionCompilationUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.EvaluatedExpressionCompilationUtils
- EvaluatedExpressionConstants - Class in io.micronaut.expressions
Set of constants used for evaluated expressions processing.
- EvaluatedExpressionConstants() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.EvaluatedExpressionConstants
- EvaluatedExpressionParser - Interface in io.micronaut.expressions.parser
Interface for evaluated expression parser.
- evaluatedExpressionProcessor - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractAnnotationMetadataWriter
- EvaluatedExpressionProcessor - Class in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Internal utility class for writing annotation metadata with evaluated expressions.
- EvaluatedExpressionProcessor(VisitorContext, Element) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.EvaluatedExpressionProcessor
Default constructor.
- EvaluatedExpressionReference - Record Class in io.micronaut.core.expressions
Wrapper for annotation value, containing evaluated expressions and class name for generated expression class.
- EvaluatedExpressionReference(Object, String, String, String) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.core.expressions.EvaluatedExpressionReference
Creates an instance of a
record class. - EvaluatedExpressionsUtils - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.util
Utility class for working with annotation metadata containing evaluated expressions.
- EvaluatedExpressionsUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.util.EvaluatedExpressionsUtils
- EvaluatedExpressionWriter - Class in io.micronaut.expressions
Writer for compile-time expressions.
- EvaluatedExpressionWriter(ExpressionWithContext, VisitorContext, Element) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.EvaluatedExpressionWriter
- EVALUATION_CONTEXT_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- evaluationContext() - Method in record class io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExpressionWithContext
Returns the value of the
record component. - Event<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.sse
Represents a Server Sent Event.
- EVENT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.sse.Event
The event parameter.
- EVENT_LOOPS - Static variable in interface
The configuration property prefix.
- EventListener - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.runtime.event.annotation
advice annotation that allows listening for events by implementing theApplicationEventListener
interface. - eventLoopGroup(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
Constructs an event loop group for each configuration.
- EventLoopGroupConfiguration - Interface in
Default event loop group configuration interface.
- EventLoopGroupFactory - Interface in
Factory for EventLoopGroup.
- EventLoopGroupRegistry - Interface in
Registry of configured event loops.
- eventLoopGroupThreadFactory(ExecutorConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorFactory
Constructs an executor thread factory.
- events() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.ConstantElement
- events() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LogElement
The sets of events that this log element must process.
- eventStream(HttpRequest<I>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.sse.SseClient
Perform an HTTP request and receive data as a stream of SSE
objects as they become available without blocking. - eventStream(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<B>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.sse.SseClient
Perform an HTTP request and receive data as a stream of SSE
objects as they become available without blocking. - eventStream(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<B>, Argument<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.sse.SseClient
Perform an HTTP request and receive data as a stream of SSE
objects as they become available without blocking. - eventStream(HttpRequest<I>, Class<B>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.sse.SseClient
Perform an HTTP request and receive data as a stream of SSE
objects as they become available without blocking. - eventStream(String, Argument<B>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.sse.SseClient
Perform an HTTP GET request and receive data as a stream of SSE
objects as they become available without blocking. - eventStream(String, Class<B>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.sse.SseClient
Perform an HTTP GET request and receive data as a stream of SSE
objects as they become available without blocking. - eventStream(HttpRequest<I>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- eventStream(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<B>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- eventStream(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<B>, Argument<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- evict(Map<?, ?>, int) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
items from the givenmap
at random. - EvictionListener<K,
V> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.util.clhm -
A listener registered for notification when an entry is evicted.
- exception() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Error
- exception(Throwable) - Method in class
Builds the details based off an exception.
- EXCEPTION - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
Attribute used to store the cause of an error response.
- exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketClientHandler
- exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerPublisher
- exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerSubscriber
- exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.PipeliningServerHandler
- ExceptionHandler<T extends Throwable> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.exceptions
Common interface for types that handle exceptions.
- ExceptionHandler<T extends Throwable,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions -
A generic hook for handling exceptions that occurs during the execution of an HTTP request.
- exceptionHandlerTest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.HttpServerFilterExceptionHandlerTest
- exceptionHandlerTest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterExceptionHandlerTest
- exceptionHandlerTest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterExceptionHandlerTest
- exceptionType() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultErrorRouteInfo
- exceptionType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.ErrorRoute
- exceptionType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.ErrorRouteInfo
- exchange(HttpRequest<I>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient
Perform an HTTP request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
. - exchange(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient
Perform an HTTP request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
and converting the response body to the specified type. - exchange(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>, Argument<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient
Perform an HTTP request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
and converting the response body to the specified type. - exchange(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>, Argument<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.DefaultJdkHttpClient
- exchange(HttpRequest<I>, Class<O>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient
Perform an HTTP request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
and converting the response body to the specified type. - exchange(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient
Perform an HTTP GET request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
. - exchange(String, Class<O>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient
Perform an HTTP GET request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
. - exchange(HttpRequest<I>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.BlockingHttpClient
Perform an HTTP request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
. - exchange(HttpRequest<I>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.tck.ServerUnderTest
- exchange(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>, Argument<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- exchange(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.BlockingHttpClient
Perform an HTTP request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
and converting the response body to the specified type. - exchange(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.EmbeddedServerUnderTest
- exchange(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.tck.ServerUnderTest
- exchange(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>, Argument<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.BlockingHttpClient
Perform an HTTP request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
and converting the response body to the specified type. - exchange(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>, Argument<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- exchange(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>, Argument<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.EmbeddedServerUnderTest
- exchange(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>, Argument<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.tck.ServerUnderTest
- exchange(HttpRequest<I>, Class<O>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.BlockingHttpClient
Perform an HTTP request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
and converting the response body to the specified type. - exchange(HttpRequest<I>, Class<O>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.tck.ServerUnderTest
- exchange(HttpRequest<I>, Class<O>, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.tck.ServerUnderTest
- exchange(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.BlockingHttpClient
Perform a GET request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
. - exchange(String, Class<O>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.BlockingHttpClient
Perform a GET request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
. - exchange(String, Class<O>, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.BlockingHttpClient
Perform a GET request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
. - exchangeStream(HttpRequest<I>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.StreamingHttpClient
Requests a stream data where each emitted item is a
wrapped in theHttpResponse
object (which remains the same for each emitted item). - exchangeStream(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.StreamingHttpClient
Requests a stream data where each emitted item is a
wrapped in theHttpResponse
object (which remains the same for each emitted item). - exchangeStream(HttpRequest<I>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- exchangeStream(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- exclude(String...) - Method in class
Adds literal strings to the list of excluded keys.
- exclude(Predicate<String>) - Method in class
Adds a predicate to test property keys.
- exclude(Pattern...) - Method in class
Adds regular expression patterns to the list of known masks.
- exclude(String...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Allow customizing the configurations that will be loaded.
- exclude(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
Allow customizing the configurations that will be loaded.
- exclude(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
- exclude(HttpMethod...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.ResourceRoute
Exclude a particular HTTP method from this resource route.
- excludeClass(C) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.EnclosedElementsQuery
Checks if the class needs to be excluded.
- excludedAnnotations() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties
The annotation types that if present on the property cause the property to be excluded from results.
- excludedAnnotations() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected
The annotation types that if present on the property cause the property to be excluded from results.
- excludedAnnotations(Set<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
Sets the annotations names that should be used to indicate a property is excluded.
- excludePropertyElements() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Indicates to exclude any property elements (read write methods and a field).
- excludes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties
The property names to excludes.
- excludes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationBuilder
- excludes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationProperties
- excludes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationReader
- excludes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.EachProperty
- excludes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected
The property names to excludes.
- excludes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.CircuitBreaker
- excludes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.Fallback
- excludes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.Retryable
- excludes(Set<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
Sets the excluded property names.
- excludeServiceId() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.ClientFilter
The service identifiers this filter does not apply to.
- excludeServiceId() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Filter
The service identifiers this filter does not apply to.
- excludeServiceId() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.BaseFilterProcessor.FilterMetadata
Returns the value of the
record component. - executable() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanMethodElement
Make the method executable.
- executable(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanMethodElement
Make the method executable.
- Executable<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.type -
Represents an executable reference.
- Executable - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Annotation applied to the method or type indicating that a
should be produced for this method. - ExecutableBeanContextBinder - Interface in io.micronaut.context.bind
Sub-interface of
that binds arguments from aBeanContext
. - ExecutableBinder<S> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.bind
An ExecutableBinder is capable of taking a target
and fulfilling the argument requirements using the provided binding source andArgumentBinderRegistry
- executableElement - Variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- ExecutableMethod<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject -
An executable method is a compile time produced invocation of a method call.
- ExecutableMethodProcessor<A extends Annotation> - Interface in io.micronaut.context.processor
A class capable of processing an
instances. - ExecutableMethodsDefinition<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
Collects a set of executable methods
. - ExecutableMethodsDefinitionWriter - Class in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Writes out a
class. - ExecutableMethodsDefinitionWriter(VisitorContext, EvaluatedExpressionProcessor, AnnotationMetadata, String, String, OriginatingElements) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.ExecutableMethodsDefinitionWriter
- ExecutableVisitor - Class in io.micronaut.context.visitor
that validates primitive types can't have a Nullable annotation. - ExecutableVisitor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.visitor.ExecutableVisitor
- execute() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteMatch
Execute the route with the given values.
- execute(Runnable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedExecutor
- execute(I) - Method in interface io.micronaut.function.executor.FunctionExecutor
Execute the function configured by
. - execute(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.Terminal
- execute(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.TerminalReactive
- execute(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.StreamFunctionExecutor
Execute the function for the given input and output.
- execute(InputStream, OutputStream, C) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.StreamFunctionExecutor
Execute the function with given context object.
- executeOn() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.BaseFilterProcessor.FilterMetadata
Returns the value of the
record component. - ExecuteOn - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation
Annotation used to indicate which executor service a particular task should run on.
- ExecutionFlow<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.execution
The execution flow class represents a data flow which state can be represented as a simple imperative flow or an async/reactive.
- executionHandle - Variable in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.InterceptorChain
- ExecutionHandle<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject -
Represents a handle to an executable object.
- executionHandleLocator - Variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- ExecutionHandleLocator - Interface in io.micronaut.context
Interface for components that are able to locate and return
instances for beans. - executor() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.Async
Returns the value of the
record component. - ExecutorConfiguration - Interface in io.micronaut.scheduling.executor
- ExecutorFactory - Class in io.micronaut.scheduling.executor
instances based onUserExecutorConfiguration
instances. - ExecutorFactory(BeanLocator, ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorFactory
- ExecutorSelector - Interface in io.micronaut.scheduling.executor
Interface that allows customizing the selection of the
to run an operation on. - executorService - Variable in class
- executorService(ExecutorConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorFactory
Create the ExecutorService with the given configuration.
- ExecutorType - Enum Class in io.micronaut.scheduling.executor
- exists() - Method in interface
Does the underlying readable resource exist.
- exists() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Check if there is a context associated.
- exitWithError(Exception, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.DefaultFunctionExitHandler
- exitWithError(Exception, boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.function.executor.FunctionExitHandler
Exit the function with an error.
- exitWithNoData() - Method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.DefaultFunctionExitHandler
- exitWithNoData() - Method in interface io.micronaut.function.executor.FunctionExitHandler
Exit the function indicating no data was supplied.
- exitWithSuccess() - Method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.DefaultFunctionExitHandler
- exitWithSuccess() - Method in interface io.micronaut.function.executor.FunctionExitHandler
Exit the function with success.
- expand(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
Expand the string with the given bean.
- expand(Map<String, ? super Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriBuilder
Expands the URI if it is a template, using the given values.
- expand(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
Expand the string with the given parameters.
- expand(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTypeMatchTemplate
- expand(Map<String, Object>, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate.PathSegment
Expands the query segment.
- EXPECT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - EXPECTATION_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- Experimental - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
Annotates a class or method as being experimental and subject to change or removal.
- expires(long) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
Adds the EXPIRES header for the given
. - expires(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- expires(LocalDateTime) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
Adds the EXPIRES header for the given
. - expires(LocalDateTime) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- EXPIRES - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - explicitlyConsumes(MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
Whether the specified content type is explicitly an accepted type.
- explicitlyConsumes(MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- explicitlyProduces(MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
Whether the specified content type is explicitly a producing type.
- explicitlyProduces(MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- exposedHeaders() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CrossOrigin
- exposedPort(int) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRoute
The exposed port that the route applies to.
- exposedTypes(Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition.Builder
Limit the exposed types of this bean.
- EXPR_SUFFIX - Static variable in record class io.micronaut.core.expressions.EvaluatedExpressionReference
- EXPRESSION_CONTEXT_REF - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- EXPRESSION_PATTERN - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.EvaluatedExpressionConstants
RegEx pattern used to determine whether string value in annotation includes evaluated expression.
- EXPRESSION_PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.EvaluatedExpressionConstants
Evaluated expression prefix.
- expressionClassName() - Method in record class io.micronaut.core.expressions.EvaluatedExpressionReference
Returns the value of the
record component. - expressionClassName() - Method in record class io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExpressionWithContext
Provides generated class name for this expression.
- ExpressionCompilationContext - Interface in io.micronaut.expressions.context
Compilation context is a set of entries which can be referenced in evaluated expression using the '#' sign followed by entry name.
- ExpressionCompilationContextFactory - Interface in io.micronaut.expressions.context
Factory interface for producing expression evaluation context.
- ExpressionCompilationException - Exception in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.exception
Exception throws when problems with expression compilation occur.
- ExpressionCompilationException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.expressions.parser.exception.ExpressionCompilationException
- ExpressionEvaluationContext - Interface in io.micronaut.core.expressions
Context that can be used by evaluated expression to obtain objects required for evaluation process.
- ExpressionEvaluationContextRegistrar - Interface in io.micronaut.expressions.context
Custom type that simplifies registering a new context class.
- ExpressionEvaluationException - Exception in io.micronaut.context.exceptions
Exception thrown on expression evaluation failure.
- ExpressionEvaluationException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.ExpressionEvaluationException
- ExpressionEvaluationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.ExpressionEvaluationException
- ExpressionNode - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast
Abstract evaluated expression AST node.
- ExpressionNode() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.ExpressionNode
- ExpressionParsingException - Exception in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.exception
Exception throws when problems with expression parsing occur.
- ExpressionParsingException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.expressions.parser.exception.ExpressionParsingException
- expressionReference() - Method in record class io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExpressionWithContext
Returns the value of the
record component. - ExpressionTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- ExpressionTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.ExpressionTest
- ExpressionVisitorContext - Record Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.compilation
Context class used for compiling expressions.
- ExpressionVisitorContext(ExpressionCompilationContext, VisitorContext, GeneratorAdapter) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.compilation.ExpressionVisitorContext
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ExpressionWithContext - Record Class in io.micronaut.expressions.context
Metadata for evaluated expression used at compilation time to generate expression class.
- ExpressionWithContext(EvaluatedExpressionReference, ExpressionCompilationContext) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExpressionWithContext
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ExtendedParameter - Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils
This class was created to pass to the
because the method node the parameter belongs to is not available from theParameter
class itself. - ExtendedParameter(MethodNode, Parameter) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.ExtendedParameter
- extendWith(ClassElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExtensibleExpressionCompilationContext
Extends compilation context with class element.
- extendWith(MethodElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExtensibleExpressionCompilationContext
Extends compilation context with method element.
- extendWith(ClassElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.context.DefaultExpressionCompilationContext
- extendWith(MethodElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.context.DefaultExpressionCompilationContext
- ExtensibleExpressionCompilationContext - Interface in io.micronaut.expressions.context
Expression compilation context that can be extended with extra elements.
- extension - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- extension(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Retrieves the extension of a file name.
- EXTENSION_JSON - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Default file extension used for JSON.
- EXTENSION_PDF - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Default file extension used for PDF.
- EXTENSION_XLS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
File extension for Microsoft Excel's workbook files in use between 97-2003.
- EXTENSION_XLSX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
File extension used for Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet (XLSX).
- EXTENSION_XML - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Default file extension used for XML.
- extractPathWithinPattern(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.AntPathMatcher
Given a pattern and a full path, determine the pattern-mapped part.
- factory() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Replaces
- Factory - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
A factory is a
that produces one or many other bean implementations. - Factory(HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration, Charset) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData.Factory
- Factory(HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration, ExecutorService) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload.Factory
Creates an instance of a
record class. - FACTORY - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.TypeConvention
- factoryMethod() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationBuilder
Only to be used if the builder is not being created manually.
- fail(Failure) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.condition.ConditionContext
Fail the condition with the given message.
- fail(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.condition.ConditionContext
Fail the condition with the given message.
- fail(String, Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- fail(String, Element) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
Allows failing compilation for a given element with the given message.
- fail(String, Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- fail(String, ASTNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- FAILED_DEPENDENCY - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- Failure - Interface in io.micronaut.context.condition
Represents a failure in a
. - Fallback - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.retry.annotation
- FallbackException - Exception in io.micronaut.retry.exception
An exception thrown when an error occurs in the
system. - FallbackException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.retry.exception.FallbackException
Constructs a new Fallback exception with the specified detail message.
- FallbackException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.retry.exception.FallbackException
Constructs a new Fallback exception with the specified detail message and cause.
- fallbackValue() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterOrder.Dynamic
Returns the value of the
record component. - FALSE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Constant for the value false.
- FEATURE_POLICY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - FEATURES - Enum constant in enum class
- feed(ByteBuf) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.JsonCounter
Parse some input data.
- field - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.AstBeanPropertiesUtils.BeanPropertyData
- Field(FieldNode, GroovyNativeElement) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Field
Creates an instance of a
record class. - FIELD - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties.AccessKind
Allows the use of public or package-protected fields to represent bean properties.
- FIELD - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected.AccessKind
Allows the use of public or package-protected fields to represent bean properties.
- FIELD - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElement.AccessKind
Allows the use of public or package-protected fields to represent bean properties.
- FIELD_ANNOTATION_METADATA - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractAnnotationMetadataWriter
Field name for annotation metadata.
- FIELD_BEAN_RESOLUTION_CONTEXT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- FIELD_EMPTY_METADATA - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractAnnotationMetadataWriter
Field name for empty metadata.
- FIELD_READ_LOCK - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- FIELD_READ_WRITE_LOCK - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- FIELD_TARGET - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- FIELD_TYPE_INTERCEPTORS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- FIELD_WRITE_LOCK - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- FieldElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
Stores data about an element that references a field.
- FieldGetDispatchTarget(FieldElement) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.FieldGetDispatchTarget
- FieldInjectionPoint<B,
T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject -
Defines an injection point for a field.
- FieldReference(Class, Argument) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.FieldReference
- fields() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.ReflectionConfig
- FieldSetDispatchTarget(FieldElement) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.FieldSetDispatchTarget
- FILE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration.Format
Each value in the configuration server represents the name of a file and the contents of the file.
- FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.JsonPropertySourceLoader
File extension for property source loader.
- FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.env.JsonPropertySourceLoader
File extension for property source loader.
- FileBodyWriter - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body
Body writer for
s. - FileBodyWriter(SystemFileBodyWriter) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.FileBodyWriter
- FileChangedEvent - Class in
Event fired when a file that is being watched changes.
- FileChangedEvent(Path, WatchEventType) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new file changed event.
- FileChangedEvent(Path, WatchEvent.Kind) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new file changed event.
- FileCustomizableResponseType - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.types.files
A special type for file handling.
- filename(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Retrieves the fileName of a file without extension.
- filer - Variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- fileSystemResourceLoader() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.resource.ResourceLoaderFactory
- FileSystemResourceLoader - Interface in
Abstraction to load resources from the file system.
- FileTypeHandlerConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.FileTypeHandlerConfiguration
Default constructor.
- FileTypeHandlerConfiguration(Integer, Boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.FileTypeHandlerConfiguration
- FileUpload - Interface in io.micronaut.http.multipart
Represents a part of a
request. - fileUploadToObjectConverter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.converters.NettyConverters
- FileWatchCondition - Class in
Custom condition to only enable file watch if the watch paths exist.
- FileWatchCondition() - Constructor for class
- FileWatchConfiguration - Class in
Configuration for the file watch service.
- FileWatchConfiguration() - Constructor for class
- FileWatchRestartListener - Class in
Listener that stops the server if a file changes.
- FileWatchRestartListener(EmbeddedApplication<?>) - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
- fillInStackTrace() - Method in exception io.micronaut.annotation.processing.PostponeToNextRoundException
- fillInStackTrace() - Method in exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DisabledBeanException
- filter(Predicate<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
A final filter that allows access to the materialized Element.
- filter(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.filter.RouteMatchFilter
A method responsible for filtering route matches based on request.
- filter(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.RouteVersionFilter
Filters route matches by specified version.
- Filter - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
An annotation that can be applied to classes that implement
to specify the patterns. - FilterChain - Interface in io.micronaut.http.filter
A non-blocking and thread-safe filter chain.
- FilterContinuation<R> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.filter
A filter continuation gives can be declared as a parameter on a
filter method
. - FilteredRouter - Class in io.micronaut.web.router.filter
Allows decorating an existing
with filtering capabilities. - FilteredRouter(Router, RouteMatchFilter) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
Creates a decorated router for an existing router and
. - FilterErrorTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- FilterErrorTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.FilterErrorTest
- FilterMatcher - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Stereotype annotation that helps to link together instance of the filter and http client that filter should be applied to.
- FilterMetadata(FilterPatternStyle, List<String>, List<HttpMethod>, FilterOrder, String, List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.http.filter.BaseFilterProcessor.FilterMetadata
Creates an instance of a
record class. - FilterOrder - Interface in io.micronaut.http.filter
Different filter order heuristics, derived from annotations or
a bean method
. - FilterOrder.Dynamic - Record Class in io.micronaut.http.filter
Dynamic order value (from
). - FilterOrder.Fixed - Record Class in io.micronaut.http.filter
Fixed order value.
- FilterPatternStyle - Enum Class in io.micronaut.http.filter
Styles of filter patterns.
- filterRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsFilter
- filterResponse(HttpRequest<?>, MutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsFilter
- FilterRoute - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router
A filter route is a route that matches an
. - FilterRunner - Class in io.micronaut.http.filter
The filter runner will start processing the filters in the forward order.
- FilterRunner(List<GenericHttpFilter>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterRunner
Create a new filter runner, to be used only once.
- FiltersTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- FiltersTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.FiltersTest
- FilterVisitor - Class in io.micronaut.validation.routes
Visitor that checks validity of
classes. - FilterVisitor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.validation.routes.FilterVisitor
- FINAL - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementModifier
- finalizeAndWriteBean(ClassWriterOutputVisitor, BeanDefinitionVisitor) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
Finish the given bean and write it to the output.
- finalizeConfiguration() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- finalizeConfiguration() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.InitializableBeanContext
Performs operations required before starting the application context, such as reading bean configurations.
- find() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Returns an optional context.
- find() - Static method in record class io.micronaut.http.context.ServerHttpRequestContext
- find(HttpMethod, CharSequence, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- find(HttpMethod, CharSequence, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- find(HttpMethod, CharSequence, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Finds all possible routes for the given HTTP method and URI.
- find(HttpMethod, URI, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Finds all possible routes for the given HTTP method and URI.
- find(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- find(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- find(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Finds all possible routes for the given HTTP request.
- find(HttpRequest<?>, CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- find(HttpRequest<?>, CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- find(HttpRequest<?>, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Find method, that should be used for non-standard http methods.
- find(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Finds optional element of type.
- find(Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanProvider
Finds a bean for the optionally specified qualifier.
- find(Argument<Object>, MediaType, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.DynamicMessageBodyWriter
- find(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.DefaultLocalFunctionRegistry
- find(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.function.LocalFunctionRegistry
Find the first available registered function.
- find(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.web.AnnotatedFunctionRouteBuilder
- findAll(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Find all elements of type.
- findAll(Predicate<String>) - Method in interface
- findAllClosest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- findAllClosest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- findAllClosest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Finds the closest match for the given request.
- findAllContextElements(ContextView, Class<E>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.propagation.ReactorPropagation
Finds all context elements by the type.
- findAnnotatedBinder(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.DefaultHttpClientBinderRegistry
- findAnnotatedBinder(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.bind.HttpClientBinderRegistry
Locate an
for a given annotation type (that is supposed to be applied to the method). - findAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Get all of the values for the given annotation.
- findAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- findAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Find an
for the given annotation type. - findAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- findAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Find an
for the given annotation name. - findAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- findAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- findAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- findAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataProvider
- findAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- findAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataProvider
- findAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- findAny(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Find any
regardless of HTTP method. - findAny(CharSequence, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- findAny(CharSequence, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- findAny(CharSequence, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Find any
regardless of HTTP method. - findAny(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- findAny(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- findArgumentBinder(Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.DefaultHttpClientBinderRegistry
- findArgumentBinder(Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.bind.HttpClientBinderRegistry
Locate an
for the given argument. - findArgumentBinder(Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.ArgumentBinderRegistry
Locate an
for the given argument. - findArgumentBinder(Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.DefaultRequestBinderRegistry
- findArgumentBinder(Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.binders.NettyServerRequestBinderRegistry
- findArgumentBinder(Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.websocket.bind.WebSocketStateBinderRegistry
- findArgumentBinder(Argument<T>, S) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.ArgumentBinderRegistry
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.replaced with
- findAvailableTcpPort() - Static method in class
Finds an available TCP port.
- findAvailableTcpPort(int, int) - Static method in class
Finds an available TCP port.
- findBean(Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Finds a Bean for the given type and qualifier.
- findBean(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- findBean(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Finds a Bean for the given type and qualifier.
- findBean(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Find an optional bean of the given type and qualifier.
- findBean(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Finds a Bean for the given type.
- findBean(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Finds a Bean for the given type and qualifier.
- findBean(BeanResolutionContext, Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Find an optional bean of the given type and qualifier.
- findBean(BeanResolutionContext, Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Find an optional bean of the given type and qualifier.
- findBean(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- findBean(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- findBeanCandidates(BeanResolutionContext, Argument<T>, boolean, Predicate<BeanDefinition<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Find bean candidates for the given type.
- findBeanCandidates(BeanResolutionContext, Argument<T>, BeanDefinition<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Find bean candidates for the given type.
- findBeanCandidatesForInstance(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Find bean candidates for the given type.
- findBeanConfiguration(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain a bean configuration by name.
- findBeanConfiguration(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- findBeanDefinition(Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain a
for the given type. - findBeanDefinition(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain a
for the given type. - findBeanDefinition(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain a
for the given type. - findBeanDefinition(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain a
for the given type. - findBeanDefinition(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- findBeanDefinition(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- findBeanDeserializer(JavaType, DeserializationConfig, BeanDescription) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.MicronautDeserializers
- findBeanForConstructorArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Argument<K>, Qualifier<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains all bean definitions for a constructor argument at the given index
- findBeanForField(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Argument<K>, Qualifier<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains an optional for the field at the given index and the argument at the given index
- findBeanForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, int, Argument<K>, Qualifier<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains an optional bean for the method at the given index and the argument at the given index
- findBeanRegistration(BeanDefinition<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.scope.CustomScope
Get the
for the given bean. - findBeanRegistration(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain a
for the given bean. - findBeanRegistration(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- findBeanRegistration(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultCustomScopeRegistry
- findBeanRegistration(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.scope.AbstractConcurrentCustomScope
- findBeanRegistration(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.scope.CustomScope
Get the
for the given bean. - findBeanRegistration(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.scope.CustomScopeRegistry
Finds A bean registration amongst the active scopes.
- findBeanRegistration(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshScope
- findBiFunction(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.DefaultLocalFunctionRegistry
- findBiFunction(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.function.LocalFunctionRegistry
Find a
for the given name. - findBiFunction(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.web.AnnotatedFunctionRouteBuilder
- findBinder(Argument<T>, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.DefaultRequestBinderRegistry
- FindBugsRemapper - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
A remapper that remaps findbugs annotations to internal annotations.
- FindBugsRemapper() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.FindBugsRemapper
- findClassByName(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.graal.GraalReflectionConfigurer.ReflectionConfigurationContext
Finds a class by name.
- findClosest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Finds the closest match for the given request or null if none is found.
- findCodec(MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.DefaultLocalFunctionRegistry
- findCodec(MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.web.AnnotatedFunctionRouteBuilder
- findCodec(MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.codec.DefaultMediaTypeCodecRegistry
- findCodec(MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodecRegistry
Find a codec for the given media type.
- findCodec(MediaType, Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.DefaultLocalFunctionRegistry
- findCodec(MediaType, Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.web.AnnotatedFunctionRouteBuilder
- findCodec(MediaType, Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.codec.DefaultMediaTypeCodecRegistry
- findCodec(MediaType, Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodecRegistry
Find a codec for the given media type and target type.
- findConcreteCandidate(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>, Collection<BeanDefinition<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Fall back method to attempt to find a candidate for the given definitions.
- findConcreteCandidate(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>, Collection<BeanDefinition<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- findConstructor(Class<T>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Obtains a declared method.
- findConsumer(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.DefaultLocalFunctionRegistry
- findConsumer(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.function.LocalFunctionRegistry
Find a
for the given name. - findConsumer(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.web.AnnotatedFunctionRouteBuilder
- findContextElement(ContextView, Class<E>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.propagation.ReactorPropagation
Finds the context element by the type.
- findCookie(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookies
Find a
for the given name. - findCookie(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookies
- findCookie(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookies
- findDate(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
Obtain the date header.
- findDeclaredAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Get all values for the given annotation that are directly declared on the annotated element.
- findDeclaredAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- findDeclaredAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Get all values for the given annotation that are directly declared on the annotated element.
- findDeclaredAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- findDeclaredAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Get all values for the given annotation that are directly declared on the annotated element.
- findDeclaredAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- findDeclaredAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- findDeclaredAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- findDeclaredAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataProvider
- findDeclaredAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- findDeclaredAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataProvider
- findDeclaredAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- findDeclaredField(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
- findDeclaredScope(Argument<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultCustomScopeRegistry
- findDeclaredScope(Argument<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.scope.CustomScopeRegistry
Finds the declared scope for the given argument.
- findDeclaredScope(BeanType<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultCustomScopeRegistry
- findDeclaredScope(BeanType<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.scope.CustomScopeRegistry
Finds the declared scope for the given bean type.
- findDefaultStaticCreator() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Find and return a single default static creator.
- findErrorRoute(Class<?>, Throwable, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- findErrorRoute(Class<?>, Throwable, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- findErrorRoute(Class<?>, Throwable, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Match a route to an error.
- findErrorRoute(Throwable, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- findErrorRoute(Throwable, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- findErrorRoute(Throwable, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Match a route to an error.
- findEvaluatedExpressionReferences(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.expressions.util.EvaluatedExpressionsUtils
Finds evaluated expression references in provided annotation metadata, including nested annotation values.
- findExecutableMethod(Class<T>, String, Class<?>[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- findExecutableMethod(Class<T>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ExecutionHandleLocator
Finds an optimized execution handle for invoking a bean method.
- findExecutionHandle(Class<T>, Qualifier<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- findExecutionHandle(Class<T>, Qualifier<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ExecutionHandleLocator
Finds an optimized execution handle for invoking a bean method.
- findExecutionHandle(Class<T>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- findExecutionHandle(Class<T>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ExecutionHandleLocator
Finds an optimized execution handle for invoking a bean method.
- findExecutionHandle(T, String, Class<?>[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- findExecutionHandle(T, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ExecutionHandleLocator
Finds an optimized execution handle for invoking a bean method.
- findFallbackMethod(MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.retry.intercept.RecoveryInterceptor
Finds a fallback method for the given context.
- findField(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Finds a field in the type or super type.
- findField(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Find an instance/static field with a name in this class, super class or an interface.
- findFile() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.RequestLifecycle
Try to find a static file for this request.
- findFilters(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- findFilters(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- findFilters(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Build a filtered
for an action. - findFirst() - Method in class io.micronaut.function.DefaultLocalFunctionRegistry
- findFirst() - Method in interface io.micronaut.function.LocalFunctionRegistry
Find the first available registered function.
- findFirst() - Method in class io.micronaut.function.web.AnnotatedFunctionRouteBuilder
- findFirst(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
Get the first value of the given header.
- findFirst(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- findFunction(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.DefaultLocalFunctionRegistry
- findFunction(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.function.LocalFunctionRegistry
Find a
for the given name. - findFunction(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.web.AnnotatedFunctionRouteBuilder
- findIndexedProperty(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
Get all the bean properties annotated for the given type.
- findInt(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
Find an integer header.
- findIntrospectedTypes(Predicate<? super BeanIntrospectionReference<?>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospector
Finds introspections with the given filter.
- findIntrospection(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospector
Find a
for the given bean type. - findIntrospection(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.modules.BeanIntrospectionModule
Find an introspection for the given class.
- findIntrospections(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospector
Finds introspections for classes annotated with the given stereotype.
- findIntrospections(Class<? extends Annotation>, String...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospector
Finds introspections for classes annotated with the given stereotype.
- findIntrospections(Predicate<? super BeanIntrospectionReference<?>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospector
Finds introspections with the given filter.
- findMethod(String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ExecutableMethodsDefinition
Finds a single
for the given name and argument types. - findMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Finds a method on the given type for the given name.
- findMethod(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Find a method with a name.
- findMethod(String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition
- findMethod(String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- findMethod(String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
Finds a single
for the given name and argument types. - findMethod(String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- findMethods(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExpressionCompilationContext
Search methods in compilation context by name.
- findMethods(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.context.DefaultExpressionCompilationContext
- findMethodsByName(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Finds a method on the given type for the given name.
- findName(Qualifier<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Finds a name in the provided qualifier.
- findOrInstantiateBean(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Finds a Bean for the given type or attempts to instantiate the given instance.
- findParameters(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExpressionCompilationContext
Search method parameters in compilation context by name.
- findParameters(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.context.DefaultExpressionCompilationContext
- findPossibleMethods(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ExecutableMethodsDefinition
Finds possible methods for the given method name.
- findPossibleMethods(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition
- findPossibleMethods(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- findPossibleMethods(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
Finds possible methods for the given method name.
- findPossibleMethods(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- findPropagatedContext(ContextView) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.propagation.ReactorPropagation
Finds propagated context in the Reactor's context.
- findProperties(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExpressionCompilationContext
Search bean properties in compilation context by name.
- findProperties(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.context.DefaultExpressionCompilationContext
- findPropertyNamesForEnvironmentVariable(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.EnvironmentProperties
Returns, for an environment variable, the list of deduced Micronaut property names.
- findPropertySources(Environment) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.BootstrapPropertySourceLocator
A blocking interface that will attempt to resolve either remote or local
instances for the current Environment. - findProxyBeanDefinition(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain the proxy
for the bean of type and qualifier. - findProxyBeanDefinition(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- findProxyBeanDefinition(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain the proxy
for the bean of type and qualifier. - findProxyBeanDefinition(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- findProxyTargetBeanDefinition(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain the original
for aProxyBeanDefinition
. - findProxyTargetBeanDefinition(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- findProxyTargetBeanDefinition(BeanDefinition<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain the original
for aProxyBeanDefinition
. - findProxyTargetBeanDefinition(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain the original
for aProxyBeanDefinition
. - findProxyTargetBeanDefinition(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- findProxyTargetMethod(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- findProxyTargetMethod(Class<T>, String, Class<?>[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- findProxyTargetMethod(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- findProxyTargetMethod(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ExecutionHandleLocator
Finds the original unproxied method for a
. - findProxyTargetMethod(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ExecutionHandleLocator
Finds the original unproxied method for a
. - findProxyTargetMethod(Class<T>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ExecutionHandleLocator
Finds the original unproxied method for a
. - findQualifierAnnotation(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Finds a qualifier annotation.
- findQualifierAnnotations(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Finds qualifier annotations.
- findQualifierAnnotationsNames(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Finds qualifier annotations names.
- findReader(Argument<T>, List<MediaType>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.body.MessageBodyHandlerRegistry
Find a reader for the type and annotation metadata at declaration point.
- findReader(Argument<T>, List<MediaType>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.DefaultMessageBodyHandlerRegistry
- findReaderImpl(Argument<T>, List<MediaType>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.ContextlessMessageBodyHandlerRegistry
- findReaderImpl(Argument<T>, List<MediaType>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.DefaultMessageBodyHandlerRegistry
- findRepeatableAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Find repeatable annotation container.
- findRepeatableAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Find repeatable annotation container.
- findRepeatableAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- findRepeatableAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- findRepeatableAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- findRepeatableAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- findRepeatableAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- findRepeatableAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- findRepeatableAnnotationContainerInternal(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Find annotation's repeatable container.
- findRepeatableAnnotationContainerInternal(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
- findResources(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.InMemoryByteCodeGroovyClassLoader
- findRouteMatch(HttpRequest<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.web.router.RouteMatchUtils
- findScope(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultCustomScopeRegistry
- findScope(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.scope.CustomScopeRegistry
Find a custom scope for the given annotation.
- findScope(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultCustomScopeRegistry
- findScope(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.scope.CustomScopeRegistry
Find a custom scope for the given annotation.
- findStaticCreator() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Find and return a single primary static creator.
- findStatus(HttpStatus) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultErrorRouteInfo
- findStatus(HttpStatus) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- findStatus(HttpStatus) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultStatusRouteInfo
- findStatus(HttpStatus) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
Finds predefined route http status or uses default.
- findStatusRoute(HttpStatus, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- findStatusRoute(HttpStatus, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- findStatusRoute(HttpStatus, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Found a
for the givenHttpStatus
code. - findStatusRoute(Class<?>, HttpStatus, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- findStatusRoute(Class<?>, HttpStatus, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- findStatusRoute(Class<?>, HttpStatus, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Found a
for the givenHttpStatus
code. - findSupplier(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.DefaultLocalFunctionRegistry
- findSupplier(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.function.LocalFunctionRegistry
Find a
for the given name. - findSupplier(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.web.AnnotatedFunctionRouteBuilder
- findThis() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.context.DefaultExpressionCompilationContext
- findThis() - Method in interface io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExpressionCompilationContext
- findTypeConverter(Class<?>, Class<T>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.DefaultMutableConversionService
Find the type converter.
- findTypeElementVisitors() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
Discovers the
instances that are available. - findUpperType(List<T>, List<T>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.WildcardElement
Find the most upper type.
- findWrapper(Class<T2>, T2) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanWrapper
Obtain a bean wrapper for the given bean.
- findWrapper(T2) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanWrapper
Obtain a bean wrapper for the given bean.
- findWriter(Argument<T>, List<MediaType>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.body.MessageBodyHandlerRegistry
Find a writer for the type and annotation metadata at declaration point.
- findWriter(Argument<T>, List<MediaType>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.DefaultMessageBodyHandlerRegistry
- findWriterImpl(Argument<T>, List<MediaType>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.ContextlessMessageBodyHandlerRegistry
- findWriterImpl(Argument<T>, List<MediaType>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.DefaultMessageBodyHandlerRegistry
- finish() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- finish() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.InMemoryClassWriterOutputVisitor
- finish() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- finish() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassWriterOutputVisitor
- finish() - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
Finish any work writing beans.
- finish() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.ClassWriterOutputVisitor
Finish writing and flush any service entries to disk.
- finish(VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.ConfigurationReaderVisitor
- finish(VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.InternalApiTypeElementVisitor
- finish(VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.graal.reflect.GraalTypeElementVisitor
- finish(VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.IntrospectedTypeElementVisitor
- finish(VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.BeanElementVisitor
Called once when visitor processing finishes.
- finish(VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.TypeElementVisitor
Called once when visitor processing finishes.
- fireExceedsLength(long, long, ByteBufHolder) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.AbstractHttpContentProcessor
- first() - Method in class
- FIRST - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.filter.ServerFilterPhase
The first phase, invoked before all others.
- firstAvailable() - Method in class
- firstOr(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class
- fixed(URI) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.LoadBalancer
that does no load balancing and always hits the given URI. - fixed(URL) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.LoadBalancer
instead - Fixed(int) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterOrder.Fixed
Creates an instance of a
record class. - FIXED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorType
- fixedDelay() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled
A String representation of the
between the time of the last execution and the beginning of the next. - FixedLoadBalancer - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance
that resolves a fixed URI. - FixedLoadBalancer(URI) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.FixedLoadBalancer
Constructs a new FixedLoadBalancer.
- FixedLoadBalancer(URL) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.FixedLoadBalancer
instead - FixedLocaleResolver<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.util.locale
Generic implementation of
for fixed locale resolution. - FixedLocaleResolver(Locale) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.util.locale.FixedLocaleResolver
- fixedRate() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled
A String representation of the
between executions. - FLAT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.convert.format.MapFormat.MapTransformation
A flat map has the keys flattened such that
is a single map. - flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends ExecutionFlow<? extends R>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.ExecutionFlow
Map a not-empty value to a new flow.
- flatMap(Function<T, ArgumentBinder.BindingResult<R>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.ArgumentBinder.BindingResult
Transform the result, if present.
- flatMap(Function<T, ArgumentBinder.BindingResult<R>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.PendingRequestBindingResult
- FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- FLOAT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Constant for float argument.
- FLOAT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- FLOAT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- FLOAT_WRAPPER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- FLOATING_IP - Enum constant in enum class
- FLOATING_IP_ACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class
- FloatLiteral - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal
Expression AST node for float literal.
- FloatLiteral(float) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.FloatLiteral
- floatValue() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The float value of the given member.
- floatValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The double value of the given member.
- floatValue(String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The double value of the given member.
- floatValue(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- floatValues() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The float[] value for the given member.
- floatValues(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The float[] value for the given member.
- floatValues(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- FLOWING - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber.BackPressureState
The data has been read (
has been called), however the buffer is not empty. - flush() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- FluxTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- FluxTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.FluxTest
- foldBoundGenericTypes(Function<ClassElement, ClassElement>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Perform a fold operation on the type arguments (type arguments, wildcard bounds, resolved via
), and then on this type. - forArgument(Argument<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Build a qualifier for the given argument.
- forBase(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- forBase(String) - Method in class
- forBase(String) - Method in interface
Constructs a new resource loader designed to load resources from the given path.
- forBase(String) - Method in class
- forBase(String, boolean) - Method in class
Need this method to ability disable Slf4J initizalization.
- FORBIDDEN - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- forClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospector
Creates a new default bean introspector that uses the given classloader.
- forClient(BeanContext) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.context.WebSocketBeanRegistry
Create a
from the given bean context. - forClientAnnotation(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpVersionSelection
Infer the version selection for the given
annotation, if any version settings are set. - forClientConfiguration(HttpClientConfiguration) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpVersionSelection
Construct a version selection from the given client configuration.
- forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- forEach(BiConsumer<CharSequence, ? super V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalValues
Performs the given action for each entry in this
until all entries have been processed or the action throws an exception. - forEach(BiConsumer<String, List<V>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValues
- forEach(BiConsumer<String, V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
Performs the given action for each value.
- forEach(Consumer<C>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractCompositeCustomizer
- forEachByte(int, int, ByteProcessor) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- forEachByte(ByteProcessor) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- forEachByteDesc(int, int, ByteProcessor) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- forEachByteDesc(ByteProcessor) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- forEachValue(BiConsumer<String, V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValues
Performs the given action for each header.
- forExtension(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Resolve the
for the given file extension. - forFilename(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Resolve the
for the given file name. - fork(EnvironmentProperties) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.EnvironmentProperties
Creates a new environment properties cache which delegates queries to the delegate, but will cache values into its own cache when they are missing.
- forLegacyVersion(HttpVersion) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpVersionSelection
Get the
that matches Micronaut HTTP client 3.x behavior for the given version setting. - FORM - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Shortcut for
. - format(StringConvention, String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.StringConvention
Format a string according to a convention.
- format(String) - Method in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.StringConvention
Format the string with this format.
- Format - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert.format
Annotation used to describe the format in the case where the format needs to be altered for the purposes of conversion.
- FORMAT_CSV - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory
Values separated with commas ",".
- FORMAT_DEEP_OBJECT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory
- FORMAT_MULTI - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory
- FORMAT_PIPES - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory
Values separated with the pipe "|" symbol similarly to CSV being separated with commas.
- FORMAT_SSV - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory
Values separated with spaces " " similarly to CSV being separated with commas.
- FormattingTypeConverter<S,
T, A extends Annotation> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert.format - FormDataHttpContentProcessor - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
in a non-blocking manner. - FormDataHttpContentProcessor(NettyHttpRequest<?>, HttpServerConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.FormDataHttpContentProcessor
- forMethod(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.MethodConvention
Obtain the method convention for the given method.
- formRouteCompleter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- FormRouteCompleter - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
that "demultiplexes" form data. - forName(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils
Attempt to load a class for the given name from the given class loader.
- forServer(BeanContext) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.context.WebSocketBeanRegistry
Create a
from the given bean context. - FORWARDED - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - forwardErrorToUser(ChannelHandlerContext, Consumer<Throwable>, Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- FOUND - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- fragment(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriBuilder
Sets the URI fragment.
- from(Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
Create a new
representing this value. - FROM - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - fromAnnotation(AnnotationValue<JacksonFeatures>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JacksonFeatures
- fromArray() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ArrayableClassElement
- fromArray() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Dereference a class element denoting an array type by converting it to its element type.
- fromCompletableFuture(CompletableFuture<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
Build a
from aCompletableFuture
. - fromCompletableFuture(Supplier<CompletableFuture<T>>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
Build a
from aCompletableFuture
. - fromFlow(ExecutionFlow<K>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.reactive.execution.ReactiveExecutionFlow
Creates a new reactive flow from other flow.
- fromPublisher(Publisher<K>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.reactive.execution.ReactiveExecutionFlow
Creates a new reactive flow from a publisher.
- fromType(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- fulfill(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteMatch
Fulfill argument values.
- fulfillAfterFilters(RequestBinderRegistry, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteMatch
Attempt to satisfy the arguments of the given route with the data from the given request.
- fulfillArgumentRequirementsAfterFilters(RouteMatch<?>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.binding.RequestArgumentSatisfier
Attempt to satisfy the arguments of the given route with the data from the given request.
- fulfillArgumentRequirementsBeforeFilters(RouteMatch<?>, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.binding.RequestArgumentSatisfier
Attempt to satisfy the arguments of the given route with the data from the given request.
- fulfillArguments(RouteMatch<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.RequestLifecycle
Fulfill the arguments of the given route with data from the request.
- fulfillBeforeFilters(RequestBinderRegistry, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteMatch
Attempt to satisfy the arguments of the given route with the data from the given request.
- FULL_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.HttpServerType
Execute controllers only once the full content of the request has been received.
- FullHttpRequest<B> - Interface in io.micronaut.http
Allows introspecting whether the request is a full http request.
- FullNettyClientHttpResponse<B> - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.netty
Wraps a Netty
for consumption by theHttpClient
. - FUNCTION - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
The application is executing as a function.
- FUNCTION_CHARSET - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.function.LocalFunctionRegistry
The name of the default function name.
- FUNCTION_NAME - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.function.LocalFunctionRegistry
The name of the default function name.
- FUNCTION_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.function.LocalFunctionRegistry
Prefix used to identify function names.
- FunctionApplication - Class in io.micronaut.function.executor
Allows executing functions from the CLI.
- FunctionApplication() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.function.executor.FunctionApplication
- FunctionBean - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.function
An annotation applied to classes that should be exposed as functions.
- FunctionClient - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.function.client
annotation allows applying introduction advise to an interface such that methods defined by the interface become invokers of remote or local functions configured by the application. - FunctionClientAdvice - Class in io.micronaut.function.client.aop
Implements advice for the
annotation. - FunctionClientAdvice(ConversionService, FunctionDiscoveryClient, FunctionInvokerChooser) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.function.client.aop.FunctionClientAdvice
- FunctionDefinition - Interface in io.micronaut.function.client
Represents a discovered function definition.
- FunctionDefinitionProvider - Interface in io.micronaut.function.client
Interface for a type that provides function definitions.
- FunctionDiscoveryClient - Interface in io.micronaut.function.client
An interface for discovery functions, either remote or local.
- FunctionException - Exception in io.micronaut.function.client.exceptions
An exception thrown when an error occurs in the function system.
- FunctionException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.function.client.exceptions.FunctionException
- FunctionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.function.client.exceptions.FunctionException
- FunctionExecutionException - Exception in io.micronaut.function.client.exceptions
- FunctionExecutionException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.function.client.exceptions.FunctionExecutionException
- FunctionExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.function.client.exceptions.FunctionExecutionException
- FunctionExecutor<I,
O> - Interface in io.micronaut.function.executor -
Allows executing the function configured by
- FunctionExitHandler - Interface in io.micronaut.function.executor
A strategy interface for handling exiting from a function when it is executed via the CLI.
- FunctionInitializer - Class in io.micronaut.function.executor
A super class that can be used to initialize a function.
- FunctionInitializer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.function.executor.FunctionInitializer
- FunctionInitializer(ApplicationContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.function.executor.FunctionInitializer
Start a function for an existing
. - FunctionInitializer(ApplicationContext, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.function.executor.FunctionInitializer
Start a function for an existing
. - FunctionInitializer.ParseContext - Class in io.micronaut.function.executor
The parse context supplied from the[], Function)
method. - FunctionInvoker<I,
O> - Interface in io.micronaut.function.client - FunctionInvokerChooser - Interface in io.micronaut.function.client
Strategy interface for choosing a
. - FunctionNotFoundException - Exception in io.micronaut.function.client.exceptions
An exception thrown when no function can be found.
- FunctionNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.function.client.exceptions.FunctionNotFoundException
- GAE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Cloud provider for google app engine.
- GATEWAY - Enum constant in enum class
- GATEWAY_TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- generate(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.JavaParser
units. - generate(String, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.Parser
into CompilationUnitTree compilation units. - generate(JavaFileObject...) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.JavaParser
units. - generate(JavaFileObject...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.Parser
into CompilationUnitTree compilation units. - generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.ExpressionNode
Generates bytecode for this AST node.
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.BeanContextAccess
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.ContextElementAccess
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.ContextMethodCall
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.ElementMethodCall
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.EnvironmentAccess
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.SubscriptOperator
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.ThisAccess
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.collection.OneDimensionalArray
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.conditional.TernaryExpression
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.BoolLiteral
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.DoubleLiteral
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.FloatLiteral
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.IntLiteral
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.LongLiteral
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.NullLiteral
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.StringLiteral
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.AddOperator
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.AndOperator
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.ComparablesComparisonOperation
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.EqOperator
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.InstanceofOperator
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.MatchesOperator
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.MathOperator
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.NeqOperator
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.NumericComparisonOperation
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.OrOperator
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.PowOperator
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.RelationalOperator
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary.EmptyOperator
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary.NegOperator
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary.NotOperator
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary.PosOperator
- generateBytecode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.types.TypeIdentifier
- Generated - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
A marker annotation for methods that are generated though an annotation processor.
- GENERATED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver.PropertyCatalog
The catalog that contains normalized keys and also generated keys.
- generateDefault() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.StringSwitchWriter
Generate default statement.
- GeneratedFile - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.writer
A common interface to allow referencing a generated file in either Groovy or Java.
- generateId(Environment, ServiceInstance) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.DefaultServiceInstanceIdGenerator
- generateId(Environment, ServiceInstance) - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstanceIdGenerator
Generates a service ID.
- generateRandom(int, int) - Method in class
- generateServiceDescriptor(String, GeneratedFile) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Generates a service discovery for the given class name and file.
- generateValueCase(GeneratorAdapter, String, Label) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.StringSwitchWriter
Generate the switch case.
- GenericArgument<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.type
Captures a generic
. - GenericArgument() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.type.GenericArgument
Default constructor.
- GenericElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
Represents a generic element that can appear as a type argument.
- GenericHttpFilter - Interface in io.micronaut.http.filter
Base interface for different filter types.
- GenericHttpFilter.AroundLegacy - Record Class in io.micronaut.http.filter
"Legacy" filter, i.e.
- GenericHttpFilter.Async - Record Class in io.micronaut.http.filter
Wrapper around a filter that signifies the filter should be run asynchronously on the given executor.
- GenericHttpFilter.Terminal - Interface in io.micronaut.http.filter
Last item in a filter chain, called when all other filters are done.
- GenericHttpFilter.TerminalReactive - Class in io.micronaut.http.filter
Terminal filter that accepts a reactive type.
- GenericPlaceholder<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.type
to allow differentiating the variable name from the argument name in cases where this is required (parameters and fields for example). - GenericPlaceholderElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
Represents a generic placeholder in source code.
- GenericPlaceholderElementAnnotationMetadata - Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation
The element annotation metadata for generic placeholder element.
- GenericPlaceholderElementAnnotationMetadata(GenericPlaceholderElement, ClassElement) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.GenericPlaceholderElementAnnotationMetadata
- GenericResource - Class in io.micronaut.http.hateoas
with indeterminate structure. - GenericResource() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.GenericResource
Create a new resource.
- GenericTypeUtils - Class in io.micronaut.core.reflect
Utility methods for dealing with generic types via reflection.
- GenericTypeUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.reflect.GenericTypeUtils
- genericUtils - Variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- GenericUtils - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing
Utility methods for dealing with generic type signatures.
- GenericUtils(Elements, Types, ModelUtils) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.GenericUtils
- get() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanProvider
The get method will materialize an instance of the bean if it is resolvable.
- get() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.ArgumentBinder.BindingResult
Obtains the value.
- get() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Returns the current context or throws an exception otherwise.
- get() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.util.functional.ThrowingSupplier
Gets a result.
- get() - Static method in record class io.micronaut.http.context.ServerHttpRequestContext
- get() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- get() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ParametrizedProvider
- get() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapperSupplier
- get(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonArray
- get(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- get(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonObject
- get(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.optim.StaticOptimizations
Returns, if available, the optimization data of the requested type.
- get(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Gets element of type.
- get(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonArray
- get(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- get(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonObject
- get(String, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.PropertyResolver
- get(Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanProvider
- get(B) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanProperty
- get(B) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanProperty
Read the bean value.
- get(B, ArgumentConversionContext<T2>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanProperty
Read the value and try to convert it to the given type.
- get(B, Argument<T2>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanProperty
Read the value and try to convert it to the given type.
- get(B, Class<T2>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanProperty
Read the value and try to convert it to the given type.
- get(B, Class<T2>, T2) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanProperty
Read the value and try to convert it to the given type.
- get(NettyHttpRequest<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpResponseFactory
Lookup the response from the request.
- get(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValues
Get a value without applying any conversion.
- get(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- get(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalValues
Retrieve a value if it is present.
- get(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalValuesMap
- get(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders
- get(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.HttpHeadersAdapter
- get(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookies
Get a cookie by name or return null.
- get(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- get(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpParameters
- get(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpHeaders
- get(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpParameters
- get(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- get(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- get(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- get(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- get(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- get(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValuesMap
- get(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders
- get(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.HttpHeadersAdapter
- get(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookies
- get(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- get(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpParameters
- get(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- get(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookies
- get(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpHeaders
- get(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpParameters
- get(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.convert.ObjectNodeConvertibleValues
- get(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.convert.JsonNodeConvertibleValues
- get(CharSequence, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- get(CharSequence, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookies
- get(CharSequence, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookies
- get(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.FunctionInitializer.ParseContext
- get(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
- get(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- get(Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ParametrizedProvider
- get(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.EmptyPropertySource
- get(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.MapPropertySource
- get(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySource
Get a property value of the given key.
- get(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequestFactory
- get(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestFactory
Return a
that executes anHttpMethod.GET
request for the given URI. - get(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequestFactory
- get(String, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringIntMap
- get(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ParametrizedProvider
- get(K, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.ValueResolver
Resolve the given property for the given name.
- get(K, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.ValueResolver
Resolve the given property for the given name.
- get(K, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.ValueResolver
Resolve the given property for the given name.
- get(K, Class<T>, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.ValueResolver
Resolve the given property for the given name.
- Get - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a
. - GET - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
- GET(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- GET(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Find the first
route for anHttpMethod.GET
method and the given URI. - GET(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified class.
- GET(Class<?>, PropertyConvention) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified class and ID.
- GET(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified object.
- GET(Object, PropertyConvention) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified object and ID.
- GET(String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Return a
for aHttpMethod.GET
request for the given URI. - GET(String, BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- GET(String, BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- GET(String, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- GET(String, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- GET(String, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- GET(String, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI to the specified target for an HTTP GET.
- GET(String, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- GET(String, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- GET(URI) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Return a
for aHttpMethod.GET
request for the given URI. - GET_EXECUTABLE_AT_INDEX_METHOD - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.ExecutableMethodsDefinitionWriter
- getAccessibleConstructors() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Find accessible constructors.
- getAccessibleStaticCreators() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getAccessibleStaticCreators() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Get accessible static creators.
- getAccessibleTargetMethodByIndex(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition
representation at the method by index. - getAccessibleTargetMethodByIndex(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
representation at the method by index. - getAccessKinds() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
The access kinds.
- getAccessLogger() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Returns the AccessLogger configuration.
- getAccount() - Method in class
- getAccount() - Method in interface
- getAcquireTimeout() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration
The time to wait to acquire a connection.
- getActiveBeanRegistration(BeanDefinition<T>, Qualifier) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Find an active singleton bean for the given definition and qualifier.
- getActiveBeanRegistrations(Qualifier<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Find active
beans for the given qualifier. - getActiveBeanRegistrations(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Find active
beans for the given bean type. - getActiveBeanRegistrations(Qualifier<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getActiveBeanRegistrations(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getActiveNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- getActiveNames() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Should respect the order as provided.
- getAdditionalModules() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JacksonFeatures
Additional modules to load.
- getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.GenericResource
Get the properties of this resource, as an untyped map.
- getAdditionalTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.codec.CodecConfiguration
- getAggregatingTypeElementVisitorProcessor() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.JavaParser
The type element visitor processor to use.
- getAlias() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.KeyConfiguration
- getAll() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookies
- getAll() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookies
- getAll() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookies
- getAll(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValues
Get all the values for the given name without applying conversion.
- getAll(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- getAll(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders
- getAll(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.HttpHeadersAdapter
- getAll(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- getAll(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpParameters
- getAll(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpHeaders
- getAll(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpParameters
- getAllBeanDefinitions() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Get all registered
. - getAllBeanDefinitions() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getAllElements() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Gets all elements.
- getAllInterfaces(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
- getAllInterfaces(TypeElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.ModelUtils
- getAllowedHeaders() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConfiguration
- getAllowedHosts() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HostResolutionConfiguration
- getAllowedMethods() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConfiguration
- getAllowedOrigins() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConfiguration
- getAllowedOriginsRegex() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConfiguration
- getAllProperties(StringConvention, MapFormat.MapTransformation) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
Returns a combined Map of all properties in the catalog.
- getAllTypeArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getAllTypeArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Builds a map of all the type parameters for a class, its super classes and interfaces.
- getAlpnModes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
The protocols to support for TLS ALPN.
- getAlpnSupportedProtocols() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpVersionSelection
- getAndResetDependentBeans() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- getAndResetDependentBeans() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
- getAndResetDependentFactoryBean() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- getAndResetDependentFactoryBean() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
- getAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Find an
for the given annotation name. - getAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Find an
for the given annotation name. - getAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Gets a list of
for the given member. - getAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotation(String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Gets a list of
for the given member. - getAnnotationMappers(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Obtain the annotation mappers for the given annotation name.
- getAnnotationMember(Element, CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getAnnotationMember(AnnotatedNode, CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getAnnotationMember(T, CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Get the annotation member.
- getAnnotationMemberName(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getAnnotationMemberName(AnnotatedNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getAnnotationMemberName(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Read the name of an annotation member.
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.InterceptorChain
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.internal.InterceptorRegistryBean
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.AnnotationSegment
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.FieldSegment
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.MethodSegment
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataProvider
Supplies the metadata.
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanConstructor
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanMethod
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanProperty
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.BoundExecutable
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ArgumentConversionContext
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.filter.ClientFilterResolutionContext
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder.CachedAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataReference
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.EvaluatedAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ArgumentBeanType
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractAnnotationElement
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.ElementMutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.GenericPlaceholderElementAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MethodElementAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MutatedMethodElementAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.PropertyElementAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.WildcardElementAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingExecutableMethod
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter.MethodVisitData
- getAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- getAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MethodElementAnnotationsHelper
Returns the annotations.
- getAnnotationMetadataBuilder() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- getAnnotationMetadataBuilder() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- getAnnotationMetadataBuilder() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
Gets the annotation metadata builder.
- getAnnotationMetadataToModify() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationMetadataToModify() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory.MutableElementAnnotationMetadata
Return the annotation metadata to modify.
- getAnnotationMetadataToWrite() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getAnnotationMetadataToWrite() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- getAnnotationMetadataToWrite() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getAnnotationMetadataToWrite() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- getAnnotationMetadataToWrite() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractAnnotationElement
Get annotation metadata to add or remove annotations.
- getAnnotationMetadataToWrite() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractMutableAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationMetadataToWrite() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.GenericPlaceholderElementAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationMetadataToWrite() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MethodElementAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationMetadataToWrite() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MutatedMethodElementAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationMetadataToWrite() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.WildcardElementAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationMirror(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getAnnotationMirror(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getAnnotationMirror(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Return a mirror for the given annotation.
- getAnnotationName() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorKind
- getAnnotationName() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The annotation name.
- getAnnotationNameByStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Find the first annotation name for the given stereotype.
- getAnnotationNameByStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotationNameByStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Find the first annotation name for the given stereotype.
- getAnnotationNameByStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationNameByStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotationNames() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
All the annotation names this metadata declares.
- getAnnotationNames() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotationNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- getAnnotationNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationNamesByStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Resolve all annotation names that feature the given stereotype.
- getAnnotationNamesByStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotationNamesByStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Resolve all annotation names that feature the given stereotype.
- getAnnotationNamesByStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- getAnnotationNamesByStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationNamesByStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotationNamesByStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationPredicates() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery.Result
- getAnnotationProcessors() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.JavaParser
The list of processors to use.
- getAnnotations(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Gets a list of
for the given member. - getAnnotations(String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Gets a list of
for the given member. - getAnnotationsForType(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getAnnotationsForType(AnnotatedNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getAnnotationsForType(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Obtain the annotations for the given type.
- getAnnotationTransformers(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Obtain the transformers mappers for the given annotation name.
- getAnnotationType() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorKind
- getAnnotationType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation.AnnotatedArgumentBinder
- getAnnotationType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.BodyArgumentBinder
- getAnnotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.CookieAnnotationBinder
- getAnnotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.DefaultBodyAnnotationBinder
- getAnnotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.HeaderAnnotationBinder
- getAnnotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.PartAnnotationBinder
- getAnnotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.PathVariableAnnotationBinder
- getAnnotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.QueryValueArgumentBinder
- getAnnotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.RequestAttributeAnnotationBinder
- getAnnotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.RequestBeanAnnotationBinder
- getAnnotationType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.bind.AnnotatedClientArgumentRequestBinder
- getAnnotationType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.bind.AnnotatedClientRequestBinder
- getAnnotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.binders.AttributeClientRequestBinder
- getAnnotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.binders.HeaderClientRequestBinder
- getAnnotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.binders.QueryValueClientArgumentRequestBinder
- getAnnotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.binders.VersionClientRequestBinder
- getAnnotationType(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Gets the type for a given annotation if it is present on the classpath.
- getAnnotationType(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotationType(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationType(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- getAnnotationType(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationType(String, ClassLoader) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Gets the type for a given annotation if it is present on the classpath.
- getAnnotationType(String, ClassLoader) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotationType(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationType(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- getAnnotationType(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationTypeByStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Find the first annotation name for the given stereotype.
- getAnnotationTypeByStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotationTypeByStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationTypeByStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Find the first annotation name for the given stereotype.
- getAnnotationTypeByStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationTypeByStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationTypeByStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotationTypeName(A) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Get the given type of the annotation.
- getAnnotationTypeName(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getAnnotationTypeName(AnnotationNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getAnnotationTypesByStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Resolve all annotation names that feature the given stereotype.
- getAnnotationTypesByStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotationTypesByStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>, ClassLoader) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Resolve all annotation names that feature the given stereotype.
- getAnnotationTypesByStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>, ClassLoader) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotationTypesByStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Resolve all annotation names that feature the given stereotype.
- getAnnotationTypesByStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotationUtils() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
The annotation utils.
- getAnnotationValues(Element, Element, Class<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getAnnotationValues(AnnotatedNode, AnnotatedNode, Class<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getAnnotationValues(T, T, Class<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Resolve the annotations values from the given member for the given type.
- getAnnotationValuesByName(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Gets all the annotation values by the given repeatable type name.
- getAnnotationValuesByName(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotationValuesByName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- getAnnotationValuesByName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationValuesByName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotationValuesByStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Resolve all annotation values that feature the given stereotype.
- getAnnotationValuesByStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotationValuesByStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- getAnnotationValuesByStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationValuesByStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotationValuesByType(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Gets all the annotation values by the given repeatable type.
- getAnnotationValuesByType(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getAnnotationValuesByType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationValuesByType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- getAnnotationValuesByType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getAnnotationValuesByType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getApplicationConfiguration() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- getApplicationConfiguration() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- getApplicationConfiguration() - Method in class io.micronaut.messaging.MessagingApplication
- getApplicationConfiguration() - Method in interface io.micronaut.runtime.EmbeddedApplication
- getApplicationContext() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextProvider
Resolves the
for this class. - getApplicationContext() - Method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.AbstractExecutor
- getApplicationContext() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- getApplicationContext() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
- getApplicationContext() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- getApplicationContext() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.EmbeddedServerUnderTest
- getApplicationContext() - Method in class io.micronaut.messaging.MessagingApplication
- getApplicationContext() - Method in interface io.micronaut.runtime.EmbeddedApplication
- getArgument() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.AnnotationSegment
- getArgument() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext.Segment
- getArgument() - Method in exception io.micronaut.core.bind.exceptions.UnsatisfiedArgumentException
- getArgument() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ArgumentConversionContext
- getArgument() - Method in exception io.micronaut.core.convert.exceptions.ConversionErrorException
- getArgument() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ArgumentInjectionPoint
- getArgument() - Method in exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.UnsatisfiedRouteException
- getArgument(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.expressions.DefaultExpressionEvaluationContext
- getArgument(int) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.expressions.ExpressionEvaluationContext
Provides method argument by index.
- getArgumentNames() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingExecutableMethod
- getArgumentNames() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.MethodReference
- getArgumentNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultStatusRouteInfo
- getArgumentNames() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.MethodBasedRouteInfo
- getArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
- getArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.InterceptorChain
- getArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.MethodSegment
- getArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- getArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanConstructor
- getArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanMethod
- getArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanConstructor
- getArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.BoundExecutable
- getArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Executable
The required argument types.
- getArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.CallableInjectionPoint
- getArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingExecutableMethod
- getArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ExecutionHandle
- getArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.MethodReference
- getArgumentTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.MethodInterceptorChain
- getArgumentTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- getArgumentTypes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingExecutableMethod
- getArgumentTypes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.MethodReference
- getArrayDimensions() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getArrayDimensions() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getArrayDimensions() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- getArrayDimensions() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyParameterElement
- getArrayDimensions() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- getArrayDimensions() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.TypedElement
If the type is an array, the number of dimensions.
- getArraySizeThreshold() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
- getArraySizeThreshold() - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonConfiguration
- getAttribute(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- getAttribute(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
- getAttribute(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getAttribute(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.attr.AttributeHolder
Obtain the value of an attribute on the HTTP method.
- getAttribute(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- getAttribute(CharSequence, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getAttribute(CharSequence, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.attr.AttributeHolder
Obtain the value of an attribute on the HTTP method.
- getAttributes() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
- getAttributes() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- getAttributes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Get the map representing current attributes.
- getAttributes() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getAttributes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.attr.AttributeHolder
of the attributes for object. - getAttributes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.attr.MutableAttributeHolder
Overrides the default
method to return a mutable object. - getAttributes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.HttpResponseAdapter
- getAttributes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.FullNettyClientHttpResponse
- getAttributes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- getAttributes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpMessage
of the attributes for this HTTP message. - getAttributes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpMessageWrapper
- getAttributes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- getAttributes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- getAttributes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- getAttributes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequest
- getAttributes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
- getAuthorization() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
- getAvailabilityZone() - Method in class
- getAvailabilityZone() - Method in interface
- getAvailableFunctions() - Method in class io.micronaut.function.DefaultLocalFunctionRegistry
- getAvailableFunctions() - Method in interface io.micronaut.function.LocalFunctionRegistry
A map of available functions with the key being the function name and the value being the function URI.
- getAvailableFunctions() - Method in class io.micronaut.function.web.AnnotatedFunctionRouteBuilder
A map of available functions with the key being the function name and the value being the function URI.
- getBean() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.BeanRegistration
- getBean() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.BeanEvent
- getBean() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanWrapper
- getBean(Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Obtains a Bean for the given type and qualifier.
- getBean(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- getBean(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Obtains a Bean for the given type and qualifier.
- getBean(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Get a bean of the given type and qualifier.
- getBean(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBean(BeanDefinition<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Obtains a Bean for the given bean definition.
- getBean(BeanDefinition<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBean(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Obtains a Bean for the given type.
- getBean(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBean(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Obtains a Bean for the given type and qualifier.
- getBean(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBean(BeanResolutionContext, Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Get a bean of the given type and qualifier.
- getBean(BeanResolutionContext, BeanDefinition<T>, Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Get a bean of the given bean definition, type and qualifier.
- getBean(BeanResolutionContext, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Get a bean of the given type.
- getBean(BeanResolutionContext, Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Get a bean of the given type and qualifier.
- getBean(BeanContext, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.KotlinCompiler
- getBean(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.expressions.DefaultExpressionEvaluationContext
- getBean(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.expressions.ExpressionEvaluationContext
Provides bean by type.
- getBeanContext() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.condition.ConditionContext
- getBeanDefinition() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.BeanRegistration
- getBeanDefinition() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.BeanEvent
- getBeanDefinition() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinitionMethodReference
- getBeanDefinition() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.context.WebSocketBean
The bean definition.
- getBeanDefinition(Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain a
for the given type. - getBeanDefinition(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain a
for the given type. - getBeanDefinition(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain a
for the given type. - getBeanDefinition(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain a
for the given type. - getBeanDefinition(BeanContext, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.KotlinCompiler
- getBeanDefinition(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBeanDefinitionInjectProcessor() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.JavaParser
to use. - getBeanDefinitionName() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.internal.InterceptorRegistryBean
- getBeanDefinitionName() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- getBeanDefinitionName() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- getBeanDefinitionName() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.DisabledBean
- getBeanDefinitionName() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory
- getBeanDefinitionName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition
- getBeanDefinitionName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinitionReference
- getBeanDefinitionName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
- getBeanDefinitionName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
- getBeanDefinitionName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getBeanDefinitionQualifiedClassName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionReferenceWriter
Obtains the class name of the bean definition to be written.
- getBeanDefinitionReferenceClassName() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- getBeanDefinitionReferenceClassName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
- getBeanDefinitionReferenceClassName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getBeanDefinitionReferences() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Get all enabled
. - getBeanDefinitionReferences() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBeanDefinitions(Qualifier<Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Get all of the
for the given qualifier. - getBeanDefinitions(Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain a
for the given type. - getBeanDefinitions(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain a
for the given type. - getBeanDefinitions(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain a
for the given type. - getBeanDefinitions(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain a
for the given type. - getBeanDefinitions(Qualifier<Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBeanDefinitions(Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBeanDefinitions(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBeanDefinitions(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBeanDefinitions(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBeanDefinitionType() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
Implementors should provide an implementation of this method that returns the bean definition type.
- getBeanDefinitionVisitor() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanClassWriter
- getBeanElementBuilders() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- getBeanElementBuilders() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- getBeanForAnnotation(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Qualifier<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getBeanForConstructorArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Qualifier) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains a bean definition for a constructor at the given index
- getBeanForField(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Qualifier<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains a bean definition for the field at the given index and the argument at the given index
- getBeanForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, int, Qualifier<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains a bean definition for the method at the given index and the argument at the given index
- getBeanForSetter(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, String, Argument, Qualifier) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains a bean definition for the method at the given index and the argument at the given index
- getBeanIdentifier() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.BeanCreatedEvent
- getBeanMethods() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospection
Returns the
instances for this introspection. - getBeanMethods() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
- getBeanName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanType
Returns the name of the bean usually resolved via the
annotation. - getBeanProperties() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getBeanProperties() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getBeanProperties() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospection
- getBeanProperties() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanWrapper
The properties.
- getBeanProperties() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Returns the bean properties (getters and setters) for this class element.
- getBeanProperties() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
- getBeanProperties(PropertyElementQuery) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Returns the bean properties (getters and setters) for this class element based on custom configuration.
- getBeanProperties(PropertyElementQuery) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getBeanProperties(PropertyElementQuery) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getBeanPropertiesIndexedSubset(int[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
Returns subset of bean properties defined by an array of indexes.
- getBeanRegistration(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Find a bean registration for the given bean type and optional qualifier.
- getBeanRegistration(BeanDefinition<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Find a bean registration for the given bean definition.
- getBeanRegistration(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Find a bean registration for the given bean type and optional qualifier.
- getBeanRegistration(BeanResolutionContext, Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Obtains the bean registration for the given type and qualifier.
- getBeanRegistration(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBeanRegistration(BeanDefinition<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBeanRegistration(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBeanRegistrationForConstructorArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Argument<K>, Qualifier<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains a bean registration for a method injection point.
- getBeanRegistrationForField(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Argument<K>, Qualifier<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains a bean registration for a field injection point.
- getBeanRegistrationForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, int, Argument<K>, Qualifier<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains a bean registration for a method injection point.
- getBeanRegistrations(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- getBeanRegistrations(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Find and if necessary initialize
beans for the given bean type, returning all the active registrations. - getBeanRegistrations(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Obtains the bean registrations for the given type and qualifier.
- getBeanRegistrations(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Find and if necessary initialize
beans for the given bean type, returning all the active registrations. - getBeanRegistrations(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Find and if necessary initialize
beans for the given bean type, returning all the active registrations. - getBeanRegistrations(BeanResolutionContext, Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Obtains the bean registrations for the given type and qualifier.
- getBeanRegistrations(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBeanRegistrations(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBeanRegistrations(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBeanRegistrationsForConstructorArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Argument<K>, Qualifier<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains all bean definitions for a constructor argument at the given index
- getBeanRegistrationsForField(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Argument<K>, Qualifier<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains all bean definitions for a field injection point.
- getBeanRegistrationsForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, int, Argument<K>, Qualifier<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains all bean definitions for a method injection point.
- getBeanResolutionContext() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.condition.ConditionContext
- getBeans() - Method in class
- getBeans(Collection<BeanDefinition<?>>) - Method in class
- getBeanSimpleName() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- getBeanSimpleName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
- getBeanSimpleName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getBeansOfType(Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Get all beans of the given type.
- getBeansOfType(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- getBeansOfType(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Get all beans of the given type.
- getBeansOfType(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Get all beans of the given type and qualifier.
- getBeansOfType(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Get all beans of the given type.
- getBeansOfType(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Get all beans of the given type.
- getBeansOfType(BeanResolutionContext, Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Get all beans of the given type.
- getBeansOfType(BeanResolutionContext, Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Get all beans of the given type and qualifier.
- getBeansOfType(Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBeansOfType(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBeansOfType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBeansOfType(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBeansOfTypeForConstructorArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Argument, Qualifier) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains all bean definitions for a constructor argument at the given index.
- getBeansOfTypeForField(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Argument<K>, Qualifier<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains all bean definitions for the field at the given index.
- getBeansOfTypeForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, int, Argument<K>, Qualifier<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains all bean definitions for a method argument at the given index.
- getBeansOfTypeForSetter(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, String, Argument, Argument, Qualifier) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains all bean definitions for a method argument at the given index.
- getBeanType() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.internal.InterceptorRegistryBean
- getBeanType() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getBeanType() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.BeanRegistration
- getBeanType() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.DisabledBean
- getBeanType() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory
- getBeanType() - Method in exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.NonUniqueBeanException
- getBeanType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanInfo
- getBeanType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospection
The bean type.
- getBeanType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospectionReference
The type.
- getBeanType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanMap
- getBeanType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ArgumentBeanType
- getBeanType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
- getBeanType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
- getBeanType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
- getBeanType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanType
Returns the bean type.
- getBeanType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- getBeanType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.BeanProviderDefinition
- getBeanType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.JakartaProviderBeanDefinition
- getBeanType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.JavaxProviderBeanDefinition
- getBeanType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- getBeanType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter.MethodVisitData
- getBeanTypeName() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- getBeanTypeName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
- getBeanTypeName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getBeanTypes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElement
The type names produced by the bean.
- getBeanTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getBeanValidator() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
- getBeanValidator() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getBigDecimalValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- getBigIntegerValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- getBinderRegistry() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.binding.RequestArgumentSatisfier
- getBody() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.HttpResponseAdapter
- getBody() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.FullNettyClientHttpResponse
- getBody() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- getBody() - Method in exception io.micronaut.http.exceptions.HttpStatusException
- getBody() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpMessage
- getBody() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpMessageWrapper
- getBody() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- getBody() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- getBody() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequest
- getBody() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.HttpResponseAssertion
- getBody(ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpMessage
Return the body, will use the provided conversion context if needed.
- getBody(Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpMessage
Return the body as the given type.
- getBody(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpMessage
Return the body as the given type.
- getBody(ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- getBody(ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpMessageWrapper
- getBody(ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- getBody(ArgumentConversionContext<T1>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- getBody(Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.HttpResponseAdapter
- getBody(Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.FullNettyClientHttpResponse
- getBody(Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpMessageWrapper
- getBody(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.FullNettyClientHttpResponse
- getBody(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- getBody(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpMessageWrapper
- getBody(Class<T1>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- getBody(Class<T1>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- getBodyArgument() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketClientHandler
- getBodyArgument() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- getBodyArgument() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketHandler
- getBodyArgument() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.UYse
instead - getBodyType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.BodyAssertion
- getBodyType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Use
instead - getBodyVariableName() - Method in exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.UnsatisfiedBodyRouteException
- getBodyWriter() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpMessage
- getBodyWriter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- getBoolean(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getBooleanValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- getBoundArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.BoundExecutable
That arguments that will be used to invoke the method.
- getBoundGenericTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getBoundGenericTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getBoundGenericTypes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
The list of type arguments bound to this type, or an empty list if there are no type arguments or this is a raw type.
- getBoundPorts() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServer
Gets the set of all ports this Netty server is bound to.
- getBoundPorts() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- getBounds() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.GenericPlaceholderElement
Returns the bounds of this the generic placeholder empty.
- getBy() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.ProxyHeaderParser
- getByte(int) - Method in interface
Get the byte at the specified index.
- getByte(int) - Method in class
- getByte(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getByteBuf() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- getByteBuf() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyPartData
- getByteBuffer() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.multipart.PartData
Gets the content of this chunk as a
. - getByteBuffer() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyCompletedAttribute
- getByteBuffer() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyCompletedFileUpload
Gets the content of this part as a
. - getByteBuffer() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyPartData
The contents of the chunk are released immediately.
- getBytes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.multipart.PartData
Gets the content of this chunk as a
. - getBytes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyCompletedAttribute
- getBytes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyCompletedFileUpload
Gets the content of this part as a
. - getBytes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyPartData
The contents of the chunk are released immediately.
- getBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getBytes(int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getBytes(int, ByteBuf) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getBytes(int, ByteBuf, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getBytes(int, ByteBuf, int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getBytes(int, OutputStream, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getBytes(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getBytes(int, FileChannel, long, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getBytes(int, GatheringByteChannel, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getCacheControl() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.FileTypeHandlerConfiguration
- getCachedAnnotationDefaults(String, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Get the cached annotation defaults.
- getCacheKey(N) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.EnclosedElementsQuery
Get the cache key.
- getCacheSeconds() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.FileTypeHandlerConfiguration
- getCanonicalName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
This method will return the name of the underlying type automatically unwrapping in the case of an optional or wrapped representation of the type.
- getCapturedException() - Method in interface io.micronaut.retry.RetryState
- getCause() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionError
- getCertificate() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Retrieves the Certificate used for mutual authentication.
- getCertificate() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- getCertificate() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- getChannelGroup() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.WebSocketSessionRepository
Returns the
used to store WebSocketSessions. - getChannelGroup() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- getChannelHandlerContext() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- getChannelInstance(NettyChannelType, EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
Gets the domain server socket channel instance.
- getChannelInstance(NettyChannelType, EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- getChannelOptionFactory() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- getChannelOptionFactory() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
- getChannelOptions() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
[available in the Netty HTTP client].
- getChar(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getCharacterEncoding() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpMessage
- getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- getCharSequence(int, int, Charset) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getCharset() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionContext
- getCharset() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- getCharset() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- getCharset(Headers) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.body.MessageBodyWriter
Resolve the charset.
- getCheckInterval() - Method in class
The interval to wait between checks.
- getChildBeans() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
Any child bean definitions.
- getChildOptions() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
- getChunk(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- getCidr() - Method in class
- getCiphers() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
- getClassArrayName(TypeElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.JavaModelUtils
Get the array class name for the given type element.
- getClassBytes(String, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.KotlinCompiler
- getClassElement(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- getClassElement(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
This method will lookup another class element by name.
- getClassElement(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- getClassElement(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- getClassElement(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
This method will lookup another class element by name.
- getClassElement(String, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- getClassElement(String, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- getClassElement(String, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
This method will lookup another class element by name.
- getClassElements(String, String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- getClassElements(String, String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- getClassElements(String, String...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
Find all the classes within the given package and having the given annotation.
- getClassesOutputPath() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
Provide the Path to the annotation processing classes output directory, i.e.
- getClassFileName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getClassLoader() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
- getClassLoader() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContextConfiguration
The class loader to use.
- getClassLoader() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- getClassLoader() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getClassLoader() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- getClassLoader() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
- getClassLoader() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.i18n.ResourceBundleMessageSource
The class loader to use.
- getClassLoader() - Method in interface
- getClassLoader() - Method in class
- getClassname(TypedElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.JavaModelUtils
Return the type reference for a class.
- getClassName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataReference
- getClassName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataWriter
- getClassName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.ExecutableMethodsDefinitionWriter
- getClassName(TypeElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.JavaModelUtils
Get the class name for the given type element.
- getClassNameWithoutPackage(TypeElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.JavaModelUtils
Get the class name for the given type element without the package.
- getClassPathResourceLoader() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.resource.ResourceLoaderFactory
- getClasspathResources(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- getClasspathResources(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- getClasspathResources(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
Obtain a set of resources from the user classpath.
- getClassType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.TypeElementVisitor
- getClassType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.ExecutableMethodsDefinitionWriter
- getClassWriter() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getClient(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientRegistry
Return the client for the given annotation metadata.
- getClient(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
- getClient(HttpVersionSelection, String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientRegistry
Return the client for the client ID and path.
- getClient(HttpVersionSelection, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
- getClient(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.DefaultJdkHttpClientRegistry
- getClient(HttpVersionSelection, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.DefaultJdkHttpClientRegistry
- getClient(HttpVersion, String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientRegistry
- getClientAddressHeader() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- getClientAuthentication() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
- getClientIds() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.filter.ClientFilterResolutionContext
- getClientName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor.configuration.ClientVersioningConfiguration
- getCode() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- getCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- getCodec() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- getCodecs() - Method in class io.micronaut.function.DefaultLocalFunctionRegistry
- getCodecs() - Method in class io.micronaut.function.web.AnnotatedFunctionRouteBuilder
- getCodecs() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.codec.DefaultMediaTypeCodecRegistry
- getCodecs() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodecRegistry
- getComment() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.sse.Event
- getCompilationUnit() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- getCompiler() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.JavaParser
- getCompletedValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- getComponent() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.condition.ConditionContext
The component for which the condition is being evaluated.
- getCompressionLevel() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The default compression level.
- getCompressionLevel() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.HttpCompressionStrategy
- getCompressionThreshold() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The default compression threshold.
- getComputePlatform() - Method in interface
- getComputePlatform() - Method in class
- getConfiguration() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- getConfiguration() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
- getConfigurationPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- getConfigurationPath() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
- getConfigurations() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.CorsConfiguration
- getConfigurations() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadataBuilder
- getConfiguredHost(HttpRequest, HttpServerConfiguration.HostResolutionConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.DefaultHttpHostResolver
- getConfiguredHost(HttpRequest, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.DefaultHttpHostResolver
- getConnectionPoolConfiguration() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.DefaultHttpClientConfiguration
- getConnectionPoolConfiguration() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Obtains the connection pool configuration.
- getConnectionPoolConfiguration() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
- getConnectionPoolIdleTimeout() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
[available in the Netty HTTP client].
- getConnectTimeout() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
- getConnectTtl() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
[available in the Netty HTTP client].
- getConstantPropertySources() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- getConstructor() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
- getConstructor() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.ConstructorInvocationContext
- getConstructor() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getConstructor() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospection
- getConstructor() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
The single concrete constructor that is an injection point for creating the bean.
- getConstructor() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
- getConstructor() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- getConstructorArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospection
The constructor arguments needed to instantiate the bean.
- getConstructorArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
- getConstructorDescriptor(Class<?>...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getConstructorDescriptor(Collection<ParameterElement>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getConstructorDescriptor(Type[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getConsumes() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- getConsumes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Route
The media types able to produced by this route.
- getConsumes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
The media types able to produced by this route.
- getContainerElement() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getContainerElement() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
returns true this will return the container element. - getContent() - Method in class io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketPongMessage
- getContentLength() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpMessage
- getContentLength() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- getContentType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
- getContentType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpMessage
The request or response content type.
- getContentType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.multipart.FileUpload
Gets the content type of this part.
- getContentType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.multipart.PartData
Gets the content type of this chunk.
- getContentType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- getContentType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyCompletedAttribute
- getContentType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyCompletedFileUpload
- getContentType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyPartData
- getContentType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload
- getContentType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- getContext() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- getContext() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
- getContext() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.ImperativeExecutionFlow
- getContext() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.MutablePropagatedContext
The mutated context.
- getContextClassName() - Method in class
- getContextClassName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExpressionEvaluationContextRegistrar
- getContextConfiguration() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Obtains the configuration for this context.
- getContextConfiguration() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getContextPath() - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstanceList
- getContextPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.StaticServiceInstanceList
- getContextPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.FixedLoadBalancer
- getContextPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.ServiceInstanceListRoundRobinLoadBalancer
- getContextPath() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.LoadBalancer
- getContextPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
- getContextPath() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.context.ClientContextPathProvider
- getContextPath() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.context.ServerContextPathProvider
- getContextPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- getContextURI() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- getContextURI() - Method in interface io.micronaut.runtime.server.EmbeddedServer
- getConvention() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.EnvironmentPropertySource
- getConvention() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.KubernetesEnvironmentPropertySource
- getConvention() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySource
- getConversionError() - Method in exception io.micronaut.core.convert.exceptions.ConversionErrorException
- getConversionErrors() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.ArgumentBinder.BindingResult
- getConversionService() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextConfiguration
The optional conversion service to use.
- getConversionService() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- getConversionService() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getConversionService() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionServiceProvider
Provides the conversion service.
- getConversionService() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- getConversionService() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
- getConversionService() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookies
- getConversionService() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- getConversionService() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpParameters
- getConversionService() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.convert.JsonNodeConvertibleValues
- getConvertibleValues() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- getCookie(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.FullNettyClientHttpResponse
- getCookie(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Helper method for retrieving a single Cookie on a response.
- getCookieDomain() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.CookieConfiguration
Gets the domain name of this Cookie.
- getCookieMaxAge() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.CookieConfiguration
- getCookieName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.CookieConfiguration
- getCookieName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HttpLocaleResolutionConfigurationProperties
- getCookieName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.HttpLocaleResolutionConfiguration
- getCookieName() - Method in exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.UnsatisfiedCookieValueRouteException
- getCookiePath() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.CookieConfiguration
The path of the cookie.
- getCookies() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.FullNettyClientHttpResponse
- getCookies() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- getCookies() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
- getCookies() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- getCookies() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Helper method for retrieving all Cookies on a response.
- getCookies() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- getCookies() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequest
- getCookieSameSite() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.CookieConfiguration
- getCorePoolSize() - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorConfiguration
- getCorePoolSize() - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
- getCoreRepeatableAnnotations() - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataSupport
- getCoroutineContext() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.kotlin.KotlinInterceptedMethod
- getCoroutineHelper() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.RouteExecutor
- getCors() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- getCorsOriginConfigurationForRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CrossOriginUtil
- getCurrent() - Static method in class io.micronaut.context.condition.OperatingSystem
Resolves and returns the current operating system.
- getCurrentQualifier() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- getCurrentQualifier() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
- getData() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.sse.Event
- getData() - Method in interface
- getData() - Method in class
- getData() - Method in class
- getData(MultipartDataFactory<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.multipart.MultipartBody
Create a list of data objects using the given factory.
- getData(BeanDefinition<?>) - Method in interface
- getData(BeanDefinition<?>) - Method in class
- getData(UriRouteInfo<?, ?>) - Method in class
- getData(UriRouteInfo<?, ?>) - Method in interface
- getData(Stream<UriRouteInfo<?, ?>>) - Method in class
- getData(Stream<UriRouteInfo<?, ?>>) - Method in interface
- getDate(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
Obtain the date header.
- getDateFormat() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
- getDeclaredAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDeclaredAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Find an
for the given annotation name. - getDeclaredAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDeclaredAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Get all values for the given annotation that are directly declared on the annotated element.
- getDeclaredAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDeclaredAnnotationNameByStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Find the first annotation name for the given stereotype.
- getDeclaredAnnotationNameByStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDeclaredAnnotationNames() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
All the declared annotation names this metadata declares.
- getDeclaredAnnotationNames() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDeclaredAnnotationNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- getDeclaredAnnotationNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- getDeclaredAnnotationNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getDeclaredAnnotationNamesByStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Resolve all annotations names for the given stereotype that are declared annotations.
- getDeclaredAnnotationNamesByStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getDeclaredAnnotationNamesByStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDeclaredAnnotationNamesByStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- getDeclaredAnnotationTypeByStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Find the first declared annotation name for the given stereotype.
- getDeclaredAnnotationTypeByStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDeclaredAnnotationTypeByStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Find the first annotation name for the given stereotype.
- getDeclaredAnnotationTypeByStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDeclaredAnnotationValuesByName(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Gets only declared annotation values by the given repeatable type name.
- getDeclaredAnnotationValuesByName(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDeclaredAnnotationValuesByName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- getDeclaredAnnotationValuesByName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getDeclaredAnnotationValuesByName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDeclaredAnnotationValuesByType(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Gets only declared annotation values by the given repeatable type.
- getDeclaredAnnotationValuesByType(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDeclaredAnnotationValuesByType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- getDeclaredAnnotationValuesByType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- getDeclaredAnnotationValuesByType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getDeclaredAnnotationValuesByType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDeclaredGenericPlaceholders() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getDeclaredGenericPlaceholders() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getDeclaredGenericPlaceholders() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
The type arguments declared on the raw class.
- getDeclaredMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Gets the declared metadata without inherited metdata.
- getDeclaredMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDeclaredMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- getDeclaredMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getDeclaredMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Obtains a declared method.
- getDeclaredQualifier() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getDeclaredQualifier() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.DisabledBean
- getDeclaredQualifier() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
Resolve the declared qualifier for this bean.
- getDeclaredQualifier() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
- getDeclaredQualifier() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.QualifiedBeanType
Resolve the declared qualifier for this bean.
- getDeclaredStereotypeAnnotationNames() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Returns the names of the annotations which are declared stereotypes.
- getDeclaredStereotypeAnnotationNames() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDeclaredStereotypeAnnotationNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getDeclaredTypeArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- getDeclaredTypeArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- getDeclaredTypeArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
The declared type arguments for this method element.
- getDeclaredTypeVariables() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- getDeclaredTypeVariables() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- getDeclaredTypeVariables() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
- getDeclaringBean() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.AnnotationSegment
- getDeclaringBean() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.ConstructorArgumentSegment
- getDeclaringBean() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.FieldSegment
- getDeclaringBean() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.MethodSegment
- getDeclaringBean() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanMethod
- getDeclaringBean() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanProperty
- getDeclaringBean() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanMethod
- getDeclaringBean() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanProperty
- getDeclaringBean() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.InjectionPoint
- getDeclaringBeanType() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanConstructor
- getDeclaringBeanType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanConstructor
Returns the bean type.
- getDeclaringBeanType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ConstructorInjectionPoint
- getDeclaringClass() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElement
Returns the declaring
which may differ from theBeanElement.getBeanTypes()
in the case of factory beans. - getDeclaringClass() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getDeclaringElement() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
Returns the class that declares the bean.
- getDeclaringElement() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.GenericPlaceholderElement
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.MethodInterceptorChain
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.ConstructorInvocationContext
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InvocationContext
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.MethodInvocationContext
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyEnumConstantElement
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.AnnotationSegment
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext.Segment
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanMethod
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanProperty
The declaring type of the property.
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.BoundExecutable
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Executable
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MemberElement
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractExecutableBeanMethod
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.PropertyMetadata
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingExecutableMethod
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ExecutionHandle
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.MethodInjectionPoint
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.MethodReference
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
- getDecoderResult() - Method in class
- getDecoderResult() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DelegateStreamedHttpResponse
- getDeduceEnvironments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextConfiguration
If set to
(the default istrue
) Micronaut will attempt to automatically deduce the environment it is running in using environment variables and/or stack trace inspection. - getDeduceEnvironments() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- getDefault() - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ProxyRequestOptions
- getDefaultCharset() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
[available in the Netty HTTP client].
- getDefaultCharset() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- getDefaultCharset() - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration
- getDefaultClient() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientRegistry
- getDefaultConstructor() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getDefaultConstructor() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Find and return a single default constructor.
- getDefaultEnvironments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextConfiguration
- getDefaultEnvironments() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- getDefaultEventLoopGroup() - Method in class
- getDefaultEventLoopGroup() - Method in interface
- getDefaultHost(HttpRequest) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.DefaultHttpHostResolver
- getDefaultLocale() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.util.locale.LocaleResolutionConfiguration
- getDefaultLocale() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HttpLocaleResolutionConfigurationProperties
- getDefaultProxyHttpClient() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.ProxyHttpClientRegistry
- getDefaultReason(int) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
Get the default reason phrase for the given status code, if it is a known status code.
- getDefaultSseClient() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.sse.SseClientRegistry
- getDefaultStreamingHttpClient() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.StreamingHttpClientRegistry
- getDefaultTyping() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.PropertyMetadata
- getDefaultValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Return the default value for the given annotation member.
- getDefaultValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDefaultValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Return the default value for the given annotation member.
- getDefaultValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDefaultValue(String, String, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Return the default value for the given annotation member.
- getDefaultValue(String, String, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDefaultValue(String, String, Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- getDefaultValue(String, String, Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- getDefaultValue(String, String, Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getDefaultValue(String, String, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Return the default value for the given annotation member.
- getDefaultValue(String, String, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDefaultValue(String, String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- getDefaultValue(String, String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getDefaultValues() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The default values.
- getDefaultValues(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Return the default values for the given annotation name.
- getDefaultValues(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getDefaultValues(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- getDefaultValues(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getDefaultValues(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
- getDefaultValues(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataSupport
- getDefaultValuesOrNull(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataSupport
- getDefaultVersion() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.RoutesVersioningConfiguration
- getDefaultWebSocketClient() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClientRegistry
- getDefinedSize() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.multipart.FileUpload
Returns the defined content length of the part.
- getDefinedSize() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyCompletedFileUpload
- getDefinedSize() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload
- getDefinition() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanProvider
Obtains a reference to the
if the bean is resolvable. - getDelay() - Method in interface io.micronaut.retry.RetryState
- getDelegate() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpMessageWrapper
- getDelegate() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- getDelegate() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpResponseWrapper
- getDependencies(BeanDefinition<?>) - Method in class
- getDeprecation() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- getDeprecation() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link
- getDescription() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanConstructor
The description of the constructor.
- getDescription() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.cli.Option
- getDescription() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.naming.Described
A description that describes this object.
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in interface
- getDescription() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.CompositeDiscoveryClient
- getDescription() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.config.DefaultCompositeConfigurationClient
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- getDescription() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadata
- getDescription() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.PropertyMetadata
- getDescription() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ExecutableMethod
- getDescription() - Method in class io.micronaut.messaging.MessagingApplication
- getDescription(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanConstructor
The description of the constructor.
- getDescription(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.naming.Described
Allows returning a more simple description if requested.
- getDescription(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- getDescription(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.FieldElement
- getDescription(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
Get the method description.
- getDescription(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ParameterElement
- getDescription(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ExecutableMethod
Get the method description.
- getDeserializationFeatures() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JacksonFeatures
Deserialization features.
- getDeserializationSettings() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
- getDetails() - Method in interface
- getDetailsVisible() - Method in class
- getDisabledBeans() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Get all disabled
. - getDisabledBeans() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getDisabledBeans() - Method in class
- getDiscoveryClient() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.DiscoveryClientLoadBalancerFactory
- getDiscoveryClients() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.CompositeDiscoveryClient
The underlying clients.
- getDispatchTargets() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter
- getDocumentation() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- getDocumentation() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
- getDocumentation() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- getDomain() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
Gets the domain name of this Cookie.
- getDomain() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- getDomain() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- getDomainServerChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
Gets the domain server socket channel instance.
- getDomainServerChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- getDouble(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getDoubleValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- getDownstreamSubscriber() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleThreadedBufferingProcessor
Resolve the current
. - getEagerInitAnnotated() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContextConfiguration
- getEagerInitAnnotated() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- getElementAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractAnnotationElement
- getElementAnnotationMetadataFactory() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- getElementAnnotationMetadataFactory() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- getElementAnnotationMetadataFactory() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractAnnotationElement
- getElementAnnotationMetadataFactory() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
Gets the element annotation metadata factory.
- getElementFactory() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- getElementFactory() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- getElementFactory() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
Gets the element factory for this visitor context.
- getElementName(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getElementName(N) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.EnclosedElementsQuery
Gets the element name.
- getElementName(AnnotatedNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getElementName(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Get the name for the given element.
- getElementPredicates() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery.Result
- getElements() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
The elements.
- getElementType() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.ContextConfigurerVisitor
- getElementType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery.Result
- getElementType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.TypeElementVisitor
- getElementValidator() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.AnnotationUtils
instance. - getElementValidator() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getElementValidator() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getElementValidator() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Obtains the element validator.
- getEmbedded() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.AbstractResource
- getEmbedded() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Resource
- getEmbeddedHost() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.DefaultHttpHostResolver
- getEmbeddedServer() - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.EmbeddedServerInstance
- getEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
The default multipart enabled setting is false for servlets, but effectively true for Netty.
- getEnclosedElement(ElementQuery<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Return the first enclosed element matching the given query.
- getEnclosedElements(ElementQuery<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getEnclosedElements(ElementQuery<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getEnclosedElements(ElementQuery<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Return the elements that match the given query.
- getEnclosedElements(C, ElementQuery.Result<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.EnclosedElementsQuery
Extracts the enclosed elements of the class.
- getEnclosedElements(ClassElement, ElementQuery<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.EnclosedElementsQuery
Return the elements that match the given query.
- getEnclosingType() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getEnclosingType() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getEnclosingType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Returns the enclosing type if
. - getEndpointMethods() - Method in class
- getenv() - Static method in class io.micronaut.context.env.CachedEnvironment
Returns the complete set of environment variables.
- getenv(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.context.env.CachedEnvironment
Returns the value of the requested environment variable.
- getEnvironment() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
- getEnvironment() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- getEnvironment() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
Resolves the
for this metadata. - getEnvironment() - Method in interface io.micronaut.runtime.EmbeddedApplication
- getEnvironmentInfo() - Method in class
- getEnvironments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextConfiguration
- getEnvironments() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- getEnvironmentVariableExcludes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextConfiguration
- getEnvironmentVariableExcludes() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- getEnvironmentVariableIncludes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextConfiguration
- getEnvironmentVariableIncludes() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- getEnvValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.CloudFoundryVcapApplicationPropertySourceLoader
- getEnvValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.CloudFoundryVcapServicesPropertySourceLoader
- getEnvValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.EnvJsonPropertySourceLoader
- getEnvValueAsStream() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.EnvJsonPropertySourceLoader
- getError() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.ImperativeExecutionFlow
- getErrorElement() - Method in exception io.micronaut.annotation.processing.PostponeToNextRoundException
- getErrorMessages() - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.routes.RouteValidationResult
The error messages.
- getErrorResponseProcessor() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.RouteExecutor
- getErrorRoutes() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- getErrorRoutes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
- getErrors() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response.ErrorContext
- getErrorType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.BodyAssertion
- getErrorType(MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientErrorDecoder
Gets the error type for the given media type.
- getEvaluatedExpressions() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.EvaluatedExpressionProcessor
- getEvaluatedExpressionValueForConstructorArgument(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getEvaluatedExpressionValueForMethodArgument(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getEventLoopGroup() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
[available in the Netty HTTP client].
- getEventLoopGroup(String) - Method in class
- getEventLoopGroup(String) - Method in interface
Obtain a configured Event Loop Group from the registry.
- getEventLoopGroupConfiguration(String) - Method in class
- getEventLoopGroupConfiguration(String) - Method in interface
Obtain a configured Event Loop Group from the registry.
- getEventLoopGroupRegistry() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- getEventLoopGroupRegistry() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
- getEventPublisher(Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Obtain an
for the given even type. - getEventPublisher(Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
Get an event publisher for the server for the given type.
- getEventPublisher(Class<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- getEventType() - Method in class
The watch event type.
- getExcludedAnnotations() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
- getExcludedNativeElements(ElementQuery.Result<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.EnclosedElementsQuery
Provides a collection of the native elements to exclude.
- getExcludes() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
The property names to exclude.
- getExcludes() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadata
- getExclusions() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.AccessLogger
- getExecutableMethod() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.MethodInterceptorChain
- getExecutableMethod() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.MethodInvocationContext
The underlying
reference. - getExecutableMethod() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.MethodExecutionHandle
The underlying
reference. - getExecutableMethod(Class<T>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ExecutionHandleLocator
Finds an optimized execution handle for invoking a bean method.
- getExecutableMethodByIndex(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition
method by its index. - getExecutableMethods() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition
- getExecutableMethods() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getExecutableMethods() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
- getExecutableMethods() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- getExecutableMethods() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ExecutableMethodsDefinition
- getExecutableMethodsWriter() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
of one exists. - getExecute() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.FormRouteCompleter
- getExecutionHandle(Class<T>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ExecutionHandleLocator
Finds an optimized execution handle for invoking a bean method.
- getExecutionHandle(T, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ExecutionHandleLocator
Finds an optimized execution handle for invoking a bean method.
- getExecutor(ThreadSelection) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
- getExecutor(ThreadSelection) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- getExecutor(ThreadSelection) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultUrlRouteInfo
- getExecutorName() - Method in class
- getExecutorName() - Method in interface
- getExecutorName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.EventLoopConfig
- getExecutorSelector() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- getExecutorSelector() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
- getExecutorSelector() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.RouteExecutor
- getExposedHeaders() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConfiguration
- getExposedPorts() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- getExposedPorts() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- getExposedPorts() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- getExposedPorts() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
- getExposedPorts() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
- getExposedTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getExposedTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- getExposedTypes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanType
Returns a potentially limited subset of bean types exposed by this bean.
- getExpression() - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.cron.CronExpression
- getExpressionCompilationContextFactory() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- getExpressionCompilationContextFactory() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- getExpressionCompilationContextFactory() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
- getExpressions() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver.PlaceholderSegment
- getExtension() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- getExtensions() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertiesPropertySourceLoader
- getExtensions() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourceReader
- getExtensions() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.yaml.YamlPropertySourceLoader
- getExtensions() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.CloudFoundryVcapApplicationPropertySourceLoader
- getExtensions() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.CloudFoundryVcapServicesPropertySourceLoader
- getExtensions() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.JsonPropertySourceLoader
- getExtensions() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.env.JsonPropertySourceLoader
- getFactorySettings() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
- getFailures() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.condition.ConditionContext
- getFallbackFormat(Argument<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation.AbstractArgumentBinder
- getFallbackFormat(Argument<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.CookieAnnotationBinder
- getFallbackFormat(Argument<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.HeaderAnnotationBinder
- getFallbackFormat(Argument<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.RequestAttributeAnnotationBinder
- getFallbackProtocol() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
- getFamily() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.condition.OperatingSystem
- getFamily() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration
The address family of this listener.
- getFeatureMask() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- getField() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElement
The field representing the property.
- getField() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.FieldInjectionPoint
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
- getField() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.FieldGetDispatchTarget
- getField() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.FieldSetDispatchTarget
- getField(Class<?>, String, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Gets the value of the given field reflectively.
- getFields() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Return all the fields of this class element.
- getFieldValue(Class<?>, String, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Finds field's value or return an empty if exception occurs or if the value is null.
- getFile() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- getFile() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.SystemFile
- getFileManager() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.JavaParser
- getFilename() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.multipart.FileUpload
Gets the name of this part.
- getFilename() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyCompletedFileUpload
- getFilename() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload
- getFileName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.JsonConfigurationMetadataWriter
- getFiler() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.JavaParser
- getFileTypeHandlerConfiguration() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
- getFilter() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.HttpFilterResolver.FilterEntry
- getFilter() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.FilterRoute
- getFilterMethods() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.HttpFilterResolver.FilterEntry
- getFilterRoutes() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- getFilterRoutes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
- getFirst(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValues
Get the first value of the given header.
- getFirst(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalMultiValues
Retrieve a value if it is present.
- getFirst(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValues
Find a header and convert it to the given type.
- getFirst(CharSequence, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValues
Find a header and convert it to the given type.
- getFirst(CharSequence, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValues
Find a header and convert it to the given type.
- getFirst(CharSequence, Class<T>, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValues
Find a header and convert it to the given type.
- getFirstTypeArgument() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
- getFirstTypeVariable() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- getFirstTypeVariable() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeVariableResolver
- getFixed() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.util.locale.LocaleResolutionConfiguration
- getFixed() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HttpLocaleResolutionConfigurationProperties
- getFloat(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getFloatValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- getFor() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.ProxyHeaderParser
- getFormat() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration
- getFullRequestBodyType() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultStatusRouteInfo
- getFullRequestBodyType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
, but excludes body arguments that may match only a part of the body (i.e. - getFunction(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.client.DefaultFunctionDiscoveryClient
- getFunction(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.function.client.FunctionDiscoveryClient
Finds a function for the given function name.
- getFunctionDefinitions() - Method in interface io.micronaut.function.client.FunctionDefinitionProvider
- getFunctionDefinitions() - Method in class io.micronaut.function.client.local.LocalFunctionDefinitionProvider
- getGateway() - Method in class
- getGeneratedClasses() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.InMemoryByteCodeGroovyClassLoader
- getGeneratedResources() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- getGeneratedResources() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- getGeneratedResources() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
Provide a collection of generated classpath resources that other TypeElement visitors might want to consume.
- getGeneratorSettings() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
- getGenericBeanType() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.DisabledBean
- getGenericBeanType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanInfo
- getGenericBeanType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
- getGenericField() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- getGenericField() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.FieldElement
Obtain the generic type with the associated annotation metadata for the field.
- getGenericNativeType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.GenericElement
The native type that represents the generic element.
- getGenericReturnType() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- getGenericReturnType() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- getGenericReturnType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
The generic return type of the method.
- getGenericType() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- getGenericType() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyParameterElement
- getGenericType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.TypedElement
Returns the generic type of the element.
- getGenericTypeAnnotationMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.GenericElement
Returns the type parameter annotations.
- getGenericUtils() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
The generic utils object.
- getGroup() - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
Returns the application group.
- getGroup() - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration.InstanceConfiguration
- getHandlerRegistry() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
Get the handler registry for this client.
- getHandshakeCompletedMono() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketClientHandler
- getHandshakeTimeout() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
- getHeaderName() - Method in exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.UnsatisfiedHeaderRouteException
- getHeaders() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor.configuration.ClientVersioningConfiguration
- getHeaders() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.HttpResponseAdapter
- getHeaders() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.FullNettyClientHttpResponse
- getHeaders() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- getHeaders() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpMessage
- getHeaders() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpMessageWrapper
- getHeaders() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpMessage
- getHeaders() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpRequest
- getHeaders() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- getHeaders() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- getHeaders() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequest
- getHeaders() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.HttpResponseAssertion
- getHeaderTableSize() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http2Settings
Gets the
value. - getHealth(Principal) - Method in class
Return all health indicators.
- getHealth(Principal, HealthCheckType) - Method in class
Return health indicators based on the selector.
- getHealthCheckInterval() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
The default duration to check health status.
- getHealthCheckUri() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
The URI to check the service for health status.
- getHealthInformation() - Method in class
Provides information (typically a Map) to be returned.
- getHealthInformation() - Method in class
- getHealthPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
- getHealthResult() - Method in class
Builds the whole health result.
- getHealthStatus() - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
- getHost() - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
- getHost() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient.RequestKey
- getHost() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- getHost() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration
For TCP listeners, the host to bind to, or
to bind to all hosts. - getHost() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- getHost() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.ProxyHeaderParser
- getHost() - Method in interface io.micronaut.runtime.server.EmbeddedServer
- getHostHeader() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HostResolutionConfiguration
- getHostResolution() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- getHref() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- getHref() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link
- getHreflang() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- getHreflang() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link
- getHttp2() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Returns the Http2Settings.
- getHttp3() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Returns the Http3Settings.
- getHttpCompressionStrategy() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- getHttpCompressionStrategy() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
- getHttpMapping() - Method in class
- getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultUrlRouteInfo
- getHttpMethod() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRoute
- getHttpMethod() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRouteInfo
- getHttpMethod() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRouteMatch
- getHttpMethodName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRoute
- getHttpMethodName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRouteInfo
- getHttpStatus() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.HttpResponseAssertion
- getHttpVersion() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Deprecated.There are now separate settings for HTTP and HTTPS connections. To configure HTTP connections (e.g. for h2c), use
. To configure ALPN, setHttpClientConfiguration.alpnModes
. - getHttpVersion() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
- getHttpVersion() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- getHttpVersion() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
The HTTP version to use.
- getHttpVersion() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
- getId() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- getId() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.sse.Event
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration.InstanceConfiguration
- getId() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
The ID of the session.
- getID() - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstanceList
- getID() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.StaticServiceInstanceList
- getIdentifier() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.BeanRegistration
- getIdleTimeout() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- getImageId() - Method in class
- getImageId() - Method in interface
- getIncludes() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
The property names to include.
- getIncludes() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadata
- getIncrementalProcessorKind() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- getIncrementalProcessorType() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- getIncrementalProcessorType() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.AggregatingTypeElementVisitorProcessor
- getIncrementalProcessorType() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.ConfigurationMetadataProcessor
- getIndexedProperties(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospection
Get all the bean properties annotated for the given annotation type.
- getIndexedProperties(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
- getIndexedProperty(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospection
Get all the bean properties annotated for the given type.
- getIndexedProperty(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospection
Get all the bean properties annotated for the given type.
- getIndexedProperty(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
- getInFlightBean(BeanIdentifier) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Obtains an inflight bean for the given identifier.
- getInFlightBean(BeanIdentifier) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanResolutionContext
- getInitialBufferSize() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The initial buffer size.
- getInitialMaxData() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http3Settings
QUIC initial_max_data setting, see RFC 9000.
- getInitialMaxStreamDataBidirectionalLocal() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http3Settings
QUIC initial_max_stream_data_bidi_local setting, see RFC 9000.
- getInitialMaxStreamDataBidirectionalRemote() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http3Settings
QUIC initial_max_stream_data_bidi_remote setting, see RFC 9000.
- getInitialMaxStreamsBidirectional() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http3Settings
QUIC initial_max_streams_bidi setting, see RFC 9000.
- getInitialWindowSize() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http2Settings
Gets the
value. - getInjectedFields() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getInjectedFields() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
All the fields that require injection.
- getInjectedFields() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- getInjectedMethods() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getInjectedMethods() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
All methods that require injection.
- getInjectedMethods() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- getInjectionPoint() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.AnnotationSegment
- getInjectionPoint() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.ConstructorSegment
- getInjectionPoint() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.FieldSegment
- getInjectionPoint() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.MethodSegment
- getInjectionPoint() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext.Segment
- getInjectionPoints() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElement
Returns all injection points for the bean.
- getInjectionPoints() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getInputStream() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.multipart.PartData
Gets the content of this chunk as an
. - getInputStream() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyCompletedAttribute
- getInputStream() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyCompletedFileUpload
Gets the content of this part as a
. - getInputStream() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyPartData
The contents of the chunk will be released when the stream is closed.
- getInputStream() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.StreamedFile
- getInstance() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationClassValue
Returns the backing instance if there is one.
- getInstance() - Static method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.JsonNodeTreeCodec
- getInstance() - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration
- getInstanceId() - Method in class
- getInstanceId() - Method in interface
- getInstanceId() - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
- getInstances() - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstanceList
Returns the current list of services.
- getInstances() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.StaticServiceInstanceList
- getInstances(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.CompositeDiscoveryClient
- getInstances(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.DiscoveryClient
Obtain a list of
for the given service id. - getInt(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getInt(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
Obtain an integer header.
- getInterceptedType() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- getInterceptedType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.AdvisedBeanType
Returns the target type for AOP advice.
- getInterceptedType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
- getInterceptedType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getInterfaces() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getInterfaces() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getInterfaces() - Method in class
- getInterfaces() - Method in interface
The network interfaces attached to the compute instance.
- getInterfaces() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
- getInterfaces(C) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.EnclosedElementsQuery
Extracts the interfaces of the class.
- getInternalName(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getInternalNameForCast(TypedElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getInternalNameForCast(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getInternalNameForCast(Type) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getInterval() - Method in class
- getIntLE(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getIntrospection() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanWrapper
- getIntrospection(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospector
Retrieves an introspection for the given type.
- getIntrospection(Class<T2>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospection
Obtains an introspection from the default
. - getIntValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- getIoRatio() - Method in class
- getIoRatio() - Method in interface
- getIoRatio() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.EventLoopConfig
- getIpAddr() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
The IP address to use to register.
- getIpv4() - Method in class
- getIpv6() - Method in class
- getIpv6Gateway() - Method in class
- getJavacTask(JavaFileObject...) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.JavaParser
gets the javac task.
- getJsonBufferMaxComponents() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Maximum number of buffers to keep around in JSON parsing before they should be consolidated.
- getJsonMapper() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.body.JsonMessageHandler
Get the json mapper used by this handler.
- getJsonMapper() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- getKey() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
- getKeyManagerFactory(SslConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ssl.NettyClientSslBuilder
- getKeyManagerFactory(SslConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.AbstractServerSslBuilder
- getKeyManagerFactory(SslConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslBuilder
- getKeys() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.StringSwitchWriter
- getKeyStore() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
- getKeyStore(SslConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.CertificateProvidedSslBuilder
- getKeyStore(SslConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.SelfSignedSslBuilder
- getKeyStore(SslConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslBuilder
- getKind() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
- getKind() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.MethodInterceptorChain
- getKind() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InvocationContext
- getKnownCompletableTypes() - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
- getKnownReactiveTypes() - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
- getKnownSingleTypes() - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
- getLastError() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ErrorsContext
Obtain the last error.
- getLastModified() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.FileCustomizableResponseType
- getLastModified() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.StreamedFile
- getLastModified() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.SystemFile
- getLastTask() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.JavaParser
- getLength() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.FileCustomizableResponseType
- getLength() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.StreamedFile
- getLength() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.SystemFile
- getLinks() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.AbstractResource
- getLinks() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Resource
- getListeners() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Get the explicit netty listener configurations, or
if they should be implicit. - getLoadBalancedURIs() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.StaticServiceInstanceList
- getLoadBalancerDiscriminator() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- getLoadedVisitors() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- getLoader(Class<T>) - Method in class
Searches resource loaders for one that matches or is a subclass of the specified type.
- getLoaderForBasePath(String) - Method in class
Searches resource loaders for one that supports the given path.
- getLocale() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractLocalizedMessageSource
- getLocale() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource.MessageContext
The locale to use to resolve messages.
- getLocale() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionContext
- getLocale() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpMessage
- getLocale() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
- getLocale() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- getLocale() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- getLocale() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.HttpLocalizedMessageSource
- getLocale() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
- getLocale(Locale) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource.MessageContext
The locale to use to resolve messages.
- getLocaleResolution() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- getLocalHostname() - Method in class
- getLocalHostname() - Method in interface
- getLocation() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
- getLock(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshScope
- getLog() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- getLogFormat() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.AccessLogger
Returns the log format to use.
- getLogger(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils
Special case
method that should be used by classes that are used in the annotation processor. - getLogger(String) - Method in interface
Returns a
for the logger found by name (or created if not found). - getLogger(ManagedLoggingSystem, String) - Method in interface
Find (or create if not found) the named logger in the system.
- getLogger(ManagedLoggingSystem, String) - Method in class
- getLogger(String) - Method in class
- getLogger(String) - Method in class
- getLoggerName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
- getLoggerName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.AccessLogger
The logger name to use.
- getLoggers() - Method in class
- getLoggers() - Method in class
- getLoggers() - Method in interface
Returns all existing loggers.
- getLoggers(ManagedLoggingSystem) - Method in class
- getLoggers(ManagedLoggingSystem) - Method in interface
Collect all existing loggers in the system.
- getLogLevel() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
[available in the Netty HTTP client].
- getLogLevel() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The server
to enable. - getLogref() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.JsonError
- getLong(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getLongLE(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getLongValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- getLowerBounds() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.WildcardElement
- getMac() - Method in class
- getMachineType() - Method in class
- getMachineType() - Method in interface
- getMapOfTypeForConstructorArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Argument<V>, Qualifier<V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains all bean definitions for a constructor argument at the given index
- getMapOfTypeForField(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Argument<V>, Qualifier<V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains a bean definition for the field at the given index and the argument at the given index
- getMapOfTypeForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, int, Argument<V>, Qualifier<V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains all bean definitions for the method at the given index and the argument at the given index
- getMappedAnnotationNames() - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getMappedAnnotationPackages() - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getMapperSettings() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
- getMapping() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.resource.StaticResourceConfiguration
The static resource mapping.
- getMatchTemplate() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate.UriMatchTemplateParser
- getMatchTemplate() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTypeMatchTemplate.TypedUriMatchTemplateParser
- getMathOperationOpcode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.DivOperator
- getMathOperationOpcode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.MathOperator
- getMathOperationOpcode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.ModOperator
- getMathOperationOpcode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.MulOperator
- getMathOperationOpcode(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.SubOperator
- getMaxAge() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
- getMaxAge() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- getMaxAge() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConfiguration
- getMaxAge() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- getMaxAttempts() - Method in interface io.micronaut.retry.RetryState
- getMaxChunkSize() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The maximum chunk size.
- getMaxConcurrentHttp1Connections() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration
The maximum number of concurrent HTTP1 connections in the pool.
- getMaxConcurrentHttp2Connections() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration
The maximum number of concurrent HTTP2 connections in the pool.
- getMaxConcurrentRequestsPerHttp2Connection() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration
The maximum number of requests (streams) that can run concurrently on one HTTP2 connection.
- getMaxConcurrentStreams() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http2Settings
Gets the
value. - getMaxContentLength() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
[available in the Netty HTTP client].
- getMaxDelay() - Method in interface io.micronaut.retry.RetryState
- getMaxFileSize() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
- getMaxFrameSize() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http2Settings
Gets the
value. - getMaxH2cUpgradeRequestSize() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The maximum size of the body of the HTTP1.1 request used to upgrade a connection to HTTP2 clear-text (h2c).
- getMaxHeaderListSize() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http2Settings
Gets the
value. - getMaxHeaderSize() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The maximum size of an individual HTTP setter.
- getMaxInitialLineLength() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The maximum length of the initial HTTP request line.
- getMaxPendingAcquires() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration
Maximum number of futures awaiting connection acquisition.
- getMaxPendingConnections() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration
The maximum number of pending (new) connections before they are assigned to a pool.
- getMaxRequestSize() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- getMaxSize() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- getMediaType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.body.MediaTypeProvider
- getMediaType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.StreamedFile
- getMediaType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.SystemFile
- getMediaTypeCodecRegistry() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- getMediaTypeCodecRegistry() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- getMediaTypeCodecRegistry() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- getMediaTypeCodecRegistry() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
- getMediaTypes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodec
- getMediaTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.codec.TextStreamCodec
- getMediaTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JsonStreamMediaTypeCodec
- getMediaTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.JsonStreamMediaTypeCodec
- getMediaTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- getMediaTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.http.codec.TextPlainCodec
- getMedium(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getMediumLE(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getMemberNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Resolves the names of all the present annotation members.
- getMessage() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.condition.Failure
- getMessage() - Method in exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientException
- getMessage() - Method in exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientResponseException
- getMessage() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.JsonError
- getMessage() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response.Error
- getMessage() - Method in class io.micronaut.websocket.event.WebSocketMessageProcessedEvent
- getMessage(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractLocalizedMessageSource
- getMessage(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.LocalizedMessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code.
- getMessage(String, MessageSource.MessageContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code and context.
- getMessage(String, MessageSource.MessageContext, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code and context.
- getMessage(String, String, Locale) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code and context.
- getMessage(String, String, Locale, Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code and context.
- getMessage(String, String, Locale, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code and context.
- getMessage(String, Locale) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code and context.
- getMessage(String, Locale, Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code and context.
- getMessage(String, Locale, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code and context.
- getMessage(String, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractLocalizedMessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code and variables for the messages.
- getMessage(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.LocalizedMessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code and variables for the messages.
- getMessage(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractLocalizedMessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code and variables for the messages.
- getMessage(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.LocalizedMessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code and variables for the messages.
- getMessage(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientErrorDecoder
Default message decoder.
- getMessageBodyHandlerRegistry() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- getMessageBodyHandlerRegistry() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
- getMessageBodyReader() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultStatusRouteInfo
- getMessageBodyReader() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
- getMessageBodyWriter() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- getMessageBodyWriter() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
- getMessageOrDefault(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.LocalizedMessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code.
- getMessageOrDefault(String, String, Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.LocalizedMessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code.
- getMessageOrDefault(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.LocalizedMessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code.
- getMessager() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
The messager.
- getMetadata() - Method in class
- getMetadata() - Method in interface
The metadata as a map.
- getMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
- getMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration.InstanceConfiguration
- getMethod() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- getMethod() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
- getMethod() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- getMethod() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- getMethod() - Method in class
- getMethod() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequest
- getMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Obtains a method.
- getMethod(String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition
Finds executable method or returns a null otherwise.
- getMethodAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- getMethodAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- getMethodAnnotationMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
Returns the method annotations.
- getMethodAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MethodElementAnnotationsHelper
Returns the method annotations.
- getMethodDescriptor(TypedElement, Collection<? extends TypedElement>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getMethodDescriptor(Class<?>, Collection<Class<?>>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getMethodDescriptor(String, String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getMethodDescriptor(Type, Collection<Type>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getMethodDescriptorForReturnType(Type, Collection<? extends TypedElement>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getMethodElement() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyParameterElement
- getMethodElement() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ParameterElement
Return method associated with this parameter.
- getMethodElement() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter.MethodVisitData
- getMethodElement() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.MethodDispatchTarget
- getMethodName() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.MethodInterceptorChain
- getMethodName() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- getMethodName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- getMethodName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
- getMethodName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- getMethodName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- getMethodName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractExecutableBeanMethod
- getMethodName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingExecutableMethod
- getMethodName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.MethodReference
- getMethodNode() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.ExtendedParameter
- getMethods() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Find an instance/static method with a name in this class, super class or an interface.
- getMethodSignature(String, String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getMethodString(MethodExecutionHandle<?, ?>) - Method in class
- getMicronautVersion() - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.version.VersionUtils
- getMissingTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils.Optimizations
- getModelUtils() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
The model utils.
- getModifierPredicates() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery.Result
- getModifiers() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- getModifiers() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getModifiers() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyEnumConstantElement
- getModifiers() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- getModifiers() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- getModifiers() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- getModifiers() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MemberElement
- getMultipart() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- getMultiplier() - Method in interface io.micronaut.retry.RetryState
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaPackageElement
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyEnumConstantElement
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyPackageElement
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyParameterElement
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanConfiguration
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.AnnotationSegment
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext.Segment
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ActiveEnvironment
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.EmptyPropertySource
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.MapPropertySource
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySource
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationClassValue
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanIntrospectionReference
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanMethod
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanProperty
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.cli.Option
- getName() - Method in interface
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.naming.Named
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in interface
The name of the instance.
- getName() - Method in enum class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.function.client.FunctionDefinition
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.codec.CodecConfiguration
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.multipart.CompletedPart
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.multipart.FileUpload
Gets the name of this part.
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.EventLoopConfig
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyCompletedAttribute
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyCompletedFileUpload
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.sse.Event
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchVariable
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.AndroidxNullableTransformer
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.CoreNonNullTransformer
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.CoreNullableTransformer
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JakartaPersistenceContextAnnotationMapper
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JavaxNonnullTransformer
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JavaxNullableTransformer
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JavaxPersistenceContextAnnotationMapper
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JavaxPostConstructTransformer
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JavaxPreDestroyTransformer
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JdtNullableTransformer
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JspecifyNullableTransformer
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.KotlinDeprecatedTransformer
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.KotlinNotNullMapper
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.KotlinNullableMapper
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.ReactivexNullableTransformer
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.ReactorNullableTransformer
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.Rxjava3NullableTransformer
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.SpotbugsNullableTransformer
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ArgumentBeanType
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ConstructorElement
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanConfiguration
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.EntityIntrospectedAnnotationMapper
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.EntityReflectiveAccessAnnotationMapper
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.JsonCreatorAnnotationMapper
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.MappedSuperClassIntrospectionMapper
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.persistence.JakartaEntityIntrospectedAnnotationMapper
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.persistence.JakartaMappedSuperClassIntrospectionMapper
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanType
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadata
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.PropertyMetadata
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.FieldInjectionPoint
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.MethodInjectionPoint
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.MethodReference
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.GeneratedFile
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
Used to populate the
. - getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in interface
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration
The application name.
- getName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorConfiguration
- getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
- getNamePredicates() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery.Result
- getNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.HeaderVersionResolverConfiguration
- getNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.ParameterVersionResolverConfiguration
- getNativeAllocator() - Method in class io.micronaut.buffer.netty.NettyByteBufferFactory
- getNativeAllocator() - Method in interface
- getNativeClassType(ClassElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.EnclosedElementsQuery
Get native class element.
- getNativeElement(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- getNativeElement(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- getNativeElement(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
Resolve native element.
- getNativeRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- getNativeType() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- getNativeType() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getNativeType() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- getNativeType() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
- getNativeType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
Returns the native underlying type.
- getNativeType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- getNativeType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- getNativeType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getNativeType(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.EnclosedElementsQuery
Get native element.
- getNetmask() - Method in class
- getNettyCookie() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- getNettyHeaders() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
Note: Caller must take care to validate headers inserted into this object!
- getNettyHeaders() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
The netty headers.
- getNettyHttpStatus() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
The netty http response status.
- getNettyHttpVersion() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
The netty http version.
- getNettyRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- getNetwork() - Method in class
- getNextAvailable(List<ServiceInstance>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.AbstractRoundRobinLoadBalancer
- getNextToken() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.Tokenizer
- getNumberOfThreads() - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorConfiguration
- getNumberOfThreads() - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
- getNumberValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- getNumOfThreads() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
[available in the Netty HTTP client].
- getNumOfThreads() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.EventLoopConfig
- getNumThreads() - Method in class
- getNumThreads() - Method in interface
- getNumThreads() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.EventLoopConfig
- getObjectMapper() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JacksonMediaTypeCodec
- getObjectMapper() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- getObjectType(Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getObservedConfigurationPrefixes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
- getObservedConfigurationPrefixes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- getObservedConfigurationPrefixes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.CertificateProvidedSslBuilder
- getObservedConfigurationPrefixes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshEventListener
Returns the set of observed configuration prefixes that the event listener should listen for.
- getOnlyAccessibleFromType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery.Result
- getOpenSessions() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- getOpenSessions() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
The current open sessions.
- getOperational() - Method in class
Whether the status represents a functioning service.
- getOptionalValueType() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getOptionalValueType() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getOptionalValueType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Gets optional value type.
- getOptions() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
Java visitor context options from
arguments andSystem.getProperties()
- getOptions() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
Groovy options source are
based. - getOptions() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.cli.CommandLine
- getOptions() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
- getOptions() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
The annotation processor environment custom options.
- getOr(NettyHttpRequest<?>, HttpResponse<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpResponseFactory
Lookup the response from the context.
- getOrCreate(BeanCreationContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.scope.AbstractConcurrentCustomScope
- getOrCreate(BeanCreationContext<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.scope.CustomScope
Resolve an object from the given scope.
- getOrCreate(BeanCreationContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshScope
- getOrCreate(NettyHttpRequest<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpResponseFactory
Lookup the response from the context.
- getOrDefault(Object, V) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.LoadedVisitor
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.BeanRegistration
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.AbstractPropertySourceLoader
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.CommandLinePropertySource
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.EnvironmentPropertySource
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.KubernetesEnvironmentPropertySource
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.SystemPropertiesPropertySource
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.BeanImportVisitor
- getOrder() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.order.Ordered
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.graal.reflect.GraalTypeElementVisitor
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.filters.ClientServerContextFilter
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.cookie.DefaultCookieDecoder
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.cookie.NettyCookieDecoder
- getOrder() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.AroundLegacy
- getOrder() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.Async
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsFilter
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.NotImplementedElementBuilder
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.jackson.JsonViewServerFilter
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.CertificateProvidedSslBuilder
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.HttpAbstractLocaleResolver
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.HttpFixedLocaleResolver
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.RequestLocaleResolver
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.IntrospectedTypeElementVisitor
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.CloudFoundryVcapApplicationPropertySourceLoader
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.CloudFoundryVcapServicesPropertySourceLoader
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.EnvJsonPropertySourceLoader
- getOrder() - Method in class
- getOrder() - Method in class
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.retry.intercept.DefaultRetryInterceptor
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.retry.intercept.RecoveryInterceptor
- getOrder() - Method in interface io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshEventListener
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshScope
- getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.async.AsyncInterceptor
- getOrder(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.order.OrderUtil
Get the order for the given annotation metadata.
- getOrder(AnnotationMetadata, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.order.OrderUtil
Get the order of the given object.
- getOrder(Ordered) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.order.OrderUtil
Get the order for the given Ordered object.
- getOrder(Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.order.OrderUtil
Get the order for the given object.
- getOrder(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterOrder.Dynamic
- getOrder(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterOrder.Fixed
- getOrder(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterOrder
Compute the order value for the given bean.
- getOrEmpty() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Returns the current context or an empty one.
- getOrigin() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
- getOrigin() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Get the origin header.
- getOrigin() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- getOrigin() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- getOriginalValue() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionError
- getOriginatingClassName(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getOriginatingClassName(AnnotatedNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getOriginatingClassName(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getOriginatingElement() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElement
- getOriginatingElement() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
- getOriginatingElement() - Method in exception io.micronaut.inject.processing.ProcessingException
- getOriginatingElement() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- getOriginatingElement() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getOriginatingElement() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
- getOriginatingElements() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadataBuilder
- getOriginatingElements() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getOriginatingElements() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getOriginatingElements() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.OriginatingElements
- getOriginatingElements() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.StaticOriginatingElements
- getOriginatingRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.websocket.bind.WebSocketState
- getOutboundHandlers() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- getOutboundHandlers() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
- getOuterInjectionPoint() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.ConstructorArgumentSegment
- getOuterInjectionPoint() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.FieldSegment
- getOuterInjectionPoint() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.MethodArgumentSegment
- getOuterInjectionPoint() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ArgumentInjectionPoint
- getOutputContext() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- getOverallDelay() - Method in interface io.micronaut.retry.RetryState
- getOverrideConfigLocations() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextConfiguration
The config locations.
- getOverrideConfigLocations() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- getOwningType() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- getOwningType() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- getOwningType() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- getOwningType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MemberElement
The owing type is the type that owns this element.
- getPackage() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getPackage() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getPackage() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanConfiguration
- getPackage() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
The package name.
- getPackage() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanConfiguration
- getPackageName() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getPackageName() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- getPackageName() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getPackageName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationRemapper
- getPackageName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.FindBugsRemapper
- getPackageName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.InterceptorBindingMembers
- getPackageName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JavaxRemapper
- getPackageName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.QualifierBindingMembers
- getPackageName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
The package name.
- getPackageName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
- getPackageName() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getPackageName(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Returns the package name for a class represented as string.
- getPackageName(TypeElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.JavaModelUtils
- getPackages() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- getPackages() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
- getParallelism() - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorConfiguration
- getParallelism() - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
- getParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.ExtendedParameter
- getParameters() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- getParameters() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
- getParameters() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InvocationContext
Returns the current parameters as a map of mutable argument values.
- getParameters() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- getParameters() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor.configuration.ClientVersioningConfiguration
- getParameters() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- getParameters() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
- getParameters() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- getParameters() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- getParameters() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpRequest
- getParameters() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- getParameters() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequest
- getParameters() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanConstructorElement
- getParameters() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanMethodElement
- getParameters() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
- getParameters() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- getParameterValueMap() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InvocationContext
Returns the current state of the parameters as a map keyed by parameter name.
- getParameterValues() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
- getParameterValues() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InvocationContext
Returns the current state of the parameters as an array by parameter index.
- getParent() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
- getParserSettings() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
- getPartName() - Method in exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.UnsatisfiedPartRouteException
- getPassword() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.BasicAuth
- getPassword() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.KeyConfiguration
- getPassword() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.KeyStoreConfiguration
- getPassword() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.TrustStoreConfiguration
- getPath() - Method in exception io.micronaut.annotation.processing.PostponeToNextRoundException
- getPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- getPath() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
- getPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration
- getPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
The context path to use for requests.
- getPath() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
The path of the cookie.
- getPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.JsonError
- getPath() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
- getPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- getPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- getPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- getPath() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response.Error
- getPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration
For UNIX domain sockets, the path of the socket.
- getPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- getPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.KeyStoreConfiguration
- getPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.TrustStoreConfiguration
- getPath() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.PropertyMetadata
- getPath() - Method in class
- getPath() - Method in class
- getPath() - Method in class
The path to the file / directory that changed.
- getPathMatcher() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterPatternStyle
- getPathParameters() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.ClientRequestUriContext
- getPaths() - Method in class
The paths to watch.
- getPathVariableName() - Method in exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.UnsatisfiedPathVariableRouteException
- getPathVariableSegmentCount() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
- getPatterns() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.HttpFilterResolver.FilterEntry
- getPatternStyle() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.HttpFilterResolver.FilterEntry
- getPcapLoggingPathPattern() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The path pattern to use for logging incoming connections to pcap.
- getPipelineCustomizers() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
- getPlaceholderResolver() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- getPlaceholderResolver() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
- getPlaintextMode() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
The connection mode to use for plaintext (http as opposed to https) connections.
- getPlaintextMode() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpVersionSelection
- getPongArgument() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketClientHandler
- getPongArgument() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- getPongArgument() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketHandler
- getPort() - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
- getPort() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient.RequestKey
- getPort() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- getPort() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration
The TCP port to bind to.
- getPort() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- getPort() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.ProxyHeaderParser
- getPort() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
- getPort() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.EmbeddedServerUnderTest
- getPort() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.tck.ServerUnderTest
- getPort() - Method in class
- getPort() - Method in interface io.micronaut.runtime.server.EmbeddedServer
- getPort() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultUrlRouteInfo
- getPort() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRoute
- getPort() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRouteInfo
- getPortHeader() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HostResolutionConfiguration
- getPosition() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptPhase
- getPossibleCandidates() - Method in exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.NonUniqueBeanException
- getPostConstructMethods() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getPostConstructMethods() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
All the methods that should be called once the bean has been fully initialized and constructed.
- getPostConstructMethods() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- getPostConstructMethodVisits() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getPreDestroyMethods() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getPreDestroyMethods() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
All the methods that should be called when the object is to be destroyed.
- getPreDestroyMethods() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- getPrefix() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver
- getPrefix() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertyPlaceholderResolver
- getPrimaryConstructor() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getPrimaryConstructor() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getPrimaryConstructor() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Find and return a single primary constructor.
- getPrimitiveType(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Obtain the primitive type for the given wrapper type.
- getPrimitiveType(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils
The primitive type for the given type name.
- getPriority() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ActiveEnvironment
A 0 based index representing the priority of the environment relative to other active environments.
- getPrivateHostname() - Method in class
- getPrivateHostname() - Method in interface
- getPrivateIpV4() - Method in class
- getPrivateIpV4() - Method in interface
- getPrivateIpV6() - Method in class
- getPrivateIpV6() - Method in interface
- getProcessingEnv() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.JavaParser
- getProcessingEnv() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- getProcessorOptions(ProcessingEnvironment) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.visitor.util.VisitorContextUtils
Get visitor's context options from
- getProduces() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- getProduces() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Route
The media types able to produced by this route.
- getProduces() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
The media types able to produced by this route.
- getProducingElement() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElement
The element that produces the bean, this could be a
for regular beans, or either aMethodElement
for factory beans. - getProducingElement() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
- getProducingElement() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getProfile() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- getProfile() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link
- getProjectDir() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
Obtain the project directory.
- getProperties() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadataBuilder
- getProperties(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Resolves a map of properties for a member that is an array of annotations that have members called "name" or "key" to represent the key and "value" to represent the value.
- getProperties(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.PropertyResolver
Return all the properties under the given key.
- getProperties(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Resolve properties with a custom key member.
- getProperties(String, StringConvention) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- getProperties(String, StringConvention) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.PropertyResolver
Return all the properties under the given key.
- getProperties(String) - Method in class
- getProperties(String, StringConvention) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
- getProperty(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospection
Obtain a property by name.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
- getProperty(String, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
- getProperty(String, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.PropertyResolver
Resolve the given property for the given name, type and generic type arguments.
- getProperty(String, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.PropertyResolver
Resolve the given property for the given name, type and generic type arguments.
- getProperty(String, Class<P>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospection
Obtain a property by name and type.
- getProperty(String, Class<P>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanWrapper
Get the property of the given name and type.
- getProperty(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.PropertyResolver
Resolve the given property for the given name.
- getProperty(String, Class<T>, ConversionContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.PropertyResolver
Resolve the given property for the given name, type and generic type arguments.
- getProperty(String, Class<T>, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.PropertyResolver
Resolve the given property for the given name.
- getProperty(String, ArgumentConversionContext<P>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanWrapper
Get the property of the given name and type.
- getProperty(String, Argument<P>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanWrapper
Get the property of the given name and type.
- getProperty(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.context.env.CachedEnvironment
Returns the system property of the requested name.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.expressions.DefaultExpressionEvaluationContext
- getProperty(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.expressions.ExpressionEvaluationContext
Provides property by name.
- getProperty(String, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- getProperty(String, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.value.MapPropertyResolver
- getPropertyByIndex(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
Obtain a property by its index.
- getPropertyEntries(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- getPropertyEntries(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
- getPropertyEntries(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.value.MapPropertyResolver
- getPropertyEntries(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.PropertyResolver
Returns a collection of properties entries under the given key.
- getPropertyNameForGetter(String, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Get the equivalent property name for the given getter and read prefix.
- getPropertyNameForGetter(String, String[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Get the equivalent property name for the given getter and read prefixes.
- getPropertyNameForGetter(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Get the equivalent property name for the given getter.
- getPropertyNameForSetter(String, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Get the equivalent property name for the given setter and write prefix.
- getPropertyNameForSetter(String, String[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Get the equivalent property name for the given setter and write prefixes.
- getPropertyNameForSetter(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Get the equivalent property name for the given setter.
- getPropertyNames() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospection
The property names as an array.
- getPropertyNames() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanWrapper
The property names.
- getPropertyNamingStrategy() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
- getPropertyPathMatches(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.PropertyResolver
Will return for a given pattern such as
and array of arrays containing the variable names that match the pattern. - getPropertyPathMatches(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- getPropertyPathMatches(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
- getPropertyPathMatches(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.value.MapPropertyResolver
- getPropertyPlaceholderValueForConstructorArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains a property value for a bean definition for a constructor at the given index
- getPropertyPlaceholderValueForField(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, Argument, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getPropertyPlaceholderValueForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, int, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains a placeholder value for the given method argument.
- getPropertyPlaceholderValueForSetter(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, String, Argument<?>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains a placeholder value for the given method argument.
- getPropertySourceLoaders() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
Obtains the
instances. - getPropertySourceLoaders() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Obtains the
instances. - getPropertySourceRootName() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- getPropertySources() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- getPropertySources() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
- getPropertySources(Environment) - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigurationClient
Retrieves all of the
registrations for the given environment. - getPropertySources(Environment) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.config.DefaultCompositeConfigurationClient
- getPropertyValueForConstructorArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains a property value for a bean definition for a constructor at the given index
- getPropertyValueForField(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, Argument, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getPropertyValueForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, int, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains a property value for the given method argument.
- getPropertyValueForSetter(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, String, Argument<?>, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains a property value for the given method argument.
- getProtocol() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
- getProtocolHeader() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HostResolutionConfiguration
- getProtocols() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
- getProtocolVersion() - Method in class
- getProtocolVersion() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- getProtocolVersion() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DelegateStreamedHttpResponse
- getProtocolVersion() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
The protocol version of the WebSocket protocol currently being used.
- getProvidedType() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- getProvidedType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
The provided type of the bean.
- getProvidedType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getProvider() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.KeyStoreConfiguration
- getProvider() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.TrustStoreConfiguration
- getProxiedBeanDefinitionName() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- getProxiedBeanDefinitionName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.ProxyingBeanDefinitionVisitor
- getProxiedTypeName() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- getProxiedTypeName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.ProxyingBeanDefinitionVisitor
- getProxyAddress() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
The proxy to use.
- getProxyHttpClient(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
- getProxyHttpClient(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.ProxyHttpClientRegistry
Return the client for the given annotation metadata.
- getProxyPassword() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
- getProxySelector() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
- getProxyTargetBean(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Resolves the proxy target for a given bean type.
- getProxyTargetBean(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getProxyTargetBean(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Resolves the proxy target for a given bean type.
- getProxyTargetBean(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- getProxyTargetBean(BeanResolutionContext, Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Resolves the proxy target for a given bean type.
- getProxyTargetBeanDefinition(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain the original
for aProxyBeanDefinition
. - getProxyTargetBeanDefinition(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Obtain the original
for aProxyBeanDefinition
. - getProxyTargetMethod(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ExecutionHandleLocator
Finds an optimized execution handle for invoking a bean method.
- getProxyTargetMethod(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ExecutionHandleLocator
Finds an optimized execution handle for invoking a bean method.
- getProxyTargetMethod(Class<T>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ExecutionHandleLocator
Finds an optimized execution handle for invoking a bean method.
- getProxyType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
The proxy to use.
- getProxyUsername() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
- getPublic() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.FileTypeHandlerConfiguration.CacheControlConfiguration
- getPublicHostname() - Method in class
- getPublicHostname() - Method in interface
- getPublicIpV4() - Method in class
- getPublicIpV4() - Method in interface
- getPublicIpV6() - Method in class
- getPublicIpV6() - Method in interface
- getPushEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http2Settings
setting makes no sense when sent by the server, and clients must reject any setting exceptfalse
(the default) according to the spec. - getQualifier(BeanDefinition<?>) - Method in class
Obtains the qualifier.
- getQualifiers() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElement
- getQualifiers() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getQuality() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- getQualityAsNumber() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- getQueryParameterName() - Method in exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.UnsatisfiedQueryValueRouteException
- getQueryParameters() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.ClientRequestUriContext
- getQuietly(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or
if this map contains no mapping for the key. - getRawArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.cli.CommandLine
- getRawClassElement() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getRawClassElement() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Get a
instance corresponding to this type, but without any type arguments bound. - getRawMessage(String, MessageSource.MessageContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.i18n.ResourceBundleMessageSource
- getRawMessage(String, MessageSource.MessageContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code and context.
- getRawMessage(String, MessageSource.MessageContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.StaticMessageSource
- getRawMessage(String, MessageSource.MessageContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.context.CompositeMessageSource
- getRawMessage(String, MessageSource.MessageContext, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code and context.
- getRawSegmentCount() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
- getRawSegmentLength() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
- getReactiveTypeNames() - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
- getReadAccessKind() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElement
- getReadIdleTimeout() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
For streaming requests and WebSockets, the
method does not apply instead a configurable idle timeout is applied. - getReadIdleTimeout() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- getReadinessHealthIndicators(HealthIndicator[], HealthIndicator[]) - Method in class
- getReadMember() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElement
- getReadMethod() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElement
- getReadPrefixes() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
- getReadTimeout() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
- getReadTimeout() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
Deprecated.This setting does nothing
- getReason() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- getReason() - Method in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- getReceiverType() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- getReceiverType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
Returns the receiver type of this executable, or empty if the method has no receiver type.
- getRegion() - Method in class
- getRegion() - Method in interface
- getRegion() - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
Returns the region to use.
- getRemainingArgs() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.cli.CommandLine
- getRemainingArgsString() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.cli.CommandLine
- getRemainingArgsWithOptionsString() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.cli.CommandLine
- getRemoteAddress() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient.RequestKey
- getRemoteAddress() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
- getRemoteAddress() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- getRemoteAddress() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- getRepeatableAnnotation(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataSupport
- getRepeatableName(A) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Obtain the name of the repeatable annotation if the annotation is is one.
- getRepeatableName(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getRepeatableName(AnnotationNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getRepeatableNameForType(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getRepeatableNameForType(AnnotatedNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getRepeatableNameForType(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Obtain the name of the repeatable annotation if the annotation is is one.
- getRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.expression.RequestConditionContext
- getRequest() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response.ErrorContext
- getRequestArgumentSatisfier() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- getRequestArgumentSatisfier() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
- getRequestArgumentSatisfier() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.RouteExecutor
- getRequestAttributeName() - Method in exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.UnsatisfiedRequestAttributeRouteException
- getRequestBodyType() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultStatusRouteInfo
- getRequestBodyType() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- getRequestBodyType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
- getRequestParameters() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- getRequestParameters() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
The request parameters used to create this session.
- getRequestURI() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- getRequestURI() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
The request URI this session was opened under.
- getRequiredArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Implementing possible
. - getRequiredArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ParametrizedInstantiatableBeanDefinition
- getRequiredArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.MethodBasedRouteMatch
Returns the required arguments for this RouteMatch.
- getRequiredArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteMatch
Returns the required arguments for this RouteMatch.
- getRequiredArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRouteMatch
Returns the required arguments for this RouteMatch.
- getRequiredClassElement(String, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
This method will lookup another class element by name.
- getRequiredClassElement(Type, VisitorContext) - Static method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.EvaluatedExpressionCompilationUtils
for passed type or throws exception if class element can not be provided. - getRequiredComponents() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getRequiredComponents() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
- getRequiredComponents() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- getRequiredDeclaringElement() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.GenericPlaceholderElement
- getRequiredField(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Finds a field on the given type for the given name.
- getRequiredInput(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteMatch
Return whether the given named input is required by this route.
- getRequiredInternalConstructor(Class<T>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Finds an internal constructor defined by the Micronaut API and throws a
if it doesn't exist. - getRequiredInternalMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Finds an internal method defined by the Micronaut API and throws a
if it doesn't exist. - getRequiredMessage(String, MessageSource.MessageContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code and context or throw an exception.
- getRequiredMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Finds a method on the given type for the given name.
- getRequiredMethod(String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
Finds a single
for the given name and argument types. - getRequiredMethod(String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- getRequiredProperty(String, ArgumentConversionContext<P>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanWrapper
Get the property value of the given type or throw an exception if it is unobtainable.
- getRequiredProperty(String, Argument<P>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanWrapper
Get the property value of the given type or throw an exception if it is unobtainable.
- getRequiredProperty(String, Class<P>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospection
Gets a property of the given name and type or throws
if the property is not present. - getRequiredProperty(String, Class<P>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanWrapper
Get the property value of the given type or throw an exception if it is unobtainable.
- getRequiredProperty(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.PropertyResolver
Resolve the given property for the given name.
- getRequiredRawMessage(String, MessageSource.MessageContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource
Resolve a message for the given code and context or throw an exception.
- getRequiredTypePath(ClassElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationUtils
- getRequiredValue(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Get the value of the
member of the annotation. - getRequiredValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Get the value of the
member of the annotation. - getResolved() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.GenericPlaceholderElement
In some cases the class element can be a resolved placeholder.
- getResource(String) - Method in class
Searches resource loaders for one that supports the given path.
- getResource(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- getResource(String) - Method in class
- getResource(String) - Method in interface
Obtains the URL to a given resource.
- getResource(String) - Method in class
Obtains a resource URL.
- getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in class
Searches resource loaders for one that supports the given path.
- getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in class
- getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in interface
Obtains a resource as a stream.
- getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in class
Obtains a resource as a stream.
- getResourceLeakDetectorLevel() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.configuration.NettyGlobalConfiguration
Provides the value set for the resource leak detection.
- getResourceLoader() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextConfiguration
The class path resource loader to use.
- getResourceLoader() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- getResourceLoaders() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.resource.StaticResourceConfiguration
- getResources(String) - Method in class
Searches resource loaders for one that supports the given path.
- getResources(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- getResources(String) - Method in class
- getResources(String) - Method in interface
Obtains all resources with the given name.
- getResources(String) - Method in class
Obtains a stream of resource URLs.
- getResponse() - Method in exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientResponseException
- getResponse() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponseProvider
- getResponseBodyType() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- getResponseBodyType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
- getResponseConsumer() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.HttpResponseAssertion
- getResult() - Method in class
- getResult() - Method in class
- getResult() - Method in class
- getResult() - Method in interface
- getResult() - Method in class
- getResult() - Method in class
- getRetentionPolicy() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- getRetentionPolicy(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Gets the retention policy for the given annotation.
- getRetentionPolicy(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getRetentionPolicy(AnnotatedNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getRetentionPolicy(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Gets the retention policy for the given annotation.
- getRetry() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.sse.Event
- getRetryCount() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
- getRetryDelay() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
- getRetryPredicate() - Method in interface io.micronaut.retry.RetryState
- getRetryState() - Method in class io.micronaut.retry.event.CircuitOpenEvent
- getRetryState() - Method in class io.micronaut.retry.event.RetryEvent
- getReturnInstance() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractMutableAnnotationMetadata
Provides the return type instance.
- getReturnInstance() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.ElementMutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
Provides the return type instance.
- getReturnInstance() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.GenericPlaceholderElementAnnotationMetadata
- getReturnInstance() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MethodElementAnnotationMetadata
- getReturnInstance() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MutatedMethodElementAnnotationMetadata
- getReturnInstance() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.WildcardElementAnnotationMetadata
- getReturnType() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- getReturnType() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.MethodInterceptorChain
- getReturnType() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- getReturnType() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- getReturnType() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanMethod
- getReturnType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanMethod
- getReturnType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ConstructorElement
- getReturnType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
- getReturnType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingExecutableMethod
- getReturnType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.MethodReference
- getReturnType() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- getReturnType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
- getRootBeanType() - Method in exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanCreationException
- getRootCause() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response.ErrorContext
- getRootDefinition() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- getRootDefinition() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
- getRootMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- getRouteExecutor() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- getRouteExecutor() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
- getRouteInfo() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteMatch
- getRouteInfo() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRouteMatch
- getRouteKey(UriRouteInfo<?, ?>) - Method in class
- getRouter() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
- getRouter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.RouteExecutor
- getRoutes() - Method in class
- getRouteWaitsFor() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- getSameSite() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
Checks to see if this
can be sent along cross-site requests. - getSameSite() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- getSameSite() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- getScheme() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- getScheme() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.ProxyHeaderParser
- getScheme() - Method in interface io.micronaut.runtime.server.EmbeddedServer
- getScope() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getScope() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElement
The scope of the bean.
- getScope() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
- getScope() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- getScope() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getScope(BeanDefinition<?>) - Method in class
- getScopeMap(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.scope.AbstractConcurrentCustomScope
- getScopeName() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getScopeName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
- getScopeName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- getSerializationFeatures() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JacksonFeatures
Serialization features.
- getSerializationInclusion() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
- getSerializationSettings() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
- getServer(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.EmbeddedServerUnderTestProvider
- getServer(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.tck.ServerUnderTestProvider
- getServer(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.tck.ServerUnderTestProvider
- getServer(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.tck.ServerUnderTestProvider
- getServerAddress() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
- getServerAddress() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- getServerAddress() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- getServerConfiguration() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- getServerCookieEncoder() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- getServerHeader() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- getServerName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
- getServerName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- getServerName() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- getServerSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
Gets the server socket channel instance.
- getServerSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- getServerSslBuilder() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- getServerSslBuilder() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
- getServerType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
- getServerUnderTestProvider() - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.ServerUnderTestProviderUtils
- getServiceEntries() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassWriterOutputVisitor
- getServiceEntries() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.ClassWriterOutputVisitor
The META-INF/services entries to write.
- getServiceId() - Method in exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientException
Get the service ID of the http client that produced this exception.
- getServiceId() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
The service id.
- getServiceID() - Method in exception io.micronaut.discovery.exceptions.NoAvailableServiceException
- getServiceID() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.AbstractRoundRobinLoadBalancer
- getServiceID() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.DiscoveryClientRoundRobinLoadBalancer
- getServiceID() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.ServiceInstanceListRoundRobinLoadBalancer
- getServiceIdPattern() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.util.OutgoingRequestProcessorMatcher
- getServiceIds() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.CompositeDiscoveryClient
- getServiceIds() - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.DiscoveryClient
- getServiceLoaders() - Method in class
- getSession() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketClientHandler
- getSession() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- getSession() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketHandler
- getSession() - Method in class io.micronaut.websocket.bind.WebSocketState
- getSessionAttribute() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HttpLocaleResolutionConfigurationProperties
- getSessionAttribute() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.HttpLocaleResolutionConfiguration
- getSeverity() - Method in class
The severity of the status.
- getShort(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getShortLE(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getShutdownQuietPeriod() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
The amount of quiet period for shutdown.
- getShutdownQuietPeriod() - Method in class
- getShutdownQuietPeriod() - Method in interface
- getShutdownQuietPeriod() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.EventLoopConfig
- getShutdownTimeout() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
The amount of time to wait for shutdown.
- getShutdownTimeout() - Method in class
- getShutdownTimeout() - Method in interface
- getShutdownTimeout() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.EventLoopConfig
- getSimpleName() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getSimpleName() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaPackageElement
- getSimpleName() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getSimpleName() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyPackageElement
- getSimpleName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
Obtains the type's simple name.
- getSimpleName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
The simple name without the package name.
- getSimpleName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
The simple name of the element.
- getSimpleName(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Returns the simple name for a class represented as string.
- getSize() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.multipart.FileUpload
Returns the size of the part.
- getSize() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyCompletedFileUpload
- getSize() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload
- getSource() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.BeanContextEvent
- getSource() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.event.AbstractServiceInstanceEvent
- getSource() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.context.event.HttpRequestReceivedEvent
- getSource() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.context.event.HttpRequestTerminatedEvent
- getSource() - Method in interface
- getSource() - Method in class
- getSource() - Method in class
- getSource() - Method in class
- getSource() - Method in class io.micronaut.retry.event.CircuitClosedEvent
- getSource() - Method in class io.micronaut.retry.event.CircuitOpenEvent
- getSource() - Method in class io.micronaut.retry.event.RetryEvent
- getSource() - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshEvent
- getSource() - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.event.AbstractEmbeddedApplicationEvent
- getSource() - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.server.event.ServerShutdownEvent
- getSource() - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.server.event.ServerStartupEvent
- getSource() - Method in class
- getSource() - Method in class io.micronaut.websocket.event.WebSocketEvent
- getSourceEnclosedElements(ElementQuery<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
This method will produce th elements just like
but the elements are constructed as the source ones. - getSseClient(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
- getSseClient(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.sse.SseClientRegistry
Return the client for the given annotation metadata.
- getSslConfiguration() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
- getSslConfiguration() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.CertificateProvidedSslBuilder
- getSslConfiguration() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.SelfSignedSslBuilder
- getSslConfiguration() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.ServerSslBuilder
- getStaticResourceResolver() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- getStaticResourceResolver() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
- getStatus() - Method in class
This method will return the
if the server is configured to calculate the status. - getStatus() - Method in exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientResponseException
- getStatus() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.HttpResponseAdapter
- getStatus() - Method in exception io.micronaut.http.exceptions.HttpStatusException
- getStatus() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
- getStatus() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DelegateStreamedHttpResponse
- getStatus() - Method in interface
- getStatusConfiguration() - Method in class
- getStatusRoutes() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- getStatusRoutes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
- getStereotypeAnnotationNames() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Returns the names of the annotations which are stereotypes.
- getStereotypeAnnotationNames() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getStereotypeAnnotationNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getStereotypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- getStreamConfig() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- getStreamConfig() - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
- getStreamingHttpClient(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
- getStreamingHttpClient(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.StreamingHttpClientRegistry
Return the client for the given annotation metadata.
- getStreamOfTypeForConstructorArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Argument<K>, Qualifier<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains all bean definitions for a constructor argument at the given index
- getStreamOfTypeForField(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Argument<K>, Qualifier<K>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains a bean definition for the field at the given index and the argument at the given index
- getStreamOfTypeForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, int, Argument, Qualifier) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Obtains all bean definitions for the method at the given index and the argument at the given index
- getString() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- getString(Charset) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- getStringValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- getSubprotocol() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
The subprotocol if one is used.
- getSubscriber() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleSubscriberProcessor
Get the current
. - getSubtype() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- getSuperClass(C) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.EnclosedElementsQuery
Extracts the super class.
- getSuperType() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getSuperType() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getSuperType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Returns the super type of this element or empty if the element has no super type.
- getSupportedAnnotation() - Method in class
- getSupportedAnnotation() - Method in class
- getSupportedAnnotation() - Method in class
- getSupportedAnnotationNames() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.visitor.BeanImportHandler
- getSupportedAnnotationNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.BeanImportVisitor
- getSupportedAnnotationNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.graal.reflect.GraalTypeElementVisitor
- getSupportedAnnotationNames() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.TypeElementVisitor
- getSupportedAnnotationNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.routes.FilterVisitor
- getSupportedAnnotationNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.routes.RouteValidationVisitor
- getSupportedAnnotationNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.visitor.async.AsyncTypeElementVisitor
- getSupportedAnnotationNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.websocket.WebSocketVisitor
- getSupportedAnnotationTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.BeanDefinitionInjectProcessor
- getSupportedAnnotationTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.AggregatingTypeElementVisitorProcessor
- getSupportedAnnotationTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.ConfigurationMetadataProcessor
- getSupportedAnnotationTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.PackageConfigurationInjectProcessor
- getSupportedAnnotationTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- getSupportedOptions() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.BeanDefinitionInjectProcessor
- getSupportedOptions() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- getSupportedOptions() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.TypeElementVisitor
Called once when processor loads.
- getSupportedSourceVersion() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- getSupportingLoader(String) - Method in class
Searches resource loaders for one that supports the given prefix.
- getSuspendParameters() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- getSuspendParameters() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
returns true this method exposes the continuation parameter in addition to the other parameters of the method. - getSyntheticBeanProperties() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getSyntheticBeanProperties() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Returns the synthetic bean properties.
- getSystemOptions() - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.visitor.util.VisitorContextUtils
Get visitor's context options from
- getSystemProperties() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.cli.CommandLine
- getTags() - Method in class
- getTags() - Method in interface
The tags attached to the instance.
- getTarget() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
- getTarget() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.InterceptorChain
- getTarget() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InvocationContext
- getTarget() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.BoundExecutable
- getTarget() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- getTarget() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingExecutableMethod
- getTarget() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ExecutionHandle
The target of the method invocation.
- getTarget() - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedExecutor
Implementors can override to specify the target
. - getTarget() - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedExecutorService
Implementors can override to specify the target
. - getTarget() - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedScheduledExecutorService
- getTarget() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.context.WebSocketBean
- getTargetAnnotationMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Unwraps possible a possible delegate or a provider, returns this otherwise.
- getTargetAnnotationMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getTargetAnnotationMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataProvider
- getTargetAnnotationMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Unwraps possible delegate or provider.
- getTargetAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- getTargetAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataReference
- getTargetDefinitionType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ProxyBeanDefinition
- getTargetMethod() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.MethodInterceptorChain
- getTargetMethod() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
Soft resolves the target
avoiding reflection until as late as possible. - getTargetMethod() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractExecutableBeanMethod
- getTargetMethod() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingExecutableMethod
- getTargetMethod() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.MethodReference
- getTargetMethod() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultStatusRouteInfo
- getTargetMethod() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.MethodBasedRouteInfo
- getTargetMethodByIndex(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition
representation at the method by index. - getTargetMethodByIndex(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
representation at the method by index. - getTargetPackage() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.annotation.PackageRenameRemapper
- getTargetType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ProxyBeanDefinition
- getter - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.AstBeanPropertiesUtils.BeanPropertyData
- getterNameFor(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Get the equivalent getter name for the given property.
- getterNameFor(String, boolean) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Get the equivalent getter name for the given property.
- getterNameFor(String, Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Get the equivalent getter name for the given property.
- getterNameFor(String, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Get the equivalent getter name for the given property and a prefix.
- getterNameFor(String, String[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Get the equivalent getter name for the given property and the first prefix.
- getTextContent() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.GeneratedFile
Gets the character content of this file object, if available.
- getThis() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.expressions.DefaultExpressionEvaluationContext
- getThis() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.expressions.ExpressionEvaluationContext
Expressions that are evaluated in non-static contexts can reference "this".
- getThreadFactory() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
[available in the Netty HTTP client].
- getThreadFactoryClass() - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorConfiguration
- getThreadFactoryClass() - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
- getThreadSelection() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- getThreshold() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
- getThreshold() - Method in class
- getThrowable() - Method in class io.micronaut.retry.event.CircuitOpenEvent
- getThrowable() - Method in class io.micronaut.retry.event.RetryEvent
- getThrownTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- getThrownTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- getThrownTypes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
Returns the types declared in the
declaration of a method. - getTimeout() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
- getTimeZone() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
- getTitle() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- getTitle() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link
- getTitle() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response.Error
- getTrustManagerFactory(SslConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ssl.NettyClientSslBuilder
- getTrustManagerFactory(SslConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslBuilder
- getTrustStore() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
- getTrustStore(SslConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.CertificateProvidedSslBuilder
- getTrustStore(SslConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslBuilder
- getType() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getType() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getType() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyEnumConstantElement
- getType() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- getType() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyParameterElement
- getType() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationClassValue
The type if present on the classpath.
- getType() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanProperty
- getType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanProperty
- getType() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- getType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
- getType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- getType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link
- getType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- getType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.KeyStoreConfiguration
- getType() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.TrustStoreConfiguration
- getType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ArgumentBeanType
- getType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
- getType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ParameterElement
- getType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElement
- getType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.TypedElement
- getType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadata
- getType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.PropertyMetadata
- getType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.FieldInjectionPoint
- getType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorConfiguration
- getType() - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
- getType(BeanDefinition<?>) - Method in class
- getTypeAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getTypeAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getTypeAnnotationMetadata() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Returns the type annotations.
- getTypeArgument() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.TypedSubscriber
- getTypeArgumentMap() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- getTypeArgumentMap() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
- getTypeArgumentMap() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getTypeArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- getTypeArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- getTypeArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- getTypeArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- getTypeArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- getTypeArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory
- getTypeArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
- getTypeArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
The type arguments for this method element.
- getTypeArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
If the bean itself declares any type arguments this method will return the classes that represent those types.
- getTypeArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
- getTypeArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.TypeArgumentQualifier
- getTypeArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
- getTypeArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- getTypeArguments(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Get the type arguments for the given type name.
- getTypeArguments(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Get the type arguments for the given type name.
- getTypeArguments(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory
- getTypeArguments(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition
- getTypeArguments(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
Return the type arguments for the given interface or super type for this bean.
- getTypeArguments(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
- getTypeArguments(Class<T>, BT) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.TypeArgumentQualifier
- getTypeArguments(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getTypeArguments(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
Return the type arguments for the given interface or super type for this bean.
- getTypeArguments(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- getTypeDescriptor(TypedElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Returns the descriptor corresponding to the given class.
- getTypeDescriptor(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Returns the descriptor corresponding to the given class.
- getTypeDescriptor(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Returns the descriptor corresponding to the given class.
- getTypeDescriptor(String, String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getTypeElementVisitorProcessor() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.JavaParser
The type element visitor processor to use.
- getTypeForAnnotation(A) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Get the type of the given annotation.
- getTypeForAnnotation(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getTypeForAnnotation(AnnotationNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- getTypeName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotatedTypeInfo
- getTypeName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
- getTypeParameters() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ArgumentConversionContext
- getTypeParameters() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- getTypeParameters() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeVariableResolver
- getTypeParameters() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
Returns the type parameters as a class array for the bean type.
- getTypeParameters(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
Returns the type parameters as a class array for the given type.
- getTypePath(ClassElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationUtils
- getTypePredicates() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery.Result
- getTypeReference(TypedElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.JavaModelUtils
Return the type reference for a class.
- getTypeReference(TypedElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Return the type reference for a class.
- getTypeReferenceForName(String, String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Returns the Type reference corresponding to the given class.
- getTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
The types.
- getTypes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.body.RawMessageBodyHandler
Supported types of this raw body handler.
- getTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.WritableBodyWriter
- getTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.ByteBufRawMessageBodyHandler
- getTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyWritableBodyWriter
- getTypes(Collection<ClassElement>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- getTypeString(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
Returns the string representation of the argument type, including generics.
- getTypeUtils() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.ModelUtils
- getTypeVariable(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeVariableResolver
- getTypeVariables() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ArgumentConversionContext
- getTypeVariables() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionContext
In the case where the type to be converted contains generic type arguments this map will return the concrete types of those arguments.
- getTypeVariables() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- getTypeVariables() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeVariableResolver
- getTypeVariables() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ArgumentBeanType
- getUnboundArguments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.BoundExecutable
If the executable can only be partially bound then this method will return the arguments that have not been bound.
- getUndeclaredOptions() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.cli.CommandLine
- getUnsafe(B) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanProperty
- getUnsafe(B) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.UnsafeBeanProperty
Unsafe version of
. - getUnsignedByte(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getUnsignedInt(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getUnsignedIntLE(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getUnsignedMedium(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getUnsignedMediumLE(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getUnsignedShort(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getUnsignedShortLE(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- getUpperBounds() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.WildcardElement
- getUri() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.FixedLoadBalancer
- getUri() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- getUri() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
- getUri() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- getUri() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- getUri() - Method in class
- getUri() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequest
- getUri() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchInfo
- getUri() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate.DefaultUriMatchInfo
- getUri() - Method in exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.DuplicateRouteException
- getURI() - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
- getURI() - Method in interface io.micronaut.function.client.FunctionDefinition
- getURI() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- getURI() - Method in interface io.micronaut.runtime.server.EmbeddedServer
- getUriMatchTemplate() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultUrlRouteInfo
- getUriMatchTemplate() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRoute
- getUriMatchTemplate() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRouteInfo
- getUriNamingStrategy() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- getUriNamingStrategy() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
- getUriPattern() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.util.OutgoingRequestProcessorMatcher
- getUriRoutes() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- getUriRoutes() - Method in exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.DuplicateRouteException
- getUriRoutes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
- getUriTemplate() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.ClientRequestUriContext
- getUriVariables() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
Any matching URI path variables.
- getUrl() - Method in class
- getUrl() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.FixedLoadBalancer
instead - getURL() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- getURL() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.EmbeddedServerUnderTest
- getURL() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.tck.ServerUnderTest
- getURL() - Method in interface io.micronaut.runtime.server.EmbeddedServer
- getUrls() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
The URLs.
- getUserData() - Method in class
- getUsername() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.BasicAuth
- getUserPrincipal() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
The user principal stored within the request.
- getUserPrincipal() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- getUserPrincipal() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
The user
used to create the session. - getUserPrincipal(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
The user principal stored within the request.
- getUserPrincipal(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- getValue() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.ArgumentBinder.BindingResult
- getValue() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.ImperativeExecutionFlow
- getValue() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.ArgumentValue
- getValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.IntLiteral
- getValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.StringLiteral
- getValue() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
- getValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- getValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- getValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonArray
- getValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
Get the value reprinting this node.
- getValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonObject
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Get the value of default "value" the given annotation.
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Get the value of default "value" the given annotation.
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Get the value of default "value" the given annotation.
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Get the value of the given annotation member.
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Get the value of the given annotation member.
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Get the value of the given annotation member.
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Get the value of default "value" the given annotation.
- getValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(String, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Get the value of default "value" the given annotation.
- getValue(String, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Get the value of default "value" the given annotation.
- getValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Get the value of the given annotation member.
- getValue(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(String, String, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Get the value of the given annotation member.
- getValue(String, String, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(String, String, Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- getValue(String, String, Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getValue(String, String, Argument<T>, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- getValue(String, String, Argument<T>, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Resolves the given value performing type conversion as necessary.
- getValue(String, String, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Get the value of the given annotation member.
- getValue(String, String, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Get the value of the
member of the annotation. - getValue(Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Get the value of the
member of the annotation. - getValue(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
Get a raw value without any conversion.
- getValue(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValuesMap
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver.PlaceholderSegment
- getValue(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver.RawSegment
- getValue(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver.Segment
Returns the value of a given segment converted to the provided type.
- getValue(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Get the value of the
member of the annotation. - getValue(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(String, Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(String, String, Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValue(String, String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValueForConstructorArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Qualifier) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getValueForField(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Qualifier) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getValueForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, int, Qualifier) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- getValueForPath(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, Argument<T1>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Resolve a value for the given field of the given type and path.
- getValueMapper() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- getValues() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- getValues() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
- getValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Get all values for the given annotation.
- getValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValues(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Get all values for the given annotation and type of the underlying values.
- getValues(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getValues(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Get all values for the given annotation and type of the underlying values.
- getValues(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValues(String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- getValues(String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- getValues(String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- getValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValues(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValues(String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- getValueType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
- getVariable() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate.PathSegment
If this path segment represents a variable returns the underlying variable name.
- getVariableMap() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchInfo
- getVariableMap() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate.DefaultUriMatchInfo
- getVariableName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.GenericPlaceholder
- getVariableName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.GenericPlaceholderElement
- getVariableNames() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate
- getVariablePattern(String, char) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate.UriMatchTemplateParser
- getVariablePattern(String, char) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTypeMatchTemplate.TypedUriMatchTemplateParser
- getVariables() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource.MessageContext
- getVariables() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchInfo
- getVariables() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate.DefaultUriMatchInfo
- getVariables() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate
- getVariableSegmentCount() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
- getVariableValues() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchInfo
- getVariableValues() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate.DefaultUriMatchInfo
- getVariableValues() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteMatch
- getVendorData() - Method in class
- getVersion() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanConfiguration
- getVersion() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.version.SemanticVersion
- getVersion() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- getVersion() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanConfiguration
The version of this configuration.
- getVersion(UriRouteMatch<T, R>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.RouteVersionFilter
- getVisibility() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
- getVisitor() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.LoadedVisitor
- getVisitorKind() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
obtains the visitor kind.
- getVisitorKind() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.ConfigurationMetadataProcessor
- getVisitorKind() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- getVisitorKind() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.BeanImportVisitor
- getVisitorKind() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.ConfigurationReaderVisitor
- getVisitorKind() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.ContextConfigurerVisitor
- getVisitorKind() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.ExecutableVisitor
- getVisitorKind() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.InternalApiTypeElementVisitor
- getVisitorKind() - Method in interface io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExpressionEvaluationContextRegistrar
- getVisitorKind() - Method in class io.micronaut.graal.reflect.GraalTypeElementVisitor
- getVisitorKind() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.IntrospectedTypeElementVisitor
- getVisitorKind() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.TypeElementVisitor
- getVisitorKind() - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.routes.FilterVisitor
- getVisitorKind() - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.routes.RouteValidationVisitor
- getVisitorKind() - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.visitor.async.AsyncTypeElementVisitor
- getVisitorKind() - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.websocket.WebSocketVisitor
- getWatchService() - Method in class
- getWebSocket(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.context.WebSocketBeanRegistry
Retrieves a
. - getWebSocketClient(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
- getWebSocketClient(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClientRegistry
Return the client for the given annotation metadata.
- getWebSocketSessionRepository() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- getWebSocketUpgradeHandler(NettyEmbeddedServer) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
- getWebSocketUpgradeHandler(NettyEmbeddedServer) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServices
- getWebSocketURL(ChannelHandlerContext, HttpRequest) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketUpgradeHandler
Obtains the web socket URL.
- getWorker() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
- getWrappedType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
Returns the wrapped type in the case where
returns true. - getWrapper(Class<T2>, T2) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanWrapper
Obtain a bean wrapper for the given bean.
- getWrapper(T2) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanWrapper
Obtain a bean wrapper for the given bean.
- getWrapperType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
If the type is primitive returns the wrapper type, otherwise returns the actual type.
- getWrapperType(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Obtain the wrapper type for the given primitive.
- getWriteAccessKind() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElement
- getWriteIdleTimeout() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- getWriteMember() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElement
- getWriteMethod() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElement
- getWritePrefixes() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
- getZone() - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
Returns the availability zone to use.
- getZone() - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration.InstanceConfiguration
- GitInfoSource - Class in
that retrieves info from Git properties. - GitInfoSource(ResourceResolver, String) - Constructor for class
- global() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Error
Whether the error handler should be registered as a global error handler or just locally to the declaring
. - GMT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
The default GMT zone for date values.
- GOING_AWAY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- GONE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- GOOGLE_COMPUTE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.ComputePlatform
Google Compute Platform.
- GOOGLE_COMPUTE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Cloud provider google compute instance.
- GraalReflectionConfigurer - Interface in io.micronaut.core.graal
Interface that allows dynamic configuration of reflection generated by the GraalTypeElementVisitor.
- GraalReflectionConfigurer.ReflectionConfigurationContext - Interface in io.micronaut.core.graal
Context object for the configuration.
- GraalTypeElementVisitor - Class in io.micronaut.graal.reflect
Generates the GraalVM reflect.json file at compilation time.
- GraalTypeElementVisitor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.graal.reflect.GraalTypeElementVisitor
- GRADLE_PROCESSING_AGGREGATING - Static variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
Constant for aggregating processor.
- GRADLE_PROCESSING_ISOLATING - Static variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
Constant for isolating processor.
- GROOVY - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires.Sdk
- GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation
Groovy implementation of
. - GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder(SourceUnit, CompilationUnit) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- GroovyClassElement - Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
A class element returning data from a
. - GroovyClassElement(GroovyVisitorContext, GroovyNativeElement, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- GroovyConstructorElement - Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
for Groovy. - GroovyElementAnnotationMetadataFactory - Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation
Groovy element annotation metadata factory.
- GroovyElementAnnotationMetadataFactory(boolean, GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- GroovyElementFactory - Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
Implementation of
for Groovy. - GroovyElementFactory(GroovyVisitorContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyElementFactory
- GroovyEnumConstantElement - Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
A enum constant element returning data from a
. - GroovyFieldElement - Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
A field element returning data from a
. - GroovyMethodElement - Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
A method element returning data from a
. - GroovyNativeElement - Interface in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
Groovy's native element.
- GroovyNativeElement.Class - Record Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
The class element.
- GroovyNativeElement.ClassWithOwner - Record Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
The class element with an owner (Generic type etc.).
- GroovyNativeElement.Field - Record Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
The field element.
- GroovyNativeElement.Method - Record Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
The method element.
- GroovyNativeElement.Package - Record Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
The package element.
- GroovyNativeElement.Parameter - Record Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
The parameter element.
- GroovyNativeElement.Placeholder - Record Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
The placeholder element.
- GroovyPackageElement - Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
A class element returning data from a
. - GroovyPackageElement(GroovyVisitorContext, PackageNode, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyPackageElement
Default constructor.
- GroovyParameterElement - Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
Implementation of
for Groovy. - GroovyVisitorContext - Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
The visitor context when visiting Groovy code.
- GroovyVisitorContext(SourceUnit, CompilationUnit) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- GroovyVisitorContext(SourceUnit, CompilationUnit, ClassWriterOutputVisitor) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- group(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance.Builder
Sets the application group.
- GROUP - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
Constant to represent the group of the service contained with
. - GT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- GTE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- GteOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Expression AST node for binary '>=' operator.
- GteOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.GteOperator
- GtOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Expression AST node for binary '>' operator.
- GtOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.GtOperator
- H2C - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpVersionSelection.PlaintextMode
HTTP/2 cleartext upgrade from HTTP/1.1.
- H2C_ERROR_MESSAGE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- H3_ERROR_MESSAGE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- HALF_OPEN - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.retry.CircuitState
The circuit has just closed to allow a single downstream call to check if it is backup.
- handle(Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.DefaultTaskExceptionHandler
- handle(HttpRequest, JsonSyntaxException) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.JsonExceptionHandler
- handle(HttpRequest, UnsatisfiedArgumentException) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.UnsatisfiedArgumentHandler
- handle(HttpRequest, ConversionErrorException) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.ConversionErrorHandler
- handle(HttpRequest, ContentLengthExceededException) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.ContentLengthExceededHandler
- handle(HttpRequest, HttpStatusException) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.HttpStatusHandler
- handle(HttpRequest, DuplicateRouteException) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.DuplicateRouteHandler
- handle(HttpRequest, UnsatisfiedRouteException) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.UnsatisfiedRouteHandler
- handle(HttpRequest, URISyntaxException) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.URISyntaxHandler
- handle(HttpRequest, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.ExceptionHandler
Handles an exception and returns the result.
- handle(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.exceptions.ExceptionHandler
Handle the given exception.
- handle(T, E) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.exceptions.BeanExceptionHandler
Handles the exception.
- handleCloseReason(ChannelHandlerContext, CloseReason, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketClientHandler
- handleCloseReason(ChannelHandlerContext, CloseReason, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
Used to close the session with a given reason.
- handleCreationFailure(BeanDefinition<T>, E) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.TaskExceptionHandler
Handle an error that occurs during creation of the scheduled task.
- handleDestructionException(BeanDestructionException) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.scope.AbstractConcurrentCustomScope
Method that can be overridden to customize what happens on a shutdown error.
- handleException(Exception) - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod
Handle the exception that should be thrown out of the invocation.
- handleForm(FormRouteCompleter) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateMultiObjectBody
- handleForm(FormRouteCompleter) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateSingleObjectBody
- handleForm(FormRouteCompleter) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.MultiObjectBody
Special handling for form data.
- handleForm(FormRouteCompleter) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.StreamingMultiObjectBody
- handleHandshake(ChannelHandlerContext, NettyHttpRequest, WebSocketBean<?>, MutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketUpgradeHandler
Do the handshaking for WebSocket request.
- handleIfModifiedAndHeaders(HttpRequest<?>, MutableHttpResponse<?>, FileCustomizableResponseType, NettyMutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.SystemFileBodyWriter
- HANDLER_ACCESS_LOGGER - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_ACTIVITY_LISTENER - Static variable in interface
Handler that listens for channelActive to trigger, which will finish up the connection setup.
- HANDLER_BODY_PUBLISHER - Static variable in class
- HANDLER_CONNECT_TTL - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_FLOW_CONTROL - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_HTTP_AGGREGATOR - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_HTTP_CHUNK - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_HTTP_CLIENT_CODEC - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_HTTP_CLIENT_INIT - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_HTTP_COMPRESSOR - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_HTTP_DECODER - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_HTTP_DECOMPRESSOR - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_HTTP_PROXY - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_HTTP_SERVER_CODEC - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_HTTP_STREAM - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_HTTP_TO_HTTPS_REDIRECT - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_HTTP2_CONNECTION - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATOR - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_HTTP2_SETTINGS - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_HTTP2_UPGRADE_REQUEST - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_IDLE_STATE - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_INITIAL_ERROR - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_MICRONAUT_FULL_HTTP_RESPONSE - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_MICRONAUT_HTTP_RESPONSE_FULL - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_MICRONAUT_HTTP_RESPONSE_STREAM - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_MICRONAUT_INBOUND - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_MICRONAUT_SSE_CONTENT - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_MICRONAUT_SSE_EVENT_STREAM - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_MICRONAUT_WEBSOCKET_CLIENT - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_READ_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_SOCKS_5_PROXY - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_SSL - Static variable in interface
- HANDLER_WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE - Static variable in interface
- handlerAdded(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerPublisher
- handlerAdded(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerSubscriber
- handlerAdded(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.PipeliningServerHandler
- handleResult(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod
Handle the value that should be the result of the invocation.
- HandlerPublisher<T> - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive
Publisher for a Netty Handler.
- HandlerPublisher(EventExecutor) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerPublisher
Create a handler publisher.
- handlerRemoved(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerPublisher
- handlerRemoved(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerSubscriber
- handlerRemoved(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- handlerRemoved(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.PipeliningServerHandler
- handlerRemoved(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketHandler
- HandlerSubscriber<T> - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive
Subscriber that publishes received messages to the handler pipeline.
- HandlerSubscriber(EventExecutor) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerSubscriber
Create a new handler subscriber with the default low and high watermarks.
- handleStartupException(Environment, Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
Default handling of startup exceptions.
- handleUnboundError(Throwable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.RequestHandler
Handle an error that is not bound to a request, i.e.
- handleUnboundError(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.RoutingInBoundHandler
- handleUnboundError(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketUpgradeHandler
- handleWebSocketFrame(ChannelHandlerContext, WebSocketFrame) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
Handles WebSocket frame request.
- handshakerFactory() - Method in class
- handshakerFactory() - Method in interface
Get the handshaker factory to use to reconfigure the channel.
- hasAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Checks whether this object has the given annotation on the object itself or inherited from a parent.
- hasAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- hasAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Checks whether this object has the given annotation on the object itself or inherited from a parent.
- hasAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- hasAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- hasAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotatedTypeInfo
Checks whether an annotation for the given name exists.
- hasAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- hasAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- hasAnnotation(Element, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Checks if a method has an annotation.
- hasAnnotation(Element, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Checks if a method has an annotation.
- hasAnnotation(ExecutableElement, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Checks if a method has an annotation.
- hasAnnotation(AnnotatedNode, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- hasAnnotation(AnnotatedNode, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- hasAnnotation(T, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Checks whether an annotation is present.
- hasAnnotation(T, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Checks whether an annotation is present.
- hasAnnotations(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- hasAnnotations(AnnotatedNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- hasAnnotations(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Checks whether any annotations are present on the given element.
- hasAroundStereotype(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.aop.internal.intercepted.InterceptedMethodUtil
Does the given metadata have AOP advice declared.
- hasArray() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- hasBody(HttpResponse) - Method in class
- hasCachedInterceptedTarget() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedProxy
Check if the proxy has the target cached before calling
. - hasCachedInterceptedTarget() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.proxy.InterceptedBeanProxy
Check if the proxy has the target cached before calling
. - hasDeclaredAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Checks whether this object has the given annotation directly declared on the object.
- hasDeclaredAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- hasDeclaredAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Checks whether this object has the given annotation directly declared on the object.
- hasDeclaredAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- hasDeclaredAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- hasDeclaredAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- hasDeclaredAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- hasDeclaredAroundAdvice(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.aop.internal.intercepted.InterceptedMethodUtil
Does the given metadata have declared AOP advice.
- hasDeclaredQualifierAnnotation(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Has qualifier annotations.
- hasDeclaredStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Checks whether this object has the given stereotype directly declared on the object.
- hasDeclaredStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- hasDeclaredStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Checks whether this object has any of the given stereotype directly declared on the object.
- hasDeclaredStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Checks whether this object has the given annotation stereotype on the object itself and not inherited from a parent
- hasDeclaredStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- hasDeclaredStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- hasDeclaredStereotype(String...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Checks whether this object has any of the given stereotype directly declared on the object.
- hasDeclaredStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- hasDeclaredStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- hasDeclaredStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- hasDynamicSegments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
A configuration can have dynamic segments if it is nested within a
instance. - hasErrors() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ErrorsContext
- hasErrors() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response.ErrorContext
- hasEvaluatedExpressions() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- hasEvaluatedExpressions() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.PrecalculatedInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - hasEvaluatedExpressions() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Does the metadata contain any evaluated expressions like
#{ T(java.lang.Math).random() }
. - hasEvaluatedExpressions() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
If this AnnotationValue contains Evaluated Expressions.
- hasEvaluatedExpressions() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- hasEvaluatedExpressions() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- hasEvaluatedExpressions() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- hasEvaluatedExpressions() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.EvaluatedAnnotationMetadata
- hasEvaluatedExpressions() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
- hasEvaluatedExpressions() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.EvaluatedExpressionProcessor
- hasFormRouteCompleter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- hash(Object, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ObjectUtils
Hashing method.
- hash(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ObjectUtils
Hashing method.
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Method
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Package
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Placeholder
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Variable
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.ExtendedParameter
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.ClassWithOwner
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Field
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Method
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Package
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Parameter
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Placeholder
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.AnnotationSegment
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition.MethodReference
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.PrecalculatedInfo
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractMessageSource.MessageKey
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.BeanRegistration
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.DisabledBean
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.propagation.slf4j.MdcPropagationContext
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationClassValue
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanProperty
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.cli.Option
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValuesMap
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.core.expressions.EvaluatedExpressionReference
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalValuesMap
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExpressionWithContext
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.compilation.ExpressionVisitorContext
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.Token
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient.RequestKey
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ProxyRequestOptions
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.context.ServerHttpRequestContext
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.BaseFilterProcessor.FilterMetadata
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterOrder.Dynamic
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterOrder.Fixed
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.AroundLegacy
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.Async
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.GenericResource
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.JsonCounter.BufferRegion
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload.Factory
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate.DefaultUriMatchInfo
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchVariable
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.InterceptorBindingQualifier
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.TypeAnnotationQualifier
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.TypeArgumentQualifier
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JacksonFeatures
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonArray
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonObject
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultErrorRouteInfo
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultStatusRouteInfo
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.qualifier.ConsumesMediaTypeQualifier
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.qualifier.ProducesMediaTypeQualifier
- hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- hasIntroductionStereotype(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.aop.internal.intercepted.InterceptedMethodUtil
Does the given metadata have introduction declared.
- hasMemoryAddress() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- hasMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadataBuilder
- hasMethods() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.HttpFilterResolver.FilterEntry
- hasOption(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.cli.CommandLine
- hasParameters() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
Returns true if the method has parameters.
- hasPatterns() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.HttpFilterResolver.FilterEntry
- hasPropertyExpressions() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- hasPropertyExpressions() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- hasPropertyExpressions() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.EnvironmentConfigurable
- hasPropertyExpressions() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Does the metadata contain any property expressions like
. - hasPropertyExpressions() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- hasPropertyExpressions() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- hasPropertyExpressions() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- hasPropertyExpressions() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
- hasSetterOrConstructorArgument() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanProperty
This method returns true if the property can be mutated either via copy constructor or bean setter.
- hasSimpleAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Checks whether the given annotation simple name (name without the package) is present in the annotations.
- hasSimpleAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- hasSimpleDeclaredAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Checks whether the given annotation simple name (name without the package) is present in the declared annotations.
- hasSimpleDeclaredAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- hasStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Checks whether this object has the given annotation stereotype on the object itself or inherited from a parent
- hasStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- hasStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Check whether any of the given stereotypes is present.
- hasStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Checks whether this object has the given annotation stereotype on the object itself or inherited from a parent
- hasStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- hasStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- hasStereotype(String[]) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Check whether any of the given stereotypes is present.
- hasStereotype(Class<? extends Annotation>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- hasStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- hasStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- hasStereotype(String[]) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- hasStereotypeNonRepeating(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Faster version of
that does not support repeatable annotations. - hasText(CharSequence) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Return whether the given string has non whitespace characters.
- hasTypeVariables() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
- hasVisitors() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
Does this process have any visitors.
- HateoasErrorResponseProcessor - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response
Creates Hateoas JSON error responses.
- HateoasErrorResponseProcessor(JsonConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response.HateoasErrorResponseProcessor
- head(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequestFactory
- head(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestFactory
Return a
that executes anHttpMethod.HEAD
request for the given URI. - head(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequestFactory
- Head - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a
. - HEAD - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.MethodConvention
The default head method of controllers.
- HEAD - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
- HEAD(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- HEAD(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Find the first
route for anHttpMethod.HEAD
method and the given URI. - HEAD(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified class.
- HEAD(Class<?>, PropertyConvention) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified class and ID.
- HEAD(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified object.
- HEAD(Object, PropertyConvention) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified object and ID.
- HEAD(String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Return a
for aHttpMethod.HEAD
request for the given URI. - HEAD(String, BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- HEAD(String, BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- HEAD(String, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- HEAD(String, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- HEAD(String, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- HEAD(String, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI to the specified target for an HTTP GET.
- HEAD(String, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- HEAD(String, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- HEAD(URI) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Return a
for aHttpMethod.HEAD
request for the given URI. - header(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return the first value for the given header or null.
- header(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpMessage
Set a response header.
- header(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpRequest
- header(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
- header(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.HttpResponseAssertion.Builder
- Header - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
An annotation that can be applied to method argument to indicate that the method argument is bound from an HTTP header This also can be used in conjunction with @Headers to list headers on a client class that will always be applied.
- HeaderAnnotationBinder<T> - Class in io.micronaut.http.bind.binders
implementation that uses theHeader
annotation to trigger binding from an HTTP header. - HeaderAnnotationBinder(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.HeaderAnnotationBinder
- HeaderClientRequestBinder - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.bind.binders
implementation forHeader
. - HeaderClientRequestBinder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.binders.HeaderClientRequestBinder
- HeaderElementBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
Builder for Headerlement and HeadersElement.
- HeaderElementBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.HeaderElementBuilder
- headers() - Method in class
- headers() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DelegateStreamedHttpResponse
- headers(Consumer<MutableHttpHeaders>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpMessage
Mutate the headers with the given consumer.
- headers(Consumer<MutableHttpHeaders>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpRequest
- headers(Consumer<MutableHttpHeaders>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
- headers(Map<CharSequence, CharSequence>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpMessage
Set multiple headers.
- headers(Map<CharSequence, CharSequence>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpRequest
- headers(Map<CharSequence, CharSequence>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
- headers(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.HttpResponseAssertion.Builder
- Headers - Interface in io.micronaut.core.type
Common interface for all headers types.
- Headers - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
This lets you declare several headers for a client class and have them always included.
- headersConfigured() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HostResolutionConfiguration
- HeadersTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- HeadersTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.HeadersTest
- HeaderVersionResolver - Class in io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution
responsible for extracting version fromHttpHeaders
. - HeaderVersionResolver(HeaderVersionResolverConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.HeaderVersionResolver
Creates a
to extract version from request header. - HeaderVersionResolverConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution
Configuration for version resolution via headers.
- HeaderVersionResolverConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.HeaderVersionResolverConfiguration
- headRoute() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get
- HealthAggregator<T extends HealthResult> - Interface in
Aggregates all registered health indicators into a single response.
- HealthCheckType - Enum Class in
Options for
selector that aggregatesHealthIndicator
according toLiveness
qualifiers. - HealthEndpoint - Class in
Exposes an
to provide information about the health of the application. - HealthEndpoint(HealthAggregator<HealthResult>, HealthIndicator[], HealthIndicator[]) - Constructor for class
- HealthEndpoint.StatusConfiguration - Class in
Configuration related to handling of the
. - healthEndpointExposed() - Method in class
This test verifies health endpoint is exposed.
- HealthIndicator - Interface in
Describes an indicator of health of the application.
- HealthLevelOfDetail - Enum Class in
This class provides a set of common constants to indicate the level of detail to be included in the Health status response.
- HealthMonitorTask - Class in
A continuous health monitor that that updates the
in a background thread. - HealthMonitorTask(CurrentHealthStatus, HealthIndicator...) - Constructor for class
- HealthMonitorTask(CurrentHealthStatus, List<HealthIndicator>) - Constructor for class
- HealthResult - Interface in
Used to represent the output of a
. - HealthResult.Builder - Class in
Helper class to build instances.
- HealthResultFilter - Class in
A filter that matches the
and returns an appropriate HTTP status code. - HealthResultFilter(HealthEndpoint) - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
- healthStatus - Variable in class
- HealthStatus - Class in
The status of a health indicator.
- HealthStatus(String) - Constructor for class
- HealthStatus(String, String, Boolean, Integer) - Constructor for class
- HealthTest - Class in
- HealthTest() - Constructor for class
- HeartbeatConfiguration - Class in
Configuration for heart beat.
- HeartbeatConfiguration() - Constructor for class
- HeartbeatDiscoveryClientCondition - Class in
Custom condition to conditionally enable the heart beat.
- HeartbeatDiscoveryClientCondition() - Constructor for class
- HeartbeatEnabled - Annotation Interface in
Annotation that expresses the requirements for enabling the heart beat.
- HeartbeatEvent - Class in
A heartbeat event is an event fired periodically and configured by
. - HeartbeatEvent(ServiceInstance, HealthStatus) - Constructor for class
- HeartbeatTask - Class in
A scheduled task that sends a periodic heartbeat whilst the server is active.
- HeartbeatTask(ApplicationEventPublisher, HeartbeatConfiguration, CurrentHealthStatus) - Constructor for class
- HelloWorldTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- HelloWorldTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.HelloWorldTest
- HELP - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link
Help link.
- HEROKU - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Running on Heroku.
- hides(MemberElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.FieldElement
- hides(MemberElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MemberElement
Checks if this member element hides another.
- hides(MemberElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
- hides(MemberElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- hides(MemberElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ConstructorElement
- HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.order.Ordered
Constant for the highest precedence value.
- host(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriBuilder
Sets the URI host.
- HOST - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - HOSTNAME - Enum constant in enum class
- HOSTNAME - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
The host name environment variable.
- HostResolutionConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HostResolutionConfiguration
- HotObservable<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive
A contract for a publisher that buffers data to allow for the release of that data if there will not be a subscriber.
- hotswap() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.aop.Around
is set totrue
then one can optionally set the value ofhotswap
to true in which case the proxy will implement theHotSwappableInterceptedProxy
interface. - HOTSWAP - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.aop.Interceptor
setting. - HotSwappableInterceptedProxy<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.aop
Extended version of
that allows swapping out the previous instance. - HREF - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link
Href link.
- hreflang(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link.Builder
- hreflang(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- HtmlBodyWritableTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.bodywritable
- HtmlBodyWritableTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.bodywritable.HtmlBodyWritableTest
- HTTP_1 - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpVersionSelection.PlaintextMode
Normal HTTP/1.1 connection.
- HTTP_1_0 - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpVersion
. - HTTP_1_1 - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpVersion
. - HTTP_2_0 - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpVersion
. - HTTP_ACCESS_LOGGER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.HttpAccessLogHandler
The default logger name.
- HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- http2() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ConnectionManager.PoolHandle
- HTTP2_STREAM - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientCustomizer.ChannelRole
The channel is a HTTP2 stream channel.
- Http2Content - Interface in
- http2Settings() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http2Settings
Returns netty's http2 settings.
- Http2Settings() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http2Settings
- Http3Settings() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http3Settings
- HttpAbstractLocaleResolver - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale
Provides an abstract class which implements
and handles default locale resolution. - HttpAbstractLocaleResolver(HttpLocaleResolutionConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.HttpAbstractLocaleResolver
- HttpAccessLogHandler - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog
Logging handler for HTTP access logs.
- HttpAccessLogHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.HttpAccessLogHandler
Creates a HttpAccessLogHandler.
- HttpAccessLogHandler(String, String, Predicate<String>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.HttpAccessLogHandler
Creates a HttpAccessLogHandler.
- HttpAccessLogHandler(Logger, String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.HttpAccessLogHandler
Creates a HttpAccessLogHandler.
- HttpAccessLogHandler(Logger, String, Predicate<String>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.HttpAccessLogHandler
Creates a HttpAccessLogHandler.
- HttpAttributes - Enum Class in io.micronaut.http
Common HTTP attributes.
- HttpBody - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body
Base type for a representation of an HTTP request body.
- httpClient(InjectionPoint<?>, LoadBalancer, HttpClientConfiguration, BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.DefaultJdkHttpClientRegistry
Creates a* HTTP Client.
- httpClient(InjectionPoint<?>, LoadBalancer, HttpClientConfiguration, BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
Creates a new
for the given injection point. - HttpClient - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client
A non-blocking HTTP client interface designed around the Micronaut API and Reactive Streams.
- HttpClientAddressResolver - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.util
Resolves the client IP address from the request.
- HttpClientBinderRegistry - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client.bind
A registry of
instances. - HttpClientConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.client
Configuration for the
. - HttpClientConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Default constructor.
- HttpClientConfiguration(HttpClientConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Copy constructor.
- HttpClientConfiguration(ApplicationConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
- HttpClientConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.client
Configuration for the HTTP client connnection pool.
- HttpClientErrorDecoder - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions
Strategy interface for decoding the error from a server respponse.
- HttpClientException - Exception in io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions
Parent class for all HTTP client exceptions.
- HttpClientException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientException
- HttpClientException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientException
- HttpClientException(String, Throwable, boolean) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientException
- HttpClientExceptionUtils - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions
Utility Class to work with
. - HttpClientFactory - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client
A factory to create HTTP clients.
- HttpClientFilter - Interface in io.micronaut.http.filter
An HttpClientFilter extends
and allows the passed request to be mutated. - HttpClientFilterResolver<T extends AnnotationMetadataProvider> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.filter
Subinterface for filter resolution specific to HTTP client filters.
- HttpClientIntroductionAdvice - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor
Introduction advice that implements the
annotation. - HttpClientIntroductionAdvice(HttpClientRegistry<?>, JsonMediaTypeCodec, List<ReactiveClientResultTransformer>, HttpClientBinderRegistry, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor.HttpClientIntroductionAdvice
Constructor for advice class to set up things like Headers, Cookies, Parameters for Clients.
- HttpClientRegistry<T extends HttpClient> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client
Interface for managing the construction and lifecycle of instances of
clients. - HttpClientResponseException - Exception in io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions
An exception that occurs when a response returns an error code equal to or greater than 400.
- HttpClientResponseException(String, HttpResponse<?>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientResponseException
- HttpClientResponseException(String, Throwable, HttpResponse<?>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientResponseException
- HttpClientResponseException(String, Throwable, HttpResponse<?>, HttpClientErrorDecoder) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientResponseException
- HttpCompressionStrategy - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Determines if a given http message should be compressed.
- HttpContentProcessor - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Deprecated.Use the
API instead - HttpContentProcessorAsReactiveProcessor - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Utility class for transforming a
using aHttpContentProcessor
to aPublisher
Note: A more complicated, but possibly faster, implementation of this class is archived in the original PR. - HttpContentProcessorResolver - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Responsible for determining which
to use to process the body of the request. - HttpContentSubscriberFactory - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Interface that allows plugging into the constructor of the
subscriber. - HttpContentUtil - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty.content
Utility methods for generated HTTP content.
- HttpContentUtil() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.content.HttpContentUtil
- HttpConverterRegistrar - Class in io.micronaut.http.converters
Converter registrar for HTTP classes.
- HttpConverterRegistrar(Provider<ResourceResolver>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.converters.HttpConverterRegistrar
Default constructor.
- HttpException - Exception in io.micronaut.http.exceptions
Parent class of all exceptions thrown during HTTP processing.
- HttpException() - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.exceptions.HttpException
Default constructor.
- HttpException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.exceptions.HttpException
- HttpException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.exceptions.HttpException
- HttpException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.exceptions.HttpException
- HttpFilter - Interface in io.micronaut.http.filter
A interface for classes that can intercept and filter
instances and can either proceed with the request or return a modified result. - HttpFilterResolver<T extends AnnotationMetadataProvider> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.filter
A contract for resolving filters for a given request.
- HttpFilterResolver.FilterEntry - Interface in io.micronaut.http.filter
A resolved filter entry.
- HttpFixedLocaleResolver - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale
Generic implementation of
for fixed locale resolution. - HttpFixedLocaleResolver(HttpLocaleResolutionConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.HttpFixedLocaleResolver
- HttpFunctionExecutor<I,
O> - Class in io.micronaut.function.client.http -
that uses aHttpClient
to execute a remote function definition. - HttpFunctionExecutor(ConversionService, HttpClient) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.function.client.http.HttpFunctionExecutor
- HttpHeaders - Interface in io.micronaut.http
Constants for common HTTP headers.
- HttpHeadersAdapter - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.jdk
Adapter from
. - HttpHeadersAdapter(HttpHeaders, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.HttpHeadersAdapter
- HttpHeadersUtil - Class in io.micronaut.http.util
Utility class to work with
or HTTP Headers. - HttpHeaderValues - Interface in io.micronaut.http
Interface for common HTTP header values.
- HttpHostResolver - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.util
Resolves the host name of the current server.
- httpLocaleResolutionConfiguration - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.HttpAbstractLocaleResolver
- HttpLocaleResolutionConfiguration - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale
Configuration for Locale Resolution in a HTTP Request.
- HttpLocaleResolutionConfigurationProperties() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HttpLocaleResolutionConfigurationProperties
- HttpLocaleResolver - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale
Responsible for determining the current locale from a request.
- HttpLocalizedMessageSource - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale
which uses the currentHttpRequest
to resolve the locale and hence return the localized messages. - HttpLocalizedMessageSource(LocaleResolver<HttpRequest<?>>, MessageSource) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.HttpLocalizedMessageSource
- HttpMessage<B> - Interface in io.micronaut.http
Common interface for HTTP messages.
- HttpMessageWrapper<B> - Class in io.micronaut.http
A wrapper around an
. - HttpMessageWrapper(HttpMessage<B>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.HttpMessageWrapper
- httpMethod - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- httpMethod() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.MethodConvention
- HttpMethod - Enum Class in io.micronaut.http
An enum containing the valid HTTP methods.
- HttpMethodMapping - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
A meta annotation for HTTP
actions. - httpMethodName - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- httpOnly(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
Sets whether the cookie is HTTP-Only.
- httpOnly(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- httpOnly(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- HttpParameters - Interface in io.micronaut.http
Represents HTTP query parameters parsed from the
. - httpRequest() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.context.ServerHttpRequestContext
Returns the value of the
record component. - HttpRequest<B> - Interface in io.micronaut.http
Common interface for HTTP request implementations.
- HttpRequestFactory - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.jdk
Utility class to create
from a Micronaut HTTP Request. - HttpRequestFactory - Interface in io.micronaut.http
A factory interface for
objects. - HttpRequestReceivedEvent - Class in io.micronaut.http.context.event
An event fired when an
is received by the server. - HttpRequestReceivedEvent(HttpRequest<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.context.event.HttpRequestReceivedEvent
- HttpRequestTerminatedEvent - Class in io.micronaut.http.context.event
An event fired when an
is finalized by the server. - HttpRequestTerminatedEvent(HttpRequest<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.context.event.HttpRequestTerminatedEvent
- HttpRequestWrapper<B> - Class in io.micronaut.http
A wrapper around a
. - HttpRequestWrapper(HttpRequest<B>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- HttpResponse<B> - Interface in io.micronaut.http
Common interface for HTTP response implementations.
- HttpResponseAdapter<O> - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.jdk
Adapter from
. - HttpResponseAdapter(HttpResponse<byte[]>, Argument<O>, ConversionService, MediaTypeCodecRegistry) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.HttpResponseAdapter
- HttpResponseAssertion - Class in io.micronaut.http.tck
Utility class to verify assertions given an HTTP Response.
- HttpResponseAssertion.Builder - Class in io.micronaut.http.tck
HTTP Response Assertion Builder.
- HttpResponseFactory - Interface in io.micronaut.http
A factory interface for creating
instances. - HttpResponseProvider - Interface in io.micronaut.http
A contract to provide an http response.
- HttpResponseWrapper<B> - Class in io.micronaut.http
A wrapper around a
. - HttpResponseWrapper(HttpResponse<B>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.HttpResponseWrapper
- HttpServerConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.server
A base
for servers. - HttpServerConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
Default constructor.
- HttpServerConfiguration(ApplicationConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- HttpServerConfiguration.CorsConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.server
Configuration for CORS.
- HttpServerConfiguration.HostResolutionConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.server
Configuration for host resolution with the
. - HttpServerConfiguration.HttpLocaleResolutionConfigurationProperties - Class in io.micronaut.http.server
Configuration for locale resolution used by
. - HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.server
Configuration for multipart handling.
- HttpServerException - Exception in io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions
Exceptions related to the HTTP server.
- HttpServerException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.HttpServerException
- HttpServerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.HttpServerException
- HttpServerFilter - Interface in io.micronaut.http.filter
An HttpServerFilter extends
and provides the response as aMutableHttpResponse
. - HttpServerFilterExceptionHandlerTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter
- HttpServerFilterExceptionHandlerTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.HttpServerFilterExceptionHandlerTest
- HttpServerFilterResolver<T extends AnnotationMetadataProvider> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.filter
Subinterface for filter resolution specific to HTTP server filters.
- httpServerFilterTest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.HttpServerFilterTest
- HttpServerFilterTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter
- HttpServerFilterTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.HttpServerFilterTest
- HttpServerFilterTest.MyController - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter
- HttpStatus - Enum Class in io.micronaut.http
Represents HTTP status codes.
- HttpStatusException - Exception in io.micronaut.http.exceptions
Exception thrown to return a specific HttpStatus and an error message.
- HttpStatusException(HttpStatus, Object) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.exceptions.HttpStatusException
- HttpStatusException(HttpStatus, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.exceptions.HttpStatusException
- HttpStatusHandler - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions
Handles exception of type
. - HttpStatusHandler(ErrorResponseProcessor<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.HttpStatusHandler
- HttpStreamsClientHandler - Class in
Handler that converts written
messages intoHttpRequest
messages followed byHttpContent
messages and readsHttpResponse
messages followed byHttpContent
messages and producesStreamedHttpResponse
messages. - HttpStreamsClientHandler() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
- HttpTypeInformationProvider - Class in io.micronaut.http.util
Provide type information for HTTP response.
- HttpTypeInformationProvider() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.util.HttpTypeInformationProvider
- HttpUtil - Class in io.micronaut.http.util
Utility methods for HTTP handling.
- HttpUtil() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.util.HttpUtil
- httpVersion - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- httpVersion() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.client.annotation.Client
Deprecated.There are now separate settings for HTTP and HTTPS connections. To configure HTTP connections (e.g. for h2c), use
. To configure ALPN, setClient.alpnModes()
. - HttpVersion - Enum Class in io.micronaut.http
Enum representing different HTTP versions.
- HttpVersionSelection - Class in io.micronaut.http.client
This class collects information about HTTP client protocol version settings, such as the
and the ALPN configuration. - HttpVersionSelection.PlaintextMode - Enum Class in io.micronaut.http.client
The connection mode to use for plaintext (non-TLS) connections.
- hyphenate(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Converts camel case to hyphenated, lowercase form.
- hyphenate(String, boolean) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Converts camel case to hyphenated, lowercase form.
- HYPHENATED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.StringConvention
Hyphenated, in lower case.
- HyphenatedUriNamingStrategy - Class in io.micronaut.web.router.naming
The default
if none is provided by the application. - HyphenatedUriNamingStrategy() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.naming.HyphenatedUriNamingStrategy
- I_AM_A_TEAPOT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- IBM - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.ComputePlatform
IBM Cloud.
- IBM - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Cloud provider IBM cloud.
- id() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.BeanRegistration
- id() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.scope.BeanCreationContext
- id() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.scope.CreatedBean
Returns an ID that is unique to the bean and can be used to cache the instance if necessary.
- id() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.client.annotation.Client
- id() - Element in annotation interface
- id(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.sse.Event
Sets the id.
- ID - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.PropertyConvention
The ID property used in REST endpoints and object mapping.
- ID - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
The id of the handler used when adding it to the Netty pipeline.
- ID - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketHandler
The id of the handler used when adding it to the Netty pipeline.
- ID - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketUpgradeHandler
- ID - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.sse.Event
The id parameter.
- ID - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Used to signify to the route that the ID of the resource is used.
- ID_PATH - Static variable in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.MethodConvention
Path for the id.
- IDENTIFIER - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- identity() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.util.functional.ThrowingFunction
Returns a function that always returns its input argument.
- IDLE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber.BackPressureState
There is no demand yet and no buffering has taken place.
- IF_MATCH - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - IF_MODIFIED_SINCE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - IF_NONE_MATCH - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - IF_RANGE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - ifModifiedSince(long) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
Adds the IF_MODIFIED_SINCE header for the given
. - ifModifiedSince(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- ifModifiedSince(LocalDateTime) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
Adds the IF_MODIFIED_SINCE header for the given
. - ifModifiedSince(LocalDateTime) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- ifPresent(Consumer<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanProvider
Executes the given logic if the bean is present.
- ifResolvable(Consumer<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanProvider
Executes the given logic if the bean is resolvable.
- ignoreSettersWithDifferingType(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
Set whether to ignore setters that have a different receiver type to the getter return type.
- IM_USED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- IMAGE_GIF - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Gif Image: image/gif.
- IMAGE_GIF_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Gif Image: image/gif.
- IMAGE_JPEG - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Jpeg Image: image/jpeg.
- IMAGE_JPEG_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Jpeg Image: image/jpeg.
- IMAGE_PNG - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Png Image: image/png.
- IMAGE_PNG_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Png Image: image/png.
- IMAGE_WEBP - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Webp Image: image/webp.
- IMAGE_WEBP_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Webp Image: image/webp.
- ImmediateByteBody - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body
Fully buffered
, all operations are eager. - ImmediateMultiObjectBody - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body
, all operations are eager. - ImmediateSingleObjectBody - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body
that contains a single object. - ImmutableArgumentConversionContext<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert
Immutable variant of
that can be used as a constant in cases where conversion error handling and rejection is not required. - ImperativeExecutionFlow<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.execution
The imperative execution flow.
- implementInterceptedTypeMethod(Type, ClassWriter) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Implements a method called "getInterceptedType" for the given type and class writer.
- Import - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Allows importing an already compiled set of beans, placing any generating beans relative to the class where the import annotation is defined.
- include(String...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Allow customizing the configurations that will be loaded.
- include(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
Allow customizing the configurations that will be loaded.
- include(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
- includedAnnotations() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected
The annotation types that if present on the property cause only the properties with the specified annotation to be included in the result.
- includeEnumConstants() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Indicates to include enum constants, only applicable for fields query.
- includeHiddenElements() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Indicates to include hidden methods/fields, only applicable for methods/fields query.
- includeJars(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.scan.ClassPathAnnotationScanner
Whether to include JAR files.
- includeOverriddenMethods() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Indicates to include overridden methods, only applicable for methods query.
- includes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties
The property names to include.
- includes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationBuilder
- includes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationProperties
- includes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationReader
- includes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.EachProperty
- includes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected
The property names to include.
- includes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.CircuitBreaker
- includes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.Fallback
- includes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.Retryable
- includes(Set<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
Sets the property names to include.
- INCREMENT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- index - Variable in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
- index - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.AbstractRoundRobinLoadBalancer
- index() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath.ConfigurationSegment
The current index.
- index() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
- INDEX - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath.ConfigurationSegment.ConfigurationKind
A dynamic index.
- INDEX - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.MethodConvention
The index method of controllers.
- indexed() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected
The annotation types that should be indexed for lookup via
orBeanIntrospection.getIndexedProperty(Class, String)
is specified. - Indexed - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
An annotation that can be used on types where there may be many implementations of a particular interface.
- Indexes - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
to be repeatable. - indexOf(byte) - Method in interface
Find the index of the first occurrence of the given byte.
- indexOf(byte) - Method in class
- indexOf(int, int, byte) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- info(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- info(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- info(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
Allows printing informational messages.
- info(String, Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- info(String, Element) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
Allows printing informational messages.
- info(String, Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- INFO - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.logging.LogLevel
- InfoAggregator<T> - Interface in
Aggregates all registered info sources into a single response.
- InfoEndpoint - Class in
Exposes an
to provide information about the application. - InfoEndpoint(InfoAggregator, InfoSource[]) - Constructor for class
- InfoSource - Interface in
Describes an source of info that will be retrieved by the
. - Infrastructure - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Infrastructure scope represents a bean that cannot be overridden or replaced because it is critical to the functioning of the system.
- init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.ConfigurationMetadataProcessor
- init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.BeanDefinitionInjectProcessor
- init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.PackageConfigurationInjectProcessor
- init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- initBeanParameters(ParameterElement[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
Initialize the bean parameters.
- initCharset(Charset) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- initCharset(Charset) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- initialCapacity(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder
Specifies the initial capacity of the hash table (default
). - initialDelay() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled
A String representation of the
before starting executions. - InitializableBeanContext - Interface in io.micronaut.context
A marker interface for
implementations that can be introspected, that is to say for context which can be created and need to be fully configured, but not necessarily started yet. - initialize(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, BeanDefinition<T1>, ExecutableMethod<T1, T1>, T1) - Static method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.MethodInterceptorChain
Internal method that handles the logic for executing
interception. - initialize(BeanContext, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.InitializingBeanDefinition
Initializes the bean invoking all
hooks. - initialize(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.InitializingBeanDefinition
Initializes the bean invoking all
hooks. - initializeAnnotationMetadata(GeneratorAdapter, ClassWriter, Map<String, Integer>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractAnnotationMetadataWriter
- initializeAtBuildTime(Feature.BeforeAnalysisAccess, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
Deprecated.Marks the given class to be initialized at build time, only if it is present.
- initializeAtBuildTime(Feature.BeforeAnalysisAccess, String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
Deprecated.Marks the given class to be initialized at build time, only if it is present.
- initializeAtRunTime(Feature.BeforeAnalysisAccess, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
Deprecated.Marks the given class to be initialized at runtime, only if it is present.
- initializeAtRunTime(Feature.BeforeAnalysisAccess, String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
Deprecated.Marks the given class to be initialized at runtime, only if it is present.
- initializeContext(List<DefaultBeanContext.BeanDefinitionProducer>, List<DefaultBeanContext.BeanDefinitionProducer>, List<DefaultBeanContext.BeanDefinitionProducer>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Initialize the context with the given
scope beans. - initializeContext(List<DefaultBeanContext.BeanDefinitionProducer>, List<DefaultBeanContext.BeanDefinitionProducer>, List<DefaultBeanContext.BeanDefinitionProducer>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- initializeEventListeners() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Initialize the event listeners.
- initializePackagesAtBuildTime(String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
Deprecated.Initializes the packages at build time.
- initializePackagesAtRunTime(String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
Deprecated.Initializes the packages at run time.
- initializeTypeConverters(BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- initializing - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- InitializingBeanDefinition<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
A bean definition that is provides initialization hooks normally in the form of methods annotated with
. - inject() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
Dependency inject this bean.
- inject() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanFieldElement
Makes the field injected.
- inject() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanMethodElement
Make the method injected.
- inject() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- inject(BeanContext, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.InjectableBeanDefinition
Inject the given bean with the context.
- inject(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.InjectableBeanDefinition
Inject the given bean with the context.
- inject(BeanResolutionContext, BeanDefinition<?>, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Injects a bean.
- inject(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- inject(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Inject an existing instance.
- inject(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- INJECT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
The meta annotation used for inject declarations.
- InjectableBeanDefinition<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
An type of
that supports post initialization bean dependencies injection. - InjectableElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans
Shared interface for injectable elements.
- InjectionPoint<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
An injection point as a point in a class definition where dependency injection is required.
- InjectScope - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
An annotation that can be declared on a constructor or method parameter that indicates that the injected bean should be destroyed after injection completes.
- injectThis(ApplicationContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.FunctionInitializer
Injects this instance.
- injectValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanFieldElement
- injectValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanParameterElement
- injectValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.InjectableElement
Allows the field to resolve a value with
. - InMemoryByteCodeGroovyClassLoader - Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils
Extended version of
that can be used to test dependency injection compilation. - InMemoryByteCodeGroovyClassLoader() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.InMemoryByteCodeGroovyClassLoader
Default constructor.
- InMemoryByteCodeGroovyClassLoader(GroovyClassLoader) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.InMemoryByteCodeGroovyClassLoader
- InMemoryByteCodeGroovyClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.InMemoryByteCodeGroovyClassLoader
- InMemoryByteCodeGroovyClassLoader(ClassLoader, CompilerConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.InMemoryByteCodeGroovyClassLoader
- InMemoryByteCodeGroovyClassLoader(ClassLoader, CompilerConfiguration, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.InMemoryByteCodeGroovyClassLoader
- InMemoryClassWriterOutputVisitor - Class in io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils
Utility class for testing Groovy visitors.
- InMemoryClassWriterOutputVisitor(InMemoryByteCodeGroovyClassLoader) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.InMemoryClassWriterOutputVisitor
- InputStreamBodyWriter - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body
Body writer for
s. - instance() - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.PrimaryQualifier
Generified way to get the primary instance.
- INSTANCE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.CookieFactory
The default
instance. - INSTANCE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestFactory
The default
instance. - INSTANCE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponseFactory
The default
instance. - INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadataBuilder
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.AnyQualifier
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.PrimaryQualifier
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.StaticOriginatingElements
- INSTANCE_ID - Static variable in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration.InstanceConfiguration
Property name for Micronaut instance id.
- InstanceConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration.InstanceConfiguration
- instanceId(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance.Builder
Sets the instance id.
- INSTANCEOF - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- InstanceofOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Expression AST node for 'instanceof' operator.
- InstanceofOperator(ExpressionNode, TypeIdentifier) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.InstanceofOperator
- InstantiatableBeanDefinition<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
An type of
that can build a new instance. - instantiate() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospection
Instantiates an instance of the bean, throwing an exception is instantiation is not possible.
- instantiate() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
- instantiate(boolean, Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospection
Instantiates an instance of the bean, throwing an exception is instantiation is not possible.
- instantiate(boolean, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
- instantiate(BeanContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.InstantiatableBeanDefinition
Builds a bean instance.
- instantiate(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.InstantiatableBeanDefinition
Builds a bean instance.
- instantiate(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ParametrizedInstantiatableBeanDefinition
- instantiate(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ParametrizedInstantiatableBeanDefinition
Variation of the
method that allows passing the values necessary for successful bean construction. - instantiate(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, List<BeanRegistration<Interceptor<T1, T1>>>, BeanDefinition<T1>, BeanConstructor<T1>, int, Object...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
Internal methods that handles the logic of instantiating a bean that has constructor interception applied.
- instantiate(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, List<BeanRegistration<Interceptor<T1, T1>>>, BeanDefinition<T1>, BeanConstructor<T1>, Object...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
- instantiate(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.internal.InterceptorRegistryBean
- instantiate(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory
- instantiate(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
- instantiate(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Implementing possible
ParametrizedInstantiatableBeanDefinition.instantiate(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext)
. - instantiate(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.InstantiationUtils
Instantiate the given class rethrowing any exceptions as
. - instantiate(Class<T>, Class<?>[], Object...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.InstantiationUtils
Instantiate the given class rethrowing any exceptions as
. - instantiate(Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanConstructor
Instantiate an instance.
- instantiate(Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospection
Instantiates an instance of the bean, throwing an exception is instantiation is not possible.
- instantiate(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.InstantiationUtils
Instantiate the given class rethrowing any exceptions as
. - instantiate(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.InstantiationUtils
Instantiate the given class rethrowing any exceptions as
. - InstantiatedMember - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
An annotation that can be used on another annotation member that returns a class to indicate that the value of the annotation should be populated as an instance of the specified class.
- instantiateInternal(Object[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
Reflection free bean instantiation implementation for the given arguments.
- instantiateNewMetadata(Type, ClassWriter, GeneratorAdapter, MutableAnnotationMetadata, Map<String, Integer>, Map<String, GeneratorAdapter>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataWriter
Writes out the byte code necessary to instantiate the given
. - instantiateNewMetadataHierarchy(Type, ClassWriter, GeneratorAdapter, AnnotationMetadataHierarchy, Map<String, Integer>, Map<String, GeneratorAdapter>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataWriter
Writes out the byte code necessary to instantiate the given
. - instantiateUnsafe(Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.UnsafeBeanInstantiationIntrospection
Instantiates an instance of the bean.
- instantiateUnsafe(Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
- InstantiationException - Exception in io.micronaut.core.reflect.exception
Thrown when an error occurs instantiating an instance.
- InstantiationException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.core.reflect.exception.InstantiationException
- InstantiationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.core.reflect.exception.InstantiationException
- InstantiationUtils - Class in io.micronaut.core.reflect
Utility methods for instantiating objects.
- InstantiationUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.reflect.InstantiationUtils
- instrument(HttpRequest<?>, Runnable) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.context.ServerRequestContext
Return a new runnable by instrumenting the given runnable with request context handling.
- instrument(Runnable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.RunnableInstrumenter
Implementors can override to instrument a Runnable.
- instrument(Callable<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedExecutorService
Instruments the given callable task.
- InstrumentedExecutor - Interface in io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument
that has been instrumented to allow for propagation of thread state and other instrumentation related tasks. - InstrumentedExecutorService - Interface in io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument
that has been instrumented to allow for propagation of thread state and other instrumentation related tasks. - InstrumentedScheduledExecutorService - Interface in io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument
that has been instrumented. - instrumentPublisher(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
Subclasses can override to customize publishers returned from message handlers.
- instrumentPublisher(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketHandler
- INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- INT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- INT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionContext
Constant for Integer argument.
- INT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Constant for int argument.
- INT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- INT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- INT_WRAPPER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- intComparisonOpcode() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.GteOperator
- intComparisonOpcode() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.GtOperator
- intComparisonOpcode() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.LteOperator
- intComparisonOpcode() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.LtOperator
- intComparisonOpcode() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.RelationalOperator
- intercept(ConstructorInvocationContext<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.ConstructorInterceptor
Extended version of the
method that accepts aConstructorInvocationContext
. - intercept(InvocationContext<T, T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.ConstructorInterceptor
- intercept(InvocationContext<T, R>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.Interceptor
Intercepts an execution from a declared
advice. - intercept(InvocationContext<T, R>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.MethodInterceptor
- intercept(MethodInvocationContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshInterceptor
- intercept(MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.client.aop.FunctionClientAdvice
- intercept(MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor.HttpClientIntroductionAdvice
Interceptor to apply headers, cookies, parameter and body arguments.
- intercept(MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.retry.intercept.DefaultRetryInterceptor
- intercept(MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.retry.intercept.RecoveryInterceptor
- intercept(MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.context.env.ConfigurationIntroductionAdvice
- intercept(MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.async.AsyncInterceptor
- intercept(MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.websocket.interceptor.ClientWebSocketInterceptor
- intercept(MethodInvocationContext<T, R>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.MethodInterceptor
Extended version of the
method that accepts aMethodInvocationContext
. - intercept(AnnotationValue<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
Intercept the bean.
- intercept(AnnotationValue<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanMethodElement
Intercept the method.
- intercept(AnnotationValue<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- Intercepted - Interface in io.micronaut.aop
An interface implemented by generated proxy classes.
- InterceptedBean - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.proxy
An internal interface implemented by generated proxy classes.
- InterceptedBeanProxy<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.proxy
An internal
that proxies another instance. - InterceptedMethod - Interface in io.micronaut.aop
The intercept method supporting intercepting different reactive invocations.
- InterceptedMethod.ResultType - Enum Class in io.micronaut.aop
Possible result types.
- InterceptedMethodUtil - Class in io.micronaut.aop.internal.intercepted
utils class. - InterceptedProxy<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.aop
that proxies another instance. - interceptedTarget() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedProxy
This method will return the target object being proxied.
- interceptedTarget() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.proxy.InterceptedBeanProxy
This method will return the target object being proxied.
- Interceptor<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.aop -
An Interceptor intercepts the execution of a method allowing cross cutting behaviour to be applied to a method's execution.
- InterceptorBean - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.aop
A meta-annotation that can be used on
declarations to specify theInterceptorBinding
and make the type a bean. - InterceptorBeanMapper - Class in io.micronaut.aop.mapper
for theInterceptorBean
annotation. - InterceptorBeanMapper() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.aop.mapper.InterceptorBeanMapper
- InterceptorBinding - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.aop
is used as a meta-annotation onAround
advice to indicate that AOP advice should be applied to the method and that any annotations that feature this stereotype annotation should be used to resolve associated interceptors at runtime. - InterceptorBindingDefinitions - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.aop
Repeatable wrapper for
. - InterceptorBindingMembers - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
The remapped for various interceptor annotation stereotypes.
- InterceptorBindingMembers() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.InterceptorBindingMembers
- InterceptorBindingQualifier<T> - Class in io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers
Qualifier used to resolve the interceptor binding when injection method interceptors for AOP.
- InterceptorChain<B,
R> - Class in io.micronaut.aop.chain -
An internal representation of the
chain. - InterceptorChain(Interceptor<B, R>[], B, ExecutableMethod<B, R>, Object...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.aop.chain.InterceptorChain
- interceptorCount - Variable in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
- InterceptorKind - Enum Class in io.micronaut.aop
Enum representing different interceptors kinds.
- InterceptorRegistry - Interface in io.micronaut.aop
Strategy interface for looking up interceptors from the bean context.
- InterceptorRegistryBean - Class in io.micronaut.aop.internal
Registers the
instance. - InterceptorRegistryBean() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.aop.internal.InterceptorRegistryBean
- interceptors - Variable in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
- InterceptPhase - Enum Class in io.micronaut.aop
classes implement theOrdered
interface in order to control the order of execution when multiple interceptors are present. - interceptResult() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod
Proceeds with invocation of
and converts result to appropriate type. - interceptResult(Interceptor<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod
Proceeds with invocation of
and converts result to appropriate type. - interceptResultAsCompletionStage() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod
Proceeds with invocation of
and converts result toCompletionStage
. - interceptResultAsCompletionStage(Interceptor<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod
Proceeds with invocation of
and converts result toCompletionStage
. - interceptResultAsPublisher() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod
Proceeds with invocation of
and converts result toPublisher
. - interceptResultAsPublisher(Interceptor<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod
Proceeds with invocation of
and converts result toPublisher
. - interceptResultAsPublisher(ExecutorService) - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod
Proceeds with invocation of
and converts result toPublisher
. - INTERFACE_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class
- interfaceGenericTypesFor(TypeElement, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.GenericUtils
Finds the generic types for the given interface for the given class element.
- interfaces() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.aop.Introduction
Additional interfaces that the introduction advice should implement.
- INTERFACES - Enum constant in enum class
- Internal - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
Annotates a class or method regarded as internal and not for public consumption.
- INTERNAL_ANNOTATION_NAMES - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
- INTERNAL_ERROR - Static variable in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- InternalApiTypeElementVisitor - Class in io.micronaut.context.visitor
Logs warnings during compilation if any class extends an internal or experimental Micronaut API.
- InternalApiTypeElementVisitor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.visitor.InternalApiTypeElementVisitor
- InternalAttributes() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.aop.Adapter.InternalAttributes
- internalNioBuffer(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- InternalServerException - Exception in io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions
Thrown for an unrecoverable server exceptions.
- InternalServerException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.InternalServerException
- InternalServerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.InternalServerException
- internListOf(Object...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Converts the given objects into a set of potentially cached and interned strings contained within an internal pool of lists.
- internListOf(Object...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Converts the given objects into a set of interned strings contained within an internal pool of sets.
- internMapOf(Object...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Converts the given objects into a map of potentially cached and interned strings where the keys and values are alternating entries in the passed array.
- internMapOf(Object...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Converts the given objects into a map of interned strings.
- internMapOf(String, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Converts the given objects into a map of potentially cached and interned strings where the keys and values are alternating entries in the passed array.
- interpolate(String, MessageSource.MessageContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractMessageSource
- interpolate(String, MessageSource.MessageContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource
Interpolate the given message template.
- IntLiteral - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal
Expression AST node for integer literal.
- IntLiteral(int) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.IntLiteral
- Introduced - Interface in io.micronaut.aop
Marker interface for instances that are implemented automatically via
advise. - Introduction - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.aop
Introduction advice allows interfaces and abstract classes to be implemented at compile time by
implementations. - INTRODUCTION - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorKind
Introduction advice interception.
- Introspected - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
An annotation that indicates a type should produce a
at compilation time. - Introspected.AccessKind - Enum Class in io.micronaut.core.annotation
The access type for bean properties.
- Introspected.IndexedAnnotation - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
Allow pre-computed indexes for property lookups based on an annotation and a member.
- Introspected.Visibility - Enum Class in io.micronaut.core.annotation
Visibility policy for bean properties and fields.
- IntrospectedToBeanPropertiesTransformer - Class in io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor
Map values of
. - IntrospectedToBeanPropertiesTransformer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.IntrospectedToBeanPropertiesTransformer
- IntrospectedTypeElementVisitor - Class in io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor
that visits classes annotated withIntrospected
and producesBeanIntrospectionReference
instances at compilation time. - IntrospectedTypeElementVisitor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.IntrospectedTypeElementVisitor
- IntrospectionException - Exception in io.micronaut.core.beans.exceptions
Thrown when an error occurs introspecting a bean type.
- IntrospectionException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.core.beans.exceptions.IntrospectionException
- IntrospectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.core.beans.exceptions.IntrospectionException
- intValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The integer value of the given member.
- intValue() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The integer value of the given member.
- intValue(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value as an
for the given annotation and member. - intValue(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- intValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value as an
for the given annotation and member. - intValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- intValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- intValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- intValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- intValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Retrieve the int value and optionally map its value.
- intValue(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The integer value of the given member.
- intValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The integer value of the given member.
- intValue(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value as an
for the given annotation and member. - intValue(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- intValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- intValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- intValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- intValue(String, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- intValue(String, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Retrieve the int value and optionally map its value.
- intValue(String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The integer value of the given member.
- intValue(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- intValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- intValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- intValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- intValues() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The int[] value for the given member.
- intValues(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The int[] value for the given member.
- intValues(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- INVALID_FRAME_PAYLOAD_DATA - Static variable in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- invalidateCaches() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Invalidates the bean caches.
- INVOCATION_CONTEXT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
Attribute used to store the MethodInvocationContext by declarative client.
- InvocationContext<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.aop -
An InvocationContext passed to one or many
instances. - InvocationException - Exception in io.micronaut.core.reflect.exception
Runtime exception equivalent of
. - InvocationException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.core.reflect.exception.InvocationException
- InvocationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.core.reflect.exception.InvocationException
- invoke(B, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.InterceptorChain
- invoke(B, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanMethod
- invoke(FunctionDefinition, I, Argument<O>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.function.client.FunctionInvoker
Invoke the given function definition for the given input and expected response type.
- invoke(FunctionDefinition, I, Argument<O>) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.client.http.HttpFunctionExecutor
- invoke(Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ExecutionHandle
Invokes the method.
- invoke(Object, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- invoke(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.BoundExecutable
Invoke the bound
. - invoke(T, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
- invoke(T, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.MethodInterceptorChain
- invoke(T, Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.BoundExecutable
- invoke(T, Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Executable
Invokes the method.
- invoke(T, Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingExecutableMethod
- invokeAll(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedExecutorService
- invokeAll(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedExecutorService
- invokeAny(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedExecutorService
- invokeAny(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedExecutorService
- invokeConstructor(MethodVisitor, Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- invokeExecutable(BoundExecutable, MethodExecutionHandle<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
Invokes the given executable.
- invokeExecutable(BoundExecutable, MethodExecutionHandle<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketHandler
- invokeInterfaceStaticMethod(MethodVisitor, Class<?>, Method) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- invokeInternal(B, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanMethod
Abstract implementation implemented by generated byte code.
- invokeInternal(Object, Object[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- invokeMethod(GeneratorAdapter, MethodElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Invokes the given method.
- invokeMethod(T, Method, Object...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Invokes a method.
- invokeMethodWithReflection(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Object, Object[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Invoke a bean method that requires reflection.
- invokeUnsafe(Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.UnsafeExecutionHandle
Invokes the method without validation.
- invokeUnsafe(Object, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- invokeUnsafe(T, Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.UnsafeExecutable
Invokes the method without the arguments' validation.
- IO - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ThreadSelection
I/O selection will run all operations regardless of return type and annotations on the I/O thread pool and will never schedule an operation on the server event loop thread.
- IO - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.TaskExecutors
The name of the
used to schedule I/O tasks. - io.micronaut.annotation.processing - package io.micronaut.annotation.processing
This package contains the Annotation processors that power Micronaut.
- io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test - package io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test
- io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor - package io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor
This package contains Visitor pattern elements for Annotation processing.
- io.micronaut.aop - package io.micronaut.aop
The main classes implementing cross-cutting behavior in Micronaut.
- io.micronaut.aop.chain - package io.micronaut.aop.chain
The interception chain for AOP.
- io.micronaut.aop.exceptions - package io.micronaut.aop.exceptions
AOP Advise exceptions.
- io.micronaut.aop.internal - package io.micronaut.aop.internal
- io.micronaut.aop.internal.intercepted - package io.micronaut.aop.internal.intercepted
- io.micronaut.aop.kotlin - package io.micronaut.aop.kotlin
- io.micronaut.aop.mapper - package io.micronaut.aop.mapper
- io.micronaut.aop.writer - package io.micronaut.aop.writer
Proxy writers.
- io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation - package io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation
- io.micronaut.ast.groovy.scan - package io.micronaut.ast.groovy.scan
- io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils - package io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils
AST Util transformations for injection.
- io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor - package io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor
Visitor context when visiting groovy code.
- io.micronaut.buffer.netty - package io.micronaut.buffer.netty
Netty HTTP Byte buffer.
- io.micronaut.context - package io.micronaut.context
This package contains the core classes for starting a
. - io.micronaut.context.annotation - package io.micronaut.context.annotation
Contains core annotations related to Dependency Injection and the Bean Container.
- io.micronaut.context.banner - package io.micronaut.context.banner
- io.micronaut.context.bind - package io.micronaut.context.bind
- io.micronaut.context.condition - package io.micronaut.context.condition
Contains classes and interfaces related to conditional beans.
- io.micronaut.context.converters - package io.micronaut.context.converters
instances related to theBeanContext
. - io.micronaut.context.env - package io.micronaut.context.env
Classes related to the Micronaut environment.
- io.micronaut.context.env.exp - package io.micronaut.context.env.exp
- io.micronaut.context.env.yaml - package io.micronaut.context.env.yaml
Property loading for YAML formatted files.
- io.micronaut.context.event - package io.micronaut.context.event
Contains classes related to
event publishing and consuming. - io.micronaut.context.exceptions - package io.micronaut.context.exceptions
Contains common exceptions thrown from the
. - io.micronaut.context.expressions - package io.micronaut.context.expressions
- io.micronaut.context.i18n - package io.micronaut.context.i18n
- io.micronaut.context.processor - package io.micronaut.context.processor
Contains interfaces related to annotation processing.
- io.micronaut.context.propagation.slf4j - package io.micronaut.context.propagation.slf4j
- io.micronaut.context.scope - package io.micronaut.context.scope
Contains interfaces related to the definition of custom scopes.
- io.micronaut.context.visitor - package io.micronaut.context.visitor
Additional visitors.
- io.micronaut.core.annotation - package io.micronaut.core.annotation
Micronaut core annotation classes.
- io.micronaut.core.async - package io.micronaut.core.async
Supplier helper methods.
- io.micronaut.core.async.annotation - package io.micronaut.core.async.annotation
- io.micronaut.core.async.converters - package io.micronaut.core.async.converters
- io.micronaut.core.async.processor - package io.micronaut.core.async.processor
Micronaut core async processing.
- io.micronaut.core.async.propagation - package io.micronaut.core.async.propagation
- io.micronaut.core.async.publisher - package io.micronaut.core.async.publisher
Micronaut core async publishing.
- io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber - package io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber
Micronaut core async subscribers.
- io.micronaut.core.attr - package io.micronaut.core.attr
Micronaut core attribute holder.
- io.micronaut.core.beans - package io.micronaut.core.beans
This package provides interfaces and abstractions to introspect beans with bean metadata computed at compilation time.
- io.micronaut.core.beans.exceptions - package io.micronaut.core.beans.exceptions
- io.micronaut.core.bind - package io.micronaut.core.bind
Micronaut core argument and property bind classes.
- io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation - package io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation
Micronaut core bind annotation classes.
- io.micronaut.core.bind.exceptions - package io.micronaut.core.bind.exceptions
Exceptions that occur during data binding.
- io.micronaut.core.cli - package io.micronaut.core.cli
Micronaut core CLI dispatch level.
- io.micronaut.core.cli.exceptions - package io.micronaut.core.cli.exceptions
Micronaut core CLI exceptions.
- io.micronaut.core.convert - package io.micronaut.core.convert
Micronaut core type conversion classes.
- io.micronaut.core.convert.converters - package io.micronaut.core.convert.converters
- io.micronaut.core.convert.exceptions - package io.micronaut.core.convert.exceptions
Micronaut core type conversion exceptions.
- io.micronaut.core.convert.format - package io.micronaut.core.convert.format
Micronaut core type conversion formatting.
- io.micronaut.core.convert.value - package io.micronaut.core.convert.value
Micronaut core type conversion of multiple values.
- io.micronaut.core.exceptions - package io.micronaut.core.exceptions
Common exception handling classes.
- io.micronaut.core.execution - package io.micronaut.core.execution
- io.micronaut.core.expressions - package io.micronaut.core.expressions
- io.micronaut.core.graal - package io.micronaut.core.graal
- - package
Micronaut core input/output.
- - package
Micronaut core buffer factory.
- - package
Micronaut core file i/o.
- - package
Micronaut core scan with annotation.
- - package
Micronaut core i/o service classes.
- - package
Micronaut core i/o socketutils.
- io.micronaut.core.naming - package io.micronaut.core.naming
Micronaut core name resolution.
- io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions - package io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions
Micronaut core name conventions for properties and methods, etc.
- io.micronaut.core.optim - package io.micronaut.core.optim
- io.micronaut.core.order - package io.micronaut.core.order
Micronaut core ordered objects.
- io.micronaut.core.propagation - package io.micronaut.core.propagation
- io.micronaut.core.reflect - package io.micronaut.core.reflect
Micronaut core reflections utils.
- io.micronaut.core.reflect.exception - package io.micronaut.core.reflect.exception
Micronaut core reflection exception.
- io.micronaut.core.serialize - package io.micronaut.core.serialize
Micronaut core object serializations.
- io.micronaut.core.serialize.exceptions - package io.micronaut.core.serialize.exceptions
Micronaut core object serialization exceptions.
- io.micronaut.core.type - package io.micronaut.core.type
Micronaut core argument types.
- io.micronaut.core.util - package io.micronaut.core.util
Micronaut core utilities.
- io.micronaut.core.util.clhm - package io.micronaut.core.util.clhm
Contains a forked implementation of ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.
- io.micronaut.core.util.functional - package io.micronaut.core.util.functional
- io.micronaut.core.util.locale - package io.micronaut.core.util.locale
Micronaut utilities to resolve a
. - io.micronaut.core.value - package io.micronaut.core.value
Micronaut core property and value resolution.
- io.micronaut.core.version - package io.micronaut.core.version
Micronaut core comparing versions.
- io.micronaut.core.version.annotation - package io.micronaut.core.version.annotation
- io.micronaut.discovery - package io.micronaut.discovery
Main client abstraction used for service discovery.
- - package
Common cloud interface classes.
- - package
- io.micronaut.discovery.config - package io.micronaut.discovery.config
Common configuration discovery settings.
- io.micronaut.discovery.event - package io.micronaut.discovery.event
Discovery of events.
- io.micronaut.discovery.exceptions - package io.micronaut.discovery.exceptions
Discovery exceptions.
- io.micronaut.discovery.metadata - package io.micronaut.discovery.metadata
Discovery metadata.
- io.micronaut.discovery.registration - package io.micronaut.discovery.registration
Discovery registration.
- - package
- io.micronaut.expressions - package io.micronaut.expressions
- io.micronaut.expressions.context - package io.micronaut.expressions.context
- io.micronaut.expressions.parser - package io.micronaut.expressions.parser
- io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast - package io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast
- io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access - package io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access
- io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.collection - package io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.collection
- io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.conditional - package io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.conditional
- io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal - package io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal
- io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary - package io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
- io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary - package io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary
- io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.types - package io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.types
- io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util - package io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util
- io.micronaut.expressions.parser.compilation - package io.micronaut.expressions.parser.compilation
- io.micronaut.expressions.parser.exception - package io.micronaut.expressions.parser.exception
- io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token - package io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token
- io.micronaut.expressions.util - package io.micronaut.expressions.util
- io.micronaut.function - package io.micronaut.function
A set of classes to support a programming model for Server-less application development using Micronaut
- io.micronaut.function.client - package io.micronaut.function.client
Function discovery classes.
- io.micronaut.function.client.aop - package io.micronaut.function.client.aop
Function client aop advice.
- io.micronaut.function.client.exceptions - package io.micronaut.function.client.exceptions
Function client exceptions.
- io.micronaut.function.client.http - package io.micronaut.function.client.http
Http executor.
- io.micronaut.function.client.local - package io.micronaut.function.client.local
Local function.
- io.micronaut.function.executor - package io.micronaut.function.executor
Function executions sent to Micronaut.
- io.micronaut.function.web - package io.micronaut.function.web
Classes to support exposing
instances over the web - io.micronaut.graal.reflect - package io.micronaut.graal.reflect
Utilities for use with GraalVM native image.
- - package
Micronaut health indicator classes.
- io.micronaut.http - package io.micronaut.http
HTTP classes to represent methods, responses and attributes.
- io.micronaut.http.annotation - package io.micronaut.http.annotation
HTTP annotations representing various requests types that are received.
- io.micronaut.http.bind - package io.micronaut.http.bind
Classes specific to binding request data to methods.
- io.micronaut.http.bind.binders - package io.micronaut.http.bind.binders
HTTP server request binding annotation for various request types.
- io.micronaut.http.body - package io.micronaut.http.body
- io.micronaut.http.client - package io.micronaut.http.client
Core HTTP Client Library.
- io.micronaut.http.client.annotation - package io.micronaut.http.client.annotation
Annotations associated with the HTTP client.
- io.micronaut.http.client.bind - package io.micronaut.http.client.bind
- io.micronaut.http.client.bind.binders - package io.micronaut.http.client.bind.binders
- io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions - package io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions
HTTP Client exceptions.
- io.micronaut.http.client.filter - package io.micronaut.http.client.filter
- io.micronaut.http.client.filters - package io.micronaut.http.client.filters
Client filter implementations.
- io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor - package io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor
HTTP introduction advice.
- io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor.configuration - package io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor.configuration
versioning configuration. - io.micronaut.http.client.jdk - package io.micronaut.http.client.jdk
- io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.cookie - package io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.cookie
- io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance - package io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance
HTTP load balance strategies.
- io.micronaut.http.client.multipart - package io.micronaut.http.client.multipart
HTTP Netty multipart requests.
- io.micronaut.http.client.netty - package io.micronaut.http.client.netty
HTTP Client requests, interfaces and configuration.
- io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ssl - package io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ssl
Netty client SSL.
- io.micronaut.http.client.netty.websocket - package io.micronaut.http.client.netty.websocket
Contains classes specific to WebSocket handling in the client.
- io.micronaut.http.client.sse - package io.micronaut.http.client.sse
Contains client interfaces for reading Server Sent Events (SSE).
- io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter - package io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter
- io.micronaut.http.codec - package io.micronaut.http.codec
Classes representing HTTP decoding.
- io.micronaut.http.context - package io.micronaut.http.context
Contains classes for resolving and handling the current server
. - io.micronaut.http.context.event - package io.micronaut.http.context.event
Contains classes for relates to events
. - io.micronaut.http.converters - package io.micronaut.http.converters
Contains converters specific to HTTP.
- io.micronaut.http.cookie - package io.micronaut.http.cookie
HTTP cookies classes.
- io.micronaut.http.exceptions - package io.micronaut.http.exceptions
HTTP exceptions.
- io.micronaut.http.expression - package io.micronaut.http.expression
- io.micronaut.http.filter - package io.micronaut.http.filter
HTTP filter chain.
- io.micronaut.http.hateoas - package io.micronaut.http.hateoas
- io.micronaut.http.multipart - package io.micronaut.http.multipart
HTTP multipart requests and file upload.
- io.micronaut.http.netty - package io.micronaut.http.netty
Netty HTTP implementations.
- io.micronaut.http.netty.body - package io.micronaut.http.netty.body
- - package
Netty Thread factory.
- - package
- io.micronaut.http.netty.configuration - package io.micronaut.http.netty.configuration
- io.micronaut.http.netty.content - package io.micronaut.http.netty.content
Netty HTTP content utils.
- io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies - package io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies
Netty Cookies.
- io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive - package io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive
NOTICE: Classes in this package are forked from
- - package
Contains classes for streaming http requests and responses
- io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket - package io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket
Netty specific classes for WebSocket.
- io.micronaut.http.reactive.execution - package io.micronaut.http.reactive.execution
- io.micronaut.http.resource - package io.micronaut.http.resource
Resource loader factory.
- io.micronaut.http.server - package io.micronaut.http.server
HTTP server configuration.
- io.micronaut.http.server.binding - package io.micronaut.http.server.binding
HTTP server request binding.
- io.micronaut.http.server.codec - package io.micronaut.http.server.codec
HTTP encoders.
- io.micronaut.http.server.cors - package io.micronaut.http.server.cors
Contains classes specific to CORS support within Micronaut.
- io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions - package io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions
HTTP server exceptions.
- io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response - package io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response
- io.micronaut.http.server.multipart - package io.micronaut.http.server.multipart
Classes related to multipart requests received by a server.
- io.micronaut.http.server.netty - package io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Netty server classes for Micronaut.
- io.micronaut.http.server.netty.async - package io.micronaut.http.server.netty.async
Asychronous handling.
- io.micronaut.http.server.netty.binders - package io.micronaut.http.server.netty.binders
Netty argument binders.
- io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body - package io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body
- io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration - package io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration
Netty server configurations.
- io.micronaut.http.server.netty.converters - package io.micronaut.http.server.netty.converters
Netty converters for various data types.
- io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler - package io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler
Netty channel output handling.
- io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog - package io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog
- io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element - package io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
- io.micronaut.http.server.netty.jackson - package io.micronaut.http.server.netty.jackson
JSON Jackson content processing.
- io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart - package io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart
Netty server multipart upload classes.
- io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl - package io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl
Netty SSL.
- io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket - package io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket
Netty Server WebSocket support classes.
- io.micronaut.http.server.tck - package io.micronaut.http.server.tck
- io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests - package io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.bodywritable - package io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.bodywritable
- io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.codec - package io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.codec
- io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.constraintshandler - package io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.constraintshandler
- io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.cors - package io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.cors
- - package
- io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter - package io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter
- io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.mediatype - package io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.mediatype
- io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.staticresources - package io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.staticresources
- io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.textplain - package io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.textplain
- io.micronaut.http.server.types - package io.micronaut.http.server.types
HTTP server customizable response type.
- io.micronaut.http.server.types.files - package io.micronaut.http.server.types.files
Special file type handlers.
- io.micronaut.http.server.util - package io.micronaut.http.server.util
Utilities used in the context of an HTTP server.
- io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale - package io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale
Micronaut's utilities to resolve a
for an HTTP request. - io.micronaut.http.server.websocket - package io.micronaut.http.server.websocket
- io.micronaut.http.simple - package io.micronaut.http.simple
Simple HTTP request and response classes.
- io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies - package io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies
Simple HTTP cookies classes.
- io.micronaut.http.sse - package io.micronaut.http.sse
Default server sent request.
- io.micronaut.http.ssl - package io.micronaut.http.ssl
HTTP SSL Authentication.
- io.micronaut.http.tck - package io.micronaut.http.tck
- io.micronaut.http.uri - package io.micronaut.http.uri
HTTP URI Matching.
- io.micronaut.http.util - package io.micronaut.http.util
HTTP Util classes.
- io.micronaut.inject - package io.micronaut.inject
Contains the core dependency injection interfaces.
- io.micronaut.inject.annotation - package io.micronaut.inject.annotation
Contains classes for reading and writing annotation metadata at compile time.
- io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal - package io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
Internal annotation mappers, not for public consumption.
- io.micronaut.inject.ast - package io.micronaut.inject.ast
The AST package contains a generic AST over different languages (currently Groovy, Java and Kotlin).
- io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation - package io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation
The AST package contains internal classes to support annotation metadata on
instances. - io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans - package io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans
- io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils - package io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils
- io.micronaut.inject.beans - package io.micronaut.inject.beans
Contains implementations for compile time bean introspection.
- io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor - package io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor
Type visitor implementations for producing
instances. - io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.persistence - package io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.persistence
- io.micronaut.inject.configuration - package io.micronaut.inject.configuration
Contains classes for reading and writing Configuration metadata at compile time.
- io.micronaut.inject.processing - package io.micronaut.inject.processing
Injection process handling.
- io.micronaut.inject.provider - package io.micronaut.inject.provider
Internal package to support injection providers of various types.
- io.micronaut.inject.proxy - package io.micronaut.inject.proxy
- io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers - package io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers
Contains support classes for creating Bean
instances. - io.micronaut.inject.test - package io.micronaut.inject.test
- io.micronaut.inject.validation - package io.micronaut.inject.validation
Interfaces and types specific to validating
instances. - io.micronaut.inject.visitor - package io.micronaut.inject.visitor
Contains interfaces for defining type visitors that work across languages.
- io.micronaut.inject.visitor.util - package io.micronaut.inject.visitor.util
- io.micronaut.inject.writer - package io.micronaut.inject.writer
Contains classes responsible for using ASM to write bean metadata to disk.
- io.micronaut.jackson - package io.micronaut.jackson
Configuration for the Jackson JSON parser.
- io.micronaut.jackson.annotation - package io.micronaut.jackson.annotation
Jackson parser annotation.
- io.micronaut.jackson.codec - package io.micronaut.jackson.codec
JSON media type decoding.
- io.micronaut.jackson.core.env - package io.micronaut.jackson.core.env
JSON property loader.
- io.micronaut.jackson.core.parser - package io.micronaut.jackson.core.parser
- io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree - package io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree
- io.micronaut.jackson.databind - package io.micronaut.jackson.databind
- io.micronaut.jackson.databind.convert - package io.micronaut.jackson.databind.convert
JSON conversion to objects structures and vice versa.
- io.micronaut.jackson.env - package io.micronaut.jackson.env
- io.micronaut.jackson.modules - package io.micronaut.jackson.modules
Contains factories for modules.
- io.micronaut.jackson.parser - package io.micronaut.jackson.parser
- io.micronaut.jackson.serialize - package io.micronaut.jackson.serialize
Jackson object serializer.
- io.micronaut.json - package io.micronaut.json
- io.micronaut.json.bind - package io.micronaut.json.bind
Jackson bean binding to properties.
- io.micronaut.json.body - package io.micronaut.json.body
- io.micronaut.json.codec - package io.micronaut.json.codec
- io.micronaut.json.convert - package io.micronaut.json.convert
- io.micronaut.json.tree - package io.micronaut.json.tree
- io.micronaut.logging - package io.micronaut.logging
- io.micronaut.logging.impl - package io.micronaut.logging.impl
- - package
Micronaut endpoint configuration.
- - package
Annotations for defining management endpoints.
- - package
Endpoint bean definition.
- - package
Endpoint bean definition implementation.
- - package
Environment management endpoint.
- - package
Endpoint health.
- - package
Support classes for returning the correct health result from the HTTP server.
- - package
Info aggregation from resources.
- - package
Implementations of Info aggregation.
- - package
Endpoint info configuration.
- - package
Loggers management endpoint.
- - package
Implementation specific classes for the logging system.
- - package
Endpoint route building and processors.
- - package
Endpoint refresh state.
- - package
Route endpoint and data collection.
- - package
Route data implementations.
- - package
Server stop endpoint.
- - package
Thread dump endpoint and data collection.
- - package
- - package
Health aggregation.
- - package
Health indicator.
- - package
- - package
- - package
Health discovery.
- - package
Diskspace configuration and indicator.
- - package
JDBC status indicator.
- - package
- - package
Continuous monitoring of health status.
- io.micronaut.messaging - package io.micronaut.messaging
Messaging related to classes.
- io.micronaut.messaging.annotation - package io.micronaut.messaging.annotation
Messaging related annotations.
- io.micronaut.messaging.exceptions - package io.micronaut.messaging.exceptions
Messaging related exceptions.
- io.micronaut.retry - package io.micronaut.retry
Retry State containers.
- io.micronaut.retry.annotation - package io.micronaut.retry.annotation
Retry AOP annotations.
- io.micronaut.retry.event - package io.micronaut.retry.event
Events triggered on retry.
- io.micronaut.retry.exception - package io.micronaut.retry.exception
Retry exceptions.
- io.micronaut.retry.intercept - package io.micronaut.retry.intercept
Retry interceptors and states.
- io.micronaut.runtime - package io.micronaut.runtime
Main entrypoint for Micronaut.
- io.micronaut.runtime.context - package io.micronaut.runtime.context
- io.micronaut.runtime.context.env - package io.micronaut.runtime.context.env
Command line property source.
- io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope - package io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope
Annotations for context scope.
- io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh - package io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh
Refresh handling.
- io.micronaut.runtime.converters.time - package io.micronaut.runtime.converters.time
Runtime time conversion.
- io.micronaut.runtime.event - package io.micronaut.runtime.event
Common applications events.
- io.micronaut.runtime.event.annotation - package io.micronaut.runtime.event.annotation
Event related annotations.
- io.micronaut.runtime.exceptions - package io.micronaut.runtime.exceptions
Runtime exceptions.
- io.micronaut.runtime.http.codec - package io.micronaut.runtime.http.codec
Runtime HTTP decoding.
- io.micronaut.runtime.http.scope - package io.micronaut.runtime.http.scope
- io.micronaut.runtime.server - package io.micronaut.runtime.server
Embedded server.
- io.micronaut.runtime.server.event - package io.micronaut.runtime.server.event
Server shutdown and startup events.
- - package
- io.micronaut.scheduling - package io.micronaut.scheduling
Scheduling execution services.
- io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation - package io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation
Scheduling annotations.
- io.micronaut.scheduling.async - package io.micronaut.scheduling.async
Classes related to handling the
annotation. - io.micronaut.scheduling.cron - package io.micronaut.scheduling.cron
Scheduling for Cron expressions.
- io.micronaut.scheduling.exceptions - package io.micronaut.scheduling.exceptions
Scheduling Exceptions.
- io.micronaut.scheduling.executor - package io.micronaut.scheduling.executor
Scheduling Execution configuration and factory.
- io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument - package io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument
Interfaces for simplifying instrumentation of
instances. - - package
Classes related to file watch.
- - package
Events related to file watch changes.
- - package
Classes related to file watch on OS X.
- io.micronaut.scheduling.processor - package io.micronaut.scheduling.processor
Scheduled method processing.
- io.micronaut.testsuitehelper - package io.micronaut.testsuitehelper
- io.micronaut.validation.routes - package io.micronaut.validation.routes
Package to organize classes responsible for validating route arguments at compile time.
- io.micronaut.validation.routes.rules - package io.micronaut.validation.routes.rules
Package to store classes that provide route validation rules.
- io.micronaut.validation.visitor.async - package io.micronaut.validation.visitor.async
This package includes visitors specific to compile time validation and checks for async related elements.
- io.micronaut.validation.websocket - package io.micronaut.validation.websocket
This package includes visitors specific to compile time validation and checks for websocket related elements.
- io.micronaut.web.router - package io.micronaut.web.router
Route based method matching classes derived from URIs.
- io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions - package io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions
Route exceptions.
- io.micronaut.web.router.filter - package io.micronaut.web.router.filter
- io.micronaut.web.router.naming - package io.micronaut.web.router.naming
Route based naming strategies.
- io.micronaut.web.router.qualifier - package io.micronaut.web.router.qualifier
Qualifiers based on type.
- io.micronaut.web.router.resource - package io.micronaut.web.router.resource
Route resource and configuration.
- io.micronaut.web.router.version - package io.micronaut.web.router.version
Stores classes related to versioning routes.
- io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution - package io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution
Classes related to routes' versioning resolution.
- io.micronaut.websocket - package io.micronaut.websocket
Classes and interfaces for supporting WebSocket.
- io.micronaut.websocket.annotation - package io.micronaut.websocket.annotation
WebSocket specific annotations.
- io.micronaut.websocket.bind - package io.micronaut.websocket.bind
Package containing binding related classes.
- io.micronaut.websocket.context - package io.micronaut.websocket.context
Classes related to handling of WebSocket beans.
- io.micronaut.websocket.event - package io.micronaut.websocket.event
WebSocket server event types.
- io.micronaut.websocket.exceptions - package io.micronaut.websocket.exceptions
WebSocket related exceptions.
- io.micronaut.websocket.interceptor - package io.micronaut.websocket.interceptor
Implementation classes for
advice. - IOExceptionBiFunction<T,
U, R> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.util -
Utility to use a
which throws internally a IOException. - ioExecutor() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload.Factory
Returns the value of the
record component. - IOExecutorServiceConfig - Class in io.micronaut.scheduling.executor
Configures the default I/O thread pool if none is configured by the user.
- IOExecutorServiceConfig() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.IOExecutorServiceConfig
- IoUringAvailabilityCondition - Class in
Checks if io-uring is available.
- IoUringAvailabilityCondition() - Constructor for class
- IoUringEventLoopGroupFactory - Class in
Factory for IOUringEventLoopGroup.
- IoUringEventLoopGroupFactory() - Constructor for class
- IOUtils - Class in
Utility methods for I/O operations.
- IOUtils() - Constructor for class
- IP_ADDRESS - Enum constant in enum class
- IPV4 - Enum constant in enum class
- IPV6 - Enum constant in enum class
- isAbstract() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- isAbstract() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- isAbstract() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.MethodInterceptorChain
- isAbstract() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.internal.InterceptorRegistryBean
- isAbstract() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.MethodInvocationContext
- isAbstract() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- isAbstract() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyEnumConstantElement
- isAbstract() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- isAbstract() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- isAbstract() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition.MethodReference
Returns the value of the
record component. - isAbstract() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- isAbstract() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.PrecalculatedInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - isAbstract() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory
- isAbstract() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotatedTypeInfo
- isAbstract() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- isAbstract() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
- isAbstract() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- isAbstract() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ExecutableMethod
Defines whether the method is abstract.
- isAbstract() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
- isAbstract() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- isAbstract(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.ExecutableMethodsDefinitionWriter
Is the method abstract.
- isAcceptable(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.PublicAbstractMethodVisitor
- isAcceptable(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.PublicMethodVisitor
Only accepts public non file or static methods.
- isAcceptable(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.SuperclassAwareTypeVisitor
- isAcceptableMethod(ExecutableElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.PublicAbstractMethodVisitor
Return whether the given executable element is acceptable.
- isAccessible() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MemberElement
Returns whether this member element can be invoked or retrieved at runtime.
- isAccessible(ClassElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MemberElement
Returns whether this member element can be invoked or retrieved at runtime.
- isActive(BeanConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- isActive(BeanConfiguration) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Whether the current environment includes the given configuration.
- isAllowCredentials() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConfiguration
- isAllowEmptyProviders() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContextConfiguration
- isAllowEmptyProviders() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- isAllowEmptyProviders(BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
Return whether missing providers are allowed for this implementation.
- isAllowEmptyProviders(BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.BeanProviderDefinition
- isAllowSetterWithMultipleArgs() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
Whether to allow setters with multiple arguments.
- isAllowSetterWithZeroArgs() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
- isAllowStaticProperties() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
- isAlpn() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpVersionSelection
- isAlwaysSerializeErrorsAsList() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Whether _embedded.errors should always be serialized as list.
- isAlwaysSerializeErrorsAsList() - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonConfiguration
Whether _embedded.errors should always be serialized as list.
- isAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
- isAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- isAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Return whether an annotation is present.
- isAnnotationPresent(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
- isAnnotationPresent(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Return whether an annotation is present.
- isAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataProvider
- isArray() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- isArray() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- isArray() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyEnumConstantElement
- isArray() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- isArray() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyParameterElement
- isArray() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
- isArray() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- isArray() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.TypedElement
Is the type an array.
- isArray() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonArray
- isArray() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- isAssignable(ClassElement, ClassElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.EvaluatedExpressionCompilationUtils
Checks whether the argument class element is assignable to the parameter class element.
- isAssignable(ClassElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- isAssignable(ClassElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- isAssignable(ClassElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Tests whether one type is assignable to another.
- isAssignable(ClassElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- isAssignable(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Tests whether one type is assignable to another.
- isAssignable(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- isAssignable(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- isAssignable(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Tests whether one type is assignable to another.
- isAssignable(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- isAssignableFrom(Argument<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Checks if the argument can be assigned to this argument.
- isAssignableFrom(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Delegates to
for this argument. - isAsync() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
- isAsync() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- isAsync() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
- isAsyncOrReactive() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
- isAsyncOrReactive() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- isAsyncOrReactive() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
- isAtLeast(String, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.version.SemanticVersion
Check whether the version is at least the given version.
- isAtLeastMajorMinor(String, int, int) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.version.SemanticVersion
Check whether the current version is at least the given major and minor version.
- isAtLeastMicronautVersion(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.version.VersionUtils
Return whether the current version of Micronaut is at least the given version using semantic rules.
- isBannerEnabled() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextConfiguration
The banner is enabled by default.
- isBannerEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- isBeanIntrospectionModule() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Whether the
should be used for reflection free object serialialization/deserialialization. - isBlocking() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.body.MessageBodyWriter
iff this closure can do a blocking read on the object it receives. - isBlocking() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.WritableBodyWriter
- isBlocking() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonHandler
- isBlocking() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyWritableBodyWriter
- isBoolean() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- isBoolean(Type) - Static method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
Checks if passed type is either boolean primitive or wrapper.
- isBootstrapEnvironmentEnabled() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextConfiguration
- isBootstrapEnvironmentEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- isBounded() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.WildcardElement
Is bounded wildcard - not "< ? >".
- isBuffering() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.JsonCounter
Whether we are currently in the buffering state, i.e.
- isCached() - Method in class
- isCached() - Method in interface
- isCandidateBean(Argument<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
- isCandidateBean(Argument<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanType
Return whether this bean type is a candidate for dependency injection for the passed type.
- isCandidateBean(Argument<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory
- isCandidateBean(Argument<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
- isChunkedSupported() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Whether chunked requests are supported.
- isClaimed(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.FormRouteCompleter
- isClass(Element) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.JavaModelUtils
Whether the given element is a class.
- isClassOrInterface(Element) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.JavaModelUtils
Whether the given element is a class or interface.
- isClient() - Method in class
- isClientChannel() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
- isClientChannel() - Method in interface
Deprecated.Use NettyClientCustomizer or NettyServerCustomizer instead.
- isClientChannel() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- isClosed() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- isCloseOnExpectationFailed() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
If a 100-continue response is detected but the content length is too large then true means close the connection.
- isCompletable() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
- isCompletable() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- isCompletable() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
- isCompletable(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.ReactiveStreamsTypeInformationProvider
- isCompletable(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformationProvider
does the type represent a completable type.
- isCompletable(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
Does the given reactive type emit a single result.
- isComplete() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.CompletionAwareSubscriber
- isComplete() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.multipart.FileUpload
Returns whether the
has been fully uploaded or is in a partial state. - isComplete() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyCompletedFileUpload
- isComplete() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload
- isComplete() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- isCompleted() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- isConfigurationProperties() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.internal.InterceptorRegistryBean
- isConfigurationProperties() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- isConfigurationProperties() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.PrecalculatedInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - isConfigurationProperties() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- isConfigurationProperties() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.DisabledBean
- isConfigurationProperties() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory
- isConfigurationProperties() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition
- isConfigurationProperties() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
- isConfigurationProperties() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinitionReference
- isConfigurationProperties() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
- isConsumed() - Method in class
- isConsumed() - Method in class
- isConsumed() - Method in interface
Has the stream been consumed.
- isContainerNode() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonObject
- isContainerNode() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- isContainerType() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- isContainerType() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.PrecalculatedInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - isContainerType() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- isContainerType() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory
- isContainerType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
- isContainerType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ArgumentBeanType
- isContainerType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Checks whether the bean type is a container type.
- isContainerType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanType
Checks whether the bean type is a container type.
- isContainerType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
- isContextScope() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- isContextScope() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition
- isContextScope() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinitionReference
- isConvertibleToPublisher(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
Is the given type a Publisher or convertible to a publisher.
- isConvertibleToPublisher(Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
Is the given object a Publisher or convertible to a publisher.
- isCookieHttpOnly() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.CookieConfiguration
Checks to see if this
can only be accessed via HTTP. - isCookieSecure() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.CookieConfiguration
- isDateHeader() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- isDeclaredAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
- isDeclaredAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- isDeclaredAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Variation of
for declared annotations. - isDeclaredAnnotationPresent(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
- isDeclaredAnnotationPresent(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Variation of
for declared annotations. - isDeclaredAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataProvider
- isDeclaredBeanInMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.BeanDefinitionCreatorFactory
- isDeclaredNonNull() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotatedElement
- isDeclaredNullable() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotatedElement
- isDeduceCloudEnvironment() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextConfiguration
If set to
Micronaut will attempt to deduce the environment using safe methods like environment variables and the stack trace. - isDeduceCloudEnvironment() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- isDefault() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- isDefault() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- isDefault() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
Is the method a default method on an interfaces.
- isDefault(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.ExecutableMethodsDefinitionWriter
Is the method a default method.
- isDeregister() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
- isDigits(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Is the given string a series of digits.
- isDirect() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- isDisk() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
- isDualProtocol() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- isEagerInitConfiguration() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContextConfiguration
Whether eager initialization of
is enabled. - isEagerInitSingletons() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContextConfiguration
Whether eager initialization of singletons is enabled.
- isEagerParsing() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Parse incoming JSON data eagerly, before route binding.
- isEmpty() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisher
Check whether this publisher is empty (i.e.
- isEmpty() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Is the annotation metadata empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- isEmpty() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValues
- isEmpty() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
- isEmpty() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
- isEmpty() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalValues
- isEmpty() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- isEmpty() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- isEmpty(CharSequence) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Return whether the given string is empty.
- isEmpty(Collection) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
Null safe empty check.
- isEmpty(Map) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
Null safe empty check.
- isEmpty(SerializerProvider, ConvertibleMultiValues<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.ConvertibleMultiValuesSerializer
- isEmpty(SerializerProvider, ConvertibleValues<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.ConvertibleValuesSerializer
- isEmpty(SerializerProvider, OptionalValues<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.OptionalValuesSerializer
- isEmpty(Object[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
Whether the given array is empty.
- isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.yaml.YamlPropertySourceLoader
- isEnabled() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.util.Toggleable
- isEnabled() - Method in class
- isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration
- isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.DiscoveryConfiguration
- isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
- isEnabled() - Method in class
- isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration
Whether connection pooling is enabled.
- isEnabled() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.AroundLegacy
- isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.CorsConfiguration
- isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
- isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.AccessLogger
Returns whether the access logger is enabled.
- isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.FormDataHttpContentProcessor
- isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
- isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- isEnabled() - Method in class
- isEnabled() - Method in class
- isEnabled() - Method in class
Health indicator is enabled.
- isEnabled() - Method in class
- isEnabled() - Method in class
- isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.resource.StaticResourceConfiguration
- isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.HeaderVersionResolverConfiguration
- isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.ParameterVersionResolverConfiguration
- isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.RoutesVersioningConfiguration
- isEnabled(BeanContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanContextConditional
Return whether this component is enabled for the given context.
- isEnabled(BeanContext, BeanResolutionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanConfiguration
- isEnabled(BeanContext, BeanResolutionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ArgumentBeanType
- isEnabled(BeanContext, BeanResolutionContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanContextConditional
Return whether this component is enabled for the given context.
- isEnabled(BeanContext, BeanResolutionContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- isEnabled(BeanContext, BeanResolutionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
- isEnabled(BeanContext, BeanResolutionContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition
- isEnabled(JsonGenerator.Feature) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- isEnabled(BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- isEnabled(BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ArgumentBeanType
- isEnabled(BeanContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- isEnabled(BeanContext, BeanResolutionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.internal.InterceptorRegistryBean
- isEnabled(BeanContext, BeanResolutionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- isEnabled(BeanContext, BeanResolutionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.BeanRegistration
- isEnabled(BeanContext, BeanResolutionContext) - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.DisabledBean
- isEnabled(BeanContext, BeanResolutionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory
- isEnabled(BeanContext, BeanResolutionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.BeanProviderDefinition
- isEnabled(BeanContext, BeanResolutionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.JakartaProviderBeanDefinition
- isEnabled(BeanContext, BeanResolutionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.JavaxProviderBeanDefinition
- isEnableDefaultPropertySources() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextConfiguration
Whether to load the default set of property sources.
- isEnableDefaultPropertySources() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- isEnum() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Whether this element is an enum.
- isEnum(Element) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.JavaModelUtils
Whether the given element is an enum.
- isEnvironmentCached() - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.optim.StaticOptimizations
Returns true if the environment should be cached, that is to say if the environment variables and system properties are deemed immutable during the whole application run time.
- isEnvironmentName(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Checks whether the string is a valid environment-style property name.
- isEnvironmentPropertySource() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextConfiguration
- isEnvironmentPropertySource() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- isErrorRoute() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- isErrorRoute() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
- isEvaluatedExpression(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Detect evaluated expression in annotation value.
- isExceptionOnErrorStatus() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
- isExcluded - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.AstBeanPropertiesUtils.BeanPropertyData
- isExcluded() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElement
Return true the property is excluded.
- isExcludedAnnotation(Element, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- isExcludedAnnotation(AnnotatedNode, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- isExcludedAnnotation(T, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Is the given annotation excluded for the specified element.
- isExcludePropertyElements() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery.Result
- isExploded() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchVariable
- isExposeDefaultRoutes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration
Whether to expose default routes on this listener.
- isFailFast() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
- isFailing() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.condition.ConditionContext
- isFalse() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- isFalse() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
- isFalse(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Returns whether the value of the given member is true.
- isFalse(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- isFalse(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- isFalse(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Returns whether the value of the given member is true.
- isFalse(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- isFalse(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- isFalse(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- isFalse(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- isFalse(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- isFalse(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- isFalse(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
- isFalse(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- isFiltersException() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.AroundLegacy
- isFiltersException() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.Async
- isFiltersException() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter
- isFinal() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- isFinal() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- isFinal() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyEnumConstantElement
- isFinal() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- isFinal() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- isFinal() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- isFollowRedirects() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
- isForceExit() - Method in interface io.micronaut.runtime.EmbeddedApplication
Most servers shutdown cleanly, however some integrations make require a forced exist.
- isFormData(HttpRequest<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.util.HttpUtil
Return whether the given request features
. - isFormOrMultipartData() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- isFulfilled() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteMatch
- isFull() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.FullHttpRequest
Shortcut for
contents() != null
. - isFull() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- isGenericPlaceholder() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
- isGetterName(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Is the given method name a valid getter name.
- isHasInterceptedMethod() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter
- isHeader() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HttpLocaleResolutionConfigurationProperties
- isHeader() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.HttpLocaleResolutionConfiguration
- isHealthCheck() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
Whether the service health should be checked.
- isHttp2CipherSuites() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpVersionSelection
- isHttp3() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpVersionSelection
- isHttpOnly() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
Checks to see if this
can only be accessed via HTTP. - isHttpOnly() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- isHttpOnly() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- isHttpToHttpsRedirect() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- isHyphenatedLowerCase(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Checks whether the given name is a valid service identifier.
- isIgnoreSettersWithDifferingType() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
- isIncludeEnumConstants() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery.Result
- isIncludeHiddenElements() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery.Result
- isIncludeOverriddenMethods() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery.Result
- isIncremental(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
Whether incremental compilation is enabled.
- isInMemory() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- isInner() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- isInner() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- isInner() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Is this type an inner class.
- isInnerConfiguration(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Check if the class is an inner configuration.
- isInsecureTrustAllCertificates() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.AbstractClientSslConfiguration
- isInstance(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Whether the given argument is an instance.
- isInstantiated() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationClassValue
Return whether the class value is instantiated.
- isIntercepted() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
Is the bean to be built intercepted?
- isInterface() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- isInterface() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- isInterface() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- isInterface() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
- isInterface() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
- isInterface() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- isInterface(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.ExecutableMethodsDefinitionWriter
Is the method in an interface.
- isInterface(Element) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.JavaModelUtils
Whether the given element is an interface.
- isIntroduction(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.BeanDefinitionCreatorFactory
- isIterable() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- isIterable() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.PrecalculatedInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - isIterable() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
- isIterable() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
- isIterable() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- isIterableOrMap(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
Is the given type an iterable or map type.
- isJavaBasicType(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils
Expanded version of
that includes common Java types likeURI
. - isJavaBasicType(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils
Expanded version of
that includes common Java types likeURI
. - isJavaLangType(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils
Return whether the given class is a common type found in
such as String or a primitive type. - isJavaLangType(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils
Return whether the given class is a common type found in
such as String or a primitive type. - isKeepAlive() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
- isKeepAlive() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- isKeepAlive() - Method in interface io.micronaut.runtime.server.EmbeddedServer
Most servers provide a way to block such that the server doesn't exit, however some require the creation of a keep alive thread.
- isKeepAliveOnServerError() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
- isKotlinCoroutineSuspended(Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.KotlinUtils
function result check. - isKotlinFunctionReturnTypeUnit(ExecutableMethod) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.KotlinExecutableMethodUtils
function return type check. - isLinux() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.condition.OperatingSystem
- isList() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
- isLocalhostPassThrough() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.CorsConfiguration
- isLogEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.AbstractPropertySourceLoader
Deprecated.don't need to have this method
- isLogHandledExceptions() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- isMacOs() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.condition.OperatingSystem
- isMixed() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
- isModuleScan() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Whether Jackson modules should be scanned for.
- isMutated() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder.CachedAnnotationMetadata
- isNative() - Method in class
- isNative() - Method in interface
- isNative() - Method in class
- isNative() - Method in class
- isNonNull() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotatedElement
- isNotEmpty() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
- isNotEmpty(CharSequence) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Return whether the given string is not empty.
- isNotEmpty(Collection) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
Null safe not empty check.
- isNotEmpty(Map) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
Null safe not empty check.
- isNotEmpty(Object[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
Whether the given array is not empty.
- isNull() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- isNullable() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotatedElement
- isNullSafe() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.ElementMethodCall
- isNumber() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- isNumeric(Type) - Static method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
Checks if passed type is one of numeric primitives or numeric wrappers.
- isObject() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- isObject() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonObject
- isObjectClass(TypeElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.ModelUtils
Return whether the given element is the java.lang.Object class.
- ISOLATING - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.inject.visitor.TypeElementVisitor.VisitorKind
A visitor that generates a file for each visited element and calls.
- isOneOf(TokenType...) - Method in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- isOneOf(Type, Type...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
Utility method to check if passed type (first argument) is the same as any of compared types (second and following args).
- isOnlyAbstract() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery.Result
- isOnlyAccessible() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery.Result
- isOnlyConcrete() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery.Result
- isOnlyDeclared() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery.Result
- isOnlyInjected() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery.Result
- isOnlyInstance() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery.Result
- isOnlyStatic() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery.Result
- isOpen() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- isOpen() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
Whether the session is open.
- isOptional() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
- isOptional() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchVariable
An optional variable is one that will allow the route to match if it is not present.
- isOptional() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Whether this element is an
. - isPackagePrivate() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- isPackagePrivate() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
- isPackagePrivate() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyEnumConstantElement
- isPackagePrivate() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- isPackagePrivate() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- isPackagePrivate() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- isPathParameter(Argument) - Method in class
- isPathParameter(Argument) - Method in class
- isPattern(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.AntPathMatcher
- isPending() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.PendingRequestBindingResult
- isPermitsRequestBody() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- isPermitsRequestBody() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
Whether the route permits a request body.
- isPortInHost() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HostResolutionConfiguration
- isPostConstruct() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter.MethodVisitData
- isPostConstructMethod - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.MethodReference
- isPostConstructMethod() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.MethodInjectionPoint
- isPreDestroy() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter.MethodVisitData
- isPreDestroyMethod - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.MethodReference
- isPreDestroyMethod() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.MethodInjectionPoint
- isPreferIpAddress() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
Should the IP address by used to register with the discovery server.
- isPreferNativeTransport() - Method in class
- isPreferNativeTransport() - Method in interface
- isPreferNativeTransport() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.EventLoopConfig
- isPresent() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.internal.InterceptorRegistryBean
- isPresent() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- isPresent() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanProvider
Determines if there is a bean that matches the required type and qualifiers.
- isPresent() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.DisabledBean
- isPresent() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory
- isPresent() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition
- isPresent() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanIntrospectionReference
- isPresent() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospectionReference
- isPresent() - Method in interface
- isPresent() - Method in class
- isPresent() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinitionReference
- isPresent() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
- isPresent() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.BeanProviderDefinition
- isPresent() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.JakartaProviderBeanDefinition
- isPresent() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.JavaxProviderBeanDefinition
- isPresent(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Returns whether the value of the given member is present.
- isPresent(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- isPresent(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Returns whether the value of the given member is present.
- isPresent(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- isPresent(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- isPresent(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Is the given member present.
- isPresent(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
Is the given member present.
- isPresent(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- isPresent(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- isPresent(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Check whether the given class is present within this environment.
- isPresent(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils
Check whether the given class is present in the given classloader.
- isPresentAndSatisfied() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.ArgumentBinder.BindingResult
- isPresentAndSatisfied() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.PendingRequestBindingResult
- isPrimary() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- isPrimary() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.PrecalculatedInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - isPrimary() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- isPrimary() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
- isPrimary() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ArgumentBeanType
- isPrimary() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanType
- isPrimary() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- isPrimitive() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- isPrimitive() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- isPrimitive() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyEnumConstantElement
- isPrimitive() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- isPrimitive() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyParameterElement
- isPrimitive() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
- isPrimitive() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.types.TypeIdentifier
- isPrimitive() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- isPrimitive() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.TypedElement
Whether the type is primitive.
- isPrimitive(Type) - Static method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
Checks if passed type is a primitive.
- isPrivate() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- isPrivate() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- isPrivate() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyEnumConstantElement
- isPrivate() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- isPrivate() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- isPrivate() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- isProcessedAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
Return whether the given annotation is processed.
- isPropertyParameter(ParameterElement, VisitorContext) - Static method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.ConfigurationReaderVisitor
- isProtected() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- isProtected() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- isProtected() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyEnumConstantElement
- isProtected() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- isProtected() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- isProtected() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyPackageElement
- isProtected() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyParameterElement
- isProtected() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- isProtected() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- isProtected() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- isProtected() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- isProvider() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
- isProxiedBean() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- isProxiedBean() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinitionReference
Returns whether another bean exists that proxies this bean.
- isProxiedBean() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Returns whether another bean exists that proxies this bean.
- isProxiedBean() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- isProxy() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
- isProxy() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
Whether this bean definition represents a proxy.
- isProxy() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ProxyBeanDefinition
- isProxyTarget() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
Is the target bean being proxied.
- isProxyTarget() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- isProxyTarget() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinitionReference
- isProxyTarget() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Returns whether another bean is a proxy target that needs to be retained.
- isProxyTarget() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- isPublic() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- isPublic() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- isPublic() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyEnumConstantElement
- isPublic() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- isPublic() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- isPublic() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyPackageElement
- isPublic() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyParameterElement
- isPublic() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- isPublic() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- isPublic() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- isPublic() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- isQuery() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchVariable
- isQuerySegment() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate.PathSegment
- isRaw(Argument<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultHttpContentProcessorResolver
- isRawType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Is raw type.
- isReactive() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- isReactive() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
- isReactive() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- isReactive() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
- isReactive(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.ReactiveStreamsTypeInformationProvider
- isReactive(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformationProvider
does the type represent a reactive type.
- isReadable() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- isReadable(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- isReadable(Argument<T>, MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.body.MessageBodyReader
Is the type readable.
- isReadable(Argument<CharSequence>, MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.TextPlainHandler
- isReadable(Argument<T>, MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonHandler
- isReadable(Argument<T>, MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonStreamHandler
- isReadable(Argument<T>, MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.body.JsonMessageHandler
- isReaderName(String, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Is the given method name a valid reader name.
- isReaderName(String, String[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Is the given method name a valid reader name.
- isReadOnly - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- isReadOnly() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanProperty
- isReadOnly() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- isReadOnly() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElement
Return true only if the property has a getter but no setter.
- isReadWrite() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanProperty
Whether the property can be written to and read from.
- isRecord() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- isRecord() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
- isRecord(Element) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.JavaModelUtils
Whether the given element is an interface.
- isRecordComponent(Element) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.JavaModelUtils
Return whether this is a component of a record.
- isRecordOrRecordComponent(Element) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.JavaModelUtils
Return whether this is a record or a component of a record.
- isReflectionRequired() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MemberElement
Returns whether this member element will require reflection to invoke or retrieve at runtime.
- isReflectionRequired(ClassElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MemberElement
Returns whether this member element will require reflection to invoke or retrieve at runtime.
- isRepeatableAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Is repeatable annotation?
- isRepeatableAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Is repeatable annotation?
- isRepeatableAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- isRepeatableAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- isRepeatableAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- isRepeatableAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- isRepeatableAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- isRepeatableAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- isRequiresReflection() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter.MethodVisitData
- isResolvable() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanProvider
Is the bean resolvable using the
methods. - isResponseBodyJsonFormattable() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
Is the response body json formattable.
- isRestart() - Method in class
Should the server be shutdown when a watch event fires.
- isRetainHostHeader() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ProxyRequestOptions
, retain the host header from the given request. - isRunning() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- isRunning() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- isRunning() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.LifeCycle
- isRunning() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.DefaultJdkHttpClient
- isRunning() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ConnectionManager
- isRunning() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- isRunning() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- isRunning() - Method in class
- isRunning() - Method in class io.micronaut.messaging.MessagingApplication
- isRunning() - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshScope
- isRunning() - Method in class
- isSatisfied() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.ArgumentBinder.BindingResult
- isSatisfied() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.PendingRequestBindingResult
- isSatisfied(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteMatch
Is the given input satisfied.
- isSecure() - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
- isSecure() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient.RequestKey
- isSecure() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
- isSecure() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
- isSecure() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- isSecure() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- isSecure() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- isSecure() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- isSecure() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- isSecure() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
Whether the connection is secure.
- isSensitive() - Method in class
- isSensitive() - Method in class
- isServer() - Method in class io.micronaut.messaging.MessagingApplication
- isServer() - Method in interface io.micronaut.runtime.EmbeddedApplication
This method returns whether the application is a server application or not.
- isServer() - Method in interface io.micronaut.runtime.server.EmbeddedServer
- isServerChannel() - Method in interface
Deprecated.Use NettyClientCustomizer or NettyServerCustomizer instead.
- isServerPushSupported() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.PushCapableHttpRequest
Check whether HTTP2 server push is supported by the remote client.
- isServerPushSupported() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- isServiceReadyIndicatorEnabled() - Method in class
Whether the
is enabled. - isSetter(String, Class<?>[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Is the method a setter.
- isSetterName(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Is the given method name a valid setter name.
- isShutdown() - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedExecutorService
- isSingle(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.ReactiveStreamsTypeInformationProvider
- isSingle(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformationProvider
does the given type represent a type that emits a single item.
- isSingle(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
Does the given reactive type emit a single result.
- isSingleHeader() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.CorsConfiguration
- isSingleResult() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.ReturnType
- isSingleResult() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- isSingleResult() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
- isSingleton() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.internal.InterceptorRegistryBean
- isSingleton() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- isSingleton() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- isSingleton() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.PrecalculatedInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - isSingleton() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- isSingleton() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.DisabledBean
- isSingleton() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory
- isSingleton() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition
- isSingleton() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
- isSingleton() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinitionReference
- isSingleton() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- isSingleton() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
- isSingleton() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
- isSingleton() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- isSolaris() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.condition.OperatingSystem
- isSpecifiedSingle() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
- isSpecifiedSingle() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- isSpecifiedSingle() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
- isSpecifiedSingle(AnnotationMetadataProvider) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.ReactiveStreamsTypeInformationProvider
- isSpecifiedSingle(AnnotationMetadataProvider) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformationProvider
Returns whether the annotation metadata specifies the type as single.
- isSsl() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration
Whether to enable SSL on this listener.
- isStatic() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- isStatic() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- isStatic() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyEnumConstantElement
- isStatic() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- isStatic() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- isStatic() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- isStream() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.FullNettyClientHttpResponse
- isStream() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- isStream() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- isStream() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpRequestBuilder
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Go through
instead - isStream() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpResponseBuilder
- isStream() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- isString() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- isSupported() - Static method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.LoomSupport
- isSupportedMapValue(Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataWriter
- isSupportsInterceptedProxy() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.ExecutableMethodsDefinitionWriter
Does method support intercepted proxy.
- isSuspend() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- isSuspend() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.MethodInterceptorChain
- isSuspend() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.MethodInvocationContext
- isSuspend() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition.MethodReference
Returns the value of the
record component. - isSuspend() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
Is the method a Kotlin suspend function.
- isSuspend() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ExecutableMethod
Defines whether the method is Kotlin suspend function.
- isSuspend(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.ExecutableMethodsDefinitionWriter
Is the method suspend.
- isSuspended() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.ReturnType
- isSuspended() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.AroundLegacy
- isSuspended() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.Async
- isSuspended() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter
When the filter is using the continuation it needs to be suspended and wait for the response.
- isSuspended() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- isSuspended() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
- isSynthetic() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
Checks if the current element is synthetic - not user defined but created by the compiler.
- isTcpPortAvailable(int) - Static method in class
Check whether the given TCP port is available.
- isTemplated() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- isTemplated() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link
- isTerminated() - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedExecutorService
- isTextBased() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- isTextBased(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- isTrimStrings() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Whether strings should be trimmed when deserializing.
- isTrue() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- isTrue() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
- isTrue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Returns whether the value of the given member is true.
- isTrue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- isTrue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- isTrue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- isTrue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- isTrue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Retrieve the boolean value and optionally map its value.
- isTrue(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
Returns whether the value of the given member is true.
- isTrue(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- isTrue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- isTrue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- isTrue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- isTrue(String, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- isTrue(String, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Retrieve the boolean value and optionally map its value.
- isTrue(String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- isTrue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- isTrue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- isTrue(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- isTrue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
- isTrue(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Is the boolean string true.
- isTrue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- isTypeVariable() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- isTypeVariable() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- isTypeVariable() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Whether this argument is a type variable used in generics.
- isTypeVariable() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- isTypeVariable() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.GenericPlaceholder
- isTypeVariable() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
In this case of calling
a returnedClassElement
may represent a type variable in which case this method will returntrue
. - isUnique() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanProvider
Determines if more than one bean matches the specified type and qualifiers.
- isUnnamed() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaPackageElement
- isUnnamed() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.PackageElement
Is unnamed package?
- isUseNativeTransport() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Whether to use netty's native transport (epoll or kqueue) if available.
- isValid() - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.routes.RouteValidationResult
Whether the route is valid.
- isValidated() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- isValidated() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
- isValidated() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- isValidateHeaders() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Whether to validate headers.
- isValidationRequired(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- isValidationRequired(AnnotatedNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- isValidationRequired(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Return whether the given member requires validation.
- isValidHyphenatedPropertyName(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Checks whether the string is a valid hyphenated (kebab-case) property name.
- isValidInMessage(Object) - Method in class
- isValidOutMessage(Object) - Method in class
- isValueNode() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- isVarArgs() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- isVarArgs() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
If method has varargs parameter.
- isVariable() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate.PathSegment
- isVirtual() - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorConfiguration
- isVirtual() - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
- isVoid() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
Returns whether the return type is logically void.
- isVoid() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.TypedElement
Whether the type is void.
- isVoid() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultStatusRouteInfo
- isVoid() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- isVoid() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
- isWebSocketRoute - Variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- isWebSocketRoute() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- isWebSocketRoute() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
Checks if route is for web socket.
- isWildcard() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
- isWindows() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.condition.OperatingSystem
- isWithin(BeanDefinitionReference) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanConfiguration
- isWithin(BeanDefinitionReference) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanConfiguration
Check whether the specified bean definition class is within this bean configuration.
- isWithin(Class) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanConfiguration
Check whether the specified class is within this bean configuration.
- isWithin(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanConfiguration
- isWithin(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
Check whether the given prefix is within the current path.
- isWithin(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanConfiguration
Check whether the specified class is within this bean configuration.
- isWrapperType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformation
Returns whether this type is a wrapper type that wraps the actual type such as an Optional or a Response wrapper.
- isWrapperType(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.TypeInformationProvider
Does the type represent a wrapper type.
- isWrapperType(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.util.HttpTypeInformationProvider
- isWrapperType(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.ProviderTypeInformationProvider
- isWritable() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- isWritable() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- isWritable() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
Whether the session is writable.
- isWritable(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- isWriteable(Argument<T>, MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.body.MessageBodyWriter
Is the type writeable.
- isWriteable(Argument<T>, MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonHandler
- isWriteable(Argument<T>, MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.body.JsonMessageHandler
- isWriteOnly() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanProperty
- isWriteOnly() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElement
Return true only if the property doesn't support modifying the value.
- isWriterName(String, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Is the given method name a valid writer name for the prefix.
- isWriterName(String, String[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Is the given method name a valid writer name for any of the prefixes.
- isWriteSensitive() - Method in class
- iterable() - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.Weighers
A weigher where the value is a
and its weight is the number of elements. - iterable() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.runtime.context.env.ConfigurationAdvice
- iterableToList(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
- IterableToMultiValuesConverter(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.IterableToMultiValuesConverter
- iterableToSet(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
- iterator() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanProvider
- iterator() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.EmptyPropertySource
- iterator() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.MapPropertySource
- iterator() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ErrorsContext
- iterator() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValues
- iterator() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
- iterator() - Method in class
- iterator() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalValuesMap
- iterator() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- iterator(T...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
Produce an iterator for the given array.
- iteratorToSet(Iterator<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
- JacksonConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.jackson
Configuration for the Jackson JSON parser.
- JacksonConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
- JacksonConverterRegistrar - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.databind.convert
Converter registrar for Jackson.
- JacksonConverterRegistrar(BeanProvider<ObjectMapper>, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.convert.JacksonConverterRegistrar
Default constructor.
- JacksonCoreParserFactory - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.core.parser
Helper class for implementing
JsonMapper.readValue(ByteBuffer, Argument)
with optimizations for netty ByteBufs. - JacksonCoreProcessor - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.core.parser
A Reactive streams publisher that publishes a
once the JSON has been fully consumed. - JacksonCoreProcessor(boolean, JsonFactory, JsonStreamConfig) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.core.parser.JacksonCoreProcessor
Creates a new JacksonProcessor.
- JacksonDatabindMapper - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.databind
jackson-databind implementation of
. - JacksonDatabindMapper() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- JacksonDatabindMapper(ObjectMapper) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- JacksonDatabindMapperSupplier - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.databind
Implementation of
for Jackson. - JacksonDatabindMapperSupplier() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapperSupplier
- JacksonDeserializationPreInstantiateCallback - Interface in io.micronaut.jackson
The pre instantiate callback.
- JacksonExceptionHandler - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions
Default exception handler for jackson processing errors.
- JacksonExceptionHandler(ErrorResponseProcessor<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.JacksonExceptionHandler
- JacksonFeatures - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.codec
Stores features to later configure an
. - JacksonFeatures - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.jackson.annotation
Annotation that can be applied to types that use Jackson to customize serialization features.
- JacksonFeatures() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JacksonFeatures
Empty jackson features.
- JacksonMediaTypeCodec - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.codec
for JSON and Jackson. - JacksonMediaTypeCodec(ObjectMapper, ApplicationConfiguration, CodecConfiguration, MediaType) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JacksonMediaTypeCodec
- JacksonMediaTypeCodec(BeanProvider<ObjectMapper>, ApplicationConfiguration, CodecConfiguration, MediaType) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JacksonMediaTypeCodec
- jacksonModules - Variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.ObjectMapperFactory
- JacksonObjectSerializer - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.serialize
An implementation of the
interface for Jackson. - JacksonObjectSerializer(ObjectMapper) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.JacksonObjectSerializer
- JacksonProcessor - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.parser
A Reactive streams publisher that publishes a
once the JSON has been fully consumed. - JacksonProcessor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.parser.JacksonProcessor
Default constructor.
- JacksonProcessor(JsonFactory) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.parser.JacksonProcessor
Construct with given JSON factory.
- JacksonProcessor(JsonFactory, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.parser.JacksonProcessor
Creates a new JacksonProcessor.
- JacksonProcessor(JsonFactory, boolean, DeserializationConfig) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.parser.JacksonProcessor
Creates a new JacksonProcessor.
- JacksonProcessor(JsonFactory, DeserializationConfig) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.parser.JacksonProcessor
Construct with given JSON factory.
- JacksonProcessor(DeserializationConfig) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.parser.JacksonProcessor
Construct with default JSON factory.
- JakartaEntityIntrospectedAnnotationMapper - Class in io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.persistence
An annotation mapper that improves introspection for JPA entities.
- JakartaEntityIntrospectedAnnotationMapper() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.persistence.JakartaEntityIntrospectedAnnotationMapper
- JakartaMappedSuperClassIntrospectionMapper - Class in io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.persistence
Handle mapped super class.
- JakartaMappedSuperClassIntrospectionMapper() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.persistence.JakartaMappedSuperClassIntrospectionMapper
- JakartaPersistenceContextAnnotationMapper - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
Allows using the `jakarta.persistence.PersistenceContext` annotation in Micronaut.
- JakartaPersistenceContextAnnotationMapper() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JakartaPersistenceContextAnnotationMapper
- JakartaProviderBeanDefinition - Class in io.micronaut.inject.provider
Implementation for Jakarta bean lookups.
- JakartaProviderBeanDefinition() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.provider.JakartaProviderBeanDefinition
- JAVA - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires.Sdk
- JAVA_PROPERTIES - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySource.PropertyConvention
Lower case separated by dots (java properties file style).
- JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing
for builder for Java to be used at compile time. - JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder(Elements, Messager, AnnotationUtils, ModelUtils) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Default constructor.
- JavaClassElement - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor
A class element returning data from a
. - JavaClassElement(JavaNativeElement.Class, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory, JavaVisitorContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- JavaElementAnnotationMetadataFactory - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing
Java element annotation metadata factory.
- JavaElementAnnotationMetadataFactory(boolean, JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- JavaElementFactory - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor
An implementation of
for Java. - JavaElementFactory(JavaVisitorContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaElementFactory
- JavaMethodElement - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor
A method element returning data from a
. - JavaMethodElement(JavaClassElement, JavaNativeElement.Method, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory, JavaVisitorContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- JavaModelUtils - Class in io.micronaut.inject.processing
Utility methods for Java model handling.
- JavaModelUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.processing.JavaModelUtils
- JavaNativeElement - Interface in io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor
The Java native element.
- JavaNativeElement.Class - Record Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor
The class native element.
- JavaNativeElement.Method - Record Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor
The method native element.
- JavaNativeElement.Package - Record Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor
The package native element.
- JavaNativeElement.Placeholder - Record Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor
The class native element.
- JavaNativeElement.Variable - Record Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor
The variable native element.
- JavaPackageElement - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor
A package element for Java.
- JavaPackageElement(PackageElement, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory, JavaVisitorContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaPackageElement
- JavaParser - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test
Utility for parsing Java code.
- JavaParser() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.JavaParser
Default constructor.
- javaVisitorContext - Variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- JavaVisitorContext - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor
The visitor context when visiting Java code.
- JavaVisitorContext(ProcessingEnvironment, Messager, Elements, AnnotationUtils, Types, ModelUtils, GenericUtils, Filer, MutableConvertibleValues<Object>, TypeElementVisitor.VisitorKind) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
The default constructor.
- JavaxNonnullTransformer - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
A transformer that remaps
. - JavaxNonnullTransformer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JavaxNonnullTransformer
- JavaxNullableTransformer - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
A transformer that remaps
. - JavaxNullableTransformer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JavaxNullableTransformer
- JavaxPersistenceContextAnnotationMapper - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
Allows using the `javax.persistence.PersistenceContext` annotation in Micronaut.
- JavaxPersistenceContextAnnotationMapper() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JavaxPersistenceContextAnnotationMapper
- JavaxPostConstructTransformer - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
into the javax meta-annotationAnnotationUtil.POST_CONSTRUCT
. - JavaxPostConstructTransformer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JavaxPostConstructTransformer
- JavaxPreDestroyTransformer - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
into the javax meta-annotationAnnotationUtil.PRE_DESTROY
. - JavaxPreDestroyTransformer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JavaxPreDestroyTransformer
- JavaxProviderBeanDefinition - Class in io.micronaut.inject.provider
Implementation for javax provider bean lookups.
- JavaxProviderBeanDefinition() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.provider.JavaxProviderBeanDefinition
- JavaxRemapper - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
Remaps from
. - JavaxRemapper() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JavaxRemapper
- JdbcIndicator - Class in
used to display information about the jdbc status. - JdbcIndicator(ExecutorService, DataSource[], DataSourceResolver, HealthAggregator<?>) - Constructor for class
- JDK - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.serialize.ObjectSerializer
The default JDK serializer.
- JdkBlockingHttpClient - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.jdk
implementation for* HTTP Client. - JdkBlockingHttpClient(LoadBalancer, HttpVersionSelection, HttpClientConfiguration, String, MediaTypeCodecRegistry, RequestBinderRegistry, String, ConversionService, JdkClientSslBuilder, CookieDecoder) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- JdkClientSslBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.jdk
The Javanet implementation of
that generates anSSLContext
to create a client that supports SSL. - JdkClientSslBuilder(ResourceResolver) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkClientSslBuilder
- JdkHttpClient - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client.jdk
Marker interface for
implementations that use the* HTTP Client. - JdkHttpClientFactory - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.jdk
Factory to create* HTTP Clients.
- JdkHttpClientFactory() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkHttpClientFactory
- JdkSerializer - Class in io.micronaut.core.serialize
that uses JDK serialization. - JdkSerializer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.serialize.JdkSerializer
Default constructor.
- JdkSerializer(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.serialize.JdkSerializer
- JdtNullableTransformer - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
A transformer that remaps org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable to
. - JdtNullableTransformer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JdtNullableTransformer
- JOB - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.TypeConvention
- JSON - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration.Format
Stored in JSON format.
- JSON_ADDITIONAL_TYPES - Static variable in class io.micronaut.json.codec.JsonMediaTypeCodec
- JsonArray - Class in io.micronaut.json.tree
Public to allow special handling for conversion service.
- JsonBeanPropertyBinderExceptionHandler - Interface in io.micronaut.json.bind
Exception handler interface that converts json binding exceptions to more specific
s. - JsonCodecAdditionalTypeAutomaticTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.codec
- JsonCodecAdditionalTypeAutomaticTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.codec.JsonCodecAdditionalTypeAutomaticTest
- JsonCodecAdditionalTypeTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.codec
- JsonCodecAdditionalTypeTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.codec.JsonCodecAdditionalTypeTest
- JsonConfiguration - Interface in io.micronaut.json
Base interface for application-level json configuration.
- JsonConfigurationMetadataWriter - Class in io.micronaut.inject.configuration
that writes out metadata in the format defined by spring-configuration-metadata.json. - JsonConfigurationMetadataWriter() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.JsonConfigurationMetadataWriter
- JsonContentProcessor - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.jackson
This class will handle subscribing to a JSON stream and binding once the events are complete in a non-blocking manner.
- JsonContentProcessor(NettyHttpRequest<?>, NettyHttpServerConfiguration, JsonMapper) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.jackson.JsonContentProcessor
- JsonConverterRegistrar - Class in io.micronaut.json.convert
Converter registrar for json.
- JsonConverterRegistrar(BeanProvider<JsonMapper>, ConversionService, BeanProvider<BeanPropertyBinder>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.json.convert.JsonConverterRegistrar
- JsonCounter - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty.body
This class takes in JSON data and does simple parsing to detect boundaries between json nodes.
- JsonCounter() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.JsonCounter
- JsonCounter.BufferRegion - Record Class in io.micronaut.http.netty.body
A region that contains a JSON node.
- JsonCreatorAnnotationMapper - Class in io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor
Makes every use of Jackson's JsonCreator also represent a
. - JsonCreatorAnnotationMapper() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.JsonCreatorAnnotationMapper
- JsonError - Class in io.micronaut.http.hateoas
A class that can be used to represent JSON errors that complies to Vnd.Error without the content type requirements.
- JsonError(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.JsonError
- JsonExceptionHandler - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions
Default exception handler for JSON processing errors.
- JsonExceptionHandler(ErrorResponseProcessor<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.JsonExceptionHandler
- jsonFactory(JacksonConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.ObjectMapperFactory
Builds default Factory
using properties fromJacksonConfiguration
. - JsonFeatures - Interface in io.micronaut.json
Base interface for json feature classes that can be scanned from annotations.
- JsonHttpContentSubscriberFactory - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.jackson
Builds the
for JSON requests. - JsonHttpContentSubscriberFactory(JsonMapper, NettyHttpServerConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.jackson.JsonHttpContentSubscriberFactory
- JsonMapper - Interface in io.micronaut.json
Common abstraction for mapping json to data structures.
- JsonMapperSupplier - Interface in io.micronaut.json
Strategy interface for resolving a
. - JsonMediaTypeCodec - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.codec
for JSON and Jackson. - JsonMediaTypeCodec - Class in io.micronaut.json.codec
for JSON and Jackson. - JsonMediaTypeCodec(ObjectMapper, ApplicationConfiguration, CodecConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JsonMediaTypeCodec
- JsonMediaTypeCodec(BeanProvider<ObjectMapper>, ApplicationConfiguration, CodecConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JsonMediaTypeCodec
- JsonMediaTypeCodec(BeanProvider<JsonMapper>, ApplicationConfiguration, CodecConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.json.codec.JsonMediaTypeCodec
- JsonMediaTypeCodec(JsonMapper, ApplicationConfiguration, CodecConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.json.codec.JsonMediaTypeCodec
- JsonMessageHandler<T> - Class in io.micronaut.json.body
Body handler for JSON.
- JsonMessageHandler(JsonMapper) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.json.body.JsonMessageHandler
- JsonNode - Class in io.micronaut.json.tree
Immutable class representing a json node.
- JsonNodeConvertibleValues<V> - Class in io.micronaut.json.convert
Simple facade over a
to make it aConvertibleValues
. - JsonNodeConvertibleValues(JsonNode, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.json.convert.JsonNodeConvertibleValues
- JsonNodeDeserializer - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.serialize
Deserializer for
. - JsonNodeDeserializer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.JsonNodeDeserializer
- JsonNodeSerializer - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.serialize
Serializer for
. - JsonNodeSerializer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.JsonNodeSerializer
- jsonNodeToObjectConverter() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.convert.JacksonConverterRegistrar
- JsonNodeTreeCodec - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree
Codec for transforming
from and to json streams. - JsonObject - Class in io.micronaut.json.tree
Public to allow special handling for conversion service.
- JsonObjectSerializer - Class in io.micronaut.json
An implementation of the
interface for Jackson. - JsonObjectSerializer(JsonMapper) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.json.JsonObjectSerializer
- JsonPropertySourceLoader - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.core.env
that readsapplication.json
files if they exist. - JsonPropertySourceLoader - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.env
that readsapplication.json
files if they exist. - JsonPropertySourceLoader() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.JsonPropertySourceLoader
- JsonPropertySourceLoader() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.env.JsonPropertySourceLoader
- JsonPropertySourceLoader(boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.JsonPropertySourceLoader
- JsonPropertySourceLoader(boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.env.JsonPropertySourceLoader
- jsonStream(HttpRequest<I>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.StreamingHttpClient
Perform an HTTP request and receive data as a stream of JSON objects as they become available without blocking.
- jsonStream(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.StreamingHttpClient
Perform an HTTP request and receive data as a stream of JSON objects as they become available without blocking.
- jsonStream(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>, Argument<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.StreamingHttpClient
Perform an HTTP request and receive data as a stream of JSON objects as they become available without blocking.
- jsonStream(HttpRequest<I>, Class<O>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.StreamingHttpClient
Perform an HTTP request and receive data as a stream of JSON objects as they become available without blocking.
- jsonStream(HttpRequest<I>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- jsonStream(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- jsonStream(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>, Argument<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- jsonStream(HttpRequest<I>, Class<O>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- JsonStreamConfig - Class in io.micronaut.json
Configuration for json stream parsing and generation.
- JsonStreamMediaTypeCodec - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.codec
A codec for
. - JsonStreamMediaTypeCodec - Class in io.micronaut.json.codec
A codec for
. - JsonStreamMediaTypeCodec(ObjectMapper, ApplicationConfiguration, CodecConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JsonStreamMediaTypeCodec
- JsonStreamMediaTypeCodec(BeanProvider<ObjectMapper>, ApplicationConfiguration, CodecConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JsonStreamMediaTypeCodec
- JsonStreamMediaTypeCodec(BeanProvider<JsonMapper>, ApplicationConfiguration, CodecConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.json.codec.JsonStreamMediaTypeCodec
- JsonStreamMediaTypeCodec(JsonMapper, ApplicationConfiguration, CodecConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.json.codec.JsonStreamMediaTypeCodec
- JsonStreamTransfer - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree
Utility functions for transferring from a
to aJsonGenerator
. - JsonSubscriber - Class in
A Reactor subscriber used to handle JSON content.
- JsonSubscriber(CoreSubscriber<? super HttpContent>) - Constructor for class
- JsonSyntaxException - Exception in io.micronaut.json
Exception thrown when there is a syntax error in JSON (e.g.
- JsonSyntaxException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.json.JsonSyntaxException
Construct a syntax exception with just a message.
- JsonSyntaxException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.json.JsonSyntaxException
Construct a syntax exception from a framework exception (e.g.
- JsonViewServerFilter - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.jackson
Jackson @JsonView filter.
- JsonViewServerFilter(JsonViewCodecResolver, ExecutorService, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.jackson.JsonViewServerFilter
- JspecifyNullableTransformer - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
A transformer that remaps org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable to
. - JspecifyNullableTransformer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JspecifyNullableTransformer
- just(CompletableFuture<K>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.CompletableFutureExecutionFlow
Create a completable future flow representing a value.
- just(Throwable) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
that emits a fixed single value. - just(K) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.ExecutionFlow
Create a simple flow representing a value.
- just(T) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
that emits a fixed single value. - JustPublisher(T) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers.JustPublisher
- JustThrowPublisher(Throwable) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers.JustThrowPublisher
- KEY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.context.ServerRequestContext
- KeyConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.KeyConfiguration
- keyDeserializers - Variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.ObjectMapperFactory
- keyFormat() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.convert.format.MapFormat
- keySet() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
- KeyStoreConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.KeyStoreConfiguration
- kind() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorBinding
- kind() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath.ConfigurationSegment
- kind() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
- KOTLIN - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires.Sdk
- KOTLIN_COROUTINES_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.KotlinUtils
Constant indicating whether coroutines are supported.
- KOTLIN_METADATA - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Constant for Kotlin metadata.
- KotlinCompiler - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test
- KotlinCompiler() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.KotlinCompiler
- KotlinDeprecatedTransformer - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
Allows treating the Kotlin deprecated annotation as the Java one.
- KotlinDeprecatedTransformer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.KotlinDeprecatedTransformer
- KotlinExecutableMethodUtils - Class in io.micronaut.inject.beans
Internal Utility methods for working with Kotlin
functions - KotlinExecutableMethodUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.beans.KotlinExecutableMethodUtils
- KotlinInterceptedMethod - Interface in io.micronaut.aop.kotlin
with extra methods to access coroutine's context. - KotlinNotNullMapper - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
An annotation mapper that maps Kotlin's NotNull to a common annotation.
- KotlinNotNullMapper() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.KotlinNotNullMapper
- KotlinNullableMapper - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
An annotation mapper that maps Kotlin's Nullable to a common annotation.
- KotlinNullableMapper() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.KotlinNullableMapper
- KotlinUtils - Class in io.micronaut.core.util
Internal Utility methods for working with Kotlin
functions - KotlinUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.util.KotlinUtils
- KQueueAvailabilityCondition - Class in
Checks if kqueue is available.
- KQueueAvailabilityCondition() - Constructor for class
- KQueueChannelOptionFactory - Class in
Creates channel options.
- KQueueChannelOptionFactory() - Constructor for class
- KQueueEventLoopGroupFactory - Class in
Factory for KQueueEventLoopGroup.
- KQueueEventLoopGroupFactory() - Constructor for class
- KUBERNETES - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Running on Kubernetes.
- KubernetesEnvironmentPropertySource - Class in io.micronaut.context.env
A property source specific for the Kubernetes environment.
- KubernetesEnvironmentPropertySource() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.KubernetesEnvironmentPropertySource
Default constructor.
- KubernetesEnvironmentPropertySource(List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.KubernetesEnvironmentPropertySource
Allows for control over which environment variables are included.
- L_CURLY - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- L_PAREN - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- L_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- last(Collection<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
Returns the last element of a collection.
- LAST - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.filter.ServerFilterPhase
The last phase, invoked after all other phases.
- LAST_MODIFIED - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - lastBody() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
Get the last body of this request, of any type.
- LastHttp2Content - Interface in io.micronaut.http.netty
- lastModified(long) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
Adds the LAST_MODIFIED header for the given
. - lastModified(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- lastModified(LocalDateTime) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
Adds the LAST_MODIFIED header for the given
. - lastModified(LocalDateTime) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- lastOption() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.cli.CommandLine
- lastWriteFuture - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerSubscriber
- Lax - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.cookie.SameSite
The cookie will be sent along with the GET request initiated by third party website.
- lazy() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.aop.Around
By default Micronaut will initialize the proxy target eagerly when the proxy is created.
- LAZY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.aop.Interceptor
setting. - LazyJsonNode - Class in io.micronaut.json.convert
Lazily parsed
. - LazyJsonNode(ByteBuffer<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.json.convert.LazyJsonNode
- leftOperand - Variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.BinaryOperator
- leftOperand - Variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.RelationalOperator
- legacyMasking() - Method in class
Configures the key masking to behave as it did prior to 3.3.0.
- length() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationClassValue
- length() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
- length() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
- length() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- length() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- length() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- LENGTH_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- levelOfDetail(Principal) - Method in class
Returns the level of detail that should be returned by the endpoint.
- LifeCycle<T extends LifeCycle> - Interface in io.micronaut.context
A life cycle interface providing a start method and extending Closeable which provides a close() method for termination.
- lift(Publisher<HttpContent>) - Static method in class
- link(CharSequence, Link) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.AbstractResource
Add a link with the given reference.
- link(CharSequence, Link) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.VndError
- link(CharSequence, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.AbstractResource
Add a link with the given reference.
- link(CharSequence, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.VndError
- Link - Interface in io.micronaut.http.hateoas
Interface for a hateoas link.
- LINK - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - Link.Builder - Interface in io.micronaut.http.hateoas
Build for creating
instances. - LINKS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Resource
The links attribute.
- LINUX - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires.Family
- list() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.EachProperty
- list() - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.Weighers
A weigher where the value is a
and its weight is the number of elements. - LIST - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath.ConfigurationSegment.ConfigurationKind
A list that requires replacement.
- LIST_OF_STRING - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionContext
Constant for
argument. - LIST_OF_STRING - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Constant for
argument. - listener(EvictionListener<K, V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder
Specifies an optional listener that is registered for notification when an entry is evicted.
- LISTENER - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyServerCustomizer.ChannelRole
The channel is a "listener" channel, e.g.
- listOf(Argument<T>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument representing a generic list.
- listOf(Class<T>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument representing a generic list.
- Liveness - Annotation Interface in
Qualifier designed to make the
exposed via/health/liveness
endpoint ofHealthEndpoint
. - LIVENESS - Enum constant in enum class
Liveness health indicators.
- LIVENESS_PROBE_MAPPING - Static variable in class
- load() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.internal.InterceptorRegistryBean
- load() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.DisabledBean
- load() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory
- load() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition
- load() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospectionReference
Loads the introspection.
- load() - Method in interface
- load() - Method in class
- load() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.optim.StaticOptimizations.Loader
The static optimization to be injected.
- load() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinitionReference
Loads the bean definition.
- load() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.provider.AbstractProviderDefinition
- load(BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- load(BeanContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition
- load(BeanContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinitionReference
Loads the bean definition for the current
. - load(Environment) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourceLoader
Load a
for the givenEnvironment
. - load(Environment) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourceLocator
Locate a
for the given environment. - load(Class<S>) - Static method in class
Creates a new
using the thread context loader by default. - load(Class<S>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class
Creates a new
using the given type and class loader. - load(Class<S>, ClassLoader, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class
Creates a new
using the given type and class loader. - load(String, ResourceLoader) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.AbstractPropertySourceLoader
- load(String, ResourceLoader) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourceLoader
Load a
for the givenEnvironment
. - load(Predicate<String>, Predicate<S>) - Method in interface
- load(Predicate<S>) - Method in interface
- load(Optional<String>, String, Optional<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslBuilder
- loadBalancer - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- LoadBalancer - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client
Interface to abstract server selection.
- LoadBalancerConverters - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance
Converters from URL to
interface. - LoadBalancerConverters() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.LoadBalancerConverters
- LoadBalancerResolver - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client
A resolver of
instances that are capable of resolving references to services into a concrete loadbalance. - loadClass(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.InMemoryByteCodeGroovyClassLoader
- LoadedVisitor - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor
Used to store a reference to an underlying
and optionally invoke the visit methods on the visitor if it matches the element being visited by the annotation processor. - LoadedVisitor(TypeElementVisitor, GenericUtils, ProcessingEnvironment) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.LoadedVisitor
- loadEnv(String, ResourceLoader, ActiveEnvironment) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.AbstractPropertySourceLoader
- loadEnv(String, ResourceLoader, ActiveEnvironment) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourceLoader
Load a
for the givenEnvironment
. - loadTypeMethods - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractAnnotationMetadataWriter
- locale - Variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.locale.FixedLocaleResolver
- locale(Locale) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
Sets the locale to use and will apply the appropriate
header to the response. - LocaleArgumentBinder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.binding
arguments in controller methods using theLocaleResolver
. - LocaleArgumentBinder(HttpLocaleResolver) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.binding.LocaleArgumentBinder
- LocaleResolutionConfiguration - Interface in io.micronaut.core.util.locale
Locale resolution configuration.
- LocaleResolver<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.util
Responsible for determining the current locale given a context.
- LocalFunctionDefinitionProvider - Class in io.micronaut.function.client.local
- LocalFunctionDefinitionProvider(EmbeddedServer, LocalFunctionRegistry) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.function.client.local.LocalFunctionDefinitionProvider
- LocalFunctionRegistry - Interface in io.micronaut.function
A registry of defined
instances containing within the current running application. - LOCALHOST - Static variable in class
Constant for localhost.
- LOCALHOST - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.ErrorHandlerTest
- LocalHostElementBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
Builder for LocalHostElement.
- LocalHostElementBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LocalHostElementBuilder
- LocalIpElementBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
Builder for LocalIpElement.
- LocalIpElementBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LocalIpElementBuilder
- LocalizedMessageSource - Interface in io.micronaut.context
Retrieve messages for the resolved locale.
- LocalPortElementBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
Builder for LocalPortElement.
- LocalPortElementBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LocalPortElementBuilder
- location(URI) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
Sets the location header to the given URI.
- location(URI) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- LOCATION - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - LOCKED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- log - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.AbstractPropertySourceLoader
- log - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
- log - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- log(Logger) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.AccessLog
Logs at info level the accumulated values.
- LOG - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
Used by subclasses!
- LOG - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.DefaultInterceptorRegistry
- LOG - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- LOG - Static variable in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.AutoRegistration
- LOG - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- LOG - Static variable in class
- LOG - Static variable in class
- LOG - Static variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- LOG_LIFECYCLE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- Log4jLoggingSystem - Class in io.micronaut.logging.impl
An implementation of
that works with Log4j. - Log4jLoggingSystem - Class in
An implementation of
that works with logback. - Log4jLoggingSystem() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.logging.impl.Log4jLoggingSystem
- Log4jLoggingSystem() - Constructor for class
- LogbackLoggingSystem - Class in io.micronaut.logging.impl
An implementation of
that works with logback. - LogbackLoggingSystem - Class in
An implementation of
that works with logback. - LogbackLoggingSystem(String) - Constructor for class
- LogbackLoggingSystem(String, String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.logging.impl.LogbackLoggingSystem
- LogbackUtils - Class in io.micronaut.logging.impl
Utility methods to configure
. - LogElement - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
Represents a http request or response element.
- LogElement.Event - Enum Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
- LogElementBuilder - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
Builder for LogElement.
- logger(String) - Method in class
- LoggerConfiguration - Class in
Represents the configuration of a
logger. - LoggerConfiguration(String, LogLevel, LogLevel) - Constructor for class
- loggers() - Method in class
- LoggersEndpoint - Class in
Exposes an
to manage loggers. - LoggersEndpoint(ManagedLoggingSystem, LoggersManager<Map<String, Object>>) - Constructor for class
- LoggersManager<T> - Interface in
Used to retrieve and update logger information for the
. - LoggingSystem - Interface in io.micronaut.logging
Abstraction for a logging system.
- LoggingSystemException - Exception in io.micronaut.logging
Thrown when something goes wrong on Logging System.
- LoggingSystemException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.logging.LoggingSystemException
Create exception with detailed message and cause.
- LoggingSystemException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.logging.LoggingSystemException
Create exception with detailed message and cause.
- LogicalOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Abstract expression AST node for binary logical operator.
- LogicalOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.LogicalOperator
- LogLevel - Enum Class in io.micronaut.logging
Logging levels supported by a
Typically, a logging system may permit the log level to be null, representing an unspecified log level. - logref(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.JsonError
Sets the logref.
- logref(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.VndError
- LONG - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- LONG - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionContext
Constant for Long argument.
- LONG - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Constant for long argument.
- LONG - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- LONG - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- LONG_WRAPPER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- LongLiteral - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal
Expression AST node for long literal.
- LongLiteral(long) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.LongLiteral
- longValue() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The long value of the given member.
- longValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value as an
for the given annotation and member. - longValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- longValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- longValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- longValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- longValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Retrieve the long value and optionally map its value.
- longValue(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- longValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The long value of the given member.
- longValue(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value as an
for the given annotation and member. - longValue(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- longValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- longValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- longValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- longValue(String, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- longValue(String, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Retrieve the long value and optionally map its value.
- longValue(String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The long value of the given member.
- longValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- longValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- longValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- longValues() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The long[] value for the given member.
- longValues(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The long[] value for the given member.
- longValues(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- lookup() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadata
- lookupForClass(ClassElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
Lookup annotation metadata for the class.
- lookupForField(FieldElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
Lookup annotation metadata for the field.
- lookupForMethod(MethodElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
Lookup annotation metadata for the method.
- lookupForPackage(PackageElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
Lookup annotation metadata for the package.
- lookupForParameter(ParameterElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
Lookup annotation metadata for the parameter.
- lookupOrBuild(Object, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Lookup or build new annotation metadata.
- lookupOrBuildForField(T, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Build the metadata for the given field element excluding any class metadata.
- lookupOrBuildForMethod(T, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Build the metadata for the given method element excluding any class metadata.
- lookupOrBuildForParameter(AnnotatedNode, AnnotatedNode, AnnotatedNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- lookupOrBuildForParameter(T, T, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Build the meta data for the given element.
- lookupOrBuildForType(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Build the meta data for the given element.
- lookupTypeAnnotationsForClass(ClassElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- lookupTypeAnnotationsForClass(ClassElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- lookupTypeAnnotationsForClass(ClassElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
Lookup annotation metadata for the class.
- lookupTypeAnnotationsForGenericPlaceholder(GenericPlaceholderElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- lookupTypeAnnotationsForGenericPlaceholder(GenericPlaceholderElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- lookupTypeAnnotationsForGenericPlaceholder(GenericPlaceholderElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
Lookup annotation metadata for the placeholder.
- lookupTypeAnnotationsForWildcard(WildcardElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- lookupTypeAnnotationsForWildcard(WildcardElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- lookupTypeAnnotationsForWildcard(WildcardElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
Lookup annotation metadata for the wildcard.
- LoomCondition() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.scheduling.LoomSupport.LoomCondition
- LoomSupport - Class in io.micronaut.scheduling
- LoomSupport.LoomCondition - Class in io.micronaut.scheduling
Condition that only matches if virtual threads are supported on this platform.
- LOOP_DETECTED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- lowerCaseName() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.PropertyConvention
- LOWEST_PRECEDENCE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.order.Ordered
Constant for the lowest precedence value.
- LT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- LTE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- LteOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Expression AST node for binary '<=' operator.
- LteOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.LteOperator
- LtOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Expression AST node for binary '<' operator.
- LtOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.LtOperator
- MAC - Enum constant in enum class
- MAC_OS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires.Family
- MacOsWatchServiceFactory - Class in
A factory that creates the
. - MacOsWatchServiceFactory() - Constructor for class
- MacOsWatchThread - Class in
Replaces the
for Mac OS X to use native file watch. - MacOsWatchThread(ApplicationEventPublisher, FileWatchConfiguration, WatchService) - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
- macWatchService() - Method in class
The default
. - main(String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.FunctionApplication
The main method which is the entry point.
- mainClass(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
The main class used by this application.
- mainClass(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- mainClass(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
- makeCopy() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- makeNewComposite(List<C>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractCompositeCustomizer
- ManagedLoggingSystem - Interface in
Abstraction for a logging system.
- MANUAL - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ThreadSelection
Manual selection leaves it up to the user code to spawn threads to run any blocking I/O operations.
- map - Variable in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValuesMap
- map() - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.Weighers
A weigher where the value is a
and its weight is the number of entries. - map(Function<? super T, ? extends R>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.ExecutionFlow
Map a not-empty value.
- map(AnnotationValue<InterceptorBean>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.mapper.InterceptorBeanMapper
- map(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JakartaPersistenceContextAnnotationMapper
- map(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JavaxPersistenceContextAnnotationMapper
- map(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.EntityIntrospectedAnnotationMapper
- map(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.EntityReflectiveAccessAnnotationMapper
- map(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.JsonCreatorAnnotationMapper
- map(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.persistence.JakartaEntityIntrospectedAnnotationMapper
- map(AnnotationValue<T>, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMapper
The map method will be called for each instances of the annotation returned via this method.
- map(Publisher<T>, Function<T, R>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
Map the result from a publisher using the given mapper.
- map(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers.MapOrSupplyEmpty
Maps next result.
- MAP - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath.ConfigurationSegment.ConfigurationKind
A map that requires replacement.
- MAP - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionContext
Constant for
argument. - mapAnnotationValue(AnnotationValue<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.EvaluatedAnnotationMetadata
- mapAnnotationValue(AnnotationValue<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- mapError(Class<T>, Function<T, Integer>) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
Maps an exception to the given error code.
- MapFormat - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert.format
Allows configuration how map property values are injected.
- MapFormat.MapTransformation - Enum Class in io.micronaut.core.convert.format
Specifies the type of the map that should be injected.
- mapNotNull(Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateMultiObjectBody
- mapNotNull(Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateSingleObjectBody
- mapNotNull(Function<Object, Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.MultiObjectBody
Apply a mapping function to all objects in this body.
- mapNotNull(Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.StreamingMultiObjectBody
- mapOf(Argument<K>, Argument<V>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument representing a generic map.
- mapOf(Class<K>, Class<V>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument representing a generic map.
- mapOf(Object...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySource
Create a
of configuration from an array of values. - mapOf(Object...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Create a new immutable
from an array of values. - mapOf(Object...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
Create a
from an array of values. - mapOf(String, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Create a new immutable
. - mapOf(String, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Create a new immutable
. - mapOf(String, Object, String, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Create a new immutable
. - mapOf(String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Create a new immutable
. - mapOf(String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Create a new immutable
. - mapOf(String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Create a new immutable
. - mapOf(String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Create a new immutable
. - mapOf(String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Create a new immutable
. - mapOf(String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Create a new immutable
. - mapOf(String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Create a new immutable
. - mapOfType(Argument<V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Obtain a map of beans of the given type where the key is the qualifier.
- mapOfType(Argument<V>, Qualifier<V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Obtain a map of beans of the given type where the key is the qualifier.
- mapOfType(Argument<V>, Qualifier<V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Obtains a map of beans of the given type and qualifier.
- mapOfType(Class<V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Obtain a map of beans of the given type where the key is the qualifier.
- mapOfType(Class<V>, Qualifier<V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Obtain a map of beans of the given type where the key is the qualifier.
- mapOfType(BeanResolutionContext, Argument<V>, Qualifier<V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Obtains a map of beans of the given type and qualifier.
- mapOfType(Argument<V>, Qualifier<V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- mapOfType(Argument<V>, Qualifier<V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- mapOrSupplyEmpty(Publisher<T>, Publishers.MapOrSupplyEmpty<T, R>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
Map the result from a publisher using the given mapper or supply empty value.
- MappedSuperClassIntrospectionMapper - Class in io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor
Handle mapped super class.
- MappedSuperClassIntrospectionMapper() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.MappedSuperClassIntrospectionMapper
- MapperMediaTypeCodec - Class in io.micronaut.json.codec
based implementations. - MapperMediaTypeCodec(BeanProvider<JsonMapper>, ApplicationConfiguration, CodecConfiguration, MediaType) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- MapperMediaTypeCodec(BeanProvider<JsonMapper>, ApplicationConfiguration, CodecConfiguration, MediaType, List<MediaType>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- MapperMediaTypeCodec(JsonMapper, ApplicationConfiguration, CodecConfiguration, MediaType) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
Abstract annotation metadata delegate for cases when annotation values need to be mapped before being returned.
- MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- MapPropertyResolver - Class in io.micronaut.core.value
that resolves values from a backing map. - MapPropertyResolver(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.value.MapPropertyResolver
- MapPropertyResolver(Map<String, Object>, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.value.MapPropertyResolver
- MapPropertySource - Class in io.micronaut.context.env
that uses a map. - MapPropertySource(String, Map) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.MapPropertySource
Creates a map property source.
- mapThreadInfo(Publisher<ThreadInfo>) - Method in class
- mapThreadInfo(Publisher<ThreadInfo>) - Method in interface
Converts the given
objects into any other object to be used for serialization. - mapToHttpRequest(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
Convert the Micronaut request to a JDK request.
- MapToMultiValuesConverter(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MapToMultiValuesConverter
- mapToObjectConverter() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.convert.JsonConverterRegistrar
- markDependentAsFactory() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- markDependentAsFactory() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Marks first dependent as factory.
- markReaderIndex() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- markWriterIndex() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- maskAll() - Method in class
Turn on global masking.
- maskNone() - Method in class
Turn off global masking.
- match(HttpMethod, URI) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.FilterRoute
Matches the given path to this filter route.
- match(HttpStatus) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultStatusRouteInfo
- match(HttpStatus) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.StatusRouteInfo
Match the given HTTP status.
- match(Class<?>, HttpStatus) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultStatusRouteInfo
- match(Class<?>, HttpStatus) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.StatusRouteInfo
Match the given HTTP status.
- match(Class<?>, Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultErrorRouteInfo
- match(Class<?>, Throwable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.ErrorRouteInfo
Match the given exception.
- match(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatcher
Match the given URI string.
- match(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate
Match the given URI string.
- match(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultUrlRouteInfo
- match(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRouteInfo
Match this route within the given URI and produce a
if a match is found. - match(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultErrorRouteInfo
- match(Throwable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.ErrorRouteInfo
Match the given exception.
- match(URI) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatcher
Match the given
object. - match(URI) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRouteInfo
Match this route within the given URI and produce a
if a match is found. - MATCH_ALL_PATTERN - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.ClientFilter
Pattern used to match all requests.
- MATCH_ALL_PATTERN - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Filter
Pattern used to match all requests.
- MATCH_ALL_PATTERN - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.RequestFilter
Pattern used to match all requests.
- MATCH_ALL_PATTERN - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.ResponseFilter
Pattern used to match all requests.
- MATCH_ALL_PATTERN - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.ServerFilter
Pattern used to match all requests.
- matches(MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Determine if this requested content type can be satisfied by a given content type.
- matches(ConditionContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.condition.Condition
Check whether a specific condition is met.
- matches(ConditionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.condition.TrueCondition
- matches(ConditionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- matches(ConditionContext) - Method in class
- matches(ConditionContext) - Method in class
Checks if netty's epoll native transport is available.
- matches(ConditionContext) - Method in class
Checks if netty's io-uring native transport is available.
- matches(ConditionContext) - Method in class
Checks if netty's kqueue native transport is available.
- matches(ConditionContext) - Method in class
- matches(ConditionContext) - Method in class
- matches(ConditionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.LoomSupport.LoomCondition
- matches(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.TypedRequestArgumentBinder
Check if this typed argument binder matches the provided class.
- matches(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.AntPathMatcher
- matches(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.util.PathMatcher
if the givensource
matches the specifiedpattern
otherwise. - matches(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.RegexPathMatcher
- MATCHES - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- matchesClass(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.LoadedVisitor
- matchesConfiguration(ConditionContext, AnnotationValue<Requires>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- matchesElement(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.LoadedVisitor
- MatchesOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Expression AST node for regex 'matches' operator.
- MatchesOperator(ExpressionNode, StringLiteral) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.MatchesOperator
- matchIfRouteIsNotVersioned(HttpRequest<?>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.RouteVersionFilter
- matchIfRouteIsVersioned(HttpRequest<?>, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.RouteVersionFilter
- matching(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRequestMatcher
- matching(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RequestMatcher
Match the given request.
- MathOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Abstract expression AST node for binary math operations on primitive types.
- MathOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.MathOperator
- MAX_FORWARDS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - MAX_INTEGRAL_DIGITS - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.Retryable
- MAX_LOCALS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- MAX_PORT_RANGE - Static variable in class
The maximum port number.
- MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.CircuitBreaker
- maxAge() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CrossOrigin
- maxAge(long) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
Sets the max age of the cookie in seconds.
- maxAge(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- maxAge(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- maxAge(TemporalAmount) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
Sets the max age of the cookie.
- maxAge(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.CorsAssertion.Builder
- maxAll(Comparator<? super T>, Collector<? super T, A, D>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StreamUtils
A collector that returns all results that are the maximum based on the provided comparator.
- maxCapacity() - Method in interface
Returns the maximum allowed capacity of this buffer.
- maxCapacity() - Method in class
- maxCapacity() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- maxDelay() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.CircuitBreaker
The maximum overall delay for an operation to complete until the Circuit state is set to
. - maxDelay() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.Retryable
- maximumWeightedCapacity(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder
Specifies the maximum weighted capacity to coerce the map to and may exceed it temporarily.
- maxPayloadLength() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.websocket.annotation.OnMessage
The maximum size of a WebSocket payload.
- maxWritableBytes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- MdcPropagationContext - Record Class in io.micronaut.context.propagation.slf4j
MDC propagation.
- MdcPropagationContext() - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.context.propagation.slf4j.MdcPropagationContext
- MdcPropagationContext(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.context.propagation.slf4j.MdcPropagationContext
Creates an instance of a
record class. - MEDIA_TYPE_CODEC - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
Attribute used to store the MediaTypeCodec.
- mediaType - Variable in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- MediaType - Class in io.micronaut.http
Represents a media type.
- MediaType(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Constructs a new media type for the given string.
- MediaType(String, String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Constructs a new media type for the given string and extension.
- MediaType(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Constructs a new media type for the given string and extension.
- MediaType(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Constructs a new media type for the given string and parameters.
- MediaTypeCodec - Interface in io.micronaut.http.codec
Represents a codec for a particular media type.
- mediaTypeCodecRegistry - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.AbstractHttpClientFactory
- mediaTypeCodecRegistry - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- mediaTypeCodecRegistry - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- mediaTypeCodecRegistry - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- MediaTypeCodecRegistry - Interface in io.micronaut.http.codec
A registry of decoders.
- MediaTypeCodecRegistryFactory - Class in io.micronaut.runtime.http.codec
A bean for the default
used by the server. - MediaTypeCodecRegistryFactory() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.runtime.http.codec.MediaTypeCodecRegistryFactory
- MediaTypeConvertersRegistrar - Class in io.micronaut.http
The media type converters registrar.
- MediaTypeConvertersRegistrar() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.MediaTypeConvertersRegistrar
- MediaTypeProvider - Interface in io.micronaut.http.body
Interface for bodies that provide their own media type.
- member() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.AliasFor
- member() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected.IndexedAnnotation
- member(String, byte...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given byte[] value.
- member(String, int...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given integer[] value.
- member(String, long...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given long[] value.
- member(String, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given boolean value.
- member(String, boolean...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given boolean value array.
- member(String, byte) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given byte value.
- member(String, char) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given char value.
- member(String, char...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given char[] value.
- member(String, double) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given double value.
- member(String, double...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given double[] value.
- member(String, float) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given float value.
- member(String, float...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given float[] value.
- member(String, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given integer value.
- member(String, long) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given long value.
- member(String, short) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given short value.
- member(String, short...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given short[] value.
- member(String, AnnotationClassValue<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given annotation class values.
- member(String, AnnotationValue<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given annotation value.
- member(String, AnnotationValue<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given annotation values.
- member(String, Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given type object.
- member(String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given type objects.
- member(String, Enum<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given enum object.
- member(String, Enum<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given enum objects.
- member(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given string value.
- member(String, String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the given member to the given String[] values.
- MEMBER_ACCESS_KIND - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties
- MEMBER_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CrossOriginUtil
- MEMBER_ALLOW_WRITE_WITH_MULTIPLE_ARGS - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties
- MEMBER_ALLOW_WRITE_WITH_ZERO_ARGS - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties
- MEMBER_ALLOWED_HEADERS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CrossOriginUtil
- MEMBER_ALLOWED_METHODS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CrossOriginUtil
- MEMBER_ALLOWED_ORIGINS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CrossOriginUtil
- MEMBER_ALLOWED_ORIGINS_REGEX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CrossOriginUtil
- MEMBER_BEAN - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Replaces
- MEMBER_BEAN - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_BEAN_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_BEANS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_CLASSES - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_CONDITION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_ENTITIES - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_ENV - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_EXCLUDED_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties
- MEMBER_EXCLUDES - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties
- MEMBER_EXPOSED_HEADERS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CrossOriginUtil
- MEMBER_FACTORY - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Replaces
- MEMBER_INCLUDES - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties
- MEMBER_MAX_AGE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CrossOriginUtil
- MEMBER_MISSING_BEANS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_MISSING_CLASSES - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_MISSING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_NAMED - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Replaces
- MEMBER_NOT_ENV - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_NOT_EQUALS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_NOT_OS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_OS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_PATTERN - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_QUALIFIER - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Replaces
- MEMBER_RESOURCES - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_SDK - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_VERSION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- MEMBER_VISIBILITY - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties
- MemberElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
A member element is an element that is contained within a
. - members(Map<CharSequence, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Adds the members from the provided map.
- memoized(Provider<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.context.ProviderUtils
Caches the result of provider in a thread safe manner.
- memoized(Supplier<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.SupplierUtil
Caches the result of supplier in a thread safe manner.
- memoizedNonEmpty(Supplier<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.SupplierUtil
Caches the result of supplier in a thread safe manner.
- memoryAddress() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- merge() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
Merges the hierarchy into one
. - merge(K, V, BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- message - Variable in class
- message - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DelegateStreamedHttpResponse
- MESSAGE_BODY_WRITER - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
The message body writer.
- MESSAGE_CONSUMER - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.TaskExecutors
The name of the
used to run message consumers such as a Kafka or RabbitMQ listeners. - MESSAGE_TO_BIG - Static variable in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- MessageAcknowledgementException - Exception in io.micronaut.messaging.exceptions
An exception thrown when a message is being acknowledged or rejected.
- MessageAcknowledgementException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.messaging.exceptions.MessageAcknowledgementException
- MessageAcknowledgementException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.messaging.exceptions.MessageAcknowledgementException
- MessageBody - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.messaging.annotation
An annotation that can be applied to method argument to indicate that the method argument is bound from message body.
- MessageBodyException - Exception in io.micronaut.http.exceptions
Exception that occurs when reading or writing a message body.
- MessageBodyException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.exceptions.MessageBodyException
- MessageBodyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.exceptions.MessageBodyException
- MessageBodyHandler<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.body
A handler combines a reader and a writer.
- MessageBodyHandlerRegistry - Interface in io.micronaut.http.body
A registry of
. - MessageBodyReader<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.body
An interface that allows reading a message body from the client or the server.
- MessageBodyWriter<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.body
An interface that allows writing a message body for the client or the server.
- messageHandled(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
Method called once a message has been handled by the handler.
- messageHandled(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketHandler
- messageHandler - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- MessageHeader - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.messaging.annotation
An annotation that can be applied to method argument to indicate that the method argument is bound from a message header.
- MessageHeaders - Interface in io.micronaut.messaging
Generic container object for message headers.
- MessageHeaders - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.messaging.annotation
This lets you declare several headers for a client class and have them always included.
- MessageKey(Locale, String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractMessageSource.MessageKey
Default constructor.
- MessageListener - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.messaging.annotation
Generic stereotype annotation that should be applied to other annotations that indicate to Micronaut, which classes are message listeners.
- MessageListenerException - Exception in io.micronaut.messaging.exceptions
An exception thrown when an unrecoverable error occurs with a
. - MessageListenerException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.messaging.exceptions.MessageListenerException
- MessageListenerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.messaging.exceptions.MessageListenerException
- MessageMapping - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.messaging.annotation
Generic stereotype annotation that models a mapping of a message listener onto a target destination, whether that be a queue a topic or whatever.
- messageMethod() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.context.WebSocketBean
Returns the method annotated with
responsible for regular messages. - MessageProducer - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.messaging.annotation
Generic messaging meta-annotation to indicate a type that is a message producer.
- messager - Variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- MessageSource - Interface in io.micronaut.context
Interface for resolving messages from some source.
- MessageSource.MessageContext - Interface in io.micronaut.context
The context to use.
- MessageSourceUtils - Class in io.micronaut.context
Utility class used by
to create variables maps. - MessageSourceUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.MessageSourceUtils
- MessagingApplication - Class in io.micronaut.messaging
An alternative
that gets activated for messaging applications when no other application is present. - MessagingApplication(ApplicationContext, ApplicationConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.messaging.MessagingApplication
Constructs a new messaging application.
- MessagingClientException - Exception in io.micronaut.messaging.exceptions
An exception thrown when an unrecoverable error occurs with a messaging client.
- MessagingClientException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.messaging.exceptions.MessagingClientException
- MessagingClientException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.messaging.exceptions.MessagingClientException
- MessagingException - Exception in io.micronaut.messaging.exceptions
General parent exception for all message related exceptions.
- MessagingException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.messaging.exceptions.MessagingException
- MessagingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.messaging.exceptions.MessagingException
- MessagingSystemException - Exception in io.micronaut.messaging.exceptions
An exception thrown when an unrecoverable error occurs with the messaging system.
- MessagingSystemException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.messaging.exceptions.MessagingSystemException
- MessagingSystemException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.messaging.exceptions.MessagingSystemException
- META_BIND_MEMBERS - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorBinding
The bind members name.
- META_BINDING_VALUES - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.InterceptorBindingQualifier
- META_INF_SERVICES - Static variable in class
- metadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance.Builder
Sets the application metadata.
- metadataBuilder - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- metadataBuilder - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- method() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.function.FunctionBean
The method name of a function within the class that is the function to invoke.
- method() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.CustomHttpMethod
- method() - Method in class
- Method(ExecutableElement) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Method
Creates an instance of a
record class. - Method(MethodNode) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Method
Creates an instance of a
record class. - METHOD - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties.AccessKind
The default behaviour which is to favour public getters for bean properties.
- METHOD - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected.AccessKind
The default behaviour which is to favour public getters for bean properties.
- METHOD - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElement.AccessKind
The default behaviour which is to favour public getters for bean properties.
- METHOD_CREATE_ARGUMENT_SIMPLE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- METHOD_CREATE_TYPE_VARIABLE_SIMPLE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- METHOD_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- METHOD_GENERIC_PLACEHOLDER_SIMPLE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- METHOD_GET_PROXY_TARGET - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- METHOD_GET_PROXY_TARGET_BEAN_WITH_CONTEXT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- METHOD_HAS_CACHED_INTERCEPTED_METHOD - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- METHOD_NAME - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
Attribute used to store the HTTP method name, if required within the response.
- METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- method1(VertxOptions) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.test.ClassWithReferencingExternalClass
- method2() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.test.ClassWithReferencingExternalClass
- MethodArgumentSegment(BeanDefinition, String, Argument, Argument[], AbstractBeanResolutionContext.MethodSegment) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.MethodArgumentSegment
- methodAtIndexMatches(int, String, Class<?>[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition
Checks if the method at index matches name and argument types.
- MethodBasedRouteInfo<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router -
Represents a route that is backed by a method.
- MethodBasedRouteMatch<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router -
Match a route based on a method.
- MethodConvention - Enum Class in io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions
Represents the built in conventions for mapping a method name to an HTTP Method and URI.
- MethodElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
Stores data about an element that references a method.
- MethodElementAnnotationMetadata - Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation
The element annotation metadata for a method element.
- MethodElementAnnotationMetadata(MethodElement) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MethodElementAnnotationMetadata
- MethodElementAnnotationsHelper - Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation
The helper class to implement method element annotations.
- MethodElementAnnotationsHelper(AbstractAnnotationElement, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MethodElementAnnotationsHelper
The constructor.
- MethodExecutionHandle<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject -
Represents an execution handle that invokes a method.
- MethodInjectionPoint<B,
T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject -
Defines an injection point for a method.
- MethodInterceptor<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.aop -
A MethodInterceptor extends the generic
and provides an interface more specific to method interception. - MethodInterceptorChain<T,
R> - Class in io.micronaut.aop.chain -
An internal representation of the
chain. - MethodInterceptorChain(Interceptor<T, R>[], T, ExecutableMethod<T, R>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.aop.chain.MethodInterceptorChain
Constructor for empty parameters.
- MethodInterceptorChain(Interceptor<T, R>[], T, ExecutableMethod<T, R>, InterceptorKind) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.aop.chain.MethodInterceptorChain
Constructor for empty parameters.
- MethodInterceptorChain(Interceptor<T, R>[], T, ExecutableMethod<T, R>, Object...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.aop.chain.MethodInterceptorChain
- MethodInvocationContext<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.aop -
Extended version of
instances. - methodName - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- methodName - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.MethodReference
- methodName() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition.MethodReference
Returns the value of the
record component. - methodName() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.MethodConvention
- methodNode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Parameter
Returns the value of the
record component. - MethodOrFieldReference(Class<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.MethodOrFieldReference
- MethodReference<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject -
A reference to a method.
- MethodReference(Class<?>, AnnotationMetadata, String, Argument<?>, Argument<?>[], boolean, boolean) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition.MethodReference
The constructor.
- MethodReference(Class, String, Argument[], AnnotationMetadata) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.MethodReference
- MethodReference(Class, String, Argument[], AnnotationMetadata, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.MethodReference
- methods() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.ReflectionConfig
- methods() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.ClientFilter
- methods() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Filter
- methods() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.FilterMatcher
- methods() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.RequestFilter
- methods() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.ResponseFilter
- methods() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.ServerFilter
- methods() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.BaseFilterProcessor.FilterMetadata
Returns the value of the
record component. - methods(HttpMethod...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.FilterRoute
Restrict the methods this filter route matches.
- methodVisitor() - Method in record class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.compilation.ExpressionVisitorContext
Returns the value of the
record component. - METRICS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.filter.ServerFilterPhase
Any filters related to collecting metrics.
- Micronaut - Class in io.micronaut.runtime
Main entry point for running a Micronaut application.
- Micronaut() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
The default constructor.
- MICRONAUT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires.Sdk
- MICRONAUT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Constant for the name micronaut.
- MICRONAUT_BASE_OPTION_NAME - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
- MICRONAUT_MODULE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.ObjectMapperFactory
Name for Micronaut module.
- MICRONAUT_PROCESSING_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
Annotation processor option used to add additional annotation patterns to process.
- MICRONAUT_PROCESSING_GROUP - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
- MICRONAUT_PROCESSING_INCREMENTAL - Static variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
Annotation processor option used to activate incremental processing.
- MICRONAUT_PROCESSING_MODULE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
- MICRONAUT_PROCESSING_PROJECT_DIR - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
- MICRONAUT_VERSION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.version.VersionUtils
The current version of Micronaut.
- MicronautBanner - Class in io.micronaut.context.banner
Default implementation of
that prints the default Micronaut banner. - MicronautBanner(PrintStream) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.banner.MicronautBanner
- MicronautDeserializers - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.serialize
- MicronautDeserializers(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.MicronautDeserializers
- MicronautHttpData<D extends io.netty.handler.codec.http.multipart.HttpData> - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
implementation with some limited concurrency support. - MicronautHttpData.Chunk - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Chunk of bytes from this data object.
- MicronautHttpData.Factory - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Factory for
instances. - MICROSOFT_EXCEL - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Microsoft Excel's workbook files in use between 97-2003.
- MICROSOFT_EXCEL_OPEN_XML - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
XML: Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet (XLSX).
- MICROSOFT_EXCEL_OPEN_XML_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
XML: Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet (XLSX).
- MICROSOFT_EXCEL_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Microsoft Excel's workbook files in use between 97-2003.
- MIN_PORT_RANGE - Static variable in class
The minimum port number.
- minAll(Comparator<? super T>, Collector<? super T, A, D>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StreamUtils
A collector that returns all results that are the minimum based on the provided comparator.
- minus(PropagatedContextElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Creates a new context without the provided element.
- MINUS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- MiscTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- MiscTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.MiscTest
- MISDIRECTED_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- missing() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Expresses the given classes that should be missing from the classpath for the bean or configuration to load.
- MISSING_EXTENSION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- missingBeans() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Expresses the given beans that should be missing from the classpath for the bean or configuration to load.
- MissingBodyAnnotationTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- MissingBodyAnnotationTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.MissingBodyAnnotationTest
- missingClasses() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Expresses the given class names should be missing from the classpath for the bean configuration to load.
- missingConfigurations() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Expresses the given configurations that should be missing from the classpath for the bean or configuration to load.
- MissingParameterRule - Class in io.micronaut.validation.routes.rules
Validates all route uri variables are present in the route arguments.
- MissingParameterRule() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.validation.routes.rules.MissingParameterRule
- missingProperty() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Expresses that the bean or configuration will only be configured if the given property is missing.
- missingProperty(BeanResolutionContext, ArgumentConversionContext, String) - Static method in exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException
Builds an error message for attempted argument conversion on a method.
- MOD - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- modelUtils - Variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- ModelUtils - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing
Provides utility method for working with the annotation processor AST.
- ModelUtils(Elements, Types) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.ModelUtils
- modifiers(Predicate<Set<ElementModifier>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Allows filtering by modifiers.
- MODIFY - Enum constant in enum class
A file / directory was modified.
- ModOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Expression AST node for binary '/' operator.
- ModOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.ModOperator
- MOVED_PERMANENTLY - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- MSG_BEAN_DEFINITION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- MUL - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- MulOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Expression node for binary '*' operator.
- MulOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.MulOperator
- MULTI_STATUS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- MultiObjectBody - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body
A body consisting of multiple objects of arbitrary type.
- MULTIPART_FORM_DATA - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Multi part form data: multipart/form-data.
- MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Multi part form data: multipart/form-data.
- MultipartBody - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.multipart
A builder class to generate a list of parts for a multipart request.
- MultipartBody - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.multipart
Represents the body of a multipart request that emits each part after it is received in its entirety.
- MultipartBody.Builder - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.multipart
A builder class to add different
. - MultipartBodyArgumentBinder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart
argument binder for aMultipartBody
argument. - MultipartBodyArgumentBinder(BeanLocator, BeanProvider<HttpServerConfiguration>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.MultipartBodyArgumentBinder
Default constructor.
- multipartConfiguration() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload.Factory
Returns the value of the
record component. - MultipartConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
- MultipartDataFactory<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client.multipart
A factory for Multipart data.
- multipartEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.RequestLifecycle
- MultipartException - Exception in io.micronaut.http.multipart
Exception thrown during multipart handling.
- MultipartException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.multipart.MultipartException
- MultipartException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.multipart.MultipartException
- MULTIPLE_CHOICES - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- multiplier() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.CircuitBreaker
- multiplier() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.Retryable
- MultiValuesConverterFactory - Class in io.micronaut.core.convert.converters
A factory for creation of various
s to and fromConvertibleMultiValues
type. - MultiValuesConverterFactory() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory
- MultiValuesConverterFactory.AbstractConverterToMultiValues<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.convert.converters
An abstract class to convert to ConvertibleMultiValues.
- MultiValuesConverterFactory.IterableToMultiValuesConverter - Class in io.micronaut.core.convert.converters
A converter from
. - MultiValuesConverterFactory.MapToMultiValuesConverter - Class in io.micronaut.core.convert.converters
A converter from
. - MultiValuesConverterFactory.MultiValuesToIterableConverter - Class in io.micronaut.core.convert.converters
A converter to convert from
to anIterable
. - MultiValuesConverterFactory.MultiValuesToMapConverter - Class in io.micronaut.core.convert.converters
A converter to convert from
to anMap
. - MultiValuesConverterFactory.MultiValuesToObjectConverter - Class in io.micronaut.core.convert.converters
A converter to convert from
to a POJOObject
. - MultiValuesConverterFactory.ObjectToMultiValuesConverter - Class in io.micronaut.core.convert.converters
A converter from generic
. - MultiValuesToIterableConverter(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MultiValuesToIterableConverter
- MultiValuesToMapConverter(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MultiValuesToMapConverter
- MultiValuesToObjectConverter(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MultiValuesToObjectConverter
- MutableAnnotationMetadata - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
A mutable various of
that is used only at build time. - MutableAnnotationMetadata() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Default constructor.
- MutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate<R> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation
Mutable annotation metadata.
- MutableArgumentValue<V> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.type
A mutable version of the
interface. - MutableAttributeHolder - Interface in io.micronaut.core.attr
An interface for types that support mutating attributes.
- mutableConversionService - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- MutableConversionService - Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert
A version of
that supports adding new converters. - MutableConvertibleMultiValues<V> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert.value
- MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap<V> - Class in io.micronaut.core.convert.value
Implementation of
that operates against a backingLinkedHashMap
. - MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap
Default constructor.
- MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap(Map<CharSequence, List<V>>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap(Map<CharSequence, List<V>>, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- MutableConvertibleValues<V> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert.value
that is mutable. - MutableConvertibleValuesMap<V> - Class in io.micronaut.core.convert.value
Mutable version of
. - MutableConvertibleValuesMap() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleValuesMap
Default constructor.
- MutableConvertibleValuesMap(Map<? extends CharSequence, V>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleValuesMap
- MutableConvertibleValuesMap(Map<? extends CharSequence, V>, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleValuesMap
- MutableElementAnnotationMetadata() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory.MutableElementAnnotationMetadata
- MutableHeaders - Interface in io.micronaut.core.type
Common interface for all mutable header types.
- MutableHttpHeaders - Interface in io.micronaut.http
add methods for mutation of headers. - MutableHttpMessage<B> - Interface in io.micronaut.http
An interface for an
that is mutable allowing headers and the message body to be set. - MutableHttpParameters - Interface in io.micronaut.http
Mutable version of
which allows adding new parameters. - MutableHttpRequest<B> - Interface in io.micronaut.http
An extended version of
that allows mutating headers, the body etc. - MutableHttpResponse<B> - Interface in io.micronaut.http
A version of the
interface that is mutable allowing the ability to set headers, character encoding etc. - MutablePropagatedContext - Interface in io.micronaut.core.propagation
Mutable propagated context will modify the internal context Intended for use-cases when the propagated context needs to be mutated and propagated later.
- mutate() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
Creates a builder with the initial value of this annotation.
- mutate() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Returns a new request object that allows mutation.
- mutate() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- MutatedMethodElementAnnotationMetadata - Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation
The mutated element annotation metadata for a method element.
- MutatedMethodElementAnnotationMetadata(MethodElement, MutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate<AnnotationMetadata>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MutatedMethodElementAnnotationMetadata
- mutateMember(MutableAnnotationMetadata, String, String, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Sets a member of the given
return a new annotation metadata instance without mutating the existing. - mutateMember(MutableAnnotationMetadata, String, Map<CharSequence, Object>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Sets a member of the given
return a new annotation metadata instance without mutating the existing. - MyClientFilter() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- MyClientFilter() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- MyController() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyController
- MyController() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyController
- MyController() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.HttpServerFilterTest.MyController
- MyController() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyController
- MyController() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyController
- MyServerFilter() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- MyServerFilter() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- nack() - Method in interface io.micronaut.messaging.Acknowledgement
Rejects the message.
- name - Variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.AbstractMethodCall
- name - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- name - Variable in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
- name() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.DefaultImplementation
- name() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Property
The name of the property in kebab case.
- name() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath.ConfigurationSegment
- name() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
- name() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.ReflectionConfig.ReflectiveFieldConfig
- name() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.ReflectionConfig.ReflectiveMethodConfig
- name() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.function.FunctionBean
- name() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Header
If used on a class level with @Headers this is the header name and value is the value.
- name() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.PathVariable
- name() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.RequestAttribute
If used on a class level with @RequestAttributes this is the attribute name and value is the value.
- name() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.messaging.annotation.MessageHeader
If used on a class level with @Headers this is the header name and value is the value.
- name(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link.Builder
- name(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.sse.Event
Sets the event name.
- name(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- NAME - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath.ConfigurationSegment.ConfigurationKind
Dynamic name.
- NAME - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Any
- NAME - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Primary
Qualified name.
- NAME - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Prototype
- NAME - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Type
The name of the annotation.
- NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.CommandLinePropertySource
The name of the property source.
- NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.EnvironmentPropertySource
Constant for Environment property source.
- NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.KubernetesEnvironmentPropertySource
The name of this property source.
- NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.SystemPropertiesPropertySource
Constant for System property source.
- NAME - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.async.annotation.SingleResult
The class name.
- NAME - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation.Bindable
The name of the annotation.
- NAME - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.FilterMatcher
The name of this annotation.
- NAME - Static variable in class
Name for Netty thread factory.
- NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Parent
- NAME - Static variable in class
Endpoint name.
- NAME - Static variable in class
Constant for health.
- NAME - Static variable in class
Constant with the name of the Info endpoint.
- NAME - Static variable in class
Endpoint name.
- NAME - Static variable in class
- NAME_DOWN - Static variable in class
The default name to use for an
status. - NAME_TO_TYPE_MAP - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.JavaModelUtils
- NAME_UP - Static variable in class
The default name to use for an
status. - named() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Replaces
The name of the qualifiers of the bean that should be replaced.
- named(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Allows filtering elements by name.
- named(Predicate<String>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Allows filtering elements by name.
- named(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition.Builder
The qualifier to use.
- Named - Interface in io.micronaut.core.naming
An interface for components that are named.
- NAMED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
The meta annotation used for named qualifiers.
- NamedAnnotationMapper - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
A named
operates against any named annotation, and does not require the annotation to be on the annotation processor classpath. - NamedAnnotationTransformer - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
A named
operates against any named annotation, and does not require the annotation to be on the annotation processor classpath. - NamedClientVersioningConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor.configuration
Client versioning configuration for named configurations nested under
. - nameOf(String...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.PropertyResolver
Builds a property name for the given property path.
- NameResolver - Interface in io.micronaut.core.naming
An interface for a components that resolve names.
- names() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- names() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- names() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- names() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
- names() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValuesMap
- names() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders
- names() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.HttpHeadersAdapter
- names() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookies
- names() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- names() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpParameters
- names() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- names() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpHeaders
- names() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpParameters
- names() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.convert.ObjectNodeConvertibleValues
- names() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.convert.JsonNodeConvertibleValues
- NAMESERVERS - Enum constant in enum class
- NameUtils - Class in io.micronaut.core.naming
Naming convention utilities.
- NameUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
- NATIVE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration.Format
Stored in the native format provided by the configuration server.
- NATIVE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementModifier
- NATIVE - Static variable in interface
Qualifier used to resolve the native factory.
- NE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- NEED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.ssl.ClientAuthentication
- needMoreInput() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.parser.JacksonCoreProcessor
- needMoreInput() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.parser.JacksonProcessor
- needsRequestBody() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultStatusRouteInfo
- needsRequestBody() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- needsRequestBody() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteInfo
- NegOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary
Expression node for unary '-' operator.
- NegOperator(ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary.NegOperator
- NeqOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Expression AST node for binary '!=' operator.
- NeqOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.NeqOperator
- nest(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate
- nest(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
Nests another URI template with this template.
- nest(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTypeMatchTemplate
- nest(CharSequence, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTypeMatchTemplate
- nest(CharSequence, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
Nests another URI template with this template.
- nest(Runnable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.ErrorRoute
- nest(Runnable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.ResourceRoute
Nest more routes within this
. - nest(Runnable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Route
Defines routes nested within this route.
- nest(Runnable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.StatusRoute
- nest(Runnable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRoute
Defines routes nested within this route.
- NESTED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.convert.format.MapFormat.MapTransformation
A nested map has any keys such as
transformed into a structure that is a map of maps such as JSON. - NETMASK - Enum constant in enum class
- NettyBodyWriter<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.netty.body
Netty-specific writer.
- NettyByteBufferFactory - Class in io.micronaut.buffer.netty
implementation for Netty. - NettyByteBufferFactory() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.buffer.netty.NettyByteBufferFactory
Default constructor.
- NettyByteBufferFactory(ByteBufAllocator) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.buffer.netty.NettyByteBufferFactory
- NettyChannelType - Enum Class in
Different netty channel types.
- NettyClientCustomizer - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client.netty
Interface implemented by users to hook into the pipeline setup of the netty HTTP client.
- NettyClientCustomizer.ChannelRole - Enum Class in io.micronaut.http.client.netty
Enum to describe the role of the channel passed to
NettyClientCustomizer.specializeForChannel(Channel, ChannelRole)
. - NettyClientCustomizer.Registry - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client.netty
Interface implemented by the HTTP client registry to register customizers.
- NettyClientHttpRequest<B> - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.netty
Default implementation of
for theHttpClient
. - NettyClientHttpRequestFactory - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.netty
Implementation of the
interface for Netty. - NettyClientHttpRequestFactory() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequestFactory
- NettyClientSslBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ssl
The Netty implementation of
that generates anSslContext
to create a client that supports SSL.
This class is not final, so you can extend and replace it to implement alternate mechanisms for loading the key and trust stores. - NettyClientSslBuilder(ResourceResolver) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ssl.NettyClientSslBuilder
- NettyCompletedAttribute - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart
A delegation of the Netty
to implement theCompletedPart
contract. - NettyCompletedAttribute(Attribute) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyCompletedAttribute
- NettyCompletedFileUpload - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart
A Netty implementation of
. - NettyCompletedFileUpload(FileUpload) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyCompletedFileUpload
- NettyCompletedFileUpload(FileUpload, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyCompletedFileUpload
- NettyConverters - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.converters
Factory for bytebuf related converters.
- NettyConverters(ConversionService, BeanProvider<MediaTypeCodecRegistry>, BeanProvider<ChannelOptionFactory>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.converters.NettyConverters
Default constructor.
- NettyConvertersSpi - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.converters
Factory for bytebuf related converters that do not need the application context (can be registered with SPI).
- NettyConvertersSpi() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.converters.NettyConvertersSpi
- NettyCookie - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies
A wrapper around a Netty cookie.
- NettyCookie(Cookie) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- NettyCookie(String, String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- NettyCookieDecoder - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.cookie
A cookie decoder that extracts cookies from the
if it is present. - NettyCookieDecoder(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.cookie.NettyCookieDecoder
- NettyCookieFactory - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies
for constructingCookie
instances for Netty. - NettyCookieFactory() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookieFactory
- NettyCookies - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies
Delegates to
. - NettyCookies(HttpHeaders, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookies
- NettyCookies(String, HttpHeaders, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookies
- NettyEmbeddedServer - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
interface that represents a Netty-based HTTP server. - NettyEmbeddedServerFactory - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
A factory / strategy interface for creating instances of
. - NettyEmbeddedServices - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Internal interface with services required by the
. - NettyGlobalConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty.configuration
Allows configuring Netty global properties.
- NettyGlobalConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.configuration.NettyGlobalConfiguration
- NettyHttpClientFactory - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.netty
A factory to create Netty HTTP clients.
- NettyHttpClientFactory() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyHttpClientFactory
- NettyHttpHeaders - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty
Delegates to Netty's
. - NettyHttpHeaders() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
Default constructor.
- NettyHttpHeaders(HttpHeaders, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- NettyHttpParameters - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty
Implementation of
for Netty. - NettyHttpParameters(Map<String, List<String>>, ConversionService, BiConsumer<CharSequence, List<String>>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpParameters
- nettyHttpRequest - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.AbstractHttpContentProcessor
- nettyHttpRequest - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultHttpContentProcessor
- NettyHttpRequest<T> - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Delegates to the Netty
instance. - NettyHttpRequest(HttpRequest, ChannelHandlerContext, ConversionService, HttpServerConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- NettyHttpRequestBuilder - Interface in io.micronaut.http.netty
Common interface for client and server to implement to construct the Netty versions of the request objects.
- NettyHttpResponseBuilder - Interface in io.micronaut.http.netty
Common interface for client and server to implement to construct the Netty versions of the response objects.
- NettyHttpResponseFactory - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Implementation of
for Netty. - NettyHttpResponseFactory() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpResponseFactory
- NettyHttpServer - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Implements the bootstrap and configuration logic for the Netty implementation of
. - NettyHttpServer(NettyHttpServerConfiguration, NettyEmbeddedServices, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- NettyHttpServerConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration
Allows configuring Netty within
. - NettyHttpServerConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Default empty constructor.
- NettyHttpServerConfiguration(ApplicationConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
- NettyHttpServerConfiguration(ApplicationConfiguration, List<ChannelPipelineListener>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
- NettyHttpServerConfiguration.AccessLogger - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration
Access logger configuration.
- NettyHttpServerConfiguration.EventLoopConfig - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration
Abstract class for configuring the Netty event loop.
- NettyHttpServerConfiguration.FileTypeHandlerConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration
Allows configuration of properties for the
. - NettyHttpServerConfiguration.FileTypeHandlerConfiguration.CacheControlConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration
Configuration for the Cache-Control header.
- NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http2Settings - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration
Http2 settings.
- NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http3Settings - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration
Configuration for the experimental HTTP/3 server.
- NettyHttpServerConfiguration.HttpServerType - Enum Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration
Sets the manner in which the HTTP server is configured to receive requests.
- NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration
Netty listener configuration.
- NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration.Family - Enum Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration
Address family enum.
- NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Parent - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration
Configuration for Netty parent.
- NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Worker - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration
Configuration for Netty worker.
- NettyJsonHandler<T> - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty.body
Replacement for
support. - NettyJsonHandler(JsonMapper) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonHandler
- NettyJsonStreamHandler<T> - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty.body
- NettyJsonStreamHandler(JsonMapper) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonStreamHandler
- NettyListenerConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration
- NettyMutableHttpResponse<B> - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty
Delegates to Netty's
. - NettyMutableHttpResponse(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- NettyMutableHttpResponse(FullHttpResponse, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- NettyMutableHttpResponse(HttpVersion, HttpResponseStatus, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
Creates a new instance.
- NettyMutableHttpResponse(HttpVersion, HttpResponseStatus, HttpHeaders, Object, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
Creates a new instance.
- NettyMutableHttpResponse(HttpVersion, HttpResponseStatus, Object, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
Creates a new instance.
- NettyPartData - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart
A Netty implementation of
. - NettyPartData(Supplier<Optional<MediaType>>, ThrowingSupplier<ByteBuf, IOException>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyPartData
- nettyRequest - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- NettyRequestArgumentBinder<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.binders
A version of
that requiresNettyHttpRequest
. - NettyServerCustomizer - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Interface implemented by users to hook into the pipeline setup of the netty HTTP server.
- NettyServerCustomizer.ChannelRole - Enum Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Enum to describe the role of the channel passed to
NettyServerCustomizer.specializeForChannel(Channel, ChannelRole)
. - NettyServerCustomizer.Registry - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Interface implemented by the HTTP server to register customizers.
- NettyServerRequestBinderRegistry - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.binders
A Netty request binder registry.
- NettyServerRequestBinderRegistry(ConversionService, List<RequestArgumentBinder>, BeanLocator, BeanProvider<HttpServerConfiguration>, BeanProvider<ExecutorService>, MessageBodyHandlerRegistry) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.binders.NettyServerRequestBinderRegistry
- NettyServerWebSocketBroadcaster - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket
Netty implementation of
. - NettyServerWebSocketBroadcaster(WebSocketMessageEncoder, WebSocketSessionRepository) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketBroadcaster
- NettyServerWebSocketHandler - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket
A handler for
instances. - NettyServerWebSocketUpgradeHandler - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket
Handles WebSocket upgrade requests.
- NettyServerWebSocketUpgradeHandler(NettyEmbeddedServices, WebSocketSessionRepository, ConversionService, NettyHttpServerConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketUpgradeHandler
Default constructor.
- NettyStreamingFileUpload - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart
An implementation of the
interface for Netty. - NettyStreamingFileUpload.Factory - Record Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart
Factory for instances of
. - nettyThreadFactory() - Method in class
Constructs the default thread factory used by the HTTP client.
- NettyThreadFactory - Class in
The Default thread factory the Netty
will use within Micronaut to create threads. - NettyThreadFactory() - Constructor for class
- NettyTlsUtils - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty
Common utilities for netty TLS support.
- NettyTlsUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyTlsUtils
- NettyWebSocketClientHandler<T> - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.netty.websocket
Handler for WebSocket clients.
- NettyWebSocketClientHandler(MutableHttpRequest<?>, WebSocketBean<T>, WebSocketClientHandshaker, RequestBinderRegistry, MediaTypeCodecRegistry, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketClientHandler
Default constructor.
- NettyWebSocketSession - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket
Implementation of the
interface for Netty. - NettyWebSocketSession(String, Channel, HttpRequest<?>, MediaTypeCodecRegistry, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
Creates a new netty web socket session.
- NettyWritableBodyWriter - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty.body
- NettyWritableBodyWriter(ApplicationConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyWritableBodyWriter
- NettyWriteContext - Interface in io.micronaut.http.netty.body
This interface is used to write the different kinds of netty responses.
- NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- NetworkInterface - Class in
Represents information about a network interface in the Cloud.
- NetworkInterface() - Constructor for class
- NEVER - Enum constant in enum class
Never show health details.
- newAccessLogger() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.AccessLogFormatParser
Returns a new AccessLogger for the specified log format.
- newAnnotationBuilder() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.AnnotationUtils
Creates a new annotation builder.
- newAnnotationValue(String, Map<CharSequence, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- newAnnotationValue(String, Map<CharSequence, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
- newApplicationContext() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
Creates the
instance. - newApplicationContextBuilder() - Method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.AbstractExecutor
Builds a new builder.
- newClassElement(TypeElement, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaElementFactory
- newClassElement(TypeElement, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory, Map<String, ClassElement>) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaElementFactory
- newClassElement(ClassNode, Map<String, ClassElement>) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
- newClassElement(C, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory, Map<String, ClassElement>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementFactory
- longer used
- newClassElement(C, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementFactory
Builds a new class element for the given type.
- newClassElement(JavaNativeElement, TypeMirror, Map<String, ClassElement>) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
Obtain the ClassElement for the given mirror.
- newClassElement(TypeMirror, Map<String, ClassElement>) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
Obtain the ClassElement for the given mirror.
- newClassElement(ClassNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
- newClassElement(ClassNode, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyElementFactory
- newClassElement(ClassNode, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory, Map<String, ClassElement>) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyElementFactory
- newClassElement(GenericsType) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
- newClassWriterOutputVisitor(File) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- newCollector(String, Predicate<String>, ClassLoader, Function<String, S>) - Static method in class
- newConstructorElement(ClassElement, M, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementFactory
Builds a new constructor element for the given type.
- newConstructorElement(ClassElement, ExecutableElement, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaElementFactory
- newConstructorElement(ClassElement, MethodNode, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyElementFactory
- newDownstreamSubscription() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber
- newEnumConstantElement(ClassElement, F, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementFactory
Builds a new enum constant element for the given type.
- newEnumConstantElement(ClassElement, VariableElement, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaElementFactory
- newEnumConstantElement(ClassElement, FieldNode, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyElementFactory
- newFieldElement(ClassElement, F, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementFactory
Builds a new field element for the given type.
- newFieldElement(ClassElement, VariableElement, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaElementFactory
- newFieldElement(ClassElement, FieldNode, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyElementFactory
- newHashMap(int) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
Create new
sized to fit all the elements of the size provided. - newHashSet(int) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
Create new
sized to fit all the elements of the size provided. - newLinkedHashMap(int) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
Create new
sized to fit all the elements of the size provided. - newLinkedHashSet(int) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
Create new
sized to fit all the elements of the size provided. - newMethodElement(ClassElement, M, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementFactory
Builds a new method element for the given type.
- newMethodElement(ClassElement, ExecutableElement, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaElementFactory
- newMethodElement(ClassElement, MethodNode, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyElementFactory
- newNoSuchBeanException(BeanResolutionContext, Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Trigger a no such bean exception.
- newNoSuchBeanException(BeanResolutionContext, Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- newNoSuchMethodError(Class<?>, String, Class<?>[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
- newParameterElement(MethodElement, VariableElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
Creates a new parameter element for the given args.
- newPath() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
- newSourceClassElement(TypeElement, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaElementFactory
- newSourceClassElement(C, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementFactory
Builds a new source class element for the given type.
- newSourceClassElement(ClassNode, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyElementFactory
- newSourceMethodElement(ClassElement, M, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementFactory
Builds a new source method element for the given method.
- newSourceMethodElement(ClassElement, ExecutableElement, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaElementFactory
- newSourceMethodElement(ClassElement, MethodNode, ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyElementFactory
- newThreadPerTaskExecutor(ThreadFactory) - Static method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.LoomSupport
- newUriMatchTemplate(CharSequence, List<UriTemplate.PathSegment>, Pattern, List<UriMatchVariable>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate
- newUriMatchTemplate(CharSequence, List<UriTemplate.PathSegment>, Pattern, List<UriMatchVariable>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTypeMatchTemplate
- newUriTemplate(CharSequence, List<UriTemplate.PathSegment>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate
- newUriTemplate(CharSequence, List<UriTemplate.PathSegment>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
- newVirtualThreadFactory(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.LoomSupport
- newVisitorContext() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.AnnotationUtils
Creates a new
. - newVisitorContext(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
Creates the visitor context.
- newVisitorContext(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.BeanDefinitionInjectProcessor
- next() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.HttpBody
Get the next representation this body was transformed into, if any.
- next() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.StreamingMultiObjectBody
- next() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.FormRouteCompleter
- nextIndex(String) - Static method in record class io.micronaut.core.expressions.EvaluatedExpressionReference
Provides next expression index for passed class name.
- NextMajorVersion - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
Documents the code change that needs to be done in the next major version.
- nextTimeAfter(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.cron.CronExpression
This will search for the next time within the next 4 years.
- nextTimeAfter(ZonedDateTime, long) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.cron.CronExpression
This will search for the next time within the next durationInMillis millisecond.
- nextTimeAfter(ZonedDateTime, ZonedDateTime) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.cron.CronExpression
This will search for the next time within the given dateTimeBarrier.
- nioBuffer() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- nioBuffer(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- nioBufferCount() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- nioBuffers() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- nioBuffers(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- NioEventLoopGroupFactory - Class in
Factory for NioEventLoopGroup.
- NioEventLoopGroupFactory() - Constructor for class
- NO_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- NO_OP - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextConfigurer
A default configurer which does nothing.
- NO_OP - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisher
- NO_RESPONSE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- NO_STATUS_RECEIVED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- NO_SUBSCRIBER - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber.BackPressureState
There is no subscriber.
- NoAvailableServiceException - Exception in io.micronaut.discovery.exceptions
An exception thrown when no service is available.
- NoAvailableServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.discovery.exceptions.NoAvailableServiceException
- noContent() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with an empty body. - nodeType - Variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.ExpressionNode
- NoHostException - Exception in io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions
Thrown when a request is made that has no host information.
- NoHostException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.NoHostException
- NoHostException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.NoHostException
- NoHostException(String, Throwable, boolean) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.NoHostException
- NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- NON_BINDING_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
The annotation attribute containing all the attributes marked as non-binding.
- NON_NULL - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Simple Annotation name used for non-null.
- NonBinding - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Excludes a member of an annotation type (such as a qualifier type or interceptor binding type) from consideration when the container compares two annotation instances.
- NonBlocking - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
A marker annotation for methods that are non-blocking.
- NonBlockingBodyArgumentBinder<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.bind.binders
A marker interface for argument binders that are non-blocking.
- none() - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
Allows looking up for beans without any qualifier.
- None - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.cookie.SameSite
Allows third-party cookies to track users across sites.
- nonGenerated - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
- nonIntComparisonOpcode() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.GteOperator
- nonIntComparisonOpcode() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.GtOperator
- nonIntComparisonOpcode() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.LteOperator
- nonIntComparisonOpcode() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.LtOperator
- nonIntComparisonOpcode() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.RelationalOperator
- NonNull - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
A common annotation to declare that annotated elements cannot be
. - NonUniqueBeanException - Exception in io.micronaut.context.exceptions
Exception thrown when a bean is not unique and has multiple possible implementations for a given bean type.
- NonUniqueBeanException(Class<? extends T>, Iterator<BeanDefinition<T>>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.NonUniqueBeanException
- noOp() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisher
Returns a no-op instance of
. - NORMAL - Static variable in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- normalFlow() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.RequestLifecycle
Execute this request normally.
- NORMALIZED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver.PropertyCatalog
The catalog that contains normalized keys.
- normalizeNested(String, CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
Normalize a nested URI.
- normalizeUri(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder.UriNamingStrategy
Normalizes a URI.
- NoSuchBeanException - Exception in io.micronaut.context.exceptions
Thrown when no such beans exists.
- NoSuchBeanException(Argument<?>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.NoSuchBeanException
- NoSuchBeanException(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.NoSuchBeanException
- NoSuchBeanException(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.NoSuchBeanException
- NoSuchBeanException(Class<?>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.NoSuchBeanException
- NoSuchBeanException(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.NoSuchBeanException
- NoSuchBeanException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.NoSuchBeanException
- NoSuchMessageException - Exception in io.micronaut.context.exceptions
Thrown if an error occurs locating a message.
- NoSuchMessageException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.context.exceptions.NoSuchMessageException
Default constructor.
- NOT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- NOT_ACCEPTABLE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- NOT_EXTENDED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- NOT_MODIFIED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- NOT_SPECIFIED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.logging.LogLevel
- notAllowed(HttpMethod...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with an empty body. - notAllowed(Set<HttpMethod>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with an empty body. - notAllowedGeneric(Set<? extends CharSequence>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with an empty body. - note(String, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
Produce a compile note for the given element and message.
- note(Element, String, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
Produce a compile note for the given element and message.
- notEnv() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Expresses that the configuration will not load within the given environments.
- notEquals() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Constraint a property to not equal the given value.
- notFound() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with an empty body. - notFound(T) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with a body. - notifyRequestPipelineBuilt() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ConnectionManager.PoolHandle
Notify any
that the request pipeline has been built. - NotImplementedElementBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
Builder for not implemented tokens.
- NotImplementedElementBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.NotImplementedElementBuilder
- notModified() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with an empty body. - notModified(MutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.SystemFileBodyWriter
- notNull() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArgumentUtils.ArgumentCheck
Fail the argument with the given message.
- noTokenization() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.JsonCounter
Do not perform any tokenization, assume that there is only one root-level value.
- NotOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary
Expression node for unary '!' operator.
- NotOperator(ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary.NotOperator
- notOs() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Expresses the current operating system must not be one in the given list.
- nThreads - Variable in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
- NULL - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- Nullable - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
A common annotation to declare that annotated elements can be
under some circumstance. - NULLABLE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Simple Annotation name used for nullable.
- NullableParameterRule - Class in io.micronaut.validation.routes.rules
Validates route parameters are nullable or optional for optional template variables.
- NullableParameterRule() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.validation.routes.rules.NullableParameterRule
- NullLiteral - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal
Expression AST node for null literal.
- NullLiteral() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.NullLiteral
- nullNode() - Static method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- NumericComparisonOperation - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Expression AST node for relational operations (>, <, >=, <=) on numeric types.
- NumericComparisonOperation(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode, int, int) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.NumericComparisonOperation
- OBJECT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- OBJECT_ARGUMENT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Default Object argument.
- objectMapper(JacksonConfiguration, JsonFactory) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.ObjectMapperFactory
Builds the core Jackson
from the optional configuration andJsonFactory
. - ObjectMapperFactory - Class in io.micronaut.jackson
Factory bean for creating the Jackson
. - ObjectMapperFactory() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.ObjectMapperFactory
- ObjectNodeConvertibleValues<V> - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.databind.convert
Simple facade over a Jackson
to make it aConvertibleValues
. - ObjectNodeConvertibleValues(ObjectNode, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.convert.ObjectNodeConvertibleValues
- objectNodeToConvertibleValuesConverter() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.convert.JacksonConverterRegistrar
- ObjectSerializer - Interface in io.micronaut.core.serialize
Interface for implementations capable of serializing objects.
- objectToJsonNodeConverter() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.convert.JacksonConverterRegistrar
- ObjectToMultiValuesConverter(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.ObjectToMultiValuesConverter
- ObjectUtils - Class in io.micronaut.core.util
Utility methods for working with objects
- OctetTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- OctetTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.OctetTest
- of(MethodInvocationContext<?, ?>, ConversionService) - Static method in class io.micronaut.aop.internal.intercepted.InterceptedMethodUtil
Find possible
implementation. - of(BeanContext, BeanIdentifier, BeanDefinition<K>, K) - Static method in class io.micronaut.context.BeanRegistration
Creates new bean registration.
- of(BeanContext, BeanIdentifier, BeanDefinition<K>, K, List<BeanRegistration<?>>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.context.BeanRegistration
Creates new bean registration.
- of(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
Creates a query for the given metadata.
- of(PropagatedContext) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.MutablePropagatedContext
Creates a mutable propagated context with the initial context.
- of(HttpFilter, AnnotationMetadata, Set<HttpMethod>, FilterPatternStyle, String...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.HttpFilterResolver.FilterEntry
Creates a filter entry for the given arguments.
- of(ClassElement, AnnotationMetadata, ClassElement, ClassElement, String, ParameterElement...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
Creates a
for the given parameters. - of(ClassElement, ClassElement, AnnotationMetadataProvider, AnnotationMetadataProvider, AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder<?, ?>, ClassElement, ClassElement, String, boolean, boolean, ParameterElement...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
Creates a
for the given parameters. - of(ClassElement, String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ParameterElement
Creates a parameter element for the given arguments.
- of(ClassElement, String, AnnotationMetadataProvider, AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder<?, ?>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ParameterElement
Creates a parameter element for the given arguments.
- of(File) - Static method in interface
Create a
for the given file. - of(CharSequence) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriBuilder
Create a
with the given base URI as a starting point. - of(Class<?>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Create a class element for the given simple type.
- of(Class<?>, AnnotationMetadata, Map<String, ClassElement>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Create a class element for the given simple type.
- of(Class<?>, String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ParameterElement
Creates a parameter element for a simple type and name.
- of(Class<B>, Supplier<B>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition
Creates a new bean definition that will resolve the bean from the given supplier.
- of(Class<T>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument for the given type and name.
- of(Class<T>, AnnotationMetadata, Argument<?>...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument for the given type and name.
- of(Class<T>, AnnotationMetadata, Class<?>[]) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument for the given type and name.
- of(Class<T>, Argument<?>...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument for the given type and name.
- of(Class<T>, Class<?>...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument for the given type and name.
- of(Class<T>, String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument for the given type and name.
- of(Class<T>, String, AnnotationMetadata, Argument<?>...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument for the given type and name.
- of(Class<T>, String, Argument<?>...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument for the given type and name.
- of(Class<T1>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Create a new
for the given element type. - of(Type) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
- of(Type) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Create a class element for the given complex type.
- of(String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Create a class element for the given simple type.
- of(String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.PackageElement
Creates a new package element for the given name.
- of(String, boolean, AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Create a class element for the given simple type.
- of(String, boolean, AnnotationMetadata, Map<String, ClassElement>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Create a class element for the given simple type.
- of(String, String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
Construct a new Cookie for the given name and value.
- of(URI) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriBuilder
Create a
with the given base URI as a starting point. - of(URL) - Static method in interface
Create a
for the given URL. - of(Path) - Static method in interface
Create a
for the given path. - of(Map<String, List<String>>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.EnvironmentProperties
Creates a new environment to property names cache with the supplied set of precomputed values.
- of(Locale) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource.MessageContext
Obtain a message context for the given locale.
- of(Locale, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource.MessageContext
Obtain a message context for the given locale and variables.
- of(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.MessageSource.MessageContext
Obtain a message context for the given variables.
- of(B) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition
Creates a new effectively singleton bean definition that references the given bean.
- of(B) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanMap
Creates a
for the given bean. - of(ET) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.sse.Event
Constructs a new event for the given data.
- of(MethodInvocationContext<?, ?>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
- of(MethodInvocationContext<?, ?>, ConversionService) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod
Creates a new instance of intercept method supporting intercepting different reactive invocations.
- of(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
- of(Argument<T>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionContext
Create a new simple
for the given generic type variables. - of(Argument<T>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ImmutableArgumentConversionContext
Create a new simple
for the given generic type variables. - of(Argument<T>, Locale) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionContext
Create a simple
for the given generic type variables. - of(Argument<T>, Locale, Charset) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionContext
Create a simple
for the given generic type variables. - of(MediaTypeCodec...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodecRegistry
Create a new registry from the given codecs.
- of(Event, ET) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.sse.Event
Constructs a new event for the given data.
- of(Element...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.OriginatingElements
Factory to create the originating elements.
- of(BeanDefinition<?>...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
Computes the path for the given nested chain of definitions.
- of(BeanDefinition<T1>, ExecutableMethod<T1, R1>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinitionMethodReference
- of(ExecutorType) - Static method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
Construct a
for the givenExecutorType
. - of(ExecutorType, int) - Static method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
Construct a
for the givenExecutorType
. - of(ExecutorType, int, Class<? extends ThreadFactory>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
Construct a
for the givenExecutorType
. - of(HttpRequest) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ByteBody
Create a byte body for the given request.
- of(CharSequence) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Create a new
from the given text. - of(CharSequence...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Create a new
from the given text. - of(Class<SA>, ArgumentBinder<ST, HttpRequest<?>>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.AnnotatedRequestArgumentBinder
Create a binder from an annotation type and another binder.
- of(Class<ST>, Class<TT>, Function<ST, TT>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.TypeConverter
Creates a new
for the give source type, target type and conversion function. - of(Class<T>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionContext
Create a simple
for the given generic type variables. - of(Class<T>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ImmutableArgumentConversionContext
Create a simple
for the given generic type variables. - of(Class<T>, Map<CharSequence, ?>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalValues
Creates a new
for the given type and values. - of(Class<T1>, Argument<?>...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.ReturnType
Create a new return type from the given type and arguments.
- of(String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link
Create a link from the given URI.
- of(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Create a new or get a
from the given text. - of(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate
Create a new
for the given URI. - of(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
Create a new
for the given URI. - of(String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanIdentifier
Create a new
for the given id. - of(String, int) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ActiveEnvironment
Creates a new active environment for the given arguments.
- of(String, ExecutorType) - Static method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
Construct a
for the givenExecutorType
. - of(String, Class<S>) - Static method in class
- of(String, Object...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySource
Create a
from the given map. - of(String, String, int) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
Construct a new
for the given ID, host and port using the HTTP scheme. - of(String, URI) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
Construct a new
for the given ID and URL. - of(String, URL) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
Construct a new
for the given ID and URL. - of(String, Supplier<S>) - Static method in class
- of(String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.context.env.MapPropertySource
Create a new
from the given map. - of(String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySource
Create a
from the given map. - of(String, Map<String, Object>, int) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySource
Create a
from the given map. - of(String, Map<String, Object>, PropertySource.PropertyConvention) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySource
Create a
from the given map. - of(URI) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link
Create a link from the given URI.
- of(WatchEvent.Kind) - Static method in enum class
Produces a
for the givenWatchEvent.kind()
. - of(Collection<MediaTypeCodec>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodecRegistry
Create a new registry from the given codecs.
- of(Map<? extends CharSequence, T>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
Creates a new
for the values. - of(Map<? extends CharSequence, T>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleValues
Creates a new
for the values. - of(Map<? extends CharSequence, T>, ConversionService) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
Creates a new
for the values. - of(Map<CharSequence, List<T>>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValues
Creates a new
for the given type and values. - of(Map<CharSequence, List<T>>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalMultiValues
Creates a new
for the given type and values. - of(Map<String, Argument<?>>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionContext
Create a simple
for the given generic type variables. - of(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySource
Create a
from the given map. - of(T2, ExecutableMethod<T2, R2>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ExecutionHandle
Creates an
for the give bean and method. - OFF - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.logging.LogLevel
- ofTypeVariable(Class<T>, String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument for the given type and name that is a type variable.
- ofTypeVariable(Class<T>, String, String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument for the given type and name that is a type variable.
- ofTypeVariable(Class<T>, String, String, AnnotationMetadata, Argument<?>...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument for the given type and name that is a type variable.
- ofTypeVariable(Class<T>, String, AnnotationMetadata, Argument<?>...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument for the given type and name that is a type variable.
- ok() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with an empty body. - ok() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponseFactory
- ok(T) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with a body. - ok(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponseFactory
Creates an
response with a body. - ok(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpResponseFactory
- ok(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpResponseFactory
- OK - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- OMIT_CONFPROP_INJECTION_POINTS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- ON_LAST_RESPONSE_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LogElement.Event
- ON_REQUEST_HEADERS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LogElement.Event
- ON_RESPONSE_HEADERS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LogElement.Event
- ON_RESPONSE_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LogElement.Event
- onApplicationEvent(E) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventListener
Handle an application event.
- onApplicationEvent(AbstractServiceInstanceEvent) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.AutoRegistration
- onApplicationEvent(ServiceReadyEvent) - Method in class
- onApplicationEvent(RefreshEvent) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
- onApplicationEvent(RefreshEvent) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- onApplicationEvent(RefreshEvent) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.CertificateProvidedSslBuilder
- onApplicationEvent(RefreshEvent) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshScope
- onApplicationEvent(FileChangedEvent) - Method in class
- OnClose - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.websocket.annotation
Annotation that can be applied to a method that will receive WebSocket close frames.
- onComplete() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.Completable
* Successful terminal state.
- onComplete() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.CompletionAwareSubscriber
- onComplete() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber
- onComplete() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.FullNettyClientHttpResponse
- onComplete() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.CancelledSubscriber
- onComplete() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerSubscriber
- onComplete() - Method in class
- onComplete() - Method in class
On complete the opening bracket should be emitted if no items were ever produced, then the closing bracket.
- onComplete() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.FormRouteCompleter
- onComplete(BiConsumer<? super T, Throwable>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.ExecutionFlow
Invokes a provided function when the flow is resolved, or immediately if it is already done.
- onComplete(Publisher<T>, Supplier<CompletableFuture<Void>>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
Allow executing logic on completion of a Publisher.
- onComplete(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.async.ContextCompletionAwareSubscriber
- onConnect(ChannelPipeline) - Method in interface
Deprecated.A method called every time the pipeline is initialized.
- onCreated(BeanCreatedEvent<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.event.BeanCreatedEventListener
Fired when a bean is created and all
initialization hooks have been called. - onCreated(BeanCreatedEvent<Router>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.VersionAwareRouterListener
Returns a wrapped
. - onData(ByteBufHolder, Collection<Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.AbstractHttpContentProcessor
Called after verifying the data of the message.
- onData(ByteBufHolder, Collection<Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.FormDataHttpContentProcessor
- onData(ByteBufHolder, Collection<Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.jackson.JsonContentProcessor
- onDestroyed(BeanDestroyedEvent<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.event.BeanDestroyedEventListener
Fired when a bean has been destroyed and all
methods invoked. - OneDimensionalArray - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.collection
Expression AST node for array instantiation.
- OneDimensionalArray(TypeIdentifier, List<ExpressionNode>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.collection.OneDimensionalArray
- onError(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.CompletionAwareSubscriber
- onError(Throwable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.Emitter
Failed terminal state.
- onError(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber
- onError(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.CancelledSubscriber
- onError(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerSubscriber
- onError(Throwable) - Method in class
- onError(Throwable) - Method in class
- onError(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.FormRouteCompleter
- onError(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.RequestLifecycle
Handle an error in this request.
- OnError - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.websocket.annotation
Annotation that can be applied to a method that will receive WebSocket errors.
- onErrorResume(Function<? super Throwable, ? extends ExecutionFlow<? extends T>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.ExecutionFlow
Supply a new flow if the existing flow is erroneous.
- onEviction(K, V) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.EvictionListener
A call-back notification that the entry was evicted.
- onInitialized(BeanInitializingEvent<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.event.BeanInitializedEventListener
Fired when a bean is instantiated but the
initialization hooks have not yet been called and in this case of beanProvider
instances theProvider.get()
method has not yet been invoked. - onInitialPipelineBuilt() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientCustomizer
Called when the initial connection pipeline has been built, before any incoming data has been processed.
- onInitialPipelineBuilt() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyServerCustomizer
Called when the initial connection pipeline has been built, before any incoming data has been processed.
- onLastResponseWrite(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.AccessLog
Triggers LogElements for the ON_LAST_RESPONSE_WRITE event.
- onLastResponseWrite(int) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LogElement
Responds to an ON_LAST_RESPONSE_WRITE event.
- onlyAbstract() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Indicates that only abstract members should be returned.
- onlyAccessible() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Indicates that only accessible members should be returned.
- onlyAccessible(ClassElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Indicates that only accessible members from the given type should be returned.
- onlyConcrete() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Indicates that only concrete members should be returned.
- onlyDeclared() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Indicates that only declared members should be returned and not members from parent classes.
- onlyInjected() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Search for methods that are injection points.
- onlyInstance() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Indicates to return only instance (non-static methods).
- onlyStatic() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Indicates to return only static methods/fields.
- onMatch(String, Label) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.StringSwitchWriter
Generate on case matches statement.
- OnMessage - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.websocket.annotation
Annotation that can be applied to a method that will receive WebSocket message frames.
- onNewSegment(BeanResolutionContext.Segment<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- onNext(HttpContent) - Method in class
The goal is to prevent the emission of the opening bracket if the underlying stream never emits an item and only produces an error.
- onNext(WebSocketFrame) - Method in class
- onNext(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.FormRouteCompleter
- onNext(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.CompletionAwareSubscriber
- onNext(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.Emitter
Data notification sent by the
in response to requests toSubscription.request(long)
. - onNext(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber
- onNext(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.CancelledSubscriber
- onNext(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerSubscriber
- onNext(T, ChannelPromise) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerSubscriber
Write the message with the supplied promise.
- OnOpen - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.websocket.annotation
Annotation that can be applied to a method that will receive WebSocket open frames.
- onPreDestroy(BeanPreDestroyEvent<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.event.BeanPreDestroyEventListener
Fired when a bean is about to be destroyed but before any
methods have been invoked. - onRefreshEvent(RefreshEvent) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshScope
Handle a
synchronously. - onRequestHeaders(SocketChannel, String, HttpHeaders, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.AccessLog
Triggers LogElements for the ON_REQUEST_HEADERS event.
- onRequestHeaders(SocketChannel, String, HttpHeaders, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.ConstantElement
- onRequestHeaders(SocketChannel, String, HttpHeaders, String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LogElement
Responds to an ON_REQUEST_HEADERS event.
- onRequestPipelineBuilt() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientCustomizer
Called when the "final" request pipeline has been built for processing http requests.
- onResponseHeaders(ChannelHandlerContext, HttpHeaders, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.AccessLog
Triggers LogElements for the ON_RESPONSE_HEADERS event.
- onResponseHeaders(ChannelHandlerContext, HttpHeaders, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LogElement
Responds to an ON_RESPONSE_HEADERS event.
- onResponseWrite(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.AccessLog
Triggers LogElements for the ON_RESPONSE_WRITE event.
- onResponseWrite(int) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LogElement
Responds to an ON_RESPONSE_WRITE event.
- onStatusError(MutableHttpResponse<?>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.RequestLifecycle
Build a status response.
- onStreamPipelineBuilt() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientCustomizer
Called when the stream pipeline has been built, after any TLS or HTTP upgrade handshake.
- onStreamPipelineBuilt() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyServerCustomizer
Called when the "final" stream pipeline has been built for processing http requests.
- onSubscribe(Subscription) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.CompletionAwareSubscriber
- onSubscribe(Subscription) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber
- onSubscribe(Subscription) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.CancelledSubscriber
- onSubscribe(Subscription) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerSubscriber
- onSubscribe(Subscription) - Method in class
- onSubscribe(Subscription) - Method in class
- onSubscribe(Subscription) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.FormRouteCompleter
- onUpstreamMessage(byte[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.parser.JacksonCoreProcessor
- onUpstreamMessage(byte[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.parser.JacksonProcessor
- onUpstreamMessage(R) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleThreadedBufferingProcessor
Called when a message is received from the upstream
. - open() - Method in interface io.micronaut.retry.RetryState
Opens the retry state.
- open(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.HttpServerFilterTest.MyController
- OPEN - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.retry.CircuitState
The circuit is open and downstream logic should not be invoked.
- OPEN_BRACKET - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.content.HttpContentUtil
- openInputStream() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.GeneratedFile
Gets an InputStream for this file object.
- openMethod() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.context.WebSocketBean
Returns the method annotated with
. - openOutputStream() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.GeneratedFile
Gets an OutputStream for this file object.
- openReader() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.GeneratedFile
Gets a reader for this object.
- openWriter() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.GeneratedFile
Gets a Writer for this file object.
- operand - Variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary.UnaryOperator
- OperatingSystem - Class in io.micronaut.context.condition
Details of the current operating system.
- Optimizations(Map<String, SoftServiceLoader.StaticServiceLoader<?>>) - Constructor for class
- Optimizations(Set<String>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils.Optimizations
- Option - Class in io.micronaut.core.cli
Represents a command line option.
- Option(String, String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.cli.Option
- OptionalMultiValues<V> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.value
- optionalOf(Argument<T>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument representing an optional.
- optionalOf(Class<T>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument representing an optional.
- OptionalValues<V> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.value
A simple type safe abstraction over a map of optional values.
- OptionalValuesMap<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.value
Default implementation of
. - OptionalValuesMap(Class<?>, Map<CharSequence, ?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalValuesMap
- OptionalValuesSerializer - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.serialize
A Jackson Serializer for
. - OptionalValuesSerializer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.OptionalValuesSerializer
- OptionalValuesSerializer(JacksonConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.OptionalValuesSerializer
- options(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequestFactory
- options(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestFactory
Return a
that executes anHttpMethod.OPTIONS
request for the given URI. - options(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequestFactory
- Options - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a
. - OPTIONS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.MethodConvention
The default options method of controllers.
- OPTIONS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
- OPTIONS(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- OPTIONS(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Find the first
route for anHttpMethod.OPTIONS
method and the given URI. - OPTIONS(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified class.
- OPTIONS(Class<?>, PropertyConvention) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified class and ID.
- OPTIONS(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified object.
- OPTIONS(Object, PropertyConvention) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified object and ID.
- OPTIONS(String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Return a
for aHttpMethod.OPTIONS
request for the given URI. - OPTIONS(String, BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- OPTIONS(String, BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- OPTIONS(String, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- OPTIONS(String, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- OPTIONS(String, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- OPTIONS(String, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI to the specified target for an HTTP OPTIONS.
- OPTIONS(String, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- OPTIONS(String, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- OPTIONS(URI) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Return a
for aHttpMethod.OPTIONS
request for the given URI. - optionValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.cli.CommandLine
The value of an option.
- OR - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- ORACLE_CLOUD - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.ComputePlatform
Oracle Cloud.
- ORACLE_CLOUD - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Cloud provider Oracle Cloud.
- order() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.BaseFilterProcessor.FilterMetadata
Returns the value of the
record component. - order() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.AroundLegacy
Returns the value of the
record component. - order() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.filter.ServerFilterPhase
- order() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- order(ByteOrder) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- Order - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
Annotation for objects that are ordered.
- ORDER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.cookie.NettyCookieDecoder
- ORDER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.HttpAbstractLocaleResolver
- ORDER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.HttpFixedLocaleResolver
- ORDER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.RequestLocaleResolver
- Ordered - Interface in io.micronaut.core.order
Interface for objects that are ordered.
- orderedOf(CharSequence...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Returns the ordered media types for the given values.
- orderedOf(List<? extends CharSequence>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Returns the ordered media types for the given values.
- OrderUtil - Class in io.micronaut.core.order
Apply the
interface to lists or arrays. - OrderUtil() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.order.OrderUtil
- orElse(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanProvider
Allows selecting an alternative bean if the backing bean is not present.
- orElseFail(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArgumentUtils.ArgumentCheck
Fail the argument with the given message.
- orElseThrow(Supplier<? extends X>) - Method in interface
Load the service of throw the given exception.
- ORIGIN - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - originalParameters - Variable in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
- originatingElements - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- OriginatingElements - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Interface for types that provide originating elements.
- originatingRequest - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- originatingType() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultErrorRouteInfo
- originatingType() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultStatusRouteInfo
- originatingType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.ErrorRoute
- originatingType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.ErrorRouteInfo
- originatingType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.StatusRoute
- originatingType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.StatusRouteInfo
- OrOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Expression node for binary '||' operator.
- OrOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.OrOperator
- os() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Expresses the current operating system must be one in the given list.
- OTHER - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires.Family
- OTHER - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.ComputePlatform
- OUTBOUND_KEY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- OutgoingHttpRequestProcessor - Interface in io.micronaut.http.util
Defines a utility class which evaluates if a
should be processed. - OutgoingHttpRequestProcessorImpl - Class in io.micronaut.http.util
Implementation of
. - OutgoingHttpRequestProcessorImpl() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.util.OutgoingHttpRequestProcessorImpl
- OutgoingRequestProcessorMatcher - Interface in io.micronaut.http.util
Defines regular expressions to match requests.
- overrideConfigLocations(String...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Override default config locations.
- overrideConfigLocations(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- overrides(MethodElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
Checks if this method element overrides another.
- overrides(MethodElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- overrides(MethodElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ConstructorElement
- overrides(PropertyElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElement
Does this property override the given property.
- owner() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Class
Returns the value of the
record component. - owner() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Placeholder
Returns the value of the
record component. - owner() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.ClassWithOwner
Returns the value of the
record component. - owner() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Field
Returns the value of the
record component. - owner() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Placeholder
Returns the value of the
record component. - owningType - Variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- Package(PackageElement) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Package
Creates an instance of a
record class. - Package(PackageNode) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Package
Creates an instance of a
record class. - PackageConfigurationInjectProcessor - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing
An annotation processor that generates
implementations for each package annotated withConfiguration
. - PackageConfigurationInjectProcessor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.PackageConfigurationInjectProcessor
- PackageElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
Models a package in source code.
- PackageRenameRemapper - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
that simply renames packages retaining the original simple class names as is. - packages() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Import
A list of package names to import.
- packages() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected
By default
applies to the class it is applied on. - packages(String...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
The packages to include for package scanning.
- packages(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- packages(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
- Parallel - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
A hint annotation that can be added to
definitions orExecutable
methods to indicate that they can be initialized in parallel with the application context. - Parameter - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Specifies that an argument to a bean constructor is user provided and a
should be generated. - Parameter(Parameter, MethodNode) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Parameter
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ParameterElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
Represents a parameter to a method or constructor.
- parameters - Variable in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
- parameters - Variable in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- parameters - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- ParameterTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- ParameterTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.ParameterTest
- parameterTypes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.ReflectionConfig.ReflectiveMethodConfig
- ParameterVersionResolver - Class in io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution
responsible for extracting version fromHttpParameters
. - ParameterVersionResolver(ParameterVersionResolverConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.ParameterVersionResolver
Creates a
to extract version from request parameter. - ParameterVersionResolverConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution
Configuration for version resolution via request parameters.
- ParameterVersionResolverConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.ParameterVersionResolverConfiguration
- ParametrizedInstantiatableBeanDefinition<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
An type of
that can build a new instance, construction requires additional (possibly user supplied) parameters in order construct a bean - ParametrizedProvider<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
An extended version of the
interface forParametrizedBeanFactory
. - parent() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
- parentSubscription - Variable in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleSubscriberProcessor
- parse() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.CompoundEvaluatedEvaluatedExpressionParser
- parse() - Method in interface io.micronaut.expressions.parser.EvaluatedExpressionParser
Parse expression into AST.
- parse() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.SingleEvaluatedEvaluatedExpressionParser
- parse(JsonMapper, Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.convert.LazyJsonNode
Parse this JSON to the given type.
- parse(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
- parse(String...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.cli.CommandLine.Builder
Parses the given list of command line arguments.
- parse(String...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.cli.CommandLine
Parse a new command line with the default options.
- parse(List<UriTemplate.PathSegment>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate.UriTemplateParser
Parse a list of segments.
- parse(JavaFileObject...) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.JavaParser
units. - parse(JavaFileObject...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.Parser
into CompilationUnitTree compilation units. - ParseException - Exception in io.micronaut.core.cli.exceptions
Exception that is thrown in command line parsing fails.
- ParseException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.core.cli.exceptions.ParseException
- ParseException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.core.cli.exceptions.ParseException
- parseLines(String, String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.JavaParser
into compilation units. - parseLines(String, String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.Parser
into CompilationUnitTree compilation units. - parseLocale(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Parse the given
value into aLocale
, accepting theLocale.toString()
format as well as BCP 47 language tags. - parseNew(String[]) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.cli.CommandLine
Parses a new
instance that combines this instance with the given arguments. - Parser - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test
Methods to parse Java source files.
- Parser() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.Parser
- parseString(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.cli.CommandLine.Builder
Parses a string of all the command line options converting them into an array of arguments to pass to #parse(String...
- Part - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
An annotation that can be applied to method argument to indicate that the method argument is bound from a specific part of a "multipart/form-data" request.
- PartAnnotationBinder<T> - Class in io.micronaut.http.bind.binders
Skips binding parts because they should be handled by a multipart processor.
- PartAnnotationBinder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.PartAnnotationBinder
- PartData - Interface in io.micronaut.http.multipart
Represents a chunk of data belonging to a part of a multipart request.
- PARTIAL_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- patch(String, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequestFactory
- patch(String, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestFactory
Return a
that executes anHttpMethod.PATCH
request for the given URI. - patch(String, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequestFactory
- Patch - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a
. - PATCH - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
- PATCH(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- PATCH(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Find the first
route for anHttpMethod.PATCH
method and the given URI. - PATCH(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified class.
- PATCH(Class<?>, PropertyConvention) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified class and ID.
- PATCH(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified object.
- PATCH(Object, PropertyConvention) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified object and ID.
- PATCH(String, BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- PATCH(String, BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- PATCH(String, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- PATCH(String, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- PATCH(String, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- PATCH(String, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI to the specified target for an HTTP PATCH.
- PATCH(String, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- PATCH(String, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- PATCH(String, T) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Return a
that executes anHttpMethod.PATCH
request for the given URI. - PATCH(URI, T) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Return a
that executes anHttpMethod.PATCH
request for the given URI. - path - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- path() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath.ConfigurationSegment
- path() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
- path() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.client.annotation.Client
The base URI for the client.
- path(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
Sets the path of the cookie.
- path(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.JsonError
Sets the path.
- path(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.VndError
- path(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriBuilder
Appends the given path to the existing path correctly handling '/'.
- path(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- path(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- PATH - Static variable in class
The path for endpoints settings.
- PathMatcher - Interface in io.micronaut.core.util
Interface for components that can match source strings against a specified pattern string.
- PATHS - Static variable in class
The watch paths.
- pathToClassName(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils
Converts a URI to a class file reference to the class name
- PathVariable - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Used to bind a parameter exclusively from a path variable.
- PathVariableAnnotationBinder<T> - Class in io.micronaut.http.bind.binders
Used for binding a parameter exclusively from a path variable.
- PathVariableAnnotationBinder(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.PathVariableAnnotationBinder
- pattern - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate
- pattern() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Used in combination with
to express the required pattern of the property. - pattern(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.FilterRoute
Add an addition pattern to this filter route.
- patterns() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.ClientFilter
Same as
. - patterns() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Filter
Same as
. - patterns() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.RequestFilter
Same as
. - patterns() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.ResponseFilter
Same as
. - patterns() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.ServerFilter
Same as
. - patterns() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.BaseFilterProcessor.FilterMetadata
Returns the value of the
record component. - patternStyle() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.ClientFilter
- patternStyle() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Filter
- patternStyle() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.RequestFilter
- patternStyle() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.ResponseFilter
- patternStyle() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.ServerFilter
- patternStyle() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.BaseFilterProcessor.FilterMetadata
Returns the value of the
record component. - patternStyle(FilterPatternStyle) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.FilterRoute
Sets the pattern style that this filter route matches.
- PAYMENT_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- peekLast() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
- PendingRequestBindingResult<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.bind.binders
A variation of
that indicates that the binding result is pending and the value should be checked later. - PERMANENT_REDIRECT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- permanentRedirect(URI) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with the location of the new resource. - permitsRequestBody() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
Whether the given method allows a request body.
- permitsRequestBody(HttpMethod) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
Whether the given method allows a request body.
- permitsResponseBody() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
Whether the given method allows a request body.
- PipeliningServerHandler - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler
Netty handler that handles incoming
s and forwards them to aRequestHandler
. - PipeliningServerHandler(RequestHandler) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.PipeliningServerHandler
- PipeliningServerHandler.OutboundAccess - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler
Class that allows writing the response for the request this object is associated with.
- Placeholder(Element, TypeVariable, JavaNativeElement) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Placeholder
Creates an instance of a
record class. - Placeholder(ClassNode, GroovyNativeElement, String) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Placeholder
Creates an instance of a
record class. - plaintextMode() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.client.annotation.Client
The connection mode to use for plaintext (http as opposed to https) connections.
- plus(PropagatedContextElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Creates a new element with added element.
- PLUS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- POLICY_VIOLATION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- pollChunk() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
Get a chunk of data.
- pollFlushedRegion() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.JsonCounter
Check for any new flushed data from the last
operation. - pongHandler - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- pongMethod() - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.context.WebSocketBean
Returns the method annotated with
responsible for pong messages. - popDependentBeans() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- popDependentBeans() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
- populateInterfaces(Class<?>, Set<Class<?>>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
- populateMetadata(AbstractComputeInstanceMetadata, JsonNode) - Static method in class
Populates the instance metadata's
property. - populateMetadata(AbstractComputeInstanceMetadata, Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class
Populates the instance metadata's
property. - populateServiceId(E, String, HttpClientConfiguration) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientExceptionUtils
- port - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
- port() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Controller
Allows specifying an alternate port to run the controller on.
- port(int) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriBuilder
Sets the URI port.
- PORT - Static variable in class
The path for endpoints settings.
- position() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.JsonCounter
The current position counter of the parser.
- POSITION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.CommandLinePropertySource
The position of the loader.
- POSITION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.EnvironmentPropertySource
The position of the loader.
- POSITION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.SystemPropertiesPropertySource
The position of the loader.
- POSITION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.graal.reflect.GraalTypeElementVisitor
The position of the visitor.
- POSITION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.IntrospectedTypeElementVisitor
The position of the visitor.
- POSITION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.CloudFoundryVcapApplicationPropertySourceLoader
Position for the system property source loader in the chain.
- POSITION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.CloudFoundryVcapServicesPropertySourceLoader
Position for the system property source loader in the chain.
- POSITION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.EnvJsonPropertySourceLoader
Position for the system property source loader in the chain.
- POSITION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.retry.intercept.RecoveryInterceptor
Positioned before the
interceptor. - POSITION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshScope
- PosOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary
Expression node for unary '+' operator.
- PosOperator(ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary.PosOperator
- post(String, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequestFactory
- post(String, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestFactory
Return a
that executes anHttpMethod.POST
request for the given URI. - post(String, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequestFactory
- Post - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a
. - POST - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
- POST(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- POST(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Find the first
route for anHttpMethod.POST
method and the given URI. - POST(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified class.
- POST(Class<?>, PropertyConvention) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified class and ID.
- POST(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified object.
- POST(Object, PropertyConvention) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified object and ID.
- POST(String, BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- POST(String, BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- POST(String, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- POST(String, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- POST(String, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- POST(String, Object, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI to the specified target for an HTTP POST.
- POST(String, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- POST(String, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- POST(String, T) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Return a
that executes anHttpMethod.POST
request for the given URI. - POST(URI, T) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Return a
that executes anHttpMethod.POST
request for the given URI. - POST_CONSTRUCT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorKind
Post construct interception.
- POST_CONSTRUCT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
The meta annotation used for post-construct declarations.
- postConstruct() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanMethodElement
Make the method a
hook. - postConstruct(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Default postConstruct hook that only invokes methods that require reflection.
- PostponedRequestArgumentBinder<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.bind.binders
Marker interface for
to indicate that it should bind after filters are applied. - PostponeToNextRoundException - Exception in io.micronaut.annotation.processing
Exception to indicate postponing processing to next round.
- PostponeToNextRoundException(Object, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.annotation.processing.PostponeToNextRoundException
- postProcess(MutableAnnotationMetadata, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- POW - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- PowOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Expression AST node for '^' operator.
- PowOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.PowOperator
- PRAGMA - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - PRE_DESTROY - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorKind
PreDestroy interception.
- PRE_DESTROY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
The meta annotation used for pre-destroy declarations.
- PrecalculatedInfo(Optional<String>, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.PrecalculatedInfo
- PrecalculatedInfo(Optional<String>, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.PrecalculatedInfo
Creates an instance of a
record class. - PRECONDITION_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- PRECONDITION_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- preDestroy() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Bean
- preDestroy() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanMethodElement
Make the method a
hook. - preDestroy(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Default preDestroy hook that only invokes methods that require reflection.
- predicate() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.CircuitBreaker
- predicate() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.Retryable
- prefix() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationReader
- prefix() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath.ConfigurationSegment
- prefix() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
Compute the prefix to resolve properties based on the current state of the path and the given prefix.
- prefix() - Element in annotation interface
- PREFIX - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationReader
The prefix name.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver
Prefix for placeholder in properties.
- PREFIX - Static variable in interface
The resource name prefix.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration
The prefix to use for all Consul client config settings.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.discovery.DiscoveryConfiguration
The prefix to use for all client discovery settings.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
The prefix to use for all client discovery registration settings.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class
The prefix used for the heart beat configuration.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.DefaultHttpClientConfiguration
Prefix for HTTP Client settings.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration
The prefix to use for configuration.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor.configuration.ClientVersioningConfiguration
The prefix for versioning configuration.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor.configuration.DefaultClientVersioningConfiguration
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
Prefix for HTTP Client settings.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.codec.CodecConfiguration
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HttpLocaleResolutionConfigurationProperties
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
The prefix used for configuration.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.ClientSslConfiguration
The prefix used to resolve this configuration.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.ServerSslConfiguration
The prefix used to resolve this configuration.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.KeyConfiguration
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.KeyStoreConfiguration
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
The prefix used to resolve this configuration.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.TrustStoreConfiguration
- PREFIX - Static variable in class
The prefix for endpoints configurations.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class
The prefix for endpoints settings.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class
Prefix for health endpoint.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class
The prefix for Info endpoint configuration.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class
Endpoint configuration prefix.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration.InstanceConfiguration
Prefix for Micronaut instance settings.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration
Prefix for Micronaut application settings.
- PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorConfiguration
The prefix used for configuration.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class
The prefix to use to configure the watch service.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.resource.StaticResourceConfiguration
The prefix for static resources configuration.
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.HeaderVersionResolverConfiguration
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.ParameterVersionResolverConfiguration
- PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.RoutesVersioningConfiguration
The configuration property.
- PREFIX_CALCULATED - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationReader
- PREFIX_CONSUMER - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorConfiguration
The prefix used for Scheduled task configuration.
- PREFIX_IO - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorConfiguration
The prefix used for I/O pool configuration.
- PREFIX_SCHEDULED - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorConfiguration
The prefix used for Scheduled task configuration.
- prefixComma(HttpContent) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.content.HttpContentUtil
- prefixes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationBuilder
The default is for
to look for public JavaBean-style setters. - prefixOpenBracket(HttpContent) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.content.HttpContentUtil
- preInstantiate(BeanIntrospection<?>, Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonDeserializationPreInstantiateCallback
The callback before the bean is constructed.
- prepareFilterMethod(ConversionService, T, ExecutableMethod<T, ?>, boolean, FilterOrder, RequestBinderRegistry) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterRunner
- prepareVarargsArguments() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.AbstractMethodCall
This method wraps original method arguments into array for methods using varargs.
- prepend(URI, ClientContextPathProvider) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.context.ContextPathUtils
- prepend(URI, ServerContextPathProvider) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.context.ContextPathUtils
- prepend(URI, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.context.ContextPathUtils
- prependContextPath(List<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.filter.BaseFilterProcessor
Prepend server context path if necessary.
- prependUri(String, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Prepends a partial uri and normalizes / characters.
- presetAnnotationMetadata - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractAnnotationElement
- primary() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.EachProperty
- primary() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath.ConfigurationSegment
- primary() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
- Primary - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
that indicates that this bean is the primary bean that should be selected in the case of multiple possible interface implementations. - PRIMARY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.Qualifier
The name of the primary annotation class.
- PrimaryQualifier<T> - Class in io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers
A qualifier to lookup a primary bean.
- PRIMITIVE_TO_WRAPPER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- PrimitiveElement - Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast
of primitive types. - PRINCIPAL - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
Attribute used to store the
. - print() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.banner.Banner
Print the banner.
- print() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.banner.MicronautBanner
- print() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.banner.ResourceBanner
- PRIVATE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementModifier
- PRIVATE_INTERFACES - Enum constant in enum class
- proceed() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
- proceed() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.InterceptorChain
- proceed() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.MethodInterceptorChain
- proceed() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.ConstructorInvocationContext
- proceed() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InvocationContext
Proceeds with the invocation.
- proceed() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterContinuation
Proceed processing downstream of this filter.
- proceed(Interceptor) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
- proceed(Interceptor) - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.ConstructorInvocationContext
- proceed(Interceptor) - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InvocationContext
Proceeds with the invocation using the given interceptor as a position to start from.
- proceed(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.ClientFilterChain
- proceed(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterChain
Proceed to the next interceptor or final request invocation.
- proceed(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.ServerFilterChain
Proceed to the next interceptor or final request invocation.
- proceed(MutableHttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.ClientFilterChain
- process(MutableHttpResponse) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.SystemFile
- process(MutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.types.CustomizableResponseType
Modify the response before it is written to the client.
- process(MutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.StreamedFile
- process(BeanDefinition<?>, BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.AnnotatedFilterRouteBuilder
- process(BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.processor.ExecutableMethodProcessor
The process method will be called for every
that is annotated with the type parameter A. - process(BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.DefaultLocalFunctionRegistry
- process(BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.web.AnnotatedFunctionRouteBuilder
- process(BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.filter.BaseFilterProcessor
- process(BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.websocket.ServerWebSocketProcessor
- process(BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class
- process(BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class
- process(BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.processor.ScheduledMethodProcessor
- process(BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.AnnotatedMethodRouteBuilder
- process(BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.ServerFilterRouteBuilder
- process(BeanDefinition<?>, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.processor.AnnotationProcessor
The process method will be called for every
that is annotated with the type parameter A. - process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.BeanDefinitionInjectProcessor
- process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.ConfigurationMetadataProcessor
- process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.PackageConfigurationInjectProcessor
- process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class io.micronaut.testsuitehelper.TestGeneratingAnnotationProcessor
- processBuilder(SslContextBuilder, SslConfiguration, HttpVersion) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.AbstractServerSslBuilder
Post-process the context builder.
- processes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.CustomHttpMethod
Shortcut that allows setting both the
settings to the same media type. - processes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Delete
Shortcut that allows setting both the
settings to the same media type. - processes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get
Shortcut that allows setting both the
settings to the same media type. - processes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Patch
Shortcut that allows setting both the
settings to the same media type. - processes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Post
Shortcut that allows setting both the
settings to the same media type. - processes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Put
Shortcut that allows setting both the
settings to the same media type. - processEvaluatedExpressions(AnnotationMetadata, ClassElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.EvaluatedExpressionProcessor
Process evaluated expression contained within annotation metadata.
- processEvaluatedExpressions(MethodElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.EvaluatedExpressionProcessor
- processFailure(HttpRequest<?>, Throwable, PropagatedContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterRunner
Transform a failure, e.g.
- PROCESSING - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- ProcessingException - Exception in io.micronaut.inject.processing
The exception can be used to stop the processing and display an error associated to the element.
- ProcessingException(Element, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.inject.processing.ProcessingException
- ProcessingException(Element, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.inject.processing.ProcessingException
- processInput(String, InputStream, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.AbstractPropertySourceLoader
- processInput(String, InputStream, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertiesPropertySourceLoader
- processInput(String, InputStream, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.yaml.YamlPropertySourceLoader
- processInput(String, InputStream, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.CloudFoundryVcapApplicationPropertySourceLoader
- processInput(String, InputStream, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.CloudFoundryVcapServicesPropertySourceLoader
- processInput(String, InputStream, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.JsonPropertySourceLoader
- processInput(String, InputStream, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.env.JsonPropertySourceLoader
- processMap(Map<String, Object>, Map, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.AbstractPropertySourceLoader
- processMulti(FormDataHttpContentProcessor) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ByteBody
Process this body using the given processor.
Only used for form processing now. - processMulti(FormDataHttpContentProcessor) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateByteBody
- processMulti(FormDataHttpContentProcessor) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.StreamingByteBody
- processOnStartup() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Executable
Whether the
should be processed at startup by the registeredExecutableMethodProcessor
instances. - processParallelBeans(List<DefaultBeanContext.BeanDefinitionProducer>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Processes parallel bean definitions.
- processPropertySource(PropertySource, PropertySource.PropertyConvention) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
- processResponse(ErrorContext, MutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response.ErrorResponseProcessor
Modifies the http response representing the error.
- processResponse(ErrorContext, MutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.response.HateoasErrorResponseProcessor
- processResponse(HttpRequest<?>, HttpResponse<?>, PropagatedContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterRunner
Transform a response, e.g.
- processSingle(HttpServerConfiguration, MessageBodyReader<T>, Argument<T>, MediaType, Headers) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateByteBody
Process this body using the given
. - processSingle(FormDataHttpContentProcessor, Charset, ByteBufAllocator) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateByteBody
Process this body and then transform it into a single object using
ImmediateMultiObjectBody.single(java.nio.charset.Charset, io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator)
Only used for form processing now. - processSingle(ByteBuf) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.HttpContentProcessor
Deprecated.Process a single
into a single item, if possible. - processSingle(ByteBuf) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.jackson.JsonContentProcessor
- produce(ClassElement, VisitorContext) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.BeanDefinitionCreatorFactory
- produceBeans(ElementQuery<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
Produce additional beans from the given methods.
- produceBeans(ElementQuery<E>, Consumer<BeanElementBuilder>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
Produce additional beans from the given methods.
- produceBeans(ElementQuery<E>, Consumer<BeanElementBuilder>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- produces() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Controller
- produces() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.CustomHttpMethod
- produces() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Delete
- produces() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get
- produces() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Patch
- produces() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Post
- produces() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Put
- produces() - Element in annotation interface
- produces() - Element in annotation interface
- produces() - Element in annotation interface
- produces(MediaType...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.ErrorRoute
- produces(MediaType...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.ResourceRoute
- produces(MediaType...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Route
Applies the given accepted media type the route.
- produces(MediaType...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRoute
- Produces - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
An annotation to indicate the
s produced by a particular component. - ProducesMediaTypeQualifier<T> - Class in io.micronaut.web.router.qualifier
- ProducesMediaTypeQualifier(MediaType) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.qualifier.ProducesMediaTypeQualifier
- producesMediaTypes - Variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- producesMediaTypesContainsAll - Variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- profile(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- profile(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link.Builder
- profile(URI) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link.Builder
- profile(URI) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- PROP_MICRONAUT_SERVER_CORS_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.FiltersTest
- propagate() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Propagate the context using try-resource block.
- propagate(Supplier<V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Propagate the context for the supplier.
- propagate(PropagatedContext, Publisher<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.propagation.ReactivePropagation
Creates propagation context aware
. - propagate(PropagatedContext, Subscriber<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.propagation.ReactivePropagation
Creates propagation context aware
. - PROPAGATED_CONTEXT_REACTOR_CONTEXT_VIEW_KEY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.async.propagation.ReactorPropagation
The key to be used in the Reactor context.
- PropagatedContext - Interface in io.micronaut.core.propagation
The propagation across different threads using the context which is immutable and can be extended/reduced by different elements.
- PropagatedContext.Scope - Interface in io.micronaut.core.propagation
Context propagation
to be used in try-resource block. - PropagatedContextElement - Interface in io.micronaut.core.propagation
Propagated element of
. - properties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Properties to override from the environment.
- properties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- properties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
- PROPERTIES - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration.Format
Stored in Java properties file format.
- PROPERTIES_EXTENSION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertiesPropertySourceLoader
File extension for property source loader.
- PropertiesInfoSource - Interface in
to add a helper method for retrieving aPropertySource
from a properties file. - PropertiesPropertySourceLoader - Class in io.micronaut.context.env
Default load that handles Java properties files.
- PropertiesPropertySourceLoader() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertiesPropertySourceLoader
- PropertiesPropertySourceLoader(boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertiesPropertySourceLoader
- property() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Expresses that the given property should be set for the bean to load.
- property() - Element in annotation interface
- Property - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
A property that can be contained within a
or used generally throughout the system. - PROPERTY_JSON_VIEW_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.jackson.JsonViewServerFilter
Property used to specify whether JSON view is enabled.
- PROPERTY_MICRONAUT_CLASSLOADER_LOGGING - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils
System property to indicate whether classloader logging should be activated.
- PROPERTY_MICRONAUT_SERVER_CORS_CONFIGURATIONS_WEB_ALLOWED_ORIGINS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.ErrorHandlerTest
- PROPERTY_MICRONAUT_SERVER_CORS_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.ErrorHandlerTest
- PROPERTY_MODULE_SCAN - Static variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
The property used to enable module scan.
- PROPERTY_SOURCES_KEY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
The key used to load additional property sources.
- PROPERTY_USE_BEAN_INTROSPECTION - Static variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
The property used to enable bean introspection.
- PropertyAccess - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access
Expression AST node used for accessing object property.
- PropertyAccess(ExpressionNode, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.PropertyAccess
- PropertyConvention - Enum Class in io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions
Typical conventions used for property names through the system.
- PropertyElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
A property element represents a JavaBean property on a
. - PropertyElement.AccessKind - Enum Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast
The access type for bean properties.
- PropertyElementAnnotationMetadata - Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation
The element annotation metadata for property element.
- PropertyElementAnnotationMetadata(Element, MethodElement, MethodElement, FieldElement, ParameterElement, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.PropertyElementAnnotationMetadata
- PropertyElementQuery - Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast
Represents a query for
definitions. - PropertyElementQuery() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
- PropertyExpressionResolver - Interface in io.micronaut.context.env
The property expression resolver.
- propertyIndexOf(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospection
Obtain the property index position.
- propertyIndexOf(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
- PropertyMetadata - Class in io.micronaut.inject.configuration
Metadata about a property.
- PropertyMetadata() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.PropertyMetadata
- propertyName - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.AstBeanPropertiesUtils.BeanPropertyData
- PropertyNotFoundException - Exception in io.micronaut.core.value
Thrown when a property cannot be resolved.
- PropertyNotFoundException(String, Class<?>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.core.value.PropertyNotFoundException
- propertyPlaceholderResolver - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
- PropertyPlaceholderResolver - Interface in io.micronaut.context.env
Interface for implementations that resolve placeholders in configuration and annotations.
- PropertyResolver - Interface in io.micronaut.core.value
A property resolver is capable of resolving properties from an underlying property source.
- PropertySource - Interface in io.micronaut.context.env
A PropertySource is a location to resolve property values from.
- PropertySource - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
An annotation that can be used on either the main class or a test to provide additional hard coded property values to the
. - PropertySource.PropertyConvention - Enum Class in io.micronaut.context.env
Property convention.
- PropertySourceLoader - Interface in io.micronaut.context.env
Loads the given property source for the given environment.
- PropertySourceLocator - Interface in io.micronaut.context.env
An interface for beans that are capable of locating a
instance. - PropertySourcePropertyResolver - Class in io.micronaut.context.env
that resolves from one or manyPropertySource
instances. - PropertySourcePropertyResolver() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
Creates a new, initially empty,
. - PropertySourcePropertyResolver(PropertySource...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
Creates a new
for the givenPropertySource
instances. - PropertySourcePropertyResolver(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
Creates a new, initially empty,
for the givenConversionService
. - PropertySourcePropertyResolver(ConversionService, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
Creates a new, initially empty,
for the givenConversionService
. - PropertySourcePropertyResolver.PropertyCatalog - Enum Class in io.micronaut.context.env
The property catalog to use.
- PropertySourceReader - Interface in io.micronaut.context.env
Interface for classes that read and process properties sources.
- propertySources - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
- propertySources(PropertySource...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Additional property sources.
- propertySources(PropertySource...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- propertySources(PropertySource...) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
- PROTECTED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementModifier
- PROTOCOL_ERROR - Static variable in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- protocolVersion() - Method in class
- protocolVersion() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DelegateStreamedHttpResponse
- Prototype - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Prototype scope is a non-singleton scope that creates a new bean for every injection point.
- Provided - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Deprecated.Use the typed member of the
annotation instead - provideDownstreamSubscription(Subscriber) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber
- PROVIDER_TYPES - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- ProviderTypeInformationProvider - Class in io.micronaut.inject.provider
return true for Providers. - ProviderTypeInformationProvider() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.provider.ProviderTypeInformationProvider
- ProviderUtils - Class in io.micronaut.context
Helper methods for dealing with
. - ProviderUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.ProviderUtils
- proxy(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.ProxyHttpClient
Proxy the given request and emit the response.
- proxy(HttpRequest<?>, ProxyRequestOptions) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.ProxyHttpClient
Proxy the given request and emit the response.
- proxy(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- proxy(HttpRequest<?>, ProxyRequestOptions) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- PROXY_AUTHENTICATE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- PROXY_AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - PROXY_SUFFIX - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
The suffix use for generated AOP intercepted types.
- PROXY_TARGET - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.aop.Interceptor
setting. - ProxyBeanDefinition<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
Marker interface for a
that is an AOP proxy. - ProxyHeaderParser - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.util
Responsible for parsing and returning the information stored in the standard and de facto standard proxy headers.
- ProxyHeaderParser(HttpRequest) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.util.ProxyHeaderParser
- ProxyHttpClient - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client
Interface that allows proxying of HTTP requests in controllers and filters.
- ProxyHttpClientFactory - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client
A factory to create Proxy HTTP clients.
- ProxyHttpClientRegistry<P extends ProxyHttpClient> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client
Interface for managing the construction and lifecycle of instances of
clients. - ProxyingBeanDefinitionVisitor - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.writer
and adds access to the proxied type name. - ProxyRequestOptions - Class in io.micronaut.http.client
Further options for
when handling proxy requests. - ProxyRequestOptions.Builder - Class in io.micronaut.http.client
Builder class.
- proxyTarget() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.aop.Around
By default Micronaut will compile subclasses of the target class and call to invoke the original method since this is more efficient and allows proxied methods to work for calls from within the class.
- proxyTargetMode() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.aop.Around
Sets the
. - PUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties.Visibility
Only public methods and/or fields are included.
- PUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected.Visibility
Only public methods and/or fields are included.
- PUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementModifier
- PUBLIC_INTERFACES - Enum constant in enum class
- PUBLIC_KEYS - Enum constant in enum class
- PublicAbstractMethodVisitor<R,
P> - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing -
Utility visitor that only visits public abstract methods that have not been implemented by the given type.
- PublicMethodVisitor<R,
P> - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing -
An adapter that implements all methods of the
interface subclasses can selectively override. - PublicMethodVisitor(JavaVisitorContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.PublicMethodVisitor
Default constructor.
- PUBLISHER - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod.ResultType
- publisherError() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.PublisherExceptionHandlerTest
- PublisherExceptionHandlerTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- PublisherExceptionHandlerTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.PublisherExceptionHandlerTest
- Publishers - Class in io.micronaut.core.async.publisher
Utilities for working with raw
instances. - Publishers() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
- Publishers.JustPublisher<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.async.publisher
A publisher for a value.
- Publishers.JustThrowPublisher<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.async.publisher
A publisher that throws an error.
- Publishers.MapOrSupplyEmpty<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.async.publisher -
Maps the next result or supplies an empty result.
- Publishers.MicronautPublisher<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.async.publisher
Marker interface for any micronaut produced publishers.
- PublishersOptimizations - Class in io.micronaut.core.async.publisher
Static optimizations for the
. - PublishersOptimizations(List<Class<?>>, List<Class<?>>, List<Class<?>>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.PublishersOptimizations
- publishEvent(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- publishEvent(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisher
Publish the given event.
- publishEventAsync(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- publishEventAsync(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisher
Publish the given event.
- pulsate() - Method in class
Publish the heartbeat event with current health status.
- pulsate(ServiceInstance, HealthStatus) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.AutoRegistration
This method will be invoked each time a
occurs allowing the implementation to perform any necessary callbacks to the service discovery server. - PUSH_PROMISE_STREAM - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyServerCustomizer.ChannelRole
The channel is a channel representing an individual HTTP2 stream, created for a push promise.
- pushAnnotationMetadataReference(GeneratorAdapter, AnnotationMetadataReference) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataWriter
Pushes an annotation metadata reference.
- pushAnnotationResolve(BeanDefinition, Argument) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext.Path
- pushBeanCreate(BeanDefinition<?>, Argument<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext.Path
Push an unresolved constructor call onto the queue.
- pushBoxPrimitiveIfNecessary(Type, GeneratorAdapter) - Static method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.EvaluatedExpressionCompilationUtils
Pushed primitive boxing instruction if passed type is a wrapper.
- pushBoxPrimitiveIfNecessary(TypedElement, MethodVisitor) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- pushBoxPrimitiveIfNecessary(Class<?>, MethodVisitor) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- pushBoxPrimitiveIfNecessary(Type, MethodVisitor) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- pushBuildArgumentsForMethod(AnnotationMetadata, String, Type, ClassWriter, GeneratorAdapter, Collection<ParameterElement>, Map<String, Integer>, Map<String, GeneratorAdapter>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- PushCapableHttpRequest<B> - Interface in io.micronaut.http
that is potentially capable of HTTP2 server push. - pushCastToType(MethodVisitor, TypedElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- pushCastToType(MethodVisitor, Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- pushCastToType(MethodVisitor, Type) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- pushConfigurationReader(BeanDefinition<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
Push a new configuration segment for the given name and kind
- pushConfigurationSegment(int) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
Adds a indexed segment.
- pushConfigurationSegment(ConfigurationPath.ConfigurationSegment) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
Push and adapt an existing configuration segment.
- pushConfigurationSegment(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
Adds a named segment.
- pushConstructorResolve(BeanDefinition, Argument) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext.Path
Push an unresolved constructor call onto the queue.
- pushConstructorResolve(BeanDefinition, String, Argument, Argument[]) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext.Path
Push an unresolved constructor call onto the queue.
- pushCreateArgument(AnnotationMetadata, String, Type, ClassWriter, GeneratorAdapter, String, TypedElement, AnnotationMetadata, Map<String, ClassElement>, Map<String, Integer>, Map<String, GeneratorAdapter>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Pushes a new Argument creation.
- pushDependentBeans(List<BeanRegistration<?>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
The push the current dependent beans that must be destroyed by an upstream bean.
- pushDependentBeans(List<BeanRegistration<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- pushEachPropertyRoot(BeanDefinition<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
Push a new configuration segment for the given name and kind
- pushFieldResolve(BeanDefinition, Argument) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext.Path
Push an unresolved field onto the queue.
- pushFieldResolve(BeanDefinition, FieldInjectionPoint) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext.Path
Push an unresolved field onto the queue.
- pushListOfString(GeneratorAdapter, List<String>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- pushMethodArgumentResolve(BeanDefinition, MethodInjectionPoint, Argument) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext.Path
Push an unresolved method call onto the queue.
- pushMethodArgumentResolve(BeanDefinition, String, Argument, Argument[]) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext.Path
Push an unresolved method call onto the queue.
- pushMethodNameAndTypesArguments(GeneratorAdapter, String, Collection<ClassElement>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- pushNewArray(GeneratorAdapter, Class<?>, int) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- pushNewArray(GeneratorAdapter, Type, int) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- pushNewInstance(GeneratorAdapter, Type) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Push the instantiation of the given type.
- pushPrimitiveCastIfNecessary(Type, Type, GeneratorAdapter) - Static method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.EvaluatedExpressionCompilationUtils
This method checks whether passed primitive type needs to be explicitly cast to target type.
- pushReturnTypeArgument(AnnotationMetadata, Type, ClassWriter, GeneratorAdapter, String, ClassElement, Map<String, Integer>, Map<String, GeneratorAdapter>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Pushes an argument.
- pushReturnValue(MethodVisitor, TypedElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- pushStoreInArray(GeneratorAdapter, int, int, Runnable) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- pushStoreInArray(GeneratorAdapter, Type, int, int, Runnable) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- pushStoreStringInArray(GeneratorAdapter, int, int, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- pushStoreTypeInArray(GeneratorAdapter, int, int, ClassElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- pushStringMapOf(GeneratorAdapter, Map<? extends CharSequence, T>, boolean, T, Consumer<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- pushStringValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.StringSwitchWriter
Push the string value that is being evaluated.
- pushTypeArgumentElements(AnnotationMetadata, Type, ClassWriter, GeneratorAdapter, String, Map<String, ClassElement>, Map<String, Integer>, Map<String, GeneratorAdapter>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Pushes type arguments onto the stack.
- pushTypeUtilsGetRequiredMethod(GeneratorAdapter, Type, MethodElement) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter
- pushUnboxPrimitiveIfNecessary(Type, GeneratorAdapter) - Static method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.EvaluatedExpressionCompilationUtils
Pushed unboxing instruction if passed type is a primitive wrapper.
- put(CharSequence, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- put(CharSequence, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- put(CharSequence, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- put(CharSequence, Cookie) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookies
Put a new cookie.
- put(CharSequence, List<V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- put(CharSequence, V) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleValues
Insert a value for the given key and value.
- put(CharSequence, V) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleValuesMap
- put(String, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringIntMap
- put(String, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequestFactory
- put(String, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestFactory
Return a
that executes anHttpMethod.PUT
request for the given URI. - put(String, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequestFactory
- put(K, V) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
- put(K, V) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- Put - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a
. - PUT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
- PUT(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- PUT(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Find the first
route for anHttpMethod.PUT
method and the given URI. - PUT(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified class.
- PUT(Class<?>, PropertyConvention) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified class and ID.
- PUT(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified object.
- PUT(Object, PropertyConvention) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified object and ID.
- PUT(String, BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- PUT(String, BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- PUT(String, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- PUT(String, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- PUT(String, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- PUT(String, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI to the specified target for an HTTP PUT.
- PUT(String, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- PUT(String, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- PUT(String, T) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Return a
that executes anHttpMethod.PUT
request for the given URI. - PUT(URI, T) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Return a
that executes anHttpMethod.PUT
request for the given URI. - putAll(ConvertibleValues<V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleValues
Put all the values from the given values into this values instance.
- putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- putAll(Map<CharSequence, Cookie>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookies
Put a set of new cookies.
- putAll(Map<CharSequence, V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleValues
Put all the values from the given map into this values instance.
- putIfAbsent(K, V) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
- putIfAbsent(K, V) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- putInContext(String, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.ExecutionFlow
Store a contextual value.
- Q_PARAMETER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
. - QMARK - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- Qualified<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers
Internal interface used by generated code to propagate qualifiers.
- QualifiedBeanType<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
An interface for a
that allows qualifiers. - qualifier() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Replaces
The name of the qualifiers of the bean that should be replaced.
- qualifier() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.DisabledBean
Returns the value of the
record component. - qualifier(AnnotationValue<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
- qualifier(AnnotationValue<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanFieldElement
- qualifier(AnnotationValue<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanParameterElement
- qualifier(AnnotationValue<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.ConfigurableElement
Adds a qualifier for the given annotation value to the element.
- qualifier(Qualifier<B>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition.Builder
The qualifier to use.
- qualifier(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
- qualifier(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanFieldElement
- qualifier(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanParameterElement
- qualifier(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.ConfigurableElement
Adds a
qualifier to the element. - Qualifier<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.context
Used to qualify which bean to select in the case of multiple possible options.
- QUALIFIER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
The meta annotation used for qualifier declarations.
- QualifierBindingMembers - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
The remapped adds a non-binding attribute to any qualifiers that are stereotypes.
- QualifierBindingMembers() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.QualifierBindingMembers
- Qualifiers - Class in io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers
Factory for
qualifiers. - Qualifiers() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers
- qualify(Class<T>, Stream<BT>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.Qualifier
Qualify the candidate from the stream of candidates.
- qualify(Class<T>, Stream<BT>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.AnyQualifier
- queryParam(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriBuilder
Adds a query parameter for the give name and values.
- QueryValue - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Indicates that the parameter to a method should be bound from a value in the query string or path of the URI.
- QueryValueArgumentBinder<T> - Class in io.micronaut.http.bind.binders
A binder for binding arguments annotated with @QueryValue.
- QueryValueArgumentBinder(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.QueryValueArgumentBinder
- QueryValueClientArgumentRequestBinder - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.bind.binders
Implementation of the Binder for
The details of implementation can be found in theQueryValueClientArgumentRequestBinder.bind(ArgumentConversionContext, ClientRequestUriContext, Object, MutableHttpRequest)
method javadoc. - QueryValueClientArgumentRequestBinder(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.binders.QueryValueClientArgumentRequestBinder
- QUIC - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration.Family
QUIC (HTTP/3) listener.
- R_CURLY - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- R_PAREN - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- R_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- RandomPropertyExpressionResolver - Class in io.micronaut.context.env.exp
The property expression for random values.
- RandomPropertyExpressionResolver() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.exp.RandomPropertyExpressionResolver
- RANGE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - RAW - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver.PropertyCatalog
The catalog that contains the raw keys.
- RAW - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.StringConvention
Raw unconverted string.
- rawCatalog - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
- rawContent(HttpServerConfiguration) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ByteBody
Transform this body to a
s with the raw body. - rawContent(HttpServerConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateByteBody
- rawContent(HttpServerConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.StreamingByteBody
- RawMessageBodyHandler<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.body
A body handler that is responsible for "raw" writing/reading, i.e.
- ReactiveClientResultTransformer - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client
Allows hooking modifying the resulting publisher prior to returning it from the client.
- ReactiveExecutionFlow<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.reactive.execution
The reactive execution flow.
- ReactiveInfoAggregator - Class in
Default implementation of
. - ReactiveInfoAggregator() - Constructor for class
- ReactivePropagation - Class in io.micronaut.core.async.propagation
Reactive propagation of
. - ReactiveStreamsTypeInformationProvider - Class in io.micronaut.core.async
Implementation of
for reactive streams. - ReactiveStreamsTypeInformationProvider() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.async.ReactiveStreamsTypeInformationProvider
- ReactiveTypeConverterRegistrar - Class in io.micronaut.core.async.converters
Registers converters for Reactive types such as
. - ReactiveTypeConverterRegistrar() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.async.converters.ReactiveTypeConverterRegistrar
- ReactivexNullableTransformer - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
A transformer that remaps io.reactivex.annotations.Nullable to
. - ReactivexNullableTransformer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.ReactivexNullableTransformer
- ReactorNullableTransformer - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
A transformer that remaps reactor.util.annotation.Nullable to
. - ReactorNullableTransformer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.ReactorNullableTransformer
- ReactorPropagation - Class in io.micronaut.core.async.propagation
Reactor propagation of
. - read() - Method in interface
Gets a byte at the current
and increases thereaderIndex
in this buffer. - read() - Method in class
- read(byte[]) - Method in interface
Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at the current
and increases thereaderIndex
by the number of the transferred bytes (=dst.length
). - read(byte[]) - Method in class
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface
Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at the current
and increases thereaderIndex
by the number of the transferred bytes (=length
). - read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- read(Argument<T>, MediaType, Headers, ByteBuffer<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.body.MessageBodyReader
Reads an object from the given byte buffer.
- read(Argument<T>, MediaType, Headers, InputStream) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.body.MessageBodyReader
Reads an object from the given byte buffer.
- read(Argument<Writable>, MediaType, Headers, ByteBuffer<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.WritableBodyWriter
- read(Argument<Writable>, MediaType, Headers, InputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.WritableBodyWriter
- read(Argument<Writable>, MediaType, Headers, InputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyWritableBodyWriter
- read(Argument<ByteBuf>, MediaType, Headers, ByteBuffer<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.ByteBufRawMessageBodyHandler
- read(Argument<ByteBuf>, MediaType, Headers, InputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.ByteBufRawMessageBodyHandler
- read(Argument<CharSequence>, MediaType, Headers, ByteBuffer<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.TextPlainHandler
- read(Argument<CharSequence>, MediaType, Headers, InputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.TextPlainHandler
- read(Argument<T>, MediaType, Headers, ByteBuffer<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonHandler
- read(Argument<T>, MediaType, Headers, ByteBuffer<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonStreamHandler
- read(Argument<T>, MediaType, Headers, ByteBuffer<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.body.JsonMessageHandler
- read(Argument<T>, MediaType, Headers, InputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonHandler
- read(Argument<T>, MediaType, Headers, InputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonStreamHandler
- read(Argument<T>, MediaType, Headers, InputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.body.JsonMessageHandler
- read(String, byte[]) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourceReader
Read a property source from bytes.
- read(String, InputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.AbstractPropertySourceLoader
- read(String, InputStream) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourceReader
Read a property source from an input stream.
- Read - Annotation Interface in
A method designed to annotate an
read operation. - READ_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigurationClient
The read timeout used when reading distributed configuration.
- Readable - Interface in
- readableBytes() - Method in interface
Returns the number of readable bytes which is equal to
(this.writerIndex - this.readerIndex)
. - readableBytes() - Method in class
- readableBytes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- ReadableBytes - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert.format
Used by
to parse strings in the form 1MB to numbers. - ReadableBytesTypeConverter - Class in io.micronaut.core.convert.format
Converts String's to readable bytes.
- ReadableBytesTypeConverter() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.convert.format.ReadableBytesTypeConverter
- readAccessKind - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.AstBeanPropertiesUtils.BeanPropertyData
- readAnnotationDefaultValues(String, Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- readAnnotationDefaultValues(String, AnnotatedNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- readAnnotationDefaultValues(String, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Read the raw default annotation values from the given annotation.
- readAnnotationRawValues(A) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Read the raw annotation values from the given annotation.
- readAnnotationRawValues(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- readAnnotationRawValues(Element, String, Element, String, Object, Map<CharSequence, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- readAnnotationRawValues(AnnotatedNode, String, AnnotatedNode, String, Object, Map<CharSequence, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- readAnnotationRawValues(AnnotationNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- readAnnotationRawValues(T, String, T, String, Object, Map<CharSequence, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Read the given member and value, applying conversions if necessary, and place the data in the given map.
- readAnnotationValue(Element, Element, String, String, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- readAnnotationValue(AnnotatedNode, AnnotatedNode, String, String, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- readAnnotationValue(T, T, String, String, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Read the given member and value, applying conversions if necessary, and place the data in the given map.
- readBoolean() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readByte() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readBytes(byte[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readBytes(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readBytes(ByteBuf) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readBytes(ByteBuf, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readBytes(ByteBuf, int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readBytes(OutputStream, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readBytes(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readBytes(FileChannel, long, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readBytes(GatheringByteChannel, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readChar() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readCharSequence(int, Charset) - Method in interface
Gets a
with the given length at the currentreaderIndex
and increases thereaderIndex
by the given length. - readCharSequence(int, Charset) - Method in class
- readCharSequence(int, Charset) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readChunked(Argument<T>, MediaType, Headers, Publisher<ByteBuffer<?>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.body.ChunkedMessageBodyReader
- readChunked(Argument<Writable>, MediaType, Headers, Publisher<ByteBuffer<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.WritableBodyWriter
- readChunked(Argument<Writable>, MediaType, Headers, Publisher<ByteBuffer<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyWritableBodyWriter
- readChunked(Argument<ByteBuf>, MediaType, Headers, Publisher<ByteBuffer<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.ByteBufRawMessageBodyHandler
- readChunked(Argument<T>, MediaType, Headers, Publisher<ByteBuffer<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonHandler
- readChunked(Argument<T>, MediaType, Headers, Publisher<ByteBuffer<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonStreamHandler
- readDouble() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- ReadEndpointRouteBuilder - Class in
- ReadEndpointRouteBuilder(ApplicationContext, RouteBuilder.UriNamingStrategy, ConversionService, EndpointDefaultConfiguration) - Constructor for class
- readerIndex() - Method in interface
Returns the
of this buffer. - readerIndex() - Method in class
- readerIndex() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readerIndex(int) - Method in interface
Sets the
of this buffer. - readerIndex(int) - Method in class
- readerIndex(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readExisting(SslConfiguration, SslConfiguration.KeyConfiguration, SslConfiguration.KeyStoreConfiguration, SslConfiguration.TrustStoreConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
Reads an existing config.
- readFloat() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readGenerated(String, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.test.JavaParser
Reads the contents of a generated file as a reader.
- Readiness - Annotation Interface in
Qualifier designed to make the
exposed via/health/readiness
endpoint ofHealthEndpoint
. - READINESS - Enum constant in enum class
Readiness health indicators.
- READINESS_PROBE_MAPPING - Static variable in class
- readInput(ResourceLoader, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.AbstractPropertySourceLoader
- readInput(ResourceLoader, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.CloudFoundryVcapApplicationPropertySourceLoader
- readInput(ResourceLoader, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.CloudFoundryVcapServicesPropertySourceLoader
- readInput(ResourceLoader, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.EnvJsonPropertySourceLoader
- readInt() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readInternal(B) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanProperty
Reads the bean property.
- readIntLE() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readJsonAsMap(InputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.env.JsonPropertySourceLoader
- readJsonAsMap(InputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.env.JsonPropertySourceLoader
- readLong() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readLongLE() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readMedium() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readMediumLE() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readMetadataUrl(URL, int, int, ObjectMapper, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class
Reads the result of a URL and parses it using the given
. - readMetadataUrl(URL, int, int, JsonNodeTreeCodec, JsonFactory, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class
Reads the result of a URL and parses it using the given
. - readMetadataUrl(URL, int, int, JsonMapper, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class
Reads the result of a URL and parses it using the given
. - readNestedAnnotationValue(T, A) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- readOnly() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.JavaElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- readOnly() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
- readOnly() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.ElementAnnotationMetadataFactory
Makes this factory read-only.
- readOnly(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.ResourceRoute
Whether the route is read-only.
- readPrefixes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AccessorsStyle
- readPrefixes(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
Sets the read method prefixes.
- readPropertySourceList(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- readPropertySourceListFromFiles(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
Resolve the property sources for files passed via system property and system env.
- readPropertySourceListKeyFromEnvironment() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
Reads the value of MICRONAUT_CONFIG_FILES environment variable.
- readPropertySourceLoaders() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- readPropertySources(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- readRetainedSlice(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readShort() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readShortLE() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readSlice(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readText(BufferedReader) - Static method in class
Read the content of the BufferedReader and return it as a String in a blocking manner.
- ReadTimeoutException - Exception in io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions
An exception thrown when a read timeout occurs.
- readTree(JsonParser) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.JsonNodeTreeCodec
Read a json node from a stream.
- readUnsignedByte() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readUnsignedInt() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readUnsignedIntLE() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readUnsignedMedium() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readUnsignedMediumLE() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readUnsignedShort() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readUnsignedShortLE() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- readValue(byte[], Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- readValue(byte[], Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Parse and map json from the given byte array.
- readValue(byte[], Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Read a value from the byte array for the given type.
- readValue(ByteBuffer<?>, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Parse and map json from the given byte buffer.
- readValue(InputStream, Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- readValue(InputStream, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Parse and map json from the given stream.
- readValue(InputStream, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Read a value from the given input stream for the given type.
- readValue(String, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Parse and map json from the given string.
- readValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Read a value from the given string for the given type.
- readValue(ByteBuffer<?>, Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- readValueFromTree(JsonNode, Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- readValueFromTree(JsonNode, Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Transform a
to a value of the given type. - readValueFromTree(JsonNode, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Transform a
to a value of the given type. - reason() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.HttpResponseAdapter
- reason() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.FullNettyClientHttpResponse
- reason() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
- reason() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpResponseWrapper
- reason() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- reasons() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.DisabledBean
Returns the value of the
record component. - receivedInMessage(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class
Invoked when an incoming message is first received.
- receivedLength - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.AbstractHttpContentProcessor
- receivedLength - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultHttpContentProcessor
- receivedOutMessage(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class
- Recoverable - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.retry.annotation
AOP around advice that can be applied to any type or method that requires
handling. - RecoveryInterceptor - Class in io.micronaut.retry.intercept
that will attempt to execute aFallback
when the target method is in an error state. - RecoveryInterceptor(BeanContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.retry.intercept.RecoveryInterceptor
- redirect(URI) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with the location of the new resource. - reduce(Class<T>, Stream<BT>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.Qualifier
- reduce(Class<T>, Stream<BT>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.AnyQualifier
- reduce(Class<T>, Stream<BT>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.ClosestTypeArgumentQualifier
- reduce(Class<T>, Stream<BT>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.InterceptorBindingQualifier
- reduce(Class<T>, Stream<BT>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.PrimaryQualifier
- reduce(Class<T>, Stream<BT>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.TypeAnnotationQualifier
- reduce(Class<T>, Stream<BT>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.TypeArgumentQualifier
- reduce(Class<T>, Stream<BT>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.qualifier.ConsumesMediaTypeQualifier
- reduce(Class<T>, Stream<BT>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.qualifier.ProducesMediaTypeQualifier
- REF_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionReferenceWriter
Suffix for reference classes.
- refCnt() - Method in class
- refCnt() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- refCountAwareConvert(ConversionService, ReferenceCounted, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.converters.NettyConverters
This method converts a
netty reference counted object
and transfers release ownership to the new object. - refCountAwareConvert(ConversionService, ReferenceCounted, Class<T>, ConversionContext) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.converters.NettyConverters
This method converts a
netty reference counted object
and transfers release ownership to the new object. - ReferenceCounted - Interface in
- REFERER - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - REFERRER_POLICY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - REFLECTION_LOGGER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils
A logger that should be used for any reflection access.
- ReflectionConfig - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
An annotation that models directly the GraalVM reflect-config.json format.
- ReflectionConfig.ReflectionConfigList - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
Wrapper annotation.
- ReflectionConfig.ReflectiveFieldConfig - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
Field configuration.
- ReflectionConfig.ReflectiveMethodConfig - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
Method configuration.
- ReflectionUtils - Class in io.micronaut.core.reflect
Utility methods for reflection related tasks.
- ReflectionUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
- ReflectiveAccess - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
Descriptive annotation that can be used to declare a field, method, constructor and types for reflective access.
- refresh() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.LifeCycle
Refreshes the current life cycle object.
- refresh() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient
- refresh() - Method in class io.micronaut.logging.impl.LogbackLoggingSystem
- refresh() - Method in interface io.micronaut.logging.LoggingSystem
Refreshes Logging System with the goal of cleaning its internal caches.
- refresh() - Method in class
- refresh(Boolean) - Method in class
Refresh application state only if environment has changed (unless
is set to true). - Refreshable - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope
A custom scope that allows target beans to be refreshed.
- refreshablePropertySources - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- refreshAndDiff() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- refreshAndDiff() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Refresh the environment from the list of
instances and return a diff of the changes. - refreshBean(BeanRegistration<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Refresh the state of the given registered bean applying dependency injection and configuration wiring again.
- refreshBean(BeanRegistration<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- refreshBean(BeanIdentifier) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Refresh the state of the given registered bean applying dependency injection and configuration wiring again.
- refreshBean(BeanIdentifier) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- RefreshEndpoint - Class in
Exposes an
to refresh application state via aRefreshEvent
. - RefreshEndpoint(Environment, ApplicationEventPublisher<RefreshEvent>) - Constructor for class
- RefreshEvent - Class in io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh
for handling refreshes. - RefreshEvent() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshEvent
Constructs a refresh Event that refreshes all keys.
- RefreshEvent(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshEvent
Constructs a prototypical Event.
- RefreshEventListener - Interface in io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh
A convenience interface that can be implemented if a component needs to listen for
where the implementation is only interested in a limited set of configuration prefixes. - RefreshInterceptor - Class in io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh
that will lock the bean preventing it from being destroyed by aRefreshEvent
until the method completes. - RefreshInterceptor(RefreshScope) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshInterceptor
- RefreshScope - Class in io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh
Implementation of
. - RefreshScope(BeanContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshScope
- REGEX - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterPatternStyle
Regex-style pattern matching.
- REGEX - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.util.PathMatcher
The default regex style path matcher.
- RegexPathMatcher - Class in io.micronaut.core.util
PathMatcher implementation for regex-style patterns.
- RegexPathMatcher() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.util.RegexPathMatcher
- region - Variable in class
- region(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance.Builder
Sets the region.
- REGION - Enum constant in enum class
- REGION - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
Constant to represent the region of the service contained with
. - register(NettyClientCustomizer) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
- register(NettyClientCustomizer) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientCustomizer.Registry
Register a new customizer with this registry.
- register(NettyServerCustomizer) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServer
- register(NettyServerCustomizer) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- register(NettyServerCustomizer) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyServerCustomizer.Registry
Register a new customizer with this server.
- register(MutableConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.converters.ContextConverterRegistrar
- register(MutableConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.converters.ReactiveTypeConverterRegistrar
- register(MutableConversionService) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.TypeConverterRegistrar
Interface for registrars of
instances. - register(MutableConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.LoadBalancerConverters
- register(MutableConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.converters.HttpConverterRegistrar
- register(MutableConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.converters.SharedHttpConvertersRegistrar
- register(MutableConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaTypeConvertersRegistrar
- register(MutableConversionService) - Method in class
- register(MutableConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.converters.NettyConverters
- register(MutableConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.converters.NettyConvertersSpi
- register(MutableConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationConvertersRegistrar
- register(MutableConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.convert.JacksonConverterRegistrar
- register(MutableConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.convert.JsonConverterRegistrar
- register(MutableConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.converters.time.TimeConverterRegistrar
- register(ServiceInstance) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.AutoRegistration
Register the
with discovery services. - register(Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.graal.GraalReflectionConfigurer.ReflectionConfigurationContext
Register the given types for reflection.
- register(Constructor<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.graal.GraalReflectionConfigurer.ReflectionConfigurationContext
Register the given constructors for reflection.
- register(Field...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.graal.GraalReflectionConfigurer.ReflectionConfigurationContext
Register the given fields for reflection.
- register(Method...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.graal.GraalReflectionConfigurer.ReflectionConfigurationContext
Register the given methods for reflection.
- registerAllForRuntimeReflection(Feature.BeforeAnalysisAccess, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
Deprecated.Register class for runtime reflection without allowing reflective instantiation.
- registerAllForRuntimeReflectionAndReflectiveInstantiation(Feature.BeforeAnalysisAccess, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
Deprecated.Register class for runtime reflection and allows reflective instantiation.
- registerAnnotationDefaults(AnnotationClassValue<?>, Map<CharSequence, Object>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Registers annotation default values.
- registerAnnotationDefaults(String, Map<CharSequence, Object>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Registers annotation default values.
- registerAnnotationType(AnnotationClassValue<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Registers annotation default values.
- registerBeanDefinition(RuntimeBeanDefinition<B>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Registers a new reference at runtime.
- registerBeanDefinition(RuntimeBeanDefinition<B>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- registerClassForRuntimeReflection(Feature.BeforeAnalysisAccess, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
Deprecated.Allows reflection instantiation of the given class, only if it is present.
- registerClassForRuntimeReflectionAndReflectiveInstantiation(Feature.BeforeAnalysisAccess, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
Deprecated.Register the class and allow reflective instantiation at runtime, only if it is present.
- registerClassForRuntimeReflectiveInstantiation(Feature.BeforeAnalysisAccess, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
Deprecated.Register the class for reflective instantiation at runtime, only if it is present.
- registerConfiguration(BeanConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Registers an active configuration.
- registerConfiguration(BeanConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- registerConstructorsForRuntimeReflection(Feature.BeforeAnalysisAccess, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
Deprecated.Register all constructors of the given class for runtime reflection, only if the class is present.
- registerContextClass(ClassElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExpressionCompilationContextFactory
Adds evaluated expression context class element to context loader at compilation time.
- registerContextClass(ClassElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.context.DefaultExpressionCompilationContextFactory
- registerConversionService() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- registerConversionService() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Registers conversion service.
- registerDefaultAnnotationBinders(Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, RequestArgumentBinder>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.bind.DefaultRequestBinderRegistry
- registered - Variable in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.AutoRegistration
- registerFieldsAndMethodsWithReflectiveAccess(Feature.BeforeAnalysisAccess, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
Deprecated.Register class for runtime reflection and allows reflective instantiation.
- registerFieldsForRuntimeReflection(Feature.BeforeAnalysisAccess, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
Deprecated.Allows reflection usage for all fields of the given class, only if it is present.
- registerMethodsForRuntimeReflection(Feature.BeforeAnalysisAccess, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.graal.AutomaticFeatureUtils
Deprecated.Allows reflection usage for all methods of the given class, only if it is present.
- registerPath(Path) - Method in class
Registers a patch to watch.
- registerPath(Path) - Method in class
- registerReactiveCompletable(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
Registers an additional reactive completable type.
- registerReactiveSingle(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
Registers an additional reactive single type.
- registerReactiveType(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
Registers an additional reactive type.
- registerRepeatableAnnotations(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Registers repeatable annotations.
- registerRoute(ExecutableMethod<?, ?>, String, Integer) - Method in class
- registerRoute(ExecutableMethod<?, ?>, String, Integer) - Method in class
- registerRoute(ExecutableMethod<?, ?>, String, Integer) - Method in class
- registerSingleton(Class<T>, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
- registerSingleton(Class<T>, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Registers a new singleton bean at runtime.
- registerSingleton(Class<T>, T, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
- registerSingleton(Class<T>, T, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Registers a new singleton bean at runtime.
- registerSingleton(Class<T>, T, Qualifier<T>, boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
- registerSingleton(Class<T>, T, Qualifier<T>, boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
- registerSingleton(Class<T>, T, Qualifier<T>, boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Registers a new singleton bean at runtime.
- registerSingleton(Class<T>, T, Qualifier<T>, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- registerSingleton(Class<T>, T, Qualifier<T>, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- registerSingleton(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
- registerSingleton(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
- registerSingleton(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Registers a new singleton bean at runtime.
- registerSingleton(Object, boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
- registerSingleton(Object, boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
- registerSingleton(Object, boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionRegistry
Registers a new singleton bean at runtime.
- registerSingleton(Class<T>, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
- registerSingleton(Class<T>, T, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
- RegistrationConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.discovery.registration
Common configuration for
registration. - RegistrationConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
- RegistrationException - Exception in io.micronaut.discovery.registration
Exception thrown during
registration. - RegistrationException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationException
Constructs a new Registration exception with the specified detail message.
- RegistrationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationException
Constructs a new Registration exception with the specified detail message and cause.
- REGULAR_JSON_MEDIA_TYPE_CODEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.codec.JacksonMediaTypeCodec
- REGULAR_JSON_MEDIA_TYPE_CODEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- reject(Exception) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ErrorsContext
Reject the version with the given exception.
- reject(Object, Exception) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ErrorsContext
Reject the version with the given exception.
- RelationalOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Abstract expression AST node for relational operations.
- RelationalOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.RelationalOperator
- release() - Method in interface
Release a reference to this object.
- release() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ConnectionManager.PoolHandle
Close this connection or release it back to the pool.
- release() - Method in class
- release() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.HttpBody
Release this body and any downstream representations.
- release() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.StreamingMultiObjectBody
- release() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- release() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.FormRouteCompleter
- release() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
Release and cleanup resources.
- release() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.convert.LazyJsonNode
- release(int) - Method in class
- release(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- releaseIfNecessary(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- remap(AnnotationValue<?>, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationRemapper
The map method will be called for each instances of the annotation returned via this method.
- remap(AnnotationValue<?>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.FindBugsRemapper
- remap(AnnotationValue<?>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.InterceptorBindingMembers
- remap(AnnotationValue<?>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JavaxRemapper
- remap(AnnotationValue<?>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.QualifierBindingMembers
- remap(AnnotationValue<?>, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.annotation.PackageRenameRemapper
- RemoteAddressTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- RemoteAddressTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.RemoteAddressTest
- RemoteHostElementBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
Builder for RemoteHostElement.
- RemoteHostElementBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.RemoteHostElementBuilder
- RemoteIpElementBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
Builder for RemoteIpElement.
- RemoteIpElementBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.RemoteIpElementBuilder
- remove(PropagatedContextElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.MutablePropagatedContext
Modifies the context by removing the provided element.
- remove(Object, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- remove(BeanIdentifier) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.scope.AbstractConcurrentCustomScope
- remove(BeanIdentifier) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.scope.CustomScope
Remove a bean definition from the scope.
- remove(BeanIdentifier) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshScope
- remove(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- remove(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- remove(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- remove(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleValues
Remove a value for the given key.
- remove(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleValuesMap
- remove(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.MutableHeaders
Removes a header.
- remove(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders
- remove(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
- remove(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- remove(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- remove(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpHeaders
- remove(CharSequence, V) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleMultiValues
Remove the given value from the given key.
- remove(CharSequence, V) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- remove(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
- remove(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- remove(Object, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
- removeAnnotation(AnnotationMetadata, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Removes an annotation from the given annotation metadata.
- removeAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractMutableAnnotationMetadata
- removeAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.ElementMutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- removeAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- removeAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
- removeAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory.MutableElementAnnotationMetadata
- removeAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractMutableAnnotationMetadata
- removeAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.ElementMutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- removeAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
Removes an annotation of the given type from the element.
- removeAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
- removeAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- removeAnnotation(AnnotationMetadata, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
Remove an annotation for the given name.
- removeAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractAnnotationElement
- removeAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- removeAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Removes an annotation for the given annotation type.
- removeAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractAnnotationElement
- removeAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.PropertyElementAnnotationMetadata
- removeAnnotation(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- removeAnnotation(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- removeAnnotationIf(AnnotationMetadata, Predicate<AnnotationValue<T1>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Removes an annotation from the metadata for the given predicate.
- removeAnnotationIf(Predicate<AnnotationValue<A>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Removes an annotation for the given predicate.
- removeAnnotationIf(Predicate<AnnotationValue<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory.MutableElementAnnotationMetadata
- removeAnnotationIf(Predicate<AnnotationValue<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractMutableAnnotationMetadata
- removeAnnotationIf(Predicate<AnnotationValue<T>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.ElementMutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- removeAnnotationIf(Predicate<AnnotationValue<T>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
Removes all annotations that pass the given predicate.
- removeAnnotationIf(Predicate<AnnotationValue<T>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
- removeAnnotationIf(Predicate<AnnotationValue<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- removeAnnotationIf(AnnotationMetadata, Predicate<AnnotationValue<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
Remove an annotation if it matches the given condition.
- removeAnnotationIf(Predicate<AnnotationValue<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractAnnotationElement
- removeAnnotationIf(Predicate<AnnotationValue<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.PropertyElementAnnotationMetadata
- removeAnnotationIf(Predicate<AnnotationValue<T>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- removeAnnotationIf(Predicate<AnnotationValue<T>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- removeAttribute(CharSequence, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- removeAttribute(CharSequence, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.attr.MutableAttributeHolder
Remove an attribute.
- removeAttribute(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- removeAttribute(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Remove the attribute for the given key.
- removeChannel(Channel) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.WebSocketSessionRepository
Remove a channel from the repository.
- removeChannel(Channel) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- removed() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.RequestHandler
Called when the handler is removed.
- removed() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketUpgradeHandler
- removeHttpDataFromClean(HttpRequest, InterfaceHttpData) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData.Factory
- removeInFlightBean(BeanIdentifier) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Removes a bean that is in the process of being created.
- removeInFlightBean(BeanIdentifier) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanResolutionContext
- removeLast() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
remove last entry.
- removePropertySource(PropertySource) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- removePropertySource(PropertySource) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Removes a property source from this environment.
- removeStereotype(AnnotationMetadata, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Removes an annotation from the given annotation metadata.
- removeStereotype(AnnotationValue<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Removes the stereotype annotation.
- removeStereotype(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractMutableAnnotationMetadata
- removeStereotype(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.ElementMutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- removeStereotype(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
Removes a stereotype annotation of the given type from the element.
- removeStereotype(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
- removeStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory.MutableElementAnnotationMetadata
- removeStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractMutableAnnotationMetadata
- removeStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.ElementMutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- removeStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadataDelegate
Removes a stereotype of the given name from the element.
- removeStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
- removeStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- removeStereotype(AnnotationMetadata, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
Remove a stereotype from the given metadata.
- removeStereotype(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractAnnotationElement
- removeStereotype(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- removeStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MutableAnnotationMetadata
Removes a stereotype annotation for the given annotation type.
- removeStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractAnnotationElement
- removeStereotype(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
- removeStereotype(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- renameTo(File) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- RENDERING - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.filter.ServerFilterPhase
Any filters related to rendering the response body.
- replace(PropagatedContextElement, PropagatedContextElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.MutablePropagatedContext
Modifies the context by replacing the provided element.
- replace(PropagatedContextElement, PropagatedContextElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Creates a new context with replaced the provided element.
- replace(ByteBuf) - Method in class
- replace(ByteBuf) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- replace(K, V) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
- replace(K, V) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- replace(K, V, V) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
- replace(K, V, V) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- replaceAnnotationsInternal(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadata
- replaceAnnotationsInternal(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.AbstractElementAnnotationMetadataFactory.MutableElementAnnotationMetadata
Replaces existing annotation metadata.
- replacePath(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriBuilder
Replaces the existing path if any.
- replaceQueryParam(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriBuilder
Adds a query parameter for the give name and values.
- replaces(Class<? extends B>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition.Builder
Adds this type as a bean replacement of the given type.
- Replaces - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Allows a bean to specify that it replaces another bean.
- replaceStereotype(AnnotationValue<?>, AnnotationValue<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Replaces the stereotype annotation.
- replaceStereotypes(Collection<AnnotationValue<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Replaces stereotypes of the annotation.
- REPOSITORY - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.TypeConvention
- request - Variable in class
- request() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.RequestLifecycle
The request for this lifecycle.
- request(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber.DownstreamSubscription
- request(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterContinuation
Update the request for downstream processing.
- request(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.TestScenario.Builder
- request(RequestSupplier) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.TestScenario.Builder
- REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- REQUEST_HEADER_TOO_LARGE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- REQUEST_HEADERS_EVENTS - Static variable in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LogElement.Event
- REQUEST_STREAM - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyServerCustomizer.ChannelRole
The channel is a channel representing an individual HTTP2 stream.
- REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- RequestArgumentBinder<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.bind.binders
A binder that binds from an
. - RequestArgumentSatisfier - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.binding
A class containing methods to aid in satisfying arguments of a
. - RequestArgumentSatisfier(RequestBinderRegistry) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.binding.RequestArgumentSatisfier
- RequestAttribute - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
An annotation that can be applied to method arguments to indicate that the method argument is bound to an HTTP request attribute This can also be used in conjuction with @RequestAttributes to list attributes on a client class that will always be applied Note: Request attributes are intended for internal data sharing only, and are not attached to the outbound request.
- RequestAttributeAnnotationBinder<T> - Class in io.micronaut.http.bind.binders
implementation that uses theRequestAttribute
annotation to trigger binding from an HTTP request attribute. - RequestAttributeAnnotationBinder(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.RequestAttributeAnnotationBinder
- RequestAttributes - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
This lets you declare several attributes for a client class and have them always included.
- RequestAware - Interface in io.micronaut.runtime.http.scope
An interface that may be implemented by
beans to allow access to the current request. - RequestBean - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Used to bind Bindable parameters to a Bean object.
- RequestBeanAnnotationBinder<T> - Class in io.micronaut.http.bind.binders
Used to bind Bindable parameters to a Bean object.
- RequestBeanAnnotationBinder(RequestBinderRegistry) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.RequestBeanAnnotationBinder
- RequestBeanParameterRule - Class in io.micronaut.validation.routes.rules
Validates RequestBean parameters.
- RequestBeanParameterRule() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.validation.routes.rules.RequestBeanParameterRule
- requestBinderRegistry - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- RequestBinderRegistry - Interface in io.micronaut.http.bind
where the source of binding is aHttpRequest
. - RequestConditionContext - Class in io.micronaut.http.expression
An expression evaluation context for use with HTTP annotations and the
member. - requestDemand() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerPublisher
Override to intercept when demand is requested.
- REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- RequestFilter - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Method annotation for a request filter.
- requestFilterBinding() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterBinding(String, byte[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterBinding(String, byte[], FilterContinuation<HttpResponse<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterCompletableResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterCompletableResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterCompletableResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterCompletableResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterCompletionResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterCompletionResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterCompletionResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterCompletionResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterContinuationBlocking() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterContinuationBlocking() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterContinuationBlocking(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterContinuationBlocking(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterContinuationBlocking(HttpRequest<?>, FilterContinuation<HttpResponse<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterContinuationBlocking(MutableHttpRequest<?>, FilterContinuation<HttpResponse<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterContinuationReactivePublisher() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterContinuationReactivePublisher() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterContinuationReactivePublisher(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterContinuationReactivePublisher(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterContinuationReactivePublisher(HttpRequest<?>, FilterContinuation<Publisher<HttpResponse<?>>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterContinuationReactivePublisher(MutableHttpRequest<?>, FilterContinuation<Publisher<HttpResponse<?>>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterContinuationUpdateRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterContinuationUpdateRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterContinuationUpdateRequest(FilterContinuation<HttpResponse<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterContinuationUpdateRequest(FilterContinuation<HttpResponse<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterContinuationUpdateRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterContinuationUpdateRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterEmptyOptionalResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterEmptyOptionalResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterEmptyOptionalResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterEmptyOptionalResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterEmptyOptionalResponse(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterEmptyOptionalResponse(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyController
- RequestFilterExceptionHandlerTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter
- RequestFilterExceptionHandlerTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterExceptionHandlerTest
- requestFilterImmediateMutableRequestParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterImmediateMutableRequestParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterImmediateMutableRequestParameter(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterImmediateMutableRequestParameter(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterImmediateMutableRequestParameter(MutableHttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterImmediateMutableRequestParameter(MutableHttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterImmediateRequestParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterImmediateRequestParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterImmediateRequestParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterImmediateRequestParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterImmediateRequestParameter(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterImmediateRequestParameter(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterImmediateResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterImmediateResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterImmediateResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterImmediateResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterMonoResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterMonoResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterMonoResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterMonoResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterNullResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterNullResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterNullResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterNullResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterNullResponse(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterNullResponse(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterPublisherResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterPublisherResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterPublisherResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterPublisherResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterReplaceMutableRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterReplaceMutableRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterReplaceMutableRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterReplaceMutableRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterReplaceMutableRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterReplaceMutableRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterReplaceRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterReplaceRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterReplaceRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterReplaceRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterReplaceRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterReplaceRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterReplaceRequestCompletable() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterReplaceRequestCompletable() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterReplaceRequestCompletable() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterReplaceRequestCompletable() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterReplaceRequestCompletable(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterReplaceRequestCompletable(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterReplaceRequestCompletion() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterReplaceRequestCompletion() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterReplaceRequestCompletion() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterReplaceRequestCompletion() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterReplaceRequestCompletion(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterReplaceRequestCompletion(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterReplaceRequestEmpty() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterReplaceRequestEmpty() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterReplaceRequestEmpty() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterReplaceRequestEmpty() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterReplaceRequestEmpty(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterReplaceRequestEmpty(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterReplaceRequestMono() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterReplaceRequestMono() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterReplaceRequestMono() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterReplaceRequestMono() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterReplaceRequestMono(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterReplaceRequestMono(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterReplaceRequestNull() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterReplaceRequestNull() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterReplaceRequestNull() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterReplaceRequestNull() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterReplaceRequestNull(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterReplaceRequestNull(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterReplaceRequestPublisher() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- requestFilterReplaceRequestPublisher() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- requestFilterReplaceRequestPublisher() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- requestFilterReplaceRequestPublisher() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- requestFilterReplaceRequestPublisher(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest.MyController
- requestFilterReplaceRequestPublisher(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest.MyController
- RequestFilterTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter
- RequestFilterTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- RequestFilterTest.MyController - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter
- RequestFilterTest.MyServerFilter - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter
- RequestHandler - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler
Handler for incoming requests.
- RequestKey(DefaultHttpClient, URI) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient.RequestKey
- RequestLifecycle - Class in io.micronaut.http.server
This class handles the full route processing lifecycle for a request.
- RequestLifecycle(RouteExecutor, HttpRequest<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.RequestLifecycle
- RequestLineElementBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
Builder for RequestLineElement.
- RequestLineElementBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.RequestLineElementBuilder
- RequestLocaleResolver - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale
A locale resolver which resolves the locale via
. - RequestLocaleResolver(HttpLocaleResolutionConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.RequestLocaleResolver
- RequestMatcher - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router
Route with a request predicate.
- requestMaxSize - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.AbstractHttpContentProcessor
- requestMaxSize - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultHttpContentProcessor
- RequestMethodElementBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
Builder for RequestMethodElement.
- RequestMethodElementBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.RequestMethodElementBuilder
- RequestProtocolElementBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
Builder for RequestProtocolElement.
- RequestProtocolElementBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.RequestProtocolElementBuilder
- RequestScope - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.runtime.http.scope
that creates a new bean for every HTTP request. - RequestSupplier - Interface in io.micronaut.http.tck
Allows defining an HttpRequest based on some property of the server (ie: Port).
- RequestUriElementBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
Builder for RequestUriElement.
- RequestUriElementBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.RequestUriElementBuilder
- RequestVersionResolver - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution
Interface responsible for extracting request version from
. - Requirements - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
For specifying multiple requirements.
- requireNonNull(String, T) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArgumentUtils
Adds a check that the given number is not null.
- requirePositive(String, int) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArgumentUtils
Adds a check that the given number is positive.
- requirePositive(String, Number) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArgumentUtils
Adds a check that the given number is positive.
- Requires - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Expresses a requirement for a bean or
. - Requires.Family - Enum Class in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Used to express an operation system family.
- Requires.Sdk - Enum Class in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Used to express a required SDK version.
- RequiresCondition - Class in io.micronaut.context
- RequiresCondition(AnnotationMetadata) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.RequiresCondition
- requiresMethodProcessing() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- requiresMethodProcessing() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.PrecalculatedInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - requiresMethodProcessing() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- requiresMethodProcessing() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- requiresMethodProcessing() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanType
By default, when the
is started, theBeanDefinition.getExecutableMethods()
are not processed by registeredExecutableMethodProcessor
instances unless this method returns true. - requiresMethodProcessing() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.DelegatingBeanDefinition
- requiresMethodProcessing() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
By default, when the
is started, theBeanDefinition.getExecutableMethods()
are not processed by registeredExecutableMethodProcessor
instances unless this method returns true. - requiresMethodProcessing() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- requiresRequestBody() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
Whether the given method requires a request body.
- requiresRequestBody(HttpMethod) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
Whether the given method requires a request body.
- RequiresValidation - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.inject.validation
Internal method marks a type, method or a field for validation.
- reset() - Static method in class io.micronaut.expressions.context.DefaultExpressionCompilationContextFactory
cleanup any stored contexts.
- reset() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.AccessLog
Resets the current values.
- reset() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LogElement
Reset the computed value.
- reset() - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadataBuilder
Reset the state.
- reset() - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.EvaluatedExpressionProcessor
Reset after processing.
- reset() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.CircuitBreaker
Sets the
of time before resetting the circuit toCircuitState.HALF_OPEN
allowing a single retry. - RESET_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- resetCaches() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
Subclasses can override to reset caches.
- resetReaderIndex() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- resetWriterIndex() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- resolve(PropertyResolver, ConversionService, String, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertyExpressionResolver
Resolve the value for the expression of the specified type.
- resolve(HttpRequest) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.DefaultHttpClientAddressResolver
- resolve(HttpRequest) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.util.HttpClientAddressResolver
- resolve(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.CompositeHttpLocaleResolver
- resolve(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.CookieLocaleResolver
- resolve(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.RequestLocaleResolver
- resolve(NettyHttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultHttpContentProcessorResolver
- resolve(NettyHttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.HttpContentProcessorResolver
Resolves the processor for the given request.
- resolve(NettyHttpRequest<?>, Argument<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultHttpContentProcessorResolver
- resolve(NettyHttpRequest<?>, Argument<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.HttpContentProcessorResolver
Resolves the processor for the given request and body argument.
- resolve(NettyHttpRequest<?>, RouteMatch<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultHttpContentProcessorResolver
- resolve(NettyHttpRequest<?>, RouteMatch<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.HttpContentProcessorResolver
- resolve(HttpRequest) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.DefaultHttpHostResolver
- resolve(HttpRequest) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.util.HttpHostResolver
Returns the host of the current server with protocol, host name, and an optional port.
- resolve(Environment) - Method in interface
for the current environment if possible. - resolve(Environment) - Method in class
- resolve(PropertyResolver, ConversionService, String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.exp.RandomPropertyExpressionResolver
- resolve(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.HeaderVersionResolver
- resolve(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.ParameterVersionResolver
- resolve(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.resource.StaticResourceResolver
Resolves a path to a URL.
- resolve(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.DefaultLoadBalancerResolver
- resolve(String...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.LoadBalancerResolver
Resolve a
for the given references. - resolve(URI) - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
Resolve a URI relative to this service instance.
- resolve(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.locale.FixedLocaleResolver
- resolve(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.util.LocaleResolver
Resolves the locale for the given context.
- resolve(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.VersionResolver
Resolves a version from a given object.
- resolveActiveEndPointId(Class<?>) - Method in class
- resolveAnnotationMetadata() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
Resolves the annotation metadata for this method.
- resolveArgumentBinders(RequestBinderRegistry) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultStatusRouteInfo
- resolveArgumentBinders(RequestBinderRegistry) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.MethodBasedRouteInfo
- resolveArgumentTypes(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.AbstractMethodCall
Resolve types of method invocation arguments.
- resolveAroundInterceptors(BeanContext, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>, Interceptor...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.InterceptorChain
- resolveAroundInterceptors(BeanContext, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>, List<BeanRegistration<Interceptor<?, ?>>>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.InterceptorChain
Resolves the
interceptors for a method. - resolveBeanConfigurations() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Resolves the
class instances. - resolveBeanDefinitionReferences() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Resolves the
class instances. - resolveBeanDefinitionReferences(Predicate<BeanDefinitionReference>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- resolveBeanProperties(PropertyElementQuery, ClassElement, Supplier<List<MethodElement>>, Supplier<List<FieldElement>>, boolean, Set<String>, Function<MethodElement, Optional<String>>, Function<MethodElement, Optional<String>>, Function<AstBeanPropertiesUtils.BeanPropertyData, PropertyElement>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.AstBeanPropertiesUtils
Resolve the bean properties based on the configuration.
- resolveBoundTypes(DeclaredType) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.GenericUtils
Resolve bound types for the given declared type.
- resolveCharset(HttpMessage<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.util.HttpUtil
Resolve the
to use for the request. - resolveClassElement(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.ExpressionNode
On resolution stage type information is collected and node validity is checked.
- resolveClassTypeArguments(GroovyNativeElement, ClassNode, Map<String, ClassElement>, Set<Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
- resolveClassValues(Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The class values for the given value.
- resolveClient(InjectionPoint<?>, LoadBalancer, HttpClientConfiguration, BeanContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientRegistry
Resolves a
for the given injection point. - resolveClient(InjectionPoint<?>, LoadBalancer, HttpClientConfiguration, BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
- resolveClient(InjectionPoint<?>, LoadBalancer, HttpClientConfiguration, BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.DefaultJdkHttpClientRegistry
- resolveConstructorInterceptors(BeanConstructor<T>, Collection<BeanRegistration<Interceptor<T, T>>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.DefaultInterceptorRegistry
- resolveConstructorInterceptors(BeanConstructor<T>, Collection<BeanRegistration<Interceptor<T, T>>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorRegistry
Resolves interceptors for the given constructor.
- resolveDefaultResponseContentType(HttpRequest<?>, RouteInfo<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.RouteExecutor
- resolveDefaultVersion() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.ConfigurationDefaultVersionProvider
- resolveDefaultVersion() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.version.DefaultVersionProvider
- resolveDisabledBeanMessage(BeanResolutionContext, Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Resolves the message to use for a disabled bean.
- resolvedTypeArguments - Variable in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- resolveDynamicQualifier() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.BeanDefinition
- resolveDynamicQualifier() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.QualifiedBeanType
- resolveEntriesForKey(String, boolean, PropertySourcePropertyResolver.PropertyCatalog) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
- resolveEnumValues(Class<E>, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The enum values for the given enum type and raw value.
- resolveExpression(String, String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver
Resolves a single expression.
- resolveFallback(MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object>, RuntimeException) - Method in class io.micronaut.retry.intercept.RecoveryInterceptor
Resolves a fallback for the given execution context and exception.
- resolveFilterEntries(ClientFilterResolutionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.filter.DefaultHttpClientFilterResolver
- resolveFilterEntries(RouteMatch<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- resolveFilterEntries(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.HttpFilterResolver
Resolves the initial list of filters.
- resolveFilters(HttpRequest<?>, List<HttpFilterResolver.FilterEntry>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.filter.DefaultHttpClientFilterResolver
- resolveFilters(HttpRequest<?>, List<HttpFilterResolver.FilterEntry>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.filter.HttpFilterResolver
Returns which filters should apply for the given request.
- resolveFilters(HttpRequest<?>, List<HttpFilterResolver.FilterEntry>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- resolveFunction(LocalFunctionRegistry, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.AbstractExecutor
Resolve a function from the
. - resolveFunctionName(Environment) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.AbstractExecutor
Resolves the function name to execution for the environment.
- resolveGenericTypeArgument(Field) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.GenericTypeUtils
Resolves a single generic type argument for the given field.
- resolveHierarchy(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils
Builds a class hierarchy that includes all super classes and interfaces that the given class implements or extends from.
- resolveInterceptorBinding(AnnotationMetadata, InterceptorKind) - Static method in class io.micronaut.aop.internal.intercepted.InterceptedMethodUtil
Resolve interceptor binding annotations from the metadata.
- resolveInterceptors(Executable<T, ?>, Collection<BeanRegistration<Interceptor<T, ?>>>, InterceptorKind) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.DefaultInterceptorRegistry
- resolveInterceptors(Executable<T, ?>, Collection<BeanRegistration<Interceptor<T, ?>>>, InterceptorKind) - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorRegistry
Resolves method interceptors for the given method.
- resolveInterceptorValues(AnnotationMetadata, InterceptorKind) - Static method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.ConstructorInterceptorChain
Resolve interceptor binding for the given annotation metadata and kind.
- resolveInterfaceTypeArgument(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.GenericTypeUtils
Resolves a single type argument from the given interface of the given class.
- resolveInterfaceTypeArguments(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.GenericTypeUtils
Resolve all type arguments for the given interface from the given type.
- resolveIntroductionInterceptors(BeanContext, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>, Interceptor...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.InterceptorChain
- resolveIntroductionInterceptors(BeanContext, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>, List<BeanRegistration<Interceptor<?, ?>>>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.InterceptorChain
Resolves the
interceptors for a method. - resolveJavadocDescription(Element) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadataBuilder
Resolves the javadoc description for the given element.
- resolveKind(Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.ModelUtils
The Java APT throws an internal exception {code$CompletionFailure} if a class is missing from the classpath and
is called. - resolveKind(Element) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.JavaModelUtils
The Java APT throws an internal exception {code$CompletionFailure} if a class is missing from the classpath and
is called. - resolveKind(Element, ElementKind) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.ModelUtils
The Java APT throws an internal exception {code$CompletionFailure} if a class is missing from the classpath and
is called. - resolveKind(Element, ElementKind) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.processing.JavaModelUtils
The Java APT throws an internal exception {code$CompletionFailure} if a class is missing from the classpath and
is called. - resolveLoadBalancerForServiceID(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.DefaultLoadBalancerResolver
- resolveLocale(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractLocalizedMessageSource
- resolveMetadata(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataResolver
Resolve the
for the given type. - resolveMetadata(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- resolveMetadata(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataResolver
Resolve the
for the given object. - resolveMethodTypeArguments(GroovyNativeElement, MethodNode, Map<String, ClassElement>) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
- resolveModifiers(ClassNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
Resolve modifiers for a class node.
- resolveModifiers(FieldNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
Resolve modifiers for a field node.
- resolveModifiers(MethodNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
Resolve modifiers for a method node.
- resolveName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.naming.NameResolver
- resolveNonBindingMembers(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Resolve non-binding members.
- resolveOperationType(Type, Type) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.AddOperator
- resolveOperationType(Type, Type) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.BinaryOperator
- resolveOperationType(Type, Type) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.EqOperator
- resolveOperationType(Type, Type) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.LogicalOperator
- resolveOperationType(Type, Type) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.MathOperator
- resolveOperationType(Type, Type) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.NeqOperator
- resolveOperationType(Type, Type) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.PowOperator
- resolveOrDefault(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.locale.AbstractLocaleResolver
- resolveOrDefault(T) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.locale.FixedLocaleResolver
- resolveOrDefault(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.util.LocaleResolver
Resolves the local or returns the default locale.
- resolvePlaceholders(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- resolvePlaceholders(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver
- resolvePlaceholders(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertyPlaceholderResolver
Resolve the placeholders and return an Optional String if it was possible to resolve them.
- resolveProxy(boolean, String, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Resolves a proxy to use for connection.
- resolveProxyHttpClient(InjectionPoint<?>, LoadBalancer, HttpClientConfiguration, BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
- resolveProxyHttpClient(InjectionPoint<?>, LoadBalancer, HttpClientConfiguration, BeanContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.ProxyHttpClientRegistry
Resolves a
for the given injection point. - resolver - Variable in class io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalValuesMap
- resolveRedirectURI(HttpRequest<?>, HttpRequest<I>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- resolveRequestURI(HttpRequest<I>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- resolveRequestURI(HttpRequest<I>, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- resolveRequiredPlaceholder(String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver
- resolveRequiredPlaceholder(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertyPlaceholderResolver
Resolves the value of a single placeholder.
- resolveRequiredPlaceholders(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- resolveRequiredPlaceholders(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver
- resolveRequiredPlaceholders(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertyPlaceholderResolver
Resolve the placeholders and return a string if it was possible to resolve them.
- resolveRequiredPlaceholdersObject(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver
- resolveRequiredPlaceholdersObject(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.PropertyPlaceholderResolver
Resolve the placeholders in the given string.
- resolveSseClient(InjectionPoint<?>, LoadBalancer, HttpClientConfiguration, BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
- resolveSseClient(InjectionPoint<?>, LoadBalancer, HttpClientConfiguration, BeanContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.sse.SseClientRegistry
Resolves a
for the given injection point. - resolveStreamingHttpClient(InjectionPoint<?>, LoadBalancer, HttpClientConfiguration, BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
- resolveStreamingHttpClient(InjectionPoint<?>, LoadBalancer, HttpClientConfiguration, BeanContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.StreamingHttpClientRegistry
Resolves a
for the given injection point. - resolveStringArray(String[], Function<Object, Object>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The string[] values for the given value.
- resolveStringValues(Object, Function<Object, Object>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The string values for the given value.
- resolveSubMap(String, Map<String, Object>, ArgumentConversionContext<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
- resolveSubMap(String, Map<String, Object>, ArgumentConversionContext<?>, StringConvention, MapFormat.MapTransformation) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
Resolves a submap for the given name and parameters.
- resolveSubProperties(String, Map<String, Object>, ArgumentConversionContext<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver
- resolveSuperGenericTypeArgument(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.GenericTypeUtils
Resolves a single generic type argument from the super class of the given type.
- resolveSuperTypeGenericArguments(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.GenericTypeUtils
Resolve all type arguments for the given super type from the given type.
- resolveTargetMethod() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
Resolves the target method.
- resolveType(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.ExpressionNode
On resolution stage type information is collected and node validity is checked.
- resolveTypeArguments(Type) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.GenericTypeUtils
Resolves the type arguments for a generic type.
- resolveTypeArguments(ExecutableElement, Map<String, ClassElement>) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- resolveTypeArguments(TypeElement, List<? extends TypeMirror>) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- resolveTypeArgumentsToObject(ClassNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
- resolveTypeElements(Set<? extends Element>) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.ModelUtils
Resolves type elements from the provided annotated elements.
- resolveTypePattern(Class<?>, String, char) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTypeMatchTemplate
- resolveTypeReference(TypeMirror, Map<String, TypeMirror>) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.GenericUtils
Resolve a type reference to use for the given type mirror taking into account generic type variables.
- resolveUri(BeanDefinition<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.naming.ConfigurableUriNamingStrategy
- resolveUri(BeanDefinition<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.naming.HyphenatedUriNamingStrategy
- resolveUri(BeanDefinition<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder.UriNamingStrategy
Resolve the URI to use for the given type.
- resolveUri(Class) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.naming.ConfigurableUriNamingStrategy
- resolveUri(Class) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.naming.HyphenatedUriNamingStrategy
- resolveUri(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder.UriNamingStrategy
Resolve the URI to use for the given type.
- resolveUri(Class<?>, PropertyConvention) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder.UriNamingStrategy
Resolve the URI to use for the given type and route id.
- resolveUri(Class, PropertyConvention) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.naming.ConfigurableUriNamingStrategy
- resolveUri(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.naming.ConfigurableUriNamingStrategy
- resolveUri(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.naming.HyphenatedUriNamingStrategy
- resolveUri(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder.UriNamingStrategy
Resolve the URI to use for the given type.
- resolveUsedMethod(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.AbstractMethodCall
Resolves single
used by this AST node. - resolveUsedMethod(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.ContextMethodCall
- resolveUsedMethod(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.ElementMethodCall
- resolveUsedMethod(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.PropertyAccess
- resolveValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
Resolve the given value with the current state.
- resolveVersion(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.RouteVersionFilter
- resolveWebSocketClient(InjectionPoint<?>, LoadBalancer, HttpClientConfiguration, BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultNettyHttpClientRegistry
- resolveWebSocketClient(InjectionPoint<?>, LoadBalancer, HttpClientConfiguration, BeanContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClientRegistry
Resolves a
for the given injection point. - Resource - Interface in io.micronaut.http.hateoas
Represents a REST resource in a hateoas architecture.
- ResourceBanner - Class in io.micronaut.context.banner
Prints a banner from a resource.
- ResourceBanner(URL, PrintStream) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.banner.ResourceBanner
- ResourceBundleMessageSource - Class in io.micronaut.context.i18n
A message source backed by a resource bundle.
- ResourceBundleMessageSource(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.i18n.ResourceBundleMessageSource
Default constructor.
- ResourceBundleMessageSource(String, Locale) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.i18n.ResourceBundleMessageSource
Default constructor.
- ResourceDeserializerModifier - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.serialize
- ResourceDeserializerModifier() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.ResourceDeserializerModifier
- resourceLoader - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- ResourceLoader - Interface in
Basic abstraction over resource loading.
- ResourceLoaderFactory - Class in io.micronaut.http.resource
Creates beans for
s to handle static resource requests. - ResourceLoaderFactory(Environment) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.resource.ResourceLoaderFactory
The resource factory.
- ResourceModule - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.serialize
Modifies deserialization for
. - ResourceModule() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.ResourceModule
Construct a new resource module with default deserializer for
. - resourceResolver(List<ResourceLoader>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.resource.ResourceLoaderFactory
- ResourceResolver - Class in
Resolves resources from a set of
instances. - ResourceResolver() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
- ResourceResolver(ResourceLoader[]) - Constructor for class
- ResourceResolver(List<ResourceLoader>) - Constructor for class
- ResourceRoute - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router
A resource route is a composite route to a REST endpoint.
- resources() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Expresses the given resources should exist for the bean configuration to load.
- resources(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- resources(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Builds the necessary mappings to treat the given class as a REST endpoint.
- resources(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Builds the necessary mappings to treat the given instance as a REST endpoint.
- response - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DelegateStreamedHttpResponse
- response(HttpResponse<byte[]>, Argument<O>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
Convert the JDK response to a Micronaut response.
- RESPONSE_HEADERS_EVENTS - Static variable in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LogElement.Event
- ResponseCodeElementBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element
Builder for ResponseCodeElement.
- ResponseCodeElementBuilder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.ResponseCodeElementBuilder
- ResponseFilter - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Method annotation for a request filter.
- ResponseFilterExceptionHandlerTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter
- ResponseFilterExceptionHandlerTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterExceptionHandlerTest
- responseFilterImmediateMutableRequestParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterImmediateMutableRequestParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterImmediateMutableRequestParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterImmediateMutableRequestParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterImmediateMutableRequestParameter(MutableHttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- responseFilterImmediateMutableRequestParameter(MutableHttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- responseFilterImmediateRequestParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterImmediateRequestParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterImmediateRequestParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterImmediateRequestParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterImmediateRequestParameter(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- responseFilterImmediateRequestParameter(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- responseFilterMutableResponseParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterMutableResponseParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterMutableResponseParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterMutableResponseParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterMutableResponseParameter(MutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- responseFilterMutableResponseParameter(MutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- responseFilterReplaceCompletableResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterReplaceCompletableResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterReplaceCompletableResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterReplaceCompletableResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterReplaceCompletableResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- responseFilterReplaceCompletableResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- responseFilterReplaceCompletionResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterReplaceCompletionResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterReplaceCompletionResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterReplaceCompletionResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterReplaceCompletionResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- responseFilterReplaceCompletionResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- responseFilterReplaceMonoResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterReplaceMonoResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterReplaceMonoResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterReplaceMonoResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterReplaceMonoResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- responseFilterReplaceMonoResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- responseFilterReplaceMutableResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterReplaceMutableResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterReplaceMutableResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterReplaceMutableResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterReplaceMutableResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- responseFilterReplaceMutableResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- responseFilterReplacePublisherResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterReplacePublisherResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterReplacePublisherResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterReplacePublisherResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterReplacePublisherResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- responseFilterReplacePublisherResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- responseFilterReplaceResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterReplaceResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterReplaceResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterReplaceResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterReplaceResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- responseFilterReplaceResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- responseFilterReplaceResponseEmpty() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- responseFilterReplaceResponseEmpty() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterReplaceResponseEmpty() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterReplaceResponseEmpty() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterReplaceResponseEmpty() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- responseFilterReplaceResponseEmpty() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterReplaceResponseNull() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- responseFilterReplaceResponseNull() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterReplaceResponseNull() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterReplaceResponseNull() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterReplaceResponseNull() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- responseFilterReplaceResponseNull() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterResponseParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterResponseParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterResponseParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterResponseParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterResponseParameter(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- responseFilterResponseParameter(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- ResponseFilterTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter
- ResponseFilterTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest
- ResponseFilterTest.MyController - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter
- ResponseFilterTest.MyServerFilter - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter
- responseFilterThrowableParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterThrowableParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterThrowableParameter() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyController
- responseFilterThrowableParameter(HttpClientResponseException) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- responseFilterThrowableParameter(AssertionError) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- responseFilterThrowableParameter(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- responseFilterThrowableParameter(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest.MyServerFilter
- responseFilterThrowableParameterNotCalledForControllerError() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest
- responseFilterThrowableParameterNullable(AssertionError) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest.MyClientFilter
- ResponseStatusTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- ResponseStatusTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.ResponseStatusTest
- responseWritten(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.RequestHandler
Called roughly when a response has been written.
- responseWritten(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.RoutingInBoundHandler
- responseWritten(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketUpgradeHandler
- RESTART - Static variable in class
Setting to enable and disable restart.
- restoreThreadContext(Map<String, String>) - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.propagation.slf4j.MdcPropagationContext
- restoreThreadContext(S) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.ThreadPropagatedContextElement
Restore the state on the propagation exit.
- result() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Build the query result.
- resultType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod
Returns result type of the method.
- resultType(Argument<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.HttpContentProcessor
Deprecated.Set the type of the values returned by this processor.
- resultType(Argument<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.jackson.JsonContentProcessor
- retain() - Method in interface
Retain an additional reference to this object.
- retain() - Method in class
- retain() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- retain() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- retain() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.convert.LazyJsonNode
- retain(int) - Method in class
- retain(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- retain(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- retainedDuplicate() - Method in class
- retainedDuplicate() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- retainedDuplicate() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- retainedSlice() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- retainedSlice(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- retainHostHeader() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ProxyRequestOptions.Builder
Equivalent to
. - retainHostHeader(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ProxyRequestOptions.Builder
, retain the host header from the given request. - retrieve(HttpRequest<I>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient
Perform an HTTP request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
and converting the response body to the specified type. - retrieve(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient
Perform an HTTP request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
and converting the response body to the specified type. - retrieve(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>, Argument<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient
Perform an HTTP request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
and converting the response body to the specified type. - retrieve(HttpRequest<I>, Class<O>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient
Perform an HTTP request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
and converting the response body to the specified type. - retrieve(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient
Perform an HTTP GET request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
and converting the response body to the specified type. - retrieve(HttpRequest<I>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.BlockingHttpClient
Perform an HTTP request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
and converting the response body to the specified type. - retrieve(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.BlockingHttpClient
Perform an HTTP request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
and converting the response body to the specified type. - retrieve(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>, Argument<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.BlockingHttpClient
Perform an HTTP request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
and converting the response body to the specified type. - retrieve(HttpRequest<I>, Argument<O>, Argument<E>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- retrieve(HttpRequest<I>, Class<O>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.BlockingHttpClient
Perform an HTTP request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
and converting the response body to the specified type. - retrieve(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.BlockingHttpClient
Perform an HTTP GET request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
and converting the response body to the specified type. - retrieve(String, Class<O>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.BlockingHttpClient
Perform an HTTP GET request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
and converting the response body to the specified type. - retrieve(String, Class<O>, Class<E>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.BlockingHttpClient
Perform a GET request for the given request object emitting the full HTTP response from returned
. - retrieveDeepObjectValue(ArgumentConversionContext<Iterable>, String, ConvertibleMultiValues<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MultiValuesToIterableConverter
- retrieveDeepObjectValue(ArgumentConversionContext<Object>, String, ConvertibleMultiValues<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MultiValuesToObjectConverter
- retrieveDeepObjectValue(ArgumentConversionContext<Map>, String, ConvertibleMultiValues<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MultiValuesToMapConverter
- retrieveMultiValue(ArgumentConversionContext<Iterable>, String, ConvertibleMultiValues<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MultiValuesToIterableConverter
- retrieveMultiValue(ArgumentConversionContext<Object>, String, ConvertibleMultiValues<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MultiValuesToObjectConverter
- retrieveMultiValue(ArgumentConversionContext<Map>, String, ConvertibleMultiValues<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MultiValuesToMapConverter
- retrievePropertiesPropertySource(String, String, String, ResourceResolver) - Method in interface
to add a helper method for retrieving aPropertySource
from a properties file. - retrieveSeparatedValue(ArgumentConversionContext<Iterable>, String, ConvertibleMultiValues<String>, String, Character) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MultiValuesToIterableConverter
- retrieveSeparatedValue(ArgumentConversionContext<Object>, String, ConvertibleMultiValues<String>, String, Character) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MultiValuesToObjectConverter
- retrieveSeparatedValue(ArgumentConversionContext<Map>, String, ConvertibleMultiValues<String>, String, Character) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.converters.MultiValuesConverterFactory.MultiValuesToMapConverter
- retry(Duration) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.sse.Event
Sets the retry duration.
- RETRY - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptPhase
Retry phase of execution.
- RETRY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.sse.Event
The retry parameter.
- RETRY_AFTER - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - Retryable - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.retry.annotation
AOP Advice that can be applied to any method.
- RetryEvent - Class in io.micronaut.retry.event
An event triggered on each retry.
- RetryEvent(MethodInvocationContext<?, ?>, RetryState, Throwable) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.retry.event.RetryEvent
- RetryEventListener - Interface in io.micronaut.retry.event
Generalization of
. - RetryException - Exception in io.micronaut.retry.exception
An exception thrown if there is something at miss with the Retry system.
- RetryException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.retry.exception.RetryException
Constructs a new Retry exception with the specified detail message.
- RetryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.retry.exception.RetryException
Constructs a new Retry exception with the specified detail message and cause.
- RetryPredicate - Interface in io.micronaut.retry.annotation
An interface allows to provide custom condition for
. - RetryState - Interface in io.micronaut.retry
An interface that encapsulates the current state of a
operation. - RetryStateBuilder - Interface in io.micronaut.retry
The retry state builder.
- returnArgument() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition.MethodReference
Returns the value of the
record component. - returnType - Variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteInfo
- ReturnType<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.type
Models a return type of an
method in Micronaut. - returnTypeValue() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod
Returns result type value.
- returnVoid(GeneratorAdapter) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- reverse(T[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
Mutates the passed array by reversing the order of the items in it.
- REVERSE_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.order.OrderUtil
Provide a comparator, in reversed order, for collections.
- reverseIterator(T...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
Produce an iterator for the given array.
- reverseSort(Object[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.order.OrderUtil
Sort the given array in reverse order.
- reverseSort(List<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.order.OrderUtil
Sort the given list.
- rightOperand - Variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.BinaryOperator
- rightOperand - Variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.RelationalOperator
- rolesAllowed(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.HttpServerFilterTest.MyController
- ROOT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath.ConfigurationSegment.ConfigurationKind
A root entry.
- rootBody() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
Get the initial body of this request.
- rootDefinition - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- route(HttpMethod, CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- route(HttpMethod, CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- route(HttpMethod, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Finds the first possible route for the given HTTP method and URI.
- route(HttpStatus) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- route(HttpStatus) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- route(HttpStatus) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Found a
for the givenHttpStatus
code. - route(Class<?>, HttpStatus) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- route(Class<?>, HttpStatus) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- route(Class<?>, HttpStatus) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Found a
for the givenHttpStatus
code. - route(Class<?>, Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- route(Class<?>, Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- route(Class<?>, Throwable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Match a route to an error.
- route(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- route(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- route(Throwable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Match a route to an error.
- Route - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router
Represents a Route definition constructed by a
. - ROUTE_INFO - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
Attribute used to store the object that represents the Route.
- ROUTE_MATCH - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
Attribute used to store the object that represents the Route match.
- RouteBuilder - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router
An interface for classes capable of building HTTP routing information.
- RouteBuilder.UriNamingStrategy - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router
A URI naming strategy is used to dictate the default name to use when building a URI for a class.
- RouteCondition - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Allows defining a condition for this route to match using an expression.
- RouteData<T> - Interface in
Returns data for a given route to be used for the
. - RouteDataCollector<T> - Interface in
Used to respond with route information used for the
. - RouteExecutor - Class in io.micronaut.http.server
A class responsible for executing routes.
- RouteExecutor(Router, BeanContext, RequestArgumentSatisfier, HttpServerConfiguration, ErrorResponseProcessor<?>, ExecutorSelector) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.RouteExecutor
Default constructor.
- RouteInfo<R> - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router
Common information shared between route and route match.
- RouteMatch<R> - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router
that is executable. - RouteMatchFilter - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router.filter
A filter responsible for filtering route matches.
- RouteMatchUtils - Class in io.micronaut.web.router
- RouteMatchUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.RouteMatchUtils
- Router - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router
Core Router interface that allows discovery of a route given an HTTP method and URI.
- RoutesEndpoint - Class in
Exposes an
to display application routes. - RoutesEndpoint(Router, RouteDataCollector<Object>) - Constructor for class
- RoutesVersioningConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.web.router.version
Routes versioning configuration.
- RoutesVersioningConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.version.RoutesVersioningConfiguration
- RouteValidationResult - Class in io.micronaut.validation.routes
The result of route validation.
- RouteValidationResult(String...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.validation.routes.RouteValidationResult
Default constructor.
- RouteValidationRule - Interface in io.micronaut.validation.routes.rules
Describes a rule to validate a route.
- RouteValidationVisitor - Class in io.micronaut.validation.routes
Visits methods annotated with HttpMethodMapping and validates the parameters are consistent with the URI.
- RouteValidationVisitor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.validation.routes.RouteValidationVisitor
- RouteVersionFilter - Class in io.micronaut.web.router.version
Implementation of
responsible for filtering route matches onVersion
. - RouteVersionFilter(List<RequestVersionResolver>, DefaultVersionProvider) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.version.RouteVersionFilter
- RouteVersionFilter(List<RequestVersionResolver>, DefaultVersionProvider, RoutesVersioningConfiguration, HeaderVersionResolverConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.version.RouteVersionFilter
Creates a
with a collection ofRequestVersionResolver
. - RoutingException - Exception in io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions
An exception that occurs when building routes.
- RoutingException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.RoutingException
- RoutingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.RoutingException
- RoutingInBoundHandler - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
Internal implementation of the
for Micronaut. - RTT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - run() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
Run the
. - run() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Run the
. - run() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.TestScenario.Builder
Runs the Test Scneario.
- run(PropertySource, String...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
Run the
with the given type. - run(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Run the
with the given type. - run(Class<T>, PropertySource, String...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
Run the
with the given type. - run(Class<T>, String...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
Run the
with the given type. - run(Class<T>, Map<String, Object>, String...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
Run the
with the given type. - run(ClassLoader, String...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
Run the
. - run(String...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
Run the
. - run(Map<String, Object>, String...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
Run the
with the given type. - run(StreamFunctionExecutor, String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.FunctionApplication
Run the given
for the given arguments. - run(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterRunner
Execute the filters for the given request.
- run(Class<?>[], String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
Run the application for the given arguments.
- run(Class<?>, String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
Run the application for the given arguments.
- run(ClassLoader) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanContext
Run the
. - run(String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
Run the application for the given arguments.
- run(String[], Function<FunctionInitializer.ParseContext, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.FunctionInitializer
This method is designed to be called when using the
from a static Application main method. - RunnableInstrumenter - Interface in io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument
Interface for classes that instrument
instances. - running - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- RuntimeBeanDefinition<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.context
Allow the construction for bean definitions programmatically that can be registered via
at runtime. - RuntimeBeanDefinition.Builder<B> - Interface in io.micronaut.context
A builder for constructing
instances. - runWithFilters(Supplier<ExecutionFlow<MutableHttpResponse<?>>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.RequestLifecycle
Run the filters for this request, and then run the given flow.
- Rxjava3NullableTransformer - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
A transformer that remaps io.reactivex.rxjava3.annotations.Nullable to
. - Rxjava3NullableTransformer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.Rxjava3NullableTransformer
- SAFE_NAV - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- sameSite(SameSite) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
Determines if this
can be sent along cross-site requests. - sameSite(SameSite) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- sameSite(SameSite) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- SameSite - Enum Class in io.micronaut.http.cookie
Asserts that a cookie must not be sent with cross-origin requests, providing some protection against cross-site request forgery attacks (CSRF).
- SameSiteConverter - Class in io.micronaut.http.cookie
Converts a string to a
. - SameSiteConverter() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.cookie.SameSiteConverter
- SAVE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.MethodConvention
The show method of controllers.
- SAVE_DATA - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - scan(Class<? extends Annotation>, Package) - Method in interface
Scan the given packages.
- scan(Class<? extends Annotation>, Package...) - Method in interface
Scans the given package names.
- scan(Class<? extends Annotation>, String...) - Method in interface
Scans the given package names.
- scan(Class<? extends Annotation>, Collection<String>) - Method in interface
Scans the given package names.
- scan(String, Package...) - Method in interface
Scan the given packages.
- scan(String, String) - Method in interface
Scan the given packages.
- scan(String, String) - Method in class
- scan(String, String...) - Method in interface
Scans the given package names.
- scan(String, Collection<String>) - Method in interface
Scans the given package names.
- scan(String, Stream<String>) - Method in interface
Scans the given package names.
- scan(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- scan(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Scan the current environment for classes annotated with the given annotation.
- scan(Class<? extends Annotation>, String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- scan(Class<? extends Annotation>, String...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
Scan the current environment for classes annotated with the given annotation.
- scan(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.scan.ClassPathAnnotationScanner
Scan the given packages.
- scanFile(String, Path, List<Class<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.scan.ClassPathAnnotationScanner
- schedule(Runnable, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedScheduledExecutorService
- schedule(String, String, Runnable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.TaskScheduler
Creates and executes a one-shot action that becomes enabled after the given delay.
- schedule(String, String, Callable<V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.ScheduledExecutorTaskScheduler
- schedule(String, String, Callable<V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.TaskScheduler
Creates and executes a one-shot action that becomes enabled after the given delay.
- schedule(Callable<V>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedScheduledExecutorService
- schedule(String, Runnable) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.ScheduledExecutorTaskScheduler
- schedule(String, Runnable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.TaskScheduler
Creates and executes a one-shot action that becomes enabled after the given delay.
- schedule(String, Callable<V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.ScheduledExecutorTaskScheduler
- schedule(String, Callable<V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.TaskScheduler
Creates and executes a one-shot action that becomes enabled after the given delay.
- schedule(Duration, Runnable) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.ScheduledExecutorTaskScheduler
- schedule(Duration, Runnable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.TaskScheduler
Creates and executes a one-shot action that becomes enabled after the given delay.
- schedule(Duration, Callable<V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.ScheduledExecutorTaskScheduler
- schedule(Duration, Callable<V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.TaskScheduler
Creates and executes a ScheduledFuture that becomes enabled after the given delay.
- scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedScheduledExecutorService
- scheduleAtFixedRate(Duration, Duration, Runnable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.TaskScheduler
Creates and executes a periodic action that becomes enabled first after the given initial delay, and subsequently with the given period; that is executions will commence after
, theninitialDelay + 2 * period
, and so on. - scheduleAtFixedRate(Duration, Duration, Runnable) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.ScheduledExecutorTaskScheduler
- Scheduled - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation
An annotation for scheduling a re-occurring task.
- SCHEDULED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorType
- SCHEDULED - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.TaskExecutors
The name of the
used to schedule background tasks. - ScheduledExecutorServiceConfig - Class in io.micronaut.scheduling.executor
A default executor service for scheduling adhoc tasks via
. - ScheduledExecutorServiceConfig() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ScheduledExecutorServiceConfig
- ScheduledExecutorTaskScheduler - Class in io.micronaut.scheduling
Simple abstraction over
. - ScheduledExecutorTaskScheduler(ExecutorService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.scheduling.ScheduledExecutorTaskScheduler
- ScheduledMethodProcessor - Class in io.micronaut.scheduling.processor
for theScheduled
annotation. - ScheduledMethodProcessor(BeanContext, Optional<ConversionService>, TaskExceptionHandler<?, ?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.scheduling.processor.ScheduledMethodProcessor
- scheduler() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled
- SchedulerConfigurationException - Exception in io.micronaut.scheduling.exceptions
- SchedulerConfigurationException(ExecutableMethod<?, ?>, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.scheduling.exceptions.SchedulerConfigurationException
- SchedulerConfigurationException(MethodReference<?, ?>, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.scheduling.exceptions.SchedulerConfigurationException
- Schedules - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation
Repeatable annotation wrapper for
. - scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedScheduledExecutorService
- scheduleWithFixedDelay(Duration, Duration, Runnable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.TaskScheduler
Creates and executes a periodic action that becomes enabled first after the given initial delay, and subsequently with the given delay between the termination of one execution and the commencement of the next.
- scheduleWithFixedDelay(Duration, Duration, Runnable) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.ScheduledExecutorTaskScheduler
- scheme(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriBuilder
Sets the URI scheme.
- SCHEME_HTTP - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Constant for HTTP scheme.
- SCHEME_HTTPS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
Constant for HTTPS scheme.
- SCHEME_SECURE_WEBSOCKET - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketUpgradeHandler
- SCHEME_WEBSOCKET - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketUpgradeHandler
- SCHEME_WS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClient
Constant for HTTP scheme.
- SCHEME_WSS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketClient
Constant for HTTPS scheme.
- scope() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.PrecalculatedInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - scope(AnnotationValue<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
Adds a scope for the given annotation value to the bean.
- scope(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
Adds a scope for the given annotation value to the bean.
- scope(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition.Builder
The scope to use.
- SCOPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
The meta annotation used for scope declarations.
- ScopedProxy - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope
A meta annotation for a scoped proxy.
- sdk() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Used to express an SDK requirement.
- SEC_WEBSOCKET_ACCEPT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY1 - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY2 - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - SEC_WEBSOCKET_LOCATION - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - SEC_WEBSOCKET_ORIGIN - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - Secondary - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Counter part to
that allows reducing the priority of a given bean for the purposes of dependency injection. - secure(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
Sets whether the cookie is secure.
- secure(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- secure(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- SECURITY - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.filter.ServerFilterPhase
Any filters related to authentication or authorization.
- SEE_OTHER - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- seeOther(URI) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with the location of the new resource. - select() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.LoadBalancer
- select(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.FixedLoadBalancer
- select(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.ServiceInstanceListRoundRobinLoadBalancer
- select(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.LoadBalancer
- select(MethodReference<?, ?>, ThreadSelection) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.DefaultExecutorSelector
- select(MethodReference<?, ?>, ThreadSelection) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorSelector
Select an
for the givenMethodReference
. - select(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.DiscoveryClientRoundRobinLoadBalancer
- select(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.DefaultExecutorSelector
- select(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorSelector
Obtain executor for the given name.
- Selector - Annotation Interface in
Annotation that can be applied to arguments that should be included in the endpoint URI.
- SELF - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link
Self link.
- SelfSignedSslBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl
The Netty implementation of
that generates anSslContext
to create a server handler with SSL support via a generated self-signed certificate. - SelfSignedSslBuilder(HttpServerConfiguration, ServerSslConfiguration, ResourceResolver) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl.SelfSignedSslBuilder
- SemanticVersion - Class in io.micronaut.core.version
Utility class for comparing semantic versions.
- SemanticVersion(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.version.SemanticVersion
- send(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
Send the given message to the remote peer.
- send(T, MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- send(T, MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
Send the given message to the remote peer.
- sendAsync(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
Send the given message to the remote peer asynchronously.
- sendAsync(T, MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- sendAsync(T, MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
Send the given message to the remote peer asynchronously.
- sendPingAsync(byte[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- sendPingAsync(byte[]) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
Send a ping through this WebSocket.
- sendSync(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
Send the given message to the remote peer synchronously.
- sendSync(Object, MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- sendSync(Object, MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketSession
Send the given message to the remote peer synchronously.
- SendTo - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.messaging.annotation
An annotation that can be applied at the method level to indicate that return value of said method should be sent to given destination.
- Sensitive - Annotation Interface in
Annotation that can be applied to endpoint methods to control sensitivity at the method level.
- SENSITIVE - Static variable in annotation interface
Whether endpoints are sensitive by default.
- sentOutMessage(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class
- SerializationException - Exception in io.micronaut.core.serialize.exceptions
A generic exception that occurs during serialization or deserialization.
- SerializationException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.core.serialize.exceptions.SerializationException
- SerializationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.core.serialize.exceptions.SerializationException
- serialize(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.serialize.ObjectSerializer
Serialize the given object to a byte[].
- serialize(Object, OutputStream) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.serialize.ObjectSerializer
Serialize the given object to a byte[].
- serialize(ConvertibleMultiValues<?>, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.ConvertibleMultiValuesSerializer
- serialize(ConvertibleValues<?>, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.ConvertibleValuesSerializer
- serialize(OptionalValues<?>, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.OptionalValuesSerializer
- serialize(JsonNode, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.JsonNodeSerializer
- serialize(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.JacksonObjectSerializer
- serialize(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.JsonObjectSerializer
- serialize(Object, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.serialize.JdkSerializer
- serialize(Object, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.JacksonObjectSerializer
- serialize(Object, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.JsonObjectSerializer
- serializers - Variable in class io.micronaut.jackson.ObjectMapperFactory
- SERVER - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - SERVER_SOCKET - Enum constant in enum class
- ServerContextPathProvider - Interface in io.micronaut.http.context
A contract for providing a context path to a server.
- serverError() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with an empty body. - serverError(T) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with a body. - ServerFilter - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Mark a bean as a filter for the HTTP server.
- ServerFilterChain - Interface in io.micronaut.http.filter
A non-blocking and thread-safe filter chain.
- ServerFilterPhase - Enum Class in io.micronaut.http.filter
Represents phases of server filters.
- ServerFilterRouteBuilder - Class in io.micronaut.web.router
s. - ServerFilterRouteBuilder(ExecutionHandleLocator, RouteBuilder.UriNamingStrategy, ConversionService, BeanContext, ServerContextPathProvider) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.ServerFilterRouteBuilder
- ServerHttpRequestContext - Record Class in io.micronaut.http.context
Http request propagation.
- ServerHttpRequestContext(HttpRequest<?>) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.http.context.ServerHttpRequestContext
Creates an instance of a
record class. - serverPush(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.PushCapableHttpRequest
Initiate a HTTP2 server push for the given request.
- serverPush(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- ServerRequestContext - Class in io.micronaut.http.context
The holder for the current
that is bound to instrumented threads. - ServerRequestTracingPublisher - Class in io.micronaut.http.context
A reactive streams publisher that instruments an existing publisher ensuring execution is wrapped in a
. - ServerRequestTracingPublisher(HttpRequest<?>, Publisher<MutableHttpResponse<?>>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.context.ServerRequestTracingPublisher
Creates a new instance.
- ServerShutdownEvent - Class in io.micronaut.runtime.server.event
Event fired when the
shuts down. - ServerShutdownEvent(EmbeddedServer) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.runtime.server.event.ServerShutdownEvent
Constructs a prototypical Event.
- serverSocketChannelClass() - Method in class
- serverSocketChannelClass() - Method in class
Returns the server channel class.
- serverSocketChannelClass() - Method in interface
Returns the server channel class.
- serverSocketChannelClass() - Method in class
Returns the server channel class.
- serverSocketChannelClass() - Method in class
Returns the server channel class.
- serverSocketChannelClass() - Method in class
Returns the server channel class.
- serverSocketChannelClass(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in interface
Returns the server channel class.
- serverSocketChannelClass(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- serverSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- serverSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in interface
Returns the server channel class instance.
- serverSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- serverSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- serverSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- serverSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration) - Method in class
- ServerSslBuilder - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ssl
Interface that allows for different builder instances to be able to create the SSLContext supplied later to the micronaut http server.
- ServerSslConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
The default
used for HTTP servers. - ServerSslConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.ServerSslConfiguration
Constructs the default server SSL configuration.
- ServerSslConfiguration(DefaultSslConfiguration, DefaultSslConfiguration.DefaultKeyConfiguration, DefaultSslConfiguration.DefaultKeyStoreConfiguration, SslConfiguration.TrustStoreConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.ServerSslConfiguration
Overrides the default constructor and sets
to true. - ServerSslConfiguration.DefaultKeyConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
The default
. - ServerSslConfiguration.DefaultKeyStoreConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
The default
. - ServerSslConfiguration.DefaultTrustStoreConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
The default
. - ServerStartupEvent - Class in io.micronaut.runtime.server.event
Event fired when the
completes startup. - ServerStartupEvent(EmbeddedServer) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.runtime.server.event.ServerStartupEvent
Constructs a prototypical Event.
- ServerStartupException - Exception in io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions
An exception thrown on server startup.
- ServerStartupException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.ServerStartupException
- ServerStartupException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.ServerStartupException
- ServerStopEndpoint - Class in
Exposes an
to stop the server. - ServerUnderTest - Interface in io.micronaut.http.tck
An API for a Micronaut HTTP Server under test.
- ServerUnderTestProvider - Interface in io.micronaut.http.tck
Provides a server to test.
- ServerUnderTestProviderUtils - Class in io.micronaut.http.tck
Utility class to retrieve a
via a Service Loader. - ServerWebSocket - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.websocket.annotation
Annotation declared on the server to indicate the class handles web socket frames.
- ServerWebSocketProcessor - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.websocket
A processor that exposes WebSocket URIs via the router.
- service() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Generated
- SERVICE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.TypeConvention
- SERVICE_ID - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
Attribute used to store the service ID a client request is being sent to.
- SERVICE_RESTART - Static variable in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- ServiceConnectionPoolConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration.ServiceConnectionPoolConfiguration
- ServiceDefinition<T> - Interface in
A service that may or may not be present on the classpath.
- ServiceHttpClientConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.client
Allows defining HTTP client configurations via the
setting. - ServiceHttpClientConfiguration(String, ServiceHttpClientConfiguration.ServiceConnectionPoolConfiguration, ServiceHttpClientConfiguration.ServiceSslClientConfiguration, HttpClientConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
Creates a new client configuration for the given service ID.
- ServiceHttpClientConfiguration(String, ServiceHttpClientConfiguration.ServiceConnectionPoolConfiguration, ServiceHttpClientConfiguration.ServiceSslClientConfiguration, ApplicationConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
Creates a new client configuration for the given service ID.
- ServiceHttpClientConfiguration.ServiceConnectionPoolConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.client
The default connection pool configuration.
- ServiceHttpClientConfiguration.ServiceSslClientConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.client
The default connection pool configuration.
- ServiceHttpClientConfiguration.ServiceSslClientConfiguration.DefaultKeyConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.client
The default
. - ServiceHttpClientConfiguration.ServiceSslClientConfiguration.DefaultKeyStoreConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.client
The default
. - ServiceHttpClientConfiguration.ServiceSslClientConfiguration.DefaultTrustStoreConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.client
The default
. - ServiceHttpClientFactory - Class in io.micronaut.http.client
instances for each definedServiceHttpClientConfiguration
. - ServiceHttpClientFactory(TaskScheduler, BeanProvider<HttpClientRegistry<?>>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientFactory
Default constructor.
- ServiceHttpClientHealthIndicator - Class in
used to display available load balancer URLs. - ServiceHttpClientHealthIndicator(ServiceHttpClientConfiguration, StaticServiceInstanceList) - Constructor for class
- serviceId() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.ClientFilter
The service identifiers this filter applies to.
- serviceId() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Filter
The service identifiers this filter applies to.
- serviceId() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.BaseFilterProcessor.FilterMetadata
Returns the value of the
record component. - ServiceInstance - Interface in io.micronaut.discovery
Represents a remote service discovered by the underlying discovery implementation.
- ServiceInstance.Builder - Interface in io.micronaut.discovery
A builder for building
references. - ServiceInstanceIdGenerator - Interface in io.micronaut.discovery
Interface for generating IDs for
. - ServiceInstanceList - Interface in io.micronaut.discovery
Interface for types that expose a list of
. - ServiceInstanceListLoadBalancerFactory - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance
The default
factory for creatingLoadBalancer
instances fromServiceInstanceList
instances. - ServiceInstanceListLoadBalancerFactory() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.ServiceInstanceListLoadBalancerFactory
- ServiceInstanceListRoundRobinLoadBalancer - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance
- ServiceInstanceListRoundRobinLoadBalancer(ServiceInstanceList) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.loadbalance.ServiceInstanceListRoundRobinLoadBalancer
- ServiceInstanceMetadataContributor - Interface in io.micronaut.discovery.metadata
Strategy interface for classes to contribute to
metadata when registering an instance with a discovery service. - ServiceReadyEvent - Class in io.micronaut.discovery.event
An event fired when a service has completed starting and is ready to service requests.
- ServiceReadyEvent(ServiceInstance) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.discovery.event.ServiceReadyEvent
Constructs a prototypical Event.
- ServiceReadyHealthIndicator - Class in
that signals when the service is ready to service requests. - ServiceReadyHealthIndicator(ApplicationConfiguration) - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
- ServiceSslClientConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration.ServiceSslClientConfiguration
- ServiceStoppedEvent - Class in io.micronaut.discovery.event
An event triggered when a
has shutdown and will no longer service requests. - ServiceStoppedEvent(ServiceInstance) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.discovery.event.ServiceStoppedEvent
Constructs a prototypical Event.
- SESSION - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.filter.ServerFilterPhase
Any filters related to creating or reading the HTTP session.
- set() - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.Weighers
A weigher where the value is a
and its weight is the number of elements. - set(B, P) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanProperty
- set(B, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanProperty
Write the bean value.
- set(NettyHttpRequest<?>, HttpResponse<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpResponseFactory
Lookup the response from the request.
- set(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.MutableHeaders
Sets an HTTP header overriding any existing value.
- set(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpHeaders
- set(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- set(T) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.optim.StaticOptimizations
Injects an optimization.
- SET_COOKIE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - SET_COOKIE2 - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - setAccessLogger(NettyHttpServerConfiguration.AccessLogger) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets the AccessLogger configuration.
- setAccount(String) - Method in class
- setAcquireTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration
Sets the timeout to wait for a connection.
- setAdditionalTypes(List<MediaType>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.codec.CodecConfiguration
Default value (Empty list).
- setAlias(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.KeyConfiguration
Sets the alias.
- setAllowCredentials(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConfiguration
Sets whether to allow credentials.
- setAllowCredentials(CorsOriginConfiguration, MutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsFilter
- setAllowedHeaders(List<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConfiguration
Sets the allowed headers.
- setAllowedHosts(List<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HostResolutionConfiguration
- setAllowedMethods(List<HttpMethod>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConfiguration
Sets the allowed methods.
- setAllowedOrigins(List<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConfiguration
Sets the allowed origins.
- setAllowedOriginsRegex(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConfiguration
Sets a regular expression for matching Allowed Origins.
- setAllowHeaders(List<?>, MutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsFilter
- setAllowMethods(HttpMethod, MutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsFilter
- setAlpnModes(List<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
The protocols to support for TLS ALPN.
- setAlwaysSerializeErrorsAsList(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Sets whether _embedded.errors should always be serialized as list (defaults to false).
- setArraySizeThreshold(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Sets the array size threshold for data binding.
- setAttribute(CharSequence, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- setAttribute(CharSequence, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.attr.MutableAttributeHolder
Sets an attribute on the message.
- setAttribute(CharSequence, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InvocationContext
- setAttribute(CharSequence, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpMessage
- setAttribute(CharSequence, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- setAttribute(CharSequence, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Store a value within the context.
- setAttribute(CharSequence, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
- setAttribute(CharSequence, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.HttpRequestWrapper
- setAttribute(CharSequence, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
- setAttribute(CharSequence, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- setAttribute(CharSequence, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- setAttributes(Map<CharSequence, Object>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Set new attributes map (The map is supposed to be mutable).
- setAttributes(Map<CharSequence, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- setAvailabilityZone(String) - Method in class
- setBeanDefinition(BeanDefinition<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanDefinitionAware
Configure the component for the given bean definition.
- setBeanDefinition(BeanDefinition<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.EvaluatedAnnotationMetadata
- setBeanIntrospectionModule(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Whether the
should be used for reflection free object serialialization/deserialialization. - setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setBuildSelfSigned(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.ServerSslConfiguration
Sets whether to build a self-signed certificate.
- setBuildSelfSigned(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
Deprecated.Please use
instead (SslConfiguration.buildSelfSigned()
). - setByte(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setBytes(int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setBytes(int, ByteBuf) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setBytes(int, ByteBuf, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setBytes(int, ByteBuf, int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setBytes(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setBytes(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setBytes(int, FileChannel, long, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setBytes(int, ScatteringByteChannel, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setCacheControl(NettyHttpServerConfiguration.FileTypeHandlerConfiguration.CacheControlConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.FileTypeHandlerConfiguration
Sets the cache control configuration.
- setCached(boolean) - Method in class
- setCacheSeconds(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.FileTypeHandlerConfiguration
Cache Seconds.
- setCacheTrimInterval(Integer) - Method in interface io.micronaut.buffer.netty.ByteBufAllocatorConfiguration
- setCapacity(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
Sets the maximum weighted capacity of the map and eagerly evicts entries until it shrinks to the appropriate size.
- setChannelOptionFactory(ChannelOptionFactory) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
Configures the channel option factory.
- setChannelOptions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
- setChar(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setCharSequence(int, CharSequence, Charset) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setCharset(Charset) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- setCheckInterval(Duration) - Method in class
Sets the interval to wait between file watch polls.
- setChildOptions(Map<ChannelOption, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets the Netty child worker options.
- setChunkedSupported(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets whether chunked transfer encoding is supported.
- setChunkSize(Integer) - Method in interface io.micronaut.buffer.netty.ByteBufAllocatorConfiguration
- setCidr(int) - Method in class
- setCiphers(String[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
Sets the ciphers to use.
- setClientAddressHeader(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- setClientAuthentication(ClientAuthentication) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
Sets the client authentication mode.
- setClientSslConfiguration(ClientSslConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.DefaultHttpClientConfiguration
Uses the default SSL configuration.
- setCloseOnExpectationFailed(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
If a 100-continue response is detected but the content length is too large then true means close the connection.
- setCodec(ObjectCodec) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- setCompressionLevel(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets the compression level (0-9).
- setCompressionThreshold(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets the minimum size of a request body must be in order to be compressed.
- setConfigurationPath(ConfigurationPath) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Sets the configuration path.
- setConfigurationPath(ConfigurationPath) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- setConfigurations(Map<String, CorsOriginConfiguration>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.CorsConfiguration
Sets the CORS configurations.
- setConnectionPoolIdleTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets the idle timeout for connection in the client connection pool.
- setConnectTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets the connect timeout.
- setConnectTtl(Duration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets the connect timeout.
- setContent(ByteBuf) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- setContent(File) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- setContent(InputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- setContent(T, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.multipart.MultipartDataFactory
Sets the content on the file upload object.
- setContextPath(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
Sets the context path for the web server.
- setContextScope(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionReferenceWriter
Set whether the bean should be in context scope.
- setConversionService(ConversionService) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionServiceAware
Sets the conversion service.
- setConversionService(ConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- setConversionService(ConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValuesMap
- setConversionService(ConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders
- setConversionService(ConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- setConversionService(ConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- setConversionService(ConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpParameters
- setConversionService(ConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookies
- setConversionService(ConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpHeaders
- setConversionService(ConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpParameters
- setConversionService(ConversionService) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequest
- setCookieName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HttpLocaleResolutionConfigurationProperties
Sets the name of the cookie that is used to store the locale.
- setCorePoolSize(Integer) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
Sets the core pool size for
. - setCors(HttpServerConfiguration.CorsConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
Sets the cors configuration.
- setCurrentQualifier(Qualifier<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- setCurrentQualifier(Qualifier<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Sets the current qualifier.
- setDateAndCacheHeaders(MutableHttpResponse, long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.SystemFileBodyWriter
- setDateFormat(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Sets the default date format to use.
- setDateHeader(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
Sets whether a date header should be sent back.
- setDateHeader(MutableHttpResponse) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.SystemFileBodyWriter
- setDecoderResult(DecoderResult) - Method in class
- setDecoderResult(DecoderResult) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DelegateStreamedHttpResponse
- setDefaultCharset(Charset) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets the default charset to use.
- setDefaultCharset(Charset) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- setDefaultCharset(Charset) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration
Default value (UTF-8).
- setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HttpLocaleResolutionConfigurationProperties
Sets the locale that will be used if the locale cannot be resolved through any means.
- setDefaultTyping(ObjectMapper.DefaultTyping) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Sets the global defaultTyping using for Polymorphic handling.
- setDefaultVersion(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.RoutesVersioningConfiguration
Sets the version to use if the version cannot be resolved.
- setDeregister(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
Default value (true).
- setDescription(String) - Method in class
- setDeserialization(Map<DeserializationFeature, Boolean>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Sets the deserialization features to use.
- setDeserializers(JsonDeserializer...) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.ObjectMapperFactory
Set additional deserializers.
- setDetailsVisible(DetailsVisibility) - Method in class
Sets the visibility policy for health information.
- setDisk(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
Sets whether to buffer data to disk or not.
- setDouble(int, double) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setDualProtocol(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- setEagerParsing(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Parse incoming JSON data eagerly, before route binding.
- setEmbedded(Map<String, List<Resource>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.AbstractResource
Allows de-serializing of embedded with Jackson.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
Default value (true).
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration
Default value (true).
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.DiscoveryConfiguration
Default value (true).
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
Default value (true).
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
Default value (true).
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration
Sets whether connection pooling is enabled.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.CorsConfiguration
Sets whether CORS is enabled.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
Sets whether multipart processing is enabled.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.AccessLogger
Enables or Disables the access logger.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
Whether SSL is enabled.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
If health indicator should be enabled.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
Default value (true).
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
Whether watch is enabled.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.resource.StaticResourceConfiguration
Sets whether this specific mapping is enabled.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.HeaderVersionResolverConfiguration
Sets whether headers should be searched for a version.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.ParameterVersionResolverConfiguration
Sets whether parameter should be searched for a version.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.RoutesVersioningConfiguration
- setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the endpoint is enabled.
- setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the endpoint is enabled.
- setEnvironment(Environment) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- setEventLoopGroup(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
- setEventLoopGroup(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.EventLoopConfig
Sets the name to use.
- setExceptionOnErrorStatus(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets whether throwing an exception upon HTTP error status (>= 400) is preferred.
- setExclusions(List<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.AccessLogger
Sets the URI patterns to be excluded from the access log.
- setExecutor(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.EventLoopConfig
Sets the name of the executor.
- setExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Method in class
- setExposeDefaultRoutes(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration
Whether to expose default routes on this listener.
- setExposedHeaders(List<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConfiguration
Sets the exposed headers.
- setExposeHeaders(List<String>, MutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsFilter
- setFactory(Map<JsonFactory.Feature, Boolean>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Sets the factory features to use.
- setFailFast(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
Default value (true).
- setFallbackProtocol(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets the fallback protocol to use when negotiating via ALPN.
- setFamily(NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration.Family) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration
The address family of this listener.
- setFeatureMask(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- setField(Class<?>, String, Object, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Sets the value of the given field reflectively.
- setField(Field, Object, Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Sets the value of the given field reflectively.
- setFieldWithReflection(BeanResolutionContext, BeanContext, int, Object, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Sets the value of a field of an object that requires reflection.
- setFileTypeHandlerConfiguration(NettyHttpServerConfiguration.FileTypeHandlerConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets the file type handler configuration.
- setFixed(Locale) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HttpLocaleResolutionConfigurationProperties
Set the language tag for the locale.
- setFloat(int, float) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setFollowRedirects(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets whether redirects should be followed.
- setFormat(ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration.Format) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration
- setGateway(String) - Method in class
- setGateway(String) - Method in class
- setGenerator(Map<JsonGenerator.Feature, Boolean>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Sets the generator features to use.
- setGroup(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration.InstanceConfiguration
- setHandlerRegistry(MessageBodyHandlerRegistry) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
Set the handler registry for this client.
- setHandshakeTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
- setHeader(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HttpLocaleResolutionConfigurationProperties
Set to true if the locale should be resolved from the `Accept-Language` header.
- setHeaders(List<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor.configuration.ClientVersioningConfiguration
- setHeaderTableSize(Long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http2Settings
Sets the
value. - setHealthCheck(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
Sets whether the service health should be checked.
- setHealthCheckInterval(Duration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
Sets the default duration to check health status.
- setHealthCheckUri(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
Sets the health check URI.
- setHealthPath(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
- setHost(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration
For TCP listeners, the host to bind to, or
to bind to all hosts. - setHost(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
Sets the host to bind to.
- setHostHeader(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HostResolutionConfiguration
- setHostResolution(HttpServerConfiguration.HostResolutionConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- setHttp2(NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http2Settings) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets the Http2Settings.
- setHttp3Settings(NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http3Settings) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets the Http3Settings.
- setHttpMapping(Map<String, HttpStatus>) - Method in class
Set how
map toHttpStatus
codes. - setHttpToHttpsRedirect(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- setHttpVersion(HttpVersion) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Deprecated.There are now separate settings for HTTP and HTTPS connections. To configure HTTP connections (e.g. for h2c), use
. To configure ALPN, setHttpClientConfiguration.alpnModes
. - setHttpVersion(HttpVersion) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
Sets the HTTP version to use.
- setId(String) - Method in class
- setId(String) - Method in class
- setId(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration.InstanceConfiguration
- setIdleTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
Sets the idle time of connections for the server.
- setImageId(String) - Method in class
- setIndex(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setInitialBufferSize(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets the initial buffer size.
- setInitialMaxData(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http3Settings
QUIC initial_max_data setting, see RFC 9000.
- setInitialMaxStreamDataBidirectionalLocal(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http3Settings
QUIC initial_max_stream_data_bidi_local setting, see RFC 9000.
- setInitialMaxStreamDataBidirectionalRemote(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http3Settings
QUIC initial_max_stream_data_bidi_remote setting, see RFC 9000.
- setInitialMaxStreamsBidirectional(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http3Settings
QUIC initial_max_streams_bidi setting, see RFC 9000.
- setInitialWindowSize(Integer) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http2Settings
Sets the
value. - setInsecureTrustAllCertificates(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.AbstractClientSslConfiguration
- setInstance(ApplicationConfiguration.InstanceConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration
- setInstanceId(String) - Method in class
- setInt(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setInterceptedType(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- setInterceptedType(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Sets the name of the intercepted type.
- setInterceptedType(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- setInterfaces(List<NetworkInterface>) - Method in class
- setInterval(Duration) - Method in class
Default value (15 seconds).
- setIntLE(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setIoRatio(Integer) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.EventLoopConfig
Sets the I/O ratio.
- setIpAddr(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
The IP address to use to register.
- setIpv4(String) - Method in class
- setIpv4(String) - Method in class
- setIpv6(String) - Method in class
- setIpv6(String) - Method in class
- setIpv6Gateway(String) - Method in class
- setJsonBufferMaxComponents(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Maximum number of buffers to keep around in JSON parsing before they should be consolidated.
- setKeepAliveOnServerError(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Whether to send connection keep alive on internal server errors.
- setKey(SslConfiguration.KeyConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
Sets the key configuration.
- setKeyStore(SslConfiguration.KeyStoreConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
Sets the keystore configuration.
- setLinks(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.AbstractResource
Allows de-serializing of links with Jackson.
- setListeners(List<NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Set the explicit netty listener configurations, or
if they should be implicit. - setLocale(Locale) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Sets the locale to use.
- setLocaleResolution(HttpServerConfiguration.HttpLocaleResolutionConfigurationProperties) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
- setLocalHostname(String) - Method in class
- setLocalhostPassThrough(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.CorsConfiguration
Sets whether localhost pass-through is enabled.
- setLocation(File) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
Sets the location to store files.
- setLogEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.AbstractPropertySourceLoader
Deprecated.set logEnabled value by constructor
- setLogFormat(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.AccessLogger
Sets the log format to use.
- setLoggerName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets the client-specific logger name.
- setLoggerName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.AccessLogger
Sets the logger name to use.
- setLogHandledExceptions(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
Sets whether exceptions handled by either an error route or exception handler should still be logged.
- setLogLevel(LogLevel) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets the level to enable trace logging at.
- setLogLevel(String, LogLevel) - Method in interface io.micronaut.logging.LoggingSystem
Set the log level for the logger found by name (or created if not found).
- setLogLevel(String, LogLevel) - Method in class
- setLogLevel(ManagedLoggingSystem, String, LogLevel) - Method in class
- setLogLevel(ManagedLoggingSystem, String, LogLevel) - Method in interface
Set the log level for the named logger in the system.
- setLogLevel(LogLevel) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets the Netty log level.
- setLogLevel(String, LogLevel) - Method in class io.micronaut.logging.impl.Log4jLoggingSystem
- setLogLevel(String, LogLevel) - Method in class io.micronaut.logging.impl.LogbackLoggingSystem
- setLogLevel(String, LogLevel) - Method in class
- setLogLevel(String, LogLevel) - Method in class
- setLong(int, long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setLongLE(int, long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setMac(String) - Method in class
- setMac(String) - Method in class
- setMachineType(String) - Method in class
- setMapper(Map<MapperFeature, Boolean>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Sets the object mapper features to use.
- setMapping(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.resource.StaticResourceConfiguration
The path resources should be served from.
- setMaxAge(long, MutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsFilter
- setMaxAge(Long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsOriginConfiguration
Sets the max age.
- setMaxCachedBufferCapacity(Integer) - Method in interface io.micronaut.buffer.netty.ByteBufAllocatorConfiguration
- setMaxCachedByteBuffersPerChunk(Integer) - Method in interface io.micronaut.buffer.netty.ByteBufAllocatorConfiguration
- setMaxChunkSize(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets the maximum size of any single request chunk.
- setMaxConcurrentHttp1Connections(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration
The maximum number of concurrent HTTP1 connections in the pool.
- setMaxConcurrentHttp2Connections(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration
The maximum number of concurrent HTTP2 connections in the pool.
- setMaxConcurrentRequestsPerHttp2Connection(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration
The maximum number of requests (streams) that can run concurrently on one HTTP2 connection.
- setMaxConcurrentStreams(Long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http2Settings
Sets the
value. - setMaxContentLength(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets the maximum content length the client can consume.
- setMaxFileSize(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
Sets the max file size.
- setMaxFrameSize(Integer) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http2Settings
Sets the
value. - setMaxH2cUpgradeRequestSize(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets the maximum size of the body of the HTTP1.1 request used to upgrade a connection to HTTP2 clear-text (h2c).
- setMaxHeaderListSize(Long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http2Settings
Sets the
value. - setMaxHeaderSize(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets the maximum size of any one header.
- setMaxInitialLineLength(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets the maximum initial line length for the HTTP request.
- setMaxLimit(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData.Factory
- setMaxOrder(Integer) - Method in interface io.micronaut.buffer.netty.ByteBufAllocatorConfiguration
- setMaxPendingAcquires(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration
Sets the max pending acquires.
- setMaxPendingConnections(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration
The maximum number of pending (new) connections before they are assigned to a pool.
- setMaxRequestSize(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
Sets the maximum request size.
- setMaxSize(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- setMediaTypeCodecRegistry(MediaTypeCodecRegistry) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- setMediaTypeCodecRegistry(MediaTypeCodecRegistry) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- setMedium(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setMediumLE(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setMessage(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.JsonError
- setMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
- setMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration.InstanceConfiguration
- setMethod(HttpMethod) - Method in class
- setMethod(HttpMethod) - Method in class
- setMixed(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
Sets whether to buffer data to disk if the size is greater than the threshold.
- setModuleScan(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Sets whether to scan for modules or not (defaults to true).
- setMultipart(HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
Sets the multipart configuration.
- setName(String) - Method in class
- setName(String) - Method in class
- setName(String) - Method in class
- setName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration
- setName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
Sets the executor name.
- setNames(List<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.HeaderVersionResolverConfiguration
Sets which headers should be searched for a version.
- setNames(List<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution.ParameterVersionResolverConfiguration
Sets which parameter should be searched for a version.
- setNetmask(String) - Method in class
- setNetmask(String) - Method in class
- setNetwork(String) - Method in class
- setNetwork(String) - Method in class
- setNext(RoutingInBoundHandler) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketUpgradeHandler
- setNormalCacheSize(Integer) - Method in interface io.micronaut.buffer.netty.ByteBufAllocatorConfiguration
- setNumberOfThreads(Integer) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
Sets the number of threads for
. - setNumDirectArenas(Integer) - Method in interface io.micronaut.buffer.netty.ByteBufAllocatorConfiguration
- setNumHeapArenas(Integer) - Method in interface io.micronaut.buffer.netty.ByteBufAllocatorConfiguration
- setNumOfThreads(Integer) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets the number of threads the client should use for requests.
- setOf(Argument<T>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument representing a generic set.
- setOf(Class<T>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Creates a new argument representing a generic set.
- setOf(T...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
Creates a set of the given objects.
- setOptions(Map<ChannelOption, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets the channel options.
- setOrigin(String, MutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsFilter
- setOutboundHandlers(List<ChannelOutboundHandler>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
Sets the outbound handlers.
- setPageSize(Integer) - Method in interface io.micronaut.buffer.netty.ByteBufAllocatorConfiguration
- setParallelism(Integer) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
Sets the parallelism for
. - setParameters(List<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.interceptor.configuration.ClientVersioningConfiguration
- setParent(NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Parent) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets the parent event loop configuration.
- setParser(Map<JsonParser.Feature, Boolean>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Sets the parser features to use.
- setPassword(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.KeyConfiguration
Sets the password.
- setPassword(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.KeyStoreConfiguration
Sets the password to use for the keystore.
- setPassword(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.TrustStoreConfiguration
Sets the password to use for the keystore.
- setPath(File) - Method in class
Default value (".").
- setPath(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration
- setPath(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
Sets the context path to use for requests.
- setPath(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration
For UNIX domain sockets, the path of the socket.
- setPath(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.KeyStoreConfiguration
Sets the path.
- setPath(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.TrustStoreConfiguration
Sets the path.
- setPath(String) - Method in class
The endpoints base path.
- setPathParameter(String, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.ClientRequestUriContext
Set the value of a path parameter.
- setPaths(List<Path>) - Method in class
Sets the watch paths to use.
- setPaths(List<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.resource.StaticResourceConfiguration
A list of paths either starting with `classpath:` or `file:`.
- setPathSeparator(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.AntPathMatcher
Set the path separator to use for pattern parsing.
- setPcapLoggingPathPattern(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
The path pattern to use for logging incoming connections to pcap.
- setPlaintextMode(HttpVersionSelection.PlaintextMode) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
The connection mode to use for plaintext (http as opposed to https) connections.
- setPort(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
Sets the port to bind to.
- setPort(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration
The TCP port to bind to.
- setPort(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.ServerSslConfiguration
Deprecated.Please use
instead (ServerSslConfiguration.setPort(int)
). - setPort(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
Deprecated.Please use
instead (ServerSslConfiguration.setPort(int)
). - setPort(Integer) - Method in class
Sets the port to expose endpoints via.
- setPortHeader(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HostResolutionConfiguration
- setPortInHost(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HostResolutionConfiguration
- setPreferIpAddress(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
Sets whether the IP address by used to register with the discovery server.
- setPreferNativeTransport(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.EventLoopConfig
- setPrivateIpV4(String) - Method in class
- setPrivateIpV6(String) - Method in class
- setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanWrapper
Sets a property of the given name to the given value.
- setPropertyNamingStrategy(PropertyNamingStrategy) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Sets the property naming strategy.
- setProtocol(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
Sets the protocol to use.
- setProtocolHeader(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HostResolutionConfiguration
- setProtocols(String[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
Sets the protocols to use.
- setProtocolVersion(HttpVersion) - Method in class
- setProtocolVersion(HttpVersion) - Method in class
- setProtocolVersion(HttpVersion) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DelegateStreamedHttpResponse
- setProvider(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.KeyStoreConfiguration
Sets the keystore provider name.
- setProvider(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.TrustStoreConfiguration
Sets the keystore provider name.
- setProxiedBean(boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
Sets whether this bean is a proxied type.
- setProxyAddress(SocketAddress) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets a proxy address.
- setProxyPassword(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets the proxy password.
- setProxySelector(ProxySelector) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets the proxy selector.
- setProxyType(Proxy.Type) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
- setProxyUsername(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets the proxy username to use.
- setPublic(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.FileTypeHandlerConfiguration.CacheControlConfiguration
Sets whether the cache control is public.
- setPublicHostname(String) - Method in class
- setPublicIpV4(String) - Method in class
- setPublicIpV6(String) - Method in class
- setPushEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Http2Settings
setting makes no sense when sent by the server, and clients must reject any setting exceptfalse
(the default) according to the spec. Netty will refuse to write this setting altogether. To prevent this, this setter now does nothing and will be removed in a future release. - setQueryParameter(String, List<String>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.ClientRequestUriContext
Set all the values of query parameters.
- setReadIdleTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets the max read idle time for streaming requests.
- setReadIdleTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
Sets the amount of time a connection can remain idle without any reads occurring.
- setReadTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets the read timeout.
- setReadTimeout(Integer) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
Deprecated.This setting does nothing
- setRegion(String) - Method in class
- setRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.locale.HttpLocalizedMessageSource
- setRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.runtime.http.scope.RequestAware
Provides the request directly after bean creation.
- setRequiresMethodProcessing(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- setRequiresMethodProcessing(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionReferenceWriter
Sets whether the
returns true. - setRequiresMethodProcessing(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Sets whether the
returns true. - setRequiresMethodProcessing(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- setResourceLeakDetectorLevel(ResourceLeakDetector.Level) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.configuration.NettyGlobalConfiguration
Sets the resource leak detection level.
- setRestart(boolean) - Method in class
Set whether restart is enabled.
- setRetryCount(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
Default value (-1).
- setRetryDelay(Duration) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
Default value (1 seconds).
- setSensitive(Boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the endpoint is sensitive.
- setSensitive(Boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the endpoint is sensitive.
- setSerialization(Map<SerializationFeature, Boolean>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Sets the serialization features to use.
- setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Sets the serialization inclusion mode.
- setSerializers(JsonSerializer...) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.ObjectMapperFactory
Set additional serializers.
- setServerCookieEncoder(ServerCookieEncoder) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- setServerHeader(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
Sets the name of the server header.
- setServerSslBuilder(ServerSslBuilder) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DefaultNettyEmbeddedServerFactory
Configures the
the server ssl builder. - setServerType(NettyHttpServerConfiguration.HttpServerType) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Set the server type.
- setServiceId(String) - Method in exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientException
Set the service id that produced this exception.
- setServiceReadyIndicatorEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
Set whether the
is enabled. - setSessionAttribute(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.HttpLocaleResolutionConfigurationProperties
Sets the key in the session to look for the locale.
- setShort(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setShortLE(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setShutdownQuietPeriod(Duration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets the amount of quiet period for shutdown of client thread pools.
- setShutdownQuietPeriod(Duration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.EventLoopConfig
- setShutdownTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets the amount of time to wait for shutdown of client thread pools.
- setShutdownTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.EventLoopConfig
- setSingleHeader(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.CorsConfiguration
Sets whether CORS header values should be joined into a single header.
- setSmallCacheSize(Integer) - Method in interface io.micronaut.buffer.netty.ByteBufAllocatorConfiguration
- setSsl(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration
Whether to enable SSL on this listener.
- setSslConfiguration(SslConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets the SSL configuration for the client.
- setStatus(HttpResponseStatus) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DelegateStreamedHttpResponse
- setStatusConfiguration(HealthEndpoint.StatusConfiguration) - Method in class
Sets the status configuration.
- setTags(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
- setter - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.AstBeanPropertiesUtils.BeanPropertyData
- setterNameFor(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Get the equivalent setter name for the given property.
- setterNameFor(String, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Get the equivalent setter name for the given property and a prefix.
- setterNameFor(String, String[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Get the equivalent setter name for the given property and the first prefix.
- setThreadFactory(Class<? extends ThreadFactory>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClientConfiguration
Sets a thread factory.
- setThreadFactoryClass(Class<? extends ThreadFactory>) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
Sets the thread factory class.
- setThreads(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.EventLoopConfig
Sets the number of threads for the event loop group.
- setThreadSelection(ThreadSelection) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
Sets the
model to use for the server. - setThreshold(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration.MultipartConfiguration
Sets the amount of data that should be received that will trigger the data to be stored to disk.
- setThreshold(long) - Method in class
Default value (10485760L => 10MB).
- setTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
- setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Sets the timezone to use.
- setTrimStrings(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.JacksonConfiguration
Whether strings should be trimmed when deserializing (defaults to false).
- setTrustStore(SslConfiguration.TrustStoreConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
Sets the trust store configuration.
- setType(ExecutorType) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
Sets the executor type.
- setType(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.KeyStoreConfiguration
Sets the type of keystore.
- setType(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.TrustStoreConfiguration
Sets the type of keystore.
- setUnsafe(B, P) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanProperty
- setUnsafe(B, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.UnsafeBeanProperty
Unsafe version of
BeanProperty.set(Object, Object)
. - setUnsafe(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
NettyHttpHeaders.set(CharSequence, CharSequence)
but without header validation. - setupCoroutineContext(HttpRequest<?>, ContextView, PropagatedContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.CoroutineHelper
- setupModule(Module.SetupContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.modules.BeanIntrospectionModule
- setUri(String) - Method in class
- setUri(String) - Method in class
- setUrl(String) - Method in class
Default value ("").
- setUrl(URI) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
Sets the URL of the service.
- setUrls(List<URI>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.ServiceHttpClientConfiguration
Sets the URIs of the service.
- setUseCacheForAllThreads(Boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.buffer.netty.ByteBufAllocatorConfiguration
- setUseNativeTransport(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets whether to use netty's native transport (epoll or kqueue) if available .
- setUserData(String) - Method in class
- setValidated(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- setValidated(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Make the bean definition as validated by jakarta.validation.
- setValidated(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- setValidateHeaders(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets whether to validate incoming headers.
- setValue(V) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.MutableArgumentValue
Sets the argument value.
- setVary(MutableHttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsFilter
- setVendorData(String) - Method in class
- setVirtual(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
- setWebSocketSession(WebSocketSession) - Method in interface io.micronaut.websocket.interceptor.WebSocketSessionAware
Sets the
. - setWorker(NettyHttpServerConfiguration.Worker) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration
Sets the worker event loop configuration.
- setWriteIdleTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.HttpServerConfiguration
Sets the amount of time a connection can remain idle without any writes occurring.
- setWriteSensitive(boolean) - Method in class
Determines whether modifications to the log level should require authentication.
- setZero(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- setZone(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.ApplicationConfiguration.InstanceConfiguration
- SHARED - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanIntrospector
The default shared
. - SHARED - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionService
The default shared conversion service.
- SharedHttpConvertersRegistrar - Class in io.micronaut.http.converters
Converter registrar for HTTP classes.
- SharedHttpConvertersRegistrar() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.converters.SharedHttpConvertersRegistrar
- SHORT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Constant short argument.
- SHORT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- SHORT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- SHORT_WRAPPER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- shortValue() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The integer value of the given member.
- shortValue(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- shortValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The short value of the given member.
- shortValue(String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The short value of the given member.
- shortValues() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The short[] value for the given member.
- shortValues(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The short[] value for the given member.
- shortValues(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- shouldCoerceConditionToBoolean() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.conditional.ElvisOperator
- shouldCoerceConditionToBoolean() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.conditional.TernaryExpression
- shouldCompress(HttpResponse) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.HttpCompressionStrategy
- shouldDeduceCloudEnvironment() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- shouldDeduceEnvironments() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- shouldDenyToPreventDriveByLocalhostAttack(CorsOriginConfiguration, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsFilter
- shouldDenyToPreventDriveByLocalhostAttack(String, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CorsFilter
- shouldProcessRequest(OutgoingRequestProcessorMatcher, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.util.OutgoingHttpRequestProcessor
- shouldProcessRequest(OutgoingRequestProcessorMatcher, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.util.OutgoingHttpRequestProcessorImpl
- shouldProcessRequest(OutgoingRequestProcessorMatcher, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.util.OutgoingHttpRequestProcessorImpl
- shouldSkip(HttpResponse) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.SmartHttpContentCompressor
Determines if encoding should occur based on the response.
- SHOW - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.MethodConvention
The show method of controllers.
- shutdown() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ConnectionManager
- shutdown() - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedExecutorService
- ShutdownEvent - Class in io.micronaut.context.event
An event fired prior to starting shutdown sequence.
- ShutdownEvent(BeanContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.event.ShutdownEvent
Constructs a prototypical Event.
- shutdownNow() - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedExecutorService
- shutdownOnError() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Parallel
The default behaviour is to shutdown the context if an error occurs on initialization.
- simple(String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.context.condition.Failure
A simple failure.
- SIMPLE_NAME - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Primary
The simple name of this annotation.
- SimpleCookie - Class in io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies
implementation. - SimpleCookie(String, String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- SimpleCookieFactory - Class in io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies
implementation. - SimpleCookieFactory() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookieFactory
- SimpleCookies - Class in io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies
implementation. - SimpleCookies(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookies
- SimpleHttpHeaders - Class in io.micronaut.http.simple
implementation. - SimpleHttpHeaders(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpHeaders
Map-based implementation of
. - SimpleHttpHeaders(Map<String, String>, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpHeaders
Map-based implementation of
. - SimpleHttpParameters - Class in io.micronaut.http.simple
Simple implementation of
. - SimpleHttpParameters(ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpParameters
- SimpleHttpParameters(Map<CharSequence, List<String>>, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpParameters
- SimpleHttpRequest<B> - Class in io.micronaut.http.simple
implementation. - SimpleHttpRequest(HttpMethod, String, B) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequest
implementation. - SimpleHttpRequestFactory - Class in io.micronaut.http.simple
implementation. - SimpleHttpRequestFactory() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequestFactory
- SimpleHttpResponseFactory - Class in io.micronaut.http.simple
implementation. - SimpleHttpResponseFactory() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpResponseFactory
- simpleName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath.ConfigurationSegment
- simpleName() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
- SimpleRequestWithCorsNotEnabledTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.cors
- SimpleRequestWithCorsNotEnabledTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.cors.SimpleRequestWithCorsNotEnabledTest
- single() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Consumes
Applies to clients that return reactive types.
- single() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.CustomHttpMethod
- single() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Delete
- single() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get
- single() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Patch
- single() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Post
- single() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Produces
In the case of reactive types this member indicates whether only a single result is returned.
- single() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Put
- single(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- single(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Builds the necessary mappings to treat the given class as a singular REST endpoint.
- single(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Builds the necessary mappings to treat the given instance as a singular REST endpoint.
- single(Charset, ByteBufAllocator) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateMultiObjectBody
- SingleEvaluatedEvaluatedExpressionParser - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser
Parser for building AST for single evaluated expression.
- SingleEvaluatedEvaluatedExpressionParser(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.SingleEvaluatedEvaluatedExpressionParser
Instantiates a parser for single passed expression.
- SingleResult - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.async.annotation
Annotation that can be used to describe that an API emits a single result even if the return type is a
. - SingleSubscriberProcessor<T,
R> - Class in io.micronaut.core.async.processor -
that only allows a singleSubscriber
- SingleSubscriberProcessor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleSubscriberProcessor
- SingleSubscriberPublisher<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.async.publisher
that only allows a singleSubscriber
. - SingleSubscriberPublisher() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.SingleSubscriberPublisher
- SingleThreadedBufferingProcessor<R,
T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.async.processor -
A Reactive streams
designed to be used within a single thread and manage back pressure state. - SingleThreadedBufferingProcessor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleThreadedBufferingProcessor
- SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber
designed to be used by a single thread that buffers incoming data for the purposes of managing back pressure. - SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber
- SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber.BackPressureState - Enum Class in io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber
Back pressure state.
- SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber.DownstreamSubscription - Class in io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber
A downstream subscription.
- singleton() - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.Weighers
A weigher where a value has a weight of
. - singleton(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition.Builder
Is the bean singleton.
- SINGLETON - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
The meta annotation used for singleton scope.
- singletons(Object...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Additional singletons to register prior to startup.
- singletons(Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder
- singletons(Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
- size() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
- size() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- size() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
The size of the hierarchy.
- size() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonArray
- size() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- size() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonObject
- skipBytes(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- slice() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- slice(int, int) - Method in interface
Create a new
whose contents is a shared subsequence of this data buffer's content. - slice(int, int) - Method in class
- slice(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- SmartHttpContentCompressor - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty
An extension of
that skips encoding if the content type is not compressible or if the content is too small. - SocketUtils - Class in
Utility methods for dealing with sockets.
- SocketUtils() - Constructor for class
- SoftServiceLoader<S> - Class in
Variation of
that allows soft loading and conditional loading of META-INF/services classes. - SoftServiceLoader.Optimizations - Class in
Static optimizations for service loaders.
- SoftServiceLoader.ServiceCollector<S> - Interface in
Service collector for loading services of the given type.
- SoftServiceLoader.StaticDefinition<S> - Class in
implementation that uses aMethodHandles.Lookup
object to find a public constructor. - SoftServiceLoader.StaticServiceLoader<S> - Interface in
Service loader that uses
. - SOLARIS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires.Family
- sort(List<GenericHttpFilter>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterRunner
Sort filters according to their declared order (e.g.
- sort(Ordered...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.order.OrderUtil
Sort the given array.
- sort(Object[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.order.OrderUtil
Sort the given array.
- sort(List<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.order.OrderUtil
Sort the given list.
- sort(Stream<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.order.OrderUtil
Sort the given list.
- sortReverse(List<GenericHttpFilter>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterRunner
Sort filters according to their declared order (e.g.
- SOURCE_MAP - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - sourceUnit - Variable in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
- SPACE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
a space.
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientRequestFilterTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.tck.tests.filter.ClientResponseFilterTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.BodyArgumentTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.BodyTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.bodywritable.HtmlBodyWritableTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.codec.JsonCodecAdditionalTypeAutomaticTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.codec.JsonCodecAdditionalTypeTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.constraintshandler.ControllerConstraintHandlerTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.ConsumesTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.CookiesTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.DeleteWithoutBodyTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.ErrorHandlerStringTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.ErrorHandlerTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.ExpressionTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.RequestFilterTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.filter.ResponseFilterTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.FilterErrorTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.FiltersTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.FluxTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.HeadersTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.HelloWorldTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.mediatype.StringDefaultMediaTypeTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.MiscTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.MissingBodyAnnotationTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.OctetTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.ParameterTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.RemoteAddressTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.ResponseStatusTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.staticresources.StaticResourceTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.StatusTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.StreamTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.textplain.TxtPlainBigDecimalTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.textplain.TxtPlainBooleanTest
- SPEC_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.VersionTest
- specializeForChannel(Channel, NettyClientCustomizer.ChannelRole) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientCustomizer
- specializeForChannel(Channel, NettyServerCustomizer.ChannelRole) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyServerCustomizer
Specialize this customizer for the given channel.
- specializeForChannel(Channel, R) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractCompositeCustomizer
- specializeForChannel(C, Channel, R) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractCompositeCustomizer
- specifyFiltering(EnvironmentFilterSpecification) - Method in interface
Configure the filtering of PropertySources for the environment endpoint.
- specName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.TestScenario.Builder
- splitAcceptHeader(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.util.HttpHeadersUtil
Split an accept-x header and get the first component.
- splitOmitEmptyStrings(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Fast split by one character iterable.
- splitOmitEmptyStringsIterator(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Fast split by one character iterator.
- splitOmitEmptyStringsList(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Fast split by one character iterable.
- SpotbugsNullableTransformer - Class in io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal
A transformer that remaps edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable to
. - SpotbugsNullableTransformer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.SpotbugsNullableTransformer
- SseClient - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client.sse
A client for streaming Server Sent Event streams.
- SseClientFactory - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client.sse
A factory to create Server Sent Event clients.
- SseClientRegistry<E extends SseClient> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client.sse
Interface for managing the construction and lifecycle of instances of reactive clients.
- sslBuilder - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- SslBuilder<T> - Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
A class to build a key store and a trust store for use in adding SSL support to a server.
- SslBuilder(ResourceResolver) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslBuilder
- SslConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
Configuration properties for SSL handling.
- SslConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration
- SslConfiguration.KeyConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
Configuration properties for SSL key.
- SslConfiguration.KeyStoreConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
Configuration properties for SSL key store.
- SslConfiguration.TrustStoreConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.http.ssl
Configuration properties for SSL trust store.
- SslConfigurationException - Exception in io.micronaut.http.ssl
An exception thrown while configuring SSL.
- SslConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfigurationException
- SslConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfigurationException
- SslConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfigurationException
- sslProvider() - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyTlsUtils
The SSL provider to use.
- STANDARD_HEADERS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
Unmodifiable List of every header constant defined in
. - start() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
Starts the application context.
- start() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextBuilder
Starts the
. - start() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextLifeCycle
- start() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- start() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
The start method will read all bean definition classes found on the classpath and initialize any pre-required state.
- start() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- start() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.LifeCycle
Starts the lifecyle component.
- start() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ConnectionManager
- start() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- start() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.JsonCounter.BufferRegion
Returns the value of the
record component. - start() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServer
- start() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- start() - Method in class
- start() - Method in class io.micronaut.messaging.MessagingApplication
- start() - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut
- start() - Method in class
- start(VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExpressionEvaluationContextRegistrar
- start(VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.BeanElementVisitor
Called once when visitor processing starts.
- start(VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.TypeElementVisitor
Called once when visitor processing starts.
- start(VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.routes.RouteValidationVisitor
- start(VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.websocket.WebSocketVisitor
- startClass(ClassVisitor, String, Type) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- startClass(ClassVisitor, String, Type) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- startClass(ClassWriter, String, Type, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- startConstructor(ClassVisitor) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- startConstructor(ClassVisitor, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- startEnvironment() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
Start the environment.
- startEnvironment(ApplicationContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.AbstractExecutor
Start the environment specified.
- startFinalClass(ClassVisitor, String, Type) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- startProtectedMethod(ClassWriter, String, String, String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- startPublicClass(ClassVisitor, String, Type) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- startPublicFinalClass(ClassVisitor, String, Type) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Starts a public final class.
- startPublicFinalMethodZeroArgs(ClassWriter, Class<?>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- startPublicMethod(ClassWriter, String, String, String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- startPublicMethod(ClassWriter, Method) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- startPublicMethodZeroArgs(ClassWriter, Class<?>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- startService(ClassVisitor, Class<?>, String, Type) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- startService(ClassVisitor, String, String, Type, String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- startThis(ApplicationContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.function.executor.FunctionInitializer
Start this environment.
- StartupEvent - Class in io.micronaut.context.event
An event fired once startup is complete.
- StartupEvent(BeanContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.event.StartupEvent
Constructs a prototypical Event.
- state() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.propagation.slf4j.MdcPropagationContext
Returns the value of the
record component. - STATIC - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementModifier
- StaticMessageSource - Class in io.micronaut.context
A static mutable message source.
- StaticMessageSource() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.StaticMessageSource
- StaticOptimizations - Class in io.micronaut.core.optim
This class is a generic container for pre-computed data which can be injected at initialization time.
- StaticOptimizations() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.optim.StaticOptimizations
- StaticOptimizations.Loader<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.optim
Interface for an optimization which will be injected via service loading.
- StaticOriginatingElements - Class in io.micronaut.inject.writer
Utility class for testing originating element generation.
- staticResource() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.staticresources.StaticResourceTest
- StaticResourceConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.web.router.resource
Stores configuration for the loading of static resources.
- StaticResourceConfiguration(ResourceResolver, ServerContextPathProvider) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.resource.StaticResourceConfiguration
- StaticResourceResolver - Class in io.micronaut.web.router.resource
Resolves resources from a set of resource loaders.
- StaticResourceResolverFactory - Class in io.micronaut.web.router.resource
A factory for creating the default
. - StaticResourceResolverFactory() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.resource.StaticResourceResolverFactory
- StaticResourceTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.staticresources
- StaticResourceTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.staticresources.StaticResourceTest
- StaticServiceInstanceList - Class in io.micronaut.discovery
using a static list of URLs. - StaticServiceInstanceList(String, Collection<URI>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.discovery.StaticServiceInstanceList
Default constructor.
- StaticServiceInstanceList(String, Collection<URI>, String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.discovery.StaticServiceInstanceList
Default constructor.
- status() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Error
- status() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
- status() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DelegateStreamedHttpResponse
- status() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultStatusRouteInfo
- status() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.StatusRoute
- status() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.StatusRouteInfo
- status(int) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
Sets the response status.
- status(int, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
Sets the response status.
- status(int, CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- status(int, String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return a response for the given status.
- status(int, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponseFactory
Return a response for the given status.
- status(int, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpResponseFactory
- status(int, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpResponseFactory
- status(HealthStatus) - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance.Builder
Sets the application status.
- status(HealthStatus) - Method in class
Assigns the status to the builder.
- status(HttpStatus) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return a response for the given status.
- status(HttpStatus) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponseFactory
- status(HttpStatus) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
Sets the response status.
- status(HttpStatus) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.tck.HttpResponseAssertion.Builder
- status(HttpStatus, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
Sets the response status.
- status(HttpStatus, Class<?>, String, Class<?>[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- status(HttpStatus, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Register a route to handle the returned status code.
- status(HttpStatus, Object, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Register a route to handle the returned status code.
- status(HttpStatus, String) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return a response for the given status.
- status(HttpStatus, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponseFactory
Return a response for the given status.
- status(HttpStatus, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpResponseFactory
- status(HttpStatus, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpResponseFactory
- status(HttpStatus, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponseFactory
Return a response for the given status.
- status(HttpStatus, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpResponseFactory
- status(HttpStatus, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpResponseFactory
- status(Class<?>, HttpStatus, Class<?>, String, Class<?>[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- status(Class<?>, HttpStatus, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Register a route to handle the returned status code.
- Status - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Sets alternative HttpStatus response code when applied to a method and HttpStatus code is specified.
- STATUS - Enum constant in enum class
- STATUS_DESCRIPTION_DETAILS - Enum constant in enum class
- StatusConfiguration() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
- StatusRoute - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router
Represents a
that matches a status. - StatusRouteInfo<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router -
Represents a
that matches a status. - StatusTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- StatusTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.StatusTest
- stereotype(AnnotationValue<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Adds a stereotype of the annotation.
- STEREOTYPE_EXCLUDES - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Packages excludes from stereotype processing.
- stereotypes(Collection<AnnotationValue<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Adds a stereotypes of the annotation.
- stop() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext
Stops the application context.
- stop() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContextLifeCycle
- stop() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContext
- stop() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
The close method will shut down the context calling
hooks on loaded singletons. - stop() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- stop() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.LifeCycle
Stops the life cycle component.
- stop() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.scope.AbstractConcurrentCustomScope
- stop() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- stop() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServer
- stop() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- stop() - Method in class
Clears endpoint ids information.
- stop() - Method in class
Stops the server.
- stop() - Method in class io.micronaut.messaging.MessagingApplication
- stop() - Method in class io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshScope
- stop() - Method in class
- stopServerOnly() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyEmbeddedServer
Stops the Netty instance, but keeps the ApplicationContext running.
- stopServerOnly() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer
- storeToFactory(SslConfiguration, KeyStore) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyTlsUtils
Create a
from aKeyStore
. - stream() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanProvider
When called, provides back a Stream of the beans available in this provider.
- stream() - Method in class
- stream() - Method in interface
- Streamable - Interface in
Interface for types that can be written to an
. - STREAMED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.HttpServerType
Requests are streamed on demand with
used to control back pressure. - StreamedFile - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.types.files
A special type for streaming an
representing a file or resource. - StreamedFile(InputStream, MediaType) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.StreamedFile
- StreamedFile(InputStream, MediaType, long) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.StreamedFile
- StreamedFile(InputStream, MediaType, long, long) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.StreamedFile
- StreamedFile(URL) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.StreamedFile
Immediately opens a connection to the given URL to retrieve data about the connection, including the input stream.
- StreamedHttpMessage - Interface in
into one message. - StreamedHttpRequest - Interface in
into one message. - StreamedHttpResponse - Interface in
into one message. - StreamedNettyRequestArgumentBinder<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.binders
- StreamFileBodyWriter - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body
Body writer for
s. - StreamFunctionExecutor<C> - Class in io.micronaut.function.executor
A base function executor for handling input and output as streams
- StreamFunctionExecutor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.function.executor.StreamFunctionExecutor
- StreamingByteBody - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body
implementation that wraps aStreamedHttpRequest
. - StreamingFileUpload - Interface in io.micronaut.http.multipart
Represents a part of a
request. - StreamingHttpClient - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client
Extended version of the
that supports streaming responses. - StreamingHttpClientFactory - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client
A factory to create Streaming HTTP clients.
- StreamingHttpClientRegistry<S extends StreamingHttpClient> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client
Interface for managing the construction and lifecycle of instances of
clients. - StreamingMultiObjectBody - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body
derived from aStreamingByteBody
. - streamOfType(Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Obtain a stream of beans of the given type.
- streamOfType(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext
- streamOfType(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Obtain a stream of beans of the given type.
- streamOfType(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext
Obtains a stream of beans of the given type and qualifier.
- streamOfType(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Obtain a stream of beans of the given type.
- streamOfType(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanLocator
Obtain a stream of beans of the given type.
- streamOfType(BeanResolutionContext, Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Obtains a stream of beans of the given type and qualifier.
- streamOfType(BeanResolutionContext, Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
Obtains a stream of beans of the given type and qualifier.
- streamOfType(Argument<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- streamOfType(Class<T>, Qualifier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- StreamTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- StreamTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.StreamTest
- StreamUtils - Class in io.micronaut.core.util
Utility methods for working with streams.
- StreamUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.util.StreamUtils
- Strict - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.cookie.SameSite
When the SameSite attribute is set as Strict, the cookie will not be sent along with requests initiated by third party websites.
- STRICTFP - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementModifier
- STRING - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- STRING - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionContext
Constant for String argument.
- STRING - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Constant for string argument.
- STRING - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- StringBodyAssertionBuilder(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.tck.BodyAssertion.StringBodyAssertionBuilder
- StringConvention - Enum Class in io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions
An enum representing different conventions.
- StringDefaultMediaTypeTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.mediatype
- StringDefaultMediaTypeTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.mediatype.StringDefaultMediaTypeTest
- stringifyArguments(ExpressionVisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.AbstractMethodCall
Prepares arguments string for logging purposes.
- StringIntMap - Class in io.micronaut.core.util
Fixed-size String->int map optimized for very fast read operations.
- StringIntMap(int) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.util.StringIntMap
Create a new map.
- StringLiteral - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal
Expression AST node for string literal.
- StringLiteral(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.literal.StringLiteral
- StringSwitchWriter - Class in io.micronaut.inject.writer
String switch writer.
- StringSwitchWriter() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.writer.StringSwitchWriter
- StringUtils - Class in io.micronaut.core.util
Utility methods for Strings.
- StringUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
- stringValue() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The double value of the given member.
- stringValue() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The string value of the given member.
- stringValue(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value as an optional string for the given annotation and member.
- stringValue(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- stringValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value as an optional string for the given annotation and member.
- stringValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- stringValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- stringValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- stringValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- stringValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Retrieve the string value and optionally map its value.
- stringValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value as an optional string for the given annotation and member.
- stringValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- stringValue(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The string value of the given member.
- stringValue(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The string value of the given member.
- stringValue(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The value as an optional string for the given annotation and member.
- stringValue(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- stringValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- stringValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- stringValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- stringValue(String, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- stringValue(String, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Retrieve the string value and optionally map its value.
- stringValue(String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The string value of the given member.
- stringValue(JsonNode, String) - Static method in class
Resolve a value as a string from the metadata json.
- stringValue(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- stringValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- stringValue(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- stringValue(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- stringValue(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- stringValues() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The string values for the given member.
- stringValues(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The values as string array for the given annotation and member.
- stringValues(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- stringValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The values as string array for the given annotation and member.
- stringValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- stringValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- stringValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- stringValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- stringValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- stringValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Retrieve the string value and optionally map its value.
- stringValues(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The values as string array for the given annotation and member.
- stringValues(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- stringValues(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- stringValues(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueResolver
The string values for the given member.
- stringValues(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The values as string array for the given annotation and member.
- stringValues(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- stringValues(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- stringValues(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- stringValues(String, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
Retrieve the string value and optionally map its value.
- stringValues(String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
The string values for the given member and mapper.
- stringValues(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- stringValues(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- stringValues(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- stringValues(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- stringValues(String, String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- subMap(String, ArgumentConversionContext<V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
Returns a submap for all the keys with the given prefix.
- subMap(String, Argument<V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
Returns a submap for all the keys with the given prefix.
- subMap(String, Class<V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
Returns a submap for all the keys with the given prefix.
- submit(Runnable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedExecutorService
- submit(Runnable, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedExecutorService
- submit(Callable<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedExecutorService
- SubOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary
Expression AST node for binary '-' operator.
- SubOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.binary.SubOperator
- subprotocol() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.websocket.annotation.ClientWebSocket
- subProtocol - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- subprotocols() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.websocket.annotation.ServerWebSocket
- subscribe(Subscriber<? super PartData>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload
- subscribe(Subscriber<? super MutableHttpResponse<?>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.context.ServerRequestTracingPublisher
- subscribe(Subscriber<? super HttpContent>) - Method in class
- subscribe(Subscriber<? super HttpContent>) - Method in class
- subscribe(Subscriber<? super HttpContent>) - Method in class
- subscribe(Subscriber<? super HttpContent>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DelegateStreamedHttpResponse
- subscribe(Subscriber<? super WebSocketFrame>) - Method in class
- subscribe(Subscriber<? super R>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleSubscriberProcessor
- subscribe(Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleThreadedBufferingProcessor
- subscribe(Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.AsyncSingleResultPublisher
- subscribe(Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.CompletableFuturePublisher
- subscribe(Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers.JustPublisher
- subscribe(Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers.JustThrowPublisher
- subscribe(Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.SingleSubscriberPublisher
- subscribe(Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.reactive.HandlerPublisher
- subscribeDownstream(Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.async.processor.SingleThreadedBufferingProcessor
- subscribeSubscriberToStream(StreamedHttpMessage, Subscriber<HttpContent>) - Method in class
- subscription - Variable in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.CompletionAwareSubscriber
- SubscriptOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access
Handles list, map and array de-referencing.
- SubscriptOperator(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.SubscriptOperator
- subSequence(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationClassValue
- subSequence(int, int) - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
- subSequence(int, int) - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
- subSequence(int, int) - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- subSequence(int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- subtype - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultPropertyPlaceholderResolver
Suffix for placeholder in properties.
- SUPER_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.ExecutableMethodsDefinitionWriter
- SuperclassAwareTypeVisitor<R,
P> - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing -
Processes the type and its super classes.
- SuperclassAwareTypeVisitor(JavaVisitorContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.SuperclassAwareTypeVisitor
Default constructor.
- superTypes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.bind.binders.TypedRequestArgumentBinder
Returns additional super types.
- superTypes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.bind.TypedClientArgumentRequestBinder
Returns additional super types.
- SupplierUtil - Class in io.micronaut.core.util
Helper methods for dealing with
. - SupplierUtil() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.util.SupplierUtil
- supplyEmpty() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers.MapOrSupplyEmpty
Supplies an empty value if there is no next value.
- supports(BeanElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.BeanElementVisitor
Returns whether this visitor supports visiting the specified element.
- supports(E) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventListener
Whether the given event is supported.
- supports(RefreshEvent) - Method in interface io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.refresh.RefreshEventListener
- supports(FileChangedEvent) - Method in class
- supportsDispatchMulti() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.DispatchTarget
- supportsDispatchMulti() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.FieldGetDispatchTarget
- supportsDispatchMulti() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.FieldSetDispatchTarget
- supportsDispatchMulti() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.MethodDispatchTarget
- supportsDispatchOne() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.DispatchTarget
- supportsDispatchOne() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.FieldGetDispatchTarget
- supportsDispatchOne() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.FieldSetDispatchTarget
- supportsDispatchOne() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.MethodDispatchTarget
- supportsPrefix(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.DefaultEnvironment
- supportsPrefix(String) - Method in interface
Does the loader support a prefix.
- supportsPrefix(String) - Method in interface
- supportsPrefix(String) - Method in interface
- supportsType(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodec
Whether the codec can decode the given type.
- supportsType(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.codec.MapperMediaTypeCodec
- swap(T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.HotSwappableInterceptedProxy
Swaps the underlying proxied instance for a new instance.
- SWITCH_PROXY - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- SYNCHRONIZED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementModifier
- SYNCHRONOUS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod.ResultType
- synthesize(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- synthesize(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Synthesizes a new annotation from the metadata for the given annotation type.
- synthesize(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- synthesize(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- synthesize(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- synthesize(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- synthesize(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Synthesizes a new annotation for the given annotation type using the member values of the given source annotation.
- synthesize(Class<T>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- synthesize(Class<T>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- synthesize(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataProvider
- synthesize(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- synthesize(Class<T>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- synthesizeAll() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- synthesizeAll() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataProvider
- synthesizeAll() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Synthesizes a new annotations from the metadata.
- synthesizeAll() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- synthesizeAll() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- synthesizeAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- synthesizeAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Synthesizes a new annotations from the metadata for the given type.
- synthesizeAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- synthesizeAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- synthesizeAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataProvider
- synthesizeAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- synthesizeAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- synthesizeDeclared() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- synthesizeDeclared() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataProvider
- synthesizeDeclared() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Synthesizes a new annotations from the metadata.
- synthesizeDeclared() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- synthesizeDeclared() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- synthesizeDeclared(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- synthesizeDeclared(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Synthesizes a new annotation from the metadata for the given annotation type.
- synthesizeDeclared(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- synthesizeDeclared(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- synthesizeDeclared(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- synthesizeDeclared(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- synthesizeDeclared(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Synthesizes a new annotation declared for the given annotation type using the member values of the given source annotation.
- synthesizeDeclared(Class<T>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- synthesizeDeclared(Class<T>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- synthesizeDeclared(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataProvider
- synthesizeDeclared(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- synthesizeDeclared(Class<T>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- synthesizeDeclaredAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate
- synthesizeDeclaredAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource
Synthesizes a new annotations from the metadata for the given type.
- synthesizeDeclaredAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata
- synthesizeDeclaredAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.DefaultAnnotationMetadata
- synthesizeDeclaredAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataProvider
- synthesizeDeclaredAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataHierarchy
- synthesizeDeclaredAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.MappingAnnotationMetadataDelegate
- SystemFile - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.types.files
Used as the return value of a route execution to send
instances to the client. - SystemFile(File) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.SystemFile
- SystemFile(File, MediaType) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.SystemFile
- SystemFileBodyWriter - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body
Body writer for
s. - SystemFileBodyWriter(NettyHttpServerConfiguration.FileTypeHandlerConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.SystemFileBodyWriter
- SystemPropertiesPropertySource - Class in io.micronaut.context.env
Loads properties from system properties.
- SystemPropertiesPropertySource() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.SystemPropertiesPropertySource
Default constructor.
- taint() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.ConnectionManager.PoolHandle
Prevent this connection from being reused, e.g.
- target - Variable in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.InterceptorChain
- targetClassType - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractAnnotationMetadataWriter
- targetPackage() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected
- TaskExceptionHandler<T,
E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.micronaut.scheduling -
An exception handler interface for task related exceptions.
- TaskExecutionException - Exception in io.micronaut.scheduling.exceptions
- TaskExecutionException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.scheduling.exceptions.TaskExecutionException
Constructs a new TaskExecution exception with the specified detail message.
- TaskExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.scheduling.exceptions.TaskExecutionException
Constructs a new TaskExecution exception with the specified detail message and cause.
- TaskExecutors - Interface in io.micronaut.scheduling
The names of common task schedulers.
- TaskScheduler - Interface in io.micronaut.scheduling
Interface for Scheduling tasks.
- TCP - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration.Family
TCP socket.
- TE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - templated(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- templated(boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link.Builder
- templateString - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
- TEMPORARY_REDIRECT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- temporaryRedirect(URI) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with the location of the new resource. - TerminalReactive(Publisher<? extends HttpResponse<?>>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.TerminalReactive
- terminating - Variable in class io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext
- TernaryExpression - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.conditional
Expression AST node for ternary expressions.
- TernaryExpression(ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode, ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.conditional.TernaryExpression
- test(ConditionContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.condition.Condition
- test(Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.retry.annotation.DefaultRetryPredicate
- TEST - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.context.env.Environment
The test environment.
- TestGeneratingAnnotationProcessor - Class in io.micronaut.testsuitehelper
Annotation processor for test generation.
- TestGeneratingAnnotationProcessor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.testsuitehelper.TestGeneratingAnnotationProcessor
- TestScenario - Class in io.micronaut.http.tck
Defines a HTTP Server Test Scenario.
- TestScenario.Builder - Class in io.micronaut.http.tck
Test Scenario Builder.
- TEXT_CSV - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
CSV: text/csv.
- TEXT_CSV_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
CSV: text/csv.
- TEXT_EVENT_STREAM - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Server Sent Event: text/event-stream.
- TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Server Sent Event: text/event-stream.
- TEXT_HTML - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
HTML: text/html.
- TEXT_HTML_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
HTML: text/html.
- TEXT_JSON - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
JSON: text/json.
- TEXT_JSON_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
JSON: text/json.
- TEXT_PLAIN - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Plain Text: text/plain.
- TEXT_PLAIN_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Plain Text: text/plain.
- TEXT_XML - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
XML: text/xml.
- TEXT_XML_TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
XML: text/xml.
- TextPlainCodec - Class in io.micronaut.runtime.http.codec
A codec that handles
. - TextPlainCodec(Charset, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.runtime.http.codec.TextPlainCodec
- TextPlainCodec(Optional<Charset>, CodecConfiguration, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.runtime.http.codec.TextPlainCodec
- TextPlainHandler - Class in io.micronaut.http.body
Body handler for content type "text/plain".
- TextPlainHandler() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.body.TextPlainHandler
- TextStreamCodec - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.codec
that will encodeEvent
objects in order to support Server Sent Events. - TextStreamCodec(ApplicationConfiguration, ByteBufferFactory, BeanProvider<MediaTypeCodecRegistry>, CodecConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.codec.TextStreamCodec
- TextStreamCodec(Charset, ByteBufferFactory, BeanProvider<MediaTypeCodecRegistry>, CodecConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.codec.TextStreamCodec
- then(Supplier<? extends ExecutionFlow<? extends R>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.ExecutionFlow
Supply a new flow after the existing flow value is resolved.
- then(Publisher<T>, Consumer<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers
Map the result from a publisher using the given mapper.
- THIS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- ThisAccess - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access
Enables access to 'this' in non-static contexts.
- ThisAccess() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.ThisAccess
- THREAD_PER_TASK - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorType
- ThreadDumpEndpoint - Class in
Exposes an
to display application threads. - ThreadInfoMapper<T> - Interface in
Responsible for converting the standard Java ThreadInfo class into another object for serialization.
- ThreadLocal - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope
that stores objects in thread local storage. - ThreadPropagatedContextElement<S> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.propagation
Special version of
that is thread-aware and can update the thread context on the initial propagation entry and restore it on the propagation exist. - ThreadSelection - Enum Class in io.micronaut.scheduling.executor
Enum the controls the ability to select threads in a Micronaut application.
- ThrowingFunction<T,
R, E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.util.functional -
Represents a function that accepts one argument and produces a result.
- ThrowingSupplier<T,
E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.util.functional -
Represents a supplier of results.
- throwWrappedException() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.CircuitBreaker
and the circuit is opened, it throws the original exception wrapped. - TimeConverterRegistrar - Class in io.micronaut.runtime.converters.time
Registers data time converters.
- TimeConverterRegistrar() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.runtime.converters.time.TimeConverterRegistrar
- TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.ReadTimeoutException
- title(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link.Builder
- title(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- TLS_HANDSHAKE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- toArray() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ArrayableClassElement
- toArray() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Convert the class element to an element for the same type, but representing an array.
- toArray(Collection<T>, Class<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
Returns an array containing all elements in this collection, using the item class.
- toArray(Collection<T>, IntFunction<T[]>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
Returns an array containing all elements in this collection, using the provided generator function to allocate the returned array.
- toAstElement(N, Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.EnclosedElementsQuery
Converts the native element to the AST element.
- toBlocking() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient
- toBlocking() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.DefaultJdkHttpClient
- toBlocking() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient
- toBoxedIfNecessary(Type) - Static method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
If passed type is primitive, returns responsive boxed type, otherwise returns original passed type.
- toByteArray() - Method in interface
Create a copy of the underlying storage from
into a byte array. - toByteArray() - Method in class
- toByteArray() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- toCandidateMethod(ExpressionVisitorContext, MethodElement, List<Type>) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.AbstractMethodCall
Builds candidate method for method element.
- toCircularString() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.BeanResolutionContext.Path
Converts the path to a circular string.
- toClassArray(Argument<?>...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Convert an argument array to a class array.
- toCompletableFuture() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.ExecutionFlow
Converts the existing flow into the completable future.
- toConversionError(Object, Exception) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.bind.JsonBeanPropertyBinderExceptionHandler
Attempt to convert the given exception to a
. - toFullHttpRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- toFullHttpRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- toFullHttpRequest() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpRequestBuilder
- toFullHttpResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.FullNettyClientHttpResponse
- toFullHttpResponse() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpResponseBuilder
Converts this object to a full http response.
- toFullHttpResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- Toggleable - Interface in io.micronaut.core.util
An interface for components or configurations that can be toggled on or off.
- toHttpRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- toHttpRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- toHttpRequest() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpRequestBuilder
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Go through
instead - toHttpRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- toHttpRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpRequestBuilder
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Go through
instead - toHttpRequestDirect() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpRequestBuilder
Directly convert this request to netty, including the body, if possible.
- toHttpRequestDirect() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- toHttpRequestWithoutBody() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- toHttpRequestWithoutBody() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpRequestBuilder
Convert this request to a netty request without the body.
- toHttpRequestWithoutBody() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- toHttpResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.FullNettyClientHttpResponse
- toHttpResponse() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpResponseBuilder
Converts this object to the most appropriate http response type.
- toHttpResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- toHttpResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpResponseBuilder
Convert the given response to a full http response.
- toImmutableCollection(Supplier<A>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StreamUtils
- toInputStream() - Method in interface
Convert the
into an input stream. - toInputStream() - Method in class
- Token - Record Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token
Parsed token with value and type.
- Token(TokenType, String) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.Token
Creates an instance of a
record class. - Tokenizer - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token
Tokenizer for parsing evaluated expressions.
- Tokenizer(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.Tokenizer
- tokenizeToStringArray(String, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Tokenize the given String into a String array via a StringTokenizer.
- tokenizeToStringArray(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Tokenize the given String into a String array via a StringTokenizer.
- TokenType - Enum Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token
List of supported token types.
- toMap(Charset, Collection<? extends MicronautHttpData<?>>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateMultiObjectBody
- toMutableResponse() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Returns a mutable response based on this response.
- toMutableResponse() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpResponse
- TOO_EARLY - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- TOO_MANY_REQUESTS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- toOutputStream() - Method in interface
Convert the
into an output stream. - toOutputStream() - Method in class
- toPathString() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate
Returns the path string excluding any query variables.
- toPrimitiveArray(Object[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
Converts a primitive wrapper array to the equivalent primitive array such as Integer[] to int[].
- toPrimitiveElement(Type) - Static method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.EvaluatedExpressionCompilationUtils
- toPublisher() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.reactive.execution.ReactiveExecutionFlow
Returns the reactive flow represented by a publisher.
- toPublisher(Supplier<ExecutionFlow<K>>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.reactive.execution.ReactiveExecutionFlow
- toRouteInfo() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.ErrorRoute
- toRouteInfo() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Route
- toRouteInfo() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.StatusRoute
- toRouteInfo() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRoute
- toStream() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- toStreamHttpRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- toStreamHttpRequest() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- toStreamHttpRequest() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpRequestBuilder
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Go through
instead - toStreamHttpResponse() - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpResponseBuilder
Converts this object to a streamed http response.
- toStreamHttpResponse() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- toStreamResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpResponseBuilder
Convert the given response to a full http response.
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Method
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Package
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Placeholder
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Variable
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.LoadedVisitor
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.chain.MethodInterceptorChain
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyEnumConstantElement
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.ClassWithOwner
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Field
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Method
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Package
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Parameter
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Placeholder
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanConfiguration
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.AnnotationSegment
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.ConstructorSegment
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.FieldSegment
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.MethodArgumentSegment
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.MethodSegment
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethod
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition.MethodReference
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.PrecalculatedInfo
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinitionReference
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.BeanRegistration
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.DisabledBean
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.env.MapPropertySource
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.context.expressions.AbstractEvaluatedExpression
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.propagation.slf4j.MdcPropagationContext
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationClassValue
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValue
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanProperty
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleValuesMap
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.core.expressions.EvaluatedExpressionReference
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CopyOnWriteMap
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.CompositeDiscoveryClient
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.config.DefaultCompositeConfigurationClient
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExpressionWithContext
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.types.TypeIdentifier
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.compilation.ExpressionVisitorContext
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.Token
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.context.ServerHttpRequestContext
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.BaseFilterProcessor.FilterMetadata
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterOrder.Dynamic
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterOrder.Fixed
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.AroundLegacy
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.GenericHttpFilter.Async
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.GenericResource
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.JsonError
- toString() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.JsonCounter.BufferRegion
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyMutableHttpResponse
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.DelegateStreamedHttpResponse
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.AccessLogFormatParser
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.ConstantElement
- toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload.Factory
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpRequest
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate.DefaultUriMatchInfo
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
- toString() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementModifier
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadata
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.PropertyMetadata
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.AnyQualifier
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.InterceptorBindingQualifier
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.PrimaryQualifier
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.TypeAnnotationQualifier
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.TypeArgumentQualifier
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.scheduling.cron.CronExpression
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultErrorRouteInfo
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultStatusRouteInfo
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultUrlRouteInfo
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.qualifier.ConsumesMediaTypeQualifier
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.qualifier.ProducesMediaTypeQualifier
- toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- toString(int, int, Charset) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- toString(Argument<?>...) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Convert the arguments to a string representation.
- toString(Object[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
Produce a string representation of the given array.
- toString(Iterable<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
Produce a string representation of the given iterable.
- toString(String, Object[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
Produce a string representation of the given array.
- toString(String, Iterable<?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
Produce a string representation of the given iterable.
- toString(Charset) - Method in interface
To string.
- toString(Charset) - Method in class
- toString(Charset) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- toString(Predicate<UriTemplate.PathSegment>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
Returns the template as a string filtering the segments with the provided filter.
- touch() - Method in class
- touch() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- touch() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData.Chunk
- touch() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- touch(Object) - Method in class
- touch(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- touch(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData.Chunk
- touch(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.MicronautHttpData
- toUnboxedIfNecessary(Type) - Static method in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
If passed type is boxed type, returns responsive primitive, otherwise returns original passed type.
- toURI() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.GeneratedFile
The URI to write to.
- toWrapperArray(Object) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils
Converts a primitive array to the equivalent wrapper such as int[] to Integer[].
- trace(Logger, HttpHeaders) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.util.HttpHeadersUtil
Trace HTTP Headers.
- trace(Logger, String, Function<String, List<String>>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.util.HttpHeadersUtil
Trace HTTP Headers.
- trace(Logger, Set<String>, Function<String, List<String>>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.util.HttpHeadersUtil
Trace HTTP Headers.
- Trace - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a
. - TRACE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptPhase
Trace phase of execution.
- TRACE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.MethodConvention
The default trace method of controllers.
- TRACE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
- TRACE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.logging.LogLevel
- TRACE(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified class.
- TRACE(Class<?>, PropertyConvention) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified class and ID.
- TRACE(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified object.
- TRACE(Object, PropertyConvention) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route to the specified object and ID.
- TRACE(String, BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- TRACE(String, BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- TRACE(String, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- TRACE(String, Class<?>, String, Class<?>[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- TRACE(String, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- TRACE(String, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI to the specified target for an HTTP GET.
- TRACE(String, Object, String, Class<?>[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- TRACE(String, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.RouteBuilder
Route the specified URI template to the specified target.
- TRACING - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.filter.ServerFilterPhase
Any filters related to tracing HTTP calls.
- TRAILER - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - trailingHeaders() - Method in class
- TRANSACTION - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptPhase
Transaction phase of execution.
- transfer(JsonParser, JsonGenerator, JsonStreamConfig) - Static method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.JsonStreamTransfer
Transfer tokens, starting with the current token.
- TRANSFER_ENCODING - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - transferCurrentToken(JsonParser, JsonGenerator, JsonStreamConfig) - Static method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.JsonStreamTransfer
Transfer a single token.
- transferNext(JsonParser, JsonGenerator, JsonStreamConfig) - Static method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.JsonStreamTransfer
Transfer tokens, starting with the next token.
- transferTo(File) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.multipart.StreamingFileUpload
A convenience method to write this uploaded item to disk.
- transferTo(File) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload
- transferTo(OutputStream) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.multipart.StreamingFileUpload
A convenience method to write this uploaded item the provided output stream.
- transferTo(OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload
- transferTo(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.multipart.StreamingFileUpload
- transferTo(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.multipart.NettyStreamingFileUpload
- transform(AnnotationValue<Introspected>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.IntrospectedToBeanPropertiesTransformer
- transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.AndroidxNullableTransformer
- transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.CoreNonNullTransformer
- transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.CoreNullableTransformer
- transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JavaxNonnullTransformer
- transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JavaxNullableTransformer
- transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JavaxPostConstructTransformer
- transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JavaxPreDestroyTransformer
- transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JdtNullableTransformer
- transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.JspecifyNullableTransformer
- transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.KotlinDeprecatedTransformer
- transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.KotlinNotNullMapper
- transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.KotlinNullableMapper
- transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.ReactivexNullableTransformer
- transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.ReactorNullableTransformer
- transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.Rxjava3NullableTransformer
- transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.internal.SpotbugsNullableTransformer
- transform(AnnotationValue<T>, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationTransformer
The transform method will be called for each instances of the annotation returned via this method.
- transform(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.client.ReactiveClientResultTransformer
Transform the publisher result.
- transformation() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.convert.format.MapFormat
- TRANSIENT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementModifier
- traverseFile(String, List<Class<?>>, Path) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.scan.ClassPathAnnotationScanner
- traverseResolvableSegments(PropertyResolver, Consumer<ConfigurationPath>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath
Traverse the enabled segments for this path invoking the given callback.
- treeAsTokens(JsonNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.JsonNodeTreeCodec
Create a new parser that traverses over the given json node.
- TreeGenerator - Class in io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree
that returns tokens as aJsonNode
. - trimLeading(String, Predicate<Character>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Returns a new string without any leading characters that match the supplied predicate.
- trimLeadingCharacter(String, char) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Returns a new string without any leading characters that match the supplied character.
- trimLeadingWhitespace(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Returns a new string without any leading whitespace.
- trimSuffix(String, String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Trims the given suffixes.
- trimToNull(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Trims the supplied string.
- TRUE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils
Constant for the value true.
- TrueCondition - Class in io.micronaut.context.condition
that simply returns true. - TrueCondition() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.condition.TrueCondition
- TrustStoreConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.ssl.SslConfiguration.TrustStoreConfiguration
- TRY_AGAIN_LATER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- tryBind(Executable<T, R>, ArgumentBinderRegistry<BeanContext>, BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.bind.DefaultExecutableBeanContextBinder
- tryBind(Executable<T, R>, ArgumentBinderRegistry<S>, S) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.bind.DefaultExecutableBinder
- tryBind(Executable<T, R>, ArgumentBinderRegistry<S>, S) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.ExecutableBinder
Binds a given
using the given registry and source object. - tryComplete() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.ExecutionFlow
Create an
from this execution flow, if possible. - tryComplete() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.execution.ImperativeExecutionFlow
- tryInstantiate(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.InstantiationUtils
Try to instantiate the given class using the most optimal strategy first trying the
and if no bean is present falling back to reflection. - tryInstantiate(Class<T>, Map, ConversionContext) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.InstantiationUtils
Try to instantiate the given class using
. - tryInstantiate(Constructor<T>, Object...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.InstantiationUtils
Try to instantiate the given class.
- tryInstantiate(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.reflect.InstantiationUtils
Try to instantiate the given class.
- tryMatch(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate
Match the given URI string.
- tryMatch(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRouteInfo
Match this route within the given URI and produce a
if a match is found. - tryMatch(URI) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRouteInfo
Match this route within the given URI and produce a
if a match is found. - tryMatch(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultUrlRouteInfo
- tryRelease() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.convert.LazyJsonNode
Try to release this node if it hasn't been released already.
- TxtPlainBigDecimalTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.textplain
- TxtPlainBigDecimalTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.textplain.TxtPlainBigDecimalTest
- TxtPlainBooleanTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.textplain
- TxtPlainBooleanTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.textplain.TxtPlainBooleanTest
- type - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
- type - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.AstBeanPropertiesUtils.BeanPropertyData
- type() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.DisabledBean
Returns the value of the
record component. - type() - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath.ConfigurationSegment
- type() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.ReflectionConfig
- type() - Method in record class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.Token
Returns the value of the
record component. - type(MediaType) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.hateoas.Link.Builder
- type(MediaType) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.DefaultLink
- Type - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Allows restricting injection by type.
- TYPE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.JsonError
The argument type.
- TYPE_ARGUMENT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- TYPE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- TYPE_BEAN_LOCATOR - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- TYPE_CLASS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- TYPE_DEFAULT_BEAN_CONTEXT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- TYPE_GENERATED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- TYPE_IDENTIFIER - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- TYPE_INTERCEPTOR_CHAIN - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- TYPE_LOCK - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- TYPE_METHOD_INTERCEPTOR_CHAIN - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- TYPE_OBJECT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- TYPE_READ_WRITE_LOCK - Static variable in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- TypeAnnotationQualifier<T> - Class in io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers
Implementation of
qualifier. - TypeArgumentBinder<T,
S> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.bind -
that is resolved based on the argument type. - TypeArgumentQualifier<T> - Class in io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers
that qualifies beans by generic type arguments. - typeArguments(ClassElement...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
Fills the type arguments for the bean with the given types.
- typeArguments(ClassElement...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.ConfigurableElement
Fills the type arguments for this element from the given types.
- typeArguments(ClassElement...) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- typeArguments(Argument<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition.Builder
The type arguments for the type.
- typeArguments(Class<?>, Argument<?>...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.RuntimeBeanDefinition.Builder
The type arguments for an implemented type of this type.
- typeArgumentsForType(ClassElement, ClassElement...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
Fills the type arguments for the given interface or super class with the given types.
- typeArgumentsForType(ClassElement, ClassElement...) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- TypeConvention - Enum Class in io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions
Common conventions for types
- TypeConverter<S,
T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert -
A type converter for converting from one type to another.
- TypeConverterRegistrar - Interface in io.micronaut.core.convert
An interface for classes that register type conversions with the
. - typed() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Bean
- typed(Predicate<ClassElement>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementQuery
Allows filtering elements by type.
- typed(ClassElement...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
Alters the exposed types for the bean limiting the exposed type to the given types.
- typed(ClassElement...) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- TypedAnnotationMapper<T extends Annotation> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
A typed
operates against a concrete annotation type. - TypedAnnotationTransformer<T extends Annotation> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.annotation
A typed
operates against a concrete annotation type. - TypedClientArgumentRequestBinder<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.client.bind
that is resolved based on the argument type. - TypedElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
An element that has an underlying type.
- TypeDescriptors - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util
Set of constants and utility methods for working with type descriptors while compiling evaluated expressions.
- TypeDescriptors() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- TypedRequestArgumentBinder<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.http.bind.binders
that binds from anHttpRequest
. - TypedSubscriber<T> - Class in io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber
A subscriber that is aware of the target type.
- TypedSubscriber(Argument<T>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.TypedSubscriber
Constructs a new
for the givenArgument
. - TypeElementVisitor<C,
E> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.visitor -
Provides a hook into the compilation process to allow user defined functionality to be created at compile time.
- TypeElementVisitor.VisitorKind - Enum Class in io.micronaut.inject.visitor
Implementors of the
interface should specify what kind of visitor it is. - TypeElementVisitorProcessor - Class in io.micronaut.annotation.processing
The annotation processed used to execute type element visitors.
- TypeElementVisitorProcessor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- typeHashCode() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
The hash code including only the types.
- typeHashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument
- typeHashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ArgumentBeanType
- TypeHint - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
The type hint annotation is a general annotation that can be used on interfaces to provide additional information about types used at runtime.
- TypeHint.AccessType - Enum Class in io.micronaut.core.annotation
The access type.
- TypeIdentifier - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.types
Expression node for type identifier.
- TypeIdentifier(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.types.TypeIdentifier
- TypeInformation<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.type
Provides information about a type at runtime.
- TypeInformationProvider - Interface in io.micronaut.core.type
Interface that implementors can hook into to control the logic of methods like
. - typeMirror() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Class
Returns the value of the
record component. - typeNames() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.TypeHint
- typeUtils - Variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- typeVariable() - Method in record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Placeholder
Returns the value of the
record component. - TypeVariableResolver - Interface in io.micronaut.core.type
An interface for types that hold and can resolve type variables.
- UnaryOperator - Class in io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary
Abstract expression node for unary operators.
- UnaryOperator(ExpressionNode) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.operator.unary.UnaryOperator
- unauthorized() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with an empty body. - UNAUTHORIZED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- unbufferedWrite(ChannelHandlerContext, HttpRequest, ChannelPromise) - Method in class
- UNDER_SCORE_SEPARATED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.StringConvention
Hyphenated, in upper case.
- UNDER_SCORE_SEPARATED_LOWER_CASE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.StringConvention
Hyphenated, in lower case.
- underscoreSeparate(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils
Returns the underscore separated version of the given camel case string.
- UnimplementedAdviceException - Exception in io.micronaut.aop.exceptions
An exception thrown when
advise cannot be implemented. - UnimplementedAdviceException(ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.aop.exceptions.UnimplementedAdviceException
- UNIX - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration.Family
UNIX domain socket.
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in class
Indicates the service status is unknown.
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.ConstantElement
The unknown LogElement.
- UNKNOWN_VALUE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.ConstantElement
The unknown value: '-'.
- unknownDispatchAtIndexException(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition
Creates a new exception when the dispatch at index is not found.
- unknownDispatchAtIndexException(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.AbstractInitializableBeanIntrospection
Creates a new exception when the dispatch at index is not found.
- unknownMethodAtIndexException(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractExecutableMethodsDefinition
Creates a new exception when the method at index is not found.
- UnmatchedRequestArgumentBinder - Interface in io.micronaut.http.bind.binders
Marker interface for unmatched request argument binder.
- unmodifiableList(List<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils
Null safe version of
. - UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- unprocessableEntity() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Return an
response with an empty body. - UnsafeBeanInstantiationIntrospection<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.beans
A variation of
that includesUnsafeBeanInstantiationIntrospection.instantiateUnsafe(Object...)
allowing to skip instantiation validation. - UnsafeBeanProperty<B,
T> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.beans -
Unsafe bean property interface adds read/write methods which don't validate the input/output.
- UnsafeExecutable<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.type -
A variation of
that exposes invoke method without arguments validation. - UnsafeExecutionHandle<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject -
A variation of
that invokes without arguments validation. - unsatisfied() - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.ArgumentBinder.BindingResult
- UNSATISFIED - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.bind.ArgumentBinder.BindingResult
An empty but unsatisfied result.
- UnsatisfiedArgumentException - Exception in io.micronaut.core.bind.exceptions
An exception thrown when an
could not be satisfied by aExecutableBinder
. - UnsatisfiedArgumentException(Argument<?>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.core.bind.exceptions.UnsatisfiedArgumentException
- UnsatisfiedArgumentException(Argument<?>, String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.core.bind.exceptions.UnsatisfiedArgumentException
- UnsatisfiedArgumentHandler - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions
Handles exception of type
. - UnsatisfiedArgumentHandler(ErrorResponseProcessor<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.UnsatisfiedArgumentHandler
- UnsatisfiedBodyRouteException - Exception in io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions
- UnsatisfiedBodyRouteException(String, Argument<?>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.UnsatisfiedBodyRouteException
- UnsatisfiedCookieValueRouteException - Exception in io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions
An exception thrown when the an
to aRoute
cannot be satisfied. - UnsatisfiedCookieValueRouteException(String, Argument<?>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.UnsatisfiedCookieValueRouteException
- UnsatisfiedHeaderRouteException - Exception in io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions
- UnsatisfiedHeaderRouteException(String, Argument<?>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.UnsatisfiedHeaderRouteException
- UnsatisfiedPartRouteException - Exception in io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions
- UnsatisfiedPartRouteException(String, Argument<?>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.UnsatisfiedPartRouteException
- UnsatisfiedPathVariableRouteException - Exception in io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions
An exception thrown when the an
to aRoute
cannot be satisfied. - UnsatisfiedPathVariableRouteException(String, Argument<?>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.UnsatisfiedPathVariableRouteException
- UnsatisfiedQueryValueRouteException - Exception in io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions
An exception thrown when the an
to aRoute
cannot be satisfied. - UnsatisfiedQueryValueRouteException(String, Argument<?>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.UnsatisfiedQueryValueRouteException
- UnsatisfiedRequestAttributeRouteException - Exception in io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions
An exception thrown when the an
to aRoute
cannot be satisfied. - UnsatisfiedRequestAttributeRouteException(String, Argument<?>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.UnsatisfiedRequestAttributeRouteException
- UnsatisfiedRouteException - Exception in io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions
- UnsatisfiedRouteHandler - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions
Handles exceptions of type
. - UnsatisfiedRouteHandler(ErrorResponseProcessor<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.UnsatisfiedRouteHandler
- unsupported() - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod
Indicated unsupported return type.
- UNSUPPORTED_DATA - Static variable in class io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason
- UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- unwrap() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- unwrap(Executor) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedExecutor
Unwrap instrumented executor if needed.
- unwrap(ExecutorService) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.instrument.InstrumentedExecutor
Unwrap instrumented executor if needed.
- unwrapTopLevelArray() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.JsonCounter
Enable top-level array unwrapping: If the input starts with an array, that array's elements are returned as individual JSON nodes, not the array all at once.
- UP - Static variable in class
Indicates the service is operational.
- update(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder.CachedAnnotationMetadata
Modify the annotation metadata in the cache.
- update(HealthStatus) - Method in interface
Updates the
of the application. - UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.MethodConvention
The default update method of controllers.
- updateCoroutineContext(CoroutineContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.aop.kotlin.KotlinInterceptedMethod
Update coroutine's context.
- updateProperties(DeserializationConfig, BeanDescription, List<BeanPropertyDefinition>) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.serialize.ResourceDeserializerModifier
- updateThreadContext() - Method in record class io.micronaut.context.propagation.slf4j.MdcPropagationContext
- updateThreadContext() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.ThreadPropagatedContextElement
Update the thread context on the propagation entry and return the state that will be used for the restore on the propagation exit.
- updateValueFromTree(Object, JsonNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- updateValueFromTree(Object, JsonNode) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Update an object from json data.
- UPGRADE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - UPGRADE_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- upstreamBuffer - Variable in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber
- upstreamDemand - Variable in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber
- upstreamState - Variable in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber
- upstreamSubscription - Variable in class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber
- uri - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.AbstractNettyHttpRequest
- uri() - Method in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.MethodConvention
- uri() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.CustomHttpMethod
- uri() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Delete
- uri() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get
- uri() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Head
- uri() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Options
- uri() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Patch
- uri() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Post
- uri() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Put
- uri() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Trace
- uri() - Method in class
- uri() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.websocket.annotation.ClientWebSocket
- uri() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.websocket.annotation.ServerWebSocket
- uri() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.websocket.annotation.WebSocketComponent
- uri(Consumer<UriBuilder>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpRequest
Alters the URI of the request with the given URI builder.
- uri(CharSequence) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
Helper method for defining URIs.
- uri(URI) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientHttpRequest
- uri(URI) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.MutableHttpRequest
Sets the uri on the request.
- uri(URI) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpRequest
- URI_TEMPLATE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
Attribute used to store the URI template defined by the route.
- UriBuilder - Interface in io.micronaut.http.uri
Helper class for building URIs and handle encoding correctly.
- UriMapping - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.http.annotation
Meta annotation for the mapped URI whether at the controller or action level.
- UriMatcher - Interface in io.micronaut.http.uri
A URI matcher is capable of matching a URI and producing a
. - UriMatchInfo - Interface in io.micronaut.http.uri
The result of a call to
. - UriMatchTemplate - Class in io.micronaut.http.uri
and adds the ability to match a URI to a given template using theUriMatcher.match(
method. - UriMatchTemplate(CharSequence) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate
Construct a new URI template for the given template.
- UriMatchTemplate(CharSequence, Object...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate
Construct a new URI template for the given template.
- UriMatchTemplate(CharSequence, List<UriTemplate.PathSegment>, Pattern, List<UriMatchVariable>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate
- UriMatchTemplate.DefaultUriMatchInfo - Class in io.micronaut.http.uri
The default
implementation. - UriMatchTemplate.UriMatchTemplateParser - Class in io.micronaut.http.uri
Extended version of
that builds a regular expression to match a path. - UriMatchTemplateParser(String, UriMatchTemplate) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate.UriMatchTemplateParser
- UriMatchVariable - Class in io.micronaut.http.uri
Represents a variable in a URI template.
- uriNamingStrategy - Variable in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouteBuilder
- UriRoute - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router
- UriRouteInfo<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router - UriRouteMatch<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router -
that matches a URI andHttpMethod
. - uriRoutes() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.DefaultRouter
- uriRoutes() - Method in class io.micronaut.web.router.filter.FilteredRouter
- uriRoutes() - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Router
Returns all UriRoutes.
- uris() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.CustomHttpMethod
Only to be used in the context of a server.
- uris() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Delete
Only to be used in the context of a server.
- uris() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get
Only to be used in the context of a server.
- uris() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Head
Only to be used in the context of a server.
- uris() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.HttpMethodMapping
Only to be used in the context of a server.
- uris() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Options
Only to be used in the context of a server.
- uris() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Patch
Only to be used in the context of a server.
- uris() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Post
Only to be used in the context of a server.
- uris() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Put
Only to be used in the context of a server.
- uris() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Trace
Only to be used in the context of a server.
- uris() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.UriMapping
Only to be used in the context of a server.
- UriSyntaxException - Exception in io.micronaut.http.exceptions
Thrown when the URI syntax is correct.
- UriSyntaxException(URISyntaxException) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.http.exceptions.UriSyntaxException
- URISyntaxHandler - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions
Handles exception of type
. - URISyntaxHandler(ErrorResponseProcessor<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.exceptions.URISyntaxHandler
- UriTemplate - Class in io.micronaut.http.uri
A Fast Implementation of URI Template specification.
- UriTemplate(CharSequence) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
Construct a new URI template for the given template.
- UriTemplate(CharSequence, Object...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
Construct a new URI template for the given template.
- UriTemplate(String, List<UriTemplate.PathSegment>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate
- UriTemplate.PathSegment - Interface in io.micronaut.http.uri
Represents an expandable path segment.
- UriTemplate.UriTemplateParser - Class in io.micronaut.http.uri
An URI template parser.
- UriTypeMatchTemplate - Class in io.micronaut.http.uri
that allows specifying types for the URI variables. - UriTypeMatchTemplate(CharSequence, Class<?>...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTypeMatchTemplate
- UriTypeMatchTemplate(CharSequence, List<UriTemplate.PathSegment>, Pattern, Class<?>[], List<UriMatchVariable>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTypeMatchTemplate
- UriTypeMatchTemplate.TypedUriMatchTemplateParser - Class in io.micronaut.http.uri
A typed uri match templated parser.
- uriVariables - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- USE_PROXY - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- useBigDecimalForFloats() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.JsonStreamConfig
- useBigIntegerForInts() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.JsonStreamConfig
- UsedByGeneratedCode - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
A marker annotation indicating that a method is used by generated code and should not be modified or removed otherwise a binary compatibility problem will be introduced.
- useDefaultPrettyPrinter() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- usedMethod - Variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.access.AbstractMethodCall
- USER_AGENT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - USER_DATA - Enum constant in enum class
- userEventTriggered(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketClientHandler
- userEventTriggered(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.PipeliningServerHandler
- userEventTriggered(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.NettyServerWebSocketHandler
- UserExecutorConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.scheduling.executor
Allows configuration
instances that are made available as beans. - UserExecutorConfiguration(String, Integer, ExecutorType, Integer, Integer, Boolean, Class<? extends ThreadFactory>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.UserExecutorConfiguration
Default Constructor.
- userInfo(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.uri.UriBuilder
Sets the URI user info.
- V_PARAMETER - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
. - V00 - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketVersion
- V07 - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketVersion
- V08 - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketVersion
- V13 - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketVersion
- validate(BeanResolutionContext, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ValidatedBeanDefinition
Validates the bean with the validator factory if present.
- validate(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.CorsAssertion
Validate the CORS assertions.
- validate(UriMatchTemplate, ParameterElement[], MethodElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.validation.routes.rules.RouteValidationRule
Validate the given uri template and route arguments.
- validate(Runnable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.MediaType
Validate this media type for sending as an HTTP header.
- validate(List<UriMatchTemplate>, ParameterElement[], MethodElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.routes.rules.ClientTypesRule
- validate(List<UriMatchTemplate>, ParameterElement[], MethodElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.routes.rules.MissingParameterRule
- validate(List<UriMatchTemplate>, ParameterElement[], MethodElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.routes.rules.NullableParameterRule
- validate(List<UriMatchTemplate>, ParameterElement[], MethodElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.routes.rules.RequestBeanParameterRule
- validate(List<UriMatchTemplate>, ParameterElement[], MethodElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.validation.routes.rules.RouteValidationRule
Validate the given uri templates and route arguments.
- VALIDATE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptPhase
Validation phase of execution.
- validateAnnotationValue(T, String, T, String, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractAnnotationMetadataBuilder
Validates an annotation value.
- validateApplicationName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.AutoRegistration
Validate the given application name.
- validateArguments(Described, Argument<?>[], Object[]) - Static method in class io.micronaut.core.util.ArgumentUtils
Validates the given values are appropriate for the given arguments.
- validateBean(BeanResolutionContext, BeanDefinition<T>, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.validation.BeanDefinitionValidator
Validates the given bean after it has been constructor.
- validateBeanArgument(BeanResolutionContext, InjectionPoint, Argument<T>, int, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.validation.BeanDefinitionValidator
Validates the given bean after it has been constructor.
- validateBeanArgument(BeanResolutionContext, InjectionPoint, Argument<V>, int, V) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ValidatedBeanDefinition
Validates the given bean after it has been constructor.
- validatedAnnotatedElement(AnnotatedElement, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotatedElementValidator
Validates an annotated element for the given value.
- ValidatedBeanDefinition<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.inject
A bean definition that is validated with jakarta.validation.
- validateHeader(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- validateHost(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.util.DefaultHttpHostResolver
Validates the host transforming the host value if necessary.
- validateName(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.discovery.registration.AutoRegistration
Validate the given application name.
- validationIsWorking() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.PublisherExceptionHandlerTest
- VALIDATOR_KEY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.annotation.GroovyAnnotationMetadataBuilder
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.aop.Adapter
The target interface to adapt.
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorBean
The value of this annotation can be used to indicate the annotations the
binds to at runtime. - value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorBinding
When declared on an interceptor, the value of this annotation can be used to indicate the annotation the
binds to at runtime. - value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorBindingDefinitions
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Aliases
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.AnnotationExpressionContext
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationBuilder
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationInject
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationProperties
The prefix to use when resolving properties.
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.ConfigurationReader
The prefix to use when resolving properties.
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.DefaultImplementation
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.DefaultScope
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.EachBean
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.EachProperty
Defines the property this
is driven by. - value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Parameter
Specifies the parameter name.
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Property
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.PropertySource
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Replaces
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requirements
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Used in combination with
to express the required value of the property. - value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Type
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Value
A string containing a value, which my optionally contain property placeholder expressions or evaluated expressions.
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Indexed
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Indexes
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.NextMajorVersion
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Order
The order value.
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.ReflectionConfig.ReflectionConfigList
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.TypeHint
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.async.annotation.SingleResult
Whether the result is a single result.
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation.Bindable
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.convert.format.Format
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.version.annotation.Version
The version of component or method.
- value() - Method in record class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.Token
Returns the value of the
record component. - value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.function.FunctionBean
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Body
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.ClientFilter
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Consumes
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Controller
This attribute returns the base URI of the controller
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.CookieValue
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.CustomHttpMethod
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Delete
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Error
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Filter
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Head
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Header
If used as a bound parameter, this is the header name.
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Headers
This allows you to have multiple @Header's set at the class level with Java and Groovy.
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.HttpMethodMapping
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Options
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Part
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Patch
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.PathVariable
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Post
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Produces
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Put
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.QueryValue
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.RequestAttribute
If used as a bound parameter, this is the attribute name.
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.RequestAttributes
This allows you to have multiple @RequestAttribute's set at the class level with Java and Groovy.
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.RequestFilter
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.ResponseFilter
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.RouteCondition
An expression that evalutes to
. - value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.ServerFilter
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Status
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.Trace
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.annotation.UriMapping
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.client.annotation.Client
- value() - Method in record class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterOrder.Fixed
Returns the value of the
record component. - value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.http.server.cors.CrossOrigin
- value() - Element in annotation interface
- value() - Element in annotation interface
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.messaging.annotation.MessageBody
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.messaging.annotation.MessageHeader
If used as a bound parameter, this is the header name.
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.messaging.annotation.MessageHeaders
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.messaging.annotation.MessageMapping
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.messaging.annotation.SendTo
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.retry.annotation.Retryable
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.runtime.context.env.ConfigurationAdvice
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.Refreshable
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation.Async
The name of the executor service to execute the task on.
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation.ExecuteOn
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation.Schedules
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.websocket.annotation.ClientWebSocket
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.websocket.annotation.ServerWebSocket
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.websocket.annotation.WebSocketComponent
- value(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the value member to the given boolean value.
- value(char) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the value member to the given char value.
- value(double) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the value member to the given double value.
- value(float) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the value member to the given float value.
- value(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the value member to the given integer value.
- value(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the value member to the given long value.
- value(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookie
Sets the value.
- value(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookie
- value(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookie
- value(AnnotationValue<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the value member to the given annotation value.
- value(Class<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the value member to the given type object.
- value(Enum<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the value member to the given enum object.
- value(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the value member to the given string value.
- Value - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.context.annotation
Allows configuration injection from the environment or bean context on a per property, field, method/constructor parameter basis.
- VALUE_MEMBER - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
The default
member. - ValueException - Exception in io.micronaut.core.value
An exception that occurs related to configuration.
- ValueException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.core.value.ValueException
- ValueException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.core.value.ValueException
- valueOf(double) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpVersion
Return an
for the given value. - valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
The status for the given code.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.aop.Around.ProxyTargetConstructorMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod.ResultType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorKind
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptPhase
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties.AccessKind
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties.Visibility
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires.Family
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires.Sdk
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.ComputePlatform
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath.ConfigurationSegment.ConfigurationKind
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySource.PropertyConvention
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver.PropertyCatalog
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected.AccessKind
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected.Visibility
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.annotation.TypeHint.AccessType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber.BackPressureState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.convert.format.MapFormat.MapTransformation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.MethodConvention
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.PropertyConvention
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.StringConvention
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.TypeConvention
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration.Format
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpVersionSelection.PlaintextMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientCustomizer.ChannelRole
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.cookie.SameSite
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterPatternStyle
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.filter.ServerFilterPhase
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpVersion
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.HttpServerType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration.Family
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LogElement.Event
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyServerCustomizer.ChannelRole
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.ssl.ClientAuthentication
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementModifier
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElement.AccessKind
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.inject.visitor.TypeElementVisitor.VisitorKind
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.logging.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.retry.CircuitState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ThreadSelection
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketVersion
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- ValueResolver<K extends CharSequence> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.value
An interface for any type that is able to resolve and convert values.
- values - Variable in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- values - Variable in class io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalValuesMap
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.aop.Around.ProxyTargetConstructorMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptedMethod.ResultType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptorKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.aop.InterceptPhase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties.AccessKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties.Visibility
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires.Family
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires.Sdk
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.ComputePlatform
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.ConfigurationPath.ConfigurationSegment.ConfigurationKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySource.PropertyConvention
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySourcePropertyResolver.PropertyCatalog
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected.AccessKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected.Visibility
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.annotation.TypeHint.AccessType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.SingleThreadedBufferingSubscriber.BackPressureState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.convert.format.MapFormat.MapTransformation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- values() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValuesMap
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.MethodConvention
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.PropertyConvention
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.StringConvention
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.core.naming.conventions.TypeConvention
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
- values() - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalValues
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.value.OptionalValuesMap
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration.Format
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.CaseInsensitiveMutableHttpHeaders
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.client.HttpVersionSelection.PlaintextMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.HttpHeadersAdapter
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.client.netty.NettyClientCustomizer.ChannelRole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.cookie.SameSite
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterPatternStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.filter.ServerFilterPhase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.cookies.NettyCookies
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpHeaders
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.NettyHttpParameters
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.HttpServerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.configuration.NettyHttpServerConfiguration.NettyListenerConfiguration.Family
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.element.LogElement.Event
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyServerCustomizer.ChannelRole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.cookies.SimpleCookies
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpHeaders
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.simple.SimpleHttpParameters
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.http.ssl.ClientAuthentication
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementModifier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.EnumElement
The values that make up this enum.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElement.AccessKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.inject.visitor.TypeElementVisitor.VisitorKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.convert.ObjectNodeConvertibleValues
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.convert.JsonNodeConvertibleValues
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonArray
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonNode
- values() - Method in class io.micronaut.json.tree.JsonObject
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.logging.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.retry.CircuitState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ThreadSelection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values(int...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the value member to the given integer[] value.
- values(long...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the value member to the given long[] value.
- values(AnnotationClassValue<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the value member to the given type objects.
- values(AnnotationValue<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the value member to the given annotation values.
- values(Class<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the value member to the given type objects.
- values(Enum<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the value member to the given enum objects.
- values(String...) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationValueBuilder
Sets the value member to the given String[] values.
- valueUnclaimed() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.ImmediateSingleObjectBody
Get the value without transferring ownership.
- Variable(VariableElement) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaNativeElement.Variable
Creates an instance of a
record class. - VARIABLE_MATCH_PATTERN - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate
- variableName() - Method in record class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyNativeElement.Placeholder
Returns the value of the
record component. - variables - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate
- variables(Object...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.context.MessageSourceUtils
Returns a Map whose keys are the index of the varargs.
- VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
- vary(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.CorsAssertion.Builder
- VARY - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - VENDOR_DATA - Enum constant in enum class
- version() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires
Used in combination with
to express a minimum version of the SDK, configuration or classes. - version() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- version() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.websocket.annotation.ClientWebSocket
- version() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.websocket.annotation.ServerWebSocket
- version() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.websocket.annotation.WebSocketComponent
- Version - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.version.annotation
Annotation used to express the version of a component or method.
- VersionAwareRouterListener - Class in io.micronaut.web.router.version
Configuration to decorate
with version matching logic. - VersionAwareRouterListener(VersionRouteMatchFilter) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.web.router.version.VersionAwareRouterListener
Creates a configuration to decorate existing
beans with aFilteredRouter
. - VersionClientRequestBinder - Class in io.micronaut.http.client.bind.binders
implementation forVersion
. - VersionClientRequestBinder(BeanContext) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.client.bind.binders.VersionClientRequestBinder
- VersionResolver<T,
R> - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router.version.resolution -
Resolves a version from a given object.
- VersionRouteMatchFilter - Interface in io.micronaut.web.router.version
A marker for
s related with Versioning. - VersionTest - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests
- VersionTest() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.tck.tests.VersionTest
- VersionUtils - Class in io.micronaut.core.version
Utility methods for versioning.
- VersionUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.core.version.VersionUtils
- Vetoed - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.core.annotation
Veto the processing of the element.
- VIA - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - VIEWPORT_WIDTH - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - VIRTUAL - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.scheduling.TaskExecutors
Executor that runs tasks on virtual threads.
- visibility() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.context.annotation.BeanProperties
Allows specifying the visibility policy to use to control which fields and methods are included.
- visibility() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected
Allows specifying the visibility policy to use to control which fields and methods are included.
- visibility(BeanProperties.Visibility) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
Sets the visibility strategy.
- visitAnnotationMemberPropertyInjectionPoint(TypedElement, String, String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Visits an annotation injection point.
- visitAnnotationMemberPropertyInjectionPoint(TypedElement, String, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- visitAnnotationMemberPropertyInjectionPoint(TypedElement, String, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitAroundMethod(TypedElement, MethodElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
Visit a method that is to be proxied.
- visitArray(ArrayType, P) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.SuperclassAwareTypeVisitor
- visitBeanDefinitionConstructor(MethodElement, boolean, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
Visits a constructor.
- visitBeanDefinitionConstructor(MethodElement, boolean, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Visits the constructor used to create the bean definition.
- visitBeanDefinitionConstructor(MethodElement, boolean, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
Visits the constructor used to create the bean definition.
- visitBeanDefinitionEnd() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
Finalizes the proxy.
- visitBeanDefinitionEnd() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Finalize the bean definition to the given output stream.
- visitBeanDefinitionEnd() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
Finalize the bean definition to the given output stream.
- visitBeanDefinitionInterface(Class<? extends BeanDefinition>) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitBeanDefinitionInterface(Class<? extends BeanDefinition>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Visit a marker interface on the generated bean definition.
- visitBeanDefinitionInterface(Class<? extends BeanDefinition>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- visitBeanElement(BeanElement, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.BeanElementVisitor
Visits a
before it is finalized and written to disk, allowing mutation of any annotation metadata before writing the bean definition. - visitBeanFactoryField(ClassElement, FieldElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitBeanFactoryField(ClassElement, FieldElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
In the case where the produced class is produced by a factory field annotated with
this method should be called. - visitBeanFactoryField(ClassElement, FieldElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
In the case where the produced class is produced by a factory field annotated with
this method should be called. - visitBeanFactoryMethod(ClassElement, MethodElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitBeanFactoryMethod(ClassElement, MethodElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
In the case where the produced class is produced by a factory method annotated with
this method should be called. - visitBeanFactoryMethod(ClassElement, MethodElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
In the case where the produced class is produced by a factory method annotated with
this method should be called. - visitBeanFactoryMethod(ClassElement, MethodElement, ParameterElement[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitBeanFactoryMethod(ClassElement, MethodElement, ParameterElement[]) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
In the case where the produced class is produced by a factory method annotated with
this method should be called. - visitBeanFactoryMethod(ClassElement, MethodElement, ParameterElement[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
In the case where the produced class is produced by a factory method annotated with
this method should be called. - visitClass(ClassElement, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.BeanImportVisitor
- visitClass(ClassElement, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.ConfigurationReaderVisitor
- visitClass(ClassElement, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.ContextConfigurerVisitor
- visitClass(ClassElement, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.InternalApiTypeElementVisitor
- visitClass(ClassElement, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.graal.reflect.GraalTypeElementVisitor
- visitClass(ClassElement, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.beans.visitor.IntrospectedTypeElementVisitor
- visitClass(ClassElement, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.TypeElementVisitor
Executed when a class is encountered that matches the <C> generic.
- visitClass(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.ClassWriterOutputVisitor
Visits a new class and returns the output stream with which should be written the bytes of the class to be generated.
- visitClass(String, Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- visitClass(String, Element) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.ClassWriterOutputVisitor
Visits a new class and returns the output stream with which should be written the bytes of the class to be generated.
- visitClass(String, Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DirectoryClassWriterOutputVisitor
- visitClass(String, Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.AnnotationProcessingOutputVisitor
- visitClass(String, Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- visitClass(String, Element...) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.AnnotationProcessingOutputVisitor
- visitClass(String, Element...) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- visitClass(String, Element...) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.InMemoryClassWriterOutputVisitor
- visitClass(String, Element...) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- visitClass(String, Element...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.ClassWriterOutputVisitor
Visits a new class and returns the output stream with which should be written the bytes of the class to be generated.
- visitClass(String, Element...) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DirectoryClassWriterOutputVisitor
- visitConfigBuilderDurationMethod(String, ClassElement, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitConfigBuilderDurationMethod(String, ClassElement, String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Visit a configuration builder method that accepts a long and a TimeUnit.
- visitConfigBuilderDurationMethod(String, ClassElement, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- visitConfigBuilderEnd() - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitConfigBuilderEnd() - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Finalize a configuration builder field.
- visitConfigBuilderEnd() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- visitConfigBuilderField(ClassElement, String, AnnotationMetadata, ConfigurationMetadataBuilder, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitConfigBuilderField(ClassElement, String, AnnotationMetadata, ConfigurationMetadataBuilder, boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Begin defining a configuration builder.
- visitConfigBuilderField(ClassElement, String, AnnotationMetadata, ConfigurationMetadataBuilder, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- visitConfigBuilderMethod(ClassElement, String, AnnotationMetadata, ConfigurationMetadataBuilder, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitConfigBuilderMethod(ClassElement, String, AnnotationMetadata, ConfigurationMetadataBuilder, boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Begin defining a configuration builder.
- visitConfigBuilderMethod(ClassElement, String, AnnotationMetadata, ConfigurationMetadataBuilder, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- visitConfigBuilderMethod(String, ClassElement, String, ClassElement, Map<String, ClassElement>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Visit a configuration builder method.
- visitConfigBuilderMethod(String, ClassElement, String, ClassElement, Map<String, ClassElement>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitConfigBuilderMethod(String, ClassElement, String, ClassElement, Map<String, ClassElement>, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- visitConstructor(ConstructorElement, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.InternalApiTypeElementVisitor
- visitConstructor(ConstructorElement, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.TypeElementVisitor
Executed when a constructor is encountered that matches the <C> generic.
- visitDeclared(DeclaredType, P) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.SuperclassAwareTypeVisitor
- visitDefaultConstructor(AnnotationMetadata, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitDefaultConstructor(AnnotationMetadata, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Visits the constructor used to create the bean definition in the case where no constructor is present.
- visitDefaultConstructor(AnnotationMetadata, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- visitDefinitionEnd() - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.ExecutableMethodsDefinitionWriter
Invoke to build the class model.
- visitEnumConstant(EnumConstantElement, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.TypeElementVisitor
Executed when an enum constant is encountered that matches the <E> generic.
- visitError(ErrorType, P) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.SuperclassAwareTypeVisitor
- visitExecutable(ExecutableType, P) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.SuperclassAwareTypeVisitor
- visitExecutableMethod(TypedElement, MethodElement, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitExecutableMethod(TypedElement, MethodElement, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Visit a method that is to be made executable allow invocation of said method without reflection.
- visitExecutableMethod(TypedElement, MethodElement, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- visitExecutableMethod(TypedElement, MethodElement, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
Visit a method that is to be made executable allow invocation of said method without reflection.
- visitExecutableMethod(TypedElement, MethodElement, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.ExecutableMethodsDefinitionWriter
Visit a method that is to be made executable allow invocation of said method without reflection.
- visitField(FieldElement, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.InternalApiTypeElementVisitor
- visitField(FieldElement, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.TypeElementVisitor
Executed when a field is encountered that matches the <E> generic.
- visitFieldInjectionPoint(TypedElement, FieldElement, boolean, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitFieldInjectionPoint(TypedElement, FieldElement, boolean, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Visits a field injection point.
- visitFieldInjectionPoint(TypedElement, FieldElement, boolean, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- visitFieldValue(TypedElement, FieldElement, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitFieldValue(TypedElement, FieldElement, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Visits a field injection point.
- visitFieldValue(TypedElement, FieldElement, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- visitGeneratedFile(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.AnnotationProcessingOutputVisitor
- visitGeneratedFile(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- visitGeneratedFile(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.InMemoryClassWriterOutputVisitor
- visitGeneratedFile(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- visitGeneratedFile(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
Visit a file that will be located within the generated source directory.
- visitGeneratedFile(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.ClassWriterOutputVisitor
- visitGeneratedFile(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DirectoryClassWriterOutputVisitor
- visitGeneratedFile(String, Element...) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.AnnotationProcessingOutputVisitor
- visitGeneratedFile(String, Element...) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- visitGeneratedFile(String, Element...) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.InMemoryClassWriterOutputVisitor
- visitGeneratedFile(String, Element...) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- visitGeneratedFile(String, Element...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.ClassWriterOutputVisitor
Visit a file that will be generated within the generated sources directory.
- visitGeneratedFile(String, Element...) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DirectoryClassWriterOutputVisitor
- visitInterceptedMethods(BiConsumer<TypedElement, MethodElement>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
Visit the intercepted methods of this type.
- visitInterceptorBinding(AnnotationValue<?>...) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitIntersection(IntersectionType, P) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.SuperclassAwareTypeVisitor
- visitIntroductionMethod(TypedElement, MethodElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
Visit an abstract method that is to be implemented.
- visitMetaInfFile(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.ClassWriterOutputVisitor
Deprecated.Visiting a file should supply the originating elements. Use
ClassWriterOutputVisitor.visitMetaInfFile(String, Element...)
instead - visitMetaInfFile(String, Element...) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.AnnotationProcessingOutputVisitor
- visitMetaInfFile(String, Element...) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- visitMetaInfFile(String, Element...) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.InMemoryClassWriterOutputVisitor
- visitMetaInfFile(String, Element...) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- visitMetaInfFile(String, Element...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
Visit a file within the META-INF directory.
- visitMetaInfFile(String, Element...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.ClassWriterOutputVisitor
Visit a file within the META-INF directory of the classes directory.
- visitMetaInfFile(String, Element...) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DirectoryClassWriterOutputVisitor
- visitMethod(MethodElement, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.ConfigurationReaderVisitor
- visitMethod(MethodElement, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.ExecutableVisitor
- visitMethod(MethodElement, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.visitor.InternalApiTypeElementVisitor
- visitMethod(MethodElement, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.TypeElementVisitor
Executed when a method is encountered that matches the <E> generic.
- visitMethod(MethodElement, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.routes.FilterVisitor
- visitMethod(MethodElement, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.routes.RouteValidationVisitor
- visitMethod(MethodElement, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.visitor.async.AsyncTypeElementVisitor
- visitMethod(MethodElement, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.validation.websocket.WebSocketVisitor
- visitMethodInjectionPoint(TypedElement, MethodElement, boolean, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitMethodInjectionPoint(TypedElement, MethodElement, boolean, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Visits a method injection point.
- visitMethodInjectionPoint(TypedElement, MethodElement, boolean, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- visitNoType(NoType, P) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.SuperclassAwareTypeVisitor
- visitNull(NullType, P) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.SuperclassAwareTypeVisitor
- visitorAttributes - Variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
- VisitorConfiguration - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.visitor
Allows supplying configuration to the
. - visitorContext - Variable in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- visitorContext - Variable in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
- visitorContext - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- visitorContext() - Method in record class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.compilation.ExpressionVisitorContext
Returns the value of the
record component. - VisitorContext - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.visitor
Provides a way for
classes to log messages during compilation and fail compilation. - VisitorContextUtils - Class in io.micronaut.inject.visitor.util
Internal common helper functions to share among
implementations. - VisitorContextUtils() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.visitor.util.VisitorContextUtils
- VISITORS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.BeanElementVisitor
The available visitors.
- visitPostConstructMethod(TypedElement, MethodElement, boolean, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitPostConstructMethod(TypedElement, MethodElement, boolean, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Visits a method injection point.
- visitPostConstructMethod(TypedElement, MethodElement, boolean, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- visitPreDestroyMethod(TypedElement, MethodElement, boolean, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitPreDestroyMethod(TypedElement, MethodElement, boolean, VisitorContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Visits a method injection point.
- visitPreDestroyMethod(TypedElement, MethodElement, boolean, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- visitPrimitive(PrimitiveType, P) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.SuperclassAwareTypeVisitor
- visitProperties(ClassElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadataBuilder
Visit a
class. - visitProperty(ClassElement, ClassElement, ClassElement, String, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadataBuilder
Visit a configuration property.
- visitServiceDescriptor(Class<?>, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.ClassWriterOutputVisitor
- visitServiceDescriptor(Class<?>, String, Element) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.ClassWriterOutputVisitor
Allows adding a class that will be written to the
file under the given type and class name. - visitServiceDescriptor(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- visitServiceDescriptor(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.InMemoryClassWriterOutputVisitor
- visitServiceDescriptor(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- visitServiceDescriptor(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassWriterOutputVisitor
- visitServiceDescriptor(String, String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.ClassWriterOutputVisitor
Allows adding a class that will be written to the
file under the given type and class name. - visitServiceDescriptor(String, String, Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.AnnotationProcessingOutputVisitor
- visitServiceDescriptor(String, String, Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- visitServiceDescriptor(String, String, Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.utils.InMemoryClassWriterOutputVisitor
- visitServiceDescriptor(String, String, Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- visitServiceDescriptor(String, String, Element) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.ClassWriterOutputVisitor
Allows adding a class that will be written to the
file under the given type and class name. - visitServiceDescriptor(String, String, Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DirectoryClassWriterOutputVisitor
- visitSetterValue(TypedElement, MethodElement, AnnotationMetadata, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitSetterValue(TypedElement, MethodElement, AnnotationMetadata, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Visits an injection point for a setter.
- visitSetterValue(TypedElement, MethodElement, AnnotationMetadata, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- visitStaticInitializer(ClassVisitor) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- visitSuperBeanDefinition(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitSuperBeanDefinition(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Alter the super class of this bean definition.
- visitSuperBeanDefinition(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- visitSuperBeanDefinitionFactory(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitSuperBeanDefinitionFactory(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Alter the super class of this bean definition to use another factory bean.
- visitSuperBeanDefinitionFactory(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- visitTypeArguments(Map<String, Map<String, ClassElement>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
- visitTypeArguments(Map<String, Map<String, ClassElement>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Visits the type arguments for the bean.
- visitTypeArguments(Map<String, Map<String, ClassElement>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter
- visitTypeVariable(TypeVariable, P) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.SuperclassAwareTypeVisitor
- visitUnion(UnionType, P) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.SuperclassAwareTypeVisitor
- visitWildcard(WildcardType, P) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.SuperclassAwareTypeVisitor
- VndError - Class in io.micronaut.http.hateoas
A type that can be used to represent JSON errors that returns a content type of Vnd.Error.
- VndError(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.hateoas.VndError
- VOID - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Constant for void argument.
- VOID - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- VOID - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- VOID_OBJECT - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Constant for Void object argument.
- VOLATILE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.inject.ast.ElementModifier
- WANT - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.ssl.ClientAuthentication
Desired but not required.
- warn(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Allows printing warning messages produced by the compiler.
- warn(String, Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyVisitorContext
- warn(String, Element) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.visitor.VisitorContext
Allows printing a warning for the given message and element.
- warn(String, Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
Print warning message.
- warn(String, Element) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaVisitorContext
- WARN - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.aop.Around.ProxyTargetConstructorMode
Allow types to be proxied but print a warning when this feature is used.
- WARN - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.logging.LogLevel
- warning(String, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
Produce a compile warning for the given message.
- warning(Element, String, Object...) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.TypeElementVisitorProcessor
Produce a compile warning for the given element and message.
- WARNING - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - warnMissingProperty(Class, String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition
Allows printing warning messages produced by the compiler.
- WatchEventType - Enum Class in
The watch event type.
- watchService() - Method in class
The default
. - WatchServiceFactory - Class in
A factory that creates the default watch service.
- WatchServiceFactory() - Constructor for class
- WEB_SOCKET_SESSION_KEY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.NettyWebSocketSession
The WebSocket session is stored within a Channel attribute using the given key.
- WEBSOCKET_LOCATION - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - WEBSOCKET_ORIGIN - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - webSocketBean - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- WebSocketBean<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.websocket.context
Wrapper around a WebSocket instance that enables the retrieval of the appropriate methods.
- WebSocketBeanRegistry - Interface in io.micronaut.websocket.context
Registry for WebSocket beans.
- webSocketBinder - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- WebSocketBroadcaster - Interface in io.micronaut.websocket
Defines WebSocket methods to broadcast messages.
- WebSocketClient - Interface in io.micronaut.websocket
Interface that provides a way to connect a client over WebSocket.
- WebSocketClientException - Exception in io.micronaut.websocket.exceptions
Exceptions specific to the WebSocket client.
- WebSocketClientException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.websocket.exceptions.WebSocketClientException
- WebSocketClientException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.websocket.exceptions.WebSocketClientException
- WebSocketClientFactory - Interface in io.micronaut.websocket
A factory to create WebSocket clients.
- WebSocketClientRegistry<W extends WebSocketClient> - Interface in io.micronaut.websocket
Interface for managing the construction and lifecycle of instances of reactive
clients. - WebSocketComponent - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.websocket.annotation
Stereotype meta-annotation declared on both
. - WebSocketEvent - Class in io.micronaut.websocket.event
Parent class for all events emitted by the WebSocket server.
- WebSocketEvent(WebSocketSession) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.websocket.event.WebSocketEvent
Default constructor.
- WebSocketException - Exception in io.micronaut.websocket.exceptions
General parent exception for all WebSocket related exceptions.
- WebSocketException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.websocket.exceptions.WebSocketException
- WebSocketException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.websocket.exceptions.WebSocketException
- WebSocketHttpResponse - Interface in
into one message. - WebSocketMapping - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.websocket.annotation
- WebSocketMessageEncoder - Class in io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket
Encapsulate functionality to encode WebSocket messages.
- WebSocketMessageEncoder(MediaTypeCodecRegistry) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.WebSocketMessageEncoder
- WebSocketMessageProcessedEvent<T> - Class in io.micronaut.websocket.event
An event fired after a WebSocket message has been processed.
- WebSocketMessageProcessedEvent(WebSocketSession, T) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.websocket.event.WebSocketMessageProcessedEvent
Default constructor.
- WebSocketPongMessage - Class in io.micronaut.websocket
Special message class that can be accepted by a
method to listen to WebSocket pongs. - WebSocketPongMessage(ByteBuffer<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.websocket.WebSocketPongMessage
- WebSocketSession - Interface in io.micronaut.websocket
Represents an open WebSocket connection.
- WebSocketSessionAware - Interface in io.micronaut.websocket.interceptor
Interface used by
to gain access to the underlyingWebSocketSession
. - WebSocketSessionClosedEvent - Class in io.micronaut.websocket.event
Fired when a
is closed on the server. - WebSocketSessionClosedEvent(WebSocketSession) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.websocket.event.WebSocketSessionClosedEvent
Default constructor.
- WebSocketSessionException - Exception in io.micronaut.websocket.exceptions
Exceptions related to
interaction. - WebSocketSessionException(String) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.websocket.exceptions.WebSocketSessionException
- WebSocketSessionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.websocket.exceptions.WebSocketSessionException
- WebSocketSessionOpenEvent - Class in io.micronaut.websocket.event
Fired when a
is opened on the Server. - WebSocketSessionOpenEvent(WebSocketSession) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.websocket.event.WebSocketSessionOpenEvent
Default constructor.
- webSocketSessionRepository - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- WebSocketSessionRepository - Interface in io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket
Defines a ChannelGroup repository to handle WebSockets.
- WebSocketState - Class in io.micronaut.websocket.bind
Holder object used to bind WebSocket state.
- WebSocketState(WebSocketSession, HttpRequest<?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.websocket.bind.WebSocketState
Default constructor.
- WebSocketStateBinder<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.websocket.bind
Interface for binders that bind from
. - WebSocketStateBinderRegistry - Class in io.micronaut.websocket.bind
Handles binding WebSocket arguments from
. - WebSocketStateBinderRegistry(RequestBinderRegistry, ConversionService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.websocket.bind.WebSocketStateBinderRegistry
Default constructor.
- WebSocketUpgradeHandlerFactory - Class in io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket
Creates the inbound handler for websocket upgrade requests.
- WebSocketUpgradeHandlerFactory(ConversionService, NettyHttpServerConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.websocket.WebSocketUpgradeHandlerFactory
- webSocketVersion - Variable in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
- WebSocketVersion - Enum Class in io.micronaut.websocket
Enum representing the different WebSocket versions.
- WebSocketVisitor - Class in io.micronaut.validation.websocket
that validates WebSocket implementations at compile time. - WebSocketVisitor() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.validation.websocket.WebSocketVisitor
- weigher(EntryWeigher<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder
Specifies an algorithm to determine how many the units of capacity an entry consumes.
- weigher(Weigher<? super V>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder
Specifies an algorithm to determine how many the units of capacity a value consumes.
- Weigher<V> - Interface in io.micronaut.core.util.clhm
A class that can determine the weight of a value.
- Weighers - Class in io.micronaut.core.util.clhm
A common set of
implementations. - weightedSize() - Method in class io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
Returns the weighted size of this map.
- weightOf(K, V) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.EntryWeigher
Measures an entry's weight to determine how many units of capacity that the key and value consumes.
- weightOf(V) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.Weigher
Measures an object's weight to determine how many units of capacity that the value consumes.
- WEIRD_ALPN_ERROR_MESSAGE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.client.jdk.JdkBlockingHttpClient
- where(Predicate<HttpRequest<?>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.ErrorRoute
- where(Predicate<HttpRequest<?>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.ResourceRoute
- where(Predicate<HttpRequest<?>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.Route
Match this
only if the given predicate is true. - where(Predicate<HttpRequest<?>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.StatusRoute
- where(Predicate<HttpRequest<?>>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.web.router.UriRoute
- WHITESPACE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.token.TokenType
- WIDTH - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - WildcardElement - Interface in io.micronaut.inject.ast
Represents a wildcard, for example
. - WildcardElementAnnotationMetadata - Class in io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation
The element annotation metadata for wildcard element.
- WildcardElementAnnotationMetadata(WildcardElement, ClassElement) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.inject.ast.annotation.WildcardElementAnnotationMetadata
- WINDOWS - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires.Family
- with(HttpRequest<?>, Runnable) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.context.ServerRequestContext
Wrap the execution of the given runnable in request context processing.
- with(HttpRequest<?>, Callable<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.context.ServerRequestContext
Wrap the execution of the given callable in request context processing.
- with(HttpRequest<?>, Supplier<T>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.http.context.ServerRequestContext
Wrap the execution of the given callable in request context processing.
- with(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ArgumentConversionContext
Augment this context with annotation metadata.
- with(Argument<T>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionContext
Augment this context with data for the given argument.
- withAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.AbstractJavaElement
- withAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- withAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- withAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.AbstractGroovyElement
- withAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- withAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyConstructorElement
- withAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyEnumConstantElement
- withAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyFieldElement
- withAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- withAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyParameterElement
- withAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
- withAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.Element
Copies this element and overrides its annotations.
- withAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.FieldElement
- withAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MemberElement
- withAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
- withAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ParameterElement
- withArguments(Object[]) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.expressions.ConfigurableExpressionEvaluationContext
Set arguments passed to invoked method.
- withArguments(Object, Object[]) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.expressions.ConfigurableExpressionEvaluationContext
Set arguments passed to invoked method.
- withArguments(Object, Object[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.EvaluatedAnnotationMetadata
Provide a copy of this annotation metadata with passed method arguments.
- withArguments(Object, Object[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.EvaluatedAnnotationValue
Provide a copy of this annotation metadata with passed method arguments.
- withArguments(Object, Object[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.expressions.DefaultExpressionEvaluationContext
- withArrayDimensions(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- withArrayDimensions(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- withArrayDimensions(int) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ArrayableClassElement
Convert the class element to an element for the same type, but with the given number of array dimensions.
- withArrayDimensions(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PrimitiveElement
- withBeanContext(BeanContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.expressions.ConfigurableExpressionEvaluationContext
Set context in which expression is evaluated.
- withBeanContext(BeanContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.expressions.DefaultExpressionEvaluationContext
- withBoundGenericTypes(List<? extends ClassElement>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.replaced with
for consistent API. - withConfig(JsonStreamConfig) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.JsonNodeTreeCodec
- withConstructor(Consumer<BeanConstructorElement>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
Allows configuring the bean constructor.
- withConstructor(Consumer<BeanConstructorElement>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- withFields(ElementQuery<FieldElement>, Consumer<BeanFieldElement>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
Allows configuring fields of the bean.
- withFields(ElementQuery<FieldElement>, Consumer<BeanFieldElement>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- withMethods(ElementQuery<MethodElement>, Consumer<BeanMethodElement>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
Allows configuring methods of the bean.
- withMethods(ElementQuery<MethodElement>, Consumer<BeanMethodElement>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- withNewOwningType(ClassElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
Returns a new method with a new owning type.
- withNewOwningType(ClassElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- withNewOwningType(ClassElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- withNewParameters(ParameterElement...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
Takes this method element and transforms into a new method element with the given parameters appended to the existing parameters.
- withOwningBean(BeanDefinition<?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.context.expressions.ConfigurableExpressionEvaluationContext
Set bean owning evaluated expression.
- withOwningBean(BeanDefinition<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.context.expressions.DefaultExpressionEvaluationContext
- withParameters(ParameterElement...) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement
Takes this method element and transforms into a new method element with the given parameters.
- withParameters(Consumer<BeanParameterElement[]>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanConstructorElement
Process the bean parameters.
- withParameters(Consumer<BeanParameterElement[]>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanMethodElement
Process the bean parameters.
- withParameters(ParameterElement...) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaMethodElement
- withParameters(ParameterElement...) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyMethodElement
- withParameters(Consumer<BeanParameterElement[]>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.beans.BeanElementBuilder
Allows configuring the parameters for the current constructor.
- withParameters(Consumer<BeanParameterElement[]>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- withPrefix() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.Introspected
- withThis(ClassElement) - Method in interface io.micronaut.expressions.context.ExtensibleExpressionCompilationContext
- withThis(ClassElement) - Method in class io.micronaut.expressions.context.DefaultExpressionCompilationContext
- withTypeArguments(Collection<ClassElement>) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- withTypeArguments(Collection<ClassElement>) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- withTypeArguments(Collection<ClassElement>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Copies this element and overrides its type arguments.
- withTypeArguments(Map<String, ClassElement>) - Method in class io.micronaut.annotation.processing.visitor.JavaClassElement
- withTypeArguments(Map<String, ClassElement>) - Method in class io.micronaut.ast.groovy.visitor.GroovyClassElement
- withTypeArguments(Map<String, ClassElement>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Copies this element and overrides its type arguments.
- withUseBigDecimalForFloats(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.JsonStreamConfig
Whether all normal floating point literals should be represented as
. - withUseBigIntegerForInts(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.JsonStreamConfig
- withValue(B, P) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanProperty
- withValue(B, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.BeanProperty
This method will attempt to modify the property or if this is an immutable type using a copy constructor to return a new instance with the new value.
- withValueInternal(B, P) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanProperty
Mutates a property value.
- withValueUnsafe(B, P) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanProperty
- withValueUnsafe(B, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.beans.UnsafeBeanProperty
Unsafe version of
BeanProperty.withValue(Object, Object)
. - WORK_STEALING - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.scheduling.executor.ExecutorType
- wrap(byte[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.buffer.netty.NettyByteBufferFactory
- wrap(byte[]) - Method in interface
Wrap an existing buffer.
- wrap(Runnable) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Wrap runnable for this context to be propagated in.
- wrap(Callable<V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Wrap callable for this context to be propagated in.
- wrap(Supplier<V>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Wrap supplier for this context to be propagated in.
- wrap(B) - Method in interface
Wrap an existing buffer.
- wrap(ByteBuf) - Method in class io.micronaut.buffer.netty.NettyByteBufferFactory
- wrapCurrent(Runnable) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Wrap runnable for this context to be propagated in.
- wrapCurrent(Callable<V>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Wrap callable for this context to be propagated in.
- wrapCurrent(Supplier<V>) - Static method in interface io.micronaut.core.propagation.PropagatedContext
Wrap supplier for this context to be propagated in.
- wrapIfNecessary(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.EvaluatedAnnotationMetadata
- WRAPPER_TO_PRIMITIVE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.expressions.parser.ast.util.TypeDescriptors
- wrapValues(Map<CharSequence, List<V>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleMultiValuesMap
Wraps the values (by default in an unmodifiable map).
- wrapValues(Map<CharSequence, List<V>>) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleMultiValuesMap
- Writable - Interface in
An interface for classes to implement that are capable of writing themselves to a
- WritableBodyWriter - Class in io.micronaut.http.body
Body writer for
s. - WritableBodyWriter(ApplicationConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.http.body.WritableBodyWriter
- writableBytes() - Method in interface
Returns the number of writable bytes which is equal to
(this.capacity - this.writerIndex)
. - writableBytes() - Method in class
- writableBytes() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- write(byte) - Method in interface
Sets the specified byte at the current
and increases thewriterIndex
in this buffer. - write(byte) - Method in class
- write(byte[]) - Method in interface
Transfers the specified source array's data to this buffer starting at the current
and increases thewriterIndex
by the number of the transferred bytes (=src.length
). - write(byte[]) - Method in class
- write(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface
Transfers the specified source array's data to this buffer starting at the current
and increases thewriterIndex
by the number of the transferred bytes (=length
). - write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- write(ByteBuffer...) - Method in interface
Write the given
instances to this buffer. - write(ByteBuffer...) - Method in class
- write(ConfigurationMetadataBuilder, ClassWriterOutputVisitor) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadataWriter
An interface for classes that can write metadata produced by a
. - write(ConfigurationMetadataBuilder, ClassWriterOutputVisitor) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.JsonConfigurationMetadataWriter
- write(ChannelHandlerContext, Object, ChannelPromise) - Method in class
- write(ChannelHandlerContext, Object, ChannelPromise) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.accesslog.HttpAccessLogHandler
- write(CharSequence, Charset) - Method in interface
Transfers the specified source CharSequence's data to this buffer starting at the current
and increases thewriterIndex
by the number of the transferred bytes (=src.length
). - write(CharSequence, Charset) - Method in class
- write(ByteBuffer...) - Method in interface
Write the given
instances to this buffer. - write(ByteBuffer...) - Method in class
- write(GeneratorAdapter) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.StringSwitchWriter
Write the string switch implementation.
- Write - Annotation Interface in
A method designed to annotate an
write operation. - writeAccessKind - Variable in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.utils.AstBeanPropertiesUtils.BeanPropertyData
- writeAnnotationDefaults(MutableAnnotationMetadata, ClassWriter, Type, Map<String, Integer>, Map<String, GeneratorAdapter>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataWriter
Writes out the byte code necessary to instantiate the given
. - writeAnnotationDefaults(Type, ClassWriter, GeneratorAdapter, MutableAnnotationMetadata, Map<String, Integer>, Map<String, GeneratorAdapter>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataWriter
Write annotation defaults into the given static init block.
- writeAnnotationMetadataStaticInitializer(ClassWriter) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractAnnotationMetadataWriter
- writeAnnotationMetadataStaticInitializer(ClassWriter, Map<String, Integer>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractAnnotationMetadataWriter
- writeAttribute(ByteBuffer, byte[], String) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.codec.TextStreamCodec
- writeBeanDefinitionBuilders(ClassWriterOutputVisitor, List<AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractBeanDefinitionBuilder
- writeBinary(Base64Variant, byte[], int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeBinary(Base64Variant, InputStream, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeBooleanMethod(ClassWriter, String, Supplier<Boolean>) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Writes a method that returns a boolean value with the value supplied by the given supplier.
- writeByte(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeBytes(byte[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeBytes(ByteBuf) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeBytes(ByteBuf, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeBytes(ByteBuf, int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeBytes(InputStream, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeBytes(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeBytes(FileChannel, long, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeBytes(ScatteringByteChannel, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeChar(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeCharSequence(CharSequence, Charset) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeChunked(HttpResponse, HttpChunkedInput) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyWriteContext
Write a response with a
body. - writeChunked(HttpResponse, HttpChunkedInput) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.PipeliningServerHandler.OutboundAccess
- writeClassToDisk(File, ClassWriter, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Writes the class file to disk in the given directory.
- writeClassToDisk(OutputStream, ClassWriter) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- writeCloseFrameAndTerminate(ChannelHandlerContext, CloseReason) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket.AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler
Writes the give close reason and terminates the session.
- writeDispatchMulti(GeneratorAdapter, int) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.DispatchTarget
Generate dispatch multi.
- writeDispatchMulti(GeneratorAdapter, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.InterceptableMethodDispatchTarget
- writeDispatchMulti(GeneratorAdapter, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.MethodDispatchTarget
- writeDispatchOne(GeneratorAdapter, int) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.DispatchTarget
Generate dispatch one.
- writeDispatchOne(GeneratorAdapter, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.FieldGetDispatchTarget
- writeDispatchOne(GeneratorAdapter, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.FieldSetDispatchTarget
- writeDispatchOne(GeneratorAdapter, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.MethodDispatchTarget
- writeDispatchOne(GeneratorAdapter, int, Map<String, DispatchWriter.DispatchTargetState>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.DispatchWriter.DispatchTarget
with shared state. - writeDouble(double) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeEndArray() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeEndObject() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- WriteEndpointRouteBuilder - Class in
- WriteEndpointRouteBuilder(ApplicationContext, RouteBuilder.UriNamingStrategy, ConversionService, EndpointDefaultConfiguration) - Constructor for class
- writeEvaluatedExpressions(ClassWriterOutputVisitor) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.EvaluatedExpressionProcessor
- writeFieldName(SerializableString) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeFieldName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeFile(HttpResponse, RandomAccessFile, long, long) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyWriteContext
Write a response with a body that is a section of a
. - writeFile(HttpResponse, RandomAccessFile, long, long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.PipeliningServerHandler.OutboundAccess
- writeFloat(float) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeFull(FullHttpResponse) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyWriteContext
Write a full response.
- writeFull(FullHttpResponse, boolean) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyWriteContext
Write a full response.
- writeFull(FullHttpResponse, boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.PipeliningServerHandler.OutboundAccess
- writeGetAnnotationMetadataMethod(ClassWriter) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractAnnotationMetadataWriter
- writeInt(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeInternal(B, P) - Method in class io.micronaut.core.beans.AbstractBeanProperty
Writes a property value.
- writeIntLE(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeLong(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeLongLE(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeMedium(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeMediumLE(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeNull() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeNumber(double) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeNumber(float) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeNumber(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeNumber(long) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeNumber(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeNumber(BigDecimal) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeNumber(BigInteger) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeObject(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writePrefixes() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AccessorsStyle
- writePrefixes(String[]) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.ast.PropertyElementQuery
Sets the write method prefixes.
- writeRaw(char) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeRaw(char[], int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeRaw(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeRaw(String, int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeRawUTF8String(byte[], int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeRawValue(char[], int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeRawValue(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeRawValue(String, int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeResponse(PipeliningServerHandler.OutboundAccess, NettyHttpRequest<?>, MutableHttpResponse<?>, Throwable) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.RoutingInBoundHandler
- writerIndex() - Method in interface
Returns the
of this buffer. - writerIndex() - Method in class
- writerIndex() - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writerIndex(int) - Method in interface
Sets the
of this buffer. - writerIndex(int) - Method in class
- writerIndex(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeServiceEntries(Map<String, Set<String>>, Element...) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassWriterOutputVisitor
Writes the service entries.
- writeShort(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeShortLE(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- writeStartArray() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeStartObject() - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeStreamed(HttpResponse, Publisher<HttpContent>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyWriteContext
Write a streamed response.
- writeStreamed(HttpResponse, Publisher<HttpContent>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.PipeliningServerHandler.OutboundAccess
- writeString(char[], int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeString(SerializableString) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeString(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeTo(Argument<T>, MediaType, T, MutableHeaders, ByteBufferFactory<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.body.MessageBodyWriter
Writes an object to the given stream.
- writeTo(Argument<T>, MediaType, T, MutableHeaders, OutputStream) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.body.MessageBodyWriter
Writes an object to the given output stream.
- writeTo(HttpRequest<?>, MutableHttpResponse<T>, Argument<T>, MediaType, T, NettyWriteContext) - Method in interface io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyBodyWriter
Write an object to the given context.
- writeTo(Argument<Writable>, MediaType, Writable, MutableHeaders, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.WritableBodyWriter
- writeTo(Argument<Writable>, MediaType, Writable, MutableHeaders, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyWritableBodyWriter
- writeTo(Argument<StreamedFile>, MediaType, StreamedFile, MutableHeaders, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.StreamFileBodyWriter
- writeTo(Argument<SystemFile>, MediaType, SystemFile, MutableHeaders, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.SystemFileBodyWriter
- writeTo(Argument<ByteBuf>, MediaType, ByteBuf, MutableHeaders, ByteBufferFactory<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.ByteBufRawMessageBodyHandler
- writeTo(Argument<ByteBuf>, MediaType, ByteBuf, MutableHeaders, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.ByteBufRawMessageBodyHandler
- writeTo(Argument<File>, MediaType, File, MutableHeaders, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.FileBodyWriter
- writeTo(Argument<InputStream>, MediaType, InputStream, MutableHeaders, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.InputStreamBodyWriter
- writeTo(Argument<CharSequence>, MediaType, CharSequence, MutableHeaders, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.CharSequenceBodyWriter
- writeTo(Argument<CharSequence>, MediaType, CharSequence, MutableHeaders, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.TextPlainHandler
- writeTo(Argument<Object>, MediaType, Object, MutableHeaders, ByteBufferFactory<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.DynamicMessageBodyWriter
- writeTo(Argument<Object>, MediaType, Object, MutableHeaders, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.body.DynamicMessageBodyWriter
- writeTo(Argument<T>, MediaType, T, MutableHeaders, ByteBufferFactory<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonHandler
- writeTo(Argument<T>, MediaType, T, MutableHeaders, ByteBufferFactory<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonStreamHandler
- writeTo(Argument<T>, MediaType, T, MutableHeaders, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonHandler
- writeTo(Argument<T>, MediaType, T, MutableHeaders, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyJsonStreamHandler
- writeTo(Argument<T>, MediaType, T, MutableHeaders, OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.json.body.JsonMessageHandler
- writeTo(HttpRequest<?>, MutableHttpResponse<Writable>, Argument<Writable>, MediaType, Writable, NettyWriteContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.netty.body.NettyWritableBodyWriter
- writeTo(HttpRequest<?>, MutableHttpResponse<StreamedFile>, Argument<StreamedFile>, MediaType, StreamedFile, NettyWriteContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.StreamFileBodyWriter
- writeTo(HttpRequest<?>, MutableHttpResponse<SystemFile>, Argument<SystemFile>, MediaType, SystemFile, NettyWriteContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.SystemFileBodyWriter
- writeTo(HttpRequest<?>, MutableHttpResponse<SystemFile>, SystemFile, NettyWriteContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.SystemFileBodyWriter
- writeTo(HttpRequest<?>, MutableHttpResponse<File>, Argument<File>, MediaType, File, NettyWriteContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.FileBodyWriter
- writeTo(HttpRequest<?>, MutableHttpResponse<InputStream>, Argument<InputStream>, MediaType, InputStream, NettyWriteContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.body.InputStreamBodyWriter
- writeTo(File) - Method in class io.micronaut.aop.writer.AopProxyWriter
Write the proxy to the given compilation directory.
- writeTo(File) - Method in interface
- writeTo(File) - Method in interface
- writeTo(File) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
Write the class to the target directory.
- writeTo(File) - Method in interface io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionVisitor
Write the state of the writer to the given compilation directory.
- writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in interface
Write this object to the given
by default. - writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in interface
Write this object to the given
by default. - writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AnnotationMetadataWriter
Write the class to the output stream, such a JavaFileObject created from a java annotation processor Filer object.
- writeTo(OutputStream, Charset) - Method in interface
Write this object to the given
by default. - writeTo(OutputStream, Charset) - Method in interface
Write this object to the given
by default. - writeTo(Writer) - Method in interface
Writes this object to the given writer.
- writeTo(Writer) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.ConfigurationMetadata
- writeTo(Writer) - Method in class io.micronaut.inject.configuration.PropertyMetadata
- writeTree(JsonGenerator, JsonNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.JsonNodeTreeCodec
Write a json node to a json stream.
- writeTree(TreeNode) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeUTF8String(byte[], int, int) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.core.tree.TreeGenerator
- writeValue(OutputStream, Argument<T>, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- writeValue(OutputStream, Argument<T>, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Write an object as json.
- writeValue(OutputStream, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- writeValue(OutputStream, Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Write an object as json.
- writeValueAsBytes(Argument<T>, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- writeValueAsBytes(Argument<T>, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Write an object as json.
- writeValueAsBytes(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- writeValueAsBytes(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Write an object as json.
- writeValueAsString(Argument<T>, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Write the given value as a string.
- writeValueAsString(Argument<T>, T, Charset) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Write the given value as a string.
- writeValueAsString(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Write the given value as a string.
- writeValueToTree(Argument<T>, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- writeValueToTree(Argument<T>, T) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Transform an object value to a json tree.
- writeValueToTree(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.jackson.databind.JacksonDatabindMapper
- writeValueToTree(Object) - Method in interface io.micronaut.json.JsonMapper
Transform an object value to a json tree.
- writeZero(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.ByteBufDelegate
- WWW_AUTHENTICATE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
- X_AUTH_TOKEN - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.http.HttpHeaders
. - X509_CERTIFICATE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.http.HttpAttributes
- YAML - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.discovery.config.ConfigDiscoveryConfiguration.Format
Stored in YAML format.
- YamlPropertySourceLoader - Class in io.micronaut.context.env.yaml
Loads properties from a YML file.
- YamlPropertySourceLoader() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.yaml.YamlPropertySourceLoader
- YamlPropertySourceLoader(boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.context.env.yaml.YamlPropertySourceLoader
- ZERO_ANNOTATED_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Constant indicating a zero annotation.
- ZERO_ANNOTATION_VALUES - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Constant indicating a zero annotation values.
- ZERO_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationUtil
Constant indicating a zero annotation.
- ZERO_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.core.type.Argument
Constant representing zero arguments.
- ZERO_ARGUMENTS_CONSTANT - Static variable in class io.micronaut.inject.writer.AbstractClassFileWriter
- ZERO_CLASS_ELEMENTS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement
Constant for an empty class element array.
- ZERO_COPY_PREDICATE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.http.server.netty.handler.PipeliningServerHandler
- zone(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance.Builder
Sets the zone.
- ZONE - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.discovery.ServiceInstance
Constant to represent the zone of the service contained with
. - zoneId() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled
A String representation of the
to base our cron expression on.
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